PHP - Preg_match_all Array And Foreach [warning: Noob Question]
hey guys!
Im trying to get hashtags out of a string. The function works so far- but i cant transfer the insides of the preg_match_all array into the string. A hint would be fine already. Thanks in advance- and here is some code Code: [Select] <?php //example string $strcontent = "ima string... #wat #taggy #taggytag im in your stringz, stealing your charz!"; //find hashtags preg_match_all("/(#\w+)/", $strcontent, $matches); echo $matches; //the output is just "array" -> why? foreach ($matches as $match) { // $tempmatch=$match[1]; #####like this? //hiding the hashtags via span $strtemp="<br>ima span<br>" . $match . "<br>ima /span<br>" . $strcontent; $strcontent = $strtemp; echo $strcontent; } #echo $strcontent; # <span style="display:none;"></span> ?> Similar Tutorialshey guys! I just got started with php (yesterday) and im currently trying to write a script that cuts email signatures off. The first filter ($sig[0]) works fine, the string is cut and posted- and, well, that's it. I think i did sth wrong within the for- but i cant find it. So please help me out. A hint would be fine already. Thanks in advance- and here is some code: Code: [Select] <?php $string="TESTSTRING!! I AM AN EMAIL TEXT!!! SO RANDOM! --- I AM A SIGNATURE!! HERP DERP CUT ME OFF"; //define possible sig starts (=filter) $sig[0]=("#=="); $sig[1]=("---"); $sig[2]=("the name of an enterprise"); $sig[3]=("___"); for ($i=0; $i<=3; $i++) { /* or count($sig) ? */ $sigpos=strpos($string,$sig[$i]); if($sigpos>0) { $string= substr($string,0,$sigpos); break; echo $string; } else { echo $string; break; } } ?> <br> <? //show where the sig is cut off echo $sigpos; ?> I have this function I use to simplify things. function search_string( $needle, $haystack ) { if ( preg_match_all( "/$needle/im", $haystack ) || strpos( $haystack, $needle ) ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } I keep getting this error in my PHP logs, and it comes in a sequence: [07-Nov-2020 05:34:14 America/Los_Angeles] PHP Warning: preg_match_all(): Unknown modifier 'G' in /home/baser-b/public_html/include/functions.php on line 791 [07-Nov-2020 05:34:14 America/Los_Angeles] PHP Warning: preg_match_all(): Unknown modifier 'g' in /home/baser-b/public_html/include/functions.php on line 791 Meaning, it will come with one with the small g, then three with the big G, then one with the small g, then five with the big G, and so on.... My question is, how can I stop getting this error. It won't show me the functions being called to arrive at this answer, as this is likely an error generated by another function calling this one. I was wondering if anyone knew what to change in the search_string function to stop getting this error, why this error is happening, or why the strange repetitive sequence. Is it someone trying to do a hack? The only variable that would be changeable by a visitor would be the $needle variable, so what could they type that has something to do with 'g' to get this? Anyway, thanks. Hello again, I have some form data, which I then search through for particular code data like so: $html2 = $_POST['fname']; preg_match_all("/<bla>(.*)<\/bla>/", $html2, $matches40); So the above searches for all the data between <bla>XXXXXX</bla> from $POST Which I then print to my page using: (Only so I can see while developing) print_r($matches40); This displays HTML output like so: Code: [Select] Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Hello [1] => My [2] => Name [3] => Is [4] => Tom ) [1] => Array ( [0] => Hello [1] => My [2] => Name [3] => Is [4] => Tom ) ) What I am trying to do is again use the preg_match_all function to look through the array output and find data that I want to remove. E.g. If one of the variables from $matches40 is 'Tom' I want to find and replaces this with 'Ben'. I spent a day searching Google but to not success. Any help? I am having trouble understanding what this means: foreach($_SESSION['cart'] as $product_id => $quantity) I look forward to any responses in advance. Hi guys, forum noob here. I'm very new to php and i'm trying to build a simple food order shopping cart. I'm using DW as a crutch at the moment just to get a feeling of how php works. I have a page where a user can select food extras to add to thier food item using checkboxes. heres the recordset for getting extras. $colname_rs_addedextras = "1"; if (isset($_GET['idfooditem'])) { $colname_rs_addedextras = $_GET['idfooditem']; } mysql_select_db($database_dbconnect, $dbconnect); $query_rs_addedextras = sprintf("SELECT extra.idextra, extra.extraName, extra.extraPrice, addedextras.extraFree FROM addedextras, extra WHERE fooditemID = %s AND addedextras.extraID = extra.idextra", GetSQLValueString($colname_rs_addedextras, "int")); $rs_addedextras = mysql_query($query_rs_addedextras, $dbconnect) or die(mysql_error()); $row_rs_addedextras = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_addedextras); $totalRows_rs_addedextras = mysql_num_rows($rs_addedextras); Here is the code i'm strugling with. // Submit to Order Form ///////////////////////////// if (isset($_POST["addtoorderButton"])) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO cart(cookieID, customerID, fooditemID, foodItemName, foodItemPrice) VALUES('$cookieID', '$customerID', '$fooditemID', '$foodItemName', '$foodItemPrice' ) ") or die(mysql_error()); if ($_POST['checkbox'] != NULL) { $cart_id = mysql_insert_id(); foreach($_POST['checkbox'] as $key => $value) { $extraName = $row_rs_addedextras['extraName']; $extraPrice = $row_rs_addedextras['extraPrice']; $extraFree = $row_rs_addedextras['extraFree']; //echo $key; mysql_query("INSERT INTO cartextras(cartID, cookieID, extraName, extraID, extraPrice, extraFree) VALUES('$cart_id', '$cookieID', '$extraName', '$key', '$extraPrice', '$extraFree') ") or die(mysql_error()); } } } The code kinda works, I just can't figure out how to add the extraPrice and extraFree also. Any kind of guidence would be very apprieated as I have been trying to figure this out for a couple of days now, wanted to figure it out by myself because I think to learn faster that way. I have noticed that if I run the preg_match_all function and use PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE option to start capture somwhere in the middle of the string the second half of the string will be searched first returning the matching sections along with positions, then it goes up to the top half and returns matches from there too. Is there way to parse only between start point and end of string? I am running to an issue that I have never delt with before and am not sure if there is even a possible solution: I have two files: fileA and fileB fileA contains a loop that loops 30 times each time its called. in the loop there is a 2second delay $i = 1; do { $i++; sleep(2); if(!isset($_SESSION['user']) { break; } } while($i < 31); if fileB i have a simple destroy session $_SESSION = array(); session_destroy(); I call both files via ajax, and that is where i run into my problem. if I call fileA first, then call fileB through ajax, the code in FileB does not execute until fileA has run its course. Is it possible to get around this? Like set the priority of one over the other? I keep getting the following error. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/46/8529846/html/wp-content/themes/super-light/functions.php on line 94 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/46/8529846/html/wp-content/themes/super-light/functions.php:94) in /home/content/46/8529846/html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 866 Code: [Select] <?php if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ) $content_width = 650; add_action( 'widgets_init', 'super_light_sidebars' ); function super_light_sidebars() { register_sidebar(array( 'name' => __( 'Sidebar Widget Area', 'super_light'), 'id' => 'sidebar-widget-area', 'description' => __( 'The sidebar widget area', 'super_light'), 'before_widget' => '<div class="widget">', 'after_widget' => '</div>', 'before_title' => '<h3>', 'after_title' => '</h3>', )); } register_nav_menus( array( 'primary' => __('Header Menu', 'super_light'), 'secondary' => __('Footer Menu', 'super_light') ) ); //Multi-level pages menu function super_light_page_menu() { if (is_page()) { $highlight = "page_item"; } else {$highlight = "menu-item current-menu-item"; } echo '<ul class="menu">'; wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&title_li=&link_before=&link_after=&depth=3'); echo '</ul>'; } //Single-level pages menu function super_light_menu_flat() { if (is_page()) { $highlight = "page_item"; } else {$highlight = "menu-item current-menu-item"; } echo '<ul class="menu">'; wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&title_li=&link_before=&link_after=&depth=1'); echo '</ul>'; } add_editor_style(); add_theme_support('automatic-feed-links'); add_theme_support('post-thumbnails'); set_post_thumbnail_size( 120, 120, true ); // Default size // Make theme available for translation // Translations can be filed in the /languages/ directory load_theme_textdomain('super_light', get_template_directory() . '/languages'); function catch_that_image() { global $post, $posts; $first_img = ''; ob_start(); ob_end_clean(); $output = preg_match_all('/<img.+src=[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"].*>/i', $post->post_content, $matches); $first_img = $matches [1] [0]; if(empty($first_img)){ //Defines a default image $first_img = "/images/default.jpg"; } return $first_img; } add_action('save_post','custom_field_add_tags'); function custom_field_add_tags($post_id) { $post = get_post($post_id); //get values of custom fields and put into array $tag1 = get_post_meta($post_id, 'tag_name1', true); $tag2 = get_post_meta($post_id, 'tag_name2', true); $tag3 = get_post_meta($post_id, 'tag_name3', true); $tag4 = get_post_meta($post_id, 'tag_name4', true); $tag5 = get_post_meta($post_id, 'tag_name5', true); $tag6 = get_post_meta($post_id, 'tag_name6', true); $tag7 = get_post_meta($post_id, 'tag_name7', true); $tag8 = get_post_meta($post_id, 'tag_name8', true); $tag9 = get_post_meta($post_id, 'tag_name9', true); $tags_to_add = array($tag1, $tag2, $tag3, $tag4, $tag5, $tag6, $tag7, $tag8, $tag9); //now check if tag does not already exist (if no - add tag from custom field) $add_tags = array(); foreach(get_the_terms($post_id, 'post_tag') as $term) if(!in_array($term->slug, $tags_to_add)) $add_tags[] = $term->slug; if(!empty($add_tags)) wp_add_post_tags($post_id, implode(',', $add_tags)); } ?> Hi , can somebody help me with this warning?
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/wwwdesig/public_html/mailer.php on line 12
It´s just a simple php mailer
Here is the php code:
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { I have the following code: if ( !empty($_GET['quantity']) ) { foreach ( $_GET['quantity'] as $order_code => $quantity ) { // line 13 $Cart->setItemQuantity($order_code, $quantity); } } and I'm getting the following error: Quote Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in shopping-cart/cart_action.php on line 13 $_GET['quantity']; has a value of '1' The code is working perfectly fine on localhost, but throws me that warning on my webserver(both have error reporting set to E_ALL) any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks. I am a total newbie at PHP and I have a wordpress plugin that works well but sometimes does not return any results to the query which I believe is causing this error: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() social-media-integrated-related-content-smirc/lib/smirclib.php on line 182 From what I am reading on other forums the problem is possibly that the foreach loop is empty since the array must have elements. The solution being to add a check above the foreach loop, to count the number of elements in the array, and if it is zero, skip the foreach loop. Is this correct? Here is the code....can someone please edit it so I can see an example of how it should be done? Again total PHP newbie so please be clear if possible. Thanks so much!!! Code: [Select] <? /** * Object for getting, parsing, and prepping external related content * * @author Husani S. Oakley * @version 1.0 */ class SMIRC{ var $total_results; var $page_title; var $default_header_text = "Blog discussions:"; var $search_urls = array( "google_blogsearch_norss" => "", "google_blogsearch" => "", "twitter_search" => "" ); /** * constructor */ function SMIRC($page_title, $title_separators, $required_keyword, $data_sources, $header_text, $animation=false){ $this->page_title = $page_title; $this->title_separators = $title_separators; $this->required_keyword = $required_keyword; $this->data_sources = $data_sources; if($header_text == ""){ $this->header_text = $this->default_header_text; } else { $this->header_text = $header_text; } $this->animation = $animation; } /** * main work method. create url, get data, parse, prep and return xhtml */ function getContent(){ //don't bother doing anything if we don't have any data sources if(!is_array($this->data_sources)){ return false; } //if we have delimiter characters, use them to split up the title $searchterm = $this->_getSearchTerm(); //start assembling data foreach($this->data_sources as $source_array){ //prep url $data_source = str_replace("SEARCHTERM", $searchterm, $this->search_urls[$source_array[0]]); $data_source = str_replace("NUMRESULTS", $source_array[1], $data_source); //get data, put into array $rss_data_array[$source_array[0]]['results'] = $this->_getResults($data_source, split("\n", $source_array[2])); $rss_data_array[$source_array[0]]['header'] = $source_array[3]; } //create and return xhtml for all sources $xhtml = $this->_createXHTML($rss_data_array, $this->header_text); return $xhtml; } /** * create and return all xhtml */ function _createXHTML($rss_array, $header_text){ foreach($rss_array as $data_source => $results_and_header){ //run function to get xhtml from rss object -- name of function depends on data source. $lists_xhtml .= $this->$data_source($results_and_header['results'], $results_and_header['header']); } if($lists_xhtml == ""){ //no results = no xhtml return false; } else { $all_xhtml = '<div class="smirc_wrapper">'; $all_xhtml .= '<h2 class="collapsed">'.$this->_getHeaderXHTML().'</h2>'; $all_xhtml .= '<ul class="smirc_ul">'; //add results to overall xhtml $all_xhtml .= $lists_xhtml; $all_xhtml .= "</ul>"; $all_xhtml .= '</div>'; return $all_xhtml; } } /** * GOOGLE BLOGSEARCH: iterate through rss object and create standards-compliant xhtml for the resultset, while ignoring items in exclude list */ function google_blogsearch($rss_items, $result_header){ $list_xhtml = ""; if(count($rss_items) >= 1){ $list_xhtml = ""; foreach($rss_items as $item){ $fixed_item = $this->_parseItem($item); $list_xhtml .= '<div class="summary">'.strip_tags($fixed_item['summary']).'</div></li>'; } } return $list_xhtml; } /** * TWITTER SEARCH: iterate through rss object and create standards-compliant xhtml for the resultset * doesn't seem to have results limits, so we'll have to do that manually. */ function twitter_search($rss_items, $result_header){ $list_xhtml = ""; if(count($rss_items) >= 1){ $list_xhtml = ""; foreach($rss_items as $item){ $fixed_item = $this->_parseItem($item); $list_xhtml .= '<li>'.$fixed_item['atom_content'].' by <a href="'.$fixed_item['author_uri'].'" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">'.$fixed_item['author_name'].'</a></li>'; } } return $list_xhtml; } /** * use title separators (if any) to prepare search term(s) */ function _getSearchTerm(){ if(is_array($this->title_separators)){ //make this easy -- replace all matches to items in separators array with a common character $title = $this->page_title; foreach($this->title_separators as $delimiter){ $title = str_replace($delimiter, "###", $title); } //split by this common character $arr = split("###", $title); //iterate, trim, add to array foreach($arr as $phrase){ $searchterms[] = trim($phrase); } $searchterms[] = $this->required_keyword; } else { //no separators. search terms are title and required keyword if any $searchterms[] = $this->page_title; $searchterms[] = $this->required_keyword; } //iterate through searchterms and add quotation marks / urlencode as needed $str = a; foreach($searchterms as $term){ $str .= '' . urlencode($term) . ''; } return $str; } /** * using the exclude list (if set) and MagpieRSS, return an array of data sources and results */ function _getResults($data_source, $exclude_list){ $rss = fetch_rss($data_source); //set total results $this->_setTotalResults($rss); $results = $rss->items; //is there an exclude list? if(is_array($exclude_list)){ //yes. iterate and remove foreach($exclude_list as $exclude_me){ $matches = $this->array_search_recursive($exclude_me, $results); unset($results[$matches[0]]); } } return $results; } /** * unfortunately-ghetto way to remove google's BOLDING of matching wordds */ function _parseItem($arr){ $newarr; if(!is_array($arr)){ return $arr; } foreach($arr as $key => $value){ $newval = str_replace("<b>", "", $value); $newval = str_replace("</b>", "", $newval); $newarr[$key] = $newval; } return $newarr; } /** * recursively search a multidimensional array */ function array_search_recursive($needle, $haystack, $path=array()){ foreach($haystack as $id => $val){ $path2 = $path; $path2[] = $id; if(eregi($needle, $val)){ return $path2; } else if(is_array($val)){ if($ret = $this->array_search_recursive($needle, $val, $path2)){ return $ret; } } return false; } } /** * add to total results count */ function _setTotalResults($rss){ if($rss->channel['opensearch']['totalresults']){ $this->total_results = $this->total_results + $rss->channel['opensearch']['totalresults']; } } /** * create header text / link */ function _getHeaderXHTML(){ //create link $link = str_replace("SEARCHTERM", $this->_getSearchTerm(), $this->search_urls['google_blogsearch_norss']); return " "; } } ?> This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. I'm not sure if the title explains it very well, but here is an image of it. I am trying to figure out how to access the option selected (equal, not equal, etc.), along with its input box, for each column (the checkboxes on the right) selected. The purpose of this is to allow a non-programming administrator user to create a custom query to access information. I can find out which checkboxes are selected no problem, but finding the accompanying drop-down option and input box is difficult for me. How do I do this? If you have a suggestion on how to change it, I'm very open. Thank you in advance! Code: [Select] if(!isset($_POST['submit'])) { echo " <form method='post'> <table> <tr> <td valign='top'>SELECT</td> <td valign='top'> <table>"; // LIST ALL COLUMNS IN A TABLE $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_name") or die(mysql_error()); $rowcount=mysql_num_rows($result); $y=mysql_num_fields($result); for ($x=0; $x<$y; $x++) { echo " <tr> <td> <input type='checkbox' name='fields[]' value='".mysql_field_name($result, $x)."'>".mysql_field_name($result, $x)." </td> </tr>"; } echo " </table> </td> <td valign='top'>FROM allocations</td> <td valign='top'>WHERE</td> <td> <table>"; // LIST ALL COLUMNS IN A TABLE $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_name") or die(mysql_error()); $rowcount=mysql_num_rows($result); $y=mysql_num_fields($result); for ($x=0; $x<$y; $x++) { echo " <tr> <td> <input type='checkbox' name='column[]' value='".mysql_field_name($result, $x)."'>".mysql_field_name($result, $x)." </td> <td> <select name='operator[]'> <option value='='>equals</option> <option value='<>'>does not equal</option> <option value='>'>greater than</option> <option value='<'>less than</option> <option value='>='>greater than or equal to</option> <option value='<='>less than or equal to</option> <option value='LIKE'>is like</option> </select> </td> <td><input type='text' name='criteria[]'></td> </tr>"; } echo " </table> </td> <td valign='top'><input type='submit' value='Process Query' name='submit' class='submit'></td> </tr> </table> </form>"; } else { echo "<b>Fields to edit:</b> "; foreach ($_POST['fields'] as $fields) { echo $fields,", "; } echo "<br><br>"; echo "<b>Columns to query:</b> "; foreach ($_POST['column'] as $columns) { echo $columns," HERE IS THE SPOT, "; } } I am having some problems getting a query correct. Basically I have two tables, one with listings and another with categories. In the listings table I have a column called shortdescription. I am trying to pull the shortdescription from the listings table with the query $shortdesc = array_shift(mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select shortdescription from links where category = '".$scat->id."' "))); The shortdecription display properly on the pages display the listings, however I am getting the following error on any pages that only display the parent categories Warning: array_shift() [function.array-shift]: The argument should be an array in /home/...path/file.php on line 1462 The listings id numbers begin at 75+ because the initial parent category id ends at 74. The query seems to be searching for listing ids below 75 and spitting out an error because it is not finding them. Any ideas on how to eliminate this error and/or stop the query from looking for non-existant data? Hi all i have a silly noob question.... When i directly query my database with the following i get the exact result i want....... Code: [Select] SELECT * FROM posts WHERE postTopic=3 AND postSubject=business; However when i try this using the following PHP....... $sql = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE postTopic =" . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']) . "AND postSubject='" . $_SESSION[forum] . "'"; I get no result I also get the correct results from $sql = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE postTopic =" . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']) . "; and $sql = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE postSubject='" . $_SESSION[forum] . "'"; mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']) is an integer and $_SESSION[forum] is a string. I know this has something to do with the manner in which the query is passed with the AND and the string but i can't for the life of my work out where i am going wrong. Thanks for any help. OK so sorry if my understandings a bit off, but if a I want to introduce a class into my doc is the best way to fo this with the include() function? I hope no one rolls their eyes at me, lol, but I literally, just made my first PHP script, but I ran into a snag.
Okay so the code I did was
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <?php echo <h1>"my First PHP script"</h1>; ?> </body> </html> but in firefox the outcome is always "my first PHP script?> I had added the h1 tags because it wouldn't print at all before I did. I'm trying to figure out what I did wrong. OK, so I have a question about databases and how they sort things being loaded into them. I have a database that I have images uploaded to (some people dont like to do it this way but this is what is going to work for my project). I have it set up with an id column that auto-increments. When I upload the files for some reason it is putting the highest id number first and the second one is the lowest then it goes in order from there. Why would this be happening and how do I correct it? I'm really sorry if this has been answered (I assume it has) I'm unfamiliar with search terms of what I am trying to do. I have this web page Code: [Select] <html> <body> <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","user","pass"); if (!$con) { echo "Fail"; die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "Triumph"; ?> </body> </html> Which I got from a snippet. I load the webpage expecting to see fail or triumph, but I see nothing. My question is how to run the php script so I see something on the page (hopefully triumph. I apoligise for my noobness, I'm a PHP know nothing at the moment. Long story short i'm paginating database results. So pages = results / res-per-page-limit but 28 / 10 will be 2.8 should i use round() or ceil()? |