PHP - Error Importing Excel Spreadsheet Into Mysql Error
does anyone know who to resolve this issue of importing a CSV file from excel into sql? I get this error when I do.
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/tmp/phpq2aAbU' INTO TABLE `Events` FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '\\"' ESCAPED BY '\\\\' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' Similar TutorialsAm trying to import a csv file into mysql. below is the code am using.
<?php //connect to the database include('mysql_connect.php');//select the table // if ($_FILES[csv][size] > 0) { //get the csv file $file = $_FILES[csv][tmp_name]; $handle = fopen($file,"r"); //loop through the csv file and insert into database do { if ($data[0]) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO requisition (department, contact_last, contact_email) VALUES ( '".addslashes($data[0])."', '".addslashes($data[1])."', '".addslashes($data[2])."' ) "); } } while ($data = fgetcsv($handle,1000,",","'")); // //redirect header('Location: import.php?success=1'); die; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Import a CSV File with PHP & MySQL</title> </head> <body> <?php if (!empty($_GET[success])) { echo "<b>Your file has been imported.</b><br><br>"; } //generic success notice ?> <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1" id="form1"> Choose your file: <br /> <input name="csv" type="file" id="csv" /> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" /> </form> </body> </html> ........................................................................................................................................... On page load, it gives some erros Notice: Use of undefined constant csv - assumed 'csv' in C:\wamp\www\orango\upload_data.php on line 7 Notice: Use of undefined constant size - assumed 'size' in C:\wamp\www\orango\upload_data.php on line 7 Notice: Undefined index: csv in C:\wamp\www\orango\upload_data.php on line 7 Notice: Use of undefined constant success - assumed 'success' in C:\wamp\www\orango\upload_data.php on line 43 I try to ignore the errors to see if it would work but it didn't save in the DB. please help me out This sounds like overkill, but is there any way I can take the results of an html form, and plug them into their respective cells on a excel spreadsheet? Thanks in advance! -Brad I have been pulling my hair out for the lasy 3 hours i am trying to update a MySql table but i cant get it too work, i just keep getting MySql error #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; if i just update 1 field it works fine but if i try to update more than 1 field it dosent work, Help Please! <?php $root = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; require("$root/include/mysqldb.php"); require("$root/include/incpost.php"); $con = mysql_connect("$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpass"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("$dbame", $con); mysql_query("UPDATE Reg_Profile_p SET build='$build' col='$col' size='$size' WHERE uin = '$uinco'"); ?> am using this code Code: [Select] <?php require_once 'PHPExcel.php'; require_once 'PHPExcel/IOFactory.php'; $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel(); $objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setCreator("Matthew Casperson") ->setLastModifiedBy("Matthew Casperson") ->setTitle("Office 2007 XLSX Test Document") ->setSubject("Office 2007 XLSX Test Document") ->setDescription("Test document for Office 2007 XLSX, generated using PHP classes."); $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0) ->setCellValue('A1', 'Hello') ->setCellValue('B2', 'world!') ->setCellValue('C1', 'Hello') ->setCellValue('D2', 'world!'); header('Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="test.xlsx"'); header('Cache-Control: max-age=0'); $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel2007'); $objWriter->save('php://output'); ?> but excelsheet contain following error............. <b>Fatal error</b>: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in <b>C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\immigration\PHPExcelSourceCode\PHPExcel\Writer\Excel2007.php</b> on line <b>224</b><br /> but excelsheet contain this error............. please help how to fix it? I am a new developer, trying to figure out what causing a memory error. The code goes through registered appointments and depends on the service ID, I have to free a 45 minutes for another service to be booked. Now, once I book an appointment for any of the services that can have 45 minutes free spot, the website takes forever to load the hours but doesn't show them, instead I get this error A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Error Message: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded
foreach ($appointments as $appointment) { foreach ($periods as $index => &$period) { $appointment_start = new DateTime($appointment['start_datetime']); $appointment_end = new DateTime($appointment['end_datetime']); if ($appointment_start >= $appointment_end) { continue; } $period_start = new DateTime($date . ' ' . $period['start']); $period_end = new DateTime($date . ' ' . $period['end']); $serviceId=$appointment['id_services']; $color1=1; $color2=2; $color3=3; $color4=4; $color5=5; $color6=6; $color7=7; $color8=8; $color9=9; $color10=10; $color11=11; $color12=12; $color13=13; $color14=14; $color15=15; $color16=16; $color17=17; $color18=18; $color19=19; $period_s=''; $period_e=''; if ($appointment_start <= $period_start && $appointment_end <= $period_end && $appointment_end <= $period_start) { // The appointment does not belong in this time period, so we will not change anything. continue; } else { if ($appointment_start <= $period_start && $appointment_end <= $period_end && $appointment_end >= $period_start) { // The appointment starts before the period and finishes somewhere inside. We will need to break // this period and leave the available part. //open slot for services 45,45,45 if($serviceId == $color1 || $serviceId == $color3 || $serviceId == $color7 || $serviceId == $color9|| $serviceId == $color10 || $serviceId == $color11 || $serviceId == $color12){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i'); } //Open slot for service 45,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color2 || $serviceId == $color8){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color4 || $serviceId == $color6 ||$serviceId == $color16 || $serviceId == $color18){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color5 || $serviceId == $color17){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color13 || $serviceId == $color15){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color14 ){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i'); } // //for the rest of services else { $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i');} } else { if ($appointment_start >= $period_start && $appointment_end < $period_end) { // The appointment is inside the time period, so we will split the period into two new // others. unset($periods[$index]); if($serviceId == $color1 || $serviceId == $color3 || $serviceId == $color7 || $serviceId == $color9|| $serviceId == $color10 || $serviceId == $color11 || $serviceId == $color12){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } // //Open slot for service 45,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color2 || $serviceId == $color8){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color4 || $serviceId == $color6 ||$serviceId == $color16 || $serviceId == $color18){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color5 || $serviceId == $color17){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color13 || $serviceId == $color15){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color14 ){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } //for other services once The code is completely correct else{ $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } } else if ($appointment_start == $period_start && $appointment_end == $period_end) { if($serviceId == $color1 || $serviceId == $color3 || $serviceId == $color7 || $serviceId == $color9|| $serviceId == $color10 || $serviceId == $color11 || $serviceId == $color12){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } //Open slot for service 45,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color2 || $serviceId == $color8){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color4 || $serviceId == $color6 ||$serviceId == $color16 || $serviceId == $color18){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color5 || $serviceId == $color17){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color13 || $serviceId == $color15){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color14 ){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ];} // //for the rest of services else { unset($periods[$index]);} // The whole period is blocked so remove it from the available periods array. } else { if ($appointment_start >= $period_start && $appointment_end >= $period_start && $appointment_start <= $period_end) { // The appointment starts in the period and finishes out of it. We will need to remove //the time that is taken from the appointment. if($serviceId == $color1 || $serviceId == $color3 || $serviceId == $color7 || $serviceId == $color9|| $serviceId == $color10 || $serviceId == $color11 || $serviceId == $color12){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } //Open slot for service 45,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color2 || $serviceId == $color8){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color4 || $serviceId == $color6 ||$serviceId == $color16 || $serviceId == $color18){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color5 || $serviceId == $color17){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color13 || $serviceId == $color15){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color14 ){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); } // for the rest of services else{ $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); } } else { if ($appointment_start >= $period_start && $appointment_end >= $period_end && $appointment_start >= $period_end) { // The appointment does not belong in the period so do not change anything. continue; } else { if ($appointment_start <= $period_start && $appointment_end >= $period_end && $appointment_start <= $period_end) { //Open slot for service 45,45,45 if($serviceId == $color1 || $serviceId == $color3 || $serviceId == $color7 || $serviceId == $color9|| $serviceId == $color10 || $serviceId == $color11 || $serviceId == $color12){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } //Open slot for service 45,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color2 || $serviceId == $color8){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } // //Open slot for service 30,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color4 || $serviceId == $color6 ||$serviceId == $color16 || $serviceId == $color18){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ];} //Open slot for service 30,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color5 || $serviceId == $color17){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ];} // // //Open slot for service 60,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color13 || $serviceId == $color15){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ];} // // //Open slot for service 60,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color14 ){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ];} else{ unset($periods[$index]); } } } } } } } } } return array_values($periods); } Hello all,
Appreciate if you folks could pls. help me understand (and more importantly resolve) this very weird error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ASC, purchase_later_flag ASC, shopper1_buy_flag AS' at line 3' in /var/www/index.php:67 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/index.php(67): PDO->query('SELECT shoplist...') #1 {main} thrown in /var/www/index.php on line 67
Everything seems to work fine when/if I use the following SQL query (which can also be seen commented out in my code towards the end of this post) :
$sql = "SELECT shoplist.*, store_master.store_name, item_master.item_name FROM shoplist, store_master, item_master WHERE shoplist.store_id = store_master.store_id AND shoplist.item_id = item_master.item_id";However, the moment I change my query to the following, which essentially just includes/adds the ORDER BY clause, I receive the error quoted above: $sql = "SELECT shoplist.*, store_master.store_name, item_master.item_name FROM shoplist, store_master, item_master ORDER BY purchased_flag ASC, purchase_later_flag ASC, shopper1_buy_flag ASC, shopper2_buy_flag ASC, store_name ASC) WHERE shoplist.store_id = store_master.store_id AND shoplist.item_id = item_master.item_id";In googling for this error I came across posts that suggested using "ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET()" and "ORDER BY FIELD()"...both of which I tried with no success. Here's the portion of my code which seems to have a problem, and line # 67 is the 3rd from bottom (third last) statement in the code below: <?php /* $sql = "SELECT shoplist.*, store_master.store_name, item_master.item_name FROM shoplist, store_master, item_master WHERE shoplist.store_id = store_master.store_id AND shoplist.item_id = item_master.item_id"; */ $sql = "SELECT shoplist.*, store_master.store_name, item_master.item_name FROM shoplist, store_master, item_master ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(purchased_flag ASC, purchase_later_flag ASC, shopper1_buy_flag ASC, shopper2_buy_flag ASC, store_name ASC) WHERE shoplist.store_id = store_master.store_id AND shoplist.item_id = item_master.item_id"; $result = $pdo->query($sql); // foreach ($pdo->query($sql) as $row) { foreach ($result as $row) { echo '<tr>'; print '<td><span class="filler-checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="IDnumber[]" value="' . $row["idnumber"] . '" /></span></td>';Thanks Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in C:\xampp\htdocs\mywork\unique.php on line 15 <html> <head> <title> </title> </head> <body bgproperties="fixed"> <?php $dbhost = 'localhost'; $dbuser = 'root'; $dbpass = ''; $con = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql'); $dbname = 'mywork'; mysql_select_db($dbname, $con); $sql=mysql_query(insert into users (regno,name,gender,date,month,year,emailid,cell,paddress,caddress,incometype,incomeamt,dad,fyes,dadocup,mom,myes,momocup,password) VALUES ('$_POST[regno]','$_POST[name]','$_POST[gender]','$_POST[date]','$_POST[month]','$_POST[year]','$_POST[emailid]','$_POST[cell]','$_POST[paddress]','$_POST[caddress]','$_POST[incometype]','$_POST[incomeamt]','$_POST[dad]','$_POST[fyes]','$_POST[dadocup]','$_POST[mom]','$_POST[myes]','$_POST[momocup]','$_POST[password]')"); $sql1=mysql_fetch_array($sql); $result = @mysql_query($SQl1); $result="SELECT * FROM users WHERE regno='$regno'"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //echo $row['regno']."regno<br>"; //echo $row['name']."name<br>"; //echo $row['gender']."gender<br>"; //echo $row['date']."date<br>"; //echo $row['month']."month<br>"; //echo $row['year']."year<br>"; //echo $row['emailid']."emailid<br>"; //echo $row['cell']."cell<br>"; //echo $row['paddress']."paddress<br>"; //echo $row['caddress']."caddress<br>"; //echo $row['incometype']."incometype<br>"; //echo $row['incomeamt']."incomeamt<br>"; //echo $row['dad']."dad<br>"; //echo $row['fyes']."fyes<br>"; //echo $row['dadocup']."dadocup<br>"; //echo $row['mom']."mom<br>"; //echo $row['myes']."myes<br>"; //echo $row['momocup']."momocup<br>"; //echo $row['password']."password<br>"; } echo "Thanks for Register!"; if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "1 record added"; mysql_close($con); ?> <form name="security" action="index.php" method="post"> <input type="submit" value="click here to login"> </form> </body> </html> Code: [Select] <?php mysql_connect ("-","-","-") or die ('Error'); mysql_select_db ("-"); $out = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM guestbook ORDER BY id DESC"); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($out); --and this one if that braces is deleted { ----this is where im getting the error $name = $row['name']; $email = $row['email']; $txt = $row['comment']; $msg = "Are you sure you want to delete"; /* @var $_REQUEST <type> */ if (isset($_REQUEST ["action"]) && $_REQUEST["action"] == "del") { $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); mysql_query("DELETE FROM guestbook WHERE id=$id;"); echo "<action=index.php>"; } echo "<font face='verdana' size='1'>"; echo "<table border='0'> <tr><td>Name: ".$name."</td></tr>"." <tr><td>Email: ".$email."</td></tr> <tr><td colspan='2'>Comment:</td></tr> <tr><td colspan='2' width='500'><b>".$txt."</b></td></tr> <tr><td><a onclick=\"return confirm('.$msg.');\" href='index.php?action=del&id=".$row['id']."'><span class='red'>["."Delete"."]</span></a> </td></tr> </table><br />"; echo "<hr size='1' width='500' align='left'></font>"; } ?> Kindly help me please. When i delete ({) the error will become the ( i dont know what to do already. Thanks. Hey guys! So I have this script to import a CSV file into my database:
<?php $databasehost = "localhost"; $databasename = "import"; $databasetable = "import"; $databaseusername="username"; $databasepassword = "password"; $fieldseparator = ","; $lineseparator = "\n"; $csvfile = "test.csv"; if(!file_exists($csvfile)) { die("File not found. Make sure you specified the correct path."); } try { $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$databasehost;dbname=$databasename", $databaseusername, $databasepassword, array( PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE => true, PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION ) ); } catch (PDOException $e) { die("database connection failed: ".$e->getMessage()); } $pdo->exec("TRUNCATE TABLE `$databasetable`"); $affectedRows = $pdo->exec(" LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ".$pdo->quote($csvfile)." REPLACE INTO TABLE `$databasetable` FIELDS TERMINATED BY ".$pdo->quote($fieldseparator)." LINES TERMINATED BY ".$pdo->quote($lineseparator)." IGNORE 1 LINES"); echo "Loaded a total of $affectedRows records from this csv file.\n"; ?>So that script basically imports a csv replacing all of the other data. The issue I am having is that the data inside one of the columns contains commas, they are wrapped in quotations. Here is an example: ,"1 Registered Keeper, Full Service History, Central Locking, Electric Windows, Electric Mirrors, ABS, Traction Control, Climate Control, Power Steering, Drivers Airbag, Passenger Airbag, Side Airbags, Cruise Control, Alarm, Immobiliser, Half Leather Interior, Alloy Wheels", How could I make the script determine the text within those quotation marks as a whole value instead of separating them into individual columns? Thanks any help on this would be great! Hello,
I am trying to import a CSV file into an existing mysql table but it doesn't seem to work well.
Here is how my mysql is looking like:
1 a_id int(11) AUTO_INCREMENT 2 a_lobecoid int(7) 3 a_code varchar(30) utf8_general_ci 4 a_omschint varchar(60) utf8_general_ci 5 a_beveiligingniv int(5) 6 a_type varchar(5) utf8_general_ci 7 a_assortiment int(5) 8 a_discipline varchar(30) utf8_general_ci 9 a_brutoprijs varchar(50) utf8_general_ci 10 a_status varchar(5) utf8_general_ci 11 a_levcode varchar(10) utf8_general_ci 12 a_omschr_nl varchar(60) utf8_general_ci 13 a_omschr_fr varchar(60) utf8_general_cithese are some lines from my CSV file 16158|-H|Factory installed heater|10|S|400|CCTV|45.0|E| 1829|Factory installed heater|Factory installed heater 16159|-IR|Factory installed IR LED ring|10|S|400|CCTV|50.0|E| 1829|Factory installed IR LED ring|Factory installed IR LED ring 9001|00-SBN2|Smoke box niet geaspireerd,230VAC|10|S|267|BRAND|1587.03|D| 642|Smoke box niet geaspireerd,230VAC|Smoke box pas aspiré,230VCA 9003|00-TP1|Telescopische verlengstok voor Smoke box,2,4-4,6m|10|S|267|BRAND|644.09000000000003|D| 642|Telescopische verlengstok voor Smoke box,2,4-4,6m|Rallonge téléscopique pour Smoke box,2,4-4,6m 9004|00-TP2|Telescopische verlengstok voor Smoke box,2,4-9,2m|10|S|267|BRAND|944.64999999999998|D| 642|Telescopische verlengstok voor Smoke box,2,4-9,2m|Rallonge téléscopique pour Smoke box,2,4-9,2m 12161|001-0081|Thermistor probe,rood, high temp. 0-+150°C|10|S|52|INBRAAK|136.91|D| 1731|Thermistor probe,rood, high temp. 0-+150°C|Sonde température,rouge,high temp. 0-+150°CHere you have the code for the import: $upload_article_query = "LOAD DATA INFILE 'ARTIKELS.CSV' INTO TABLE artikelen FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' LINES TERMINATED BY '\\r\\n' (a_lobecoid, a_code, a_omschint, a_beveiligingniv, a_type, a_assortiment, a_discipline, a_brutoprijs, a_status, a_levcode, a_omschr_nl, a_omschr_fr)"; $upload_article_stmt = $dbh->prepare($upload_article_query); $upload_article_stmt->execute();If i use the code then in the MYSQL table the first line is filled in but where the second line has to start it just writes it into the last column and doesn't start a new line. Also if i edit that first line it shows a lot of "?" (questionmarks) into a window symbol. Anyone has an idea what i am doing wrong? In attachment some printscreens of my table after the insert. Apologies for the Dutch language. Thanks in advance Attached Files pic1.jpg 6.13KB 0 downloads pic2.jpg 37.9KB 0 downloads Hi everyone, I am currently making a page for a friend to upload a bunch of photos at a time. I was quite pleased that after a bit of googling and trial and error, I figured out how to do this so that multiple records could be added to my table with one submit button. However, my form has 10 browse iconcs. A few tests have revealed that my problem is that if only one picture is uploaded, I still get 9 entries in my database, which I don't want. My question is how can I alter the code so that a row is only populated in the database if an image is uploaded. I guess something that sort of says : if($imgx!="") { populate that row in the table } else { don't } ...and the same for $imgx002 through to $imgx010 The current query is below. Any pointers are much appreciated. Code: [Select] $query = "INSERT INTO photo_uploads (date, photo_name)" . "VALUES (NOW(), '$imgx'), (NOW(), '$imgx002'), (NOW(), '$imgx003'), (NOW(), '$imgx004'), (NOW(), '$imgx005'), (NOW(), '$imgx006'), (NOW(), '$imgx007'), (NOW(), '$imgx008'), (NOW(), '$imgx009'), (NOW(), '$imgx010')"; Hi all,
I'm working on a project involving an orders set of APIs, and having trouble coming up with the best logic to handle this - with the smallest amount of overhead and client facing slowness. Here's the jist of what I'm looking at...
There are 21 API methods to pull different types of orders, and each of them handle paging by requesting a number of records (10 - 500), and a page number. So I could say in my URI, "page-no=1&no-of-records=50", followed by "page-no=2&no-of-records=50", to get subsequent records. The API will return in each call the total records returned as well as the total records in their database.
Now, I want to insert all of this into my database, and so that means something like 21 APIs * 3 SQL requests each = 63 sql queries (check it exists, if so update - else insert).
This seems to me like way too much work for a client facing application. Any suggestions?
Hi Guys Just need some advice to go in the right direction. I'm working on a csv upload script (part of a bigger thing i'm building), so i read in the csv to a multipdimensional array and then build a query that inputs all rows in one query - i read this is the most efficient way to import multiple rows of data at once(rather than multiple insert statements). Just for illustration here's the code i use to build the query so you understand what i'm on about: Code: [Select] $sql = "INSERT INTO teams (company, teamname, teamnum, amountraised, country, president) VALUES "; // $rows is a count of the rows in the csv for($i=1; $i<$rows; $i++){ $sql.="('{$myarray[$i][0]}','{$myarray[$i][1]}','{$myarray[$i][2]}','{$myarray[$i][3]}','{$myarray[$i][4]}','{$myarray[$i][5]}')"; echo $i . "<br/>"; if($i >= 1 && $i < $rows - 1) { $sql.= ","; } } Anyway, the issue is that one of the fields("teamnum") needs to be unique - so i've set this as unique on the table in mysql. But when i run my query it doesn't import anything if one of the records isn't unique. What i really want is for it to import the ones it can and catch the ones it cant import to present to the user. So my question is - to acheive the above would i need to rewrite the query so that it inserts each row one at a time, instead of all together? Or can someone point me in the right direction for a better solution? Probably something very simple i've missed i am sure... Thanks chaps! Hi friends i need a small help in importing csv files into mySQL database table i tried all possible options but i am no where... here is the example for what i am trying to do Mysql DB name = raw Table name is = dump +--------------------+--------------------+ + Account + Bal + +--------------------+--------------------+ + + + +--------------------+--------------------+ CSV Format 50************13, 11095 When they upload the file it should automatically get inserted into appropriate fields any help would be great i tried all possible scripts found in the net could nothing is happening I am getting this error: Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/content/20/8917120/html/goldenfruit/test.php on line 11 for this code: <?php $connect = mysql_connect('DB credentials removed'); if (!$connect) { die('Could not connect: ' .mysql_error()); } $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM fruits"); $row = mysql_fetch_row($data); echo $row[0]; echo hello; ?> I cannot seem to find the error in this. Can anyone help? Hello, can anybody tell me whats wrong with my code: function check_login($uname, $pwd){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE uname=$uname"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die('Error, Load query failed: ' . mysql_error()); $data = array(); while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $data[] = $row; } return $data; } $chk = check_login("test", "test1"); foreach($chk as $row){ echo $row['uname']; echo " = "; echo $row['pass']; echo "<BR>"; } when i run this i get: Quote Error, Load query failed: Unknown column 'test' in 'where clause' hey guys; Another problem with sql. Code: [Select] { echo "Welcome " . $row['username']; echo "<br />"; echo "<br />"; echo "<br />"; $msgquery = "SELECT * FROM spotty_messages WHERE (id_receiver = '" . $userid . "') AND message_read = '0'"; $messageres = mysql_query($msgquery); $messrow = mysql_fetch_array($messageres); $messagenum = mysql_num_rows($messageres); } $i = 0; while ($i < $messagenum) { $f1 = "From:" . mysql_result($messrow,$i,"sender"); echo " <tr> <td>" . $f1 ."</font></td> " ; $i++; } This is returning the error : Warning: mysql_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /customers/ on line 106 Please help, thanks! You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Number LIKE '%TEST%' OR Name LIKE '%TEST%'' at line 1 Is the error message i get... Here is my code... <?php $search=$_POST['searchform']; if(!$search) die('Please enter a search'); //connect to the database $db=mysql_connect ("xxxxxx", "xxxx", "xxxx") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error()); //-select the database to use $mydb=mysql_select_db("wadkin"); //-query the database table $sql="SELECT ID, Stock Number, Name FROM Contacts WHERE Stock Number LIKE '%" . $search . "%' OR Name LIKE '%" . $search ."%'"; //-run the query against the mysql query function $result=mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error()); //-create while loop and loop through result set while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $Stock =$row['Stock Number']; $Name=$row['Name']; $ID=$row['ID']; //-display the result of the array echo "<ul>\n"; echo "<li>" . "<a href=\"search.php?id=$ID\">" .$Stock . " " . $Name . "</a></li>\n"; echo "</ul>"; } ?> Can someone correct for me please????!!!!! Code: [Select] $con=mysql_connect("****","****","****"); mysql_select_db("****"); $queryuser=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name='$name'"); $checkuser=mysql_num_rows($queryuser); if($checkuser != 0) { $error = $name." is already in the database. <br /> <a href='****'>Return</a>"; $errortype = "1";} else { /* Now we will write a query to insert user details into database */ $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (name, group, sex, grouprank) VALUES ('$name', '$group', '$sex', '$grouprank')"); if($insert) { $error = $name. "Was successfully added to the database. <br /> <a href='****'>Return</a>"; $errortype = "0";} else { $error = "Error in registration: ".mysql_error(); $errortype = "1";} /* closing the if else statements */ } echo $error; ?>Error: Code: [Select] Error in registration: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'group, sex, grouprank) VALUES ('ljkh', 'lnkb', 'female', 'lkjh')' at line 1 Please help. THanks I have a newUser function in a class (database) that attempts to input all the post data from a registration (after it validates it all of course). Here is my function: Code: [Select] public function newUser($properties, $validated, $userLevel, $validationCode) { $qualityControl = new QualityControl; $properties = $this->escapeString($_POST); $properties['password'] = $qualityControl->encryptData($properties['password']); $time = gmmktime(); $query = "INSERT INTO 'TABLE_NAME' (handle, email, userLevel, password, banned, dateJoined, validated, validtionCode) VALUES ('$properties[username]','$properties[email]','$userLevel','$properties[password]',0,'$time','$validated','$validationCode')"; return mysql_query($query, $this->connection); } I am getting an error in that my query is not inserting, no errors come up with mysql_error if I toss that in after the query and this function appears to run fine as it returns and the rest of the script is run. I have a feeling it has to do with either my sql syntax or the escapeString function. Escape string is a function that is "supposed" to escape a string passed to it or iterate through an entire array it is passed, here is the code for it: Code: [Select] private function escapeString($data) { if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as &$value) $value = mysql_real_escape_string($value); return $data; } return mysql_real_escape_string($data); } If there error isn't in either of these two areas, it might be the encryptData function? All it is doing is md5ing + salting the password and returning the result. Here is that function if you need it: Code: [Select] return md5(SALT.$data); Very simple, I don't think the error is there. The globals I'm using are all defined correctly so that shouldn't be a problem either. I've been looking at it for the past hour and can't figure out why my stuff won't get into the database. Oh, here's the beginning of the database class that opens the database and such, I'm not getting any errors from it. Code: [Select] class Database { var $connection; public function __construct() { $qualityControl = new QualityControl; $this->connection = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error()); } Thank you for any help! Also, please excuse some of the sloppiness like the error handling not being graceful, etc, I usually pretty that stuff up after I'm done with the script. -Adam |