PHP - Save Data To The Database And Also Link It To Another Page Using One Button
Is there anyway of saving data to phpmyadmin, and linking it to another page with one button. I can do it separately but I can't seem to do it using one button.
Does anyone has any ideas! Similar TutorialsHi, I'm trying to save data from an array to database but something is wrong. This is from i send data, as you see im using arrays [] because the user have the posibility to clone the row <div class="box-body"> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-2">Student</label> <div class="col-sm-10"> <table id="table" border="1" bordercolor="#00acc1"> <thead> <tr> <th><p>Name</p></th> <th><p>Mode</p></th> <th><p>Sport</p></th> <th> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><select style="width:325px" name="Name[]" class="form-control"> <option value="">Select</option> <?php $search = "SELECT * FROM prof"; $data = $connect->prepare($search); $data->execute(); while($re=$data -> fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ echo "<option value = '".$re['id']."'>"; echo $re['n_prof'].' '.$re['ap_prof'];} ?> </select> </td> <td> <select class="form-control" name="mode[]" style="width:150px" /> <option value="">Select</option> <option value="Administrator">Administrator</option> <option value="Scholar">Scholar</option> <option value="External student">External student</option> <option value="Thesis">Thesis</option> <option value="Voluntary">Voluntary</option> </select> </td> <td> <select class="form-control" name="Sport[]" style="width:150px" /> <option value="">Select</option> <option value="Football">Football</option> <option value="Baseball">Baseball</option> <option value="Swimming">Swimming</option> <option value="Horse riding">Horse riding</option> <option value="basketball">basketball</option> </select> </td> <td class="Delete">Delete</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <input type="button" id="add" value="+ add student" class="btn btn-primary"/> </div> </div> </div> my db.table is like this id | name | mode | sport | idstudent_fk And Im using an algorithm to read the array and every time can save every row, but im usind PDO and im having problems try{ here i insert data in a table here i got the last id from that table then ... if($_POST['name']!="" and $_POST['mode']!="" and $_POST['sport']!=""){ if(is_array($_POST['name'])){ while(list($key, $name) = each($_POST['name']) and list($val,$mode) = each($_POST['mode']) and list($id, $sport) = each($_POST['sport'])){ $sql = "INSERT INTO sports(id_studentfk, mode_stu, sport, id_projfk) values(:value, :mode, :sport, :lastid)"; $statement = $connect ->prepare($sql); $statement -> bindParam(':name', $name, PDO::PARAM_INT); $statement -> bindParam(':mode', $mode, PDO::PARAM_STR); $statement -> bindParam(':sport', $sport, PDO::PARAM_STR); $statement -> bindParam(':lastid', $lastid, PDO::PARAM_INT); $pdoExec = $statement -> execute(); } }//end if array }//end if post } catch (PDOException $e) { print 'ERROR: '. $e->getMessage(); print '<br/>Data Not Inserted'; } the idea is creating a loop to read the array and every time can insert data. Im using PDO this time is not working, im geeting this error
ERROR: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: parameter was not defined I hope someone can help me to solve this
I have a table made up of time slots, when the user clicks maybe one or two and presses submit, i would like the date selected and the time slots chosen to be saved in to my sql.
I am working on the query but a little stuck in regards to the query, i have done the following:
<?php $username = "root"; $password = ""; $hostname = "localhost"; $dbhandle = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) or die ("no connection to database"); if(isset($_POST['Submit'])){ $start = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['start']); $end = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['end']); $booked = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['booked']); $selected = mysql_select_db("booking", $dbhandle); ?>i have set the table as follows <input data-val='08:30 - 08:45' class='fields' type='checkbox' name="booked[]" /> <?php $GLOBALS['title']="Admission-HMS"; $base_url="http://localhost/hms/"; require('./../../inc/sessionManager.php'); require('./../../inc/dbPlayer.php'); require('./../../inc/fileUploader.php'); require('./../../inc/handyCam.php'); $ses = new \sessionManager\sessionManager(); $ses->start(); if($ses->isExpired()) { header( 'Location:'.$base_url.'login.php'); } else { $name=$ses->Get("loginId"); } $msg=""; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if (isset($_POST["btnSave"])) { $db = new \dbPlayer\dbPlayer(); $msg = $db->open(); echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("'.$msg.'");</script>'; if ($msg = "true") { $userIds = $db->getAutoId("U"); $flup = new fileUploader\fileUploader(); $perPhoto = $flup->upload("/hms/files/photos/",$_FILES['perPhoto'], $userIds[1]); // var_dump($perPhoto); $handyCam=new \handyCam\handyCam(); if (strpos($perPhoto, 'Error:') === false) { $dateNow=date("Y-m-d"); $data = array( 'userId' => $userIds[1], 'userGroupId' => "UG004", 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'studentId' => $_POST['stdId'], 'cellNo' => $_POST['cellNo'], 'gender' => $_POST['gender'], 'dob' => $handyCam->parseAppDate($_POST['dob']), 'passportNo' => $_POST['passportNo'], 'fatherName' => $_POST['fatherName'], 'fatherCellNo' => $_POST['fatherCellNo'], 'perPhoto' => $perPhoto, 'admitDate' => $dateNow, 'isActive' => 'Y' ); $result = $db->insertData("studentinfo",$data); if($result>=0) { $data = array( 'userId' => $userIds[1], 'userGroupId' => "UG004", 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'loginId' => $_POST['stdId'], 'verifyCode' => "vhms2115", 'expireDate' => "2115-01-4", 'isVerifed' => 'Y' ); $result=$db->insertData("users",$data); if($result>0) { $id =intval($userIds[0])+1; $query="UPDATE auto_id set number=".$id." where prefix='U';"; $result=$db->update($query); // $db->close(); echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("Admitted Successfully.");</script>'; } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("' . $result . '");</script>'; } } elseif(strpos($result,'Duplicate') !== false) { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("Student Already Exits!");</script>'; } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("' . $result . '");</script>'; } } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("' . $perPhoto . '");</script>'; } } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("' . $msg . '");</script>'; } } This is actually a page to edit the drama details. Database- 3 tables 1. drama dramaID drama_title 1 friends 2. drama_genre drama_genreID dramaID genreID 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 3. genre genreID genre 1 comedy 2 romance 3 family 4 suspense 5 war 6 horror <?php $dbhost = 'localhost'; $dbuser = 'root'; $dbpass = ''; $dbname = 'drama'; $link = mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname) or trigger_error('Error connecting to mysql'); $id = $_GET['dramaID']; $link2 = mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname) or trigger_error('Error connecting to mysql'); $sql2 = "SELECT * from drama , drama_genre , genre WHERE drama.dramaID='".$id."' AND drama_genre.dramaID='".$id."' AND drama.dramaID = drama_genre.dramaID AND drama_genre.genreID = genre.genreID"; $status2 = mysqli_query($link2,$sql2) or die (mysqli_error($link2)); $link3 = mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname) or trigger_error('Error connecting to mysql'); $sql3 = "SELECT * from genre "; $status3 = mysqli_query($link3,$sql3) or die (mysqli_error($link3)); <form method='Post' action='doUpdate.php' enctype="multipart/form-data"> <?php while ($row2 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($status2)) { ?> <td height="1"></td> <td><select name="gdrop"> <option value="<?php echo $row2['genreID'];?>"><?php echo $row2['genre'];?></option> <?php while ($row3 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($status3)) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $row3['genreID'];?>"><?php echo $row3['genre'];?></option> <?php } mysqli_close($link3); ?> <input type='hidden' id='drama_genreID' name='drama_genreID' value = "<?php echo $row2['drama_genreID']; ?>"/> </select> <input type="hidden" id="dramaID" name="dramaID" value = "<?php echo $row['dramaID'];?>"/> <input type="submit" Value="Update"/> The result was there were 3 dropdown menus but only the first dropdown menu has all 6 genres from my database and also the genre that belongs to the drama. I'm also wondering how I can bring all the drama_genreIDs to my save(doupdate.php) page and update all 3 of them because it seems like only the last dropdown menu's data is saved. And also how can I display only 6 genres instead of 7 with the genre that belongs to the drama , being set as the default selection. Hello.
I have a bit of a problem. When I fetch the link field from the database.i don't see an actual link on the page.
One more thing, what type of field should I use to store the link in the database? Probably there is where I went wrong.
All help is
I have page with male female radio button Here's the code Code: [Select] $qry=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM reg_table where id=$id "); $res=mysql_fetch_array($qry); $radio = $res['gender']; switch($radio) { case "male": $mal = "checked"; break; case "female": $fem = "checked"; break; } Code: [Select] Gender: <br /> <input type="radio" name="colour" value="male" checked="<?php $mal; ?>" />Male <input type="radio" name="colour" value="female" checked="<?php $fem; ?>" />Female Whats the use of checked in <input type="radio" name="colour" value="male" checked="<?php $mal; ?>" /> Hi all, I find myself in need again on PHP coding and the support last time was outstanding (no creeping here) so I am trying my luck again! I am trying to use a HREF link (lots of individual ones) to search a Mysql database and return the results in a PHP page. Example of HREF links on the page are he and in theory you click a career and it 'gets' and 'shows' the data from the database he so, you click the 'Animator' link ->it goes to my database and drags back all the data to the Careers.php page
So far this is what I have managed to not get right: HTML (screen shot added/attached Links.png)
<a href="Careers Results.php?jobTitle=Animator"> PHP
$id = $_GET['jobTitle']; if( (int)$id == $id && (int)$id > 0 ) { $link = mysqli_connect('localhost','MYUSERNAME','MYPASSWORD','MYDATABASE'); // Connect to Database if (!$link) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysqli_connect_error()); } $sql='SELECT * FROM careers WHERE jobTitle=' .$id; $result = mysqli_query($link,$sql); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result); echo $row['jobTitle']; echo $row['jobDescription']; } else { echo "Record NOT FOUND"; } Up to now the code returns "Record NOT FOUND" so it is passing through the php to the end. I am new to PHP and trying to get my head around it all, and in theory this is the kind php code that I should be looking at, but I am still very new to it!! Any help or advice very much appreciated again!!!
Hi people, I've been having trouble with this for a while now. Basically, i have this website: . You can log in with username:doctor1 password:password1 Once you've logged on, u can click on "Patients". Then, if you click on a patient, it shows their info. Then at the bottom, I have links to glucose readings and heart rate readings... but when I click on either of those links, it goes back to the main page, showing all the patients.. The weird thing is that I got this to work for the first step, u click on the <a href> link of a patient, and it brings you to their page. Then I've done the EXACT same thing to link to the glucose or heart rate readings of that specific patient, but it doesn't work. I really can't see what i've done wrong. Although I noticed in the address bar, when I click on glucose readings for example, the url is (id should be equal to a number, like id=4, but there's no number... Any help would be much appreciated! Cheers! Code for op_patients.php page: <?php //Page if a set of records is selected from a single patient's page if ($_REQUEST[reading]+0) { $GLOBALS['html']['css'][]="default.css"; $reading_source=$_REQUEST[reading]+0; $sql="select * from {$reading_source}_readings where patientRFID='{$patient[patientRFID]}' "; $results=mysql_select_assoc($sql); if (!$results){ $GLOBALS[err][]="No records exist!"; exit; } $GLOBALS['html']['title']="Patient: {$patient[first_name]} {$patient[last_name]}'s {$reading_source} readings "; echo $reading_source; } //Page if a single patient is selected if ($_REQUEST[id]+0) { $GLOBALS['html']['css'][]="default.css"; $id=$_REQUEST[id]+0; $sql="select * from patients where doctorID='{$_SESSION[user][id]}' and patientID='$id' "; $patient=mysql_select_assoc($sql); if (!$patient){ $GLOBALS[err][]="The patient can't be found!"; exit; } $GLOBALS['html']['title']="Patient: {$patient[last_name]}, {$patient[first_name]} "; $output.=" <br> <table border='1' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='5' width='600'> <tr><td rowspan=6><img src=\"$patient[photo]\"> </td> <th>Name: </th><td>{$patient[first_name]} {$patient[last_name]} </td></tr> <tr><th>D.O.B: </th><td>{$patient[dob]} </td></tr> <tr><th>Email: </th><td>{$patient[email]} </td></tr> <tr><th>Phone Number: </th><td>{$patient[phone_no]}</td></tr> <tr><th>Address: </th><td>{$patient[address]}</td></tr> <tr><th><br> Comments:<br> </th> <td>{$patient[comments]} </td></tr> </table> <table border='1' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='5' width='600'> <tr><th colspan=3><br>Medical Readings<br><br></th></tr> <tr> <td align='center' width='300'> <a href='index.php?op=patients&id={$v[patientID]}&reading=glucose'>Glucose Readings</a> </td> <td colspan=2 align='center' width='300'> <a href='index.php?op=patients&id={$v[patientID]}&reading=heart'>Heart Rate Readings</a> </td> </tr> </table> "; echo $output; exit; } //Main Page showing all patients $GLOBALS['html']['title']="Patients"; $GLOBALS['html']['css'][]="default.css"; if(!$_SESSION[user][id]) { $er="Access Denied! Please Log in."; echo "<div style='color:red;'>$er</div>"; } else { $sql="select * from patients where doctorID='{$_SESSION[user][id]}' order by last_name"; $d=mysql_getarray_assoc($sql); $output=''; foreach ($d as $v){ $output.=" <tr><td> <a href='index.php?op=patients&id={$v[patientID]}'>{$v[last_name]}, {$v[first_name]}</a> </td></tr> "; } echo " <table width=80% align=left border='1' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='5' width='100%'> <tr><th class=popupheader align='left'> Patient Name<br><br> </th></tr> $output </table> "; } ?> I used to be good at this but I changed servers and everything is different... Heres my code so far: Code: [Select] <?php $rated=$_REQUEST['rated']; echo $rated; $rating=$_REQUEST['rating']; echo $rating; // Make a MySQL Connection mysql_connect("localhost", "********", "********") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("*********") or die(mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM main WHERE username = '$rated'") or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ); $votes = $db_field['$rating']; $newvotes = $votes + 1; echo $newvotes; mysql_query("UPDATE main SET $rating = '$newvotes' WHERE username = '$rated'"); ?> Whats going on here is the colomb that I want to update comes as a variable $rated (That works) and then the database selects the row to update with $username (That works) and gets the variable $newvotes by taking the original value of the data its about to update and add 1 to it (That works) Then it updates the field to $newvotes.... I don't know why the update won't go through... there are no errors.... Hi guys, Should be a simple 1. If i have the following at the top of the page: $page_views = $row['page_views'] + 1; mysql_query("UPDATE table SET page_views='$page_views'"); and then the following at the bottom of the page: echo $row['page_views']; Should I see the page views as 1 the first time the page is visited, 2 the second time the page is visited, and so on......? At the moment im seeing 0 on the first page visit, 1 on the second page visit, 2 on the third..... I had this problem before on another page i was working, and i simply solved it by displaying the mysql query above the echo similar to the code above. However now it does not seem to be working. Am i missing something really simple? lol Thanks I have a button that brings up my systems printer....
<button onClick="window.print()">Print this page</button>I'm trying to find a way to do the same thing but giving me the ability to save-as to my CPU. What would be nice is if I could have separate buttons to save-as a PDF and one for CSV. Each would automatically save to a file, with a comfirmation that its saved. The location would be coded in PHP for the desired format, and all the user has to do is click the button and it is placed in the appropriate folded. is this possible and easy to do across ie, firefox and chrome? Thanks for any direction. . Edited by Butterbean, 15 January 2015 - 12:09 AM. Hi. I have a sort of security script which checks a few things, how can i save the url of the link that was clicked, so i can pass it through the script then if all is good, continue on to the url, if not send them somewhere else let me try to explain better with a little text picture user clicks link ----------------------> link goes to my security script --------------------> if the check passes, continue to original links url so basically i just need to know how to save the links url as a variable Hi.. I just want to know how can I save to another table all data that I display using while loop. Now I encountered only one row was save. Code: [Select] <?php error_reporting(0); date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Singapore"); //set the time zone $con = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root',''); if (!$con) { echo 'failed'; die(); } mysql_select_db("mes", $con); $sr_date =date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sr_date = $_GET['sr_date']; $sr_number = $_GET['sr_number']; $Items = $_GET['Items']; $SubItems = $_GET['SubItems']; $ItemCode = $_GET['ItemCode']; $DemandedQty = $_GET['DemandedQty']; $UoM = $_GET['UoM']; $Class = $_GET['Class']; $Description = $_GET['Description']; $BINLocation = $_GET['BINLocation']; $RequestedBy = $_GET['RequestedBy']; $ApprovedBy = $_GET['ApprovedBy']; $ReceivedBy = $_GET['ReceivedBy']; $IssuedBy = $_GET['IssuedBy']; $sql = "SELECT sr_number FROM stock_requisition ORDER BY sr_date DESC LIMIT 1"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $con); if (!$result) { echo 'failed'; die(); } $total = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($total <= 0) { $currentSRNum = 1; } else { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $currentSRNum = (int)(substr($row['sr_number'],0,3)); $currentSRYear = (int)(substr($row['sr_number'],2,2)); $currentSRMonth = (int)(substr($row['sr_number'],0,2)); $currentSRNum = (int)(substr($row['sr_number'],6,4)); $currentYear = (int)(date('y')); $currentMonth = (int)(date('m')); $currentDay = (int)(date('d')); $currentSRYMD = substr($row['sr_number'], 0, 6); $currentYMD = date("ymd"); if ($currentYMD > $currentSRYMD) { $currentSRNum = 1; } else { $currentSRNum += 1; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $yearMonth = date('ymd'); $currentSR = $currentYMD . sprintf("%04d", $currentSRNum); ?> <html> <title>Stock Requisition</title> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function save_sr(){ var sr_date = document.getElementById("sr_date").value; var sr_number = document.getElementById("sr_number").value; var Items1 = document.getElementById("Items1").value; var SubItems = document.getElementById("SubItems").value; var ItemCode = document.getElementById("ItemCode").value; var DemandedQty = document.getElementById("DemandedQty").value; var UoM = document.getElementById("UoM").value; var Class = document.getElementById("Class").value; var Description = document.getElementById("Description").value; var BINLocation = document.getElementById("BINLocation").value; var RequestedBy = document.getElementById("RequestedBy").value; var ApprovedBy = document.getElementById("ApprovedBy").value; var ReceivedBy = document.getElementById("ReceivedBy").value; var IssuedBy = document.getElementById("IssuedBy").value; document.stock_requisition.action="StockRequisitionSave.php?sr_date="+sr_date+"&sr_number="+sr_number+"&Items1="+Items1+ "&SubItems="+SubItems+"&ItemCode="+ItemCode+"&DemandedQty="+DemandedQty+"&UoM="+UoM+"&Class="+Class+"&Description="+ Description+"&BINLocation="+BINLocation+"&RequestedBy="+RequestedBy+"&ApprovedBy="+ApprovedBy+"&ReceivedBy="+ReceivedBy+ "&IssuedBy="+IssuedBy; document.stock_requisition.submit(); alert("Stock Requisition data save."); window.location = "StockRequisition.php"; } </script> </head> <body> <form name="stock_requisition" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" > <div id="ddcolortabs"> <ul> <li> <a href="ParameterSettings.php" title="Parameter Settings"><span>Parameter Settings</span></a></li> <li style="margin-left: 1px"><a href="kanban_report.php" title="WIP Report"><span>Wip Report</span></a></li> <li id="current"><a href="StockRequisition.php" title="WMS RM"><span>WMS RM</span></a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="ddcolortabs1"> <ul> <li><a href="ReceivingMaterials.php" title="Receiving Materials"><span>Receiving Materials</span></a></li> <li><a href="Shelving.php" title="Shelving"><span>Shelving</span></a></li> <li id="current"><a href="StockRequisition.php" title="Stock Requisition"><span>Stock Requisition</span></a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="SR_date"> <label>Date :</label> <input type="text" name="sr_date" value="<?php echo $sr_date; ?>" size="16" readonly="readonly" style="border: none;"> </div> <div id="SR_number"> <label>SR# :</label> <input type="text" name="sr_number" value="<?php echo $currentSR; ?>" size="10" readonly="readonly" style="font-weight: bold; border: none;"> <br/> </div> <div> <table> <thead> <th>Items</th> <th>Sub Items</th> <th>Item Code</th> <th>Demanded Qty</th> <th>UoM</th> <th>Class</th> <th>Description</th> <th>BIN Location</th> </thead> <?php $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Items FROM bom_subitems ORDER BY Items"; $res_bom = mysql_query($sql, $con); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_bom)){ $Items = $row['Items']; echo "<tr> <td style='border: none;font-weight: bold;'> <input type='name' value='$row[Items]' name='Items' id='Items' readonly = 'readonly' style = 'border:none;width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='5'></td> </tr>"; $sql = "SELECT Items, SubItems, ItemCode, UoM, Class, Description, BINLocation FROM bom_subitems WHERE Items = '$row[Items]' ORDER BY Items"or die(mysql_error()); $res_sub = mysql_query($sql, $con); while($row_sub = mysql_fetch_array($res_sub)){ $Items1 = $row_sub['Items']; $SubItems = $row_sub['SubItems']; $ItemCode = $row_sub['ItemCode']; $UoM = $row_sub['UoM']; $Class = $row_sub['Class']; $Description = $row_sub['Description']; $BINLocation = $row_sub['BINLocation']; echo "<tr> <td style='border: none;'> <input type='hidden' value='$Items1' id='Items1' name='Items1[]'></td> <!--<td style='border: none;'> <input type='hidden' value='$cast[$i]['id']' id='Items1' name='Items1[]'></td> --> <td style='border: none;'> <input type='text' name='SubItems[]' value='$SubItems' id='SubItems' readonly='readonly' style='border:none; width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='10'></td> <td style='border: none;'> <input type='text' name='ItemCode[]' value='$ItemCode' id='ItemCode' readonly='readonly' style='border:none; width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='10'></td> <td style='border: none;'><center><input type='text' name='DemandedQty' id='DemandedQty' value='' size='7'></center></td> <td style='border: none;' size='3'> <input type='text' name='UoM[]' value='$UoM' id='UoM' readonly='readonly' style='border:none; width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='3'></td> <td style='border: none;'> <input type='text' name='Class[]' value='$Class' id='Class' readonly='readonly' style='border:none; width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='10'></td> <td style='border: none;'> <input type='text' name='Description[]' value='$Description' id='Description' readonly='readonly' style='border:none; width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='10'></td> <td style='border: none;'> <input type='text' name='BINLocation[]' value='$BINLocation' id='BINLocation' readonly='readonly' style='border:none; width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='10'></td> </tr>"; } $sql = "INSERT INTO stock_requisition (sr_date, sr_number, Items, SubItems, ItemCode, DemandedQty, UoM, Class, Description, BINLocation, RequestedBy, ApprovedBy, ReceivedBy, IssuedBy) VALUES ('$sr_date', '$sr_number', '$Items1', '$SubItems', '$ItemCode', '$DemandedQty', '$UoM', '$Class', '$Description', '$BINLocation', '$RequestedBy', '$ApprovedBy', '$ReceivedBy', '$IssuedBy') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sr_date = '$sr_date', sr_number = '$sr_number', Items = '$Items1', SubItems = '$SubItems', ItemCode = '$ItemCode', DemandedQty = '$DemandedQty', UoM = '$UoM', Class = '$Class', Description = '$Description', BINLocation = '$BINLocation', RequestedBy = '$RequestedBy', ApprovedBy = '$ApprovedBy', ReceivedBy = '$ReceivedBy', IssuedBy = '$IssuedBy'"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $con); } ?> </table> </div> <div id='RequestedBy'> <label>Requested By:</label> <select name="Requested_By"> <option name='None'>Select</option> <option name='AAAAAAAAA'>AAAAAAAAA</option> <option name='BBBBBBBBB'>BBBBBBBBB</option> <option name='CCCCCCCCCC'>CCCCCCCCCC</option> </select> </div> <div id='ApprovedBy'> <label>Approved By:</label> <select name="Approved_By"> <option name='None'>Select</option> <option name='AAAAAAAAA'>AAAAAAAAA</option> <option name='BBBBBBBBB'>BBBBBBBBB</option> <option name='CCCCCCCCCC'>CCCCCCCCCC</option> </select> </div> <div id='ReceivedBy'> <label>Received By:</label> <select name="Received_By"> <option name='None'>Select</option> <option name='AAAAAAAAA'>AAAAAAAAA</option> <option name='BBBBBBBB'>BBBBBBBB</option> <option name='CCCCCCCC'>CCCCCCCC</option> </select> </div> <div id='IssuedBy'> <label>Issued By:</label> <select name="Issued BY"> <option name='None'>Select</option> <option name='AAAAAAAAA'>AAAAAAAAA</option> <option name='BBBBBBBB'>BBBBBBBB</option> <option name='CCCCCCCC'>CCCCCCCC</option> </select> </div> <div id="save_btn"> <input type="button" name="button" value="save" onclick="save_sr()"> </div> </body> </html> I attach the sample form and output. Sorry if I repost my previous thread. I hope somebody can help me. Thank you I need to add date of birth field to registration form and then save it to databse. I cannot figure out what might be best way of storing the date in the table. I could convert it to unix epoch time, or I could do YYYYMMDD.
Thoughts? What would be the easiest method of saving the DOB?
I am not asking on how to do it, just the format. Thanks
One image is displaying but when i choose image 2 it overlaps image 1..
gallery.php 8.77KB
I have html form and verify post data via pgp how can I save someone data if some one fill incorrect information yes how?
if you don't understand what do i mean, look on the textarea input, when i type some data in list format they are going to be saved in single column but i cant retrieve them as list but a single paragraph. why? Hello folks I am new to php and I have been trying to put together a database that a user can search and choose from the results. I have managed to make this script by copying code from google searches and trial and error. The script so far has been tested and works. The hard part is the code for choosing from the results, I have tried some things but I have been far from the mark, the thing is I can't get my head around the problem, if the first field is a number which is unique to each row, how can I pick that up in a php argument. I have tried making the first field an href link to send that number to a different table which would collect the results of the users choices, but I'm just not sure what to put in the code. Could someone throw me a lifeline here I've searched for hours on google to find any code that looks like it would work with no luck. // Get the search variable from URL $var = @$_GET['a'] ; $trimmed1 = trim($var); //trim whitespace from the stored variable $var = @$_GET['b'] ; $trimmed2 = trim($var); $var = @$_GET['c'] ; $trimmed3 = trim($var); $var = @$_GET['d'] ; $trimmed4 = trim($var); $var = @$_GET['e'] ; $trimmed5 = trim($var); $var = @$_GET['f'] ; $trimmed6 = trim($var); //connect to your database mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); //(host, username, password) //specify database mysql_select_db("a2149809_MV") or die("Unable to select database"); //select which database we're using // Build SQL Query $query = "SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `field1` LIKE \"%$trimmed1%\" AND `field2` LIKE \"%$trimmed2%\" AND `field3` LIKE \"%$trimmed3%\" AND `field4` LIKE \"%$trimmed4%\" AND `field5` LIKE \"%$trimmed5%\" AND `field6` LIKE \"%$trimmed6%\" order by `field1`"; $result=mysql_query($query); $num=mysql_num_rows($result); mysql_close(); <table width="100%" border=2 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2> <tr><form name="form" action="" method="get"> <td colspan="6"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Search" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="text" name="a" value="" size="4" /></td> <td><input type="text" name="b" value="" size="40" /></td> <td><input type="text" name="c" value="" size="3" /></td> <td><input type="text" name="d" value="" size="10" /></td> <td><input type="text" name="e" value="" size="10" /></td> <td><input type="text" name="f" value="" size="10" /></td> </form></tr> <?php $i=0; while ($i < $num) { $f1=mysql_result($result,$i,"Field1"); $f2=mysql_result($result,$i,"Field2"); $f3=mysql_result($result,$i,"Field3"); $f4=mysql_result($result,$i,"Field4"); $f5=mysql_result($result,$i,"Field5"); $f6=mysql_result($result,$i,"Field6"); ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $f1; ?></td> <td><?php echo $f2; ?></td> <td><?php echo $f3; ?></td> <td><?php echo $f4; ?></td> <td><?php echo $f5; ?></td> <td><?php echo $f6; ?></td> </tr> <?php $i++; } ?> </table> My current project requires me to save the number of views an image (banner ad) has appeared on users website. The problem here is that the image will be appearing on several users website and i want to be able to save the number of times it has appeared on my database. I know how to do this if the image was on the same server as the database, but not when the image and database are on completely different servers. This is somewhat like analytic where it tracks the visitors to a page. Does anyone how i can accomplish this? i figured i would need to create a JavaScript code to provide to the user so they can place it on the site but how do i get that code to connect to my database? Hi i m new with php. i entered data in fckeditor ,now i want to save that data in file with.html extension. please anybody has idea then help me.... |