PHP - My Page Is Stuck Loading, Is This Because Inefficient Programming?
So long story short im trying to read a text file line by line and do a cpl db tests agains that one line my file size is about 1300 lines long so I cut it down to 600 and the page is stil stuck loading, can anyone tell me why, my code is below.: (it was working fine I must have just changed something without knowing it)
Code: [Select] <?php include ("include/session.php"); $file_handle = fopen ( "To Do.txt", "rb" ); while ( ! feof ( $file_handle ) ) { $line_of_text = fgets ( $file_handle ); $parts = explode ( '=', $line_of_text ); //get the course infomation //Examples: //$Course_info[0] = GEOL //$Course_info[1] = 1002 //$title = Introduction To Geology $Course_info = explode ( ' ', $parts [0] ); $length = strlen ( $Course_info [0] ) + strlen ( $Course_info [1] ) + 2; $title = substr ( $parts [0], $length ); //check to see if this course is already in the database $sql = "SELECT * FROM courses WHERE course = '$Course_info[0]' AND code = '$Course_info[1]'"; $res = mysql_query ( $sql ) or die ( mysql_error () ); if (mysql_num_rows ( $res ) == 0) { //course doesnt exist //lets get the program ID for this course $id_sql = "SELECT id FROM catagories WHERE code = '$course_info[0]'"; $res = mysql_query($id_sql) or die (mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_array ( $res ); echo $row ['code']; } else { //course is already in the database } exit (); } Similar TutorialsHi all ! I seem to have a problem with a PHP page I made. When executed on the server, it loads with a filesize 0 and for some browsers, says it does not exist. I believe that the cause is because it is not parsing due to a syntax error. I've busted my @$$ over this code, trying to find the issue, but cannot find it. Here is the whole page's code on pastie: I have a script which registers people to a database, however it doing something very strange. Whenever I place it into even a single CSS div it adds the registration to the dabase but stops loading the next page (index.php) I find this totally bizarre as I haven't seen anything like this behave before. With CSS affecting how PHP works. Especially when the CSS is not inside the <php> of <form> tags. Code: [Select] <?php include("connect.php"); if($_POST['submit']) { $username = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['username'])); $password = trim($_POST['password']); $password2 = trim($_POST['password2']); $email = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['email'])); $error = false; if(!isset($username) || empty($username)) { $error = "You need to enter a username."; } $query = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = '".$username."' LIMIT 1"); if(mysql_num_rows($query) > 0 && !$error) { $error = "Sorry, that username is already taken!"; } if((!isset($password) || empty($password)) && !$error) { $error = "You need to enter a password."; } if((!isset($password2) || empty($password2)) && !$error) { $error = "You need to enter your password twice."; } if($password != $password2 && !$error) { $error = "The passwords you entered did not match."; } if((!isset($email) || empty($email)) && !$error) { $error = "You need to enter an email."; } if(preg_match("/[a-zA-Z0-9-.+]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+.[a-zA-Z]+/", $email) == 0 && !$error) { $error = "The email you entered is not valid."; } $query = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE email = '".$email."' LIMIT 1"); if(mysql_num_rows($query) > 0 && !$error) { $error = "Sorry, that email is already in use!"; } if(!$error) { $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (username, password, email) VALUES ('".$username."', '".mysql_real_escape_string(md5($password))."', '".$email."')"); if($query) { $message = "Hello ".$_POST['username'].",\r\n\r\nThanks for registering! We hope you enjoy your stay.\r\n\r\nThanks,\r\nJohn Doe"; $headers = "From: ".$website['name']." <".$website['email'].">\r\n"; mail($_POST['email'], "Welcome", $message, $headers); setcookie("user", mysql_insert_id(), $time); setcookie("pass", mysql_real_escape_string(md5($password)), $time); header("Location: index.php"); } else { $error = "There was a problem with the registration. Please try again."; } } } ?><html> <head> <title>Register</title> </head> <body> <form action="" method="post"> <?php if($error) echo "<span style=\"color:#ff0000;\">".$error."</span><br /><br />"; ?> <label for="username">Username: </label> <input type="text" name="username" value="<?php if($_POST['username']) echo $_POST['username']; ?>" /><br /> <label for="password">Password: </label> <input type="password" name="password" value="<?php if($_POST['password']) echo $_POST['password']; ?>" /><br /> <label for="password2">Retype Password: </label> <input type="password" name="password2" value="<?php if($_POST['password2']) echo $_POST['password2']; ?>" /><br /> <label for="email">Email: </label> <input type="text" name="email" value="<?php if($_POST['email']) echo $_POST['email']; ?>" /><br /><br /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Register" /> </form> </body> I have a PHP Page. It is doing a lot of site crawling, throughout a lot of loops. Basically it's getting a massive array together and it's huge. However, it's so big that PHP times out beyond belief. I mean there is no error or nothing. Google throws a major error about page not found, IE shows an internet connection error. It really times out big time. Even though it's not really "A LOT". Any advice on what to do in that situation. I can't show the site/code because of NDA, but was curious if someone had ever done that much work on a PHP page before to have it do that? I have some issue with the website just created specifically and hosted on the It loads the page slowly. Things what i have consideredto trie to improve better performance: * optimized CSS files * optimized MySQL queries with specifying the rows wanted (SELECT ID, IMAGE.....) * avoid to select an image saved as blob if not necessary etc. * made different image retrieving php files P.S. the website is small of size approx 700KB for loading. Problem is that not all the images (saved in MYSQL BLOB) are loaded successfully. Could anyone have a look and advice what else could cause the performance issue. P.S.S. I do take in account that this isthe free hosting and may cause some problems What I'm trying to do is get a php file with content to load into my basic page template based on the page id, however it's not loading anything, however there are no errors coming up. I've looked everywhere I could find, and tried everything I could think of. I really could use some help on this. Below is the page template code and the code I'm trying to use to get the content to load up. page_templ.php Code: [Select] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title></title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" > <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="templates/content/style.css" > <!--This is the css used for IE because we need to correct some things for it.--> <!--[if IE]> <style type="text/css"> @import 'templates/content/styleIE.css'; </style> <![endif]--> </head> <body> <?php //We need to load our language files with our common text varibles require("content/langeng.php"); ?> <div id="header"> <? //Lets show the header. I use html where I can so smartphones load as little advanced code as possible require_once("header.php"); ?> </div> <div id="menu"> <?//Now our menu. require_once("menu.php"); ?> </div> <div id="mbody"> <?//Now the primary site content. //Load up our postvars.php file require_once("content/postvars.php"); ?> </div> </body> </html> postvars.php Code: [Select] <?php $id = $_POST["id"]; if ( $id == "home" ) { include 'main_c.php'; } elseif ( $id == "guides" ) { include 'guides_c.php'; } elseif ( $id == "trips" ) { include 'trips_c.php'; } ?> Hi, I'm new. I have been searching for this, but couldn't find my answer ... I've got a form on page A, with its 'action' attribute set to page B.php. Page B does nothing but process the form data & put it in a database. At the bottom of B.php there's a header redirect to page C. My problem is that page B shows up briefly in the browser, looking all blank and weird. Is there a sensible way around this? I just want it to do its stuff in the background. I realise I should be Ajaxing it all but, apart from the fact that I struggle with Ajax operations longer than a couple of lines, it's important that the site should work without javascript. I HOPE this is a really easy one! Thanks This should be an easy one but I'm looking for a bit of help. I'm using a php framework and using includes to bring different pieces of a website togethor onto the page. The top of the page uses a flash banner, then there are some simple text sections below. The banner is in it's own php file as well. Wondering if it's possible to have the banner NOT replay after each page load? I'm not sure if this is something I need to setup in the flash file, or if there is a way to do it in the php files? Basically, the banner is the same for all of the pages, and I want it (once loaded) to stay on the page while the details on the bottom change, WITHOUT going through the entire animation again. Make sense? here's the page as it stands now so you can get a better idea what I'm trying to do. again not sure if this needs to be done in the flash side, or the php? Any ideas are better than what I've got! Thanks in advance Hello Coders, Iam in a confused situation. I made a php script & in that script i want to check how much time (in seconds) the page is taking to fetch the content from the server. If the time is greater than to i defined time then i want to show a error message to the users. Anybody can give me ideas ..................... ?? Apologies if the title is quite vague, I suppose I am looking for some general advice on why some pages I write in PHP, which contain MySQL queries, might be running a bit slow. The following page takes up to 3 seconds to display:
<?php session_start(); include('admin/user.php'); $connection = mysql_connect("$host","$user","$password") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("$txt_db_name",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $id = $_REQUEST['id']; // MATCH INFO $get_details = mysql_query(" SELECT MatchDateTime AS date, DATE_FORMAT(MatchDateTime, '%Y-%m-%d') AS formatdate FROM tplss_matches WHERE MatchID = '$id' LIMIT 1",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $factsdata = mysql_fetch_array($get_details); mysql_free_result($get_details); $matchdate = $factsdata['date']; $matchdate2 = $factsdata['formatdate']; // -----------SHOW FACTS ABOUT THE STARTING LINEUP--------- echo" <h5>Appearances & Goals To Date</h5> <table width=100%>"; $get_starters = mysql_query(" SELECT P.PlayerID AS playerid, CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerNationID AS nation, P.PlayerPositionID as pos FROM tplss_players P, tplss_appearances A WHERE A.AppearancePlayerID = P.PlayerID AND A.AppearanceMatchID = '$id' ORDER BY P.PlayerPositionID ASC ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $get_subbies = mysql_query(" SELECT P.PlayerID AS playerid, CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerNationID AS nation, P.PlayerPositionID as pos FROM tplss_players P, tplss_substitutions S WHERE S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn = P.PlayerID AND S.SubstitutionMatchID = '$id' ORDER BY P.PlayerPositionID ASC ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($combstarters = mysql_fetch_array($get_starters)) { echo"<tr>"; echo"<td><a href=\"player.php?id=$combstarters[playerid]\">$combstarters[name]</a>"; if($combstarters['pos'] == 1) { echo" (GK)"; } echo"</td>"; $combpid = $combstarters['playerid']; echo" <td align=\"left\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\"> <img src=\"images/flag_$combstarters[nation].jpg\" border=1> </td> "; $get_comb_apps = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(A.AppearancePlayerID) AS apps FROM tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE A.AppearancePlayerID = '$combpid' AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $get_comb_ins = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn) AS ins FROM tplss_substitutions S, tplss_matches M WHERE S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn = '$combpid' AND S.SubstitutionMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($combdata = mysql_fetch_array($get_comb_apps)) { while($idata = mysql_fetch_array($get_comb_ins)) { $totalapps = $combdata['apps'] + $idata['ins']; if($totalapps == 1) { echo"<td>$totalapps app (debut)</td>"; } else { echo"<td>$totalapps apps</td>"; } } mysql_free_result($get_comb_ins); } mysql_free_result($get_comb_apps); $get_goals_all = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(G.GoalPlayerID) AS total_goals FROM tplss_goals G, tplss_matches M WHERE G.GoalPlayerID = '$combpid' AND G.GoalMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' AND G.GoalOwn != 1 GROUP BY G.GoalPlayerID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($get_goals_all) == 0) { echo"<td> - </td>"; } while($combgoals = mysql_fetch_array($get_goals_all)) { if($combgoals['total_goals'] == 1) { echo"<td>$combgoals[total_goals] goal</td>"; } else { echo"<td>$combgoals[total_goals] goals</td>"; } } mysql_free_result($get_goals_all); echo"</tr>"; } while($combsubbies = mysql_fetch_array($get_subbies)) { echo"<tr>"; echo"<td><a href=\"player.php?id=$combsubbies[playerid]\">$combsubbies[name]</a> (sub)"; if($combsubbies['pos'] == 1) { echo" (GK)"; } echo"</td>"; $combpid = $combsubbies['playerid']; echo" <td align=\"left\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\"> <img src=\"images/flag_$combsubbies[nation].jpg\" border=1> </td> "; $get_comb_apps = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(A.AppearancePlayerID) AS apps FROM tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE A.AppearancePlayerID = '$combpid' AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $get_comb_ins = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn) AS ins FROM tplss_substitutions S, tplss_matches M WHERE S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn = '$combpid' AND S.SubstitutionMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($combdata = mysql_fetch_array($get_comb_apps)) { while($idata = mysql_fetch_array($get_comb_ins)) { $totalapps = $combdata['apps'] + $idata['ins']; if($totalapps == 1) { echo"<td>$totalapps app (debut)</td>"; } else { echo"<td>$totalapps apps</td>"; } } mysql_free_result($get_comb_ins); } mysql_free_result($get_comb_apps); $get_goals_all = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(G.GoalPlayerID) AS total_goals FROM tplss_goals G, tplss_matches M WHERE G.GoalPlayerID = '$combpid' AND G.GoalMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' AND G.GoalOwn != 1 GROUP BY G.GoalPlayerID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($get_goals_all) == 0) { echo"<td> - </td>"; } while($combgoals = mysql_fetch_array($get_goals_all)) { if($combgoals['total_goals'] == 1) { echo"<td>$combgoals[total_goals] goal</td>"; } else { echo"<td>$combgoals[total_goals] goals</td>"; } } mysql_free_result($get_goals_all); echo"</tr>"; } echo"</table>"; // -----------SHOW FACTS ABOUT THE STARTING LINEUP--------- echo"<br> <h5>Starting Lineup</h5> <table width=100%>"; // GET YOUNGEST PLAYER IN STARTING LINEUP $get_youngest_player = mysql_query(" SELECT P.PlayerDOB AS dob, DATE_FORMAT(P.PlayerDOB, '%d/%m/%Y') AS birth, CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerID AS id FROM tplss_players P, tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE P.PlayerID = A.AppearancePlayerID AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' ORDER BY dob DESC LIMIT 0,1 ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($youngest = mysql_fetch_array($get_youngest_player)) { echo"<tr>"; $dob = $youngest['dob']; echo"<td width=30%>Youngest Player:</td><td width=70%><a href=\"player.php?id=$youngest[id]\">$youngest[name]</a> ("; $now = strtotime("$matchdate"); $your_date = strtotime("$dob"); $datediff_days = $now - $your_date; $datediff_years = ($now - $your_date) / 365; $days = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)); $years = floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)); $remainder = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)) - (floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)) * 365); echo"$years years $remainder days)</td> </tr> "; } mysql_free_result($get_youngest_player); // GET OLDEST PLAYER IN STARTING LINEUP $get_oldest_player = mysql_query(" SELECT P.PlayerDOB AS dob, DATE_FORMAT(P.PlayerDOB, '%d/%m/%Y') AS birth, CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerID AS id FROM tplss_players P, tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE P.PlayerID = A.AppearancePlayerID AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' ORDER BY dob ASC LIMIT 0,1 ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($oldest = mysql_fetch_array($get_oldest_player)) { echo"<tr>"; $dob = $oldest['dob']; echo"<td width=30%>Oldest Player:</td><td width=70%><a href=\"player.php?id=$oldest[id]\">$oldest[name]</a> ("; $now = strtotime("$matchdate"); $your_date = strtotime("$dob"); $datediff_days = $now - $your_date; $datediff_years = ($now - $your_date) / 365; $days = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)); $years = floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)); $remainder = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)) - (floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)) * 365); echo"$years years $remainder days)</td>"; echo"</tr>"; } mysql_free_result($get_oldest_player); // GET AVERAGE DOB OF STARTING XI $get_average_dob = mysql_query(" SELECT FROM_DAYS(AVG(TO_DAYS(P.PlayerDOB))) AS dob FROM tplss_players P, tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE P.PlayerID = A.AppearancePlayerID AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($average = mysql_fetch_array($get_average_dob)) { echo"<tr>"; $dob = $average['dob']; $now = strtotime("$matchdate"); $your_date = strtotime("$dob"); $datediff_days = $now - $your_date; $datediff_years = $datediff_days / 365; $days = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)); $years = floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)); $remainder = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)) - (floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)) * 365); echo"<td width=30%>Average Player Age:</td><td width=70%>$years years $remainder days</td>"; echo"</tr>"; } mysql_free_result($get_average_dob); $get_players = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(P.PlayerID) AS players FROM tplss_players P, tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE P.PlayerID = A.AppearancePlayerID AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' GROUP BY M.MatchID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $get_scots = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(P.PlayerID) AS scots FROM tplss_players P, tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE P.PlayerID = A.AppearancePlayerID AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' AND P.PlayerNationID = 1 GROUP BY M.MatchID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($players = mysql_fetch_array($get_players)) { echo"<tr>"; while($scots = mysql_fetch_array($get_scots)) { $average = ($scots['scots'] / $players['players']) * 100; $average = number_format((float)$average, 2, '.', ''); echo"<td width=30%>Domestic Players:</td><td width=70%>$scots[scots] ($average % of starting eleven)</td>"; } echo"</tr>"; } mysql_free_result($get_players); echo"</table>"; ?> <? // -----------SHOW FACTS ABOUT THE MATCHDAY SQUAD-------------- echo"<br> <h5>Matchday Squad</h5> <table width=100%> "; // GET YOUNGEST PLAYER IN SQUAD $get_youngest_player_all = mysql_query(" SELECT P.PlayerDOB AS dob, CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerID AS id FROM tplss_players P INNER JOIN ( SELECT AppearancePlayerID as PlayerID , AppearanceMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_appearances UNION SELECT SubstitutePlayerID as PlayerID , SubstituteMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_substitutes ) as total USING (PlayerID) INNER JOIN tplss_matches M USING (MatchID) WHERE M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' ORDER BY dob DESC LIMIT 0,1 ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($youngest_all = mysql_fetch_array($get_youngest_player_all)) { echo"<tr>"; $dob = $youngest_all['dob']; echo"<td width=30%>Youngest Player:</td><td width=70%><a href=\"player.php?id=$youngest_all[id]\">$youngest_all[name]</a> ("; $now = strtotime("$matchdate"); $your_date = strtotime("$dob"); $datediff_days = $now - $your_date; $datediff_years = ($now - $your_date) / 365; $days = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)); $years = floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)); $remainder = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)) - (floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)) * 365); echo"$years years $remainder days)</td>"; echo"</tr>"; } // GET OLDEST PLAYER IN SQUAD $get_oldest_player_all = mysql_query(" SELECT P.PlayerDOB AS dob, CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerID AS id FROM tplss_players P INNER JOIN ( SELECT AppearancePlayerID as PlayerID , AppearanceMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_appearances UNION SELECT SubstitutePlayerID as PlayerID , SubstituteMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_substitutes ) as total USING (PlayerID) INNER JOIN tplss_matches M USING (MatchID) WHERE M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' ORDER BY dob ASC LIMIT 0,1 ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($oldest_all = mysql_fetch_array($get_oldest_player_all)) { echo"<tr>"; $dob = $oldest_all['dob']; echo"<td width=30%>Oldest Player:</td><td width=70%><a href=\"player.php?id=$oldest_all[id]\">$oldest_all[name]</a> ("; $now = strtotime("$matchdate"); $your_date = strtotime("$dob"); $datediff_days = $now - $your_date; $datediff_years = ($now - $your_date) / 365; $days = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)); $years = floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)); $remainder = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)) - (floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)) * 365); echo"$years years $remainder days)</td>"; echo"</tr>"; } // GET AVERAGE DOB OF WHOLE SQUAD $get_average_dob_all = mysql_query(" SELECT FROM_DAYS(AVG(TO_DAYS(P.PlayerDOB))) AS dob FROM tplss_players P INNER JOIN ( SELECT AppearancePlayerID as PlayerID , AppearanceMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_appearances UNION SELECT SubstitutePlayerID as PlayerID , SubstituteMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_substitutes ) as total USING (PlayerID) INNER JOIN tplss_matches M USING (MatchID) WHERE M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($average_all = mysql_fetch_array($get_average_dob_all)) { echo"<tr>"; $dob = $average_all['dob']; $now = strtotime("$matchdate"); $your_date = strtotime("$dob"); $datediff_days = $now - $your_date; $datediff_years = ($now - $your_date) / 365; $days = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)); $years = floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)); $remainder = floor($datediff_days/(60*60*24)) - (floor($datediff_years/(60*60*24)) * 365); echo"<td width=30%>Average Player Age:</td><td width=70%>$years years $remainder days</td>"; echo"</tr>"; } $get_players_all = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(P.PlayerID) AS allplayers FROM tplss_players P INNER JOIN ( SELECT AppearancePlayerID as PlayerID , AppearanceMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_appearances UNION SELECT SubstitutePlayerID as PlayerID , SubstituteMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_substitutes ) as total USING (PlayerID) INNER JOIN tplss_matches M USING (MatchID) WHERE M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' GROUP BY M.MatchID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $get_scots_all = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(P.PlayerID) AS scots FROM tplss_players P INNER JOIN ( SELECT AppearancePlayerID as PlayerID , AppearanceMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_appearances UNION SELECT SubstitutePlayerID as PlayerID , SubstituteMatchID as MatchID FROM tplss_substitutes ) as total USING (PlayerID) INNER JOIN tplss_matches M USING (MatchID) WHERE M.MatchDateTime = '$matchdate' AND P.PlayerNationID = 1 GROUP BY M.MatchID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); while($players_all = mysql_fetch_array($get_players_all)) { while($scots_all = mysql_fetch_array($get_scots_all)) { echo"<tr>"; $average = ($scots_all['scots'] / $players_all['allplayers']) * 100; $average = number_format((float)$average, 2, '.', ''); echo"<td width=30%>Domestic Players:</td><td width=70%>$scots_all[scots] ($average % of matchday squad)</td>"; echo"</tr>"; } } echo"</table>"; ?> <? //--------------CHECK FOR ANY DEBUTS---------------- // GET STARTING XI FOR DEBUTS $get_debuts = mysql_query(" SELECT CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerID AS id, DATE_FORMAT(P.PlayerSigned, '%M %D, %Y') AS signed FROM tplss_players P, tplss_appearances A WHERE A.AppearanceMatchID = '$id' AND P.PlayerID = A.AppearancePlayerID ORDER BY name",$connection); // GET SUBS FOR DEBUTS $get_sub_debuts = mysql_query(" SELECT CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerID AS id, DATE_FORMAT(P.PlayerSigned, '%M %D, %Y') AS signed FROM tplss_players P, tplss_substitutions S WHERE S.SubstitutionMatchID = '$id' AND P.PlayerID = S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn ORDER BY name",$connection); echo"<br><h5>First Team Debuts</h5> <table width=100%>"; // SHOW ANY DEBUTS FOR PLAYERS IN STARTING XI while($appdata = mysql_fetch_array($get_debuts)) { $appplayerid = $appdata['id']; $get_starts = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(A.AppearancePlayerID) AS total FROM tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE A.AppearancePlayerID = $appplayerid AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' GROUP BY A.AppearancePlayerID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $starts = mysql_fetch_array($get_starts); $get_subst = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn) AS total FROM tplss_substitutions S, tplss_matches M WHERE S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn = $appplayerid AND S.SubstitutionMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' GROUP BY S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $subst = mysql_fetch_array($get_subst); $total_apps = $starts['total'] + $subst['total']; $head_url = "images/heads/" . $appplayerid . ".jpg"; if($total_apps == 1) { echo"<tr> <td width=20%> <img src=\""; if(file_exists($head_url)) { echo"images/heads/$appplayerid.jpg"; } else { echo"images/heads/none.jpg"; } echo"\" width=\"50\" style=\"border:0px solid; border-radius:25px;\"> </td> <td width=40%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdata[name]</a></td><td width=40%>(Signed $appdata[signed])</td>"; } else { echo""; } } mysql_free_result($get_debuts); // SHOW ANY DEBUTS FOR PLAYERS COMING OFF BENCH while($appdatas = mysql_fetch_array($get_sub_debuts)) { $appplayerid = $appdatas['id']; $get_starts = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(A.AppearancePlayerID) AS total FROM tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE A.AppearancePlayerID = $appplayerid AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' GROUP BY A.AppearancePlayerID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $starts = mysql_fetch_array($get_starts); $get_subst = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn) AS total FROM tplss_substitutions S, tplss_matches M WHERE S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn = $appplayerid AND S.SubstitutionMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' GROUP BY S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $subst = mysql_fetch_array($get_subst); $total_apps = $starts['total'] + $subst['total']; $head_url = "images/heads/" . $appplayerid . ".jpg"; if($total_apps == 1) { echo"<tr> <td width=20%> <img src=\""; if(file_exists($head_url)) { echo"images/heads/$appplayerid.jpg"; } else { echo"images/heads/none.jpg"; } echo"\" width=\"50\" style=\"border:0px solid; border-radius:25px;\"> </td> <td width=40%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatas[name]</a></td><td width=40%>(Signed $appdatas[signed])</td>"; } else { echo""; } } mysql_free_result($get_sub_debuts); echo"</table>"; ?> <?php // --------------------CHECK FOR ANY MILESTONES---------------- // GET STARTING XI FOR MILESTONES $get_milestones = mysql_query(" SELECT CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerID AS id FROM tplss_players P, tplss_appearances A WHERE A.AppearanceMatchID = '$id' AND P.PlayerID = A.AppearancePlayerID ORDER BY name",$connection); // GET SUBS FOR MILESTONES $get_sub_milestones = mysql_query(" SELECT CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerID AS id FROM tplss_players P, tplss_substitutions S WHERE S.SubstitutionMatchID = '$id' AND P.PlayerID = S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn ORDER BY name",$connection); // GET SCORERS FOR GOAL CHECKS $get_goals = mysql_query(" SELECT CONCAT(P.PlayerFirstName, ' ', P.PlayerLastName) AS name, P.PlayerID AS id FROM tplss_players P, tplss_goals G WHERE G.GoalMatchID = '$id' AND P.PlayerID = G.GoalPlayerID AND G.GoalOwn != 1 ORDER BY name",$connection); echo"<Br><h5>Milestones</h5> <table width=100%>"; // SHOW MILESTONES FOR STARTING XI while($appdatam = mysql_fetch_array($get_milestones)) { $appplayerid = $appdatam['id']; $get_starts = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(A.AppearancePlayerID) AS total FROM tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE A.AppearancePlayerID = $appplayerid AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' GROUP BY A.AppearancePlayerID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $starts = mysql_fetch_array($get_starts); $get_subst = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn) AS total FROM tplss_substitutions S, tplss_matches M WHERE S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn = $appplayerid AND S.SubstitutionMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' GROUP BY S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $subst = mysql_fetch_array($get_subst); $total_apps = $starts['total'] + $subst['total']; echo""; if($total_apps == '50') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatam[name]</a> played his 50th major competitive game for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '100') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatam[name]</a> played his 100th major competitive game for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '200') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatam[name]</a> made his 200th competitive appearance for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '250') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatam[name]</a> played his 250th major competitive game for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '300') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatam[name]</a> made his 300th competitive appearance for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '400') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatam[name]</a> played his 400th major competitive game for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '500') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatam[name]</a> made his 500th competitive appearance for the Club.</td></tr>"; } else { echo""; } echo""; } mysql_free_result($get_milestones); // SHOW MILESTONES FOR SUBS while($appdatams = mysql_fetch_array($get_sub_milestones)) { $appplayerid = $appdatams['id']; $get_starts = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(A.AppearancePlayerID) AS total FROM tplss_appearances A, tplss_matches M WHERE A.AppearancePlayerID = $appplayerid AND A.AppearanceMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' GROUP BY A.AppearancePlayerID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $starts = mysql_fetch_array($get_starts); $get_subst = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn) AS total FROM tplss_substitutions S, tplss_matches M WHERE S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn = $appplayerid AND S.SubstitutionMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' GROUP BY S.SubstitutionPlayerIDIn ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $subst = mysql_fetch_array($get_subst); $total_apps = $starts['total'] + $subst['total']; if($total_apps == '50') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatams[name]</a> played his 50th major competitive game for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '100') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatams[name]</a> played his 100th major competitive game for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '200') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatams[name]</a> made his 200th competitive appearance for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '250') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatams[name]</a> played his 250th major competitive game for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '300') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatams[name]</a> made his 300th competitive appearance for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '400') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatams[name]</a> played his 400th major competitive game for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_apps == '500') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$appdatams[name]</a> made his 500th competitive appearance for the Club.</td></tr>"; } else { echo""; } } mysql_free_result($get_sub_milestones); // SHOW MILESTONES FOR STARTING XI while($goaldata = mysql_fetch_array($get_goals)) { $appplayerid = $goaldata['id']; $get_goal_totals = mysql_query(" SELECT COUNT(G.GoalPlayerID) AS total FROM tplss_goals G, tplss_matches M WHERE G.GoalPlayerID = $appplayerid AND G.GoalMatchID = M.MatchID AND M.MatchDateTime <= '$matchdate' GROUP BY G.GoalPlayerID ",$connection) or die(mysql_error()); $goals = mysql_fetch_array($get_goal_totals); $total_goals = $goals['total']; if($total_goals == '1') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$goaldata[name]</a> scored his first goal for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_goals == '10') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$goaldata[name]</a> reached 10 goals for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_goals == '25') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$goaldata[name]</a> scored for the 25th time for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_goals == '30') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$goaldata[name]</a> reached 30 goals for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_goals == '50') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$goaldata[name]</a> scored his 50th goal for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_goals == '75') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$goaldata[name]</a> reached 75 goals for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_goals == '100') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$goaldata[name]</a> scored his 100th goal for the Club.</td></tr>"; } elseif($total_goals == '200') { echo"<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"player.php?id=$appplayerid\">$goaldata[name]</a> scored his 200th goal for the Club.</td></tr>"; } else { echo""; } } echo"</table>"; mysql_free_result($get_goals); ?> <hr>Any suggestions or general advice would be greatly appreciated. <?xml-stylesheet href="/player.xsl" type="text/xsl"?> <config> <auto_start>false</auto_start> <player_skin>/test.swf</player_skin> <main_title>Test</main_title> <playlist_title>PLAYLIST</playlist_title> <time_text>TOTAL TIME</time_text> <pan_labels>L,R</pan_labels> <scroller_speed>1</scroller_speed> <scroller_marquee_content>#TRACK_NAME#</scroller_marquee_content> <repeat_is_enabled>false</repeat_is_enabled> <shuffle_is_enabled>false</shuffle_is_enabled> <default_volume>75</default_volume> <default_pan>0</default_pan> <play_list> <item>test.mp3;Test Soundtrack</item> </play_list> </config>Hi, The above code is from an XML file and I added the <?xml line of code to the XML file, but doing so causes the whole page to no longer display the track information (just blank). Is there there a way I could modify that text to try and call it another way? Thanks Edited by hexcode, 16 July 2014 - 02:52 PM. I've been trying to figure out how chat apps work all afternoon to do dynamic data in HTML loading. Can someone please tell me where I'm going wrong for the code flow in this script:
<script> function submitchat{ if (form1.uname.value=='' || form1.msg.value==''){ alert("fill out whole form"); return; } var uname=form1.uname.value; var msg=form1.msg.value; var xmlhttp= new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function(){ if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status=200){ document.getElementById('chatlogs').innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText; alert("message sent"); }'GET', '?page=3.2&uname='+uname+'&msg='+msg, true); xmlhttp.send(); } </script> <form name="form1"> enter your chat name<input type="text" name="uname"> message: <textarea name="msg"></textarea> <br> <div id="chatlogs">Loading Chat Logs...</div> <a href="#" onclick="">send</a> </form> <?php $uname = $_REQUEST['uname']; $msg = $_REQUEST['msg']; if ($msg!='' && $uname!=''){ $chat=" INSERT INTO chat ( `uname` , `msg` ) VALUES ( '$uname', '$msg' )"; $result = mysql_query($chat, $con) or die (sql_death($chat)); } I am trying to implement lazy loading into a project with pagination already set up.
If I was to go to my website and after the .com, type in "api_courselist.php?page=1" I would receive the first 20 results of my query. If I was to change that to page=2, it would retrieve the next 20 and so on.
My issue is I have no idea how to implement that into my java script/ajax file. I have it set up so that when the user scrolls to the bottom of the page, a div will make its self visible with the new page populated inside of it and IT will keep on pulling pages in till There is no more content.
jQuery(function ($) { jQuery(document).ready(function() { var is_loaded = true; jQuery(window).scroll(function() { if(jQuery(window).scrollTop() == jQuery(document).height() - jQuery(window).height()) { jQuery('div#loadMore').show(); if(is_loaded){ is_loaded = false; jQuery.ajax({ url: "api_courselist.php?page=1", success: function(html) { is_loaded = true; if(html){ jQuery("#infiscroll").append(html); jQuery('div#loadMore').hide(); }else{ jQuery('div#loadMore').replaceWith("<center><h1 style='color:red'>End of Content !!!!!!!</h1></center>"); } } }); } } }); }); }); Hello! I am executing an external command from a PHP script, using the exec function. Since this program can take more than 1-2 minutes to run, I thought I should use a "Loading page...please wait". What I need is to be able to get the process id from the external program that is being run and, when this finishes, I'll start outputting the results. Is there a way to do this? I have a php tutorial that I followed for creating, inserting, selecting and updating a MySQL database with php. Everything works fine so I wanted to put it into Wordpress. I took the code and placed it into the wordpress page and everything worked just fine except the update function. Here is the tutorial I used. It is also the part I am having trouble with. I am able to create a record and I am also able to select a record but when I choose "update" the form doesn't load the data. It will outside the website but not inside wordpress. I am hoping this is not vague but because of my inexperience I am not sure what else to say. I will be more than happy to provide any other information you need. hello, im trying to read the database and store values into an array list. when i run the script it says undefined variable prodcode, name, price in the function prod details. any help pliz. appreciate the help. thnaks! require(""); $count; class Product { // The following are the attributes of the Product class, that is, var $prodcode = array(); var $name = array(); var $price = array(); /* CONSTRUCTOR Every class has at least one constructor method. We create an instance of a class using the class's constructor */ function AllProducts() { $qry = "Select ProdCode, Name, Price, Image from products"; //execute query $products = execute_query($qry); if (!$products) {die('query failed.'); } $i = 0; global $count; $count= mysql_num_rows($products); while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($products, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $prodcode =array ($line['ProdCode']); //$name[$i] = $line['Name']; //$desc[$i] = $line['Desc']; //$price[$i] = $line['Price']; //$category[$i] = $line['Category']; $i++; } } // Method to print the Shopping Cart details to the screen function ProdDetails() { global $count; echo $count; echo $count; for ($i = 0; $i <= $count; $i++) { //echo "<tr><td>"; echo "<br>Product Code: <a href=DisplayProduct.php?prodcode=" . $prodcode[$i]. ">" .$prodcode[$i]. "</a>"."<br>"; echo "Product Name: ".$name[$i]." <br>". "Price: FJD$ " .$price[$i]."<br>"; } } // Method to print the Shopping Cart details to the screen function getProdCode() { echo "Product Code: " . $this->prodcode . "<br>"; } } // END OF CLASS Hi all, I am trying to create a socket that can read from and write to a client. This is my first attempt at it and the code in question is based more or less on a python script a friend sent me as well as some php tutorials google supplied. The problem is (and this seems to be a reoccurring one) when I run it from the command line Code: [Select] php -q server.php nothing visibly happens. Can anyone see what the problem might be? Code: [Select] <?php $host = "localhost"; $port = 50007; set_time_limit(0); // no timeout $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die("Could not create socket\n"); // create $result = socket_bind($socket, $host, $port) or die("Could not bind to socket\n"); // bind $result = socket_listen($socket, 3) or die("Could not set up socket listener\n"); // listen echo "Waiting for connections...\n"; $contact = socket_accept($socket) or die("Could not accept incoming connection\n"); // accept $input = socket_read($contact, 1024) or die("Could not read input\n"); // read $input = trim($input); // clean $output = "Greetings, you have connected to a socket.\n"; socket_write($contact, $output, strlen ($output)) or die("Could not write output\n"); // return socket_close($contact); // close socket socket_close($socket); // close socket ?> Its like an elusive goal of mine. To be able to write big pieces of code that are reusable in multiple projects.
For example: Lets say we are coding a simple 'Membership system'- login / signup etc.
How would for instance something like routing would be handled in this so that it remains modular. Reusable in multiple projects that may be using a different router for their projects.
Any guidance please ? Is there a book that shows how its done ?
Alright.. I guess to start this off I am looking to sometime in the near future start building a web based or browser based application that I want to build a part of the interface to be a gps module. this will be for a self hosted application likely on tablets or laptops where it will use the data for tracking information amongst other things. Any way most of the application is being handled in PHP, mySQL, jQuery. So with that my question is, is there any way to build a gps application with that as the core languages used. If it is possible, whats the best gps unit I can use? remember im not nessisarily looking for a fancy gps unit to do this with.. just a transmitter/reciever is fine so long as I can build software of my own around it, also is it actually possible to do this with something like php/jquery? or is this something I would have to go the route of maybe java to handle the hardware transactions of which I can tie php/jquery into that.. I am adding a comments "wall" (similar to facebook or youtube) on my site, and here is the condition it's currently in: I am not a very good programmer, but I just need to make a couple small changes to the script. I don't want to include "email" or "homepage" fields, since they are not relevant for me. Also, if possible (though the first thing is more important), I'd like to figure out how to make the advertisement at the bottom of the board ("...provided by gentlescript...") a little bit small, since right now it is very obtrusive. many thanks in advance to anyone who can figure this out!!!!!! The scripts are attached, but Here is the comments.tpl.html script: {call_module trigger="frontend_content_footer" data="$page_data"} <!-- Comment List Start --> <a name="c5t_comment"></a> <h2 class="c5t_headline">{$txt_comment_headline} ({$result_number})</h2> <div class="c5t_comment_list"> {foreach from=$comment_list item=item} <div class="c5t_comment_item_background"> <div class="c5t_comment_item"> <div class="c5t_comment_item_title">{$item.comment_title}</div> <div class="c5t_comment_item_text">{$item.frontend_text}</div> <div class="c5t_comment_item_details">#{$item.comment_number} - {if $item.comment_author_homepage != '' and $item.comment_author_homepage != 'http://'}<a href="{$item.comment_author_homepage}">{$item.comment_author_name}</a>{else}{$item.comment_author_name}{/if} - {$item.comment_date} - {$item.comment_time}</div> </div> </div> {/foreach} </div> <!-- Comment List End --> <!-- Pagination Form Start --> {if $comment_list and $display_pagination} <div class="c5t_frontend_pagination"> {if $browse_previous == 2} <form {$startpage.attributes}>{$startpage.hidden}{$startpage.start.html}</form> <form {$previouspage.attributes}>{$previouspage.hidden}{$previouspage.previous.html}</form> {else} <span>{$txt_start}</span> <span>{$txt_previous_page}</span> {/if} {if $browse_next == 2} <form {$nextpage.attributes}>{$nextpage.hidden}{$}</form> <form {$endpage.attributes}>{$endpage.hidden}{$endpage.end.html}</form> {else} <span>{$txt_next_page}</span> <span>{$txt_end}</span> {/if} </div> {/if} <!-- Pagination Form End --> <!-- Comment Form Start --> <a name="c5t_form"></a> <div class="c5t_comment_form_background"> <form {$form.attributes}> <table class="c5t_comment_form_table"> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="c5t_error_message"> {foreach from=$message item=item} <div class="c5t_error_message_item">{$item}</div> {/foreach} </td> </tr> {if $show_form == "yes"} <tr> <td class="c5t_comment_form_label"> {if $} <span class="c5t_error_message">{$}</span> {else} {$} {/if} </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="c5t_comment_form_field"> {$} </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="c5t_comment_form_label"> {if $} <span class="c5t_error_message">{$}</span> {else} {$} {/if} </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="c5t_comment_form_field"> {$} </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="c5t_comment_form_label">{$form.homepage.label}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="c5t_comment_form_field"> {$form.homepage.html} </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="c5t_comment_form_label">{$form.title.label}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="c5t_comment_form_field"> {$form.title.html} </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="c5t_comment_form_label"> {if $form.$comment_field_name.error} <span class="c5t_error_message">{$form.$comment_field_name.error}</span> {else} {$form.$comment_field_name.label} {/if} </td> </tr> <tr> <td> {call_module trigger="frontend_textarea" field=$comment_field_name} </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="c5t_comment_form_field"> {$form.$comment_field_name.html} </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="c5t_comment_form_field"> {call_module trigger="frontend_comment_form"} </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="c5t_comment_form_label"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="c5t_comment_form_submit">{$}{$form.hidden}</td> </tr> {/if} </table> </form> </div> <!-- Comment Form End --> and here is the layout.tpl.html script: <div id="c5t_body"> <div id="c5t_bodycontent"> <!-- Language selection (link list or dropdown menu) --> {include file='default/language.tpl.html'} {foreach from=$system_messages item=item} <div class="c5t_system"> <div class="c5t_index">{$item.title}</div> <div class="c5t_code"><br />{$item.message}</div> </div> {/foreach} {foreach from=$error_messages item=item} <div class="c5t_system"> <div class="c5t_index">{$item.title}</div> <div class="c5t_code"><br />{$item.message}</div> </div> {/foreach} {call_module trigger="frontend_page_header"} {include file=$detail_template} {call_module trigger="frontend_page_footer"} {foreach from=$debug_messages item=item} <div class="c5t_system"> <div class="c5t_index">{$item.title}</div> <div class="c5t_code"><br />{$item.message}</div> </div> {/foreach} </div> </div> |