PHP - What Would B The Best Way To Include Word Which Is Used Alot
Hi i am have this word which is styled using span like this
Code: [Select] <span style="color:blue;">php</span><span style="color:green;">academy</span>i used this word often on my site but i have to all the time retype so i was wondering what would be the best way to use the php include one way i was thing is create a variable on my header Quote <php $phpacademy=<span style="color:blue;">php</span><span style="color:green;">academy</span> <?php or is better to include in a file on its own.? or are both the wrong way of doing if so what would be the best option just tired of having to style it everytime i need to use that word all the time! Similar TutorialsOk I found the culprit and it's easy! Code: [Select] function timeAgo2($timestamp, $granularity=3, $format='d:H:i:s'){ $difference = $timestamp; if($difference < 0) return '0 seconds ago'; elseif($difference < 864000){ $periods = array('week' => 604800,'day' => 86400,'hours' => 3600,'min' => 60,'seconds' => 1); $output = ''; foreach($periods as $key => $value){ if($difference >= $value){ $time = round($difference / $value); $difference %= $value; $output .= ($output ? ' ' : '').$time.' '; $output .= (($time > 1 && $key == 'day') ? $key.'s' : $key); $granularity--; } if($granularity == 0) break; } return ($output ? $output : '0 seconds').''; } else return date($format, $timestamp); } Now I will use: Code: [Select] timeAgo2(136622,5) Which works and it will output: 2 days 14 hours 57 min 2 seconds But, if I add another "1" to it like this: Code: [Select] timeAgo2(1136622,5) It shows: Code: [Select] 14:03:43:42 Which is not right, it needs to show, 14 Days, 3hours 43minutes and 42 seconds.... Thank you, I finally explained myself better here, hope you understand I created a function with a lot of optional peramiters. I dont necissarily want to use every option peramiter. As i recall you can do something like this Code: [Select] <?php function($param, $param2, {$optional='value', $optional2='value2'}); //or function($param, $param2, {$optional='value', $optional2='value2'}); ?> but both break my code. And i cant seem to find the correct syntax anywhere... Am i mistaken in thinking you can do this? if(get_images_for_delete($username, $newid, $mysqli) !== FALSE){ // WE are dealing with images $images = get_images_for_delete($username, $newid, $mysqli); $sourceBucket = "***********"; $targetBucket = "***********"; foreach($images as $image){ // copy our object $aws = new s3; $aws = $aws->copyObject($targetBucket, $image, $sourceBucket, $image); // delete our object $aws_delete = new s3; $aws_delete = $aws_delete->deleteObject($image); // copy our (thumbnail) object $aws2 = new s3; $aws2 = $aws2->copyObject($targetBucket, "thumb_".$image, $sourceBucket, "thumb_".$image); // delete our (thumbnail) object $aws_delete2 = new s3; $aws_delete2 = $aws_delete2->deleteObject("thumb_".$image); }Is my code. Do I need to declare so many new s3 classes? All the methods are within the same class. Not sure if this is the correct way to go about it. Hi Guys.. Merry Christmas Im kinda new to this fantastic world of PHP and i have a little problem i hope you can help me with. Im trying to build a website where I use include() to genereate my content. On my index.php i have a menu which includes content in a content div from external .php pages, my structure kinda goes like this.. (simplified) site/ index.php content/ fronpage.php products.php contact.php The HTML looks like this. <div id="menu"> <ul> <li><a href="index.php?page=frontpage">frontpage</a></li> <li><a href="index.php?page=products">frontpage</a></li> <li><a href="index.php?page=contact">frontpage</a></li> </ul> </div <div id="main"> <?php include('/content/'.$_GET['page'].'.php'); ?> </div> This all works very fine, but my problem is, can I have a include inside an already included page? I would like to have a menu on my products.php site, but that page is already included from above, and i would like the menu on the products.php site to stay as the content from the nested include changes with input from the /products folder. my idea was something like this. site/ index.php content/ frontpage.php products.php contact.php products/ product1.php product2.php the HTML on the index.php is the same as above and then i would add the include() on the products.php page, so its kinda the same thing, but one inside the other. HTML inside the products.php folder <div id="sub_menu"> <ul> <li><a href="#">frontpage</a></li> <li><a href="#">frontpage</a></li> <li><a href="#">frontpage</a></li> </ul> </div <div id="sub_main"> <?php include('/content/products'.$_GET['#'].'.php'); ?> </div> I dont know how to link to the new files so they will be included while the first include still stays on the page. Any of you know how and if this can be done? Or maybe at better way to do it? Hope this made sense, my first PHP question Thanks Hi Still a new comer when it comes to PHP. I have a situation where I want to use an include within an include and I am having trouble with my file paths. My main header include, includes everything for each page of my site, beyond the opening of the body to incorporate my navigation etc conditionally loading in css, and loading in titles and meta data etc depending on the page in question. This header needs to reference another include called the-pod.php which is required for every page, the only trouble is I want to use / to reference the root of the server and this is breaking my code. I can't use ../../ etc as its a different path depending on where the master file is located. So my question is how do I get around this? Can the root of the server or path to the root be stored in a variable? and if so how would I write this. Any tips / advice will be greatly appreciated. CanI put one INCLUDE statement INSIDE of another INCLUDE statement? When I put this above all else in my document and test it offline, all I see is code in the browser. But when I test it on my web server, I can view the markup and whatnot. Does anyone know why this is? Hi guys, I'm trying to export records from php to ms word which appends text + image. i have got this code from Code: [Select] <html> <head> <title>ThaiCreate.Com PHP Word.Application Tutorial</title> </head> <body> <? $wdColorDarkRed = "&H80"; $wdAlignParagraphCenter = "1"; $wdAlignParagraphLeft = "0"; $wdParagraph = "4"; $wdHorizontalPositionMargin = "0"; $wdTableLeft = "-999998"; $wdCollapseEnd = "0"; $Wrd = new COM("Word.Application"); $DocName = "MyDoc/MyWord.doc"; //$strPath = realpath(basename(getenv($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]))); // C:/AppServ/www/myphp $Wrd->Application->Visible = False; $WrdDoc = $Wrd->Documents->Add(); $MyRange1 = $WrdDoc->Paragraphs->Add->Range; $MyRange1->ParagraphFormat->Alignment = $wdAlignParagraphCenter; $MyRange1->Font->Name = "Verdana"; $MyRange1->Font->Size = "30"; $MyRange1->Font->Bold = True; $MyRange1->InsertBefore(chr(13).chr(13)."www.ThaiCreate.Com".chr(13)."Version 2009"); $MyRange1->InlineShapes->AddPicture(realpath("thaicreate-2009.gif")); //$WrdDoc->InlineShapes->AddPicture(realpath("thaicreate-2009.gif")); //$WrdDoc->Shapes->AddPicture(realpath("thaicreate-2009.gif"),0,0,MyRange1); //$WrdDoc->Shapes->AddPicture(realpath("thaicreate-2009.gif"),0,0,Wrd->Selection->Range); $MyRange2 = $WrdDoc->Paragraphs->Add->Range; $MyRange2->ParagraphFormat->Alignment = $wdAlignParagraphCenter; $MyRange2->Font->Name = "Verdana"; $MyRange2->Font->Size = "15"; $MyRange2->Font->Bold = True; $MyRange2->InsertBefore(chr(13).chr(13)."PHP,ASP and ASP.NET Tutorial"); $MyRange2->InlineShapes->AddPicture(realpath("doc.gif")); $MyRange3 = $WrdDoc->Paragraphs->Add->Range; $MyRange3->ParagraphFormat->Alignment = $wdAlignParagraphCenter; $MyRange3->Font->Name = "Verdana"; $MyRange3->Font->Size = "10"; $MyRange3->Font->Bold = True; $MyRange3->Font->Color = $wdColorDarkRed; $MyRange3->Underline = True; $MyRange3->InsertBefore(chr(13).chr(13).chr(13).chr(13)."All Rights Reserved"); //$WrdDoc->SaveAs($strPath."/".$DocName); $WrdDoc->SaveAs(realpath($DocName)); $Wrd->Application->Quit; $Wrd = null; ?> Word Created <a href="<?=$DocName?>">Click here</a> to Download. </body> </html> This is the best code i've found so far that guides on how to format the text in ms word via PHP. All set to go but one thing that I am trying to accomplish : to have a clickable email address (hyperlink) in the same ms word file. i have got this code somewhere from the net: Code: [Select] $MyRange3->Hyperlinks->Add({range}, '', '','',' hyperlink text to display'); // where {range} refers to as anchor according to that website this methods could be found in ms word visual basic editor (Alt+F11) then object browser (F2) when i replace the {range} above with let say variable $MyRange3. Code: [Select] $MyRange3->Hyperlinks->Add($MyRange3, '', '','',' hyperlink text to display'); The output will be produced but overwriting everything in $MyRange3 and displays only the hyperlink. I would like the email address (hyperlink) to appear at the end of $MyRange3 text. example output Code: [Select] All right reserved [u]hyperlink text to display[/u] anyone can shed some light on this. I'm going to post the code that I am currently using and then explain what I'm trying to do. I hope I can explain it well enough. <?php if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { echo'<leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0"> <center><form name="fairlistlist" method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'"> <TABLE width="450" height="119" border=0 cellPadding=3 cellSpacing=2 bgcolor="#fff568"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><b>Event Name</b></TD> <TD width="305" class=frmInput> <INPUT class=mainFormBox style="WIDTH: 320px" type="text" name=" fairname"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><B>Event Address</B></TD> <TD class=frmInput> <INPUT name="fairadd" type="text" class=mainFormBox id="fairadd" style="WIDTH: 320px"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><b>Event City</b></TD> <TD class=frmInput> <INPUT name="faircity" type="text" class=mainFormBox id="faircity" style="WIDTH: 320px"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><b>Event County</b></TD> <TD class=frmInput> <INPUT name="faircty" type="text" class=mainFormBox id="faircty" style="WIDTH: 320px"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><b>Event State</b></TD> <TD class=frmInput> <INPUT name="fairstate" type="text" class=mainFormBox id="fairstate" style="WIDTH: 320px"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><b>Event Country</b></TD> <TD class=frmInput> <INPUT name="fairctry" type="text" class=mainFormBox id="fairctry" style="WIDTH: 320px"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><b>Event Opening Date</b></TD> <TD class=frmInput> <INPUT name="fairopen" type="text" class=mainFormBox id="fairopen" style="WIDTH: 320px"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><b>Event Closing Date</b></TD> <TD class=frmInput> <INPUT name="fairclose" type="text" class=mainFormBox id="fairlose" style="WIDTH: 320px"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><b>Event Contact Email</b></TD> <TD class=frmInput> <INPUT name="fairmail" type="text" class=mainFormBox id="fairmail" style="WIDTH: 320px"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=mainText width="100"><b>Event Website</b></TD> <TD class=frmInput> <INPUT name="fairweb" type="text" class=mainFormBox id="fairweb" style="WIDTH: 320px"></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=frmDescription width="56"> </TD> <TD class=frmInput> <div align="right"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add my Event" /> </div></TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> </form></center> </body>'; //note that I added a new field called submit and it's hidden .. } else { /*I added addslashes() so it escape any special char in the form .. if you want to show your inserted record , you need to use stripslashes() to remove any slashes from the record .. this is only to avoid some security problems in the query ..*/ $fairname=trim(addslashes($_POST['fairname'])); $fairadd=trim(addslashes($_POST['fairadd'])); $faircity=trim(addslashes($_POST['faircity'])); $faircty=trim(addslashes($_POST['faircty'])); $fairstate=trim(addslashes($_POST['fairstate'])); $fairctry=trim(addslashes($_POST['fairctry'])); $fairopen=trim(addslashes($_POST['fairopen'])); $fairclose=trim(addslashes($_POST['fairclose'])); $fairmail=trim(addslashes($_POST['fairmail'])); $fairweb=trim(addslashes($_POST['fairweb'])); include("Connections/local.php"); $link = mysql_connect($hostname_local,$username_local, $password_local) or die("Could not connect"); mysql_select_db('fair123') or die("Could not select database"); $insert=mysql_query("INSERT INTO events (fairidnum, fairname, fairadd, faircity, faircty, fairstate, fairctry, fairopen, fairclose, fairmail, fairweb) VALUES('NULL', '$fairname', '$fairadd', '$faircity', '$faircty','$fairstate', '$fairctry','$fairopen', '$fairclose', '$fairmail', '$fairweb')")or die('couldn\'t Insert record into database :'.mysql_error()); header( 'Location: event_added.php' ) ; } ?> Especially look at the code part here $insert=mysql_query("INSERT INTO events (fairidnum, fairname, fairadd, faircity, faircty, fairstate, fairctry, fairopen, fairclose, fairmail, fairweb) VALUES('NULL', '$fairname', '$fairadd', '$faircity', '$faircty','$fairstate', '$fairctry','$fairopen', '$fairclose', '$fairmail', '$fairweb')")or die('couldn\'t Insert record into database :'.mysql_error()); header( 'Location: event_added.php' ) ; } ?> this is where I am having problems it was reading echo your record has been successfully added to the database What I want is for it to open up a new page with my menu and my css and all that good crap to a page where it will read the following Your information has been added to our database We have added Event name = "whatever the event's name was" Event address = "address:" so on and so on for all the fields in my form that was submitted to the database. with just using the echo command it always opened to just a blank page no formatting and no css as well as no all important links Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong or where I can find a good guideline that Is easy to understand on how to do this? Thanks in advance Oh also I don't care if that page get's indexed by google or yahoo or not actually prefer it don't get indexed to be honest I have this code below the browser shows correct data but when i export to word I see $proc output not the switch data like on the the browser page
How should code be written to show the same on word doc .
I'm new to this learning by trial and error Please go easy on me .
<td> <? Hey guys i found this script that works great for what i need .. se i have this script that i did for my body (loan application) now i would like to export the info in a word doc <?php $ExcelFileName="test.doc"; header("Content-type: application/x-ms-download"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$ExcelFileName"); header('Cache-Control: public'); $content=<<<EOD echo 'php'; whatever you want to write here including a php script it will be included in a string and then go in the output for a doc file EOD; echo $content; ?> so im trying to eco all the content in the database.. i tryed all the DB connection is there.. ao i place this after the (echo 'php' while($info = mysql_fetch_array($fileLIST)){; echo $info['PERS_F_NAME']; }; i get this? Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/autosspe/public_html/admin/loan/word.php on line 21 Hi there, Can someone tell me an easy way to highlight a word in a page using PHP? I only need to highlight 1 word, for example "hello". Thanks Hello Guys, I need some help here.. I want to implement a Bad word filter and not quite sure how to do it.. I am grabbing the following vars from the text fields $ad_title = filter_var($_POST['ad_title'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING,FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES); $ad_body = filter_var($_POST['description'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING,FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES); Then its inserted into the db. I would like to run it through this function first.. Code: [Select] FUNCTION BadWordFilter(&$text, $replace){ // fill this array with the bad words you want to filter and their replacements $bads = ARRAY ( ARRAY("butt","b***"), ARRAY("poop","p***"), ARRAY("crap","c***") ); IF($replace==1) { //we are replacing $remember = $text; FOR($i=0;$i<sizeof($bads);$i++) { //go through each bad word $text = EREGI_REPLACE($bads[$i][0],$bads[$i][1],$text); //replace it } IF($remember!=$text) RETURN 1; //if there are any changes, return 1 } ELSE { //we are just checking FOR($i=0;$i<sizeof($bads);$i++) { //go through each bad word IF(EREGI($bads[$i][0],$text)) RETURN 1; //if we find any, return 1 } } } // this will replace all bad words with their replacements. $any is 1 if it found any $any = BadWordFilter($wordsToFilter,1); I really would also like to query a table for any words that match and then use a replacement like [censored] Any help would be greatly appreciated! Hi all, I don't know if it is possible but i need to edit one word document, write the name of the customer in it, but at the right place and print it from a php form. The user write in that php form the customer id and if he exists, the system should modify the word template and print it. Do you think this is possible and if so how can i do that? Thanks in advance. Hugo Hey, I have a word filter which is dectecting strings that are only embedded in words. Which i don't want it to do. For example: If i want to filter "FR" and some one puts france - it flags it because france contains FR. How do i make it only look for "FR" on its own seperated from a word instead of it flagging nearly all words with the two letters together? Heres my filter: $text = 'testing'; //this should not return 1 // fill this array with the bad words you want to filter and their replacements $bads = array ("test"); foreach($bads as $key => $search_needle) { if(stristr($text, $search_needle) == TRUE) { return(1); break; } } I have a table in my php Mysql which contains some values.. Is it possible to get those values then export them to MS word with formatting? and make it like a table? Help pls. hey im tring to match words which contain double s at the address, business, class that is so i can put a ' at the end...
if (preg_match("/ss$/", $name)) { $name = $name . "'"; }any help with the regular expression would be great thank you Hi: I can't seem to figure out how I would display the words the user enters in an ordered list on the bottom of the page in the <div id="guesses"> area. A hidden form variable is used to store all the previous guesses. (no cookies, no session variables). Also, how do I get the guesses to appear in the top of the page so that it looks like this: Array ( [myguess] => eee [alltheguesses] => aaa|ccc|ddd|ggg ) This is what I seem to be getting: Array ( [myguess] => yy [allTheGuesses] => ) Code: [Select] <?= '<pre>' . print_r($_POST,true) . '</pre>'; ?> <? $WORDS = array("grape","apple","orange","banana","plum","grapefruit"); define ("GUESSINDEX",3); define("THEWORD",$WORDS[GUESSINDEX]); foreach ($WORDS as $val){ if ('banana' == $val) echo 'found it.'; else echo 'not found.'; } if (in_array('plum',$WORDS == true)){ } foreach ($guessesarr as $val) echo "<li> $val</li>"; foreach ($WORDS as $val) echo "$val | "; echo "<br>"; echo implode(' | ',$WORDS); ?> <html> <style type="text/css"> body {background-color:orange} div {margin:10px} div#container {background-color: white; border: 3px solid black;width: 400px;margin-right: auto;margin-left: auto; text-align:center;} div#error {color:red} div#guesses,div#header p span {color:green; } h1,h2,h3 {color:#633} </style> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="header"> <p>grape | apple | orange | <span>banana</span> | plum | grapefruit</p> <h1>Word Guess</h1> <a href="<?$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>">refresh this page</a> </div> <div id="form"> <h3>Guess the word I'm thinking</h3> <form name="form1" method="post" action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" > <input name="myguess" type="text" value="<? echo $_POST['myguess']; ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="allTheGuesses" value = "<? echo $_POST['allTheGuesses']; ?>"> <input type="submit" value="GUESS"> </form> </div> <div id="error"> <? if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') echo "It's time to play the guessing game! (1)"; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $MYGUESS = trim($_POST['myguess']); if ($MYGUESS == "") echo "C'mon, guess something (2)"; elseif (in_array($MYGUESS,$WORDS) == false) echo "Hey, thats not even a valid guess. Try again (5)"; elseif ($MYGUESS == THEWORD) echo "You guessed " . THEWORD . " and that's CORRECT!!! (3)"; elseif ($MYGUESS <> THEWORD) echo "Sorry $MYGUESS is wrong. Try again (4)"; } ?> </div> <div id="guesses"> <center> <? echo "<ol>"; $allguesses = trim($_POST['allTheGuesses'],", "); $guessarr = explode(", ", $allguesses); foreach( $guessarr as $guess ){ echo "<li>$guess</li>"; } echo "</ol>"; ?> </center> </div> </div> </body> </html> Good evening, I hope some of you can bring me some hope to solve this problem. My client wants to create pdf files and let the user download it. He want's to design one word file and then import it to the application. After that the portal users can request it, which means that the application should take the word file, search and replace some keywords and then create the pdf file for download purposes. I see fpdf but this class only create pdf's. We can not convert from word or even search and replace in one pdf file. There is any solution that i can use bear in mind that our application is located in external servers? Looking forward for your help. Regards, HS How can I sort a string alphabetically? I thought about creating an array ('a'=>0, 'b'=>1) etc, but didn't manage to work. So how can I do this? is there a predefined function for this? or I should create the algorithm? Thanks, Example: $word = 'cbad432'; // should become: '234abcd' |