PHP - Returning Reference To Local Variable...
Hello all,
I'm a PHP newbie, so please pardon me if this question has already been asked somewhere in this forum. I have been reading the PHP documentation. On this page, I came across this code: <?php ... snip ... function &bar() { $a = 5; return $a; } foo(bar()); ?> This is returning a reference to local variable $a. Coming from a C/C++ background, my intuition tells me this just shouldn't work, since the local variable $a should be deleted as soon as the function "bar" returns. The code seems to work, though. My guess is that PHP is basically ref-counting and garbage collecting local variables like $a, and so it will not be automatically cleaned up on call exit. Is this about right? Thanks! WN Similar TutorialsIm trying to understand the code below. (taken from an O'REILLY book) Im trying to get my head around this, so can anyone tell me if im thinking about this in the right way; The function (fix_names) borrows the values from $a1,$a2 and $a3 and puts them into $n1,$n2, and $n3. It then processes the strings contained within these newly created variables and then returns the processed values back into $a1,$a2,and $a3? The variables $n1,$n2, and $n3 cannot be echoed as they were created within the function.? Please correct me if im wrong. Code: [Select] <html> <head> </head> <body> <?php $a1 = "EDWARD"; $a2 = "thomas"; $a3 = "wriGHT"; fix_names($a1,$a2,$a3); echo $a1." ".$a2." ".$a3; function fix_names(&$n1,&$n2,&$n3) { $n1 = ucfirst(strtolower($n1)); $n2 = ucfirst(strtolower($n2)); $n3 = ucfirst(strtolower($n3)); } ?> </body> </html> I'll try to explain this as easily as possible. I'm working on making a little link shortener site just for fun/practice as a beginner with php. I originally used the source code 'lilurl' as a base to start out, but now I'm adding stuff to it for actual practice. I need some help though. I have two files, my index and my external php file. The external file is called on at the beginning of the index with require_once. The user submits a url into the PHP_SELF form and a url is returned, and it works all great. Now I'm trying to add the option to make a custom url suffix. Code: [Select] <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" method="post"> <fieldset> <label for="longurl">Enter a URL:</label> <input type="text" name="longurl" id="longurl" /> <input type="text" name="suffix" id="suffix" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Shrink!" /> </fieldset> </form>[/code] The form looks like this. I added the 'suffix' textbox. So after the user submits the code, it goes back up to the top (phpself). A variable is set for the url the user has inputted as "$longurl", like this. Code: [Select] $longurl = trim(mysql_escape_string($_POST['longurl']));So I added this. Code: [Select] $suffix = ($_POST['suffix']);And to check if it worked, I went down the the bottom of the index and had it echo the suffix variable. When I entered in code into the suffix text box, it would be echoed at the bottom of the page, so the variable did receive the value. So here's where the external file comes in. It is called on by require_once at the very beginning of the index. It is full of functions. One of the functions generates a random string of numbers (that I coded) to be used as the url suffix (uses the $id variable). So my plan was to erase the $id = $rand1 . blah blah stuff and put $id = $suffix. $suffix being the variable from the index that the user inputted. Make sense? Well whenever I try it, it always acts the like the variable is empty, even when I echo it on the index it returns the value of the textbox. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Could it be because since I call on $suffix in the external file, and it's only been declared in the index that it's treating it like a new/empty variable? [spoiler] Someone also explained it to me like this. -I call upon the external file. -I declare the variable is the value of the text box. (Which means it's currently empty because the form has not been submitted.) -Then, the form is submitted as PHP_SELF. -The external file is called upon again. -The variable is then assigned a value. It's hard to explain, but basically that the variable in the external file is not told about the new value of the variable because they are declared after the external file is called upon? :\ So I tried moving the $suffix = ($_POST['suffix']); before the external file is called upon, but the same thing happens. It's hard to explain the situation, but I've tried a lot of things and can't get it to work.[/spoiler] I have just started using functions, and have been following a few tutorials. I think im misunderstanding returns. lets say i have the variables called $math1 an $math2 and i want to make $total = $math1 + $math2; i then use return $total; I then thought i could echo $total and it would work outside of the function but its giving me an error of an underfines variable. Could anyone explain what im doing wrong please? thanks Where is my "Progr" return value?
This is not my first day using php but I don't code in the language that often. I don't understand why my dynamic variable is not returned in AJAX GET? Essentially, I need to give the client a simple UI so that they can copy files to a printer and I wanted to provide a little unfiltered feedback so they knew whether operation was a success. My feedback was just going to be output of exec() function though cleaned up slightly (perhaps replace line breaks with html break tags). PHP version is and cannot be upgraded. Web Server Apache.
PHP dumbed down code:
exec("LoadZPL_PURL.bat", $output); Hello all, I'm new to PHP and new to this forum (although I have benefitted from your help already -cheers!). However, this time I cannot find the answer I need/recognise/understand.. I have a form and want to conduct tests on each field returning an error message as a session variable if the test fails. The test will be different for some of the fields, and the error message is specific to each field. If there is an error in any one of the fields I want to be redirected to a failure page where all of the error messages are displayed, otherwise I am sent on to another page. I have already written and tested a function to sanitise the incoming form data, so that's not a problem - it's just how to loop through and test. I can guess that there are many ways to do this but I need to understand why one option is better than another, and follow the syntax used (it's all part of my steep learning curve) The approach I have thought to use is to create an array holding the field name, the test and the message, then loop through using foreach, applying the array values into the test and creating the error message....but it's not working for me. The other method is to declare a variable $Stop='No' and if the loop identifies an error, part of the output is to change this to 'yes' and through that redirect to the error page. I'd really welcome your advice and tuition....cheers.. my code so far is... Code: [Select] $Stop='No'; $StaffPassCheck=sanitisealphanum($_POST['PasswordCheck']); $Errors[0]['value']= sanitisealphanum($_POST['FirstName']); $Errors[0]['message']='Please re-enter your name'; $Errors[0]['test']=($StaffFname=""); $Errors[1]['value']= sanitisealphanum($_POST['Surname']); $Errors[1]['message']='Please re-enter your surname'; $Errors[1]['test']=($StaffSname=""); $Errors[2]['value']= sanitisealphanum($_POST['Post']); $Errors[2]['message']='You must select an option'; $Errors[2]['test']=($StaffPost="Select Value"); $Errors[3]['value']= sanitisealphanum($_POST['Username']); $Errors[3]['message']='You must select an option'; $Errors[3]['test']=($StaffUser=""); $Errors[4]['value']= sanitisealphanum($_POST['Password']); $Errors[4]['message']='Please re-enter your password'; $Errors[4]['test']=($StaffPass=""); $Errors[5]['value']= sanitisealphanum($_POST['PasswordCheck']); $Errors[5]['message']='Sorry, your passwords do not match'; $Errors[5]['test']=($StaffPass===$StaffPassCheck); foreach ($Errors as $key => $Value){ if ( $Errors['test']=true ){ $Stop='Yes'; return $_SESSION[$key]=$Value['message']; } } if ($Stop='Yes'){ header('Location.test.php'); die(); }else{ header('Location.indexp.php'); } Hi I am new to php, I am trying to capture the url and place into a variable but I only get the 1st digit to show, I just cant see what I am doing wrong. Sorry to ask such a basic question but I just can't work it out, I have attached a screen shot of all me code, your help would be very very much appreciated. Hello, I've just started learning PHP, JavaScript and I've got a big problem on my website. I'm getting this ReferenceError. I know what's the problem, but I don't know how to solve it, and I know people can do it for money but I don't have money, I'm searching for someone who's willing to help newbie. As I said I'm begginer, and I know something. The main problem is because I want to use GKPlugin and Player(jwplayer). Plugin need to use object, example:
<object id="flashplayer" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="600" height="400"> <param name="movie" value="player.swf" /> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /> <param name="FlashVars" value="plugins=plugins/proxy.swf&" /> <embed name="flashplayer" src="player.swf" FlashVars="plugins=plugins/proxy.swf&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="600" height="400" /> </object>Script is generetad just to embed with iframe, and the problem is when I replace it with object, then I'm getting this error. I know that JS can't "call" that iframe to show because I've replaced it with object. You guys probably know about what I'm talking. I'm just searching for some instructions, guidelines from you. ReferenceError: embeds is not defined if (embeds[embedid].indexOf("rapidplayer")== iframe_ad){Here's the rest of code, I think it's used to show iframe. elseif (substr_count($link,"gorillavid")){ $video_id = explode("/",$link); if (isset($video_id[count($video_id)-1])){ $video_id = $video_id[count($video_id)-1]; $embed = '<object id="flashplayer" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="600" height="400"> <param name="movie" value="" /> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /> <param name="FlashVars" value="plugins='.$video_id.'" /> <embed name="flashplayer" src="player.swf" FlashVars="plugins='.$video_id.'" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="600" height="400" /> </object>'; This is the original code. Don't look at providers(source as gorillavid) because I used gorillavid in previous an posted another example from another source (zalaa) elseif (substr_count($link,"zalaa")){ $video_id = explode("/",$link); if (isset($video_id[count($video_id)-1])){ $video_id = $video_id[count($video_id)-1]; $embed = '<IFRAME SRC="'.$video_id.'.html" FRAMEBORDER=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 SCROLLING=NO WIDTH='.$width.' HEIGHT='.$height.'></IFRAME>'; Function which embed links and should embed GKPlugin/Player: // general image link if (!$embed){ $embed = "<div style='background-color:#000000; width: ".$width."px; height: ".$height."px;text-align:center;cursor:pointer;' onclick='\"$link\");'>"; $embed.= "<p style='text-align:center; padding-top: 70px;'>"; $embed.= "<a href='$link' target='_blank' style='font-size:24px; color: #ffffff !important'>Click here to play this video</a>"; $embed.= "</p>"; $embed.= "</div>"; } return $embed; } JavaScript code: function getEmbed(embedid){ if (embeds[embedid].indexOf("rapidplayer")== iframe_ad){ var html_content = "<div class='fake_embed' id='fake_embed"+embedid+"' onclick='closeFakeEmbed("+embedid+");'>" + "<br /><br />" + "<div class='fake_embed_ad_close'><a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='closeFakeEmbed("+embedid+");'>Close Ad</a></div>" + "<div class='fake_embed_ad' id='fake_embed_ad" + embedid +"'>" + "<iframe src='"+baseurl+"/iframe_ad.php' width='300' height='300' frameborder='NO' border='0'></iframe>" + "</div>" + "<div class='fake_embed_bar'><span class='fake_embed_bar_right'></span></div>" + "</div>" + "<div id='real_embed"+embedid+"' style='display:none'>"+embeds[embedid]+"</div>"; jQuery('#videoBox'+embedid).html(html_content); jQuery('#videoBox'+embedid).show(); } else { jQuery('#videoBox'+embedid).html(embeds[embedid]); jQuery('#videoBox'+embedid).show(); } } function countDown(embedid){ showCounter = showCounter-1; jQuery('span#counter').html(showCounter); if (showCounter>0){ showTimer = setTimeout('countDown('+embedid+');',1000); } else { showTimer = null; showCounter = 20; getEmbed(embedid); } } function changeEmbed(embedid, counter){ if (counter == 0){ jQuery('.embedcontainer').html(''); jQuery('.embedcontainer').hide(); getEmbed(embedid); } else { if (showTimer){ clearTimeout(showTimer); } showTimer = null; showCounter = counter; jQuery('.embedcontainer').html(''); jQuery('.embedcontainer').hide(); jQuery('#videoBox'+embedid).html(js_lang.ticker); jQuery('#videoBox'+embedid+' span#counter').html(showCounter); jQuery('#videoBox'+embedid).slideDown("slow"); showTimer = setTimeout('countDown('+embedid+');',1000); } /* jQuery('li.selected').removeClass('selected'); jQuery('#selector'+embedid).addClass('selected'); */ } Can someone explain this strange behavior: $aArray = array( 1 => null, 2 => null, 3 => null, ); foreach($aArray as $key => &$val) { $val = "Some Value"; foreach($aArray as $Xkey => $Xval){} // Second foreach } var_dump($aArray); Rsult is: array(3) { [1]=> string(10) "Some Value" [2]=> NULL [3]=> NULL } It looks like second foreach breaks reference, why? Hi, I just need someone to check that a couple of lines I've written do what I believe them to do... i.e. check my logic! I'm developing a booking form for booking on events. Each booking needs a unique reference, which needs to be meaningless to the customer, so I am BASE36 encloding it. As the booking is be saved to a MySql database, my approach is to use the auto-incremented ID for the record to make the reference unique. The increment starts at 10000, and I add a random number before coding to make the encoded reference longer. I then BASE36 encode it to make it appear random. Am I right in thinking the reference produced WILL be unique ... provided the auto-inc ID is unique? $ref = rand(100,999) . $auto_incremented_id; //e.g. 354 & 10012 = 35410001 $ref_encoded = strtoupper(base_convert($rand, 10, 36)); // e.g.UD4J8P Thanks hello. say i have list and i want the correct children under each parent so i have $id $parent_id $type $name in the db i have 4 parents each with 2 children id=1 - type=parent - parent_id=0 - name=p1 id=2 - type=parent - parent_id=0 - name=p2 id=3 - type=parent - parent_id=0 - name=p3 id=4 - type=parent - parent_id=0 - name=p4 id=5 - type=child - parent_id=1 - name=c1 id=6 - type=child - parent_id=1 - name=c2 id=7 - type=child - parent_id=2 - name=c3 id=8 - type=child - parent_id=2 - name=c4 id=9 - type=child - parent_id=3 - name=c5 id=10 - type=child - parent_id=3 - name=c6 id=11 - type=child - parent_id=4 - name=c7 id=12 - type=child - parent_id=4 - name=c8 so how would i do the code? i thought i could do it like this but its not working. Code: [Select] <?php $family = Family::find_all(); foreach($family as $familys){ $id = $familys->id; $type = $familys->type; $parent_id = $familys->parent_id; $name = $familys->name; echo' <ul>'; if($type == "parent"){ echo $name; } echo' </ul> <li>'; if($type == "child" && $parent_id == $id){ echo $name; } echo' </li>'; } ?> all i get back is p1 p2 p3 p4 no children ?? if i remove Quote $parent_id == $id from Quote if($type == "child" && $parent_id == $id){ i get this p1 p2 p3 p4 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 but they are not listed under the correct parent i also tried moving the </ul> to the bottom but i get the same Code: [Select] <?php $family = Family::find_all(); foreach($family as $familys){ $id = $familys->id; $type = $familys->type; $parent_id = $familys->parent_id; $name = $familys->name; echo' <ul>'; if($type == "parent"){ echo $name; } echo' <li>'; if($type == "child"){ echo $name; } echo' </li> </ul>'; } ?> any thoughts? thanks rick Hi all, I have been coding in PHP for a fair while now and I have come across variables by reference, but I don't really know: a) how they work; b) when to use them; c) why they are used; Can anyone here please clarify these issues please. Thanks in advance! Dear All, Am new to PHP. now i want to online cargo tracking system in php. in that i create the reference id for each user to track the shipments. in that user must login and track the shipments. now i need the code for the specific user only view they shipments only. the other user can't be check the other shipments. so i need how to link the user and reference id. kindly advice me. Hi everyone, This is driving me crazy. I need to reference different files located in different folder structure. For example, I have the following file structure. /my_project/ /my_project/database/database_script.php /my_project/index.php 1. If I want to reference /my_project/index.php from /my_project/database/database_script.php, how can I reference it ? 2. From /my_project/index.php to /my_project/database/database_script.php , it's obvious all I gotta do it include("/database/database_script.php"). I use $_SERVER('DOCUMENT_ROOT"), to solve the 1. problem. It works on my XAMPP local machine but when I uplode it onto the server, there's a problem. The path becomes '/my_project/my_project/database/database_script.php". Is there a universal way (more like a standard way) to reference files in php so that I won't need to change every file path once I upload those onto the server ? Regards, Is it possible to get something as a reference in the script if it is such a tried in different ways but #p1 my script does not see If getValue is given a path which doesn't exist, I can use the isset check to return null. I can also use the uncommitted $tmp =&$tmp[$key];. Why does this prevent an undefined index warning?
public function getValue(string $path) { $path=explode('.', $path); $tmp=$this->config; foreach($path as $key) { //if(!isset($tmp[$key])) return null; //$tmp =$tmp[$key]; $tmp =&$tmp[$key]; } return $tmp; }
I am writting a php function that uses mysql to get user data - pretty common, right Well, my issue is that I need to run a check in my file system. Users profile pictures are stored in my image directory as .png's. I need to have my function check that directory and if an image matches their id, then return their information. I only want the user data if they have an image uploaded. Here is my current function: Code: [Select] function fetch_users_login($limit) { $limit = $limit(int); $sql = "SELECT `users`.`id`, `users`.`firstname`, `users`.`lastname`, `users`.`username`, `user_privacy`.`avatar` FROM `users` LEFT JOIN `user_privacy` ON `users`.`id` = `user_privacy`.`uid` WHERE `users`.`status` > 2 AND `user_privacy`.`avatar` = 1 ORDER BY `users`.`id` DESC LIMIT 0, {$limit}"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); $users = array(); $i = 0; while(($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) !== false) { $users[$i] = array( 'id' => $row['id'], 'firstname' => $row['firstname'], 'lastname' => $row['lastname'], ); $users[$i]['avatar'] = getUserAvatar($row['username']); $i++; } return $users; } Hi Guys Probably a simple answer to this. Writing a script where I have a foreach to escape data in a multi dimensionsal array - destined for the database. I want to preserve the the escaped values in the array so I've passed in the value by referece. See code below: Code: [Select] foreach($myarray as $key=>$value){ foreach($value as $k=>$v){ $v = $mysqli->real_escape_string(&$v); echo $v ."<br/>"; } } I've switched on error_reporting(E_STRICT), because i read it was good practice to build your scripts with this on. Anyway - when i pass by reference I get a message as follows: Quote Deprecated: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in C:\wamp\www\wh\C.php on line 105 So if pass by reference is deprecated, what's the alternative? I realise i could pass the new values to a new array. But does this mean i shouldn't pass by reference anymore? Many thanks and sorry for going round the planet to ask such a simple question. Drongo Hi all, I'm trying to understand passing by reference. Here is a copy of the code and the results: Code: [Select] <?php $a1 = 15; $b1 = 20; echo addone($a1, $b1); echo "<br/>"; function addone($n1, $n2){ $n1 = $n1 += 2; $n2 = $n2 += 2; return $n1 . " " . $n2; }; echo addonetwo($a1, $b1); function addonetwo($n1, $n2){ $n1 = $n1 += 2; $n2 = $n2 += 2; return $n1 . " " . $n2; } ?> The result output is: 17 22 17 22 If I change the code to add "&" before the "addone" function: Code: [Select] function addone(&$n1, &$n2){ $n1 = $n1 += 2; $n2 = $n2 += 2; return $n1 . " " . $n2; }; Then the output is: 17 22 19 24 I don't understand what's going on. Why is the "&" incrementing the changed variable and in the first example it's incrementing the variables as defined. OK, so I have the following file that has database functions: <?php function dbDelete($param){ $conDelete = mysql_connect($url,'username','password',true); mysql_select_db('my_db',$conDelete); mysql_query($param,$conDelete); mysql_close(); if(isset($conDelete)){ mysql_close($conDelete); } } ?> I include the above file in a session handling file. But for some reason the new file can't call the above function as follows: <?php include_once 'the above stated file'; function timeOut(){ dbDelete("DELETE FROM acctussessi WHERE acctussessi_usid = '$sessius[0]'"); $_SESSION = array(); setcookie(session_name(),'',time()-4200); session_destroy(); } //CHECK FOR TIMEOUT REQUEST switch($_GET['xyz']){ case 'timeout': timeOut(); header("Location: /?xyz=timedout"); break; case 'logout': timeOut(); header("Location: /?xyz=loggedout"); break; case 'refresh': dbUpdate("UPDATE acctussessi SET acctussessi_time = ".time()." WHERE acctussessi_unid ='".$token."'"); break; } ?> dbDelete isn't being called inside of the TimeOut() function. The only way it works is by doing the following: <?php function timeOut(){ $_SESSION = array(); setcookie(session_name(),'',time()-4200); session_destroy(); } //CHECK FOR TIMEOUT REQUEST switch($_GET['xyz']){ case 'timeout': dbDelete("DELETE FROM acctussessi WHERE acctussessi_usid = '$sessius[0]'"); timeOut(); header("Location: /?xyz=timedout"); break; case 'logout': dbDelete("DELETE FROM acctussessi WHERE acctussessi_usid = '$sessius[0]'"); timeOut(); header("Location: /?xyz=loggedout"); break; case 'refresh': dbUpdate("UPDATE acctussessi SET acctussessi_time = ".time()." WHERE acctussessi_unid ='".$token."'"); break; } ?> But this is annoying and repetitive. What is going on? Thanks in advance. I am wondering how can I insert integers in the database without manually input it in the form. I am looking to fill the product_id and customer_id table. I would do it but only by sequence and '' quotes at the VALUE part of an INSERT statement. Also condition the insert of product_id and customer_id according to the id in the SESSION variable. Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['id'])) { $userid = $_SESSION['id']; $username = $_SESSION['username']; $fname = $_POST['firstname']; $lname = $_POST['lastname']; $telephone = $_POST['telephone']; $city = $_POST['city']; $state = $_POST['state']; $itemname = $_POST['product_name']; $price = $_POST['price']; $details = $_POST['details']; $category = $_POST['category']; $subcategory = $_POST['subcategory']; $product_id = $_POST['product_id']; $customer_id = $_POST['customer_id']; $date_sold = $_POST['date_sold']; $sqlinsert = "INSERT INTO customers (id,firstname,lastname,telephone,city,state,product_name,price,details) VALUES('','$fname','$lname', '$telephone','$city','$state','$itemname','$price','$details')"; $sqlinsert2 = "INSERT INTO products (id,product_name,price,details,category,subcategory) VALUES('','$itemname','$price','$details','$category','$subcategory')"; $sqlinsert3 = "INSERT INTO sales (id,product_id, customer_id, date_sold) VALUES('','$product_id','$customer_id','$date_sold')"; $enterquery = mysql_query($sqlinsert) or die(mysql_error()); $enterquery2 = mysql_query($sqlinsert2) or die(mysql_error()); $enterquery3 = mysql_query($sqlinsert3) or die(mysql_error()); } ?> The above insert its respective fields in each table but how is it possible to INSERT it according to the SESSION['id]; so that it INSERT according to the costumer id plus that it generates and INSERT automatically in the product_id and customer_id related to the product_id and customer_id fields in products and customer table? without manually doing it. any references will be appriciated because the above code seems like the product_id and customer_id won't INSERT in relations to the customer and product table. One more thing the product_id and customer_id won't be pass from the form to this file but rather a value will be INSERT it in their field according to the id in customer and products table. |