PHP - Png Transparency Issue With Gd
I am having difficulty keeping transparency on my png resizing function. I have searched all around and tried various solutions. However, all I keep getting is a black background. Everything else about the function is working fine. Any help would be appreciated.
Here is the code for transparency that isn't working: Code: [Select] $dst_img=ImageCreateTrueColor($thumb_w,$thumb_h); imagealphablending($dst_img,false); imagesavealpha($dst_img,true); $transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($dst_img, 255, 255, 255, 127); imagefilledrectangle($dst_img, 0, 0, $thumb_w, $thumb_h, $transparent); imagecopyresampled($dst_img,$src_img,0,0,0,0,$thumb_w,$thumb_h,$old_x,$old_y); Here is the full function code: Code: [Select] function createthumb($name,$filename,$new_w,$new_h) { $system=explode(".",$name); if (preg_match("/jpg|jpeg/",$system[1])) { $src_img=imagecreatefromjpeg($name); } if (preg_match("/png/",$system[1])) { $src_img=imagecreatefrompng($name); } $old_x=imageSX($src_img); $old_y=imageSY($src_img); if ($old_x > $old_y) { $thumb_w=$new_w; $thumb_h=$old_y*($new_h/$old_x); } if ($old_x < $old_y) { $thumb_w=$old_x*($new_w/$old_y); $thumb_h=$new_h; } if ($old_x == $old_y) { $thumb_w=$new_w; $thumb_h=$new_h; } $dst_img=ImageCreateTrueColor($thumb_w,$thumb_h); imagealphablending($dst_img,false); imagesavealpha($dst_img,true); $transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($dst_img, 255, 255, 255, 127); imagefilledrectangle($dst_img, 0, 0, $thumb_w, $thumb_h, $transparent); imagecopyresampled($dst_img,$src_img,0,0,0,0,$thumb_w,$thumb_h,$old_x,$old_y); if (preg_match("/png/",$system[1])) { imagepng($dst_img,$filename); } else { imagejpeg($dst_img,$filename); } imagedestroy($dst_img); imagedestroy($src_img); } Similar TutorialsI am working with the GD Library, and I was wondering if anyone knew of a function or a way to set the transparency of a GD image (Not the final image) What I am doing is taking an jpg image as the bottom image, then I would like to place a jpg image on top of it with 50 transparency, then flatten the image as a jpg. I can not find anything on this, only information on setting png alpha values. So I wanted to preserve the transparency on a circle shaped .png file. I figured the best way to do this was to fill the background in with some particular color and then use imagecolortransparent() to hide the color. Using code found he I tried to do just this. I kept getting errors and so to isolate the problem I made a new file and copied the original code: Code: [Select] <?php // Create a 55x30 image $im = imagecreatetruecolor(55, 30); $red = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 0, 0); $black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0); // Make the background transparent imagecolortransparent($im, $black); // Draw a red rectangle imagefilledrectangle($im, 4, 4, 50, 25, $red); // Save the image imagepng($im, './imagecolortransparent.png'); imagedestroy($im); ?>This still didn't work : Warning: imagepng() [function.imagepng]: Unable to open './imagecolortransparent.png' for writing: Permission denied in /Library/WebServer/Documents/temp/test.php on line 21 So I deleted './imagecolortransparent.png' and got: �PNG IHDR7�tRNSn��AIDATX���1 �����l�.B�Er[�DH���⦞�^r��x���%�K��/9^r�����U,ҟ� IEND�B`� IDK what to do, can someone explain what is wrong or what other method I can use to preserve the transparency of the .png? Hey guys i am currently working on a thumbnail script. The idea is to be able to resize any image on the fly by adding some parameters to the images url ex: thisimage.jpg~160x160 It's then picked up by an htaccess rule that sends it to a php script that resize the image and returns it using the GD library. The script is working great but got a problem keeping the transparency with PNG images ... What ever i do the resized image has a black background. I tryed all sorts of things but it's just not working ... can anybody help me understand where i got it wrong? // [......] // Create output image $outImg = imagecreate ($outWidth, $outHeight); // Load src image switch($srcType) { case "png": $srcImg = imagecreatefrompng($uri); $background = imagecolorallocate($srcImg, 255, 255, 255); imagecolortransparent($srcImg, $background); imagealphablending($srcImg, true); imagesavealpha($srcImg, true); break; case "gif": $srcImg = imagecreatefromgif($uri); break; case "jpeg": $srcImg = imagecreatefromjpeg($uri); break; default: diewith("unsupported file type '$uri'"); }; // Resize image imagecopyresampled($outImg, $srcImg, 0, 0, 0, 0, $outWidth, $outHeight, $srcWidth, $srcHeight); // [......] Hey guys i have a script that create thumnail version of any JPG, PNG, GIF images. It works great but the only problem is it's not keeping the transparency. It adds a black background instead. I made a very big search and tryed at least 100 things and i keep gething the black background ... This is the original image with the transparancy: This is the image after it's passed in the thumnail script: <?php // ... // Create output image $outImg = imagecreatetruecolor ($outWidth, $outHeight); // Load src image switch($srcType) { case "png": $srcImg = imagecreatefrompng($uri); $background = imagecolorallocate($srcImg, 255, 255, 255); imagecolortransparent($srcImg, $background); imagealphablending($srcImg, true); imagesavealpha($srcImg, true); break; case "gif": $srcImg = imagecreatefromgif($uri); break; case "jpeg": $srcImg = imagecreatefromjpeg($uri); break; default: diewith("unsupported file type '$uri'"); }; // Resize image imagecopyresampled($outImg, $srcImg, 0, 0, 0, 0, $outWidth, $outHeight, $srcWidth, $srcHeight); // Save to cached thumb switch($srcType) { case "png": $res = imagepng($outImg, $cacheFile); break; case "gif": $res = imagegif($outImg, $cacheFile); break; case "jpeg": $res = imagejpeg($outImg, $cacheFile); break; default: diewith("unsupported file type '$uri'"); } //... ?> I would like to select a color that isn't in an image, any thoughts on the best way? Maybe this isn't even the best way to do this. I am using imagerotate, and for the 3rd parameter, I would like the uncovered area to be transparent. I have done this, but I had to use a color then make every color in the image of that color transparent. so, either what is the best way: A. Is there a good way to do this? B. save every pixel color in an array then loop though the array testing colors that are not in the array and setting that as the transparent value. C. Other. What? I have a transparency color set up with my GD script. It makes the image semi transparent with an ugly border. Any tips or Hints? Page: Code: [Select] <? $bg = imagecreatefrompng(''); $color = imagecolorallocate($bg, 168, 97, 97); $font = './BOOKOS.TTF'; $insert = imagecreatefrompng(''); imagealphablending($insert, true); imagesavealpha($insert, true); $xOffset = 20; $yOffset = 20; imagecolortransparent($insert, $color); $insert_x = imagesx($insert); $insert_y = imagesy($insert); header('Content-Type: image/png'); imagecopymerge($bg,$insert,$xOffset,$yOffset,0,0,$insert_x,$insert_y,100); imagepng($bg); imagedestroy($bg); ?> I have the below code that outputs my image correctly expect it puts a black background in it, instead of keeping it transparent. I'm tried using imagealphablending and couldn't get it to work. What should I use to get it to work correctly and where should I put it. $src = imagecreatefrompng($target); echo $scr; list($width,$height)=getimagesize($target); $newwidth=54; // new width of image $newheight=54; $tmp=imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth,$newheight); imagecopyresampled($tmp,$src,0,0,0,0,$newwidth,$newheight,$width,$height); $image1 = imagecreatefrompng('Surround.png'); imagecopymerge($image1, $tmp, 5, 5, 0, 0, 54, 54, 100); This is what my gd script output looks like, the black needs to be transparent Im trying to make a script that previews the level for a game, but im having issues with transparency and the rotation of each image. you can see the problem he here is the php file <?php header('Content-Type: image/png'); $image = imagecreatefrompng('images/Background.png'); function radiansToDegrees($radians) { return $radians * 180 / pi(); } $map = file_get_contents('map.txt'); $blocks = split("<obj", $map); for($i=2; $i<count($blocks); $i++) { $arg = split(" ", $blocks[$i]); $n = str_replace("n", "", str_replace("=", "", str_replace('"', "", $arg[1]))); $x = str_replace("x", "", str_replace("=", "", str_replace('"', "", $arg[2]))); $x = $x * 20 - 13; $y = str_replace("y", "", str_replace("=", "", str_replace('"', "", $arg[3]))); $y = $y * 22 + 15; $a = str_replace("a", "", str_replace("=", "", str_replace('"', "", $arg[4]))); $a = radiansToDegrees($a); $t = str_replace("t", "", str_replace("=", "", str_replace('"', "", $arg[5]))); $e = str_replace("e", "", str_replace("=", "", str_replace('"', "", $arg[6]))); $f = str_replace("f", "", str_replace("=", "", str_replace('"', "", str_replace('/>', "", $arg[7])))); $blockimage = imagecreatefrompng("images/$n.png"); $blockimage = imagerotate($blockimage, -$a, 0, 0) ; imagealphablending($blockimage, false); imagesavealpha($blockimage, true); imagecopy($image, $blockimage, $x, $y, 0, 0, imagesx($blockimage), imagesy($blockimage)); //echo "$i | $n - $x - $y - $a - $t - $e - $f <br>"; } imagepng($image); imagedestroy($image); ?> if you require the .zip containing the images etc, just reply and i will upload it as soon as possible So basically I have two lines that generate an image from png and then preserve the transparency of said png. Code: [Select] $bub1 = imagecreatefrompng ("Energy/$energy1b.png"); imageSaveAlpha($bub1, true);This works by itself when generating just this image. But when combined with another image: Code: [Select] imagecopymerge($image, $bub1, 680, 40, 0, 0, 50, 50, 100);It fills in the back ground around the image and the transparency is not preserved. Why is this and how can i fix it? I have tried many solution, but nothing seems to fix this. The problem is that i put an image with transparency on top of another image, but the transparent pixels still transparent, where they should show some of the image below it. If you call it with l=100 and p=20 i would get this result instead of this Here is the source code and I have attached the images: Code: [Select] <?php header('Content-type: image/png'); echo imagepng(progressbar($_GET['l'], $_GET['p'])); function progressbar($length, $percentage) { $length = round($length / 2) * 2; $percentage = min(100, max(0, $percentage)); if($length > 0) { $bar = imagecreate($length, 14); imagealphablending($bar, false); imagesavealpha($bar, true); $empty = imagecreatefrompng('Empty.png'); imagealphablending($empty, false); imagesavealpha($empty, true); $fill = imagecreatefrompng('Fill.png'); imagealphablending($fill, false); imagesavealpha($fill, true); $lempty = imagecreatefrompng('LeftEmpty.png'); imagealphablending($lempty, false); imagesavealpha($lempty, true); $lfill = imagecreatefrompng('LeftFill.png'); imagealphablending($lfill, false); imagesavealpha($lfill, true); $rempty = imagecreatefrompng('RightEmpty.png'); imagealphablending($rempty, false); imagesavealpha($rempty, true); $rfill = imagecreatefrompng('RightFill.png'); imagealphablending($rfill, false); imagesavealpha($rfill, true); $emptycaplength = min(7, $length / 2); //5 imagecopy($bar, $lempty, 0, 0, 0, 0, $emptycaplength, 14); imagecopy($bar, $rempty, $length - $emptycaplength, 0, 7 - $emptycaplength, 0, $emptycaplength, 14); if($length > 14) { imagecopyresized($bar, $empty, 7, 0, 0, 0, $length - 14, 14, 1, 14); } $filllength = round(($length * ($percentage / 100)) / 2) * 2; $fillcaplength = min(7, $filllength / 2); imagecopy($bar, $lfill, 0, 0, 0, 0, $fillcaplength, 14); imagecopy($bar, $rfill, $filllength - $fillcaplength, 0, 7 - $fillcaplength, 0, $fillcaplength, 14); if($filllength > 14) { imagecopyresized($bar, $fill, 7, 0, 0, 0, $filllength - 14, 14, 1, 14); } imagealphablending($bar, true); return $bar; } else { return false; } } ?> I have the following code, works rotates the image. But it seems to lose its transparency and add color when rotated to say 45. How can I avoid this? // File and rotation $filename = 'placeholder.png'; $degrees = 45; // Content type header('Content-type: image/png'); // Load $source = imagecreatefrompng($filename); // Rotate $rotate = imagerotate($source, $degrees, 0); // Output imagepng($rotate); ?> Hi, I have this code below which groups all the SubHeading together and then queries the same table to find RiskConsequence which are grouped that match SubHeading then to query this table one more last time with all the Risk Mitigation that matches the grouped RiskConsequence. Problem I get is it does the SubHeading, the RiskConsequences it only does one of them not all of them before it moves onto the RiskMitigation. I know I have a php coding issue just cant see the wood from the tree's as the queries work. Code: [Select] <?php include ("include.php"); $query = "SELECT * FROM tblriskassessmentdatabank GROUP BY SubHeading"; $results = mysql_query($query) or die("Error: " . mysql_error()); while($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($results)){ echo'<a href="#" onClick="return(changeDisplay(';echo"'";echo($row1[SubHeading]);echo"'))";echo'">';echo($row1[SubHeading]);echo'</a><br /><br />'; echo'<div id="';echo($row1[SubHeading]); echo'" class="HideText">'; $risksub = $row1[SubHeading]; $query1 = "SELECT * FROM tblriskassessmentdatabank GROUP By RiskConsequence"; $results1 = mysql_query($query1) or die("Error: " . mysql_error()); while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($results1)){ echo'<a href="#" onClick="return(changeDisplay(';echo"'";echo($row2[RiskConsequence]);echo"'))";echo'">';echo($row2[RiskConsequence]);echo'</a><br />'; echo'<div id="';echo($row2[RiskConsequence]); echo'" class="HideText">'; $risksub1 = $row2[RiskConsequence]; $query1 = "SELECT * FROM tblriskassessmentdatabank WHERE RiskConsequence = '$risksub1'"; $results1 = mysql_query($query1) or die("Error: " . mysql_error()); while($row3 = mysql_fetch_array($results1)){ echo'<input name="checkbox[]" type="checkbox" id="checkbox[]" value="';echo($row3[IssueNumber]);echo'" /> <label for="checkbox[]"></label>';echo($row3[RiskMitigation]);echo'<br /><br />'; } echo'</div>'; } echo'</div>'; } ?> Folks, I remember once having a php or html5 issue where the first option had to be blank in the drop down. Otherwise, it wasn't working. What wasn't working ? How wasn't working ? I can't remember. either php had difficulty reading user input or the drop down was not showing any options. And so, I had to add a blank value. So, something like this wasn't working ...
<label for="tos_agreement">Agree to TOS or not ?</label> <select name="tos_agreement" id="tos_agreement"> <option value="yes">Yes</option> <option value="no">No</option> </select>
And, I think I added a blank value, at somebody's advice, to get it to work. I think it was something like this, if I remember correctly:
<label for="tos_agreement">Agree to TOS or not ?</label> <select name="tos_agreement" id="tos_agreement"> <option value=" ">Select here</option> <option value="yes">Yes</option> <option value="no">No</option> </select>
Or, maybe it was something like this:
<label for="tos_agreement">Agree to TOS or not ?</label> <select name="tos_agreement" id="tos_agreement"> <option value=" "></option> <option value="yes">Yes</option> <option value="no">No</option> </select>
I can't remember. All I remember slightly that there was a blank value. I been going through my php files to find that particular file to jog my memory but I failed to find it. Can you folks explain to me if a blank value is required or not ? What is the benefit/disaster of adding it and how should the blank value be added ? Show me an example.
Was this a php or html 5 issue ? Can anybody fugure ?
Thank You I run this query in TOAD ( database management application ) and it returns to me the date that a specified table was last updated. Code: [Select] $qry = "SELECT to_char(LAST_DDL_TIME, 'MM/DD/YYYY') AS LASTUPDATED FROM all_objects WHERE owner = 'USER' AND object_name = 'TABLENAME'"; $go = oci_parse($conn, $qry); oci_execute($go); $result = oci_fetch_assoc($go) echo = $result['LASTUPDATED']; However when i run that identical query through PHP i get absolutely NOTHING. Any idea if perhaps PHP isnt capable of retreiving such data or if maybe i'm doing something wrong. Thanks! Greetings =), seems i'm stumped again. lol What I want to do is check to see if a row exists if it does assign the variable to the $deposit variable to $row['price_each'] If it does not exist, i want it to assign the variable $deposit = 0 Here is my code, I think I am doing something wrong, becuase it keeps giving me the undefined variable for $deposit, when the statment i wrote should make it work. I think my syntax is off, or my ==0 is in the wrong place. I'm not too expierenced with php and i'm still learning. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Code: [Select] $deposit_query2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM invoice_entries, sku_codes WHERE invoice_entries.invoice_number = $invoice_number AND invoice_entries.sku_number = sku_codes.sku AND sku_codes.sku = 01-00") or die(mysql_error()); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($deposit_query2)==0 ) { $deposit = $row['price_each']; } else { $deposit = 0; } A friend told me vaguely that there is a possible insecurity with a RFI, in my dynamic image, that reads a players stats off of a seprate web page, parses it, and prints it on the image: <?php Header ('Content-type: image/jpeg'); Header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); Header('Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT'); Header('Pragma: no-cache'); // get CMID variable from the url $cmid = htmlentities($_GET['cmid']); if ($cmid < 100000 or $cmid > 999999); $cmid = 563853; elseif ($cmid > 100000 and $cmid < 999999); $cmid = $cmid; else $cmid = 563853; // create the image using your own background $image = imagecreatefromjpeg("background.jpg"); // dimensions of the image used $img_width = 600; $img_height = 9; // set the colours $cool = imagecolorallocate($image, 81, 86, 96); $black = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0); $white = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255); $red = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 0, 0); $grey = imagecolorallocate($image, 204, 204, 204); $green = imagecolorallocate($image, 206, 129, 18); $blue = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 255); $yellow = imagecolorallocate($image, 225, 225, 0); $statcolor = $yellow; // set the font and print text $font = 'Verdana.ttf'; /* // counter - CHMOD your counter file to 777 $viewss = file("views.txt"); $views = $viewss[0]; $views++; $fp = fopen("views.txt", "w"); fwrite($fp, $views); fclose($fp); $counter = "$views"; // View Output imagettftext($image, 7, 0, 16, 117, $yellow, $font, "Views:$counter"); */ // Attempt to make web content grabber. function get_url_contents($url){ $crl = curl_init(); $timeout = 5; curl_setopt ($crl, CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt ($crl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt ($crl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); $ret = curl_exec($crl); curl_close($crl); return $ret; } // Web content grabber execution. $returned_content = get_url_contents("$cmid"); // Parsing the returned content for Global Rank. $clanstart = strpos($returned_content, 'Clan:'); $clanend = strpos($returned_content, '</h2>', $clanstart); $clanunref = substr($returned_content, $clanstart, $clanend); $clanrefstart = strpos($clanunref, '['); $clanrefend = strpos($clanunref, ']', $clanrefstart); $clan = substr($clanunref, $clanrefstart, $clanrefend); $clan = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($clan)); // Stripping the parsed Global Rank of HTML. $clan = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($clan)); // Filtering Clan to only show the value number, not text or formatting in between. $clan = str_replace ("C", "", $clan); $clan = str_replace ("l", "", $clan); $clan = str_replace ("a", "", $clan); $clan = str_replace ("n", "", $clan); $clan = str_replace (":", "", $clan); $clan = str_replace (" ", "", $clan); // Parsing the returned content for Name. $namestart = strpos($returned_content, '<span style="color: #FEC42C; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold;">'); $nameend = strpos($returned_content, '</span>', $namestart); $name = substr($returned_content, $namestart, $nameend-$namestart); // Stripping the parsed Name of HTML elements. $name = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($name)); // Clan and name output. imagettftext($image, 7, 0, 50, 7, $yellow, $font, "$clan" . "$name"); // Parsing the returned content for Global Rank. $rankstart = strpos($returned_content, '<h2 style="font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; text-indent:0px; margin-left:25px;">'); $rankend = strpos($returned_content, '<br />', $rankstart); $rank = substr($returned_content, $rankstart, $rankend-$rankstart); // Stripping the parsed Global Rank of HTML. $rank = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($rank)); // Filtering Rank to only show the value number, not text or formatting in between. $rank = str_replace ("G", "", $rank); $rank = str_replace ("l", "", $rank); $rank = str_replace ("o", "", $rank); $rank = str_replace ("b", "", $rank); $rank = str_replace ("a", "", $rank); $rank = str_replace ("R", "", $rank); $rank = str_replace ("n", "", $rank); $rank = str_replace ("k", "", $rank); $rank = str_replace (":", "", $rank); $rank = str_replace (" ", "", $rank); // Rank Output. imagettftext($image, 7, 0, 230, 7, $yellow, $font, "$rank"); $killstart = strpos($returned_content, '<h3 style="color: #FEC42C;">All time record</h3>'); $killend = strpos($returned_content, '</tr>', $killstart); $kill = substr($returned_content, $killstart, $killend-$killstart); // Stripping the parsed kill of HTML. $kill = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($kill)); // Filtering kill to only show the value number, not text or formatting in between. $kill = str_replace ("K", "", $kill); $kill = str_replace ("i", "", $kill); $kill = str_replace ("l", "", $kill); $kill = str_replace ("A", "", $kill); $kill = str_replace ("t", "", $kill); $kill = str_replace ("m", "", $kill); $kill = str_replace ("e", "", $kill); $kill = str_replace ("r", "", $kill); $kill = str_replace ("o", "", $kill); $kill = str_replace ("d", "", $kill); $kill = str_replace ("c", "", $kill); $kill = str_replace ("s", "", $kill); $kill = str_replace (" ", "", $kill); $kill = trim($kill); // Cannon Stats output. imagettftext($image, 7, 0, 410, 7, $yellow, $font, $kill); // Parsing the returned content for KDR. $KDRstart = strpos($returned_content, '<span title="Kill Death Ratio">KDR</span>'); $KDRend = strpos($returned_content, '</tr>', $KDRstart); $KDR = substr($returned_content, $KDRstart, $KDRend-$KDRstart); // Stripping the parsed KDR of HTML. $KDR = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($KDR)); // Filtering KDR to only show the value number, not text or formatting in between. $KDR = str_replace ("K", "", $KDR); $KDR = str_replace ("D", "", $KDR); $KDR = str_replace ("R", "", $KDR); $KDR = str_replace (" ", "", $KDR); $KDR = trim($KDR); // KDR Output. imagettftext($image, 7, 0, 323, 7, $yellow, $font, "$KDR"); // IP Logger $logfile= 'iplog.html'; $IPlog = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $logdetails= date("F j, Y, g:i a") . ': ' . '<a href='.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'>'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'</a>'; $fplog = fopen($logfile, "a"); fwrite($fplog, $logdetails); fwrite($fplog, "<br>"); fclose($fplog); // output and destroy imagepng($image); imagedestroy($image); ?> How can I make it say... if none of the values in the array = $is_assoicate then do stuff... Right now it adds an li every time a value is not in the array. I only want it to add in 1 LI Code: [Select] <?php foreach($users_associates as $is_associate) { if ($is_associate['user_id'] != $user_info['uid']) { ?> <li class="bass"> <a href="" title="Become Associates" id="becomeassoc" class="mll"> <span class="f_right">Become Associates</span><img src="../assets/img/becomeassoc.jpg" class="mrs vmiddle" alt="Become Associates" /> </a> </li> <?php } } ?> I have written the following PHP script. It is working ok but I having problem with the AM and PM issue here. My script cannot differentiate AM and PM. Please help me.. Thanks in Advance <?php $d=("1:01 AM"); if ($d < "2:00 PM") echo "Present"; elseif ($d > "2:00") echo "Late"; elseif ($d == "2:00") echo "Equal"; else echo "Have a nice day!"; ?> I have a page showing a list of events from tournaments/leagues ( If you click on the CLICK HERE link, it should come up with a page that shows the stats for that particular event. Some events it works and some it does not. 11th Annual ABDA Nationals works fine North Side Dart League does not work Code: [Select] Below is the list of tournaments and leagues that are included in the rankings. If you wish to have your tournaments and/or leagues included in the rankings, please register and send me the stats. <?php $mynewdate = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", strtotime("-730 days")); echo "<font color=red><b>Included are leagues and tournaments from " . $mynewdate . " to today.</b></font>"; $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "database", "password") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ("database"); $query = "SELECT `event`, `date` FROM `stats` WHERE `date` >= '$mynewdate' GROUP BY `event` ,`date` ORDER BY `date`"; $rank = 0; $rankh = 0; $result = mysql_query($query,$dbh) or die(mysql_error()); ?> <table align=center width=90%> <tr> <th align="left">League/Tournament</th> <th align="left">Date</th> <th align="left">View Stats</th> </tr> <?php while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $event = $row['event']; $year = $row['date']; $url = "<a href=\"" . $event . "&year=" . $year . "\">Click Here</a>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>" . $event . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $year . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $url . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } ?> </table> Here is the STATS code Code: [Select] <?php $event = $_GET['event']; $date= $_GET['year']; $rank = 0; echo "<h1>Event: " . $event . "</h1><br>"; echo "<h1>Date: " . $date . "</h1><br>"; $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "database", "password") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ("database"); $query = "SELECT `firstname`, `lastname`, `games`, `points`, `event`, `date`, (`points`/`games`) FROM `stats` WHERE `event` = '$event' and `date` = '$date' ORDER BY (`points`/`games`) DESC"; $result = mysql_query($query,$dbh) or die(mysql_error()); ?> <table align=center width=100%> <tr> <th align="left">Rank</th> <th align="left">Player</th> <th align="left">Games</th> <th align="left">Points</th> <th align="left">Average</th> </tr> <?php while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $rank = $rank + 1; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>" . $rank . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['firstname'] . " " . $row['lastname'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['games'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['points'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . number_format(($row['points']/$row['games']),4) . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } ?> </table> hi phpfreaks, I have been using learning the pdo library. But I am really stuck on this one query. The above sql statement works if in phpadmin I get three results but for the life of me I can't get them with the code below. I have tried I am trying to return all columns in an array some thing like array (0=>array(0=>business blah, etc ) I have been playing with the fetch mode to try and achieve this but I can't get any results not even an obj but I am not getting any errors. Is the code below wrong? Code: [Select] $query = "SELECT Business_Name,First_Name,Last_Name,Username,Email,Phone,Mobile,Social_Media,Web_Site,User_Language,Admin_Level FROM customer WHERE Admin_Level ='Admi'"; try { //$this->dataObj->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $this->dataObj->setAttribute( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING ); $sth = $this->dataObj->prepare($query); $stmt = $this->dataObj->query($query); $stmt->setFetchMode(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); } catch (PDOException $e) { $e->getMessage(); } return $result; } |