PHP - Help !! My Database Detail Unable To Display
This is my code is display my database (member_details) after user sign up but when a user register first name = <script>window.location=""</script> This error occur=(The requested URL /yy2/html/ was not found on this server)
Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); include ('includes/'); $conn = connectDatabase(); if($_SESSION['uid'] == ''){ // redirect unauthenticate user to login page. header('Location: login.php'); } if($_GET['task'] == 'delete' && $_GET['id'] != ''){ // delete function here $sql="DELETE FROM Newest Where ID='".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id'])."'"; mysql_query($sql,$conn); header('Location: member_list.php'); } if($_POST['Logout']){ session_destroy(); header('Location: login.php'); } ?> <html><head><title>Member Details</title> </head> <body> <div style=" margin: 350px "> <?php $sql="SELECT * FROM Newest"; $rs = mysql_query($sql,$conn) or die( mysql_error() ); $list = "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding= \"2\">"; $list .= "<tr><th>First Name</th>"; $list .="<th>Last Name</th>"; $list .= "<th>User Name</th>"; $list .= "<th>Email</th>"; $list .= "<th>Edit User</th>"; $list .= "<th>Delete User</th>"; $list .= "<th>Change Password</th>"; While( $row = mysql_fetch_array($rs) ) { $list .= "<tr>"; $list .= "<td>".$row["name"]."</td>"; $list .= "<td>".$row["last"]."</td>"; $list .= "<td>".$row["user"]."</td>"; $list .= "<td>".$row["email"]."</td>"; $list .= "<td><a href='member_details.php?id=".$row['ID']."'>Edit</a></td>"; $list .= "<td><a onclick='return confirm(\"Are you sure to delete ".$row["name"]." \")' href='member_list.php?id=".$row["ID"]."&task=delete'>Delete</a></td>"; $list .= "<td><a href='Password.php?id=".$row['ID']."'>Click Here</a></td> </tr>"; } $list .= "</table>"; echo ( $list ); ?> <form method="post" action="member_list.php"><br> <div style="margin : 0px 600px"> <style type="text/css"> body {background:#F5F5F5 url('') no-repeat top;; }</style> <input type="submit" name="Logout" value="logout" /> </form> </body> </html> MOD EDIT: [code] . . . [/code] BBCode tags added. Similar TutorialsI am an extremly novice at this php stuff. I have a file that displays a vehicle listing based on a xml feed. I am trying to add a link to another detail page by clicking on the words Full Detail (bolded below in the code) and send me to another page (index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6 (joomla)), the item detail page is based on the vehicle id and has the vehicle details show up. the detail page is also a xml file with the item info. I assume I have to use the <a href.... but how do I add the Id of the vehicle. Do I use a .($_Get['vehicleid']). Follow me? Partial Listing of Vehciles Code: [Select] $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadXML($output); $vehicles = $doc->getElementsByTagName("vehicle"); //print_r($xmlarray); $results = print_r($xmlarray, true); echo $results; foreach ($vehicles as $vehicle) { $vehicleIDs = $vehicle->getElementsByTagName("vehicleID"); $vehicleID = $vehicleIDs->item(0)->nodeValue; $years = $vehicle->getElementsByTagName("year"); $year = $years->item(0)->nodeValue; $makes = $vehicle->getElementsByTagName("make"); $make = $makes->item(0)->nodeValue; $models = $vehicle->getElementsByTagName("model"); $model = $models->item(0)->nodeValue; $prices = $vehicle->getElementsByTagName("price"); $price = $prices->item(0)->nodeValue; $modelExts = $vehicle->getElementsByTagName("modelExt"); $modelExt = $modelExts->item(0)->nodeValue; $conditions = $vehicle->getElementsByTagName("condition"); $condition = $conditions->item(0)->nodeValue; $auxPhotoss = $vehicle->getElementsByTagName("auxPhotos"); $auxPhotos = $auxPhotoss->item(0)->nodeValue; $transmissions = $vehicle->getElementsByTagName("transmission"); $transmission = $transmissions->item(0)->nodeValue; $cylinderss = $vehicle->getElementsByTagName("cylinders"); $cylinders = $cylinderss->item(0)->nodeValue; $fueltypes = $vehicle->getElementsByTagName("fueltype"); $fueltype = $fueltypes->item(0)->nodeValue; $doorss = $vehicle->getElementsByTagName("doors"); $doors = $doorss->item(0)->nodeValue; $financings = $vehicle->getElementsByTagName("financing"); $financing = $financings->item(0)->nodeValue; $paymentFrequencys = $vehicle->getElementsByTagName("paymentFrequency"); $paymentFrequency = $paymentFrequencys->item(0)->nodeValue; $kilometerss = $vehicle->getElementsByTagName("kilometers"); $kilometers = $kilometerss->item(0)->nodeValue; $imgSrcs = $vehicle->getElementsByTagName("imgSrc"); $imgSrc = $imgSrcs->item(0)->nodeValue; $formattedprice = sprintf("%01.2f", $price); $price_currency = number_format($price, 2, ".", ","); if ($price_currency == 0) { $price_currency = "CONTACT DEALER"; } $featuress = $vehicle->getElementsByTagName("features"); $features = $featuress->item(0)->childNodes; $featureCount = $features->length; $i = 0; $featurestring = ""; while ($i < $featureCount) { $i++; $featureA[$i] = $features->item($i - 1)->nodeValue; $featurestring .= ($i % 2 == 0 ? $featureA[$i] . ", " : ""); } echo "<table style=background-color: rgb(246, 246, 246)text-align: left width: 900px height: 100px\n"; echo " border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2>\n"; echo " <tbody>\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td\n"; echo " style=background-color: black font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif><small><span\n"; echo " style=color: yellow><span style=font-weight: bold>Vehicle ID:</span>\n"; echo " $vehicleID</span></small></td>\n"; echo " <td\n"; echo " style=background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0) font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif width: 147px><small>Year:\n"; echo " $year</small></td>\n"; echo " <td\n"; echo " style=background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0) font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif width: 109px><small>Make:\n"; echo " $make</small></td>\n"; echo " <td\n"; echo " style=background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0) font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif width: 141px><small>Model:\n"; echo " $model</small></td>\n"; echo " <td\n"; echo " style=background-color: black font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif width: 147px><small><span\n"; echo " style=color: rgb(255, 204, 0) font-weight: bold>Price: $\n"; echo " $price_currency</span></small></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td colspan=1 rowspan=3><small><span\n"; echo " style=font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif><img src=$imgSrc></span></small></td>\n"; echo " <td\n"; echo " style=font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif width: 147px><small>Condition:\n"; echo " $condition</small></td>\n"; echo " <td\n"; echo " style=font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif width: 109px><small></small></td>\n"; echo " <td\n"; echo " style=font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif width: 141px><small></small></td>\n"; echo " <td\n"; echo " style=font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif width: 147px><small></small></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; echo " <tr width=147\n"; echo " style=font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif>\n"; echo " <small></small><td\n"; echo " style=background-color: black width: 147px colspan=4 \n"; echo " rowspan=1><span style=color: rgb(255, 204, 0)><a href=\"$vehicleID\" title=\"Full Details (View)\" target=\"_new\">Full Details (View)</a></span></td>\n"; echo " <small></small></tr>\n"; echo " <td\n"; echo " style=font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif width: 147px><small>Transmission\n"; echo " : $transmission</small></td>\n"; echo " <td\n"; echo " style=font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif width: 109px><small>Doors:\n"; echo " $doors</small></td>\n"; echo " <td\n"; echo " style=font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif width: 141px><small>FuelType: $fueltype</small></td>\n"; echo " <td\n"; echo " style=font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif width: 147px><small>KM:\n"; echo " $kilometers</small></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; echo " <tr>\n"; echo " <td style=background-color: rgb(204, 204, 204)><small></small></td>\n"; echo " <td\n"; echo " style=font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif width: 147px><small>Cylinders:\n"; echo " $cylinders</small></td>\n"; echo " <td\n"; echo " style=font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif width: 109px><small></small></td>\n"; echo " <td\n"; echo " style=font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif width: 141px><small>Features: $featurestring</small></td>\n"; echo " <td\n"; echo " style=font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif width: 147px><small></small></td>\n"; echo " </tr>\n"; echo " </tbody>\n"; echo " </table>\n"; Partial listing of items: Code: [Select] <?php $xmldata ='<dealerAccount> <accountNum>xxxxxx</accountNum> <dealerPwd>xxxxxxxxx</dealerPwd> <data>item</data> <vehicleID>'.$vehicleID.'</vehicleID> </dealerAccount>'; $URL = ""; $ch = curl_init($URL); //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MUTE, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: text/xml')); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "$xmldata"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $output = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $doc=new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadXML($output); $items=$doc->getElementsByTagName("item"); $results = print_r($xmlarray, true); echo $results; ?> Hi all, Newbie here, i am having a problem to get my images to show which are stored in mysql database as a mediumblob. I get id number to print in table ut am just getting empty square with red cross in where my image should be. Is my code incorrect or is it something else? Appreciate your help with this. I have included both of the pages codes i am using. Thanks Tony image2.php <?php include("common.php"); error_reporting(E_ALL); $link = mysql_connect(host,username,password) or die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db(db) or die(mysql_error()); $sql = "SELECT id FROM photos"; $result = mysql_query("$sql") or die("Invalid query: " . mysql_error()); ?> <table border="1"><tr><td>id</td><td>image</td></tr> <?php while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ print '<tr><td>'.$row['id'].'</td><td>'; print '<img src="image1.php?id='.$row['id'].'height="75" width="100"">'; } echo '</td></tr></table>' ?> image1.php <?php ob_start(); include("common.php"); mysql_connect(host,username,password) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db(db) or die(mysql_error()); $query = mysql_query("SELECT imgage FROM photos WHERE id={$_GET['image_id']}"; $row = mysql_fetch_array($query); $content = $row['image']; header('Content-type: image/jpg'); echo $content; } ob_end_flush(); ?> ==> MySQL version 5.0.91-community So once upon a time I was working on a CMS. I worked on it for 3 months, had to wipe my computer - but didn't worry about it because I backed up the files on a flash drive... which got smushed by some boxes when I moved <.< awesome -.- Anyway, a year later (ie: today), I've decided to start again from scratch. For me - for whatever reason - the simplest things always seem to give me the most trouble. I decided to start with a "user" table - naturally - and began working on the first page: user_view.php and added an include file that connects to the database (connectDB.php). Since I started today, everything is simple - no design elements yet - just good 'ol code. The View Users Page is simply a page that grabs all the rows from Table: users and prints the information to the screen, as if you were viewing a Members page on a forum. This Page works fine. No complaints, does everything I need it to, prints all the rows and cols from Table Users. Then I created the Edit User Page. When I did this a year ago, and I wanted to print out all the data from the table, I used the while loop. When I wanted to only grab certain variables from a table, I just created a new set of variables, as show below. Using the same method from a year ago, I started working on printing various data to the screen (such as "Welcome $username"). 5 minutes of typing... refresh page... nada. So I stripped away just about every tag but the essentials and it still wouldn't work Code: [Select] <?php ... $userID = 3; $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE userID='$userID'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $rows = mysql_fetch_row($result); echo $rows['username']; ... ?> Normally, this would just grab the username from a row in Table users where the userID = 3 But instead - it does nothing. I just see a blank page. It's a simple 5 lines of code and it's like "im just gonna do w.e the fk i wanna do mmmk thxforplaying" PS: Keep in mind there is nothing wrong with the connection to the database, and as already stated I'm able to print ALL values from the Users Table using this same method: Code: [Select] <?php ... $user_sql = "SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY username ASC"; $user_result = mysql_query($user_sql); while ( $user_rows = mysql_fetch_array($user_result) ) ... ?> I am doing simple program to display text entered by user.. Following is my code but its display 'error msg' instate of txtbox contents <html> <head><title>Date</title></head> <body> <form action="" enctype="multipart/form-data"> Enter Date: <input type="text" name="txtdate"/> <input type="submit" value="Display"/> </form> </body> </html> <?php if(isset($_POST['txtdate'])) { $display =$_POST['txtdate']; echo 'You have entered'.$display; } else { echo 'Error msg'; } ?> Hi, I am a newbie to this forum and php as well. I have a script which inserts data and image file into mysql database. Now I want to display this image on web page but unable to do it. I tried a lot but couldn't find out any solution. I would appreciate your help. <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "xx"); if(!$con) { die('Could not connect:' .mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("yyy",$con); $memberid = '$_POST[memberid]'; $fname = '$_POST[fname]'; $lname = '$_POST[lname]'; $gender= '$_POST[gender]'; $add1 = '$_POST[add1]'; $add2 = '$_POST[add2]'; $city = '$_POST[city]'; $state = '$_POST[state]'; $zip = '$_POST[zip]'; $country = '$_POST[country]'; $photo1 = '$_FILES[image][name]'; echo "$photo1"; //if ($memberid= $_GET['memberid']){ $query="select memberid,fname,lname,gender,add1,add2,city,state,zip,country,photo1 from vadhuvar_member where memberid =(select max(memberid)from vadhuvar_member)"; $result=mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $memberid = $row['memberid']; $fname = $row['fname']; $lname = $row['lname']; $gender = $row['gender']; $add1 = $row['add1']; $add2 = $row['add2']; $city = $row['city']; $state = $row['state']; $zip = $row['zip']; $country = $row['country']; //$photo1=chunk_split(base64_encode($photo1)); $photo1 = $row['photo1']; //echo base64_encode($photo1); echo "Name:$fname $lname<br>"; //echo "Name:$_POST[fname]$_POST[lname]<br>"; echo "Gender:$gender<br>"; echo "Address:$add1 $add2<br>"; echo "$city $state $zip<br>"; echo "$country<br>"; //echo "<img src=".upload/$photo1 ." alt="" width="200" height="300" /><br />"; } //} ?> <!--img src="<?php echo '.upload/$_FILES[image][name]?memberid=$row[memberid]'?>"alt="" width="200" height="300"/-->; <?php echo "<img src=". upload/$row[photo1]" alt="" width="200" height="300">";?> <!--img src="<?php echo ".\upload\$photo1" ?>" alt="" width="200" height="300"/-->; <? set_magic_quotes_runtime(1); // turn back on ?> Thanks Smita Hello all, I hope you are doing great.I am using phpmyadmin for the first time.So I created a table called guestbook with 4 attributes: id,name,email,message..Then I created a php file with the following code (saved in htdoc in Xampp folder)and html form which would take the data from the user and insert into the database which could later be retrieved.So far I have just written the insertion code which successfully creates the form but when I click on submit button it opens the same php file with the code and no insertion is made in the is my code..please help me urgently..i have my project deadline very soon. php file called guest.php: <?php $user="root"; $password=""; $database="Guestbook"; $name=$_POST['name']; $email=$_POST['email']; $body=$_POST['body']; $connect("localhost",$user,$password); mysql($connect); @mysql_select_db($database)or die("unable to select db"); $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO Guestbook(id,name,email,body) VALUES('','$name','$email','$body')"); if(!$query) { echo mysql_errno().':'.mysql_error(); } mysql_close(); ?> html file called new.html: <html> <head> <title>Guestbook</title> </head> <body> <form method="post" action="guest.php" > Name:<input type="text" name="name" size="30"/><br/> Email: <input type="text" name="email" size="30"/><br/> <p>Text:<br/> <textarea name="message" rows="15" cols="60"></textarea></p> <br/> <input type="submit" value="Submit"/> <input type="reset" value="Clear"/> </form> </body> </html> Hi, I have created a table named multipath with database name "mydatabase".. I have created a table to store the data in the tables. Check boxes are created to select one row each to delete. But I am unable to delete the rows. Why?? Here's my PHP code <?php $host="localhost"; // Host name $username="root"; // Mysql username $password=""; // Mysql password $db_name="mydatabase"; // Database name $tbl_name="multipath"; // Table name // Connect to server and select databse. mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); $sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name"; $result=mysql_query($sql); $count=mysql_num_rows($result); ?> <table width="400" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><form name="form1" method="post" action=""> <table width="400" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> </td> <td colspan="4" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><strong>Delete multiple rows in mysql</strong> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">#</td> <td align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><strong>Path ID</strong></td> <td align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><strong>Path</strong></td> </tr> <?php while($rows=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ ?> <tr> <td align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="checkbox[]" type="checkbox" id="checkbox[]" value="<? echo $rows['id']; ?>"></td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><?php echo $rows['path_id']; ?></td> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><?php echo $rows['path']; ?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td colspan="5" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="delete" type="submit" id="delete" value="Delete"></td> </tr> <? // Check if delete button active, start this if($delete){ for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++){ $del_id = $checkbox[$i]; $sql = "DELETE FROM $tbl_name WHERE id='$del_id'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); } // if successful redirect to delete.php if($result){ echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=delete.php\">"; } } mysql_close(); ?> </table> </form> </td> </tr> </table> Please u can reply me at sawyerford007ATgmail DOTcom I'm working on creating a Realtors website. Currently mysql DB has 4 tables. 3 of them are needed in this script to show up as 1 item. Table called Listings has 2 fields that call on 2 other tables. one is MLS which calls on the Images Table the other agent calls on the Agents table. I'm trying to see why I can't While loop all 3 tables together? How can I connect all 3? <?php if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) { function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "") { if (PHP_VERSION < 6) { $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue; } $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue); switch ($theType) { case "text": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "long": case "int": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL"; break; case "double": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL"; break; case "date": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "defined": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue; break; } return $theValue; } } //mysql_select_db($database_CarneyRealty, $CarneyRealty); //$query_Update1 = "SELECT * FROM listings"; //$Update1 = mysql_query($query_Update1, $CarneyRealty) or die(mysql_error()); //$rrows = mysql_fetch_assoc($Update1); //$totalRows_Update1 = mysql_num_rows($Update1); include 'dbc.php'; page_protect(); $err = array(); $msg = array(); $page_limit =4; //CHANGE FOR THE NUMBER OF LISTINGS PER PAGE! $page_num_limit =10; $ret = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $host_upper = strtoupper($host); $login_path = @ereg_replace('admin','',dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); $path = rtrim($login_path, '/\\'); // filter GET values foreach($_GET as $key => $value) { $get[$key] = filter($value); } foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { $post[$key] = filter($value); } $rs_all = mysql_query("select count(*) as total_all from listings") or die(mysql_error()); $rs_active = mysql_query("select count(*) as total_active from listings where status='ACTIVE'") or die(mysql_error()); $rs_total_contingent = mysql_query("select count(*) as tot2 from listings where status='CONTINGENT'"); $rs_total_pending = mysql_query("select count(*) as tot from listings where status='PENDING'"); $rs_total_sold = mysql_query("select count(*) as tot1 from listings where status='SOLD'"); $rs_resall = mysql_query("select count(*) as res from listings where class='Resident'") or die(mysql_error()); $rs_comall = mysql_query("select count(*) as com from listings where class='Commerical'"); $rs_farmall = mysql_query("select count(*) as farm from listings where class='Farmland'"); $rs_otherall = mysql_query("select count(*) as other from listings where class='Other'"); list($all) = mysql_fetch_row($rs_all); list($active) = mysql_fetch_row($rs_active); list($total_contingent) = mysql_fetch_row($rs_total_contingent); list($total_pending) = mysql_fetch_row($rs_total_pending); list($total_sold) = mysql_fetch_row($rs_total_sold); list($resall) = mysql_fetch_row($rs_resall); list($comall) = mysql_fetch_row($rs_comall); list($farmall) = mysql_fetch_row($rs_farmall); list($otherall) = mysql_fetch_row($rs_otherall); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $sqlagents = mysql_query("select * from agents where id='$_SESSION'"); //$agentname= mysql_query($sqlagents) or die(mysql_error()); $sqllistings = mysql_query("select * from listings where id='$_SESSION'"); $sqlimages = mysql_query("select * from images where id='$_SESSION'"); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>Search CarneyRealty Listings</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/mm_brochure.css" type="text/css"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { background-image: url(; 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Copy this code till END and place it in a new html or php where you want to show myaccount options. This is only visible to logged in users *******************************************************************/ ?> <?php if(!empty($msg)) { echo $msg[0]; } ?> <? //$row_settings1=mysql_fetch_array($sqllistings1);?> <?php while ($row_settings1 = mysql_fetch_array($sqllistings)){ $row_settings2=mysql_fetch_array($sqlimages); $row_settings3=mysql_fetch_array($sqlagents); ?> <?php } ?> </table> <table width="81%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" style="background-color: #FF9933;padding: 2px 5px;border: 1px solid #F90;" > <tr> <td height="44" align="center"><form name="form1" method="get" action="listingsearch.php"> <p> <input name="doSearch" type="submit" id="doSearch2" value="MLS Search" /> <input name="q" type="text" id="q" size="40"> <strong> S CARNEY& ASSOCIATES INC 800-757-5783</strong> <br> </p> </form></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <p> <?php if ($get['doSearch'] == 'MLS Search') { $cond = ''; if($get['qoption'] == 'active') { $cond = "where `status`='ACTIVE' order by date desc"; } if($get['qoption'] == 'contingent') { $cond = "where `status`='CONTINGENT' order by date desc"; } if($get['qoption'] == 'pending') { $cond = "where `status`='PENDING' order by date desc"; } if($get['qoption'] == 'sold') { $cond = "where `status`='SOLD' order by date desc"; } if($get['qoption'] == 'resident') { $cond = "where `class`='Resident' order by price desc"; } if($get['qoption'] == 'farmland') { $cond = "where `class`='Farmland' order by price desc"; } if($get['qoption'] == 'commerical') { $cond = "where `class`='Commerical' order by price desc"; } if($get['qoption'] == 'other') { $cond = "where `class`='Other' order by price desc"; } //if($get['qoption'] == '') { if($get['q'] == '') { $sql = "select * from listings order by price asc"; // $sql = "select * from listings $cond"; // } } else { $sql = "select * from listings where `price` = '$_REQUEST[q]' or `mls`='$_REQUEST[q]' or `seller`='$_REQUEST[q]' or `class`='$_REQUEST[q]' or `status`='$_REQUEST[q]' order by `price` asc"; //$sql1="select * from images where `mls`='$sql'"; //$sql2="select * from agents where `tag`='$sql'"; // $sql = "select * from listings where `mls`='$_REQUEST[q]' or `price`='$_REQUEST[q]'"; } //$rs_total1=mysql_query($sql1) or die(mysql_error()); $rs_total = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); $total = mysql_num_rows($rs_total); // $total1=mysql_num_rows($rs_total1); if (!isset($_GET['page']) ) { $start=0; } else { $start = ($_GET['page'] - 1) * $page_limit; } $rs_results = mysql_query($sql . " limit $start,$page_limit") or die(mysql_error()); $total_pages = ceil($total/$page_limit); // $rs_results1 = mysql_query($sql1 ."limit $start,$page_limit") or die (mysql_error()); ?> <?php // outputting the pages if ($total > $page_num_limit) { echo "<table width='81%' border='0' align='center' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0' background='#fcfcdd'><span class='subHeader'><center>Pages: "; $i = 0; while ($i < $page_num_limit) { $page_no = $i+1; $qstr = ereg_replace("&page=[0-9]+","",$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); echo "<a href=\"listingsearch.php?$qstr&page=$page_no\">$page_no</a> "; $i++; } echo "</span></td></table>"; } ?> <? //while ($rrows3 = mysql_fetch_array($rrows3)){ ?> <form name "searchform" action="listingsearch.php" method="post"> </form> </table> <?php ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// while ($rrows = mysql_fetch_array($rs_results)) { $rrows2=mysql_fetch_array($sqlimages); $rrows3=mysql_fetch_array($sqlagents); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //$imagenamevar=($rrows['mls']=$rrows2['mls']); //echo $rrows3['id']; //$agentpicvar=($rrows['seller']=$rrow3['tag']); ?> <tr> <table width="81%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" background="#fcfcdd"> <? echo $rrows['agents'.'seller_id'];?> <td width="161" height="211" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#fcfcdd"><div align="center"><img src="<?php echo $rrows['mls'];?>/<? echo $mainimagevar; ?> width="214" height="160" /> </p> </div> <p class="tagline">Click for Additional Pictures</p></td> <td width="568" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#fcfcdd" class="calendarText"><div align="left"> <table width="592" height="180" border="1"> <tr valign="top"> <td width="74" height="27" bgcolor="#fcfcdd" class="tagline">Location </td> <td width="249" bgcolor="#fcfcdd"><strong><?php echo $rrows['location'];?> <br> <? echo $rrows['location1'];?> <br> <? echo $rrows3['tag'];?> </strong></td> <td width="180" rowspan="2" bgcolor="#fcfcdd" class="tagline"><div align="center"> <table width="180" height="62" border="1"> <tr valign="top"> <td width="70" rowspan="2" class="tagline"><a href="<?php echo $rrows['mls'];?>/<? echo "SD_disp.pdf";?>"><img align="absbottom" src="" width="58" height="50" /></a></td> <td width="50" class="tagline"><div align="left">Status </div></td> <td width="68"><div align="right" class="subHeader"><?php echo $rrows['status']; ?></div></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td height="24" class="tagline"><div align="left">PRICE</div></td> <td align="center" valign="top"><div align="right"><strong class="subHeader"><?php echo $rrows['price']; ?></strong></div></td> </tr> </table> <span style="color: #fcfcdd"><strong><a href="mailto:<? echo $rrows['selleremail'];?>"><img src="" width="14" height="15" /><? echo $rrows['seller'];?></a></strong></span></div></td> <td width="61" rowspan="2" bgcolor="#fcfcdd" class="tagline"><div align="right"></div> <span style="color: #fcfcdd"><img src="<? ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// while ($rrows3=($rrows['seller']=$rrows3['seller_id'])){ echo $rrows3['agentimage']; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?>" width="60" height="91" /></a></span></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td height="64" bgcolor="#fcfcdd" class="tagline">Specs</td> <td bgcolor="#fcfcdd"><strong><?php echo $rrows['specs']; ?></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td height="77" bgcolor="#fcfcdd" class="tagline">Description</td> <td colspan="3" bgcolor="#fcfcdd" ><strong>MLS #<?php echo $rrows['mls'];?><br> <? echo $rrows['description'];?></strong> <p><strong>Call <? echo $rrows['seller'];?> at <? echo agentnumbervar;?> to view or for more information.</strong></p></td> </tr> </table> <tr> <td height="18" colspan="2" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#FF9933"><span class="bodyText style2" style="color: #fcfcdd"></span><span class="bodyText style2">S Carney & Associates Real Estate Brokerage 800 757 5783 </span></td> </tr> </div></td> </tr> </span> <? } ?> <td height="4"></td> </table> <? } ?> <? //} ?> </tr> <?php // outputting the pages if ($total > $page_limit) { echo "<table width='81%' border='0' align='center' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0' background='#fcfcdd'><span class='subHeader'><center>Pages: "; $i = 0; while ($i < $page_num_limit) { $page_no = $i+1; $qstr = ereg_replace("&page=[0-9]+","",$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); echo "<a href=\"listings.php?$qstr&page=$page_no\">$page_no</a> "; $i++; } echo "</span></td></table>"; } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="22" class="bodyText"><? include 'footer1.shtml'; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="194" class="bodyText"><div align="center"> <table width="513" border="0"> <tr valign="top"> <th width="94" scope="col"><div align="center"><a href=""><img src="images/index.1.gif" width="43" height="42" border="0" /></a></div></th> <th width="46" scope="col"><div align="center"></div></th> <th width="100" valign="middle" scope="col"><div align="center" class="style7"> <div align="center"><a href=""><img src="images/MLS_a_94-50.gif" width="92" height="51" alt="Multiple Listing Service" /></a></div> </div></th> <th width="119" scope="col"><div align="center"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Equal Housing Opportunity" width="60" height="62" border="0" /></a></div></th> <th width="129" scope="col"><div align="center"></div></th> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td height="32"><div align="center" class="style8"><a href="">REALTOR.ORG</a></div></td> <td><div align="center"></div></td> <td valign="middle"><div align="center"><span class="style10"><a href="">Multiple Listing System</a></span></div></td> <td><div align="center"><strong><a href="">Equal Housing Opportunity</a></strong></div></td> <td><div align="center"><a href="">BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU</a></div></td> </tr> </table> </div></td> </tr> </table> <div align="left"> <br /> </div> </div> </td> <td valign="top"><div align="left"></div></td> <td width="4"><div align="left"></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15"> </td> <td width="35"> </td> <td width="698"><div align="center"> <?php include 'footer.shtml'; ?> </div> </td> <td width="1"><div align="center"></div></td> <td width="4"> </td> </tr> </table> </table> </table> </div> </body> </html> Hi, I need some help here, the one which I have highlighted in red, 'dob' and 'gender', are not inputting any values into my database table. I'm just wondering did I miss out something important, or should I change the 'type' in my database table? Thanks <?php $dob = $_POST['dob']; $gender = $_POST['gender']; /**INSERT into tutor_profile table**/ $query2 = "INSERT INTO tutor_profile (name, nric, dob, gender, race) VALUES ('$name', '$nric', '$dob', '$gender', '$race')"; $results2 = mysqli_query($dbc, $query2) or die(mysqli_error()); ?> <html> <div> <label for="dob" class="label">Date Of Birth</label> <input name="dob" type="text" id="dob"/> </div> </html> <!--Race--> <div> <label for="race" class="label">Race</label> <?php echo '<select name="race" id="race"> <option value="">--Please select one--</option>'; $dbc = mysqli_connect('localhost', '111', '111', '111') or die(mysqli_error()); $query = ("SELECT * FROM race ORDER BY race_id ASC"); $sql = mysqli_query($dbc, $query) or die(mysqli_error()); while($data = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) { echo'<option value="'.$data['race_id'].'">'.$data['race_name'].'</option>'; } echo '</select><br/>'; mysqli_close($dbc); ?> </div> This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. <?php $GLOBALS['title']="Admission-HMS"; $base_url="http://localhost/hms/"; require('./../../inc/sessionManager.php'); require('./../../inc/dbPlayer.php'); require('./../../inc/fileUploader.php'); require('./../../inc/handyCam.php'); $ses = new \sessionManager\sessionManager(); $ses->start(); if($ses->isExpired()) { header( 'Location:'.$base_url.'login.php'); } else { $name=$ses->Get("loginId"); } $msg=""; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if (isset($_POST["btnSave"])) { $db = new \dbPlayer\dbPlayer(); $msg = $db->open(); echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("'.$msg.'");</script>'; if ($msg = "true") { $userIds = $db->getAutoId("U"); $flup = new fileUploader\fileUploader(); $perPhoto = $flup->upload("/hms/files/photos/",$_FILES['perPhoto'], $userIds[1]); // var_dump($perPhoto); $handyCam=new \handyCam\handyCam(); if (strpos($perPhoto, 'Error:') === false) { $dateNow=date("Y-m-d"); $data = array( 'userId' => $userIds[1], 'userGroupId' => "UG004", 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'studentId' => $_POST['stdId'], 'cellNo' => $_POST['cellNo'], 'gender' => $_POST['gender'], 'dob' => $handyCam->parseAppDate($_POST['dob']), 'passportNo' => $_POST['passportNo'], 'fatherName' => $_POST['fatherName'], 'fatherCellNo' => $_POST['fatherCellNo'], 'perPhoto' => $perPhoto, 'admitDate' => $dateNow, 'isActive' => 'Y' ); $result = $db->insertData("studentinfo",$data); if($result>=0) { $data = array( 'userId' => $userIds[1], 'userGroupId' => "UG004", 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'loginId' => $_POST['stdId'], 'verifyCode' => "vhms2115", 'expireDate' => "2115-01-4", 'isVerifed' => 'Y' ); $result=$db->insertData("users",$data); if($result>0) { $id =intval($userIds[0])+1; $query="UPDATE auto_id set number=".$id." where prefix='U';"; $result=$db->update($query); // $db->close(); echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("Admitted Successfully.");</script>'; } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("' . $result . '");</script>'; } } elseif(strpos($result,'Duplicate') !== false) { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("Student Already Exits!");</script>'; } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("' . $result . '");</script>'; } } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("' . $perPhoto . '");</script>'; } } else { echo '<script type="text/javascript"> alert("' . $msg . '");</script>'; } } hi there, the code below is suppose to display something like the attachement "code2" but instead it displays something like attachement "code1" please assist in find what is wrong with my echo lines.
<?php $counter = 2; $sqlq="select * from state WHERE status = 0 "; $categorysqlq = mysql_query($sqlq); $varq = mysql_num_rows($categorysqlq); while($catfetchq = mysql_fetch_array($categorysqlq)) { $cnty = $catfetchq[0]; $sqllq="select * from vehicle WHERE country = '$cnty' "; $categorysqllq = mysql_query($sqllq); $numsql = "select * from branchaddr WHERE state = '$cnty' "; $numquery = mysql_query($numsql); $varqa = mysql_num_rows($numquery); $cntyfetchq= mysql_fetch_array($numquery); if($varq != 0){ if($counter == 2){ echo "<tr><td><a href=\"transport2.php?id=".$cntyfetchq['state'].">".$catfetchq[1]."(<span style=\"color:red\">".$varqa."</span>)</a></td>"; $counter--; } else{ echo "<td><a href=\"transport2.php?id=".$cntyfetchq['state'].">".$catfetchq[1]."(<span style=\"color:red\">".$varqa."</span>)</a></td></tr>"; $counter = 2; } } } ?>Attached Files code1.png 12.65KB 0 downloads code2.png 25.34KB 0 downloads Hi I have been trying to populate my data from 3 tables and display like this: DATE $acronym1 $acronym2 POSTS 1/9/2011 10 (this is no of posts) 3 POSTS 31/8/2011 20 10 and so on. the threads and user table will be similar as well. I am not able to populate the distinct dates since the dateline contains time as well. So when I try to print out the just dates(without time) , it prints with the dates repeated. it prints something like this: 1/9/2011 1 1/9/2011 1 and so on.. How can populate and print the the date and number of posts in the above format. Here is my complete code below: Code: [Select] <?php error_reporting(-1); //ini_set('display_errors',1); include("db.php"); //$thirty_days_ago = strtotime("-30 days"); $limit = strtotime("-1 month"); $sql=mysql_query(("SELECT * from new_site"),$con) or die(mysql_error()); while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) { $include=$row['include']; $forumurl=$row['forumurl']; $url=$row['url']; $acronym=$row['acronym']; include("$include"); //echo $include."<br>"; $configdbname=$config['Database']['dbname']; $configdbconport=$config['MasterServer']['servername'].":".$config['MasterServer']['port']; $configusername=$config['MasterServer']['username']; $configpassword=$config['MasterServer']['password']; $configprefix=$config['Database']['tableprefix']; /* Connect to the required database */ $con2=mysql_connect($configdbconport, $configusername, $configpassword); if (!$con2) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db($configdbname, $con2); $postdate=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT dateline,postid from post WHERE dateline >='$limit' ORDER by dateline DESC") or die(mysql_error()); while($postdate_results=mysql_fetch_assoc($postdate)) { $postdate_record=$postdate_results['dateline']; // echo $postdate."<br>"; $postdate_formatted=date('M dS Y ',$postdate_results['dateline']); $post_count=mysql_query("SELECT * from post WHERE dateline >='$postdate_record'"); while($post_count_results=mysql_fetch_assoc($post_count)) { //$postdate_formatted=date('M dS Y ',$post_dateline_results['dateline']); $posts=mysql_num_rows($post_count) or die(mysql_error()); //echo $acronym.":POSTS:".$posts."<br>"; echo '<table border="1">'; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th>Category</th>"; echo "<th>".$acronym."</th>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>POSTS:DATE:".$postdate_formatted."</td>"; echo "<td>".$posts."</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } $threaddate=mysql_query("SELECT * from thread WHERE dateline >='$limit' ORDER by dateline DESC") or die(mysql_error()); while($threaddate_results=mysql_fetch_assoc($threaddate)) { $threaddate_record=$threaddate_results['dateline']; $threaddate_formatted=date('M dS Y ',$threaddate_results['dateline']); $thread_count=mysql_query("SELECT * from thread WHERE dateline='$threaddate_record'"); while($thread_count_results=mysql_fetch_assoc($thread_count)) { $threads=mysql_num_rows($thread_count) or die(mysql_error()); //echo $acronym.":THREADS:".$threads."<br>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>THREADS:DATE:".$threaddate_formatted."</td>"; echo "<td>".$threads."</td>"; echo "</tr>"; $userdate=mysql_query("SELECT * from user WHERE joindate >='$limit' ORDER by joindate DESC") or die(mysql_error()); while($userdate_results=mysql_fetch_assoc($userdate)) { $userdate_record=$userdate_results['joindate']; $userdate_formatted=date('M dS Y ',$userdate_results['joindate']); $user_count=mysql_query("SELECT * from user WHERE joindate='$userdate_record'"); while($user_count_results=mysql_fetch_assoc($user_count)) { $users=mysql_num_rows($user_count) or die(mysql_error()); //echo $acronym.":USERS REGISTERED:".$users."<br>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>REGISTERED USERS::DATE:".$userdate_formatted."</td>"; echo "<td>".$users."</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } } } } } } echo "</table>"; ?> Hello, I have a database with the following tables: students groups exams examDay relation master detail ======= ===== ===== ======= ====== ====== ===== idStudent idGroup idExam idExDay idRelation idMaster idDetail idGroup groupName examName exDate idGroup idGroup idMaster studName idExDay idRelation idExam idExam idStudent coursesAtt idExDay I am trying to make a report from the Master and Detail tables that will have the table header like this: Group | Examination Date | Student Name | Exam1 | Exam2| .... | Exam n in which Exam1, Exam2,... are the exams names and they had to take the values from coursesAtt column. Is this possible? I could make a view (doing joins and group by) by the results will be displayed on row. That's why I ask for your help. Thanks I have a form with a table that contains ONLY dropdown menus for users to select quantities from 25 dinner items. It contains some Javascript, but nothing fancy. In an effort to establish my database and TEST to see how some PHP functions might respond so I could improve my form, I created a mini version of the db in MySQL. But when I click the submit button, the page blinks, the address bar fills with field names, but there is no connect. No error messages. No data transfer. NO NOTHING! I searched the web and copied a form and plugged it in (an html form, a php insert file, and a MySQL database) and it worked fine. I peared down my page to mirror it, and still, no success. What little detail am I missing?? If I have 25 fields but create a db for the first 6, should it function? If I reduce it and try to re-use the same db, am I persuing a problem? I've tried error trapping and changing the form inputs, but it just still doesn't connect. Please help! php can detect "mac address", "ip address", "browser agent", "cookie" and "hostname". What else php can detect? Hi all expert. I am a newbie in this PHP programming. I need your help or advise on the PHP. And question is, I have a list of data and the details are as below:
ID BILLNO DATE AMOUNT ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UPRICE 1 IV001 01/01/2015 100.00 A1 Balloon 1 30.00 2 IV001 01/01/2015 100.00 A2 Bag 2 20.00 3 IV001 01/01/2015 100.00 A3 Pen 3 10.00 4 IV002 02/01/2015 20.00 A3 Pen 2 10.00 5 IV003 02/01/2015 50.00 A1 Balloon 1 30.00 6 IV003 02/01/2015 50.00 A2 Bag 1 20.00 How can I make the output in xml by using PHP to output as below: <RECORD> <HEADER BILLNO="IV001" DATE="01/01/2015" AMOUNT="100.00> <DETAIL ITEM="A1" DESCRIPTION="Balloon" QTY="1" UPRICE="30.00"> </DETAIL> <DETAIL ITEM="A2" DESCRIPTION="Bag" QTY="2" UPRICE="20.00"> </DETAIL> <DETAIL ITEM="A3" DESCRIPTION="Pen" QTY="3" UPRICE="10.00"> </DETAIL> </HEADER> <HEADER BILLNO="IV002" DATE="02/01/2015" AMOUNT="20.00> <DETAIL ITEM="A3" DESCRIPTION="Balloon" QTY="2" UPRICE="10.00"> </DETAIL> </HEADER> </RECORD> Your feedback is highly appreciated. Thank you. I want to create a master-detail page using PHP. Rather than getting data from a MYSQL database, I want to get the data from an associative array. Is this possible? Please someone show me the way forward. Please help. I have a product page which populates all my products in one page. I have also a detail page which gives details on a product which i wanted to know. My problem is when I am going to click on the product that I want the detail page shows incorrect product details. I just want one detail product page so that it will be easy to edit the page in the future. I am asking an Idea on how to make one detail page in all of my products.. thanks... I'm currently teach myself PHP and I'm really bugged with this database stuff. I am slowly managing but I'm a tad bit stuck now. I want to show a specific piece of information from a table. Lets say my table is structured like so: id user email 1 Bob 2 Fred 3 Matt What would I need to do to display ONLY Freds user? One way I tried only displayed the first rows info (Bob) the second way I tried (with a while loop) only displayed the last rows info (Matt) Heres my current code: <html> <body> <?php include 'dbwire.php'; $query = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM user'); $row = mysql_fetch_array($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo '<b>User:</b> ' . $row['user'] . '<br />'; } ?> </body> </html> |