PHP - How Do I Find Out If A Parent Has Any Children
how do i find out if a parent has any children?
for example id - name - parent_id 1 - title1 - 0 (parent) 2 - title2 - 0 (parent) 3 - link1 - 1 (child) 4 - link2 - 1 (child) 5 - link3 - 2 (child) 5 - link4 - 2 (child) the above has 2 parent with 2 links each. so.. if an id has no "parent_id" pointing to it must be a child if an id has "parent_id" pointing to it must be a parent i have a list Code: [Select] <ul> <li><a href="">'.$link.'</a></li> <li><a href="" class="subTitle">'.$title.'</a> <ul class="subLink"> <li><a href="">'.$link.'</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> so i want to do something like if id has no "parent_id" pointing to it, it is a $link if id has "parent_id" pointing to it, it is a $title any thoughts thanks Similar TutorialsHi all, I need some help here. Currently I am using 2 functions. 1) To call out the 'academic levels' 2) To call out the 'subjects' which matches to the specific 'academic level' However, I am stucked in the codes. Please view my picture attachment, my question is, how do I assigned 'red box (Pre-School)' to 'red box (subjects)' and so on...What are the codes or tweaks that I should make so that it will look like 'what do I want to achieve.jpg' My process and execution $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME) or die(mysqli_error($dbc)); //Run query $tutor_id = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_GET['tutor_id']); $query = "SELECT tl.level_id, tl.level_name, ts.subject_id, ts.subject_name, tsl.subject_level_id, IF(tosl.tutor_id='{$tutor_id}', 1, 0) as checked FROM tutor_level AS tl INNER JOIN tutor_subject_level AS tsl USING (level_id) INNER JOIN tutor_subject AS ts USING (subject_id) LEFT JOIN tutor_overall_level_subject AS tosl ON tosl.subject_level_id = tsl.subject_level_id AND tosl.tutor_id = '{$tutor_id}' ORDER BY tl.level_id, ts.subject_name"; $sql = mysqli_query($dbc, $query) or die(mysqli_error($dbc)); $query1 = "SELECT tl.level_id, tl.level_name, IF(tslvl.tutor_id='{$tutor_id}', 1, 0) as checked FROM tutor_level AS tl LEFT JOIN tutor_selected_level AS tslvl ON tslvl.level_id = tl.level_id AND tslvl.tutor_id='{$tutor_id}' ORDER BY tl.level_id, tl.level_name"; $sql1 = mysqli_query($dbc, $query1) or die(mysqli_error($dbc)); //Process the results $checkboxes = ''; //Create variable for output $current_level_id = false; //Flag to check when records change level while($data = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) //Iterate throug the DB results { if($current_level_id != $data['level_id']) //Determine if this level is different from the last { print_r ($data); $subjectCheckboxes .= createSubjectCheckboxes($subject_data, 5); $current_level_id = $data['level_id']; $subject_data = array(); } //Add the current record to the $level_data array $subject_data[] = $data; } //$checkboxes .= createLevelCheckboxes($subject_data, $level_data, 5); while($data1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1)) { print_r ($data1); $levelCheckboxes .= createLevelCheckboxes($level_data, 5); $level_data = array(); $level_data[] = $data1; } //Call the createLevelCheckboxes() function to generate the HTML for the LAST level records $levelCheckboxes .= createLevelCheckboxes($level_data, 5); $subjectCheckboxes .= createSubjectCheckboxes($subject_data, 5); My functions function createLevelCheckboxes($levelArray, $columns) { if(count($levelArray)==0) { return false; } $htmlOutput = ''; foreach($levelArray as $data1) { //Display level header row $levelID = $levelArray[0]['level_id']; $levelName = $levelArray[0]['level_name']; $checked = ($data1['checked'] == 1) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $htmlOutput .= "<tr>\n"; $htmlOutput .= "<th colspan=\"{$columns}\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-top:15px;\">"; $htmlOutput .= "<input name=\"level[]\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"level_{$levelID}\" type=\"checkbox\" {$checked} value=\"{$levelID}\">"; $htmlOutput .= "<span class=\"zone_text_enlarge\"><label for=\"level_{$levelID}\">{$levelName}</label></span>"; $htmlOutput .= "</th>\n"; $htmlOutput .= "</tr>\n"; } return $htmlOutput; } function createSubjectCheckboxes($subjectArray, $columns) { //Display each subject $recordCount = 0; foreach($subjectArray as $data) { //Increment counter $recordCount++; //Start new row if needed, 1/5 = R1 --> So create a new row if ($recordCount % $columns == 1) { $htmlOutput .= "<tr>\n"; } //Display the record $subjectID = $data['subject_level_id']; $subjectName = $data['subject_name']; $checked = ($data['checked'] == 1) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $htmlOutput .= " <td>\n"; $htmlOutput .= " <input name=\"subject_level[]\" class=\"subject_a\" type=\"checkbox\" {$checked}"; $htmlOutput .= " id=\"subject_level_{$subjectID}\" value=\"{$subjectID}\"/>\n"; $htmlOutput .= " <label for=\"subject_level_{$subjectID}\" class=\"subject_1\">{$subjectName}</label>\n"; $htmlOutput .= "</td>\n"; //Close row if needed, 5/5 = 0 --> So close the row if ($recordCount % $columns == 0) { $htmlOutput .= "</tr>\n"; } } //Close last row if needed if ($recordCount % $columns != 0) { $htmlOutput .= "</tr>\n"; } return $htmlOutput; } How can i find out parent (including) file of included file? Lets imagine that we want to for example auto_prepend file to each file on our server that would write out the name of file its being executed. I know, i can use PHP_SELF but what if i want to write name of file which is already included? I have a web page and i want on it show its name even if it was included, but not the included page itself is showing name but auto_prepend file to each php file, its duty of this auto_prepend_file to write it out i dont want myself to echo it on each page? do you feel me? id Name Owner 1 Root 0 2 Child 1 3 Child 1 4 Level-2-Child 2 So, I want to get an element, then get all elements that are either direct or indirect children of it. So - getChildren(2) should return 2 and 4, because 4 is a direct child of 2. And getChildren(1) should return 1, 2, 3, 4 because all items are a child of root. I'm pretty sure it needs to be done with a recursive function. Can someone help me out? Code: [Select] $domdoc=new DOMDocument(); $domdoc->formatOutput=TRUE; $empty_cart_xml= '<Order> <Cart> <Items> <Item>1</Item> <Item>2</Item> <Item>3</Item> </Items> </Cart> </Order>'; $domdoc->loadXML($empty_cart_xml); print $domdoc->saveXML()."<hr/>"; //works up to this point $xpath=new DOMXPath($domdoc); $items=$xpath->query('Order/Cart/Items'); foreach($itemses AS $items) { $items->appendChild($domdoc->createElement('Item','4')); } print $domdoc->saveXML(); All I want to do is to add a new Item to Items. What am I doing wrong? in a table cell i have a select statement with options from 1 to 10. Onchange (if they select 3), i want to display a subform in the same table cell where the person can add the for the three children name (Textfield) sex (select: M/F) date of birth (select for day, select for month and select for year) currently, i've tried something with javascript but it's only saves the child_id and parent_id and does not save the rest. Moreover i have no clue how to populate the date of birth. Please if you have any solutions, tell me! Any help is very much appreciated! hello. say i have list and i want the correct children under each parent so i have $id $parent_id $type $name in the db i have 4 parents each with 2 children id=1 - type=parent - parent_id=0 - name=p1 id=2 - type=parent - parent_id=0 - name=p2 id=3 - type=parent - parent_id=0 - name=p3 id=4 - type=parent - parent_id=0 - name=p4 id=5 - type=child - parent_id=1 - name=c1 id=6 - type=child - parent_id=1 - name=c2 id=7 - type=child - parent_id=2 - name=c3 id=8 - type=child - parent_id=2 - name=c4 id=9 - type=child - parent_id=3 - name=c5 id=10 - type=child - parent_id=3 - name=c6 id=11 - type=child - parent_id=4 - name=c7 id=12 - type=child - parent_id=4 - name=c8 so how would i do the code? i thought i could do it like this but its not working. Code: [Select] <?php $family = Family::find_all(); foreach($family as $familys){ $id = $familys->id; $type = $familys->type; $parent_id = $familys->parent_id; $name = $familys->name; echo' <ul>'; if($type == "parent"){ echo $name; } echo' </ul> <li>'; if($type == "child" && $parent_id == $id){ echo $name; } echo' </li>'; } ?> all i get back is p1 p2 p3 p4 no children ?? if i remove Quote $parent_id == $id from Quote if($type == "child" && $parent_id == $id){ i get this p1 p2 p3 p4 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 but they are not listed under the correct parent i also tried moving the </ul> to the bottom but i get the same Code: [Select] <?php $family = Family::find_all(); foreach($family as $familys){ $id = $familys->id; $type = $familys->type; $parent_id = $familys->parent_id; $name = $familys->name; echo' <ul>'; if($type == "parent"){ echo $name; } echo' <li>'; if($type == "child"){ echo $name; } echo' </li> </ul>'; } ?> any thoughts? thanks rick When displaying a webpage within iframe of facebook fan page, how I can detect that my page is viewed within the facebook iframe? I want to have a if else statement to change something within the page if it is viewed through facebook fanpage (not by direct visit). Hello. i have some code that works with out using parent and child but i dont think im doing it in the correct oop way. would someone maybe please just have a little look for me please. by the way.. i know im not ment to use global but thats how i was shown to do that on my tutorial videos.. i'll address that in another post so. in this example i have this pages class Code: [Select] <?PHP require_once(LIB_PATH.DS.'database.php'); class Pages { protected static $table_name="pages"; protected static $db_fields = array( 'id', 'pageName', 'contTemp_id', 'contElements_id', 'title', 'sub_title', 'description', 'about', 'image', 'created', 'dateMod', 'timeMod'); public $id; public $pageName; public $contTemp_id; public $contElements_id; public $title; public $sub_title; public $description; public $about; public $image; public $created; public $dateMod; public $timeMod; // "new" is a reserved word so we use "make"(or "build") public static function make( $id="", $pageName="", $contTemp_id="", $contElements_id="", $title="", $sub_title="", $description="", $about="", $image="", $created="", $dateMod="", $timeMod="") { if(!empty($title)) { $kw = new NavL3(); $kw->id = (int)$id; $kw->pageName = $pageName; $kw->contTemp_id = (int)$contTemp_id; $kw->contElements_id = (int)$contElements_id; $kw->title = $title; $kw->sub_title = $sub_title; $kw->description = $description; $kw->about = $about; $kw->image = $image; $kw->created = $created; $kw->dateMod = $dateMod; $kw->timeMod = $timeMod; return $kw; }else{ return false; } } //end function make public static function find_by_pageName($id){ global $database; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".self::$table_name." WHERE id='".$database->escape_value($id)."'"; $result_array = self::find_by_sql($sql); return !empty($result_array) ? array_shift($result_array) : false; } public static function find_by_pageID($pageID=0){ global $database; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".self::$table_name." WHERE id=".$database->escape_value($pageID)." LIMIT 1"; $result_array = self::find_by_sql($sql); return !empty($result_array) ? array_shift($result_array) : false; } // Common Database Methods public static function find_all(){ global $database; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".self::$table_name.""; return self::find_by_sql($sql); } public static function find_by_id($id=0){ global $database; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".self::$table_name." WHERE id=".$database->escape_value($id)." LIMIT 1"; $result_array = self::find_by_sql($sql); return !empty($result_array) ? array_shift($result_array) : false; } public static function find_by_sql($sql){ global $database; $results_set = $database->query($sql); $object_array = array(); while($row = $database->fetch_array($results_set)){ $object_array[] = self::instantiate($row); } return $object_array; } public static function count_all(){ global $database; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".self::$table_name; $results_set = $database->query($sql); $row = $database->fetch_array($results_set); return array_shift($row); } public static function instantiate($result){ $object = new self; foreach($result as $attribute => $value){ if($object->has_attribute($attribute)){ $object->$attribute = $value; } } return $object; } private function has_attribute($attribute){ $object_vars = $this->attributes(); return array_key_exists($attribute, $object_vars); } protected function attributes(){ $attributes = array(); foreach(self::$db_fields as $field){ if(property_exists($this, $field)){ $attributes[$field] = $this->$field; } } return $attributes; } protected function sanitized_attributes(){ global $database; $clean_attributes = array(); foreach($this->attributes() as $key => $value){ $clean_attributes[$key] = $database->escape_value($value); } return $clean_attributes; } public function save(){ return !empty($this->id) ? $this->update() : $this->create(); } public function create(){ global $database; $attributes = $this->sanitized_attributes(); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".self::$table_name." ("; $sql .= join(", ", array_keys($attributes)); $sql .= ") VALUES ('"; $sql .= join("', '", array_values($attributes)); $sql .= "')"; if($database->query($sql)){ $this->id = $database->insert_id(); return true; }else{ return false; } } public function update(){ global $database; $attributes = $this->sanitized_attributes(); $attribute_pairs = array(); foreach($attributes as $key => $value){ $attribute_pairs[] = "{$key}='{$value}'"; } $sql = "UPDATE ".self::$table_name." SET "; $sql .= join(", ", $attribute_pairs); $sql .= " WHERE id=".$database->escape_value($this->id); $database->query($sql); return ($database->affected_rows() == 1) ? true : false; } public function delete(){ global $database; $sql = "DELETE FROM ".self::$table_name." "; $sql .= "WHERE id=".$database->escape_value($this->id); $sql .= " LIMIT 1"; $database->query($sql); return ($database->affected_rows() == 1) ? true : false; } } //end class blogs ?> and i have this conttemp class Code: [Select] <?PHP require_once(LIB_PATH.DS.'database.php'); class Conttemps { protected static $table_name="contTemps"; protected static $db_fields = array( 'id', 'name', 'created', 'dateMod', 'timeMod'); public $id; public $name; public $created; public $dateMod; public $timeMod; // "new" is a reserved word so we use "make"(or "build") public static function make( $id, $name="", $created="", $dateMod="", $timeMod="") { if(!empty($name)) { $kw = new Templates(); $kw->id = (int)$id; $kw->name = $name; $kw->created = $created; $kw->dateMod = $dateMod; $kw->timeMod = $timeMod; return $kw; }else{ return false; } } //end function make public function find_contTemp($pageID){ $page = Pages::find_by_pageID($pageID); $pageCID = $page->contTemp_id; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".self::$table_name." WHERE id=".$pageCID.""; $result_array = self::find_by_sql($sql); return !empty($result_array) ? array_shift($result_array) : false; } // Common Database Methods public static function find_all(){ global $database; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".self::$table_name.""; return self::find_by_sql($sql); } public static function find_by_id($id=0){ global $database; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".self::$table_name." WHERE id=".$database->escape_value($id)." LIMIT 1"; $result_array = self::find_by_sql($sql); return !empty($result_array) ? array_shift($result_array) : false; } public static function find_by_sql($sql){ global $database; $results_set = $database->query($sql); $object_array = array(); while($row = $database->fetch_array($results_set)){ $object_array[] = self::instantiate($row); } return $object_array; } public static function count_all(){ global $database; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".self::$table_name; $results_set = $database->query($sql); $row = $database->fetch_array($results_set); return array_shift($row); } public static function instantiate($result){ $object = new self; foreach($result as $attribute => $value){ if($object->has_attribute($attribute)){ $object->$attribute = $value; } } return $object; } private function has_attribute($attribute){ $object_vars = $this->attributes(); return array_key_exists($attribute, $object_vars); } protected function attributes(){ $attributes = array(); foreach(self::$db_fields as $field){ if(property_exists($this, $field)){ $attributes[$field] = $this->$field; } } return $attributes; } protected function sanitized_attributes(){ global $database; $clean_attributes = array(); foreach($this->attributes() as $key => $value){ $clean_attributes[$key] = $database->escape_value($value); } return $clean_attributes; } public function save(){ return !empty($this->id) ? $this->update() : $this->create(); } public function create(){ global $database; $attributes = $this->sanitized_attributes(); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".self::$table_name." ("; $sql .= join(", ", array_keys($attributes)); $sql .= ") VALUES ('"; $sql .= join("', '", array_values($attributes)); $sql .= "')"; if($database->query($sql)){ $this->id = $database->insert_id(); return true; }else{ return false; } } public function update(){ global $database; $attributes = $this->sanitized_attributes(); $attribute_pairs = array(); foreach($attributes as $key => $value){ $attribute_pairs[] = "{$key}='{$value}'"; } $sql = "UPDATE ".self::$table_name." SET "; $sql .= join(", ", $attribute_pairs); $sql .= " WHERE id=".$database->escape_value($this->id); $database->query($sql); return ($database->affected_rows() == 1) ? true : false; } public function delete(){ global $database; $sql = "DELETE FROM ".self::$table_name." "; $sql .= "WHERE id=".$database->escape_value($this->id); $sql .= " LIMIT 1"; $database->query($sql); return ($database->affected_rows() == 1) ? true : false; } } //end class blogs ?> the bit im interested in is this function in the Conttemp class Code: [Select] public function find_contTemp($pageID){ $page = Pages::find_by_pageID($pageID); $pageCID = $page->contTemp_id; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".self::$table_name." WHERE id=".$pageCID.""; $result_array = self::find_by_sql($sql); return !empty($result_array) ? array_shift($result_array) : false; } it call a function in from the Pages class. i could take the function from here and put it in the Pages class i guess but i was wondering about Exends. should i do class Conttemps extends Pages { and use something like Code: [Select] public function find_contTemp($pageID){ $pageCID= Pages::contTemp_id; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".self::$table_name." WHERE id=".$pageCID.""; $result_array = self::find_by_sql($sql); return !empty($result_array) ? array_shift($result_array) : false; } i guess that wont work because its not getting the $pageID but anyway.. any thoughts ???? thanks rick Hi all, title says it all: how do I get the request_uri from the parent frame. I do not have editing acces to the parent frame, but I want to know what page is called to behind the slash. The tag it is in is frameset and then frame, so not iframe. I hope someone knows the answer Thanks in advance, masteRens I have one table but i try to make like the result not finished.
Hmm.. can you see my table :
FireShot Screen Capture #003 - 'localhost _ 127_0_0_1 _ pmis_dbase _ rekening_kegiatan I phpMyAdmin 4_0_4_1' - localhost_phpmyadmin_index_php_db=pmis_dbase&table=rekening_kegiatan&target=sql_php&token=93960ef7b5.png 803.36KB
I want to declare sum for parent kd_rekening in same row for "Anggaran" => jns_anggaran =1 and "Perubahan" => jns_anggaran = 2. And child ust load field nilai. Untitled.jpg 34.7KB 0 downloads Thanks before Is there a way to get what page included it? For example, if index.php includes header.php, how can header.php display 'index.php' automatically? I want to pass button action at the parent page, this button is inside the iframe.
Is it possible to have a class access another class it its parent directory without using a fully qualified name? While the following script is not valid, it is how I would have thought it would be done should it be possible. If it is not possible, I expect there is a good reason why one would not want to do so, and would appreciate your thoughts why that is so. Thanks // src/PrimaryTopic/SubTopic/SubSubTopic/ParentClass.php namespace PrimaryTopic\SubTopic\SubSubTopic; class ParentClass {} // src/PrimaryTopic/SubTopic/SubSubTopic/Child/ChildClass1.php namespace PrimaryTopic\SubTopic\SubSubTopic\Child; class ChildClass1 extends ..\ParentClass {} // src/PrimaryTopic/SubTopic/SubSubTopic/Child/ChildClass2.php namespace PrimaryTopic\SubTopic\SubSubTopic\Child; class ChildClass2 extends ..\ParentClass {}
Hey, What function / how would I find if a string has something? Say I have a string like: $string = 'Hello their! This is my post :) btw, my name is Justin.'; Say I wanted to find out if my name "Justin" is inside that string.. so: whateverfunction('Justin', $string) So I think you should get my idea now though Thanks a lot! The issue I'm having is that this query won't find a max value record if it has less than 5 votes. It'll only show the results of an entry has 5 or greater votes. Why is that? $contest_id = 5; $category_id = 8; $find_entries = $db->prepare("SELECT entry_id, user_id, votes FROM contest_entries WHERE contest_id = :contest_id AND category_id = :category_id AND e_status = :e_status AND votes = (SELECT MAX(votes) FROM contest_entries) LIMIT 1"); $find_entries->bindParam(':contest_id', $contest_id); $find_entries->bindParam(':category_id', $category_id); $find_entries->bindValue(':e_status', 0); $find_entries->execute(); $result_entries = $find_entries->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if(count($result_entries) > 0) { foreach($result_entries as $row) { $entry_id = $row['entry_id']; $user_id = $row['user_id']; $votes = $row['votes']; } echo $entry_id; } else { echo 'nothing'; } Edited June 26, 2019 by imgrooot Hi I downloaded a PHP script, copied at localhost and when I run it, it will not display all results instruction says that Globals should be off in PHP.ini and scripts should work while Globals are off. but I can't find php.ini in XAMPP. I tried xampp/apache/bin but I didn't find php.ini what should I do? Hi, I've a two classes A,B. A is a parent class and B is a child class. B is extends from A. I made an object of class A. Now i want to access function of class B from this object instance. e.g Code: [Select] class A { function myfunctiona() { ....... ....... } } class B extends A { function chlidfunction() { return "hyne"; } } $sani = new A(); //here i want to access echo $sani->b->childfunction(); please guide how can called child class function from parent object instance? Thanks What would be the simplest way? Do you use a method in the child class? Personally I use Code: [Select] parent::$this->whatever; But I was wondering what you guys do. This topic has been moved to MySQL Help. |