PHP - Recent Error Message...but Script Was Working Fine.
I have been using this script for years. I realise it is a little old and probably not well written, however it has been functional. I suspect the problem is that maybe they have turned the register_globals off at the server and the script is no longer working. I don't know if that is the problem. The error I get when I attempt to upload an image is this:
Error: MySQL error reported! Query: INSERT INTO photos values(NULL,'corrobex', 1, 10, , 'makinti', '', '', 'makinti.jpg', 571, 381, 42520, '0', 0, 0, 0, '1', , '0', 'no', '', '', '', '', '') Result: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' 'makinti', '', '', 'makinti.jpg', 571, 381, 42520, '0', 0, 0, 0, '1', , '0', 'n' at line 1 Database handle: Resource id #3 Now here is the script: Code: [Select] <?php include("pp-inc.php"); include("login-inc.php"); include("image-inc.php"); if ( is_array($HTTP_POST_FILES) ) { while(list($key,$value) = each($HTTP_POST_FILES)) { ${$key} = $value; } } function handleupload( $location = "data" ) { global $HTTP_POST_FILES, $userid, $Globals, $category; $tmpname = $HTTP_POST_FILES['theimage']['tmp_name']; $realname = $HTTP_POST_FILES['theimage']['name']; $tmpcloseup = $HTTP_POST_FILES['closeup']['tmp_name']; if (is_uploaded_file($tmpname) ) { $realname = fixfilenames( $realname ); $closeup = preg_replace("/(\.[A-Za-z]+)$/", "-closeup\\1", $realname); if ( $location != "data" ) { $dst_file = $location; } else { $dst_file = $Globals{'datafull'}."$category/$userid$realname"; $closeup_file = $Globals{'datafull'}."$category/$userid$closeup"; } copy($tmpname, $dst_file); copy($tmpcloseup, $closeup_file); } else { dieWell("Uploaded file not found: $realname<br>Typical reason is that the file exceeded allowed limits."); exit; } return; } authenticate(); $nolimit = 0; if ( $Globals{'adminnolimit'} == "yes" && $adminedit == 1 ) { $nolimit = 1; } $adminexclude = 0; if ( $Globals{'adminexclude'} == "yes" && $adminedit == 1 ) { $adminexclude = 1; } if ( $adminedit == 0 ) { if ( $Globals{'allowup'} == "no" ) { dieWell( "User uploads not allowed" ); } } $querystring = findenv("QUERY_STRING"); if ( ($useruploads == 0 && $gologin==1) || $querystring == "gologin" ) { $furl=$Globals{'maindir'}; $furl= str_replace( $Globals{'domain'}, "", $furl ); $furl="$furl/uploadphoto.php"; login( $furl ); exit; } if ( $gologin != 0 ) { if ( $useruploads == 0 ) { dieWell("Sorry, you don't have permission to upload photos."); exit; } } topmenu(); if ( !isset($theimage) ) { $catdefault = ""; if ( !empty($cat) ) { $query = "SELECT id,catname,thumbs FROM categories WHERE id=$cat LIMIT 1"; $resultb = ppmysql_query($query,$link); while ( list( $subid, $subcatname, $subthumbs ) = mysql_fetch_row($resultb) ) { if ( $ugcat{$subid} != 1 ) { $catdefault = "<option selected value=\"$subid\">$subcatname</option>"; } } ppmysql_free_result( $resultb ); } $header = str_replace( "titlereplace", "Upload Photo", $header ); $output = "$header<center><p> <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" height=\"40\" width=\"".$Globals{'tablewidth'}."\"><Tr> <Td valign=\"middle\" width=\"50%\">$menu2</td> <td width=\"50%\" align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\">$menu</td></tr></table> <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'bordercolor'}."\" width=\"".$Globals{'tablewidth'}."\" align=\"center\"><tr><td> <table cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"> <tr align=\"center\"> <td colspan=\"1\" align=\"left\" bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'headcolor'}."\"><font face=\"".$Globals{'headfont'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'headfontcolor'}."\" size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\"><B>".$Globals{'galleryname'}." Image Upload</font></td> <td colspan=\"1\" align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'headcolor'}."\"><font face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'headfontcolor'}."\" size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\"> <a href=\"javascript:PopUpHelp('uploadphoto.php')\">help</a></font> </td> </tr> <form method=\"post\" action=\"".$Globals{'maindir'}."/uploadphoto.php\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\">Username</font></td><td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"> <font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\">$username</td></tr> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\" width=\"50%\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\">Choose a category</font></td><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><select name=\"category\">$catdefault"; if (empty($subid)) $subid=""; $selected = $subid; catmoveopt(0); $output .= $catoptions; $imgdir = $Globals{'zipuploaddir'}."/$userid"; $skiphtml = "</table><table cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'headcolor'}."\" align=\"center\"> <font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'headfontcolor'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\"> <b>ADMIN OPTIONS FOR BULK OR ZIP UPLOADS</b></font> </td> <td align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'headcolor'}."\"><font face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'headfontcolor'}."\" size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\"> <a href=\"javascript:PopUpHelp('adminskip.php')\">help</a></font> </td> </tr></table> <table cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\" width=\"100%\"> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\">Skip upload and process the files in your upload directory<br><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontsmall'}."\">Files should already be in: <b>$imgdir</b></td> <td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"skipupload\" value=\"skipupload\"></td></tr> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\">Show thumbnails during processing?</td> <td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\" align=\"center\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\"><select name=\"dthumbs\"><option selected>yes</option><option>no</option></select></font></td></tr> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\">Number of thumbnails to process next?</td> <td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\" align=\"center\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\"><select name=\"numprocess\"><option selected>10</option><option>25</option><option>50</option><option>100</option></select></td></tr>"; $output .= "</select></td></tr> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\">Photo to upload:</font><br><b><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontsmall'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\" color=\"red\">$maxfilesize</font></b></td><td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><input type=\"file\" name=\"theimage\"></td></tr> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\">Matching closeup to upload:</font><br><b><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontsmall'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\" color=\"red\">$maxfilesize</font></b></td><td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><input type=\"file\" name=\"closeup\"></td></tr> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\">Enter a title for the photo</td><td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"title\"></td></tr> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\">To help users find your photo, please enter a few (up to 10) descriptive keywords (separated by spaces):</td><td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"keywords\"></td></tr> <tr><Td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" color=\"".$Globals{'maintext'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\">Photo Description</td><td bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><textarea name=\"desc\" cols=\"30\" rows=\"5\"></textarea></td></tr> $skiphtml <Center> <Tr><Td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"".$Globals{'maincolor'}."\"><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontmedium'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\"><center> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"password\" value=\"$password\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"userid\" value=\"$userid\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\" value=\"2000000\"> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Upload/Submit\"> <p><b>When you hit SUBMIT, the file you selected will be uploaded.</b><br></font><font size=\"".$Globals{'fontsmall'}."\" face=\"".$Globals{'mainfonts'}."\"> (Depending on the size of the file and your connection, this may take some time. <b>Please be patient.</b>)</p></font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table><p>".$Globals{'cright'}."$footer"; print $output; } else { if (empty($skipupload)) $skipupload=""; if ( $category == "" ) { dieWell( "You must choose a category before uploading."); exit; } if ( $skipupload == "skipupload" ) { $deftitle = urlencode($title); $defdesc = urlencode($desc); $furl = $Globals{'zipuploadurl'}."/$userid"; forward( $Globals{'maindir'}."/bulkupload.php?ppaction=addphotos&do=preview&photopath=$userid&deftitle=$deftitle&defdesc=$defdesc&defcat=$category&keywords=$keywords&numprocess=$numprocess&dthumbs=$dthumbs&furl=$furl", "Preparing to process image list!" ); exit; } $realname = $HTTP_POST_FILES['theimage']['name']; if ( $realname == "" ) { dieWell( "You need to enter the name of a file to upload! $thevideo / $theimage" ); exit; } $realname = fixfilenames( $realname ); $theext = get_ext( $realname ); $filepath = $Globals{'datafull'}."$category/$userid$realname"; $outfilename = "$userid$realname"; $query = "SELECT userid,bigimage FROM photos where userid=$userid"; $resulta = ppmysql_query($query,$link); while( list( $uid, $bgimage ) = mysql_fetch_row($resulta) ) { if ($uid == $userid && $uid != 0) { if ( $bgimage == $realname ) { dieWell("Sorry, you already uploaded an image called $realname. Try a different name."); exit; } } } ppmysql_free_result($resulta); $title = fixmessage( $title ); $keywords = fixmessage( $keywords ); $desc = fixmessage( $desc ); if ( $category == "notcat" ) { $emessage = "The category you chose is a top level category.<p>Please go back and choose one of its subcategories to upload your image."; dieWell($emessage); } //####// Write the file to a directory ##### //#// Do you wish to allow all file types? yes/no (no capital letters) $allowall = "no"; //#// If the above = "no"; then which is the only extention to allow? //#// Remember to have the LAST 4 characters i.e. .ext if ($realname != "") { $isfilegood = "yes"; if ( $allowall != "yes" ) { if ( !is_image($outfilename) ) { $isfilegood = "no"; } } if ($isfilegood == "yes") { handleupload(); } // // ZIP Uploads for Users // if ( $Globals{'allowzip'} ) { if (strtolower(substr($outfilename,strlen($outfilename) - 4,4)) == ".zip" ) { $filepath = $Globals{'zipuploaddir'}."/$userid"; $filedir = "$filepath/$outfilename"; if ( !file_exists( $filepath ) ) { mkdir( $filepath, 0755 ); chmod( $filepath, 0777 ); } chdir( $filepath ); handleupload( $filedir ); $sys_cmd = $Globals{'zip_command'}." -qq $filedir"; system( $sys_cmd ); unlink( $filedir ); $deftitle = urlencode($title); $defdesc = urlencode($desc); $furl = $Globals{'zipuploadurl'}."/$userid"; if ( empty($numprocess) ) $numprocess = 10; if ( empty($dthumbs) ) $dthumbs = "yes"; forward( $Globals{'maindir'}."/bulkupload.php?ppaction=addphotos&do=preview&photopath=$userid&deftitle=$deftitle&defdesc=$defdesc&defcat=$category&keywords=$keywords&numprocess=$numprocess&dthumbs=$dthumbs&furl=$furl", "Preparing to process image list!" ); exit; } } } if ( file_exists($filepath) ) { $insize = filesize( $filepath ); } else { dieWell("File upload error. Cannot find uploaded file.<br>Path: [$filepath]"); exit; } if ( $isfilegood != "yes" ) { dieWell( "Image must be a .jpg, .gif, .tif or .png file." ); exit; } $thumbsize = create_thumb( $realname, $filepath, $category ); process_image( $realname, $filepath, $category ); $query = "SELECT id FROM photos WHERE userid=$userid AND bigimage='$realname'"; $resulta = ppmysql_query($query,$link); list( $forwardid ) = mysql_fetch_row($resulta); ppmysql_free_result($resulta); if ( empty($forwardid) ) { dieWell( "There was a problem processing your image: $realname.<p>Please notify the System Administrator." ); exit; } forward( $Globals{'maindir'}."/showphoto.php?photo=$forwardid", "Your image was uploaded successfully!" ); } ?> Do Globals need to be on for this to work? Or is there another problem? thanks Paul MOD EDIT: [code] . . . [/code] tags added. Similar TutorialsI have the following php code that errors as indicated: $query = $con->query('SELECT FILENAME, country, area, city FROM download WHERE FILENAME is not null'); Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'country' in 'field list' in /home/larry/web/test/public_html/report1.php:47 Stack trace: #0 /home/larry/web/test/public_html/report1.php(47): PDO->query('SELECT FILENAME...') #1 {main} thrown in /home/larry/web/test/public_html/report1.php on line 47 The Select statement doesn't error when run in mysql shell or phpmyadmin. Here's the result of show create table download: localhost/test/download/ http://localhost/phpmyadmin/tbl_sql.php?db=test&table=download&token=5739c407033be3e118287bc7a9041c2c Current selection does not contain a unique column. Grid edit, checkbox, Edit, Copy and Delete features are not available. Your SQL query has been executed successfully. show create table download download CREATE TABLE `download` ( `ID` int(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `LOG_TIME` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `IP_ADDRESS` int(64) unsigned NOT NULL, `FILENAME` varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_general_mysql500_ci DEFAULT NULL, `country` varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_general_mysql500_ci DEFAULT NULL, `area` varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_general_mysql500_ci DEFAULT NULL, `city` varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_general_mysql500_ci DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY `ID` (`ID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1266 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_mysql500_ci Does anyone have an idea why this is happening? Hi, I have this script, it all works fine until it gets to the message sending point. What I want is if the $registerMail variable is set to yes then send the message and redirect user to login page, if not then just redirect the user to the login page. However once registered, the user is sent to the login page and the message isnt sent. Code: [Select] <?php include_once("data/server.php"); function decode_variable(&$siteName) { $siteName = urldecode($siteName); $siteName = str_replace('%20',' ',$siteName); return $siteName; } decode_variable($siteName); $registerMail = $_GET['regMail']; $password1 = $_POST['password1']; $password2 = $_POST['password2']; // Get Posted Variables $username = $_POST['username']; $firstname = $_POST['firstname']; $lastname = $_POST['lastname']; $address = $_POST['address']; $town = $_POST['town']; $county = $_POST['county']; $postcode = $_POST['postcode']; $email = $_POST['email']; $approved = "no"; $IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if ($password1 != $password2) { echo "Your passwords did not match, please go back and register again"; } else { // MySQL Connection include_once("data/mysql.php"); $mysqlPassword = (base64_decode($mysqlpword)); $con = mysql_connect("$localhost", "$mysqlusername", "$mysqlPassword") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("$dbname", $con) or die(mysql_error()); $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM members WHERE username='$username'"; $results = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error reading from database"); $existingUsername = mysql_fetch_array($results); if ($existingUsername['count'] > 0) { echo "I'm sorry our database already contains that username please choose a new username to continue. "; } else { ///// Check IP address does not belong to a unapproved user $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM members WHERE IP='$IP' AND approved='$approved'"; $results = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error reading from database"); $bannedIP = mysql_fetch_array($results); if ($bannedIP['count'] > 0) { echo "I'm sorry your IP address has been banned from registering another account, please contact $adminEmail "; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO members (IP, username, firstname, lastname, address, town, county, postcode, email, password, approved) VALUES ('$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]','$_POST[username]','$_POST[firstname]','$_POST[lastname]','$_POST[address]','$_POST[town]','$_POST[county]','$_POST[postcode]','$_POST[email]','$_POST[password2]','$approved')"; mysql_query($sql,$con); mysql_close($con); } } } ///////////////// Send registration Mail /////////////////////////// if ($registerMail == 'yes') { $bodyReg = file_get_contents('data/registrationMail.php'); $to = "$email"; $subject = "Welcome to $siteName"; $body = "\nDear $firstname;\n$bodyReg\nUsername: $username\n Password: $password2;"; $headers = "From: $adminEmail\r\n" . "X-Mailer: php"; if (mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers)) { echo "Registration Successful. You will be redirected to login in 5 seconds."; ?> <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="5;url=../login.html"> <?php } } else { echo "Registration Successful. You will be redirected to login in 5 seconds."; ?> <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="5;url=../login.html"> <?php } ?> As always any help is much appreciated PHP = 5.5.14
MySQL = 5.2.17
I've cloned a mysqli_connect() statement in a 'require' file placed in a non-public access location on the server. It's the same format (and location) currently working fine with another application, EXCEPT i changed the database name to what I need to use for this application, AND added the $con= part on the front end to substitute for the commented out $con= line in the example code I'm modifying to insert data into a new MySQL DB Table.
The dB Table is fine and I have Inserted data via myPHPAdmin with no problems. Only two form variables are in the simple PHP script thus far just to test if it will work before proceeding.
I've used pseudonames for the actual /home/.... location and filename, and am now Baffled about the Line 2 Error Message I'm getting (below the code).
<?php require '/home/myusername/domains/'; //$con=mysqli_connect("example","uid","pwd","my_db"); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } // escape variables for security $year = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['year']); $callsign = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['callsign']); $sql="INSERT INTO `lqplogs` (`year`, `callsign`) VALUES ('$year', '$callsign'); if (!mysqli_query($con,$sql)) { die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con)); } echo "1 record added"; mysqli_close($con); ?>ERROR Message: Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in (above file & location) on line 2 There are NO '\' characters in any of my files. Here is the simple Form file code: <?php ?> <html: <head><title></title></head> <body> <form action="insert.php" method="post"> YEAR: <input type="text" name="year"> CALLSIGN: <input type="text" name="callsign"> <input type="submit"> </form> </body> </html> <?php ?>Thanks for any assistance! -FreakingOUT I am a new developer, trying to figure out what causing a memory error. The code goes through registered appointments and depends on the service ID, I have to free a 45 minutes for another service to be booked. Now, once I book an appointment for any of the services that can have 45 minutes free spot, the website takes forever to load the hours but doesn't show them, instead I get this error A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Error Message: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded
foreach ($appointments as $appointment) { foreach ($periods as $index => &$period) { $appointment_start = new DateTime($appointment['start_datetime']); $appointment_end = new DateTime($appointment['end_datetime']); if ($appointment_start >= $appointment_end) { continue; } $period_start = new DateTime($date . ' ' . $period['start']); $period_end = new DateTime($date . ' ' . $period['end']); $serviceId=$appointment['id_services']; $color1=1; $color2=2; $color3=3; $color4=4; $color5=5; $color6=6; $color7=7; $color8=8; $color9=9; $color10=10; $color11=11; $color12=12; $color13=13; $color14=14; $color15=15; $color16=16; $color17=17; $color18=18; $color19=19; $period_s=''; $period_e=''; if ($appointment_start <= $period_start && $appointment_end <= $period_end && $appointment_end <= $period_start) { // The appointment does not belong in this time period, so we will not change anything. continue; } else { if ($appointment_start <= $period_start && $appointment_end <= $period_end && $appointment_end >= $period_start) { // The appointment starts before the period and finishes somewhere inside. We will need to break // this period and leave the available part. //open slot for services 45,45,45 if($serviceId == $color1 || $serviceId == $color3 || $serviceId == $color7 || $serviceId == $color9|| $serviceId == $color10 || $serviceId == $color11 || $serviceId == $color12){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i'); } //Open slot for service 45,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color2 || $serviceId == $color8){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color4 || $serviceId == $color6 ||$serviceId == $color16 || $serviceId == $color18){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color5 || $serviceId == $color17){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color13 || $serviceId == $color15){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color14 ){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i'); } // //for the rest of services else { $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i');} } else { if ($appointment_start >= $period_start && $appointment_end < $period_end) { // The appointment is inside the time period, so we will split the period into two new // others. unset($periods[$index]); if($serviceId == $color1 || $serviceId == $color3 || $serviceId == $color7 || $serviceId == $color9|| $serviceId == $color10 || $serviceId == $color11 || $serviceId == $color12){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } // //Open slot for service 45,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color2 || $serviceId == $color8){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color4 || $serviceId == $color6 ||$serviceId == $color16 || $serviceId == $color18){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color5 || $serviceId == $color17){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color13 || $serviceId == $color15){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color14 ){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } //for other services once The code is completely correct else{ $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } } else if ($appointment_start == $period_start && $appointment_end == $period_end) { if($serviceId == $color1 || $serviceId == $color3 || $serviceId == $color7 || $serviceId == $color9|| $serviceId == $color10 || $serviceId == $color11 || $serviceId == $color12){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } //Open slot for service 45,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color2 || $serviceId == $color8){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color4 || $serviceId == $color6 ||$serviceId == $color16 || $serviceId == $color18){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color5 || $serviceId == $color17){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color13 || $serviceId == $color15){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color14 ){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ];} // //for the rest of services else { unset($periods[$index]);} // The whole period is blocked so remove it from the available periods array. } else { if ($appointment_start >= $period_start && $appointment_end >= $period_start && $appointment_start <= $period_end) { // The appointment starts in the period and finishes out of it. We will need to remove //the time that is taken from the appointment. if($serviceId == $color1 || $serviceId == $color3 || $serviceId == $color7 || $serviceId == $color9|| $serviceId == $color10 || $serviceId == $color11 || $serviceId == $color12){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } //Open slot for service 45,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color2 || $serviceId == $color8){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color4 || $serviceId == $color6 ||$serviceId == $color16 || $serviceId == $color18){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color5 || $serviceId == $color17){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color13 || $serviceId == $color15){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color14 ){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); } // for the rest of services else{ $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); } } else { if ($appointment_start >= $period_start && $appointment_end >= $period_end && $appointment_start >= $period_end) { // The appointment does not belong in the period so do not change anything. continue; } else { if ($appointment_start <= $period_start && $appointment_end >= $period_end && $appointment_start <= $period_end) { //Open slot for service 45,45,45 if($serviceId == $color1 || $serviceId == $color3 || $serviceId == $color7 || $serviceId == $color9|| $serviceId == $color10 || $serviceId == $color11 || $serviceId == $color12){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } //Open slot for service 45,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color2 || $serviceId == $color8){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } // //Open slot for service 30,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color4 || $serviceId == $color6 ||$serviceId == $color16 || $serviceId == $color18){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ];} //Open slot for service 30,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color5 || $serviceId == $color17){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ];} // // //Open slot for service 60,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color13 || $serviceId == $color15){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ];} // // //Open slot for service 60,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color14 ){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ];} else{ unset($periods[$index]); } } } } } } } } } return array_values($periods); } Hello all,
Appreciate if you folks could pls. help me understand (and more importantly resolve) this very weird error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ASC, purchase_later_flag ASC, shopper1_buy_flag AS' at line 3' in /var/www/index.php:67 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/index.php(67): PDO->query('SELECT shoplist...') #1 {main} thrown in /var/www/index.php on line 67
Everything seems to work fine when/if I use the following SQL query (which can also be seen commented out in my code towards the end of this post) :
$sql = "SELECT shoplist.*, store_master.store_name, item_master.item_name FROM shoplist, store_master, item_master WHERE shoplist.store_id = store_master.store_id AND shoplist.item_id = item_master.item_id";However, the moment I change my query to the following, which essentially just includes/adds the ORDER BY clause, I receive the error quoted above: $sql = "SELECT shoplist.*, store_master.store_name, item_master.item_name FROM shoplist, store_master, item_master ORDER BY purchased_flag ASC, purchase_later_flag ASC, shopper1_buy_flag ASC, shopper2_buy_flag ASC, store_name ASC) WHERE shoplist.store_id = store_master.store_id AND shoplist.item_id = item_master.item_id";In googling for this error I came across posts that suggested using "ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET()" and "ORDER BY FIELD()"...both of which I tried with no success. Here's the portion of my code which seems to have a problem, and line # 67 is the 3rd from bottom (third last) statement in the code below: <?php /* $sql = "SELECT shoplist.*, store_master.store_name, item_master.item_name FROM shoplist, store_master, item_master WHERE shoplist.store_id = store_master.store_id AND shoplist.item_id = item_master.item_id"; */ $sql = "SELECT shoplist.*, store_master.store_name, item_master.item_name FROM shoplist, store_master, item_master ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(purchased_flag ASC, purchase_later_flag ASC, shopper1_buy_flag ASC, shopper2_buy_flag ASC, store_name ASC) WHERE shoplist.store_id = store_master.store_id AND shoplist.item_id = item_master.item_id"; $result = $pdo->query($sql); // foreach ($pdo->query($sql) as $row) { foreach ($result as $row) { echo '<tr>'; print '<td><span class="filler-checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="IDnumber[]" value="' . $row["idnumber"] . '" /></span></td>';Thanks i dont understand what is wrong plz help me.
here is code
$name = "img/".rand(1,9999999).".png"; $myFile = $name; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file"); $stringData = $html; fwrite($fh, $stringData); fclose($fh); $file=$name; $fst=file_get_contents($file); $im=imagecreatefromstring($fst); imagefilter($im, IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE); imagefilter($im, IMG_FILTER_NEGATE); //Convert to Grey Scale for($i=0;$i<123;$i++){ for($j=0;$j<50;$j++){ $px=imagecolorat($im,$i,$j); if($px<0x303030){ imagesetpixel($im,$i,$j,0); }else{ imagesetpixel($im,$i,$j,0xffffff); } } } $database = unserialize(@file_get_contents("db.txt")); if($database === false) $database = array(); // modify the database if needed if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST'){ if($_POST['submit'] == 'Add') $database[$_POST['ident']] = substr($_POST['letter'], 0, 1); if($_POST['submit'] == 'Del') unset($database[$_POST['ident']]); if($fh = @fopen('db111.txt', 'w+')){ fwrite($fh, serialize($database)); fclose($fh); } }else{ $newimage = true; } $width = 130; $height = 40; $captcha_gridstart =1; $captcha_gridspace =2; $letters = findletters($im, $width, $height, $captcha_gridstart, $captcha_gridspace); $count = count($letters); $cellw = ($count > 0) ? intval(100 / $count) : 0; //dispeckle the image and GET co-ordinates of the characters of captcha image and return them. function findletters($image, $width, $height, $gridstart, $gridspace){ $offsets = array(); $o = 0; $atstartx = true; for($x = 0; $x < $width; $x++){ $blankx = true; for($y = 0; $y < $height; $y++){ if(imagecolorat($image, $x, $y) == 0){ $blankx = false; break; } } if(!$blankx && $atstartx){ $offsets[$o]['startx'] = $x; $atstartx = !$atstartx; }else if($blankx && !$atstartx){ $offsets[$o]['endx'] = $x; $atstartx = !$atstartx; $o++; } } $count = $o; for($o = 0; $o < $count; $o++){ for($y = 0; $y < $height; $y++){ $blanky = true; for($x = $offsets[$o]['startx']; $x < $offsets[$o]['endx']; $x++){ if(imagecolorat($image, $x, $y) == 0){ $blanky = false; break; } } if(!$blanky){ $offsets[$o]['starty'] = $y; break; } } for($y = $height-1; $y > $offsets[$o]['starty']; $y--){ $blanky = true; for($x = $offsets[$o]['startx']; $x < $offsets[$o]['endx']; $x++){ if(imagecolorat($image, $x, $y) == 0){ $blanky = false; break; } } if(!$blanky){ $offsets[$o]['endy'] = $y; break; } } } for($o = 0; $o < $count; $o++){ $offsets[$o]['ident'] = ""; for($x = $offsets[$o]['startx'] + $gridstart; $x < $offsets[$o]['endx']; $x += $gridspace){ for($y = $offsets[$o]['starty'] + $gridstart; $y < $offsets[$o]['endy']; $y += $gridspace){ $offsets[$o]['ident'] .= ((imagecolorat($image, $x, $y) == 0) ? "0" : "1"); #echo $offsets[$o]['ident'].'<br>'; } } } return $offsets; } $a=""; foreach($letters as $letter){ $asciiletter = $database[$letter['ident']]; if(!empty($asciiletter)) { $a.=$asciiletter; } } One of my tables was hacked by a couple of morons causing me to create a new one The old table was named lner, the new one is named lner3 which has a couple of extra fields Using a playton script to display and manipulate lner3 works just fine but the script used to put detail in gallery pages just DON'T. I basically get a blank page not even the table Remember this is the working script I am still using with my old table until I get the new one working So header and stuff is all fine and it all checks out with CSS and Validation Code: [Select] <body> <div id="head"> <?php // please note $tble = 'lner3'; // Only the above line has changed from //$tble = 'lner'; $brnum = '60112'; include ("../../include/adsense.php"); include_once("../../include/bsgal_conn.php"); ?> </div> <?php $connect = mysqli_connect($host,$account,$password) OR DIE("Error !! Unable to connect to database"); $db = mysqli_select_db($connect,"$dbname") OR DIE( "Unable to select database "); $db="SELECT * FROM $tble WHERE br_no = $brnum OR other_no = $brnum"; if ($result = mysqli_query($connect,$db)) { if (mysqli_num_rows($result)) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){ ?> <div id="main"> <table width="410" align="center" border="4" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1"> <tr> <th>Class</th> <th>C.M.Engineer</th> <th>Arrangment</th> </tr> <tr> <td><?php echo $row['lclas']."/".$row['class2']; ?></td> <td><?php echo $row['cme']; ?></td> <td><?php echo $row['wheel']; ?></td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html> So some hints on debugging why it does not work would be most welcome Thanks Roy... This script was working fine yesterday i havn't changed anything?? not it don't register the user upon completing the script no error, just when you hit submit it refreshes and does nothing? <?php //check for submit $submit =$_POST['submit']; //gather POST variable $fullname =strip_tags($_POST['fullname']); $email =strip_tags($_POST['email']); $username =strip_tags($_POST['username']); $password =strip_tags($_POST['password']); $password2 =strip_tags($_POST['password2']); if ($submit) { //check that fields were filled in if ($fullname&&$email&&$username&&$password&&$password2) { //check to see if our two password fields match if ($password==$password2) { $password = md5($password); // register the user //open database $connect = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); mysql_select_db("users"); //begine insert $queryreg = mysql_query("INSERT INTO members VALUES ('','inet_aton('')','$fullname','$email','$username','$password')"); if ($queryreg) { echo "Thanks, For Registering! Click <a href=\"index.php\">HERE</a>To Login!"; } } //otherwise if passwords don't match else { echo "<font color='red'>The passwords you entered do not match</font>"; //end of checking password } } else { echo "<font color='red'>Please enter all fields!</font>"; } } //end check for submit ?> <form action='testreg.php' method="post"> <table align="center"> <tr> <td> Your Full Name: </td> <td> <input type="text" name="fullname" value="<?php echo $fullname; ?>"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Email Address: </td> <td> <input type="text" name="email" value="<?php echo $email; ?>"> </td> <tr> <td> Choose Username: </td> <td> <input type="text" name="username" value="<?php echo $username; ?>"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Password: </td> <td> <input type="password" name="password"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Retype Password: </td> <td> <input type="password" name="password2"> </td> </tr> </table> <p> <center><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Register"></center> </form> I have created a script (single file) that works fine when testing it alone, but when included it doesn't and rest of page is blank. What could cause this? Is this because of some "mismatch" between the queries, variables used on the included file and the existing file? FOR the CMS go to and login in username: user pasword: 123456 with both Chrome and IE. pleease and site is it works fine with Chrome, but not with IE. please help me this is my first CMS . i am learning.. it i use joommla templetefor design. oz i am not a designer // is the code for process_login.php page <?php require_once("includes/session.php"); ?><?php require_once("includes/connection.php"); ?><?php require_once("includes/functions.php"); ?><?php if (logged_in()) { redirect_to("content.php"); } if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { if(!$_POST['username']) { echo ' Make sure u type in username'; } if( !$_POST['password']) { echo 'make sure you type password'; } $username = trim(mysql_prep($_POST['username'])); $password = trim(mysql_prep($_POST['password'])); $hashed_password = sha1($password); // Check database to see if username and the hashed password exist there. $query = "SELECT id, username "; $query .= "FROM users "; $query .= "WHERE username = '{$username}' "; //$query .= "AND hashed_password = '{$hashed_password}' "; $query .= "AND hashed_password = '{$hashed_password}' "; $query .= "LIMIT 1"; $result_set = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); if(!$result_set) {die("Database connection failed: " . mysql_error());} confirm_query($result_set); if (mysql_num_rows($result_set) == 1) { // username/password authenticated // and only 1 match $found_user = mysql_fetch_array($result_set); //echo $found_user['id']; $_SESSION['user_id'] = $found_user['id']; $_SESSION['username'] = $found_user['username']; //echo 'test query'; redirect_to("content.php"); } } else { echo 'error'.mysql_error(); } ?> </body> </html> hi i have the script below which copies data from one table to another but will only insert new data update current data or delete old data from tempproducts to products then it will delete the tempproducts from the db however i keep getting this error: Warning: mssql_query() [function.mssql-query]: Query failed in E:\UpdateProducts.php on line 33 updateproducts.php Code: [Select] <?php include('../../otherscripts/functions.php'); $log = new Logging(); // create DB connection $host = "localhost"; $user = "user"; $pass = "pass"; $mydb = "db"; $db = mssql_connect($host,$user,$pass); //Select Database mssql_select_db($mydb); // delete all old data $sql0 = "SELECT * FROM tempproduct"; $sql1 = "INSERT INTO products SELECT * FROM tempproduct WHERE manf_part_no NOT IN (SELECT manf_part_no FROM products) AND supp_id NOT IN (SELECT supp_id FROM products)"; $sql2 = "DELETE FROM products WHERE manf_part_no NOT IN (SELECT manf_part_no FROM tempproduct) AND supp_id NOT IN (SELECT supp_id FROM tempproduct)"; $sql3 = "UPDATE p1 SET p1.avail_qty = t1.avail_qty, p1.cost_price = t1.cost_price, p1.rrp = t1.rrp, p1.date_added = t1.date_added, p1.description = t1.description FROM Products p1 INNER JOIN tempproduct t1 ON (p1.manf_part_no = t1.manf_part_no AND p1.supp_id = t1.supp_id)"; $sql4 = "TRUNCATE TABLE tempproduct"; //If tempproduct is empty done Execute Commands if it is full then execute commands $query = mssql_query($sql0) or die($log->lwrite('Failed to select for count from db')); $rowcount = mssql_num_rows($query); if($rowcount == 0){ $log->lwrite('Teh tempproduct am emptyish'); } else{ mssql_query($sql1) or die($log->lwrite('Failed to insert to db'.$sql1)); mssql_query($sql2) or die($log->lwrite('Failed to Delete from db')); mssql_query($sql3) or die($log->lwrite('Failed to Update db')); mssql_query($sql4) or die ($log->lwrite('Failed to TRUNCATE db')); } ?> if i run $sql1 command in the sql manager it runs fine and no errors occur? Code: [Select] switch($_GET['action']){ case 'write_ok': $error=false; $msg=''; if($_POST['dateofbirth']=='' || !preg_match( "/^(19|20)\d\d[-\\./](0[1-9]|1[012])[-\\./](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/",$_POST['dateofbirth'])){ $error=true; $msg.='Date of birth is required and in the correct format 00/00/0000\n'; } the message at the end appears if the error is true. I wanted to know how to not show an errors message if the error is false. Any help on this? I have this php code to load a word document : sample.docx
//define a variable define('wdPropertyTitle', 1);
//instantiate the object OK
// check Class //check the object
echo "<pre>";
?> Question: When I run the script, I get the following exception: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught com_exception: <b>Source:</b> Microsoft Word<br/><b>Description:</b> This command is not available because no document is open. in C:\phpFolder\php_codes\class_COM.php:75 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in C:\phpFolder\php_codes\class_COM.php on line 75 Do you have any solution to get this thing done?, please PS: I have : win 10, php 7.4.1, IIS 10 , php_com_dotnet is active in php.ini, Dcom Configured in windows snap-in Appreciated Mohamad Aflatooni why am I getting You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '7'' at line 1: Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); // Must start session first thing /* Created By Adam Khoury @ -----------------------June 20, 2008----------------------- */ // Here we run a login check if (!isset($_SESSION['id'])) { echo 'Please <a href="login.php">log in</a> to access your account'; exit(); } //Connect to the database through our include include_once "connect_to_mysql.php"; // Place Session variable 'id' into local variable $id=$_SESSION['id']; // Process the form if it is submitted if ($_POST['startdate']) { $event = $_POST['event']; $startdate = $_POST['startdate']; $enddate = $_POST['enddate']; $description = $_POST['description']; $subevent1 = $row['subevent1']; $subevent2 = $row['subevent2']; $subevent3 = $row['subevent3']; $subevent4 = $row['subevent4']; $subevent5 = $row['subevent5']; $subevent6 = $row['subevent6']; $subevent7 = $row['subevent7']; $subevent8 = $row['subevent8']; $title1 = $row['title1']; $title2 = $row['title2']; $title3 = $row['title3']; $title4 = $row['title4']; $title5 = $row['title5']; $title6 = $row['title6']; $title7 = $row['title7']; $title8 = $row['title8']; $price1 = $row['price1']; $price2 = $row['price2']; $price3 = $row['price3']; $price4 = $row['price4']; $price5 = $row['price5']; $price6 = $row['price6']; $price7 = $row['price7']; $price8 = $row['price8']; $sql = mysql_query("UPDATE Registration SET event='$event', startdate='$startdate', enddate='$enddate', description='$description', subevent1='$subevent1', subevent2='$subevent2', subevent3='$subevent3', subevent4=$subevent4', subevent5='$subevent5', subevent6='$subevent6', subevent7='$subevent7', subevent8='$subevent8', title1='$title1', title2='$title2', title3='$title3', title4='$title4', title5='$title5', title6='$title6', title7='$title7', title8='$title8', price1='$price1', price2='$price2', price3='$price3', price4='$price4', price5='$price5', price6='$price6', price7='$price7', price8='$price8', id='$id'") or die (mysql_error()); printf("Records updated: %d\n", mysql_affected_rows()); exit(); } // close if post ?> My code work and let me log in but whether the login is correct or not it keeps on displaying "Wrong username and password" if($count==1){ session_register("myusername"); session_register("mypassword"); header("location:login_success.php"); } else { echo "Wrong Username or Password"; } Code: [Select] <?php include 'header.php'; ?> <form name="form1" method="post" action="insert_ac.php"> <table id="formcss" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" align="center"> <tr> <td colspan="3"><strong>Insert Data Into mySQL Database </strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="71">Name</td> <td width="6">:</td> <td width="301"><input name="name" type="text" id="name"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Company</td> <td>:</td> <td><input name="company" type="text" id="company"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Phone</td> <td>:</td> <td><input name="phone" type="text" id="phone"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mobile</td> <td>:</td> <td><input name="mobile" type="text" id="mobile"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Email</td> <td>:</td> <td><input name="email" type="text" id="email"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Called</td> <td>:</td> <td><input type="checkbox" name="call" value="training" /> Training <input type="checkbox" name="call" value="business" /> Business <input type="checkbox" name="call" value="legal" /> Legal <input type="checkbox" name="call" value="other" /> Other</td> </tr> </tr> <tr> <td>Patched To</td> <td>:</td> <td> <select name="patch"> <option value="sperkins">S.Perkins</option> <option value="srayson">S.Rayson</option> <option value="strandafil">S.Trandafil</option> <option value="tmoore">T.Moore</option> <option value="lharding">L.Harding</option> <option value="vmitchell">V.Mitchell</option> <option value="achilvers">A.Chilvers</option> <option value="aedwards">A.Edwards</option> <option value="rfrost">R.Frost</option> <option value="ohoogenhout">O.Hoogenhout</option> <option value="pkeily">P.Keily</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Filled out by</td> <td>:</td> <td><input name="user" type="text" id="user"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" align="center"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"></td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php include 'footer.php'; ?> Code: [Select] <?php $host="Localhost"; // Host name $username="root"; // Mysql username $password=""; // Mysql password $db_name="test"; // Database name $tbl_name="members"; // Table name // Connect to server and select database. mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); // Get values from form $name=$_POST['name']; $company=$_POST['company']; $phone=$_POST['phone']; $mobile=$_POST['mobile']; $email=$_POST['email']; $call=$_POST['call']; $patch=$_POST['patch']; $user=$_POST['user']; // Insert data into mysql $sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_name(name, company, phone, mobile, email, call, patch, user)VALUES('$name', '$company', '$phone' '$mobile', '$email', '$call', '$patch', '$user')"; $result=mysql_query($sql); // if successfully insert data into database, displays message "Successful". if($result){ echo "Successful"; echo "<BR>"; echo "<a href='insert.php'>Back to main page</a>"; } else { echo "ERROR 1"; //This is where the error is. Not sure why it's not working } // close connection mysql_close(); ?> Can anyone see what i've done wrong here? I swear my brain is going to explode if i look over this one more time. Just a simple form trying to submit to the database We are not getting the error message, that should match with the error_code
We sending the code and the object contains the error/success message to show!!!
This seems to almost works. It is part of Jquery Validations, once the field or submit button is clicked. It looks for error on field. then Enter the Ajax Funciton which is to parse the error code and the out put the error message which is coming from json object.
The code is not returning the error message, on line (alert(data))
Produces [object,object] not actual data string.
The error message does not return. Please help, is there something work with our ajax request
//*new style for error Messages*/ //var jsonErrors = frontEndErrorCodes; //JC wrote. //MG added. To retrieve Front-end error codes as well as //Backend Error Codes function _getErrorMessage(errorCode, message){ var errorData = JSON.stringify({error_code: errorCode, message: message}); var dataString = $.parseJSON(errorData); $.ajax({ url: './retrieveErrorMessage.json', type: 'POST', data: dataString, dataType: "json", contentType: 'application/json', mimeType: 'application/json', success: function(data) { //data = $.parseJSON(data); alert(data); $('.error.message').contents().find('h4').text(data.message); // if(!vanillaeGift.notify.called) { // $('.error.message').contents().find('h4').text(error.text()); // vanillaeGift.notify.showNotification(".error"); // } //Bolt Notification Called and Enabled here if(BoltNotify == true){ var spanerrorgen = $('.error.message').contents().find('h4').html(data.message); VanillaReload.notify.showNotification(".error"); }else if(BoltNotify == true && multipleNotice ==true ){ var spanerrorgen = $('.error.message').contents().find('h4').html(data.message); VanillaReload.notify.showNotification(".error").append(spanerrorgen); }else{ var spanerrorgen = $("<span/>").css("color","#D00").hide().addClass("error").html(data.message); $fieldref.parent().append(spanerrorgen)"fast"); } }, error: function(data) { //data = $.parseJSON(data); alert(data); $('.error.message').contents().find('h4').text(data.message); // if(!vanillaeGift.notify.called) { // $('.error.message').contents().find('h4').text(error.text()); // vanillaeGift.notify.showNotification(".error"); // } //Bolt Notification Called and Enabled here if(BoltNotify == true){ var spanerrorgen = $('.error.message').contents().find('h4').html(data.message); VanillaReload.notify.showNotification(".error"); }else if(BoltNotify == true && multipleNotice == true ){ var spanerrorgen = $('.error.message').contents().find('h4').html(data.message); VanillaReload.notify.showNotification(".error").append(spanerrorgen); }else{ var spanerrorgen = $("<span/>").css("color","#D00").hide().addClass("error").html(data.message); $fieldref.parent().append(spanerrorgen)"fast"); } }, fail: function(jqXHR, textStatus) { alert(data); if(textStatus == "parsererror"){ return "We're Sorry a system error occured"; } } }); } Hello. I am having some trouble with an include line. At the very top of my .php page I have the following Code: [Select] <?php include ('/IUS/Login/form_process.php'); ?> When I open the page using - localhost/IUS the rest of the page seems to load fine but at the very top I have this error message Quote Warning: include(/IUS/Login/form_process.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\IUS\Index.php on line 1 Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/IUS/Login/form_process.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\IUS\Index.php on line 1 My file structure is as follows Inside my apache2.2 there is the htdocs folder inside that there is a folder called IUS IUS has the index.php file in it as well as a css style sheet and two folders. 1. folder called 'images' 2.folder called Login Login has the file 'form_process.php' so the structure looks something like this - Apache2.2 htfocs IUS - Index.php, style.css Images - BackgroundRep.png etc... Login - form_process.php, Config.php (red = folder) Where am I going wrong? I can tell that its unable to find the form_process.php file in the path that I am specifying but I am unsure why? Thank you in advance for any help. This is the error message: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/public_html/main.php:12) in /home/public_html/main.php on line 61 I've tried reading into this but find no solutions if anyone can help I would be very grateful. I'm just trying to get the code to take the user to register page if they not a member heres the code im using <table border="0" width="220" align="center"> <tr> <? if(!session_is_registered("username")){ // if session variable "username" does not exist. echo "<td width='71'>Username:</td> <td width='139'><input type='text' name='username' size='16' style='font-family: Times New Roman, Times, serif; font-size: 11pt;' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width='71'>Password:</td> <td width='139'><input type='password' name='password' size='16' style='font-family: Times New Roman, Times, serif; font-size: 11pt;' /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='2' align='center'><input name='login' type='submit' value='Log In' style='background-color: #900002; border-color: #555555; color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; width: 60px;' /></td>"; }else{ echo "<td><b>Welcome $username</b><br /><a href='logout.php'><b>Logout</b></a></td>"; } ?> </tr> </table> </form></div> <div id="menutext"><span class="class1"><a href="">Home</a> <a href="">News</a> <a href="">Profile</a> <a href="">Friends & Fighters</a> <a href="">Videos</a> <a href="">Groups</a> <a href="">Forum</a></span></div> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <? if(!session_is_registered("username")){ header("Location:"); }else{ include("connect.php"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM signup ORDER by date AND time LIMIT 10"); echo "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=163> <tr bgcolor=#990000><td colspan=2 align=center height=24><font color=#FFFFFF><b>Newest Users:</b></font></td></tr>"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $username = $row['username']; $gender1 = $row['gender']; if ($gender1=="male") { $gender2="<font color=#0066FF><b>M</b></font>"; } if ($gender1=="female") { $gender2="<font color=#FF33CC><b>F</b></font>"; } echo "<tr><td align=center width=100>$username</td><td align=center width=57>$gender2</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } ?> </body> Thanks Here I use two php page with two forms. my first form is 'sign_up.php' and second is select_subject.php'. sign_up.php page has more categories and users can select up to 3 more categories there. So. after selecting and user click the continue bottom, page want to go to second form page its select_subject.php page. If a user not select a category of who selected over 3 category I need to display a error message. like this "Please select atleast 1, not more than 3 categories." I use this HTML my first page Code: [Select] <form method="post" action="select_subject.php"> <my select boxes> </form> Then I process it in my second page and if user have made a mistake in first page I need to redirect to the first page again with relevant error message. So I use this code in my second page. Code: [Select] } else { // No valid ID, kill the script. $_SESSION['errors'] = "Please select atleast 1, not more than 3 categories."; $url = 'http://localhost/lanka_institute/tutorsignup/tutor_registration.php'; // Define the URL: ob_end_clean(); // Delete the buffer. header("Location: $url"); exit(); // Quit the script. } and my first page I use this Code: [Select] if (isset($_SESSION['errors'])) { echo '<p> ' . $_SESSION['errors'] . '</p>'; } unset($_SESSION['errors']); but it is not printing my error message in the first page that Im expecting. But it printing 'Array' instead of my message. can you help me, what is the mistake that I have done??? thanks in advance. |