PHP - Multiple Emails
just a quick question, as im new to php but think its probably an easy answer. How would i make the code below send an email to the address it pulls from the database (which it already does) and to another address i.e $to = "$slide[email]"; thanks, gavin Similar TutorialsCan anyone spot where my error is or why I might be getting multiple emails sent? Code: [Select] $getNEWid2 = mysql_query("SELECT ID FROM ".$conf['tbl']['users']." ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1 "); WHILE ($NEWid2 = mysql_fetch_array($getNEWid2)){ $send = mysql_query("SELECT name,user,email from ".$conf['tbl']['users']." WHERE ID=$NEWid2[ID]"); WHILE($newsiteuser = mysql_fetch_array($send)) { //emails sent here// }} Hey everyone. Here is a link to the form that I will be referring to: So, as it stands right now, when this form is filled out, it is sent to What I would like for it to do is to be sent to different email addresses depending on what the "company number" field is. For instance, if someone enters 21234 into the "company number" field I would like the email to be sent to If the next person enters 112233 into the "company number" field, I would like it to be sent to So you see, I want to use the "company number" field as a "prefix" to be added to the Is there a way to do this? Thanks <?php error_reporting(0); foreach($_POST as $key => $value){ if (is_array($value)) { $_values[$key] = join("%,% ",$value); }else $_values[$key] = $value; $_values[$key]=stripslashes($_values[$key]); } if (!isset($_POST["_referer"])) { @$_referer = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]; }else $_referer = $_POST["_referer"]; $_ErrorList = array(); function mark_if_error($_field_name, $_old_style = ""){ global $_ErrorList; $flag=false; foreach($_ErrorList as $_error_item_name){ if ($_error_item_name==$_field_name) { $flag=true; } } echo $flag ? "style=\"background-color: #FFCCBA; border: solid 1px #D63301;\"" : $_old_style; } function IsThereErrors($form, $_isdisplay) { global $_POST, $_FILES, $_values, $_ErrorList; $flag = false; if ($form > -1) { if ($_isdisplay) { echo "<div style=\"border: 1px solid; margin: 10px auto; padding:15px 10px 15px 50px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 10px center; color: #D63301; background-color: #FFCCBA; max-width:600px; background-image:url('".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?image=warning');\">"; } $flag = false; $req[0][] = array("firstname", "firstname is required."); $req[0][] = array("lastname", "lastname is required."); $req[0][] = array("email", "email is required."); $req[0][] = array("companynumber", "companynumber is required."); foreach($req[$form] as $field){ if (!isset($_values[$field[0]]) or ($_values[$field[0]]=="")) { $flag = true; if ($_isdisplay) { echo $field[1]."<br>"; $_ErrorList[] = $field[0]; } } } $files_req[0][] = array("upload1", "upload1 is required."); foreach($files_req[$form] as $field){ if (@$_FILES[$field[0]]["name"]=="") { $flag = true; if ($_isdisplay) { echo $field[1]."<br>"; $_ErrorList[] = $field[0]; } } } $fields[0][] = array("email", '/^\w+((-\w+)|(\.\w+))*\@[A-Za-z0-9]+((\.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*\.[A-Za-z0-9]{2,4}$/', true, "email should be valid e-mail address."); $fields[0][] = array("companynumber", '/^[-+]?\b[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?\b$/', true, "companynumber should contain integer or floating point value only."); foreach($fields[$form] as $field){ if (!(preg_match($field[1],$_values[$field[0]])==$field[2]) && $_values[$field[0]]!=""){ $flag = true; if ($_isdisplay) { echo $field[3]."<br>"; $_ErrorList[] = $field[0]; } } } $files[0][] = array("upload1", "true", "true", "You are trying to upload file with not allowed extension.", "true", ""); $files[0][] = array("upload2", "true", "true", "", "true", ""); $files[0][] = array("upload3", "true", "true", "", "true", ""); $files[0][] = array("upload4", "true", "true", "", "true", ""); $files[0][] = array("upload5", "true", "true", "", "true", ""); foreach($files[$form] as $file){ $str = $file[1]; if (eval("if($str){return true;}")) { $_values[$file[0]] = $_FILES[$file[0]]["name"]; $dirs = explode("/","attachments//"); $cur_dir ="."; foreach($dirs as $dir){ $cur_dir = $cur_dir."/".$dir; if (!@opendir($cur_dir)) { mkdir($cur_dir, 0777);}} $_values[$file[0]."_real-name"] = "attachments/".date("YmdHis")."_".$_FILES[$file[0]]["name"]."_secure"; copy($_FILES[$file[0]]["tmp_name"],$_values[$file[0]."_real-name"]); @unlink($_FILES[$file[0]]["tmp_name"]); }else{ $flag=true; if ($_isdisplay) { //$ExtFltr = $file[2]; //$FileSize = $file[4]; if (!eval("if($file[2]){return true;}")){echo $file[3];} if (!eval("if($file[4]){return true;}")){echo $file[5];} $_ErrorList[] = $file[0]; } } } if ($_isdisplay) { echo "</div>"; } } return $flag; } function display_page_upload_form($_iserrors) { global $_values, $_referer;?> <html><SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> var fields = { "companynumber" : ["companynumber", /^[-+]?\b[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?\b$/, true, "companynumber should contain integer or floating point value only."], "email" : ["email", /^\w+((-\w+)|(\.\w+))*\@[A-Za-z0-9]+((\.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*\.[A-Za-z0-9]{2,4}$/, true, "email should be valid e-mail address."] }; var req = { "upload1" : ["upload1", "upload1 is required."], "companynumber" : ["companynumber", "companynumber is required."], "email" : ["email", "email is required."], "lastname" : ["lastname", "lastname is required."], "firstname" : ["firstname", "firstname is required."] }; var validate_form = true;function CheckForm(){HideAllErrors();if(!validate_form)return true;var LastErrorField=null;for(var i in fields){isError=ValidateField(fields[i][0],fields[i][1],fields[i][2],fields[i][3]);if(isError)LastErrorField=isError}for(var i in req){isError=isFilled(req[i][0],req[i][1]);if(isError)LastErrorField=isError}if(LastErrorField){LastErrorField.focus();return false}else return true}function ShowTooltip(type,field,message){var IE='\v'=='v';var container;if(!(container=document.getElementById('error_list'))){var container=(IE)?(document.createElement('<div name="error_list">')):(document.createElement('div'));container=document.createElement('div');container.setAttribute('id','error_list');document.body.appendChild(container)}if(!document.getElementById(field+'_tooltip')){var elem=(IE)?(document.createElement('<div name="myName">')):(document.createElement('div'));var elem2=(IE)?(document.createElement('<div name="myName2">')):(document.createElement('div'));div_id=field+'_tooltip';elem=document.createElement('div');elem.setAttribute('id',div_id);elem.className="fe-"+type+"-container";elem.onmouseover=function(){MoveDivToTop(this)};elem.onclick=function(){HideTooltip(};elem2=document.createElement('div');elem2.className="fe-"+type;elem2.innerHTML=message;parentField=document.getElementsByName(field);var f=0;while(parentField[f].type=='hidden')f++;with({top=findPos(parentField[f])[0]+'px';left=findPos(parentField[f])[1]+parentField[f].offsetWidth+'px'}elem.appendChild(elem2);container.appendChild(elem)}}function ValidateField(name,rule,condition,message){fld=document.getElementsByName(name);var i=0;while(fld[i].type=='hidden')i++;if(!(((fld[i].value.match(rule)!=null)==condition)||(fld[i].value==""))){ShowTooltip('error',fld[i].name,message);return fld[i]}return null}function isFilled(name,message){fld=document.getElementsByName(name);var isFilled=false;var i=0;while(fld[i].type=='hidden')i++;var obj=fld[i];for(j=i;j<fld.length;j++){if((fld[j].type=='checkbox')||(fld[j].type=='radio')){if(fld[j].checked)isFilled=true}else{if(fld[j].value!="")isFilled=true}}if(isFilled){return null}else{ShowTooltip('error',name,message);return obj}}function FieldBlur(elemId){HideTooltip(elemId);fieldName=elemId.replace(/(\S{0,})_tooltip/,"$1");if(typeof fields[fieldName]!='undefined'){ValidateField(fields[fieldName][0],fields[fieldName][1],fields[fieldName][2],fields[fieldName][3])}if(typeof req[fieldName]!='undefined'){isFilled(req[fieldName][0],req[fieldName][1])}}function HideTooltip(elemId){var elem=document.getElementById(elemId);var parent=document.getElementById('error_list');if((elem)&&(parent))parent.removeChild(elem)}function HideAllErrors(){error_container=document.getElementById('error_list');if(error_container!=null){while(error_container.childNodes.length>0){error_container.removeChild(error_container.firstChild)}}}function MoveDivToTop(div_to_top){div_container=document.getElementById('error_list');for(i=0;i<div_container.childNodes.length;i++)div_container.childNodes[i].style.zIndex="998";"999"}function findPos(obj){var curleft=curtop=0;do{curleft+=obj.offsetLeft;curtop+=obj.offsetTop}while(obj=obj.offsetParent);return[curtop,curleft]} </SCRIPT> <style type="text/css"> .form_expert_style {display: none;}.fe-info,.fe-error{font:13px arial,helvetica,verdana,sans-serif;padding:2px;position:relative;top:-7px}.fe-error{border:solid 1px #d51007;background:#fbe3e4;color:#d51007}.fe-info{border:solid 1px #0187c5;background:#eff9ff;color:#0187c5}.fe-info-container,.fe-error-container{position:absolute;padding:0;border-left:8px solid transparent;-border-left:8px solid white;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Chroma(color="white")}.fe-error-container{border-top:8px solid #d00}.fe-info-container{border-top:8px solid #0187c5} </style> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return CheckForm(this);"> <?php IsThereErrors("0", $_iserrors); ?> <input type="hidden" name="_referer" value="<?php echo $_referer ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="_next_page" value="1"> <p class="form_expert_style"><input name="URL" type="text" value=""/></p> <table> <tr> <td>First Name *</td> <td><input type='text' size='51' name='firstname' onblur="FieldBlur('_tooltip')" <?php mark_if_error("firstname", "") ?> value="<?php echo isset($_values["firstname"]) ? htmlspecialchars($_values["firstname"]) : "" ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Last Name *</td> <td><input type='text' size='51' name='lastname' onblur="FieldBlur('_tooltip')" <?php mark_if_error("lastname", "") ?> value="<?php echo isset($_values["lastname"]) ? htmlspecialchars($_values["lastname"]) : "" ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>E-mail *</td> <td><input type='text' size='51' name='email' onblur="FieldBlur('_tooltip')" <?php mark_if_error("email", "") ?> value="<?php echo isset($_values["email"]) ? htmlspecialchars($_values["email"]) : "" ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Company Number *</td> <td><input type='text' size='51' name='companynumber' onblur="FieldBlur('_tooltip')" <?php mark_if_error("companynumber", "") ?> value="<?php echo isset($_values["companynumber"]) ? htmlspecialchars($_values["companynumber"]) : "" ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Upload</td> <td><input class="image" type='file' size='30' name='upload1' onblur="FieldBlur('_tooltip')" <?php mark_if_error("upload1", "") ?>></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Upload</td> <td><input class="image" type='file' size='30' name='upload2'></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Upload</td> <td><input class="image" type='file' size='30' name='upload3'></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Upload</td> <td><input class="image" type='file' size='30' name='upload4'></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Upload</td> <td><input class="image" type='file' size='30' name='upload5'></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><input type="submit" name="SubmitBtn" onclick="CheckForm1();" value="SUBMIT" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> </html> <?php } function display_thankyou() { global $_values, $_referer;?> <html> <p align=center><b>Thank you for your submission</b></p> </html> <?php } function display_default() { ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><title>Successful submission</title><link rel="shortcut icon" href="" /><style>html,body,form,fieldset{margin:0;padding:0}html,body{ height:100%}body{color:#000;background:#FFF;font-family:Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;line-height:160%}body#bd{padding:0;color:#333;background-color:#FFF}body.fs4{font-size:12px}.componentheading{color:#4F4F4F;font-family:"Segoe UI","Trebuchet MS",Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-weight:bold}small,.small{color:#666;font-size:92%}ul{list-style:none}ul li{padding-left:30px;background:url(../images/bullet-list.gif) no-repeat 18px 9px;line-height:180%}.componentheading{padding:0 0 15px 0;margin-bottom:0px;color:#4F4F4F;background:url( repeat-x bottom;font-size:250%;font-weight:bold}#ja-header{height:60px;position:relative;z-index:999;width:920px;margin:0 auto;clear:both}#ja-containerwrap,#ja-footer{width:920px;margin:0 auto;clear:both}#main-container{ min-height:100%; 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Thank you.</div><p align="right">This form was processed by <a href="">Forms Expert</a>.<p align="right">© 2009 Forms-Expert. </div></div></div></div><div id="ja-footerwrap"><div id="ja-footer" class="clearfix"><ul><li><a href="">Visit Forms Expert</a></li><li><a href="">Features</a></li><li><a href="">Download Beta</a></li><li><a href="">Support</a></li><li><a href="">Contact page</a></li></ul><small class="ja-copyright">© 2009 <a href="">Forms-Expert</a></small></div></div></div></body></html> <?php } function display_spam_warning() { ?> <html> <form action="" method="post"><style> .form_expert_style {display: none;} </style> <?php IsThereErrors("1", $_iserrors); ?> <input type="hidden" name="firstname" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['firstname'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="lastname" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['lastname'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="email" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['email'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="companynumber" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['companynumber'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload1" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload1'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload1_real-name" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload1_real-name'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload2" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload2'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload2_real-name" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload2_real-name'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload3" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload3'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload3_real-name" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload3_real-name'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload4" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload4'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload4_real-name" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload4_real-name'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload5" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload5'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="upload5_real-name" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_values['upload5_real-name'])?>"> <input type="hidden" name="_referer" value="<?php echo $_referer ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="_next_page" value="2"> <p class="form_expert_style"><input name="URL" type="text" value=""/></p> <p align="center"><b>Your submission seems to be a SPAM. Please contact web site administrator or click "Back" button to return to the form.</b></p> <p align="center"><input type="submit" name="back" value="< Back"></p></form> </html> <?php } function BuildBody($body, $html, $num){ global $zag, $un; if ($html) { $zag[$num] = "--".$un."\r\nContent-Type:text/html;\r\n"; } else { $zag[$num] = "--".$un."\r\nContent-Type:text/plain;\r\n"; }; $zag[$num] .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n\r\n$body\r\n\r\n"; } function SendEmails (){ global $_values, $zag, $un; $un = strtoupper(uniqid(time())); $to[0] .= ""; $from[0] .= "".str_replace("%,%", ",", $_values['email']).""; $subject[0] .= "upload_form was submitted on ".date("F j, Y")." ".date("H:i").""; $head[0] .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $head[0] .= "From: ".str_replace("%,%", ",", $_values['email'])."\r\n"; $head[0] .= "X-Mailer: Forms Expert at\r\n"; $head[0] .= "Reply-To: ".str_replace("%,%", ",", $_values['email'])."\r\n"; $head[0] .= "Content-Type:multipart/mixed;"; $head[0] .= "boundary=\"".$un."\"\r\n\r\n"; $EmailBody = "<html><body> Form was filled with the following data: <br><b>firstname:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["firstname"])." <br><b>lastname:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["lastname"])." <br><b>email:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["email"])." <br><b>companynumber:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["companynumber"])." <br><b>upload1:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["upload1"])." <br><b>upload2:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["upload2"])." <br><b>upload3:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["upload3"])." <br><b>upload4:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["upload4"])." <br><b>upload5:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["upload5"])." </body></html> "; BuildBody($EmailBody, True, 0); for ($i=0;$i<=0;$i++){ mail($to[$i], $subject[$i], $zag[$i], $head[$i]); } } $actions = array ("display_page_upload_form","display_thankyou"); session_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION["FormSent"])) { $_SESSION["FormSent"] = time(); $delta = -1; } else { $delta = time() - $_SESSION["FormSent"]; } if (((strlen(trim(@$_POST["URL"])) > 0) or (($delta>-1)and($delta<2)))and(!isset($_POST["back"]))){ display_spam_warning(); }else{ unset($_SESSION["FormSent"]); if (in_array($_GET["image"], array("warning"))) { header("Content-type: image/png"); echo base64_decode("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}else{ if (isset($_POST["_next_page"])) { $_next_page = $_POST["_next_page"]; }else $_next_page = 0; if (isset($_POST["back"])) { call_user_func($actions[$_next_page-2],false); }else if (IsThereErrors($_next_page-1, false)){ call_user_func($actions[$_next_page-1],true); }else { call_user_func($actions[$_next_page+0],false); if ($_next_page == count($actions)-1) { SendEmails(); session_destroy(); } } } } ?> Hello, I'm using phpmailer for this job, and what I want is that in first mail user gets only text and in second he gets text with attachment. But code below is only sending me the mail with attachment(second mail), what is cosing this problem? Here's the code Code: [Select] for ($i=0; $i<2; $i++) { if (!class_exists("phpmailer")) { require("PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php"); } if ($price != 0 ) { $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->From = ""; $mail->FromName = "Company"; $mail->AddAddress($email, ""); $mail->WordWrap = 50; $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->Subject = "Subjcet"; $mail->Body = $content; } if ($i == 1 || $price == 0 ) { //require("PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php"); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->From = ""; $mail->FromName = "Company"; $mail->AddAddress($email, ""); $mail->WordWrap = 50; $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->Subject = "Subjcet"; $mail->Addattachment ("file/patch".$fileName, ); // patch and name of an attachment } } Hello, I am new in PHP and I want a script for sending multiple emails using the php and i am calling that email address from database.I also want to change the status field from database from No to Yes once I send the particular emails. How to do that? I need a urgent help Following is my code for calling the email address <? mysql_connect("localhost","root","123") or die(mysql_error()); // my database connection mysql_select_db("localacct") or die(mysql_error()); $sql = "SELECT email FROM company where status='No'"; $res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res) ) { $area .= $row['email']. ", "; } // read the list of emails from the file. $email_list = explode(',', $area); // count how many emails there are. $total_emails = count($email_list); // go through the list and trim off the newline character. for ($counter=0; $counter<$total_emails; $counter++) { $email_list[$counter] = trim($email_list[$counter]); } $to = $email_list; //echo $to; $t0 = ""; $subject = "Test email"; $message = wordwrap($message, 100); $from = "my email address"; $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $headers .= "From: $from"; mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers); if ($count % 10 == 0) { sleep(5); // this will wait 5 secs every 10 emails sent, and then continue the while loop } $count++; } ?> Many Thanks in advance. I am using PHP Mailer to send out emails to an array of email address. So I am looping through the array of emails and then sending out the emails individually. The script works except it is sending out more than one email to some of the email address. Today my client told me that he got 2 more emails on Sunday just like the 2 he got on Thursday. I am assuming that this has something to do with caching, but I do not know. The trigger that sends out the emails is part of a cron job. The cronjob runs every 30 minutes. Checks to see if there is a new entry in one of the tables in the database. Then it sends out the email to all of the members. After the email is sent a value is changed for that entry in the data base. I am explaining this only to help you to see that the problem is not that the code is being triggered again. If that was the problem then there would be and email every 30 minutes and that is not what happened. Here is the code: <?php require_once('library/PHPMailer/class.phpmailer.php'); require_once('library/PHPMailer/class.smtp.php'); foreach($organizationemails as $key => $value){ $contents = '<body> <div> <p> ...content of email ... </p> </div> </body>'; error_reporting(E_ALL); error_reporting(E_STRICT); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $body = $contents; $body = preg_replace('/[\]/','',$body); $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->Host = "ssl://"; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Port = 465; $mail->Username = ""; $mail->Password = "password"; $mail->SetFrom('', 'My Organization'); $mail->AddReplyTo('', 'My Organization'); $mail->Subject = 'My Email Title'; $mail->AltBody = '... has been posted...'; $mail->MsgHTML($contents); $address = $value; $mail->AddAddress($address); if(!$mail->Send()) { echo "Message could not be sent. <p>"; echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo; exit; }else{ echo "Message has been sent to ".$value; } } ?> This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. Hello, recently I changed host of my website and when a visitor clicks "contact us" button in my website (in which one needs to enter his/ her email, name, phone , etc) and submit his/her message then I get email. Before this hosting I used to get emails from the visitor who filled the form so it was easier for me to reply but now after I changed the host I get email as "mydomain@hosting-company-domain" instead of the visitor's email. I messaged them then they told me something about SMTP authenticate using PHP, please guide me to fix this. I'm trying to do a query as such: SELECT * FROM projects WHERE user = {$user} and $user = a secured email. but I'm getting this error: Code: [Select] You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 Why am I getting this error? Thank you very much! hi i need to send around 1000 emails per day to my website users as notifications on their activities and also need bulk email capability to target 20000 users at a time when required. I am currently using gmail smtp but it has restrictions on the both bulk mailing and the no. of emails that can be sent in a day . What should i do ?? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks Hi guys ,
I am facing issues with php mails. I have iis and SMTP configured on the sever . Mail send and receive was working properly. But suddenly not able to receive email. I have tried simple php email script . it shows email sent but not received. I have tried php mailer also but same happened. Please reply if somebody could help me out. i need to resolve this issue as soon as possible. I have iis 6 and windows 2012 and php 5.5
Edited by Poonam, 21 August 2014 - 08:36 AM. Hi guys, I am using following code for sending out confirmation email after successful transaction to the user. But, I users are not getting any confirmation emails. Can somebody help me out here. May be I am doing wrong in "$to" function as $sender_email is at previous form, So how can I use Session here? If I am wrong here? Any someone help? Many Thanks in advance. $to = "$sender_email"; $subject = "Your Transaction"; $headers = "From: Company <>\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: Company <>\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"$mime_boundary\"\n"; $message = "Dear ".$rs["sender_name"].", ".$_email_nl.$_email_nl; $message .= "Your paid amount ".$amount." ".$rs["currency"]." has been added to desired account.".$_email_nl.$_email_nl; $message .= "Regards,"; $message .= "my company"; mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); Hi all, how do I read emails sent to an email account on my site such as Hi.. I want to implement a program for identifying spam emails using an algorithm naive bayes in php.. How to implement this ..can any one help me.. thanks in advance hi i am new on php+mysql i am trying to create signup form that will: users to enter email address and the script check via ajax from MYSQL database if the email is not registered send the signup link to their email if already registered than show error you are a member. I am trying to go through all of the emails in an inbox with php. I saw a way to do it with imap_open, but I don't have the imap functions installed. Does anyone know of another way to do this? I would think someone would have written a 3rd party library that just uses sockets -- kind of like phpmailer but for receiving instead of sending. Hi This subject doesn't really have a category but is driving me mad. I use the mail() function to send out emails to a news group forum that I have created. This forum does the same. I am getting the emails placed in a spam folder. Is there any way around this. I have been told that it has something to do with no reverse DNS. I get emails like This email address doesn't exist. How does the email system know this, and is there a way around it. TIA Desmond. Hi everyone, First off I have to mention I'm a newbie so my php knowledge is limited -sorry, but this is why I turn to you guys. I have a basic emailform.php= a field into which the user inputs his email address and I should be getting some sort of a message announcing me he signed up. But the last part isn't happening - I've tried emails from yahoo, gmail and from the sitedomain itself. Also I've tried these emails in the php form itself (email to section). I also gotta mention I may have deleted a php.ini file from the root server (I don't really remember exactly). Hosting is with godaddy (I know it sux but please bear with me.) Also my website is not in English so I need special characters (so it's UTF8). I'd be so grateful if you could help me out here - in return I'm offering a drink if you're ever in the vicinity of Milan (Italy) and my permanent respect to the world of programmers EMAILFORM.PHP Code: [Select] <?php if(isset($_POST['email'])) { // EDIT THE 2 LINES BELOW AS REQUIRED $email_to = ""; $email_subject = "New e-mail subscriber"; function died($error) { // your error code can go here echo "We are very sorry, but there were error(s) found with the form your submitted. "; echo "These errors appear below.<br /><br />"; echo $error."<br /><br />"; echo "Please go back and fix these errors.<br /><br />"; die(); } // validation expected data exists if (!isset($_POST['email'])) { died('We are sorry, but there appears to be a problem with the email your submitted.'); } $email_from = $_POST['email']; // required $error_message = ""; $email_exp = "^[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$"; if(!eregi($email_exp,$email_from)) { $error_message .= 'The Email Address you entered does not appear to be valid.<br />'; } if(strlen($error_message) > 0) { died($error_message); } $email_message = "Form details below.\n\n"; function clean_string($string) { $bad = array("content-type","bcc:","to:","cc:","href"); return str_replace($bad,"",$string); } $email_message .= "Email: ".clean_string($email_from)."\n"; // create email headers $headers = 'From:'; 'Reply-To: '.$email_from."\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); @mail($email_to, $email_subject, $email_message, $headers); ?> <!-- include your own success html here --> Thank you for contacting us. We will be in touch with you very soon. <? } ?> and HTML index Code: [Select] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>T-ajutăm nu este încă gata. </title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.countdown.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jcarousellite1.0.1_min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">stLight.options({publisher:'83f9b168-ba78-4f14-af11-992f92dcf19b'});</script> <!-- jquery countdown--> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { var austDay = new Date(); austDay = new Date(austDay.getFullYear() + 2, 0, 0); $('#defaultCountdown').countdown({until: austDay, layout: '{dn} {dl}, {hn} {hl}, {mn} {ml}, and {sn} {sl}'}); $('#year').text(austDay.getFullYear()); }); </script> <!-- jquery slider --> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#slidertext").jCarouselLite({ btnNext: ".next", btnPrev: ".prev" }); }); </script> <!--script for IE6-image transparency recover--> <!--[if IE 6]> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/DD_belatedPNG_0.0.7a-min.js"></script> <script> /* EXAMPLE */ DD_belatedPNG.fix('#logo img,#main,.counter,.twitter,.facebook,#submit_button,.prev img,.next img,#email_input'); </script> <![endif]--> <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-21856062-1']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 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"; echo "These errors appear below.<br /><br />"; echo $error."<br /><br />"; echo "Please go back and fix these errors.<br /><br />"; die(); } // validation expected data exists if(!isset($_POST['name']) || !isset($_POST['email']) || !isset($_POST['telephone']) || !isset($_POST['location']) || !isset($_POST['date']) || !isset($_POST['select']) || !isset($_POST['color']) || !isset($_POST['quantity']) || !isset($_POST['comments'])) { died('We are sorry, but there appears to be a problem with the form you submitted.'); } $name = $_POST['name']; // required $email_from = $_POST['email']; // required $telephone = $_POST['telephone']; // not required $location = $_POST['location']; // not required $location = $_POST['date']; // not required $location = $_POST['select']; // not required $location = $_POST['color']; // not required $location = $_POST['quantity']; // not required $comments = $_POST['comments']; // required $error_message = ""; $email_exp = '/^[A-Za-z0-9._%-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}$/'; if(!preg_match($email_exp,$email_from)) { $error_message .= 'The Email Address you entered does not appear to be valid.<br />'; } $string_exp = "/^[A-Za-z .'-]+$/"; if(!preg_match($string_exp,$name)) { $error_message .= 'The First Name you entered does not appear to be valid.<br />'; } if(strlen($comments) < 2) { $error_message .= 'The Comments you entered do not appear to be valid.<br />'; } if(strlen($error_message) > 0) { died($error_message); } $email_message = "Form details below.\n\n"; function clean_string($string) { $bad = array("content-type","bcc:","to:","cc:","href"); return str_replace($bad,"",$string); } $email_message .= "First Name: ".clean_string($name)."\n"; $email_message .= "Email: ".clean_string($email_from)."\n"; $email_message .= "Telephone: ".clean_string($telephone)."\n"; $email_message .= "Location: ".clean_string($location)."\n"; $email_message .= "Event Date: ".clean_string($date)."\n"; $email_message .= "Chair Style: ".clean_string($select)."\n"; $email_message .= "Cushion color: ".clean_string($color)."\n"; $email_message .= "Quantity: ".clean_string($quantity)."\n"; $email_message .= "Comments: ".clean_string($comments)."\n"; // create email headers $headers = 'From: '.$email_from."\r\n"; 'Reply-To: '.$email_from."\r\n" ; 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); @mail($email_to, $email_subject, $email_message, $headers); ?> <!-- include your own success html here --> Thank you for contacting us. We will be in touch with you very soon. <?php } ?>Hello, I am new to this forum, and I am super desperate to get my problem fixed. I am also very new with PHP code. I have a client I made a website for and she has an HTML form page for her customers to fill out, and the form is supposed to send to her email, but it is not. Some issues I have come along, but not resolved a Setting up PHP on my computer? not sure how to do this; Someone told me that under <C:/inetpub> there is supposed to be a "sendmail" folder? I just recently made one, but im not sure if i did it correctly; Another issue could just be my PHP code. Attached is my PHP page. Thank you! Edited by EliasDaher, 11 December 2014 - 11:34 AM. Hello, I'm trying to send an email with a PDF attachment. The email is sending, but the attachment will not open. Any help you can give is appreciated. Code snippets below: function mail_attachment($filename, $path, $mailto, $from_mail, $from_name, $replyto, $subject, $message) { $file = $path.$filename; $file_size = filesize($file); $handle = fopen($file, "r"); $content = fread($handle, $file_size); fclose($handle); $content = chunk_split(base64_encode($content)); $uid = md5(uniqid(time())); $name = basename($file); $header = "From: ".$from_name." <".$from_mail.">\r\n"; $header .= "Reply-To: ".$replyto."\r\n"; $header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"".$uid."\"\r\n\r\n"; $header .= "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\r\n"; $header .= "--".$uid."\r\n"; $header .= "Content-type:text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n\r\n"; $header .= $message."\r\n\r\n"; $header .= "--".$uid."\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: application/pdf; name=\"".$filename."\"\r\n"; // use different content types here $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$filename."\"\r\n\r\n"; $header .= $content."\r\n\r\n"; $header .= "--".$uid."--"; if (mail($mailto, $subject, "", $header)) { print("mail send ... OK"); // or use booleans here } else { print("mail send ... ERROR!"); } } $my_file = "Adol_Packet_v2.pdf"; $my_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/homepages/35/d350375870/htdocs/html/"; $my_name = "Company Name"; $my_mail = ""; $my_replyto = ""; $my_subject = "Welcome Email From Carlock & Associates"; $my_message = "Test Message"; mail_attachment($my_file, $my_path, $email_to, $my_mail, $my_name, $my_replyto, $my_subject, $my_message); Hi! I have a question about Enthusuast 3. Is there any way to allow forms with duplicate emails? Right now the form gives an error when trying to sent it with an email that's already in the database. I want to change this so that multiple entried with the same email are allowed on the same table. Thank you.