PHP - Where To Place Password Files?
I'm getting my feet wet with PHP and databases. I've read that I can provide the login for a database in a separate file, which I can place in a directory located OUTSIDE of my site (parent folder). This works fine at the isp where my site is being hosted. However, now I want to do the same thing at a site that is hosted at (ugh) GoDaddy. Unfortunately, GoDaddy does not allow access outside of the site (aka parent folder of the site). So now where am I supposed to put the file with the database login info in it so it will be secure? Thank you. Similar TutorialsHello PhP Freaks forum In the past weeks ive been trying to make a website, where you can register. Everything seems to work except my cherished Change password feature. Everytime you try to change the password, it just resets it to nothing. Here is the code below. <?php if(isset($_SESSION['username'])) { $username = $_SESSION['username']; $lastname = $_SESSION['lastname']; $firstname = $_SESSION['firstname']; $email = $_SESSION['email']; echo " <h4>Options for:</h4> $username <br /> <br /> First name: $firstname <br />Last name: $lastname <br /><br /><h3>Want to change your password:</h3><br /> <form action='?do=option' method='post'> Old password <input type='password' placeholder='Has to be between 5-15 digits' name='password' size='30' value='' /><br /> <br /> New Password<input type='password' placeholder='Has to be between 5-15 digits' name='newpass' size='30' value='' /><br /> <br /> Confirm new password <input type='password' placeholder='Has to be between 5-15 digits' name='passconf' size='30' value='' /><br /> <center></div><input type='submit' value='Submit'/></center></form>"; }else{ echo 'Please login to view your options!'; } $password = $_REQUEST['password']; $pass_conf = $_REQUEST['newpass']; $email = $_REQUEST['passconf']; $connect = mysql_connect("Host", "User", "Password"); if(!$connect){ die(mysql_error()); } //Selecting database $select_db = mysql_select_db("My Database", $connect); if(!$select_db){ die(mysql_error()); } //Find if entered data is correct $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username' AND password='$password'"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $id = $row['id']; mysql_query("UPDATE users SET password='$newpass' WHERE username='$user'") ?> And i do know that i dont have a if(Empty($newpass)){ Die(Please fill out the new password) } Or any security on the others, but the problem just seems that it resets the password into nothing Hope i can get this fixed Best Regards William Pfaffe <?php
require_once('upper.php'); require_once('database.php'); echo $error_msg=''; if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $LoginId=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['LoginId'])); $Password1=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['Password1'])); $Password2=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['Password2'])); $Name=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['Name'])); $Age=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['Age'])); $BloodGroup=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['BloodGroup'])); if(!isset($_POST['Sex'])) { echo 'Please enter Sex<br>'; } else{ $Sex= mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['Sex'])); } $Qualification=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['Qualification'])); $ContactNumber=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['ContactNumber'])); $Email=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['Email'])); $Address=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['Address'])); $AboutYourself=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['AboutYourself'])); //$countCheck=count($_POST['checkbox']); //echo $countCheck; //$checkbox=$_POST['checkbox']; //$countCheck=count($checkbox); if(empty($LoginId)){echo 'Please enter Login Id';} elseif(empty($Password1)){echo 'Please enter Password';} elseif(empty($Password2)){echo 'Please confirm Password';} elseif($Password1!==$Password2){echo 'Password didn\'t match';} elseif(empty($Name)){echo 'Please enter Name';} elseif(empty($Age)){echo 'Please enter Age';} elseif(!isset($_POST['Sex'])){} elseif(empty($Qualification)){echo 'Please enter Qualification';} elseif(empty($ContactNumber)){echo 'Please enter Contact Number';} elseif(empty($Email)){echo 'Please enter Email';} elseif(empty($Address)){echo 'Please enter Address';} elseif(empty($AboutYourself)){echo 'Please enter About Yourself';} elseif(!isset($_POST['checkbox'])){ echo 'You have to register at least one activity.';} elseif(!isset($_POST['TermsAndConditions'])){ echo 'You have to agree all Terms and Conditions of Elite Brigade.';} else { require_once('database.php'); $query="select * from registration where LoginId='$LoginId'"; $result=mysqli_query($dbc,$query); if(mysqli_num_rows($result)==0) { $checkbox=$_POST['checkbox']; $countCheck=count($_POST['checkbox']); $reg_id=' '; for($i=0;$i<$countCheck;$i++) { $reg_id=$reg_id.$checkbox[$i].','; $query="insert into activity_participation (LoginId,Title,Date) values ('$LoginId','$checkbox[$i]',CURDATE())"; $result=mysqli_query($dbc,$query) or die("Not Connected"); } $query="insert into registration (LoginId,Password,Name,Age,BloodGroup,Sex,Qualification,ContactNumber,Email,Address,AboutYourself,Activity)values ('$LoginId'[B],SHA('$Password1'),[/B]'$Name','$Age','$BloodGroup','$Sex','$Qualification','$ContactNumber','$Email','$Address','$AboutYourself',',$reg_id')"; $result=mysqli_query($dbc,$query) or die("Not Connect"); echo ' Dear '.$Name.'.<br>Your request has been mailed to admin.<br>Your account is waiting for approval<br>'; $from= 'Elite Brigade'; $to=''; $subject='New User Registration'; $message="Dear admin,\n\nA new user request for registration. Please check it out.\n\nRegards\nMicro"; mail($to,$subject,$message,'From:'.$from); //header('Location: index.php'); // header('Location: Registration.php'); } else { echo 'Dear '.$Name. ', <br> An account already exist with login-id<b> '.$LoginId.'</b> <br>Please try another login-id'; }} } ?> <html> <head> <script src="jquery-latest.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-validate.js"></script> <style type="text/css"> * { font-family: Verdana; } label.error { color: white; padding-left: .5em; } p { clear: both; } .submit { margin-left: 12em; } em { font-weight: bold; padding-right: 1em; vertical-align: top; } </style> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#commentForm").validate(); }); </script> </head> <body> <?php echo $error_msg; ?> <form action='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>' id="commentForm" method='post'> <div class="registration_and_activity"> <table border="0" width="380"> <tr><td colspan="2"> <h3>New User?</h3></td></tr> <tr><td width="120"> <em>*</em>Enter Login id</td><td width="150"><input type='text' name='LoginId' minlength="4" value='<?php if(!empty($LoginId))echo $LoginId;?>' /></td></tr> <tr><td> <em>*</em>Enter Password</td> <td><head> <div id="divMayus" style="visibility:hidden">Caps Lock is on.</div> <SCRIPT language=Javascript> function capLock(e){ kc = e.keyCode?e.keyCode:e.which; sk = e.shiftKey?e.shiftKey:((kc == 16)?true:false); if(((kc >= 65 && kc <= 90) && !sk)||((kc >= 97 && kc <= 122) && sk)) document.getElementById('divMayus').style.visibility = 'visible'; else document.getElementById('divMayus').style.visibility = 'hidden'; } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <input onkeypress='return capLock(event)' type='password' name='Password1' value='<?php if(!empty($Password1))echo $Password1;?>' /></td></tr> <tr><td> <em>*</em>Confirm Password</td><td><input type='password' name='Password2' value='<?php if(!empty($Password2))echo $Password2;?>' /></td></tr> <tr><td width="120"> <em>*</em>Enter Name</td> <td><input type='text' name='Name' value='<?php if(!empty($Name))echo $Name;?>' /></td></tr> <tr><td> <em>*</em>Enter Age</td><HEAD> <SCRIPT language=Javascript> function isNumberKey(evt) { var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57)) return false; return true; } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <td><INPUT onkeypress='return isNumberKey(event)' type='text' name='Age' value='<?php if(!empty($Age))echo $Age;?>'/></td></tr> <tr><td> <em>*</em>Enter Blood</td><td><input type='text' name='BloodGroup' value='<?php if(!empty($BloodGroup))echo $BloodGroup;?>' /></td></tr> <tr><td> <em>*</em>Enter Sex</td><td><input type='radio' name='Sex' style='width:16px; border:0;' 'value='Male' />Male <input type='radio' name='Sex' style='width:16px; border:0;' 'value='Female' />Female</td></tr> <tr><td> <em>*</em>Enter Qualification</td><td><input type='text' name='Qualification' value='<?php if(!empty($Qualification))echo $Qualification;?>' /></td></tr> <tr><td> <em>*</em>Contact Number </td><td><input onkeypress='return isNumberKey(event)'type='text' name='ContactNumber' value='<?php if(!empty($ContactNumber))echo $ContactNumber;?>' /></td></tr> <tr><td> <em>*</em>Enter Email</td><td><input type='text' name='Email'class="email" value='<?php if(!empty($Email))echo $Email;?>' /></td></tr> <tr><td> <em>*</em>Enter Address</td><td><input type='text' name='Address' value='<?php if(!empty($Address))echo $Address;?>' /></td></tr> <tr ><td > <em>*</em>About Yourself </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><textarea rows='10' cols='40' name='AboutYourself' /><?php if(!empty($Address))echo $Address;?></textarea></td></tr> <tr><td> <?php echo" <tr><td colspan='2'><em>*</em><b>Select fields for which you want to register</b></td></tr>"; require_once('database.php'); $query="select * from activity"; $result=mysqli_query($dbc,$query); while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($result)){ $Title=$row['Title']; $ActivityId=$row['ActivityId']; echo "<tr><td>$Title</td>"; echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='checkbox[]' value='$Title' style='width:14px; text-align:right;'/></td></tr>";//value=$ActivityId tells ActivityId variable extracts with name="checkbox" echo "<br/>"; } echo "<td><em>*</em><input type='checkbox' name='TermsAndConditions' style='width:14px; text-align:right;'/></td><td> I agree all <a href='TermsAndConditions.php'>Terms and conditions </a>of Elite Brigade</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td colspan='2' align='center'><input type='submit' value='Register' name='submit' style='background:url(./images/button_img2.png) no-repeat 10px 0px; width:100px; padding:3px 0 10px 0; color:#FEFBC4; border:0;'/></td></tr><br>"; echo " </td></tr></table> </div> </form> </body> </html>"; require_once('lower.php'); ?> Hi Friends .... I encrypt user password by SHA('$Password') method but now i want to add "Forget Password Module" for which I need to decrypt it first before tell my user but I don't Know how to decrypt it. Please help me........ This topic has been moved to Application Design. Hello I have a simple question about file handling... Is it possible to list all files in directories / subdirectories, and then read ALL files in those dirs, and put the content of their file into an array? Like this: array: [SomePath/test.php] = "All In this php file is being read by a new smart function!"; [SomePath/Weird/hello.txt = "Hello world. This is me and im just trying to get some help!";and so on, until no further files exists in that rootdir. All my attempts went totally crazy and none of them works... therefore i need to ask you for help. Do you have any ideas how to do this? If so, how can I be able to do it? Thanks in Advance, pros So far I have managed to create an upload process which uploads a picture, updates the database on file location and then tries to upload the db a 2nd time to update the Thumbnails file location (i tried updating the thumbnails location in one go and for some reason this causes failure) But the main problem is that it doesn't upload some files Here is my upload.php <?php include 'dbconnect.php'; $statusMsg = ''; $Title = $conn -> real_escape_string($_POST['Title']) ; $BodyText = $conn -> real_escape_string($_POST['ThreadBody']) ; // File upload path $targetDir = "upload/"; $fileName = basename($_FILES["file"]["name"]); $targetFilePath = $targetDir . $fileName; $fileType = pathinfo($targetFilePath,PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $Thumbnail = "upload/Thumbnails/'$fileName'"; if(isset($_POST["submit"]) && !empty($_FILES["file"]["name"])){ // Allow certain file formats $allowTypes = array('jpg','png','jpeg','gif','pdf', "webm", "mp4"); if(in_array($fileType, $allowTypes)){ // Upload file to server if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $targetFilePath)){ // Insert image file name into database $insert = $conn->query("INSERT into Threads (Title, ThreadBody, filename) VALUES ('$Title', '$BodyText', '$fileName')"); if($insert){ $statusMsg = "The file ".$fileName. " has been uploaded successfully."; $targetFilePathArg = escapeshellarg($targetFilePath); $output=null; $retval=null; //exec("convert $targetFilePathArg -resize 300x200 ./upload/Thumbnails/'$fileName'", $output, $retval); exec("convert $targetFilePathArg -resize 200x200 $Thumbnail", $output, $retval); echo "REturned with status $retval and output:\n" ; if ($retval == null) { echo "Retval is null\n" ; echo "Thumbnail equals $Thumbnail\n" ; } }else{ $statusMsg = "File upload failed, please try again."; } }else{ $statusMsg = "Sorry, there was an error uploading your file."; } }else{ $statusMsg = 'Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, mp4, webm & PDF files are allowed to upload.'; } }else{ $statusMsg = 'Please select a file to upload.'; } //Update SQL db by setting the thumbnail column to equal $Thumbnail $update = $conn->query("update Threads set thumbnail = '$Thumbnail' where filename = '$fileName'"); if($update){ $statusMsg = "Updated the thumbnail to sql correctly."; echo $statusMsg ; } else { echo "\n Failed to update Thumbnail. Thumbnail equals $Thumbnail" ; } // Display status message echo $statusMsg; ?> And this does work on most files however it is not working on a 9.9mb png file which is named "test.png" I tested on another 3.3 mb gif file and that failed too? For some reason it returns the following Updated the thumbnail to sql correctly.Updated the thumbnail to sql correctly. Whereas on the files it works on it returns REturned with status 0 and output: Retval is null Thumbnail equals upload/Thumbnails/'rainbow-trh-stache.gif' Failed to update Thumbnail. Thumbnail equals upload/Thumbnails/'rainbow-trh-stache.gif'The file rainbow-trh-stache.gif has been uploaded successfully. Any idea on why this is? I am using WPSQT plugin in my blog site .I code some files in PHP to add that files in plugin files.
Hi guys, I can't find any code to help me out with this so I was hoping you guys can. I need some PHP jquery/AJAX code that allows me to do the following: Double click a disabled text box, edit the value and on click out (or whatever) it re-disables and makes the chages in the mysql DB automatically. Hope you guys can help me out. Cheers in advance I have gleaned a script from modified bits of tutorials and ended up with this: <td> <form name="input" action="fotw.php" method="post"> <h4>Want a specific film? <input type="text" width="300" name="requests" /> <input type="submit" value="Request" /><input type="hidden" name="thanks" /></h4> </form> </td> <?php $requests = $_POST['requests']; $data = "$requests\n"; $fh = fopen("../filmoftheweek/users.txt", "a"); fwrite($fh, $data); fclose($fh); /*if (???????? HELP!);*/ // request button has been clicked echo "Thanks, I'll see what I can do."; // In the field I have highlighted in red ?> What I want to do is get the Thanks message to print to the right of the request button but, being a total noob because I didn't pay attention at college during any php bits, I have no idea how to go about it. It's just a visual thing really as I know the text file gets written but, disappearing text does little to reassure the user that something has happened. Probably the field won't be any good as a place to get printed but I tried (for hours) on this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Along with an explanation, doubly so. Many thanks in advance, Paul Note to moderators: CSS is an acronym for Cascading Style..? Sheet/sheets [attachment deleted by admin] I currently have a Javascript placed at the top of the same file as my HTML form. Now I need to run the file as PHP, and was wondering what the proper protocol and best practice is for the JavaScript (which does some client side validation). Can I leave it as is, at the top of the file after changing the extention to PHP. If I put it in a seperate file, should I call it as a JavaScript or as an INCLUDE file. If I INCLUDE it, should the INCLUDE be a PHP file (that contains the JS, or a JS extention. Does any of this make a difference, or will any method work, leaving it to personal preference? Hi all, I could do with some help ... What I am trying to do is insert some additional div in the piece of code you will see below, but I've been having some troubles as to what stntax I should be using and where to place those div ... In order to help you help me, I suggest you have a look at this page , make a search with country "sweden" as "return trip" . From there you will see 2 results. This is the page I am trying to layout. Basically, the image is on the left and then I would like to have a div floated on the left that will contain the services (multilingual driver , greeting sign etc ), another div with the info seen in bold (passengers =1, charges are per vehicle) and a last div with all pricing info. My issue is that I don't really know how to break this piece of php code to achieve the desire effect ... I hope someone will be kind enough to help me with this. Code: [Select] function get_tours($type,$country,$airport_start,$city_start,$psg,$way){ $mysql=new MYSQL; $q="select * from tours where tour_country ='$country' and tour_airport='$airport_start'and tour_city='$city_start' and tour_standard='$type' and veh_seats >='$psg'"; $res=mysql_query($q,$mysql->connection); if(mysql_num_rows($res)>0){ while($r=mysql_fetch_array($res)){echo'<form id="booking_2" action="booking-form.php" method="post">'; echo'<div class="search-results spacing-bot" ><figure class="img-indent"> <a class="lightbox-image" href="'.SITE.$r['tour_vehicle_picture'].'" data-gal="prettyPhoto[gallery1]"><img src="'.SITE.$r['tour_vehicle_picture'].'" width="188" height="138" alt=""></a></figure> <div class="search-results-info">'; #THIS IS WHERE THE SERVICE LIST BEGINS ########################################### $tour_id=$r['tour_id']; $serv="select * from services_to_tour where tour_id='$tour_id'"; $re=mysql_query($serv,$mysql->connection); while($ro=mysql_fetch_array($re)){ $serv_id=$ro['serv_id']; $this->get_serv($serv_id); } #THIS IS WHERE THE SERVICE LIST ENDS I GUESS AND THAT I WOULD LIKE TO BE IN ITS OWN DIV ########################################### #FROM HERE I AM GETTING A BIT CONFUSED WITH THE PHP AND HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO STYLE IT !!!########################################### $crg_by=$r['tour_price_per']; if($crg_by=='per vehicle'){ $crg='per vehicle'; $tour_price= $r['tour_price'] ; $tour_r=$r['tour_price_return']; $total=$r['tour_price'] + $r['tour_price_return'] ; $total_i=$r['tour_price']; $total_b=$r['tour_price_return']; } elseif($crg_by=='per person'){ $crg='per passenger';$total_i=$r['tour_price'] * $psg; $tour_price= $r['tour_price'] * $psg; $tour_r=$r['tour_price_return']* $psg; $total= $tour_price + $tour_price; } if($way=='Return'){$price='Collection: '.$tour_price.' Euros<br />Return: '.$tour_r.' Euros'; $total=$total; $amount=$total;$percent='15'; $online=$this->get_percent($amount,$percent); $pr=$online;$total='<br />Total Price: '.$total.' Euros<br />Payable online: '.$online.' Euros'; } else{$amount=$tour_price;$percent='15'; $online=$this->get_percent($amount,$percent); $price='Price: '.$tour_price.' Euros<br />Payable online: '.$online.' Euros';$total='';$pr=$r['tour_price']; $pr=$online; } echo'<span class="p1"><strong>Passengers:</strong></span> '.$psg.'<br /><span class="p1"><strong>Charges are by '.$crg.'</strong></span><br /><span class="p1"><strong>Price </strong></span><br />'.$price.$total.'<input type="hidden" name="tour_id" value="'.$tour_id.'" /> <input type="hidden" name="way" value="'.$way.'" /><input type="hidden" name="psg" value="'.$psg.'" /><input type="hidden" name="price" value="'.$pr.'" /><input type="hidden" name="price_in" value="'.$total_i.'" /><input type="hidden" name="price_out" value="'.$total_b.'" /><input type="hidden" name="operator" value="'.$r['operator_id'].'" /><a onClick="document.getElementById(\'booking_2\').submit()" class="button" style="float:right"><strong><strong>book this transfer</strong></strong></a></form> </div> <div class="border-bot"></div> </div>'; } } else{echo'<p>Sorry your search returned no results.</p>';} } I have a membership directory that I've been working with for a long time, and recent server upgrades with MySQL, PHP, etc. forced me to do some recoding. While I was doing that, I wanted to try and make some improvements. I must give a brief description of the intent, and then the results I got, so someone can sort out the problem for me. I have a query that selects all "Agent" members, then orders them by County, then by Company Name. What I am trying to do is create a new heading in my list every time the County information changes as the list is sorted and output to my table.
I am going to attache 2 .php files with my code. The agent_member_list.php is the original code that pulls all of the members properly, and results can be viewed he
The agent2_member_list.php is where I'm trying to insert the new conditional statement to print my County headings when a new County is encountered in the results. The heading actually works, and changes correctly, but the problem is that the first member entry in every county is not printed in the output. I know the query is correct, so I'm sure I've got the conditional "if" for checking County field wrong, or misplaced. Here is the link to it:
I'm hoping someone can spot my error pretty quickly, I only dabble in this very rarely. Thanks for any help!
Attached Files
agent2_member_list.php 5.06KB
agent_member_list.php 4.82KB
2 downloads Greetings once again, My script retrieves variables from a database and pre-populates a form: Code: [Select] <input type="text"" name="First" value="<?php echo stripslashes($row['First']); ?>" > Simple to do with text fields, but not as simple for checkboxes: Code: [Select] <input type="checkbox" name="Subject" size="27" value="Math" checked> In the past I've used JavaScript to place a check in a checkbox, based on the value in the database. Can anyone show me a simple way to use PHP to place the check if the variable found in the database is in fact "Math"; but leave it it unchecked if the Subject value is empty? As always, thank you! ~Wayne I need a way to find numbers 0000-9999 where no number has more than 2 digits in the same place in common. I know PHP but this is a little beyond me, can anyone help? I want to create many PDF pages by using a PDF document template that uses place holders
The data would come from a CSV file
I've looked into a solution for the above for a couple of years now!
I haven't found anything that would do the trick for me
It seems as though PDF and PHP don't go well - especially if I want to use a template with place holders
Just looking for suggestions
EDIT: forget PDF... is it possible to use something else? Like a Word doc??
Edited by OM2, 05 June 2014 - 09:07 PM. What would be the best way to break the following html into a table <div class="highlight">Name: CHRISTOPHER</div> <table summary="This table contains status information for the selected name."> <caption>Selected name status Information</caption> <tr> <th>Current Name:</th> <td>CHRISTOPHER</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Initial Filing Date:</th> <td>DECEMBER 15, 1997</td> </tr> <tr> <th>County:</th> <td>NEW YORK</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Jurisdiction:</th> <td>NEW YORK</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Type:</th> <td>Full Member</td> </tr> Would pregmatch or COMDocument be easier? Hiya peeps! I have this code; if(preg_match('([0-9]{5})', $this->_searchString)) { echo '5 characters, numbers only.'; } elseif(preg_match('([0-9]{7})', $this->_searchString)) { echo '7 characters, numbers only.'; } The 7 characters are not working for some reason, I have used this preg_match regex all over my script and it's working everywhere else but with this? Can anyone see any reason why it is not working? Many thanks, James. Got this working script that sends email via a form:
$name = $_POST['name'];
} else { }
{ } ?>
Problem is, I want a bar to appear saying 'Message Sent. We Will Contact You Shortly'. I'm brand new to php and followed a tutorial for the above. It's a simple form that I understand, apart from the code needed for confirmation! Please can someone offer any assistance. Thanks in advance......
I need my code to generate the following HTML: Code: [Select] div id="wowslider-container1"> <div class="ws_images"> <span><img src="" alt="Disney's Beauty & the Beast" title="Disney's Beauty & the Beast" id="wows0" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Scared Scriptless" title="Scared Scriptless" id="wows1" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="World Cup of Wines" title="World Cup of Wines" id="wows2" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Anchorage Symphony's Out of This World" title="Anchorage Symphony's Out of This World" id="wows3" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Mike Garson" title="Mike Garson" id="wows4" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Pinkalicious!" title="Pinkalicious!" id="wows5" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Anchorage Symphony's Silent Film Double Feature" title="Anchorage Symphony's Silent Film Double Feature" id="wows6" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Rock of Ages" title="Rock of Ages" id="wows7" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Pulse Dance Company in Concert" title="Pulse Dance Company in Concert" id="wows8" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="The Christmas Music of Mannheim Steamroller" title="The Christmas Music of Mannheim Steamroller" id="wows9" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Alexander Zlatkovski" title="Alexander Zlatkovski" id="wows10" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Josh Ritter" title="Josh Ritter" id="wows11" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Gift Certificates" title="Gift Certificates" id="wows12" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="New Year's Eve Celebration" title="New Year's Eve Celebration" id="wows13" /></span> </div><div class="ws_bullets"><div> <a href="#wows0" title="Disney's Beauty & the Beast"><img src="" alt="Disney's Beauty & the Beast" />1</a> <a href="#wows1" title="Scared Scriptless"><img src="" alt="Scared Scriptless" />2</a> <a href="#wows2" title="World Cup of Wines"><img src="" alt="World Cup of Wines" />3</a> <a href="#wows3" title="Anchorage Symphony's Out of This World"><img src="" alt="Anchorage Symphony's Out of This World" />4</a> <a href="#wows4" title="Mike Garson"><img src="" alt="Mike Garson" />5</a> <a href="#wows5" title="Pinkalicious!"><img src="" alt="Pinkalicious!" />6</a> <a href="#wows6" title="Anchorage Symphony's Silent Film Double Feature"><img src="" alt="Anchorage Symphony's Silent Film Double Feature" />7</a> <a href="#wows7" title="Rock of Ages"><img src="" alt="Rock of Ages" />8</a> <a href="#wows8" title="Pulse Dance Company in Concert"><img src="" alt="Pulse Dance Company in Concert" />9</a> <a href="#wows9" title="The Christmas Music of Mannheim Steamroller"><img src="" alt="The Christmas Music of Mannheim Steamroller" />10</a> <a href="#wows10" title="Alexander Zlatkovski"><img src="" alt="Alexander Zlatkovski" />11</a> <a href="#wows11" title="Josh Ritter"><img src="" alt="Josh Ritter" />12</a> <a href="#wows12" title="Gift Certificates"><img src="" alt="Gift Certificates" />13</a> <a href="#wows13" title="New Year's Eve Celebration"><img src="" alt="New Year's Eve Celebration" />14</a> </div></div> </div> So I assumed that it would be something similar to the following: Code: [Select] while ($Row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($carouselResult)){ $EventName = $Row['EventTitle']; $image = $Row['eImage']; /* $big_image = LISTING OF ALL IMAGES */ $big_image = array('<span><img src="' . $image . '" alt="' . $EventName. '" title="' . $EventName . '" id="wows'. $i .'" /></span>'."\n"); $i2 = $i; $i = $i+1; /* $nav_image = TINY BOXES TO NAVIGATE THROUGHOUT CAROUSEL */ $nav_image = array('<a href="#wows' . $i2 . '" title="'.$EventName.'"><img src="' . $image . '" alt="' . $EventName. '" />'.$i.'</a>'."\n"); $i2 = $i2+1; } echo '<div id="wowslider-container1">'."\n".'<div class="ws_images">'."\n"; echo array($big_image); echo '</div><div class="ws_bullets"><div>'."\n"; echo array($nav_image); echo '</div></div>'."\n".'</div>'; But array($big_image) and array($nav_image) do not work as I expected and it just produces the following HTML code: Code: [Select] <div id="wowslider-container1"> <div class="ws_images"> Array</div><div class="ws_bullets"><div> Array</div></div> </div> Can anyone help out a beginner in PHP? I have this code:
<td><form action="" method="post" name="TableData" class="style5" id="TableData"> <table width="800" border="0" bordercolor="#000000" background="Assets/Tablebar.gif"> <!--DWLayoutTable--> <tr> <td width="183" height="20" align="center"><div align="center" class="style11 style1"></div></td> <td width="317" align="center"><div align="center" class="style11"><span class="style2"><?php echo $row_TableData['UserID']; ?></span></div></td> <td width="136" align="center"><div align="center" class="style11"><span class="style2"><?php echo $row_TableData['UserName']; ?></span></div></td> <td width="136" align="center"><div align="center" class="style2 style11"><span class="style11"><span class="style2"><?php echo $row_TableData['Score']; ?></span></span></div></td> <td width="103" align="center" valign="top"><span class="style2 style11"> <?php for($i = 0; $i < $row_TableData['TourWins']; $i++) { echo '<img src="Assets/Medal.gif" />'; } ?> </span></td> </tr> </table> </form> </td> The Table displays fine and it sorts fine win Highest to lowest score, I am wanting to put place numbers Like 1,2,3,4 etc in the first Colom which is in bold, but I don't know what to use. any help would be great. |