PHP - Working On My Install Script, Connectivity Question
I have a install.php file that I created. It asks for the MySQL user, pass, hostname and database they want to use. When the script is run, the tables are created and the MySQL info is inserted into a connection table.
Now the tricky part. On each page that needs to connect to the MySQL database, I have an include, which contains the following: Code: [Select] define ('DB_USER', ' '); define ('DB_PASS', ' '); define ('DB_HOST', ' '); define ('DB_NAME', ' '); $dbc = mysql_connect (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS) OR die ('Cannot connect to MySQL server.'); mysql_select_db (DB_NAME) OR die ('Cannot connect to database.'); How do I tell the database connection script what the variables are from the connections table? Yeah, I know I can manually put them in there, but the point of the script was to make it so the user does not have to go into the code. Similar TutorialsHi folks, a few days back, we enabled SSL on our office server and the intranet migrated to https. Everything is ok on the intranet. On the public internet, we noticed today that the page on our website, which connects to our office server to fetch and display data was throwing an error, which I presumed was a Security Certificate issue... An area that's like the Dark Side of the Moon for me.. the webpage - This is the error from the logs PHP Warning: file_get_contents(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed PHP Warning: file_get_contents(): Failed to enable crypto PHP Warning: file_get_contents(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed
Anycase, the internet was willing to help and so I updated the code to a curl function. The Data is not displaying still... Here's the code... where am i going wrong ? <?php //error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE | E_ALL); $page="jobs-listing"; ?> <header class="section background-livec text-center"> <h3 class="text-white margin-bottom-0 text-size-40 text-thin text-line-height-1">Current & Hot Jobs</h3> </header> <?php $industry = $_GET['industry']; $location = $_GET['location']; $expMin = $_GET['expMin']; $expMax = $_GET['expMax']; $sortBy = $_GET['sortBy']; $cpg = $_GET['page']; if(empty($cpg) || $cpg==1) $npl = 1; else { //$npl = (($cpg+1)*10) - 9; $npl = $_GET['startingRowNo']; } $industry = str_replace(' ', '%20', $industry); $location = str_replace(' ', '%20', $location); $url = ""; function file_get_contents_curl($url) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); //Set curl to return the data instead of printing it to the browser. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $data; } if(!empty($sortBy)) { $json = file_get_contents_curl($url.'getHeadersBySearch?industry='.$industry.'&location='.$location.'&expMin='.$expMin.'&expMax='.$expMax.'&sortBy='.$sortBy.'&startingRowNo='.$npl.'&noOfRows=1000000'); $data = json_decode($json); } else if(!empty($industry) || !empty($location) || !empty($expMin) || !empty($expMax)) { $json = file_get_contents_curl($url.'getHeadersBySearch?industry='.$industry.'&location='.$location.'&expMin='.$expMin.'&expMax='.$expMax.'&sortBy=&startingRowNo='.$npl.'&noOfRows=1000000'); $data = json_decode($json); } else { //$json = file_get_contents_curl($url.'getOnlineWebPosting'); $json = file_get_contents_curl($url.'getHeadersBySearch?industry='.$industry.'&location='.$location.'&expMin='.$expMin.'&expMax='.$expMax.'&sortBy=&startingRowNo='.$npl.'&noOfRows=1000000'); $data = json_decode($json); //if (!$data) echo "Data Not Found" ; } if($sortBy=='DESC' || $sortBy=='') { $aclass = 'down_arrow'; } else { $aclass = 'up_arrow'; } $json2 = file_get_contents_curl($url.'getSearchData'); $data2 = json_decode($json2); $industry = str_replace('%20', ' ', $industry); $location = str_replace('%20', ' ', $location); if($industry=='F amp A - BPO') { $industry = 'F & A - BPO'; } if($industry=='OIL amp GAS') { $industry = 'OIL & GAS'; } ?> <div class="section background-white"> <div class="background-white"> <p class="text-padding-bot text-letter-spacing1">A cross-section of Jobs currently available. We recommend you to contact our Executives for further info. <br /> More details available when the Job is '<strong>View'</strong>ed. </p> </div> <?php //$data=''; //if($data!=''){ ?> <?php //if ($checkyear>2017) { ?> <div class="subJobs"> <ul> <li> Industry <br /> <select name="industry" id="industry" class="sel"> <option value="">Select Industry Name</option> <?php for($i=0; $i<count($data2[0]); $i++) { ?> <?php if(isset($industry) && $industry==$data2[0][$i]) { ?> <option selected value="<?php echo $data2[0][$i];?>"><?php echo $data2[0][$i];?></option> <?php } else { ?> <option value="<?php echo $data2[0][$i];?>"><?php echo $data2[0][$i];?></option> <?php } } ?> </select> </li> <li>Location<br /> <select name="city" id="city" class="sel"> <option value="">Select City Name</option ><?php $m=0; for($j=0; $j<count($data2[1]); $j++) { ?> <?php $locat = explode(",",$location); ?> <?php if($locat[$m]!="" && $locat[$m]==$data2[1][$j]) { ?> <option selected value="<?php echo $data2[1][$j];?>"><?php echo $data2[1][$j];?></option> <?php ++$m; } else { ?> <option value="<?php echo $data2[1][$j];?>"><?php echo $data2[1][$j];?></option> <?php } } ?> </select> </li> <li>Experience <br /> <select name="minyear" class="sel2" id="minyear"> <option value="">Min</option> <?php for($ii=0; $ii<46; $ii++) { ?> <?php if($expMin!="" && $expMin==$ii) { ?> <option selected value="<?php echo $ii; ?>"><?php echo $ii; ?></option> <?php } else { ?> <option value="<?php echo $ii; ?>"><?php echo $ii; ?></option> <?php } } ?> </select> <select name="maxyear" class="sel2" id="maxyear" onchange="return select_max();"> <option value="">Max</option> <?php for($ii=0; $ii<51; $ii++) { ?> <?php if($expMax!="" && $expMax==$ii) { ?> <option selected value="<?php echo $ii; ?>"><?php echo $ii; ?></option> <?php } else { ?> <option value="<?php echo $ii; ?>"><?php echo $ii; ?></option> <?php } } ?> </select> <!-- select name="" class="sel2" id="sort"> <option value="">Select</option> <option value="ASC">ASC</option> <option value="DESC">DESC</option> </select --> </li> <li class="ser"><button type="button" onclick="search_by_category()" class="btn btn-default" style="margin-top:25px;"><i class="fa fa-search"></i> Search</button></li> </ul> </div> <!-- Selected Jobs Headline Info --> <div class="line"> <p class="text-dark text-center text-size-16"> <?php if($industry) echo 'Showing ' . '<b>' . $industry .'</b>' . ' Jobs' ; ?> <?php if($location) echo ' at ' . '<b>' . $location .'</b>' ; ?> <?php if($expMin) echo ' with Min ' . '<b>' . $expMin .'</b>' ; ?> <?php if($expMax) echo ' to Max '. '<b>' . $expMax.'</b>' ; ?> <?php if($expMin | $expMax) echo ' Years Experience' ;?> </p> </div> <!-- Jobs Table --> <table id="example" class="display" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <thead> <tr> <th class="jobs_noshow text-center" width="5%">S.No</th> <th class="text-center" width="15%">Posted On</th> <th class="text-center" width="30%">Job Title</th> <th class="jobs_noshow text-center" width="15%">Level</th> <th class="jobs_noshow text-center" width="15%">Location</th> <th class="jobs_noshow text-center" width="15%">Job Code</th> <th class="text-center" width="5%">Action</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $ri=1; foreach($data as $kk=>$d) { ?> <?php $date_posted = $d->postedDate; // get the Posted Date $date_posted_year=date("Y",strtotime($date_posted)); // Get the Year from the date and store in a variable if ($date_posted_year>$jobs_restrict_year) { // Show only Jobs posted after this year ?> <tr> <td class="jobs_noshow text-center"><?php echo $ri; ?></td> <td class="text-center"><?php echo $d->postedDate; ?></td> <td><?php echo $d->title; ?></td> <td class="jobs_noshow ctext notreq"><?php echo $d->level; ?></td> <td class="jobs_noshow text-center notreq"><?php echo $d->location; ?></td> <td class="jobs_noshow text-center"><?php echo $d->requirementID; ?></td> <td class="text-center"><a class="button background-livec border-radius text-white" style="color:white" data-fancybox="ajax" href="?contentid=jobs-detail&requirementID=<?php echo $d->requirementID; ?>&requirementSeqNo=<?php echo $d->requirementSeqNo; ?>" data-type="ajax">View</a></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php $ri=$ri+1; } ?> </tbody> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { var table = $('#example').DataTable( { "pageLength": 25, "sPaginationType":"full_numbers", "oLanguage": { "sInfo": 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ Jobs.', "sInfoEmpty": '', "sEmptyTable": "No Jobs found currently", } }); $('#example').removeClass( 'display' ).addClass('table table-striped table-bordered'); }); </script> <style> .dataTables_filter { display: none; } </style> <!-- End of Table --> </div> <?php // } else { ?> <div style="margin: 20px 0 40px 0px;height:200px;text-align:center;"> <h1 style="font-size:16px;">Server is unavailable at the moment. Please try after some time.</h1> </div> <?php //}?> </div> <!--jobs end--> <script type="text/javascript"> function search_by_category() { industry = $('#industry option:selected').val(); //city1 = $('#city option:selected').val(); minyear = $('#minyear option:selected').val(); maxyear = $('#maxyear option:selected').val(); //sortBy = $('#sort option:selected').val(); var city = $('select#city').val(); var cur_pg = "<?php echo $cpg; ?>"; var tot = "<?php echo $total; ?>"; var tot_pgs = Math.ceil(tot/25); //if(cur_pg=="") cur_pg = 1; var last_pg = tot_pgs - cur_pg; if(last_pg==0) records = tot - ((tot_pgs -1) * 25); else records = 25; var strt_val = ((cur_pg-1) * 25) + 1; if(industry=='F & A - BPO') industry ='F amp A - BPO'; if(industry=='OIL & GAS') industry ='OIL amp GAS'; city1 = document.getElementById("city").value; if(city1=="" || city1=="null") { city=""; } if(industry!="" || city!="" || minyear!="" || maxyear!="") { location.href="hotjobs.php?contentid=hotjobs&industry="+industry+"&location="+city+"&expMin="+minyear+"&expMax="+maxyear+"&sortBy=&startingRowNo=1"+"&noOfRows="+records+"&page="+cur_pg; } else { //alert("Please select any one of the fields"); location.href="hotjobs.php?contentid=hotjobs&industry="+industry+"&location="+city+"&expMin="+minyear+"&expMax="+maxyear+"&sortBy=&startingRowNo=1"+"&noOfRows="+records+"&page="+cur_pg; } } function sort_by_location() { var order = '<?php echo $sortBy; ?>'; industry = $('#industry option:selected').val(); city = $('#city option:selected').val(); minyear = $('#minyear option:selected').val(); maxyear = $('#maxyear option:selected').val(); city1 = document.getElementById("city").value; if(industry=='F & A - BPO') industry ='F amp A - BPO'; if(industry=='OIL & GAS') industry ='OIL amp GAS'; if(city1=="") { city=""; } else { city = $('select#city').val(); } if(order=="" || order=="DESC") { location.href="hotjobs.php?contentid=hotjobs&industry="+industry+"&location="+city+"&expMin="+minyear+"&expMax="+maxyear+"&sortBy=ASC"+"&startingRowNo=1&noOfRows=10"; } else { location.href="hotjobs.php?contentid=hotjobs&industry="+industry+"&location="+city+"&expMin="+minyear+"&expMax="+maxyear+"&sortBy=DESC"+"&startingRowNo=1&noOfRows=10"; } } function select_max() { minyear = document.getElementById("minyear").value; maxyear = document.getElementById("maxyear").value; if(parseInt(maxyear)>=parseInt(minyear)) { return true; } else { if(maxyear!="") { alert("Maximum year must be equal or greater than minimum year"); $('#maxyear').val(""); return false; } } } </script> Also, if i change the $url in my code to https:// , no data is displayed... I raised a Support request to the Hosting provider, but they seem to have vanished into the ozone.... Any help would be highly appreciated. Cheers - Murali
i have been trying to install with no luck come to find otu my server does not support PDO i tried to use mysql_connect instead of new PDO. however i get some weird connection error host '00.00.0 is not allowed to connect" then "call to function exec on a non object" the lines are below. $sql = mysql_connect('mysql:dbname=' . $_POST['mysqldb'] . ';host=' . $_POST['mysqlhost'], $_POST['mysqluser'], $_POST['mysqlpass']); foreach($db_sql as $statement) { $sql->exec(str_replace('ajaxim_', $_POST['mysqlprefix'], $statement)); I keep trying to install every wordpress, or php web server software I can find, the lastest being WAMP. Nothing ever works. I feel like a complete retard here being that I can't even set up a stupid program, to be ABLE to program myself. Everything I install gives me a 404 not found error when I try to load the admin index page to a browser. I honestly have no friggn clue what is going on, I know syntax pretty decently for a lot of these languages, but as far as setting them up, I might as well just shoot myself. I know they can't make it any easier with these step by step tutorials, but it just doesn't seem to work on my comp.
Hi there, I am working on a PHP ecommerce website. I am going to install SSL on few of the pages. I need to install it on Apache web server coz thats the server our PHP website is running on. How we do go about installing SSL on PHP website. Can anybody please guide me in the right direction. All comments and feedback are always welcomed. Thank you! Please tell me how to connect php and mysql in ubuntu 14.04
This topic has been moved to Application Frameworks. This topic has been moved to PHP Installation & Configuration. Hi, I am having an awful time creating a composer.json file to install highchartsPHP for windows cakephp. I dont know how exactly to create a file. The examples I have for cakephp composer is for linux. I download the highchartsphp and I place it where? I have composer installed and I do what as version 3 doesnt require composer . I place the highcharts dir where ? where I should place files to install? How do I install this EXACTLY and does this require mean I have dir called ghunti? I really need some decent how to install as this really isnt good enough . It has been 2 days since I tried to install this highchartsPHP for cakePHP. { "require": { "ghunti/highcharts-php": "~3.0" } } Code: [Select] http://localhost/link.php?course=fitness link.php Code: [Select] <?php $course=$_GET[course]; echo "$course"; ?> I install the new apache it come out with this error "Use of undefined constant course - assumed 'course' in C:\xampp\htdocs\link.php on line 2". Previouly it is working fine on old one. Why it happened on new apache? This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. Hi, Where to install this PHPMailer? It is on WebServer or it will work if I install it in the same folders where my webpages are? Thanks. This topic has been moved to Miscellaneous. This topic has been moved to Installation in Windows. Its a pain in the ass setting up frameworks like CakePHP or WordPress repeatedly on your local machine, it would be nice to have a program that automatically sets it up for you. Does a program like this exist? I started making a bash script which automatically installs CakePHP but it turned out to be a lot of work, I don't have the time to do it on my own. What would be cool is if this site had a system where a person starts an editable script, then other users that the person invites are able to edit the script, that way a group of us could pitch in and make new scripts rapidly.
try to install orm peewee on opensuse 13. 1 but unfortunatly it failed martin@linux-70ce:~> martin@linux-70ce:~> git clone Klone nach 'peewee'... remote: Reusing existing pack: 5673, done. remote: Counting objects: 13, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done. remote: Total 5686 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0) Empfange Objekte: 100% (5686/5686), 3.54 MiB | 102.00 KiB/s, done. Löse Unterschiede auf: 100% (3468/3468), done. Prüfe Konnektivität... Fertig martin@linux-70ce:~> cd peewee martin@linux-70ce:~/peewee> python install running install error: can't create or remove files in install directory The following error occurred while trying to add or remove files in the installation directory: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/test-easy-install-5717.write-test' The installation directory you specified (via --install-dir, --prefix, or the distutils default setting) was: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ Perhaps your account does not have write access to this directory? If the installation directory is a system-owned directory, you may need to sign in as the administrator or "root" account. If you do not have administrative access to this machine, you may wish to choose a different installation directory, preferably one that is listed in your PYTHONPATH environment variable. For information on other options, you may wish to consult the documentation at: Please make the appropriate changes for your system and try again. martin@linux-70ce:~/peewee> what can i do now hello; I installed xampp today ( v2.5 ) and all of my old php/mysql stuff is haywire. ONE example is this: $lvs_result = str_pad( 1 , 4 , "0" , "STR_PAD_LEFT" ) ; print ( $lvs_result . "\n" ) ; //==> Warning: str_pad() expects parameter 4 to be long, string given in C:\xampp\htdocs\testing\index.php on line 18 I am getting dozens of warnings for all kinds of functions however .. any thoughts? old php was 5.2 ... new php is 5.3. thanks. This topic has been moved to PHP Installation & Configuration. This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. Hi, First of all, this is not a mysql error I got the following script which updates a mysql field before redirecting the script to another "page" to get the users information from the database and then sending an email to notify the user that their account has been approved. However, the message isnt sent and the Approval Message Failed message is displayed. Here are both parts of the script although it is the second part which is failing. Code: [Select] case "approval": include_once("data/mysql.php"); $mysqlPassword = (base64_decode($mysqlpword)); $username = $_GET['username']; $db = mysql_connect("$localhost", "$mysqlusername", "$mysqlPassword") or die ("Error connecting to database"); mysql_select_db("$dbname", $db) or die ("An error occured when connecting to database"); mysql_query("UPDATE members SET approved = 'yes' WHERE username = '$username'"); mysql_close($db); header("Location: admin.php?cmd=appMailSend&username=$username"); break; Part 2 Code: [Select] case "appMailSend": include_once("data/mysql.php"); include_once("data/server.php"); $username = $_GET['username']; function decode_variable(&$siteName) { $siteName = urldecode($siteName); $siteName = str_replace('%20',' ',$siteName); return $siteName; } decode_variable($siteName); $mysqlPassword = (base64_decode($mysqlpword)); $db = mysql_connect("$localhost", "$mysqlusername", "$mysqlPassword") or die ("Error connecting to database"); mysql_select_db("$dbname", $db) or die ("An error occured when connecting to database"); $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE username='$username'") or die(mysql_error()); while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data )) { $email = $data['email']; $username = $data['username']; $firstname = $data['firstname']; $password = $data['password']; } mysql_close($db); // Send Approval email $bodyApp = file_get_contents('data/approvalMail.php'); $to = "$email"; $subject = "Welcome to $siteName"; $body = "\nDear $firstname;\n$bodyApp\nUsername: $username';\n Password: $password;"; if (mail($to, $subject, $body)) { // Redirect back to manage page header("Location: admin.php?cmd=manage1"); } else { echo "Approval Message Failed"; } break; As always, any help is much appreciated. Paul The following script doesn't seem to work? I re-used a registration script that I have which works fine, just changing the details where necessary but it doesn't work and shows no errors, when I fill out the form and click submit it just displays the form again, no success message, no error message and it doesn't add the info into the database, however when I run the same query through phpmyadmin it works... <?php include ('header.php'); ?></center> <div class=content> <?php if(!empty($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['password'])) { $fname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['first']); $lname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['last']); $email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']); $sia = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sia']); $no = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['number']); $checknumber = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM staff WHERE no = '".$no."'"); if(mysql_num_rows($checknumber) == 1) { echo "<b>Error</b>"; echo "Mobile number in use by another employee!"; } else { $addstaff = mysql_query("INSERT INTO staff (fname, lname, email, no, sia) VALUES('".$fname."', '".$lname."', '".$email."', '".$no."', '".$sia."')"); if($addstaff) { echo "<b>Success!</b>"; echo "Employee added to the database, click <span class=1><a href=stafflist.php>here</a></span> to view employee's"; } else { echo "<b>Error</b>"; echo "<p>There was a problem adding the employee, please try again.</p>"; } } } else { ?> <b>Add an Employee</b> <br><br> Please enter the details below to add an employee to the database. <br><br> <form method="post" action="addstaff.php" name="addstaffform" id="addstaffform"> <table width=700px border=0 cellspacing=10><tr><td valign=top><table border=0> <b>Required Information:</b><br><br> <tr><td> <b>First Name:</b> </td><td> <input type="text" name="first" id="first" /> </td></tr><tr><td> <b>Last Name:</b> </td><td> <input type="text" name="last" id="last" /> </td></tr><tr><td> <b>Email Address:</b> </td><td> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" /> </td></tr></table></td><td valign=top> <table border=0> <b>More Information:</b><br><br> <tr><td> <b>SIA License Number:</b> </td><td> <input type="text" name="sia" id="sia"> </td></tr><tr><td> <b>Contact Number:</b> </td><td> <input type="text" name="no" id="no"> </tr></td></td> </table> </td></tr> </table> <input type="submit" name="add" id="add" value="Add Employee" class=btn /> </form> <?php } ?> </div> <?php include ('footer.php'); ?> I don't understand it? Whats wrong with it? |