PHP - Where To Store Comments (preview)?
I added the ability for Users to "preview" their Comments before submitting them.
I just realized that when they click "Preview" that their Comments appear above the Comments form box - similar to how PHPFreaks works - but that the Comments form box loses it's data since the page reload causes this to lose things... <li> <label for="comments">Comments:</label> <textarea id="comments" name="comments" cols="50" rows="15"><?php if (isset($comments)){echo nl2br(htmlentities($comments, ENT_QUOTES));} ?></textarea> <?php if (!empty($errors['comments'])){ echo '<span class="error">' . $errors['comments'] . '</span>'; } ?> </li> What is the easiest way to maintain form persistence? (I really would like to avoid having to store things in my database during the preview.) How does PHPFreaks do things? I was going to use a SESSION, but since this is a Comments field that can take up to 65,535 characters, that probably won't work?! Any ideas? Debbie Similar TutorialsI have just completed a modest way for Users to post Comments on Articles my website. However, the thought occurred to me today, that I haven't given Users the ability to Preview or Edit their comments after submittal. What is the best way to store info on a Comments Form so you can re-display it for Preview/Editing?? (I'm not really sure how the workflow would work for this?!) Do I capture the Comments Form Data and store it in a Session? Or in my Database? Or do something else? Security is always a concern of mine too!! Thanks, Debbie I have a problem with the "comments count" in the toggle link in my blog:
I have this script for show/hide comments in main page:
<script type= "text/javascript"> // Show/Hide Comments jQuery(document).ready(function() { // Get #comments div var uniqueAppend = 1; var tempName = 'comments'; while(jQuery("#comments").length > 0 ){ jQuery("#comments").attr('id',tempName + uniqueAppend++).addClass('commentContainer') } var commentsDiv = jQuery('.commentContainer'); // Only do this work if that div isn't empty if (commentsDiv.length) { // Hide #comments div by default jQuery(commentsDiv).hide(); // Append a link to show/hide jQuery('<a/>') .attr('class', 'toggle-comments') .attr('href', '#') .html('Notes') .insertAfter(commentsDiv); // Encase button in .toggle-comments-container div jQuery('.toggle-comments').wrap(jQuery('<div/>', { class: 'toggle-comments-container' })) // When show/hide is clicked jQuery('.toggle-comments').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Show/hide the div using jQuery's toggle() var commentContainer = jQuery(this).parent('.toggle-comments-container').prev('.commentContainer'); jQuery(commentContainer).slideToggle('slow', function() { // change the text of the anchor var anchor = jQuery(commentContainer).siblings('.toggle-comments-container').children('.toggle-comments'); var anchorText = anchor.text() == 'Notes' ? 'Hide' : 'Notes'; jQuery(anchor).html(anchorText); }); }); } // End of commentsDiv.length }); // End of Show/Hide Comments </script>I use: .html('<?php comments_number( '0 notes', '1 note', '% notes' ); ?>')for name the "comments toggle link" with the count of comments for each single post. The problem is that all posts shows the same count: the comments presents in the first post. Someone can help me? Alberto so I have this code....... Code: [Select] <?php include 'config1.php'; include 'opendb.php'; // if no id is specified, list the available articles if(!isset($_GET['id'])) { $self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $query = "SELECT id, title FROM news ORDER BY id DESC"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error : ' . mysql_error()); // create the article list while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { list($id, $title) = $row; $content .= "<p><a href=\"$self?id=$id\">$title</a></p>\r\n"; } $title = 'News'; } else { // get the article info from database $query = "SELECT title, content FROM news WHERE id=".$_GET['id']; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error : ' . mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); $title = $row['title']; $content = $row['content']; } include 'closedb.php'; ?> <?php $query = "INSERT INTO view_news (`topic_id`, `user_id`) VALUES ($id, $userid) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `user_id`=`userid`"; ?> <?php $query = "SELECT *.news, IF(`view)news.user_id`=$userid, 1, 0) as viewed FROM `news` LEFT JOIN `view_news` ON `` = `view_news.topic_id` AND `view_news.user_id` = $user_id"; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { //Create the style for the article link $style = ($row['viewed']==0) ? 'font-weight:bold;' : ''; echo "<a href=\"news.php?id={$row['id']}\" style=\"{$style}\">$row{['title']}</a><br />\n"; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/template2.dwt.php" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" --> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" --> <title>News</title> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <style type="text/css"> #editregion { position:absolute; left:-2px; top:272px; width:1293px; height:51px; z-index:1; text-align: center; clear: none; float: none; } body { background-image: url(button/boyscout1.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; position: relative; } #menu { position:relative; left:160px; top:0px; width:931px; height:59px; z-index:19; } #menu #MenuBar1 li a { color: #000; border-top-style: outset; border-right-style: outset; border-bottom-style: outset; border-left-style: outset; width: 100px; } #status { position:relative; left:16px; top:180px; width:124px; height:44px; z-index:14; } </style> <script src="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array(); var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++) if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}} } </script> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --> <style type="text/css"> </style> <style type="text/css"> a:link { color: #00F; } #editregion table tr td { text-align: left; } </style> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- InstanceParam name="id" type="text" value="apDiv6" --> <link href="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style type="text/css"> #logout { position:relative; left:0px; top:0pxpx; width:134px; height:38px; z-index:20; font-weight: bold; font-size: 24px; } #logout a { color: #000; } #footer { position:absolute; left:98px; top:512px; width:239px; height:70px; z-index:21; clear: both; float: none; } #status { text-align: center; } #logout1 { position:absolute; left:1071px; top:191px; width:224px; height:61px; z-index:2; } #menu2 { position:absolute; left:-1px; top:172px; width:497px; height:92px; z-index:20; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="logout1"><div id="logout"><a href="logout.php">Logout</a></div></div> <div id="status"><?php echo "$accounttype"; ?> <br /><?php echo "$name"; ?> <p> </p> </div> <div id="editregion"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="EditRegion3" --><style type="text/css"> // ... some css here to make the page look nicer </style> <table width="600" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#336699"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <h1 align="center"><?php echo $title; ?></h1> <?php echo $content; // when displaying an article show a link // to see the article list if(isset($_GET['id'])) { ?> <p> </p> <p align="center"><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">Back to News</a></p> <?php } ?> </td> and basically what I want to do is pull content from a database that I have so that like the first 100 words will display under the link before it is there a way to do this? Is there any way to generate a small image of the 1st page of a pdf document without using a 3rd party like imagemagic. The site is hosted a so I am thinking I am going to be limited to the basic php functions. Hi, im trying to figure out how to have a form preview something next to the form depending on what options have been selected on a form. So let me explain better what i mean. I want to create a form which is for customers to create a custom product (in this case a nameplate). The options could be something like; letters (what word they want) font type: [few different font names here] font size: [small, medium, large] color: ... So if the customer typed in 'name' in the letters field then it would be displayed in the preview box If the customer then selected a font type, the change would then be reflected in the preview box.. and so on. I hope you understand what i trying to explain. I can just about handle creating the form but i don't know how to have it display what options have been chosen. If this is too much effort would it just be easier to submit this form and then display the data? or is it not too complicated to have it display on the same form before you submit it? I would prefer it displayed on the same page Thanks for any help. my issue is to show preview of a form. the form will have a fck editor . this form is used to update a table. i need to show a preview button on this page and when we click on it should show the preview of the content. i am attaching my code. my problem is this is a update page fck value is taken from Dn "$desc" . when do some changes on editor then i click on preview button should show the changes, here showing only the $dec value from DB not the value i change. <?php session_start(); $uname=$_SESSION['usname']; include("dbconnect.php"); $admin_qry="select * from st_admin where admin_username='$uname'"; $res=mysql_query($admin_qry); $admin_res=mysql_fetch_array($res); $level=$admin_res['level']; include("status.php"); ?> <script language="javascript" src="ajax/ajax.js"></script><?php $pos=$_REQUEST['pos2']; $getqry="select * from st_aboutus where categorys='$pos'"; $resr=mysql_query($getqry); $row=mysql_fetch_array($resr); $cat=$row['categorys']; $img=$row['st_img']; //$description=$row['st_content']; $desc=stripslashes($row['st_content']); $file_name=$row['file_name']; $id=$row['st_id']; ?> <script language="javascript"> function popUpPreview() { // Display a new browser for the user var w = screen.availWidth / 2 - 450; var h = screen.availHeight / 2 - 320; var win ='aboutus-prewiew.php', 'payPopupMain', 'width=900,height=650,left='+w+',top='+h+',scrollbars=1'); } </script> <link href="../css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <form name="sform" id="sform" action="update_aboutus.php" method="post"> <table width="679" height="323" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" > <tr> <td colspan="5" height="40" align="left" class="page_head" valign="top"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" class="textfont"> </td> <td align="left" class="textfont"> </td> <td height="40" align="left"> </td> <td height="40" align="left" class="normaltext"><?php if($level=="dataentry" ){} else {echo " Status " ; } ?></td> <td align="left"><span style="padding-left:10px;"> <?php if($level=="dataentry" ){} else { showStatus('st_aboutus','st_id','status',$id) ; } ?> </span></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="170" align="left" class="textfont"> </td> <td width="8" align="left" class="textfont"> </td> <td height="40" colspan="3" align="left"><?php echo $message=$_GET[msg]; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="19" class="listitem" align="right"> </td> <td class="listitem" align="left"> </td> <td height="19" align="left" class="listitem1">Image Size 274 X 420</td> <td colspan="2" align="left"></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="71" class="listitem" align="right">Add Image</td> <td class="listitem" align="left"> </td> <td width="236" height="71" align="left"><input name="logo" type = "text" id="logo" value="<?php echo $img; ?>" size="20" readonly="readonly" class="txtbox" /> <img src="../images/attach.gif" onClick="attachment('logo','logoimage')" class="imagebutton12" /> <img src="../images/remove.gif" onClick="removeattachment('logo','logoimage')" class="imagebutton12" /></td> <td width="265" colspan="2" align="left"><img src="<?php if($img) {echo "aboutus/".$img; } else { echo "../images/photo.gif "; } ?>" width="67" height="62" name="logoimage8" id="logoimage" /> <input type="hidden" name="image1_hiid" id="image1_hiid" value="<?php echo $img; ?>" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="5" align="left" class="optimumSize" valign="bottom"><!--Optimum size of image is 120 X 105 --></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="10" colspan="2" class="textfont"> </td> <td height="10" colspan="3"><?php include("../FCKeditor/fckeditor.php"); $oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('desc') ; $oFCKeditor->BasePath = '../FCKeditor/'; /* $oFCKeditor->Value =stripslashes(substr($intro,0,500));*/ $oFCKeditor->Value = $desc; // here we can give size of editor as $oFCKeditor->Width = '600' ; $oFCKeditor->Height = '250' ; $oFCKeditor->Create() ; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="27" align="right" class="listitem"> </td> <td height="27" class="textfont"> </td> <td height="27" align="left" valign="bottom"><span class="listitem1"><?php /*?><?php if($pos!="management" ){} else {echo " Only Upload ".pdf" file";} ?><?php */?></span></td> <td height="27" colspan="2" align="left"> </td> </tr> <?php /*?><?php if($pos!="management" ){} else {echo " <tr> <td height='68' align='right' class='listitem'>Update pdf</td> <td height='68' class='textfont'> </td> <td height='68' align='left'> <input name='logo1' type = 'text' id='logo1' value='$file_name' size='20' readonly='readonly' class='txtbox' /> <img src='../images/attach.gif' onclick=\"attachment('logo1','logoimage1')\" class='imagebutton12' /> <img src='../images/remove.gif' onclick=\"removeattachment('logo1','logoimage1')\" class='imagebutton12' /></td> <td height='68' align='left'><img src=\"aboutus/$file_name\" width='67' height='62' name='logoimage1' id='logoimage1' /></td> </tr> ";} ?><?php */?> <tr> <td height="36" colspan="2"><input type="hidden" name="des" id="des" value="<?php echo $img; ?>" /></td> <td align="left"><input name="preview" type="button" onclick="return popUpPreview();" value="Preview"/></td> <td colspan="2"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>"><input type="hidden" name="pos" value="<?php echo $pos; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="image1_hiid1" id="image1_hiid1" value="<?php echo $file_name; ?>" /></td> <td align="left"> <input type="image" name="image" value="Submit" src="../images/submit.gif" alt="Login Details" title="Submit" onclick="return fieldcheck(this.form);"></td> <td colspan="2"> </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="5" height="10"></td></tr> </table> </form> aboutus-prewiew.php <script type="text/javascript"> document.write(opener.document.sform.logo.value); document.write(opener.document.sform.desc.value); // this value only showing from the database ,i need to get the value to show preview </script> <?php $files=glob('apk/*'); foreach( $files as $file) { echo '<img scr="'.$file.'">'.basename($file).'</img><br/>'; } ?> Hi Everyone, I will have a web application that users fill out and submit. I also have the same form in PDF format. I would like users to be able to click a print preview button, then open up FoxIt or Adobe and display the PDF, with their answers mapped to the correct location. I have no code, just looking for a direction and didn't know what to search for. Thanks. Hello, I have a variable called $Price, We are getting it through Mysql Database using While loop. We getting the data from database in ordered by ID. Now then i have requirement to store that data into Low to High form ... Like we are receiving $price lke unordered form .. 50 14 35 25 00 145 52 Here i just want to store it in Low to high form like 00, 14,25,35 ... and so on .. Please suggest me the appropriate code. While($myrow=mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { some codes return value $price. // want to store in array } $array($price) // here want to store in Low to high with key value. Hello im trying to make a comment feature by having a link under my pictures kommentar.php?link=1 Then use the link=1 to see what comments that should be taken from the database. The comments have a linkid like this Linkid: Text: 1 a comment on first picture 1 another comment on first picture 2 a comment on second picture 2 another comment on second picture But i can't get my php to echo all the comments with the linkid of for example 1 without having to get them all separately. This is my script: <?php ob_start(); $host="localhost"; $username="****"; $password="******"; $db_name="db"; $tbl_name="comment"; mysql_connect($host, $username, $password)or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); $linkid=filter_input(INPUT_GET,'link'); $sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE linkid='$linkid'"; $result=mysql_query($sql); $grejs=null; while(mysql_fetch_row($result)){ $grejs.="$row[0]"; } echo $grejs; ob_end_flush(); ?> Hello! I'm trying to dive into Dreamweaver's code so that I can better understand what the heck it's doing in order to modify it to my specific needs. My PHP book is great, but it just seems like Dreamweaver's code is much more complicated than how I'd write it based on what I've read about PHP (Disclaimer: been with PHP for a week). It would be incredibly helpful if someone could write comments for each of the lines in terms of what it's doing (the more specific the better). I appreciate that this is a bit of a tedious question to ask, but it would be really appreciated. Thank you. Code: [Select] $editFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $editFormAction .= "?" . htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } if ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "form2")) { $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO users (first_name, last_name, user_type, email, school_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", GetSQLValueString($_POST['first_name'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['last_name'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['user_type'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['email'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['school_id'], "int")); mysql_select_db($database_connalgebra, $connalgebra); $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $connalgebra) or die(mysql_error()); // The code below gives the last autogenerated userid. $id = mysql_insert_id(); $updateusername = "UPDATE users SET username = CONCAT(first_name, $id) WHERE user_id = $id"; $Result2 = mysql_query($updateusername, $connalgebra) or die(mysql_error()); // $insertGoTo = "add_user.php"; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $insertGoTo .= (strpos($insertGoTo, '?')) ? "&" : "?"; $insertGoTo .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } header(sprintf("Location: %s", $insertGoTo)); } mysql_select_db($database_connalgebra, $connalgebra); $query_rsSchools = "SELECT school_id, school_state, school_city, school_name, school_country FROM schools ORDER BY school_name ASC"; $rsSchools = mysql_query($query_rsSchools, $connalgebra) or die(mysql_error()); $row_rsSchools = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsSchools); $totalRows_rsSchools = mysql_num_rows($rsSchools); Hello, I have built a blog in php but. On each article in the blog people are able to comment. I would now like to build a system where people can vote on the comment up/down with Ajax. In my comments database I have a table that looks like this: id / article_id / user_id / dateposted / comment / voteup / votedown I would like it to look like this: Any ideas how I can do this? Tutorials online? Thanks a million ok here is my script , for some reason , it adds the comment and all it works great , but it wont add it to the notifications table in my database Code: [Select] <?php include("../includes.php"); $session = $logOptions_id; if($session) { $to_id = $_POST['user_id']; $post_id = $_POST['post_id']; $comment = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['comment']); $date = mktime(); mysql_query("INSERT INTO comments SET user_id='$to_id', from_id='$session', post_id='$post_id', comment='$comment', date='$date'"); $id = mysql_insert_id(); $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM comments WHERE post_id='$post_id' AND from_id!='$session' AND state='0' GROUP BY from_id"); if(mysql_num_rows($query)>0) { $row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id='$post_id'")); $post_from2 = $row1['from_id']; mysql_query("INSERT INTO notifications SET user_id='$post_from2', from_id='$session', post_id='$id', action_type='4', date='$date'"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $post_from = $row['from_id']; if($post_from!=$post_from2) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO notifications SET user_id='$post_from', from_id='$session', post_id='$id', action_type='4', date='$date'"); } } } else { $row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id='$post_id'")); $post_from = $row1['from_id']; mysql_query("INSERT INTO notifications SET user_id='$post_from', from_id='$session', post_id='$id', action_type='4', date='$date'"); } $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM comments WHERE id='$id' AND state='0'"); comments($query); } ?> What does this code do/mean? /* * @the vars array * @access private */ TomTees Hey guys not sure if this is the right spot for this 100% but I hope it is. I have a website that I'm making for a class project and I would like it to be a Movie Review type site. What I want to happen is that a person searches for the movie, and once if they find the movie it goes to another page saying if it was found or not. And if it was found information of the movie would come up. I made a comment section for people to be able to post what they thought about the movie. (It doesn't work yet but it should be up soon) But anyway how would I make it so like say a person searches for "avatar" and the movie pops up with the information, that the review is for avatar and only avatar. Then next they search for Lord of the rings, and only lord of the rings reviews pop up? And just to let ya know I'm not a super coder with this stuff and I am using dreamweaver cs5 to do a lot of the coding. Any and all help would be appreciated. Hi all, I have another uestion. I am currently working with an XML document that has some comments in it that need to stay however it is messing up my parser that I am working on. How can I get around this issue and make the php parser ignore the comments? here is a snippet of the code I am working on. php Code: [Select] //open XML file containing data for current slide $currentslidefilepath = "slides/xml/"; $currentslidefilepath .= $slides[$currentslide]; $currentSlideXml = simplexml_load_file($currentslidefilepath); XML Quote <!-- there are some comments here --> <Basic> <another>some data</another> </Basic> Hi I'm wondering how I can output nested comments. I have written a viewthread.php file that works nicely so far. From index.php it gets the IDOfThread and passes this to a $number then outputs all the comments assigned to the Thread ID However I'd like to be able to respond to each comment to create nested comments This is my viewthread.php so far <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <header> <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"> <title>test Image Board</title> <div class="header"> <a href="index.php" class="logo">test forum online</a> <div class="header-right"> <a class="active" href="#home">Home</a> <a href="#news">News</a> <a href="#contact">Education</a> <a href="#about">Tech</a> </div> </div> </header> <body> <!-- <a href="CreateThread.php"> <h1>Create Thread</h1> </a> --> <div class ='Thread-grid-container'> <?php include 'dbconnect.php'; $number = intval($_GET['id']) ; session_start(); $_SESSION['id'] = $number ; $query = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM Threads where id=$number") or die (mysqli_error($conn)); //Output Grid layout for a Thread post while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { //output picture from upload folder $imageURL = 'upload/'.rawurlencode($row["filename"]); echo " <div class ='Thread-grid-item'> <div class='ThreadNumber'> Post {$row['id']}<br> </div> <div class='UserOnThread'>{$row['Users']} </div> <h2>{$row['Title']} </h2> <button type='button' class ='collapse'>Hide</button> <div class ='img-block'> <img src={$row['$imageURL']}$imageURL alt='' /> </div> <div class='bodytextThread'> <p>{$row['ThreadBody']}</p> </div> </div> \n"; }?> <div class="comment-upload-box"> <form action="CommentUpload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <table> <tr> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Comment: </td> <td> <textarea name="CommentText" cols="100" rows="10" > Enter your posts... </textarea> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><input type="submit" name='submit' value="Submit"/></td> <td></td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> <div class='divTableForComments'> <div class='divTableBody'> <?php include 'dbconnect.php'; //Output Comments onto page //Create a variable for the Comment boxes so when clicking reply a text area shows $ChildCommentBoxes = "<div class='child-comment-upload-box' style='margin-left: 48px'> <form action='ChildCommentUpload.php' method='post' enctype'multipart/form-data'> <table> <tr> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Comment: </td> <td> <textarea name='ChildCommentText' cols='100' rows='10' > Enter your posts... </textarea> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit'/></td> <td></td> </tr> </table> </form>"; $query = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM Posts where IDOfThread=$number") or die (mysqli_error($conn)); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { //May need this later to output pictures // $imageURL = 'upload/'.rawurlencode($row["filename"]); $CommentText = nl2br($row['CommentText']) ; $ParentComment = "" ; $replies = "" ; if (empty($row['ParentId'])) { $ParentComment .= " <div class='divTableRow'> <div class='divTableCell'>{$row['User']} <div class='pointsincommentbox'> {$row['Upvotes']}points</div> <div class='divTableComment'> $CommentText <br> <div class='divCommentLinks'> <div class='upvotes'> ⬆</div> <div class='upvotes'> ⬇</div> <div> view comment </div> <div>report </div> <div>permalink</div> <button type='button' class ='CommentChildButton'>reply</button> <div class ='OpenChildCommentBox'> $ChildCommentBoxes </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> \n"; } echo "$ParentComment "; } ?> <div class ="sidebar"> </div> </body> </html> <script> var coll = document.getElementsByClassName("collapse"); var i; for (i = 0; i < coll.length; i++) { coll[i].addEventListener("click", function() { this.classList.toggle("active"); var content = this.nextElementSibling; if ( === "block") { = "none"; } else { = "block"; } }); } </script> <script> var coll2 = document.getElementsByClassName("CommentChildButton"); var i; for (i = 0; i < coll2.length; i++) { coll2[i].addEventListener("click", function() { this.classList.toggle("active"); var content = this.nextElementSibling; if ( === "block ") { = "none"; } else { = "block"; } }); } </script> And this is what it looks like I think I would probably change the margin of the responses to jut them in a bit and am thinking the best way would be to create a function that cycles through and where it finds a ParentId of a comment matching the it would then put this beneath it? My comments are stored in a table titled Posts and Posts looks like
MariaDB [test]> describe Posts ; +---------------+-----------------+------+-----+---------------------+-------------------------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +---------------+-----------------+------+-----+---------------------+-------------------------------+ | id | int(6) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | | User | varchar(30) | NO | | NULL | | | PostTimeStamp | timestamp | NO | | current_timestamp() | on update current_timestamp() | | CommentText | varchar(8000) | YES | | NULL | | | IDOfThread | int(11) | YES | | NULL | | | Upvotes | int(11) | NO | | 0 | | | ParentId | int(11) | YES | | NULL | | +---------------+-----------------+------+-----+---------------------+-------------------------------+ 7 rows in set (0.002 sec)
Hi, i wonna put on my website to ghosts can post comments and registred users, and i made 2 tables ghosts and users, now i need method to save ghosts on that table, but how to save them with uniq number? I tried session_id, but it works bad, when someone comment it write in db his session_id, but after some time, when someone else comment, it can get his session_id, or no ? Hi all, I've got a news table as such; `id` int(255) NOT NULL auto_increment, `title` mediumtext NOT NULL, `postedby` mediumtext NOT NULL, `text` mediumtext NOT NULL, `brief` mediumtext NOT NULL, `timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `image` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) I was wondering in PHP how would i be able to add comments to the news? i.e Form: Name, IP (hidden), comments I'll add the name, ip and comments to the database But how do i go around adding that into php? |