PHP - Gallery Directory Source Help Please :)
Hi Everyone, I am a noob so forgive me I tried looking this up myself But I am still confused. Basically, I am trying to use the above code to display a gallery of images from my images folder on my image site. But this free code I found below Pulls the images from the /root not a named directory where the images are stored. Would someone be kind enough to tell me how I can get the script below to pull the large images from a folder called "images" Vs the script looking for the images the root. Thanks so much in advance Code: [Select] <?php # SETTINGS $max_width = 100; $max_height = 100; function getPictureType($ext) { if ( preg_match('/jpg|jpeg/i', $ext) ) { return 'jpg'; } else if ( preg_match('/png/i', $ext) ) { return 'png'; } else if ( preg_match('/gif/i', $ext) ) { return 'gif'; } else { return ''; } } function getPictures() { global $max_width, $max_height; if ( $handle = opendir(".") ) { $lightbox = rand(); echo '<ul id="pictures">'; while ( ($file = readdir($handle)) !== false ) { if ( !is_dir($file) ) { $split = explode('.', $file); $ext = $split[count($split) - 1]; if ( ($type = getPictureType($ext)) == '' ) { continue; } if ( ! is_dir('thumbs') ) { mkdir('thumbs'); } if ( ! file_exists('thumbs/'.$file) ) { if ( $type == 'jpg' ) { $src = imagecreatefromjpeg($file); } else if ( $type == 'png' ) { $src = imagecreatefrompng($file); } else if ( $type == 'gif' ) { $src = imagecreatefromgif($file); } if ( ($oldW = imagesx($src)) < ($oldH = imagesy($src)) ) { $newW = $oldW * ($max_width / $oldH); $newH = $max_height; } else { $newW = $max_width; $newH = $oldH * ($max_height / $oldW); } $new = imagecreatetruecolor($newW, $newH); imagecopyresampled($new, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newW, $newH, $oldW, $oldH); if ( $type == 'jpg' ) { imagejpeg($new, 'thumbs/'.$file); } else if ( $type == 'png' ) { imagepng($new, 'thumbs/'.$file); } else if ( $type == 'gif' ) { imagegif($new, 'thumbs/'.$file); } imagedestroy($new); imagedestroy($src); } echo '<li><a href="'.$file.'" rel="lightbox['.$lightbox.']">'; echo '<img src="thumbs/'.$file.'" alt="" />'; echo '</a></li>'; } } echo '</ul>'; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" dir="ltr" lang="en-US"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UFT-8" /> <title>Pictures</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/lightbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <style type="text/css"> #pictures li { float:left; height:<?php echo ($max_height + 10); ?>px; list-style:none outside; width:<?php echo ($max_width + 10); ?>px; text-align:center; } img { border:0; outline:none; } </style> </head> <body> <?php getPictures(); ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/prototype.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/lightbox.js"></script> </body> </html> Similar TutorialsHello, I have this script that I am trying to work with, it works and It is a basic image viewer/Gallery and it reads from a directory, I have all my images like so 1.png, 2.png, 3.png etc. They show up just wonderful and does what I want it to do. but I cannot get it to read the directory in numeric form. Here is my code that I am working with <?php require_once("data/connect.php"); // set the absolute path to the directory containing the images define ('IMGDIR', 'birthday/'); // same but for www define ('WEBIMGDIR', 'birthday/'); // set session name for slideshow "cookie" define ('SS_SESSNAMEB', 'slideshow_sessb'); // global error variable $err = ''; // start img session session_name(SS_SESSNAMEB); session_start(); // init slideshow class $ss = new slideshow($err); if (($err = $ss->init()) != '') { header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); echo $err; exit(); } // get image files from directory $ss->get_images(); // set variables, done. list($curr, $caption, $first, $prev, $next, $last) = $ss->run(); /* slideshow class, can be used stand-alone */ class slideshow { private $files_arr = NULL; private $err = NULL; public function __construct(&$err) { $this->files_arr = array(); $this->err = $err; } public function init() { // run actions only if img array session var is empty // check if image directory exists if (!$this->dir_exists()) { return 'Error retrieving images, missing directory'; } return ''; } public function get_images() { // run actions only if img array session var is empty if (isset($_SESSION['imgarr'])) { $this->files_arr = $_SESSION['imgarr']; } else { if ($dh = opendir(IMGDIR)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) { if (preg_match('/^.*\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$/i', $file)) { $this->files_arr[] = $file; } } closedir($dh); } $_SESSION['imgarr'] = $this->files_arr; } } public function run() { $curr = 1; $last = count($this->files_arr); if (isset($_GET['img'])) { if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $_GET['img'])) $curr = (int) $_GET['img']; if ($curr <= 0 || $curr > $last) $curr = 1; } if ($curr <= 1) { $prev = $curr; $next = $curr + 1; } else if ($curr >= $last) { $prev = $last - 1; $next = $last; } else { $prev = $curr - 1; $next = $curr + 1; } // line below sets the caption name... $caption = str_replace('-', ' ', $this->files_arr[$curr - 1]); $caption = str_replace('_', ' ', $caption); $caption = preg_replace('/\.(jpe?g|gif|png)$/i', '', $caption); $caption = ucfirst($caption); return array($this->files_arr[$curr - 1], $caption, 1, $prev, $next, $last); } private function dir_exists() { return file_exists(IMGDIR); } } ?> <? // Image files array $image_files = array( ); // Array to store the images that were sorted $image_sorted = array( ); // Read the extension of the file name passed function readExtension( $file ) { $extension = substr( $file, strrpos( $file, '.' ) + 1 ); return $extension; } // This may already exist but I was in a coding frenzy. Obviously, this checks if it is an image or not function isImage( $file ) { $extension = readExtension( $file ); $valid_images = array( "gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif" ); for( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $valid_images ); $i++ ) { if( $extension == $valid_images[ $i ] ) { return true; } } } // Traverse the directory and get all the images in that folder function getImagesInFolder( $dir ) { if( $handle = opendir( $dir ) ) { while( false !== ( $file = readdir( $handle ) ) ) { if( $file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "Thumbs.db" ) { if( !( is_dir( $dir . $file ) ) ) { $file_fp = $dir . $file; if( isImage( $file_fp ) ) array_push( $GLOBALS['image_files'], $file_fp ); } } } closedir( $handle ); } } //The brunt of the post. Explained below in more detail function sortByModDate( $array_in, &$array_out ) { for( $i = 0; $i < sizeof( $array_in ); $i++ ) { $time_stamp = date("G:i:s-d-m-y", filemtime( $array_in[ $i ] ) ); $array_out[ $array_in[ $i ] ] = $time_stamp; } arsort( $array_out, SORT_STRING ); $array_out = array_keys( $array_out ); if( $array_out[ 0 ] == "0" ) array_shift( $array_out ); unset( $array_in ); } // Get the sorted file by index number. This seems a bit redundant so you can modify as you see fit. function getSortedImageByIdx( $index_num ) { sortByModDate( $GLOBALS['image_files'], $GLOBALS['image_sorted'] ); return $GLOBALS[ '{image_sorted[ $index_num ]}' ]; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>A Great Escape Spalon</title> <!-- BEGIN CSS STYLES --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/lightbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <style type="text/css"> body{margin: 0;padding: 0;font: 100% Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 14px;} div#gallery{margin: 40px auto;text-align: center;} div#gallery img{margin: 20px;} div#gallery p{color: #004694;} div#gallery{padding: 10px;margin: 0 5px;} a{color:#333;} a:hover{color:#cc0000;} a.sp{padding-right: 40px;} </style> <style type="text/css"> #main { position: relative; 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$title = str_replace("/"," ",$title); echo $title; ?> <a href="<?=WEBIMGDIR;?><?=$curr;?>" rel="lightbox"><?PHP echo getSortedImageByIdx( 0 ); ?><img src="<?=WEBIMGDIR;?><?=$curr;?>" alt="" width="448" height="350"/></a> <p>Click on the Image to get a better view! or Click <a href="<?=WEBIMGDIR;?><?=$curr;?>" rel="lightbox">Here!</a></p> <div class="pn"> <a href="?img=<?=$first;?>">First</a> | <a href="?img=<?=$prev;?>" class="sp">Previous</a><a href="?img=<?=$next;?>">Next</a> | <a href="?img=<?=$last;?>">Last</a> </div> </div> <!-- END CENTER TEXT --> </div> </div> </body> </html> What I am looking for in help is to be able to get it to show the images in order Here it is working if you click the image lightbox will pop up but if you look at the image url it will go from 1.png to 58.png etc.. I have looked and looked and tried for hours and cant seem to get my head around it.. Thank you in advance I have a very simple piece of code to create a grid based gallery. The thumbnails are loaded from a single directory and are name 1.jpg... 2.jpg... 3.jpg etc At the moment the images appear to be loaded in randomly. I want them to load in numerically in terms of their filename. I know I may need to use 'sort' or 'natsort' but where in the code? Thanks for any help you can give me Code: [Select] <? $images = "Images/Bag Thumbs/"; # Location of small versions $big = "ruxxwomens.php?id="; # Location of big versions (assumed to be a subdir of above) $cols = 4; # Number of columns to display if ($handle = opendir($images)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != rtrim($big,"/")) { $files[] = $file; } } closedir($handle); } $colCtr = 0; echo '<table width="800" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr>'; foreach($files as $file) { if($colCtr %$cols == 0) echo '</tr><tr>'; echo '<td align="center"><a href="' . $big . $file . '"><img src="' . $images . $file . '" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"></a></td>'; $colCtr++; } echo '</table>' . "\r\n"; ?> Hi guys, I've been working on a script for a while now, and I'm sure it doesn't look great and all, and it's probably really messed up.. But right now I've finally got it working! There's only 1 thing I'd really like to add.. Searching through & listing of remote directories! The directories I'm trying to list have directory listings enabled, and I think it *should* be possible. I just have no clue how. Here's my current code in a beautiful mix of HTML and PHP: <? $border_size = "0"; function returner($what) { $what=explode("/",$what); $tps=count($what); $what=$what[$tps-1]; return $what; } $page_url= ""; $home_url=returner(__FILE__); if(isset($_GET['q'])) { $qtext=$_GET['q']; } else { $qtext=""; } function getdirsize($directory, $format=FALSE) { $size = 0; if(substr($directory,-1) == '/') { $directory = substr($directory,0,-1); } if(!file_exists($directory) || !is_dir($directory) || !is_readable($directory)) { return -1; } if($handle = opendir($directory)) { while(($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { $path = $directory.'/'.$file; if($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if(is_file($path)) { $size += filesize($path); } elseif(is_dir($path)) { $handlesize = getdirsize($path); if($handlesize >= 0) { $size += $handlesize; } else { return -1; } } } } closedir($handle); } if($format == TRUE) { if($size / 1048576 > 1) { return round($size / 1048576, 1).' MB'; } elseif($size / 1024 > 1) { return round($size / 1024, 1).' KB'; } else { return round($size, 1).' bytes'; } } else { return $size; } } if(isset($_GET['type'])){ $type=$_GET['type']; } else { $type="new"; } $textures=0; $models=0; $avatars=0; $seqs=0; $sounds=0; foreach (glob("textures/*.jpg") as $texture){ $textures++; } foreach (glob("models/*.zip") as $model){ $models++; } foreach (glob("avatars/*.zip") as $avatar){ $avatars++; } foreach (glob("seqs/*.zip") as $seq){ $seqs++; } foreach (glob("sounds/*.zip") as $sound){ $sounds++; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>ObjectPath Search</title> <style type="text/css"> #wrapper { width: 850px; margin: 30px auto 30px auto; padding: 10px; } body { color:#C6C6C6; background:#1E1E1E; /* margin:0; padding:0; */ overflow-x:hidden; } #tabs { font: 85% "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .left { float: left; } .right { float: right; } a:link, a:visited, a:active { color: #3DB015; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { color: #00E0FF; } h2 { color: #3DB015; padding-bottom: 0.2em; font-size: 110%; } ul#icon {margin: 0; padding: 0;} ul#icon li {margin: 1px; position: relative; padding: 1px 0; cursor: pointer; float: left; list-style: none;} ul#icon span.ui-icon {float: left; margin: 0 1px;} </style> <link type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function formHandler(form){ var URL =[].value; window.location.href = URL; }; $(function(){ // Tabs $('#tabs').tabs(); }); </script> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="tabs"> <!-- Tabs start --> <ul> <li><a href="#tab-search">Search</a></li> <li><a href="#tab-list">List Objects</a></li> <li><a href="#tab-info">OP info</a></li> </ul> <div id="tab-search"><!-- Searchtab start --> Please enter a string to search for, and choose a folder to search in. <br /><br /> <form name="Search"> <input type='hidden' value='search' name='type'> <input value='<? print $qtext; ?>' type='text' name='q'> <select name='map'> <option selected='selected' value='models'>Models</option> <option value='avatars'>Avatars</option> <option value='textures'>Textures</option> <option value='seqs'>Seqs</option> <option value='sounds'>Sounds</option></select> <input type='submit' value='Search'> </form> </div> <!-- Searchtab end --> <div id="tab-list"><!-- Listtab start --> Please pick a folder to browse. <br /><br /> <form name="form"> <select name="site" onChange="javascript:formHandler()"> <option value="#">Look in folder...</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=models">Models</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=avatars">Avatars</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=textures">Textures</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=seqs">Seqs</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=sounds">Sounds</option> </select> </form> </div> <!-- Listtab end --> <div id="tab-info"><!-- Info tab start --> The OP currently contains: <br /><br /> <table> <tr><td><b><? echo $models; ?></b></td> <td>Models</td></tr> <tr><td><b><? echo $avatars; ?></b></td> <td>Avatars</td></tr> <tr><td><b><? echo $textures; ?></b></td> <td>Textures</td></tr> <tr><td><b><? echo $seqs; ?></b></td> <td>Seqs</td></tr> <tr><td><b><? echo $sounds; ?></b></td> <td>Sounds</td></tr> </table> </div> <!-- Info tab end --> </div> <!-- Tabs end --> </div> <!-- Start PHP generated content --> <? if($type=="search" || $type=="list") { $M=$_GET['map']; if($type=="search") { $Q=$_GET['q']; $empty="Nothing found with <b>\"" . $Q . "\"</b> in it's name.<br />\nPlease make a more general search query, or try a different folder.\n\n"; } else { $Q=""; $empty='This folder is empty'; } if($M=="textures") { $ext="jpg"; } else { $ext="zip"; } $i=0; print "<hr>\n"; $endfile=array(); $endsize=array(); $endsize2=array(); foreach (glob($M."/*".$Q."*.".$ext) as $filename) { $filename = explode(".", $filename); $filename=$filename[0]; $filename = explode("/", $filename); $filename=$filename[1]; $i++; $endfile[$i]=$filename; if($ext=="jpg") { $endfile[$i]="<a name='".$endfile[$i]."' href='".$pageurl."?type=view&name=".$endfile[$i]."&folder=".$M."&from=".$type."&addon=".$Q."'>".$endfile[$i]."</a>"; } $endsize[$i]=$size; $endsize2[$i]=$size2; } if($i != 1) { print "<b>".$i."</b> items were found.\n<hr>\n"; } else { print "<b>".$i."</b> item was found.\n<hr>\n"; } echo("<table width='100%' border='" . $border_size . "' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' >\n"); if($i!=0) { for ($t = 1; $t < $i; $t++) { $thumbfile = $M."/".$endfile[$t].'.jpg'; if(file_exists($thumbfile)) { $thumbnail = "<a name='".$endfile[$t]."' href='".$page_url."?type=view&name=".$endfile[$t]."&folder=".$M."&from=".$type."&addon=".$Q."'><ul id='icon'><li class='ui-state-default ui-corner-all' title='".$endfile[$t]."'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-image'></span></li></ul></a>"; } else { $thumbnail = ""; } if($t=="1") { echo("<tr><td width='10%'>Number</td><td width='3%'><ul id='icon'><li class='ui-state-default ui-corner-all' title='".$endfile[$t]."'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-image'></span></li></ul></td><td width='60%'>Name</td></tr>\n"); } echo("<tr><td>" . $t . "</td><td>".$thumbnail."</td><td>" . $endfile[$t] . "</td></tr>\n"); flush(); } $thumbfile = $M."/".$endfile[$t].'.jpg'; if(file_exists($thumbfile)) { $thumbnail = "<a name='".$endfile[$t]."' href='".$page_url."?type=view&name=".$endfile[$t]."&folder=".$M."&from=".$type."&addon=".$Q."'><ul id='icon'><li class='ui-state-default ui-corner-all' title='".$endfile[$t]."'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-image'></span></li></ul></a>"; } else { $thumbnail = ""; } echo("<tr><td>" . $t . "</td><td>".$thumbnail."</td><td>" . $endfile[$t] . "</td></tr>\n"); } print "</table>\n"; if($i=="0") { print $empty; } } elseif($type=="view") { $filename=$_GET['name']; $folder=$_GET['folder']; if($_GET['from']=="list"){ $addon="?type=list&map=".$folder."#".$filename; } if($_GET['from']=="search"){ $addon="?type=search&q=".$filename."&map=".$folder."#".$filename; } print"<center><a href='".$home_url."'>Home</a></center>"; print "<hr>\n<center><img src='".$folder."/".$filename.".jpg'></img></center>\n<hr>\n<br />\n<a href='".$page_url."".$addon."'>Previous Page</a>\n"; } $htmlshow=""; if($_GET['type']=="returnOPfile") { if(isset($_GET['split'])) { $splitter=$_GET['split']; } else { $splitter=" | "; } if(isset($_GET['html'])) { $htmlshow="<br />"; } foreach (glob("textures/*.jpg") as $texture){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($texture); } $texture = explode("/", $texture); $texture=$texture[1]; print "textures".$splitter.$texture.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } foreach (glob("models/*.zip") as $model){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($model); } $model = explode("/", $model); $model=$model[1]; print "models".$splitter.$model.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } foreach (glob("avatars/*.zip") as $avatar){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($avatar); } $avatar = explode("/", $avatar); $avatar=$avatar[1]; print "avatars".$splitter.$avatar.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } foreach (glob("seqs/*.zip") as $seq){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($seq); } $seq = explode("/", $seq); $seq=$seq[1]; print "seqs".$splitter.$seq.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } foreach (glob("sounds/*.zip") as $sound){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($sound); } $sound = explode("/", $sound); $sound=$sound[1]; print "sounds".$splitter.$sound.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } } ?> <!-- End PHP generated content --> </body> </html> So right now my question to you PHP freaks is, can you please help me edit my script so I can search through a remote directory? *This* is one of the directories I wish to be able to search through & list.. Thanks in advance. Edit; It might help if you know what the site currently looks like. *Click* i have made an delete files script which works for only one directory but not sub directory so i want to delete files of same extention from directory and subdirectory. My current code is Code: [Select] <? $dir = 'hmm/'; function scanr($dir){ $arr = glob($dir.'/*.jpg'); foreach($arr as $vv){ //check if $vv is a file if(is_file($vv)){ //if file, get the filename $vx=explode('/',$vv); $file=$vx[count($vx)-1]; // if no extension delete the file unlink($vv); // print the deletion message echo $vv." deleted!<br>";}else{ // if $vv is a dir then scan it again for files scanr($vv); }} } scanr($dir); ?> I'm trying to echo the directory and sub directory only. I am not looking to show the files contained - only folders. Not wanting to 'hijack' another thread, but curious about the error of my ways. Why specifically (and very very clearly as I am OLD fart and totally self taught in php/mysql), why will this not suffice to determine form where POSTED data came? page 1 - form start session create and store a hashed session variable 'who_is_it' (ie hash 1Q9zFrEd) display the form submit to page 2 page 2 start session create a hashed variable $is_it-me (ie hash 1Q9zFrEd) compare $is_it_me with the session variable 'who_is_it' if the camparison == each other obtain, validate, cleanse and store data ELSE not from a vaild source Hi all, I'm new to php (and the forum) and I'm trying to figure out something I feel should be relatively easy but can't figure out. I am wanting to parse the source of multiple web pages to get a list of classes. Here is what I've kind of tried to follow, with the help of the internet: Code: [Select] $buffer = file_get_contents(""); $regex = '/ something something /'; preg_match($regex,$buffer,$match); var_dump($match); echo $match[1]; } I'm trying to extract the course number and name from part of the source that looks like this: Code: [Select] <td width="15">  </td> <td width="100%">•  <a href="preview_course_nopop.php?catoid=1&coid=32666" onClick="showCourse('1', '32666',this, 'a:2:{s:8:~location~;s:8:~template~;s:28:~course_program_display_field~;N;}'); return false;" target="_blank">ACCT 200 - Foundations of Accounting</a> </td> </tr> Now, here's the thing, beside the fact that I can't use regex properly, I want to be able to put this into a loop for multiple courses per page of source. I am pretty fluent in c++, but this is throwing me for a serious loop (pun intended) As a side note, I want to be able to do this for multiple pages as well, the only thing that changes in the page URL is the page=# part, so would it be possible to automate it for all 33 pages? Thanks for any help. jiat So I am completely done with my forum after several posts here and a lot of time. But crap! I just realized that the way my avatar system works it will give away the password! I REALLY don't want to redo that system because truth is it is about 40 percent of the entire sites coding. It works by making pictures in a directory named the usersname.thepassword . Whatever filesystem. Now when I echo the path everyone can see the password and username in the source code! And thy can click it to see the picture! Is there a way to hide the paths or the source codeM thanks! Hey folks,
I'm looking for an open-source php project to contribute to. I'm not looking for a really well-known project (ex: Wordpress, Zencart)
Something small would be greatly appreciated!
looking for a way to view the PHP source code of any PHP page on the web. Looking for a way to obtain PHP source code in order to help me with a certain issue. Advise. Hi I am trying to hide the image filepath and found this tutorial which I am currently using. It works but I need an additional security here so this script parses images only if the user is logged in to wordpress here's what i have so far: <?php include('wp-config.php'); $wp->init(); $wp->parse_request(); $wp->query_posts(); $wp->register_globals(); Header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); $exp=GMDate('D, d M Y H:i:s',time()+999); Header('Expires: $exp GMT'); $image_path = 'pathtoimages/'; $file=$image_path . $_GET["img"]; // getting image name and your image path if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { $file=$image_path.'authorized.jpg'; } else { $file=$image_path.'notauthorized.jpg'; }; if (file_exists($file)){ $info=getimagesize($file); $width=$info[0]; $height=$info[1]; if ($info[2]==1){ $img=@imagecreatefromgif($file); } else if ($info[2]==2){ $img=@imagecreatefromjpeg($file); } else if ($info[2]==3){ $img=@imagecreatefrompng($file); } else { $width=800; $height=600; $file = 'notauthorized.jpg'; // if there is not such image, it will show default image $img=@imagecreatefrompng($file); } ImageJpeg($img); imagedestroy($img); } ?> the script doesnt work. I think it's because i set headers Header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); What can I do to make it work? Please help thanks i am currently creating a school portal. there is this page which enables user to create their own website for Computer Education lesson. Every user are able to upload their files and view but the problem is, i need a function for the user to be able to edit it in on the page itself. by any means is there a way to view a email.php form source? not just the html part but the entire script including the php? This is source of a page: I want to get contents betweent <blockquote class="postcontent restore">() and </blockquote>() but i dont know how to do ? How can i do ? Please help me. I am newbie. Thanks Does any one have a better idea to protect PHP files so that you can distribute a 'release' without the customer being able to read the source files. There are tools on the internet which costs money, BUT your are dependant on their software and if its not open source, its not trustworthy. What I've done so far is writing an ISAPI DLL in borland cpp and installed it under iis6. Basically you call this isappi dll and it decrypts the encrypted php files and executes them respectively. It is thread safe (as is php). There are other methods available on the net that you use to encrypt your pages, BUT the decryption algorithm is found in your main php file and duh, if you can read the main file, you can easily decrypt all other files, so that is a bad idea. Any other ideas? Possibly to write a PHP extension perhaps but I have not been able to get that working on borland cpp. I'd like to play music in the background of a page, but don't want to display the url of the music files in the source code or encrypt it. Is that possible to do using php?
How to edit my source code so the output prints correctly ?
So I am completely done with my forum after several posts here and a lot of time. But crap! I just realized that the way my avatar system works it will give away the password! I REALLY don't want to redo that system because truth is it is about 40 percent of the entire sites coding. It works by making pictures in a directory named the usersname.thepassword . Whatever filesystem. Now when I echo the path everyone can see the password and username in the source code! And thy can click it to see the picture! Is there a way to hide the paths or the source codeM thanks! when i right click to view page source i just saw the javascript calling php as source file , while on page there is table, i need to read that table in database , is there nay way to do that, file_get contents dont work on it its just take javascript not the page table I've got another funny one... I've noticed that sometimes on some of my pages (all of which are generated by PHP), when i click view source, the source it shows me is not from the page i'm looking at. This isn't a problem that affects me in any way (not yet anyway), it's just a bit odd. I've noticed it happens a little more often in chrome than any other browser. Has anyone else noticed anything like this before? I'm intrigued to know the cause. The only real google response was this: and i haven't seen another issue similar on here. |