PHP - Mysqli Question
Greeting all.
I am brand new to the forum and I would like to ask a question regarding mysqli. I am not certain why the following code works: Code: [Select] ... $sqlCmd = "select * from usrdata"; $rs = $mysqli->query($sqlCmd); ... and the following code gives me a 500 internal error: Code: [Select] ... $sqlCmd = "select * from usrdata"; $result= dbQuery($sqlCmd); ... function dbQuery($sqlCmd){ $rt = array(); $rs = $mysqli->query($sqlCmd); while($row = $rs->fetch_assoc ()){ $rt[] = $row; } return 'records: ' . json_encode($rt); } The error occurs on the mysqli->query. Thanks for any help. Cheers! Similar TutorialsWhen running the following code i get the error: Call to undefined method mysqli::errno() the code: $conn = new mysqli(HOST, USER, PASSWORD, DATABASE); if ($conn->errno() !== 0) { $msg = $conn->error(); throw new connErrorException($msg, 'Connect'); } I am fairly new to classes but as i understand it this should be correct. I am using mysql 5.1 so mysqli is on by default. I have even checked the php ini and everything looks fine there in respect to this. Any advice? I dont know whether the statement is correct.....i just tried it.....and it didn't work. $stmt->bind_param('ssiiiss',$_POST['name'],$_POST['email'],$_POST['d'],$_POST['m'],$_POST['y'],$_POST['add'],$_POST['phone']); here my first two values are strings and next 2 tiny int's next is int and last 2 again strings. Ok I am trying to use mysqli instead of the usual mysql. Mysql would be outdated. With mysqli, sgl-injection is impossible if you use the "?" in those codes. I would normally use a function but I've made a simple script to find the error. I use $parameters and $sql because these are the data I need to give as parameters to the function, so I used it here too but without the function actually. Code: [Select] ini_set('display_errors',1); // 1 == aan , 0 == uit error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); # sql debug define('DEBUG_MODE',true); // true == aan, false == uit $userid = 11; $lang = 1; $newLink = "testing123"; $db_host = "localhost"; $db_gebruiker = "root"; $db_wachtwoord = ''; $db_naam = "projecteasywebsite"; $sql= "INSERT tbl_link(userid,linkcat,linksubid,linklang,linkactive,linktitle) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; $parameters = '"iiisis", $userid, 1, 0, $lang, 1, $newLink'; echo $parameters; $mysqli = new mysqli($db_host, $db_gebruiker, $db_wachtwoord, $db_naam); $stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql); $stmt->bind_param($parameters); $stmt->execute(); echo "<br><br>". mysqli_connect_errno(); echo "<br><br>". mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR); $stmt->close(); $mysqli->close(); I got Wrong parameter count for mysqli_stmt::bind_param() So naturally a problem when we execute : Warning: mysqli_stmt::execute() [mysqli-stmt.execute]: (HY000/2031): No data supplied for parameters in prepared statement ($stmt->execute() Is someone using mysqli too ?
The below code produces a dropdown and when a selection is made and submitted produces --------------------------------------------------------------------------- <!DOCTYPE><html><head> <title>lookup menu</title> </head> <body><center><b> <form name="form" method="post" action=""> <?php // error_reporting(0); error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); include 'homedb-connect.php'; //This creates the drop down box echo "<select name= 'target'>"; echo '<option value="">'.'--- Select account ---'.'</option>'; $query = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT target FROM lookuptbl"); $query_display = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM lookuptbl"); while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {echo "<option value='". $row['target']."'>".$row['target'] .'</option>';} echo '</select>'; ?> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"/> </form><center> <?php // error_reporting(0); error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); include 'homedb-connect.php'; if(isset($_POST['target'])) { $name = $_POST['target']; $fetch="SELECT target, purpose, user, password, email, visits, date, saved FROM lookuptbl WHERE target = '".$name."'"; $result = mysqli_query($con,$fetch); if(!$result) {echo "Error:".(mysqli_error($con));} //display the table echo '<table border="1"><tr><td bgcolor="#ccffff" align="center">lookup menu</td></tr> <tr><td> <table border="1"> <tr> <td> Target </td> <td> Purpose </td> <td> User </td> <td> Password </td> <td> Email </td> <td> Visits </td> <td> Date </td> <td> Saved </td> </tr>'; while($data=mysqli_fetch_row($result)) { $url= "http://localhost/home/crud-link.php?target=". $data[0]; $link= '<a href="'.$url.'">'. $data[0]. '</a>'; echo ("<tr><td> $link </td><td>$data[1]</td><td>$data[2]</td><td>$data[3]</td> <td>$data[4]</td><td>$data[5]</td><td>$data[6]</td><td>$data[7]</td></tr>"); } echo '</table> </td></tr></table>'; } ?> </body></html>
I am using mysqli, OO, to connect to MySQL. I have only today started looking at this and am used to: Code: [Select] <?php $con = mysql_connect();//etc mysql_close($connection); ?> Am I right that with mysqli (OO) that I don't need to set a connection variable wither when connecting or closing?? Code: [Select] <?php mysqli::connect();//etc mysqli::close(); ?> What about with multiple databases, does mysqli keep track for me, as I am used to this: Code: [Select] <?php $con1 = mysql_connect();//db1 $con2 = mysql_connect();//db2 ?> //etc hello , I'm starting to use mysqli and i have few questions. is there a guide for mysqli? and how do i use this functions at mysqli ? mysql_num_rows mysql_query mysql_fetch_assoc mysql_fetch_array thanks , Mor. I have just started using MySQLi and am clueless it is giving me the follow errors in which i do not understand
Warning: mysqli_select_db() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1 given in C:\xampp\htdocs\Login\connect.php on line 23 Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\Login\connect.php on line 25 Notice: Use of undefined constant mysqli - assumed 'mysqli' in C:\xampp\htdocs\Login\connect.php on line 32 Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given in C:\xampp\htdocs\Login\connect.php on line 32 Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in C:\xampp\htdocs\Login\connect.php on line 33 can someone please explain to me why i am getting these? and my code is $mysqli_db = mysqli_select_db("$db_name"); if($mysqli_db->connect_errno) { printf("Database not found: %s\n", $mysql->connect_error); exit(); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password'"; $result = mysqli_query($sql); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);I just got rid off most the errors the only ones left are Warning: mysqli_query() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in C:\xampp\htdocs\Login\connect.php on line 32 Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysqli_result() in C:\xampp\htdocs\Login\connect.php on line 33 Code Updated: $mysqli_db = mysqli_select_db($mysqli_connect, $db_name); if(!$mysqli_db) { printf("Database not found: %s\n", $mysqli->connect_error); exit(); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password'"; $query = mysqli_query($sql); $result = mysqli_result($query); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); Edited by Tom8001, 30 November 2014 - 12:43 PM. Hello everyone, For two weeks now, I'm trying to get this database connection in my query. Can someone give me a solution and tell me what I've done wrong? Am I overlooking something? <?php class Mysql{ public function connect(){ $mysqli = new mysqli('localhost','root','','login'); } } class Query extends Mysql{ public function runQuery(){ $this->result = parent::connect()->query("select bla bla from bla bla"); } } $query = new Query; $query->runQuery(); ?> Hi, The following code is what I want in that it creates a menu and I can select and display a table row.
I still need to use that selection to update the "lastused". I really appreciate your help. <!DOCTYPE><html><head><title>email menu</title></head> <body><center> <form name="form" method="post" action=""> <?php $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","cookie","homedb"); //============== check connection if(mysqli_errno($con)) {echo "Can't Connect to mySQL:".mysqli_connect_error();} else {echo "Connected to mySQL</br>";} //This creates the drop down box echo "<select name= 'target'>"; echo '<option value="">'.'--- Select email account ---'.'</option>'; $query = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT target FROM emailtbl"); $query_display = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM emailtbl"); while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {echo "<option value='". $row['target']."'>".$row['target'] .'</option>';} echo '</select>'; ?> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"/><!-- update "lastused" using selected "target"--> </form></body></html> <!DOCTYPE><html><head><title>email menu</title></head> <body><center> <?php $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","root","cookie","homedb"); if(mysqli_errno($con)) {echo "Can't Connect to mySQL:".mysqli_connect_error();} if(isset($_POST['target'])) { $name = $_POST['target']; $fetch="SELECT target,username,password,emailused,lastused, purpose, saved FROM emailtbl WHERE target = '".$name."'"; $result = mysqli_query($con,$fetch); if(!$result) {echo "Error:".(mysqli_error($con));} $lastused = "CURDATE()"; // update "lastused" using selected "target" //display the table echo '<table border="1">'.'<tr>'.'<td bgcolor="#ccffff align="center">'. 'Email menu'. '</td>'.'</tr>'; echo '<tr>'.'<td>'.'<table border="1">'.'<tr>'.'<td bgcolor="#ccffff align="center">'.'target'.'</td>'.'<td bgcolor="#ccffff align="center">'.'username'.'</td>'.'<td bgcolor="#ccffff align="center">'.'password'.'</td>'.'<td bgcolor="#ccffff align="center">'.'emailused'.'</td>'.'<td bgcolor="#ccffff align="center">'.'lastused'.'</td>'.'<td bgcolor="#ccffff align="center">'.'purpose'. '</td>'.'<td bgcolor="#ccffff align="center">'. 'saved' .'</td>'.'</tr>'; while($data=mysqli_fetch_row($result)) {echo ("<tr><td>$data[0]</td><td>$data[1]</td><td>$data[2]</td><td>$data[3]</td><td>$data[4]</td><td>$data[5]</td><td>$data[6]</td></tr>");} echo '</table>'.'</td>'.'</tr>'.'</table>'; } ?> </body></html> The following code is supposed to submit everything in the database on a table, Currently its doing the first row in the database. Not sure whats wrong.. function getNews(){ $query = $this->con->query("SELECT * FROM `". $this->prefix ."news`"); while ($result = $query->fetch_assoc()) { if($result['serveradded'] == 1){ $queryy = $this->con->query("SELECT * FROM `". $this->prefix ."news` WHERE serveradded=1"); while ($resultt = $queryy->fetch_assoc()) { return "<tr><td>The Advertisement ". ucfirst($resultt['name']) ." was created</td><td>". $resultt['date'] ."</td></tr>"; } } elseif($result['servupdate'] == 1){ $queryyy = $this->con->query("SELECT * FROM `". $this->prefix ."news` WHERE servupdate=1"); while ($resulttt = $queryyy->fetch_assoc()) { return "<tr><td>". $result['type'] ." ". ucfirst($resulttt['name']) ." was Updated by ". ucfirst($resulttt['updatedby']) ." </td><td>". $resulttt['date'] ." </td></tr>"; } } elseif($result['newuser'] == 1){ $queryyyy = $this->con->query("SELECT * FROM `". $this->prefix ."news` WHERE newuser=1"); while ($resultttt = $queryyyy->fetch_assoc()) { return "<tr><td>Account Created: ". ucfirst($resultttt['name']) ." was created</td><td>". $resultttt['date'] ."</td></tr>"; } } } } Here is my code so far... I can't login using this php, i am new to php and am trying my hardest to figure this out... i have been on this for 4 days and am about to pull all of my hair out... can anyone please help me... //******** start of login.php ******** <?php require_once('connectvars.php'); // Start the session session_start(); // Clear the error message // $error_msg = ""; // If the user isn't logged in, try to log them in if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // Connect to the database $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); if (!$dbc) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysqli_error()); } echo 'Connected successfully'; // Grab the user-entered log-in data $user_email = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, trim($_POST['email'])); $user_pass = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, trim($_POST['password'])); if (!empty($user_email) && !empty($user_password)) { // Look up the username and password in the database $query = "SELECT tb_user_id, tb_user_email FROM tb_users WHERE tb_user_email = '$user_email' AND tb_user_password = SHA('$user_pass')"; $data = mysqli_query($dbc, $query); if (mysqli_num_rows($data) == 1) { // The log-in is OK so set the user ID and username session vars (and cookies), and redirect to the home page $row = mysqli_fetch_array($data); $_SESSION['user_id'] = $row['tb_user_id']; $_SESSION['email'] = $row['tb_user_email']; setcookie('user_id', $row['tb_user_id'], time() + (60 * 60 * 24 * 30)); // expires in 30 days setcookie('email', $row['tb_user_email'], time() + (60 * 60 * 24 * 30)); // expires in 30 days $home_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '/index.php'; header('Location: ' . $home_url); } else { // The username/password are incorrect so set an error message $error_msg = 'Sorry, you must enter a valid username and password to log in1.'; } } else { //*********** This is the error i keep getting // The username/password weren't entered so set an error message $error_msg = 'Sorry, you must enter your username and password to log in2.'; } } } // Insert the page header $page_title = 'Log In'; require_once('header.php'); // If the session var is empty, show any error message and the log-in form; otherwise confirm the log-in if (empty($_SESSION['user_id'])) { echo '<p class="error">' . $error_msg . '</p>'; ?> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"> <fieldset> <legend>Log In</legend> <label for="email">Email Address:</label> <input type="text" name="email" value="<?php if (!empty($user_email)) echo $user_email; ?>" /><br /> <label for="password">Password:</label> <input type="password" name="password"/> </fieldset> <input type="submit" value="Log In" name="submit" /> </form> <?php } else { // Confirm the successful log-in echo('<p class="login">You are logged in as ' . $_SESSION['email'] . '.</p>'); } ?> <?php // Insert the page footer require_once('footer.php'); ?> I have some code I used to have in mysql and now im trying to convert to mysqli and I cant seem to find out what the problem is.
<?php $username = $_SESSION['username']; // Connect to server and select databse. include "db_connect.php"; include "db_config.php"; // items tables selection $sql = mysqli_query($my_database,"SELECT * FROM items_tbl WHERE level = '$account_info[player_level]' ORDER BY rand()"); //$result = mysqli_query($my_database,$sql); // Put info into array (This Works) while($item = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql)){ //stats $items_id['itemid'] = $item['itemid']; $items_id['Level'] = $item['Level']; $items_id['name'] = $item['name']; $items_id['min_str'] = $item['min_str']; $items_id['min_int'] = $item['min_int']; $items_id['min_dex'] = $item['min_dex']; $items_id['type'] = $item['type']; $items_id['min_dmg'] = $item['min_dmg']; $items_id['max_dmg'] = $item['max_dmg']; $items_id['phys_defense'] = $item['phys_defense']; $items_id['mag_defense'] = $item['mag_defense']; } ?>here is the error im getting: Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given I am trying to extend my knowledge from using basic mysql_connect etc. into something better. I am searching on Google, and looking up as much info as possible but find that I learn best with a brief overview that allows me to channel down my searches. (1) I know PDO v mysql_connect v mysqli isn;t right - I think PDO is a class, mysql_connect is a command and mysqli is something else. Am I on the right track? (2) What is the best solution? I am using a full OOP coding style and want to learn the best - I am a novice at this but would consider myself an 8/10 programmer at other parts of PHP. An very brief overview to get me started and channel my Google searches would be much appreciated. - I have heard PDO is slower. - I don't need support for different databases (only MySQL). Thanks in advance. hi What is the correct way to do a function like: Code: [Select] public function check_($db, $skills) { $arr_tags = array('16', '17', '36', '546'); $z = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($arr_tags), '?')); $str = implode('', array_fill(0, count($arr_tags),'s')); $par = "'" . implode("','", $arr_tags) . "'"; $c_arr_tags = count($arr_tag); $sql = $db -> prepare(" SELECT offer_id_offer FROM offer_has_tags WHERE tags_id_tags IN ($z) GROUP BY offer_id_offer HAVING COUNT(*) = ? "); $sql -> bind_param("$srt.'i'", $par, $c_arr_tags); $sql -> execute(); $sql -> bind_result($id_offer); return $id_offer; } At the moment i got: Number of elements in type definition string doesn't match number of bind variables Hi everyone, I wanted to some investigating before I label this as a bug, but from what I can see I'm not getting expected results. It appears as if mysqli_stmt_result_metadata does not return the proper object. It should be of mysqli_result type, but yet when I run mysqli_num_rows against it, I get 0, always. If I do a direct mysqli_query and take the resultset back, I can call mysqli_num_rows and it returns the proper value. Example #1(doesn't work): if($this->statement = mysqli_prepare($this->databaseConnection, "SELECT 1 FROM DIGIUSERS WHERE UNAME = ?")) { mysqli_stmt_bind_param($this->statement, 's', $username); mysqli_stmt_execute($this->statement); $this->errorQuery(); $result = mysqli_stmt_result_metadata($this->statement); //Ooops, the username is already taken! exit with status of -7 if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { mysqli_rollback($this->databaseConnection); exit("<STATUS>-7</STATUS></USER>"); } mysqli_stmt_close($this->statement); } Example #2 (works but i cant bind variables): $result = mysqli_query($this->databaseConnection, "SELECT 1 FROM DIGIUSERS WHERE UNAME = $username"); $this->errorQuery(); //Ooops, the username is already taken! exit with status of -7 if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { mysqli_rollback($this->databaseConnection); exit("<STATUS>-7</STATUS></USER>"); } I have variable binding working just fine elsewhere on the site so I know it's not that. The only thing I can think of is that mysqli_stmt_result_metadata is not returning the proper object. For now i will use #2 but, very begrudgingly.... Dear Sir/Madame I am making a website where user can insert data and wait for the admin to approve/reject the form. Now i am stuck with the update status where an admin can submit with a click pending to approval or reject with comments. I am new to PHP programming. Can somebody help me with the issue. Part 1 is inserting the data and part two is fetching the data but i am unable to solve the status approve/reject and comment at the same time on the view.php? page. Kindly help. Thank you. <?php $host="localhost"; $username="root"; $pass=""; $db="ems1"; $conn=mysqli_connect($host,$username,$pass,$db); if(!$conn){ die("Database connection error"); } // insert query for register page if(isset($_REQUEST['proposal'])) { $details=$_POST['details']; $location=$_POST['location']; $date=$_POST['date']; $time=$_POST['time']; $status="Pending"; $comment=$_POST['comment']; $query="INSERT INTO `proposal` (`details`,`location`,`date`,`time`,`status`,`comment`) VALUES ('$details','$location','$date','$time','$status','$comment')"; $res=mysqli_query($conn,$query); if($res){ $_SESSION['success']="Not Inserted successfully!"; header('Location:'); }else{ echo "Leave not Applied, please try again!"; } } ?> <div class="col-xs-6 col-xs-push-3 well"> <form class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="" > <input type="hidden" name="proposal" value=""> <fieldset> <legend>New Proposals </legend> <!----left box-----------> <!----right box-----------> <div class="col-xs-9"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="inputEmail" class="col-lg-3"><b>Details:</b></label> <div class="col-lg-9"> <input type="text" name="details" class="form-control"> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="inputEmail" class="col-lg-3"><b>Location:</b></label> <div class="col-lg-9"> <input type="text" name="location" class="form-control" > </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="inputEmail" class="col-lg-3"><b>Date:</b></label> <div class="col-lg-9"> <input type="date" name="date" class="form-control"> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="inputEmail" class="col-lg-3"><b>Time:</b></label> <div class="col-lg-9"> <input type="time" name="time" class="form-control" > </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-9"> <input type="hidden" name="status" class="form-control" > </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="inputEmail" class="col-lg-3"><b></b></label> <div class="col-lg-9"> <input type="hidden" name="comment" class="form-control"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <button type="reset" class="btn btn-default">Cancel</button> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button> </div> </div> </fieldset> </form> </div> </div> <body> <h2 style="text-align:center; color:orangered;"> DASHBOARD </h2> <table> <h3> <tr style="background-color:#E4EBC5; color:orangered;"> <th>ID</th> <th>Details</th> <th>Location</th> <th>Status</th> <th>Comment</th> </tr> </h3> </table> <?Php //////////////////////////////////////////// require "dbconfig.php"; // MySQL connection string $count="SELECT id,details,location,time,status,comment FROM proposal"; if($stmt = $connection->query($count)){ while ($nt = $stmt->fetch_assoc()) { echo " <body> <table> <tr> <td><a href=view.php?id=$nt[id]>$nt[id]</a></td> <td>$nt[details]</td> <td>$nt[location]</td> <td>$nt[status]</td> <td>$nt[comment]</td> </tr> </table> </body> "; } }else{ echo $connection->error; } ?>
Hi, I am having problems returning values from a select statement. When I query directly in the databse, I get back the information I am looking for. I use an includes file for the database connection and my page shows that the connection was successful. Here is my code: Code: [Select] <?php $search = $_GET['searchFor']; $words = explode(" ", $search); $phrase = implode("%' AND articlename LIKE '%", $words); $sql ="SELECT * FROM articles WHERE articlename LIKE '%phrase%'"; $result =$conn->query($sql) or die('Sorry, could not get any articles at this time'); $row =($result->fetch_all()) or die('No records found'); $numRows =$result->num_rows; If($numRows==0) { echo "<h2>Sorry, no articles were found with '$search' in them.</h2>"; } else { While($row=$result->fetch_assoc()) { $articleid = $row['articleid']; $title = $row['articlename']; $shortdesc = $row['shortdesc']; echo "<h2>Search Results</h2><br><br>\n"; echo "<a href=\"index.php?content=showarticle&id=$articleid\">$title</a><br>\n"; echo "$shortdesc<br><br>\n"; } } ?> The search term is coming from a search form in the navigation. I have used "echo" statements to check and make sure that the sesrch word is coming through to tghe page containing the above code. I have tried mysqli_error() statements in several places and don't see where the problem is. When I try the search the message that comes back is "No records found" Does not makee sense because I know it is there, can find it, and even have the same syntax as the SELECT statement I use when I ask for the php code. Going crazy trying to sort this out. Any suggestions, help etc are greatly appreciated. Thank youi. Hi,
I'm trying to write a better PHP code to create and manage my website.
I would like to start a MVC approach with PHP, using OOP. So I can manage the updates in a better way. For example, to begin my project, I would try with the shipping cost of our products, using a Class without merge the PHP and HTML code.
Something like this:
$shippingcost=new ShippingCost(); $shippingcost->state="Italy"; $shippingcost->get(); // here I have an array with cost, discount, time ecc.And If I need it in JSON, I write: $shippingcost->get("JSON"); // here I have the JSON with cost, discount, time ecc.I wrote the Class in this way: class ShippingCost { public $state; private $arrayReturned; public function __construct() { $this->stato="Italy"; // the default state } public function __destruct() { } public function get($format="array") { $this->arrayReturned=array( "cost" => 3.99, "costDiscounted" => 7.99, "discount" => "50%" ); if (strtolower($formato)=="json") { $this->arrayReturned=json_encode($this->arrayReturned); } return $this->arrayReturned; } }It works well, but I need to get the values from a MySQL db. How can pass the MySQL connection to the Class? I'm not able to do this. Thanks in advance and have a great 2015. Rob. Hi I'm trying to insert unique info retrieved to my database but seems like I'm doing something wrong with my quary my current setup is as follow
<?php $con=mysqli_connect("*****","*******","*******","******"); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } mysqli_close($con); ?> <? define('TIMEZONE', 'Africa/Harare'); date_default_timezone_set(TIMEZONE); $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $post_time = date("U"); $mxitua = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_DEVICE_USER_AGENT"]; $mxitcont = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_MXIT_CONTACT"]; $mxituid = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_MXIT_USERID_R"]; $mxitid = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_MXIT_ID_R"]; $mxitlogin = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_MXIT_LOGIN"]; $mxitnick = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_MXIT_NICK"]; $mxitloc = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_MXIT_LOCATION"]; $mxitprof = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_MXIT_PROFILE"]; if(!isset($mxitid)) { $mxitid = "DEFAULT"; } mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO mxit (ip,time,user_agent,contact,userid,id,login,nick,location,profile) VALUES ($ip,$post_time,$mxitua,$mxitcont,$mxituid,$mxitid,$mxitlogin,$mxitnick,$mxitloc,$mxitprof)"); mysqli_close($con); ?> I have converted my mysql to mysqli and am working on converting some functions. My question - Can I not just convert the mysql to mysqli? This is the full code: Code: [Select] class zipcode_class { var $last_error = ""; // last error message set by this class var $last_time = 0; // last function execution time (debug info) var $units = _UNIT_MILES; // miles or kilometers var $decimals = 2; // decimal places for returned distance function get_zip_point($zip) { // This function pulls just the lattitude and longitude from the // database for a given zip code. $sql = "SELECT lat, lon from zip_code WHERE zip_code='$zip'"; $r = $mysqli->query($sql); if (!$r) { $this->last_error = mysql_error(); return false; } else { $row = mysql_fetch_array($r); mysql_free_result($r); return $row; } } function calculate_mileage($lat1, $lat2, $lon1, $lon2) { // used internally, this function actually performs that calculation to // determine the mileage between 2 points defined by lattitude and // longitude coordinates. This calculation is based on the code found // at // Convert lattitude/longitude (degrees) to radians for calculations $lat1 = deg2rad($lat1); $lon1 = deg2rad($lon1); $lat2 = deg2rad($lat2); $lon2 = deg2rad($lon2); // Find the deltas $delta_lat = $lat2 - $lat1; $delta_lon = $lon2 - $lon1; // Find the Great Circle distance $temp = pow(sin($delta_lat/2.0),2) + cos($lat1) * cos($lat2) * pow(sin($delta_lon/2.0),2); $distance = 3956 * 2 * atan2(sqrt($temp),sqrt(1-$temp)); return $distance; } function get_zips_in_range($zip, $range, $sort=1, $include_base) { // returns an array of the zip codes within $range of $zip. Returns // an array with keys as zip codes and values as the distance from // the zipcode defined in $zip. $this->chronometer(); // start the clock $details = $this->get_zip_point($zip); // base zip details if ($details == false) return false; // This portion of the routine calculates the minimum and maximum lat and // long within a given range. This portion of the code was written // by Jeff Bearer ( This significanly decreases // the time it takes to execute a query. My demo took 3.2 seconds in // v1.0.0 and now executes in 0.4 seconds! Greate job Jeff! // Find Max - Min Lat / Long for Radius and zero point and query // only zips in that range. $lat_range = $range/69.172; $lon_range = abs($range/(cos($details[0]) * 69.172)); $min_lat = number_format($details[0] - $lat_range, "4", ".", ""); $max_lat = number_format($details[0] + $lat_range, "4", ".", ""); $min_lon = number_format($details[1] - $lon_range, "4", ".", ""); $max_lon = number_format($details[1] + $lon_range, "4", ".", ""); $return = array(); // declared here for scope $sql = "SELECT zip_code, lat, lon FROM zip_code "; if (!$include_base) $sql .= "WHERE zip_code <> '$zip' AND "; else $sql .= "WHERE "; $sql .= "lat BETWEEN '$min_lat' AND '$max_lat' AND lon BETWEEN '$min_lon' AND '$max_lon'"; $r = mysql_query($sql); if (!$r) { // sql error $this->last_error = mysql_error(); return false; } else { while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($r)) { // loop through all 40 some thousand zip codes and determine whether // or not it's within the specified range. $dist = $this->calculate_mileage($details[0],$row[1],$details[1],$row[2]); if ($this->units == _UNIT_KILOMETERS) $dist = $dist * _M2KM_FACTOR; if ($dist <= $range) { $return[str_pad($row[0], 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT)] = round($dist, $this->decimals); } } mysql_free_result($r); } // sort array switch($sort) { case _ZIPS_SORT_BY_DISTANCE_ASC: asort($return); break; case _ZIPS_SORT_BY_DISTANCE_DESC: arsort($return); break; case _ZIPS_SORT_BY_ZIP_ASC: ksort($return); break; case _ZIPS_SORT_BY_ZIP_DESC: krsort($return); break; } $this->last_time = $this->chronometer(); if (empty($return)) return false; return $return; } } |