PHP - Browse For Or Create Directory
I have a script that will allow me to mkdir by inputing a folder name and so forth. Is there a way that I can browse for a directory or create one if needed? Is there a browse script so that I can make the dir?
What I am trying to accomplish is an image upload script where I can either create a new directory or choose from an existing one. Is this even possible? Thanks in advance! Similar TutorialsSo I'm a little confused and hoping someone can help me understand. I have a form that I use to upload a file, html with browse button, etc. The php file creates a directory based on the a value (lastname) from the form, so the folder files creates a directory named the value lastname. My problem is that I can't get the upload function to put the file in the newly created directory. So here is the upload script. $foldername = $_POST['lastname']; // Desired folder structure $structure = 'files/'.$foldername.''; // To create the nested structure, the $recursive parameter // to mkdir() must be specified. if (!mkdir($structure, 0777, true)) { die('Failed to create folders...'); } $target = "files/"; $target = $target . basename( $_FILES['userfile']['name']) ; if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $target)) { echo "<center>The file ". basename( $_FILES['userfile']['name']). " has been uploaded.</center>"; } else { echo "No File was uploaded"; } So when I edited the target, it just changed the filename . What should I change in the code above to upload the file to the new directory? Thanks again, Sanchez Hi guys, I've been working on a script for a while now, and I'm sure it doesn't look great and all, and it's probably really messed up.. But right now I've finally got it working! There's only 1 thing I'd really like to add.. Searching through & listing of remote directories! The directories I'm trying to list have directory listings enabled, and I think it *should* be possible. I just have no clue how. Here's my current code in a beautiful mix of HTML and PHP: <? $border_size = "0"; function returner($what) { $what=explode("/",$what); $tps=count($what); $what=$what[$tps-1]; return $what; } $page_url= ""; $home_url=returner(__FILE__); if(isset($_GET['q'])) { $qtext=$_GET['q']; } else { $qtext=""; } function getdirsize($directory, $format=FALSE) { $size = 0; if(substr($directory,-1) == '/') { $directory = substr($directory,0,-1); } if(!file_exists($directory) || !is_dir($directory) || !is_readable($directory)) { return -1; } if($handle = opendir($directory)) { while(($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { $path = $directory.'/'.$file; if($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if(is_file($path)) { $size += filesize($path); } elseif(is_dir($path)) { $handlesize = getdirsize($path); if($handlesize >= 0) { $size += $handlesize; } else { return -1; } } } } closedir($handle); } if($format == TRUE) { if($size / 1048576 > 1) { return round($size / 1048576, 1).' MB'; } elseif($size / 1024 > 1) { return round($size / 1024, 1).' KB'; } else { return round($size, 1).' bytes'; } } else { return $size; } } if(isset($_GET['type'])){ $type=$_GET['type']; } else { $type="new"; } $textures=0; $models=0; $avatars=0; $seqs=0; $sounds=0; foreach (glob("textures/*.jpg") as $texture){ $textures++; } foreach (glob("models/*.zip") as $model){ $models++; } foreach (glob("avatars/*.zip") as $avatar){ $avatars++; } foreach (glob("seqs/*.zip") as $seq){ $seqs++; } foreach (glob("sounds/*.zip") as $sound){ $sounds++; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>ObjectPath Search</title> <style type="text/css"> #wrapper { width: 850px; margin: 30px auto 30px auto; padding: 10px; } body { color:#C6C6C6; background:#1E1E1E; /* margin:0; padding:0; */ overflow-x:hidden; } #tabs { font: 85% "Trebuchet MS", sans-serif; } .left { float: left; } .right { float: right; } a:link, a:visited, a:active { color: #3DB015; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { color: #00E0FF; } h2 { color: #3DB015; padding-bottom: 0.2em; font-size: 110%; } ul#icon {margin: 0; padding: 0;} ul#icon li {margin: 1px; position: relative; padding: 1px 0; cursor: pointer; float: left; list-style: none;} ul#icon span.ui-icon {float: left; margin: 0 1px;} </style> <link type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function formHandler(form){ var URL =[].value; window.location.href = URL; }; $(function(){ // Tabs $('#tabs').tabs(); }); </script> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="tabs"> <!-- Tabs start --> <ul> <li><a href="#tab-search">Search</a></li> <li><a href="#tab-list">List Objects</a></li> <li><a href="#tab-info">OP info</a></li> </ul> <div id="tab-search"><!-- Searchtab start --> Please enter a string to search for, and choose a folder to search in. <br /><br /> <form name="Search"> <input type='hidden' value='search' name='type'> <input value='<? print $qtext; ?>' type='text' name='q'> <select name='map'> <option selected='selected' value='models'>Models</option> <option value='avatars'>Avatars</option> <option value='textures'>Textures</option> <option value='seqs'>Seqs</option> <option value='sounds'>Sounds</option></select> <input type='submit' value='Search'> </form> </div> <!-- Searchtab end --> <div id="tab-list"><!-- Listtab start --> Please pick a folder to browse. <br /><br /> <form name="form"> <select name="site" onChange="javascript:formHandler()"> <option value="#">Look in folder...</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=models">Models</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=avatars">Avatars</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=textures">Textures</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=seqs">Seqs</option> <option value="<? print $page_url; ?>?type=list&map=sounds">Sounds</option> </select> </form> </div> <!-- Listtab end --> <div id="tab-info"><!-- Info tab start --> The OP currently contains: <br /><br /> <table> <tr><td><b><? echo $models; ?></b></td> <td>Models</td></tr> <tr><td><b><? echo $avatars; ?></b></td> <td>Avatars</td></tr> <tr><td><b><? echo $textures; ?></b></td> <td>Textures</td></tr> <tr><td><b><? echo $seqs; ?></b></td> <td>Seqs</td></tr> <tr><td><b><? echo $sounds; ?></b></td> <td>Sounds</td></tr> </table> </div> <!-- Info tab end --> </div> <!-- Tabs end --> </div> <!-- Start PHP generated content --> <? if($type=="search" || $type=="list") { $M=$_GET['map']; if($type=="search") { $Q=$_GET['q']; $empty="Nothing found with <b>\"" . $Q . "\"</b> in it's name.<br />\nPlease make a more general search query, or try a different folder.\n\n"; } else { $Q=""; $empty='This folder is empty'; } if($M=="textures") { $ext="jpg"; } else { $ext="zip"; } $i=0; print "<hr>\n"; $endfile=array(); $endsize=array(); $endsize2=array(); foreach (glob($M."/*".$Q."*.".$ext) as $filename) { $filename = explode(".", $filename); $filename=$filename[0]; $filename = explode("/", $filename); $filename=$filename[1]; $i++; $endfile[$i]=$filename; if($ext=="jpg") { $endfile[$i]="<a name='".$endfile[$i]."' href='".$pageurl."?type=view&name=".$endfile[$i]."&folder=".$M."&from=".$type."&addon=".$Q."'>".$endfile[$i]."</a>"; } $endsize[$i]=$size; $endsize2[$i]=$size2; } if($i != 1) { print "<b>".$i."</b> items were found.\n<hr>\n"; } else { print "<b>".$i."</b> item was found.\n<hr>\n"; } echo("<table width='100%' border='" . $border_size . "' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' >\n"); if($i!=0) { for ($t = 1; $t < $i; $t++) { $thumbfile = $M."/".$endfile[$t].'.jpg'; if(file_exists($thumbfile)) { $thumbnail = "<a name='".$endfile[$t]."' href='".$page_url."?type=view&name=".$endfile[$t]."&folder=".$M."&from=".$type."&addon=".$Q."'><ul id='icon'><li class='ui-state-default ui-corner-all' title='".$endfile[$t]."'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-image'></span></li></ul></a>"; } else { $thumbnail = ""; } if($t=="1") { echo("<tr><td width='10%'>Number</td><td width='3%'><ul id='icon'><li class='ui-state-default ui-corner-all' title='".$endfile[$t]."'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-image'></span></li></ul></td><td width='60%'>Name</td></tr>\n"); } echo("<tr><td>" . $t . "</td><td>".$thumbnail."</td><td>" . $endfile[$t] . "</td></tr>\n"); flush(); } $thumbfile = $M."/".$endfile[$t].'.jpg'; if(file_exists($thumbfile)) { $thumbnail = "<a name='".$endfile[$t]."' href='".$page_url."?type=view&name=".$endfile[$t]."&folder=".$M."&from=".$type."&addon=".$Q."'><ul id='icon'><li class='ui-state-default ui-corner-all' title='".$endfile[$t]."'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-image'></span></li></ul></a>"; } else { $thumbnail = ""; } echo("<tr><td>" . $t . "</td><td>".$thumbnail."</td><td>" . $endfile[$t] . "</td></tr>\n"); } print "</table>\n"; if($i=="0") { print $empty; } } elseif($type=="view") { $filename=$_GET['name']; $folder=$_GET['folder']; if($_GET['from']=="list"){ $addon="?type=list&map=".$folder."#".$filename; } if($_GET['from']=="search"){ $addon="?type=search&q=".$filename."&map=".$folder."#".$filename; } print"<center><a href='".$home_url."'>Home</a></center>"; print "<hr>\n<center><img src='".$folder."/".$filename.".jpg'></img></center>\n<hr>\n<br />\n<a href='".$page_url."".$addon."'>Previous Page</a>\n"; } $htmlshow=""; if($_GET['type']=="returnOPfile") { if(isset($_GET['split'])) { $splitter=$_GET['split']; } else { $splitter=" | "; } if(isset($_GET['html'])) { $htmlshow="<br />"; } foreach (glob("textures/*.jpg") as $texture){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($texture); } $texture = explode("/", $texture); $texture=$texture[1]; print "textures".$splitter.$texture.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } foreach (glob("models/*.zip") as $model){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($model); } $model = explode("/", $model); $model=$model[1]; print "models".$splitter.$model.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } foreach (glob("avatars/*.zip") as $avatar){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($avatar); } $avatar = explode("/", $avatar); $avatar=$avatar[1]; print "avatars".$splitter.$avatar.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } foreach (glob("seqs/*.zip") as $seq){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($seq); } $seq = explode("/", $seq); $seq=$seq[1]; print "seqs".$splitter.$seq.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } foreach (glob("sounds/*.zip") as $sound){ if(isset($_GET['size'])) { $size=$splitter.filesize($sound); } $sound = explode("/", $sound); $sound=$sound[1]; print "sounds".$splitter.$sound.$size."\n".$htmlshow; } } ?> <!-- End PHP generated content --> </body> </html> So right now my question to you PHP freaks is, can you please help me edit my script so I can search through a remote directory? *This* is one of the directories I wish to be able to search through & list.. Thanks in advance. Edit; It might help if you know what the site currently looks like. *Click* Hi guys, I've created some coding and a button allowing the user to browse their local machine and upload a file, with certain details then displayed on a new web page. Is there a way I can get the ouput to display on a popup window rather than navigate to a new browser page? The code I have used to create this is: Code: [Select] <form action="upload_file.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <label for="file">Filename:</label> <input type="file" name="file" id="file" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Start" style="height:50px" /> </form> When the user clicks the 'start' button, the php script runs and retrieves the information required but I want this to be output on a popup window. Cheers for your time Ok, I have this code that is supposed to upload a csv file and save the contents into a specific sql table. I am getting an error when i hit submit that states the file is empty, meaning the csv file. I am thinking that the file isn't really being targeted i just don't know how to fix it. To start i have a php page with a the form and then i have another php page that is included in the form php page. The functions for submitting the csv info in the text file is located in the include file. here is the code: Code: [Select] $csv = new Quick_CSV_import(); $arr_encodings = $csv->get_encodings(); //take possible encodings list $arr_encodings["default"] = "[default database encoding]"; //set a default (when the default database encoding should be used) if(!isset($_POST["encoding"])) $_POST["encoding"] = "default"; //set default encoding for the first page show (no POST vars) if(isset($_POST["Go"]) && ""!=$_POST["Go"]) //form was submitted { $csv->file_name = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file_source']['tmp_name']; //optional parameters $csv->use_csv_header = isset($_POST["use_csv_header"]); $csv->field_separate_char = $_POST["field_separate_char"][0]; $csv->field_enclose_char = $_POST["field_enclose_char"][0]; $csv->field_escape_char = $_POST["field_escape_char"][0]; $csv->encoding = $_POST["encoding"]; //start import now $csv->import(); } else $_POST["use_csv_header"] = 1; ?> <tr> <td>Source CSV file to import:</td> <td rowspan="30" width="10px"> </td> <td><input type="file" name="file_source" id="file_source" class="edt" value="<?=$file_source?>"></td> </tr> and Code: [Select] class Quick_CSV_import { var $table_name = "tbl_product"; //where to import to var $file_name; //where to import from var $use_csv_header; //use first line of file OR generated columns names var $field_separate_char; //character to separate fields var $field_enclose_char; //character to enclose fields, which contain separator char into content var $field_escape_char; //char to escape special symbols var $error; //error message var $arr_csv_columns; //array of columns var $table_exists; //flag: does table for import exist var $encoding; //encoding table, used to parse the incoming file. Added in 1.5 version function Quick_CSV_import() { $this->file_name = $file_name; $this->arr_csv_columns = array(); $this->use_csv_header = true; $this->field_separate_char = ","; $this->field_enclose_char = "\""; $this->field_escape_char = "\\"; $this->table_exists = false; } function import() { if($this->table_name=="") $this->table_name = "temp_".date("d_m_Y_H_i_s"); $this->table_exists = false; $this->create_import_table(); if(empty($this->arr_csv_columns)) $this->get_csv_header_fields(); /* change start. Added in 1.5 version */ if("" != $this->encoding && "default" != $this->encoding) $this->set_encoding(); /* change end */ if($this->table_exists) { $sql = "LOAD DATA INFILE '".@mysql_escape_string($this->file_source). "' INTO TABLE `".$this-> table_name. "` FIELDS TERMINATED BY '".@mysql_escape_string($this->field_separate_char). "' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '".@mysql_escape_string($this->field_enclose_char). "' ESCAPED BY '".@mysql_escape_string($this->field_escape_char). "' ". ($this->use_csv_header ? " IGNORE 1 LINES " : "") ."(`".implode("`,`", $this->arr_csv_columns)."`)"; $res = @mysql_query($sql); $this->error = mysql_error(); } } //returns array of CSV file columns function get_csv_header_fields() { $this->arr_csv_columns = array(); $fpointer = fopen($file_name, "r"); if ($fpointer) { $arr = fgetcsv($fpointer, 10*1024, $this->field_separate_char); if(is_array($arr) && !empty($arr)) { if($this->use_csv_header) { foreach($arr as $val) if(trim($val)!="") $this->arr_csv_columns[] = $val; } else { $i = 1; foreach($arr as $val) if(trim($val)!="") $this->arr_csv_columns[] = "column".$i++; } } unset($arr); fclose($fpointer); } else $this->error = "file cannot be opened: ".(""==$this->file_name ? "[empty]" : @mysql_escape_string($this->file_name)); return $this->arr_csv_columns; } i just can't figure it out. could anyone help me out? the error i get says this: Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: Filename cannot be empty in /Quick_CSV_import.php on line 83 Hi All, sure this is simple but I'm still new to php/mySQL so errors are abundant! I have a simple form with one input: a browse button so the user can find a .csv file on their computer. User then clicks button, upon which I would like the file to be read and the contents put into an array, and the values to be added to the database. I do not need the file to be stored (uploaded). So far my code is not erroring, it just doesn't add the values to the db. I'm wondering if it's just that I HAVE to upload and save the file to the webserver else I can't read it? if(isset($_FILES['file_path']['tmp_name'])&& $_FILES['file_path']['tmp_name'] !=''){ $file_to_import = $_FILES['file_path']['tmp_name']; $import_data = file($file_to_import); print_r($import_data); if ($import_data !=''){ for($index = 1; $index < sizeof($import_data); $index++){ $order_data = explode(",",$import_data[$index]); tep_db_query("UPDATE orders SET act_shipping_cost = '" . $order_data[8]. "' WHERE orders_id = '". $order_data[0]."'"); echo "done it"; } }else{ echo 'error cant read file!'; } } else{ ?> <!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> etc etc etc <form id="shipping_costs_upload" name="csv_file_reader" method="post" action="shipping_cost_upload.php"> <div class="main" id="info_text"><h2>Upload Actual Shipping Costs CSV</h2><p>To upload actual shipping cost data, browse to your csv and click the Upload Data button.<br /><br /></p> <div class="date" id="file"> <strong>CSV File: </strong><input type="file" name="file_path" id="file_url" /> </div> <div class="date"><input type="submit" value="Upload Data"> </div> </form> etc etc etc Apologies if I'm being a complete dunce! Hi Guys, Please can someone here help me with a simple browse for an image from the computer and then when the form is submitted it uploads the image and then saves the image url in my DB. my form page is here Any help will be appreciated. thanks Craig hi- i'm trying to browse for a CSV file and then upload it to my mysql database. i found the code below and not working. i don't get any errors. the connection to the database is ok bcz i get the existing results but not the ones from the CSV file added to the db.. any ideas? Code: [Select] <?php ob_start(); require_once('../../connections/congif.php'); mysql_select_db($dbname, $db); $sql_get_project="SELECT * FROM gifts_tbl ORDER BY autoID DESC LIMIT 25"; $get_project = mysql_query($sql_get_project, $db) or die(mysql_error()); $row_get_project = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_project); //database connect info here //check for file upload if(isset($_FILES['csv_file']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['csv_file']['tmp_name'])){ //upload directory $upload_dir = "csv_dir/"; //create file name $file_path = $upload_dir . $_FILES['csv_file']['name']; //move uploaded file to upload dir if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['csv_file']['tmp_name'], $file_path)) { //error moving upload file echo "Error moving file upload"; } //open the csv file for reading $handle = fopen($file_path, 'r'); //turn off autocommit and delete the product table mysql_query("BEGIN"); while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ',')) !== FALSE) { //Access field data in $data array ex. $name = $data[0]; //Use data to insert into db $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO gifts_tbl (player_id) VALUES ('%s)", mysql_real_escape_string($name) ); mysql_query($sql) or (mysql_query("ROLLBACK") and die(mysql_error() . " - $sql")); } unlink($file_path); } ob_flush(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Gifts</title> </head> <body> <h1>Testing for CSV upload</h1> <form action="" method="post"> <input type="file" name="csv_file"> <input type="submit" name="csv_submit" value="Upload CSV File"> </form> <h2>Results</h2> <?php do { ?> <ul> <li><?php echo $row_get_project['player_id']; ?></li> </ul> <?php } while ($row_get_project = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_project)); ?> </body> </html> This topic has been moved to PHP Installation & Configuration. i have made an delete files script which works for only one directory but not sub directory so i want to delete files of same extention from directory and subdirectory. My current code is Code: [Select] <? $dir = 'hmm/'; function scanr($dir){ $arr = glob($dir.'/*.jpg'); foreach($arr as $vv){ //check if $vv is a file if(is_file($vv)){ //if file, get the filename $vx=explode('/',$vv); $file=$vx[count($vx)-1]; // if no extension delete the file unlink($vv); // print the deletion message echo $vv." deleted!<br>";}else{ // if $vv is a dir then scan it again for files scanr($vv); }} } scanr($dir); ?> I'm trying to echo the directory and sub directory only. I am not looking to show the files contained - only folders. I don't know, it seemed simple but it turns out I don't know what to do.
I was told that storing a photo as a blob was much harder than simply storing a photo's url or directory location...
So... when a file has been selected through the browse-file manager triggered by
<input type="file"...>and the file selected is shown, when a person pusehs "upload" what is supposed to happen? Do I need some kind of FTP client to access the server and place the photo in there? It seems so easy in a way like the built in filemanager in cPanel... What am I missing? Thanks for any help. Hello everyone, I am working on a form that is similar to a shopping cart system and I am thinking of creating a button that submits the checked value and saves them to a $_SESSION variable. And also a link that links to a cart.html that takes the values of a $_SESSION variable. I am have trouble figuring what tag/attribute should I use in order to achieve that.
Right now my code attached below submits the checked values to cart.html directly. However I want my submit button to save the checked box to a $_SESSION variable and STAY on the same page. And then I will implement a <a> to link to the cart.php.
I researched a little bit about this subject and I know it's somewhat related to ajax/jquery. I just wanted to know more about it from you guys. I appreciate your attention for reading the post and Thanks!
Below is the form that I currently have:
<form name= "finalForm" method="POST" action="cart.php"> <input type="Submit" name="finalSelected"/> <?php foreach($FinalName as $key => $item) {?> <tr> <td><input type="checkbox" name="fSelected[]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($FinalID[$key])?>" /> <?php echo "$FinalID[$key] & $item";?> </td> </tr> <?php } ;?>Below is the code for cart.php <?php require ('connect_db.php'); if(isset($_POST['finalSelected'])) { if(!empty($_POST['fSelected'])) { $chosen = $_POST['fSelected']; foreach ($chosen as $item) echo "aID selected: $item </br>"; $delimit = implode(", ", $chosen); print_r($delimit); } } if(isset($delimit)) { $cartSQL = "SELECT * from article where aID in ($delimit)"; $cartQuery = mysqli_query($dbc, $cartSQL) or die (mysqli_error($dbc)); while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($cartQuery, MYSQLI_BOTH)) { $aTitle[] = $row[ 'name' ]; } } ?> <table> <?php if(isset($delimit)) { $c=0; foreach($aTitle as $item) {?> <tr> <td> <?php echo $aTitle[$c]; $c++;?> </td> </tr> <?php }}?> </table> Hello, can someone please help me make this. I want a simple php directory script that lists files and folders. If a folder is clicked on then open that directory and if a file is clicked on it will download or if its a .txt or picture it will open in the browser. BUT I NEED IT TO LOOK EXACTLY LIKE THIS: which would be the default cpanel indexing but i use godaddy and i dont like there indexing page. Please help and whoever make it i will provide a subdomain on my website for you to host your stuff. This script reads a directory, and prints out the name of all directories in the directory that I've chosen This works, but it's only displaying the last 2. Right now, I have 6 directories in the the folder I specified. Can anybody tell me why it does not display all of them? Code: [Select] <?php $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/panel/api/connectors/sample/projects/"; foreach(glob($path . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $dir) { $dir = basename($dir); echo $dir."<br />"; } ?> Thanks in advance I am using php's zip class, and I am able to zip files up individually, but can I zip an entire directory with its file and sub-folders? Hey so i need help searching for contacts in my telephone do i do that in my php? is it a form method or if statements? Dear friends, I know Zip a file in PHP but I can't Zip a directory.How to Zip a directory in PHP?Can you give an example? I am trying to create random no. of directories but its always giving this error Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Invalid argument in C:\xampp\htdocs\gl\movie_process.php on line 173 the code is for(i=0; i<5; i++) { mkdir("".$base."uploads/movies/$year/$month/$title/".$hosting[$i].""); } Hi, I am creating an application that manages movie information. I was wondering if there was a way of letting a user navigate to a directory and select it as their default movie directory. i will then scan the sub directory names and compare them to a table in the Db. This latter part I can manage, its letting a user define their own default directory that is causing me problems. Any examples I have found are relating to file uploading similar to this Code: [Select] <form name="file_uploader" action="upload.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" name="data"><br /> <input type="submit" name="upload" value="Upload File"> </form> Thanks for your time and consideration. I almost have it but can't figure why the code below only shows one file per folder. I think it is showing the last file. I need $ul somehow looping to show all the files in $file. <?php $year = date('Y'); if ($handle = opendir("results/$year/Boys")) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if ($handle2 = opendir("results/$year/Boys/$file")) { while (false !== ($file2 = readdir($handle2))) { if ($file2 != "." && $file2 != "..") { $ul = "<li><a href=\"#\">$file2</a></li>"; $li = "<li><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"javascript:void(0)\">$file</a> <ul> $ul </ul> </li>"; } // close if file2 }echo $li; } } } }closedir($handle);closedir($handle2); ?> |