PHP - Integrate Jcart To A Theme Script
Hi Im using a php theme script and I want to use jcart with this script. The thing is my theme scrip dosen't use echo.
When I need to display something I have to use something like this $_PAGE = "<div id='jcart'>..." and if i use echo i recieve header error. i changed couple of thing and now i cant see cart but when i click add to cart button it says Item added but all cart is disappearing. you can see here could you help me please thanks. Code: [Select] <THEME Name={ShopNavDivEnd}> </ul> </div> <br /><br /><br /><br /> <VAR>_JCART</VAR> </div> </THEME> this is shop.php Code: [Select] $_JCART .= "<div id='jcart'>".$jcart->display_cart()."</div>"; i changed the jcart.php class to like this. I mean all echo to $_PAGE .= "..." Code: [Select] // Return specified number of tabs to improve readability of HTML output function tab($n) { $tabs = null; while ($n > 0) { $tabs .= "\t"; --$n; } return $tabs; } // If there's an error message wrap it in some HTML if ($errorMessage) { $errorMessage = "<p id='jcart-error'>$errorMessage</p>"; } // Display the cart header $_JCART .= tab(1) . "$errorMessage\n"; $_JCART .= tab(1) . "<form method='post' action='$checkout'>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(2) . "<fieldset>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(3) . "<input type='hidden' name='jcartToken' value='{$_SESSION['jcartToken']}' />\n"; $_JCART .= tab(3) . "<table border='1'>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(4) . "<thead>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(5) . "<tr>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(6) . "<th colspan='3'>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(7) . "<strong id='jcart-title'>{$config['text']['cartTitle']}</strong> ($this->itemCount $itemsText)\n"; $_JCART .= tab(6) . "</th>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(5) . "</tr>". "\n"; $_JCART .= tab(4) . "</thead>\n"; // Display the cart footer $_JCART .= tab(4) . "<tfoot>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(5) . "<tr>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(6) . "<th colspan='3'>\n"; // If this is the checkout hide the cart checkout button if ($isCheckout !== true) { if ($config['button']['checkout']) { $inputType = "image"; $src = " src='{$config['button']['checkout']}' alt='{$config['text']['checkout']}' title='' "; } $_JCART .= tab(7) . "<input type='$inputType' $src id='jcart-checkout' name='jcartCheckout' class='jcart-button' value='{$config['text']['checkout']}' />\n"; } $_JCART .= tab(7) . "<span id='jcart-subtotal'>{$config['text']['subtotal']}: <strong>$currencySymbol" . number_format($this->subtotal, $priceFormat['decimals'], $priceFormat['dec_point'], $priceFormat['thousands_sep']) . "</strong></span>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(6) . "</th>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(5) . "</tr>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(4) . "</tfoot>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(4) . "<tbody>\n"; // If any items in the cart if($this->itemCount > 0) { // Display line items foreach($this->get_contents() as $item) { $_JCART .= tab(5) . "<tr>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(6) . "<td class='jcart-item-qty'>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(7) . "<input name='jcartItemId[]' type='hidden' value='{$item['id']}' />\n"; $_JCART .= tab(7) . "<input id='jcartItemQty-{$item['id']}' name='jcartItemQty[]' size='2' type='text' value='{$item['qty']}' />\n"; $_JCART .= tab(6) . "</td>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(6) . "<td class='jcart-item-name'>\n"; if ($item['url']) { $_PAGE .= tab(7) . "<a href='{$item['url']}'>{$item['name']}</a>\n"; } else { $_PAGE .= tab(7) . $item['name'] . "\n"; } $_JCART .= tab(7) . "<input name='jcartItemName[]' type='hidden' value='{$item['name']}' />\n"; $_JCART .= tab(6) . "</td>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(6) . "<td class='jcart-item-price'>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(7) . "<span>$currencySymbol" . number_format($item['subtotal'], $priceFormat['decimals'], $priceFormat['dec_point'], $priceFormat['thousands_sep']) . "</span><input name='jcartItemPrice[]' type='hidden' value='{$item['price']}' />\n"; $_JCART .= tab(7) . "<a class='jcart-remove' href='?jcartRemove={$item['id']}'>{$config['text']['removeLink']}</a>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(6) . "</td>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(5) . "</tr>\n"; } } // The cart is empty else { $_PAGE = tab(5) . "<tr><td id='jcart-empty' colspan='3'>{$config['text']['emptyMessage']}</td></tr>\n"; } $_JCART .= tab(4) . "</tbody>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(3) . "</table>\n\n"; $_JCART .= tab(3) . "<div id='jcart-buttons'>\n"; if ($config['button']['update']) { $inputType = "image"; $src = " src='{$config['button']['update']}' alt='{$config['text']['update']}' title='' "; } $_JCART .= tab(4) . "<input type='$inputType' $src name='jcartUpdateCart' value='{$config['text']['update']}' class='jcart-button' />\n"; if ($config['button']['empty']) { $inputType = "image"; $src = " src='{$config['button']['empty']}' alt='{$config['text']['emptyButton']}' title='' "; } $_JCART .= tab(4) . "<input type='$inputType' $src name='jcartEmpty' value='{$config['text']['emptyButton']}' class='jcart-button' />\n"; $_JCART .= tab(3) . "</div>\n"; // If this is the checkout display the PayPal checkout button if ($isCheckout === true) { // Hidden input allows us to determine if we're on the checkout page // We normally check against request uri but ajax update sets value to relay.php $_JCART .= tab(3) . "<input type='hidden' id='jcart-is-checkout' name='jcartIsCheckout' value='true' />\n"; // PayPal checkout button if ($config['button']['checkout']) { $inputType = "image"; $src = " src='{$config['button']['checkout']}' alt='{$config['text']['checkoutPaypal']}' title='' "; } if($this->itemCount <= 0) { $disablePaypalCheckout = " disabled='disabled'"; } $_JCART .= tab(3) . "<input type='$inputType' $src id='jcart-paypal-checkout' name='jcartPaypalCheckout' value='{$config['text']['checkoutPaypal']}' $disablePaypalCheckout />\n"; } $_JCART .= tab(2) . "</fieldset>\n"; $_JCART .= tab(1) . "</form>\n\n"; $_JCART .= tab(1) . "<div id='jcart-tooltip'></div>\n"; return $_JCART; } } and this is my theme script Code: [Select] <?php class Theme { var $META = array(); var $JS = array(); var $BodyOn = array(); var $CSS = array(); var $TITLE = ""; var $Charset = "UTF-8"; var $Headers = ''; var $Body = array(); var $Vars = array(); var $ThemeList = array(); var $ThemeDir = ''; var $CacheDir = ''; var $ThemeName = ''; var $FirstTAG = ''; var $FirstPosition = 999999; var $ClassUpdated = 0; var $CompressOutput = true; var $MatchTAG = array( // Find And Replace 'FE' => array( 'Find' => '<FE Array={([^}]+)}>', 'Replace' => "if ( count( \$\\1 ) )\r\n<!TabCount!>{\r\n<!TabCount!>\tforeach ( \$\\1 as \$_KEY => \$_VALUE )\r\n<!TabCount!>\t{\r\n" ), '/FE' => array( 'Find' => '<\/FE>', 'Replace' => "\t}\r\n<!TabCount!>}\r\n" ), 'FF' => array( 'Find' => '<FF Array={([^}]+)}>', 'Replace' => "if ( count( \$\\1 ) )\r\n<!TabCount!>{\r\n<!TabCount!>\tforeach ( \$\\1 as \$_KFY => \$_VALUF )\r\n<!TabCount!>\t{\r\n" ), '/FF' => array( 'Find' => '<\/FF>', 'Replace' => "\t}\r\n<!TabCount!>}\r\n" ), 'IF' => array( 'Find' => '<IF State={([^}]+)}>', 'Replace' => "if ( \\1 )\r\n<!TabCount!>{\r\n" ), '/IF' => array( 'Find' => '<\/IF>', 'Replace' => "}\r\n" ), 'ELIF' => array( 'Find' => '<ELIF State={([^}]+)}>', 'Replace' => "else if ( \\1 )\r\n<!TabCount!>{\r\n" ), '/ELIF' => array( 'Find' => '<\/ELIF>', 'Replace' => "}\r\n" ), 'ELSE' => array( 'Find' => '<ELSE>', 'Replace' => "else\r\n<!TabCount!>{\r\n" ), '/ELSE' => array( 'Find' => '<\/ELSE>', 'Replace' => "}\r\n" ), 'VAR' => array( 'Find' => '<VAR>([^<]+)<\/VAR>', 'Replace' => "\$\\1" ), 'BIT' => array( 'Find' => '<BIT>([a-z0-9_]+)(\(([^<]*)\)|)<\/BIT>', 'Replace' => "t_\\1(\\3)" ), 'DEF' => array( 'Find' => '<DEF>([^<]+)<\/DEF>', 'Replace' => "\\1" ), 'PHP' => array( 'Find' => '<PHP>([^<]+);?<\/PHP>', 'Replace' => "\\1" ), 'THEME' => array( 'Find' => '<THEME Name={([^}]+)}\s*?(Vars?={([^}]+)})?>(.+)<\/THEME>' ), ); var $PredefinedGlobals = array( '_HTML', '_KEY', '_KFY', '_VALUE', '_VALUF', '_GET', '_POST', '_SESSION', '_COOKIE' ); /* * Base Functions * * <FE Array={Dizi}> ... </FE> * <IF State={$a == '4'}> ... </IF> * <ELIF State={$a == '4'}> ... </ELIF> * <ELSE> ... </ELSE> * <VAR> ... </VAR> * <BIT> ... </BIT> * * @param String $ThemeName * @return void */ function Theme() { global $CFG; $this->Charset = $CFG['Theme']['Charset']; $this->META = $CFG['Theme']['Meta']; $this->TITLE = $CFG['Title']; $this->ClassUpdated = filemtime( CLS_DIR . "theme.class.php" ); } /** * * @access public * @return void */ function setTHEME( $ThemeName ) { if ( !is_dir( THM_DIR . $ThemeName ) ) return false; $this->ThemeName = $ThemeName; $this->ThemeDir = THM_DIR . $ThemeName . '/Html/'; $this->CacheDir = CCH_DIR . 'Themes/' . $ThemeName . '/'; $this->initTHEME(); } /** * * @access public * @return void */ function initTHEME() { define( 'IMG_DIR', "http://" . SITE . "/Themes/" . $this->ThemeName . "/Image/" ); $this->loadTheme( "index" ); } function loadTheme( $FileName ) { $FileName = ucfirst( strtolower( $FileName ) ); // Theme HTML Exists ? if ( !file_exists( $this->ThemeDir . $FileName . ".tpl" ) ) { global $CFG; if ( $this->ThemeName != $CFG['Theme']['DefaultTheme'] ) { $_SESSION['ThemeName'] = $CFG['Theme']['DefaultTheme']; header( "Location: ?" ); die( 'falan filan' ); } else die( "Theme File Not Found: " . $FileName . ".tpl" ); } $this->ThemeList = array(); // Theme Cache Exists ? And Newer than the Theme HTML ? if ( file_exists( $this->CacheDir . $FileName . ".tpl.php" ) AND ( filemtime( $this->CacheDir . $FileName . ".tpl.php" ) > max( $this->ClassUpdated, filemtime( $this->ThemeDir . $FileName . ".tpl" ) ) ) ) $this->createFunctions( $FileName ); else $this->cacheTheme( $FileName ); } /** * * @access public * @return void */ function loadCSS( $CssFile ) { if ( eregi( 'http', $CssFile ) ) $this->CSS[] = $CssFile; else { global $_RWBASE; $FileName = THM_DIR . $this->ThemeName . '/Style/' . $CssFile; if ( file_exists( $FileName ) AND is_readable( $FileName ) ) $this->CSS[$CssFile] = $_RWBASE . $FileName; } } /** * * @access public * @return void */ function loadJS( $JsFile, $Code = false ) { if ( !$Code ) { if ( eregi( 'http', $JsFile ) ) $this->JS[] = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $JsFile . '"></script>'; else { global $_RWBASE; $FileName = BASE_DIR . 'Sources/JavaScript/' . $JsFile; if ( file_exists( $FileName ) AND is_readable( $FileName ) ) $this->JS[$JsFile] = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $_RWBASE . $FileName . '"></script>'; } } else $this->JS[$Code] = '<script type="text/javascript">' . $JsFile . '</script>'; } function addJS( $JsFile, $Code = false ) { $this->loadJS( $JsFile, $Code ); } /** * * @access public * @return void */ function bodyOn( $Type, $Code ) { $this->BodyOn[strtolower( $Type )][] = $Code; } /** * * @access public * @return void */ function writePage( $FinalFunction = "t_Page" ) { foreach ( $this->BodyOn as $key => $value ) { $this->loadJS( 'function bodyOn' . $key . '() {' . implode( $value ) . '}; onAttacher("' . $key . '",bodyOn' . $key . ');', 'on' . $key ); } $header = array( "<title>" . $this->TITLE . "</title>" ); foreach ( $this->META as $value ) $header[] = $value; foreach ( $this->JS as $value ) $header[] = $value; foreach ( $this->CSS as $value ) $header[] = '<style type="text/css" media="all">@import url(' . $value . ');</style>'; $this->Headers = implode( $header ); header( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $this->Charset ); echo $FinalFunction(); } function createFunctions( $FileName = '' ) { include_once( $this->CacheDir . $FileName . ".tpl.php" ); } function cacheTheme( $FileName ) { $FileContent = rFile( $this->ThemeDir . $FileName . ".tpl" ); if ( $this->CompressOutput ) $FileContent = $this->compressHTML( $FileContent ); $this->parseThemes( $FileContent ); wFile( $this->CacheDir . $FileName . ".tpl.php", "<" . "? \r\n" . $this->createThemeFunctions() . "\r\n?" . ">", 0777 ); $this->createFunctions( $FileName ); } function compressHTML( $Content ) { $Content = preg_replace( "/[\s]{2,}/", " ", $Content ); $Content = preg_replace( "/> </", "><", $Content ); return $Content; } function parseThemes( $Content ) { $Results = $this->findExactTAGs( $Content, "THEME" ); foreach ( $Results as $Value ) { preg_match( "/^" . $this->MatchTAG['THEME']['Find'] . "$/is", trim( $Value ), $Match ); $Vars = array(); if ( trim( $Match[3] ) != '' ) { $tVars = explode( ',', $Match[3] ); foreach ( $tVars as $vValue ) { if ( preg_match( '/^\$?([a-z0-9_]+)=?(.*)$/i', trim( $vValue ), $vMatch ) ) $Vars[$vMatch[1]] = "$" . $vMatch[1] . ( trim( $vMatch[2] ) != "" ? "=" . $vMatch[2] : "" ); } } $this->ThemeList[$Match[1]] = array( 'Code' => $Match[4], 'Vars' => $Vars ); } return true; } function findExactTAGs( $Content, $TAGName ) { $Results = array(); $CurrPos = 0; $Found = false; $Level = 0; // --------------------- $StartTAG = "<" . $TAGName; $EndTAG = "</" . $TAGName . ">"; $Repeat = substr_count( $Content, $StartTAG ); if ( substr_count( $Content, $EndTAG ) != $Repeat ) die( "Template ERROR: <$TAGName> sayısı ile </$TAGName> sayısı eşit değil!" ); // ----------------------------------- for( $i = 0; $i < $Repeat; $i++ ) { $Found = false; $Level = 0; $ContentStart = strpos( $Content, $StartTAG, $CurrPos ); $CurrPos = $ContentStart + strlen( $StartTAG ); while ( $Found == false ) { if ( $Level == 0 ) { $PosS = strpos( $Content, $StartTAG, $CurrPos ); $PosE = strpos( $Content, $EndTAG, $CurrPos ); if ( $PosS < $PosE AND $PosS !== false ) $Level++; else $Found = true; if ( $Found ) $ContentEnd = $PosE; $CurrPos = min( ( $PosS === false ? 999999 : $PosS ), ( $PosE === false ? 999999 : $PosE ) ) + 1; } else if ( $Level > 0 ) { $PosS = strpos( $Content, $StartTAG, $CurrPos ); $PosE = strpos( $Content, $EndTAG, $CurrPos ); if ( $PosS < $PosE AND $PosS !== false ) $Level++; else $Level--; $CurrPos = min( ( $PosS === false ? 999999 : $PosS ), ( $PosE === false ? 999999 : $PosE ) ) + 1; } } $Results[] = trim( substr( $Content, $ContentStart, $ContentEnd - $ContentStart + strlen( $EndTAG ) ) ); } // for return $Results; } function createThemeFunctions() { $FunctionList = array(); foreach ( $this->ThemeList as $Name => $ThemeData ) { $FunctionVars = $ThemeData['Vars']; $Content = $ThemeData['Code']; $FunctionCode = ''; $FunctionGlobals = array(); $this->TabCount = 1; $HtmlOpen = true; while ( ( $StartPoint = $this->getFirstTAG( $Content ) ) !== false ) { if ( $StartPoint == 0 ) { if ( !preg_match( '/^' . $this->MatchTAG[$this->FirstTAG]['Find'] . '/i', $Content, $Match ) ) die( 'Template Tag Error: ' . $this->FirstTAG ); if ( $this->FirstTAG == "THEME" ) { $SubThemes = $this->findExactTAGs( $Match[0], "THEME" ); foreach ( $SubThemes as $SubValue ) { preg_match( "/^" . $this->MatchTAG['THEME']['Find'] . "$/i", $SubValue, $SubMatch ); $SubVars = array(); if ( trim( $SubMatch[3] ) != '' ) { $tVars = explode( ',', $SubMatch[3] ); foreach ( $tVars as $vValue ) { if ( preg_match( '/^\$?([a-z0-9_]+)=?(.*)$/i', trim( $vValue ), $vMatch ) ) $SubVars[$vMatch[1]] = "$" . $vMatch[1] . ( trim( $vMatch[2] ) != "" ? "=" . $vMatch[2] : "" ); } } $this->ThemeList[$SubMatch[1]] = array( 'Code' => $SubMatch[4], 'Vars' => $SubVars ); $Content = str_replace( $SubMatch[0], '<BIT>' . $SubMatch[1] . ( count( $SubVars ) ? "(" . implode( ',', $SubVars ) . ")" : "" ) . '</BIT>', $Content ); } } else { if ( in_array( $this->FirstTAG, array( '/FE', '/FF', '/IF', '/ELIF', '/ELSE' ) ) ) $this->TabCount--; if ( in_array( $this->FirstTAG, array( '/FE', '/FF' ) ) ) $this->TabCount--; $Content = substr( $Content, strlen( $Match[0] ), strlen( $Content ) - strlen( $Match[0] ) ); if ( in_array( $this->FirstTAG, array( 'VAR', 'BIT', 'DEF', 'PHP' ) ) ) { if ( $HtmlOpen ) $FunctionCode .= " . "; else $FunctionCode .= $this->addTab() . "\$_HTML .= "; $HtmlOpen = true; } else { if ( $HtmlOpen ) $FunctionCode .= ";\r\n"; $FunctionCode .= $this->addTab(); $HtmlOpen = false; } $FunctionCode .= preg_replace( '/^' . $this->MatchTAG[$this->FirstTAG]['Find'] . '$/i', str_replace( '<!TabCount!>', $this->addTab(), $this->MatchTAG[$this->FirstTAG]['Replace'] ), $Match[0] ); if ( in_array( $this->FirstTAG, array( 'FE', 'FF', 'IF', 'ELIF', 'ELSE' ) ) ) $this->TabCount++; if ( in_array( $this->FirstTAG, array( 'FE', 'FF' ) ) ) $this->TabCount++; if ( in_array( $this->FirstTAG, array( 'IF', 'ELIF', 'PHP' ) ) ) $FunctionGlobals[] = $Match[1]; if ( in_array( $this->FirstTAG, array( 'FE', 'FF', 'VAR' ) ) ) $FunctionGlobals[] = "$" . $Match[1]; } } else { if ( trim( $HtmlCode = substr( $Content, 0, $StartPoint ) ) != "" ) { if ( $HtmlOpen ) $FunctionCode .= " . "; else $FunctionCode .= $this->addTab() . "\$_HTML .= "; $HtmlOpen = true; $FunctionCode .= "'" . str_replace( "'", "\'", $HtmlCode ) . "'"; $Content = substr( $Content, strlen( $HtmlCode ), strlen( $Content ) - strlen( $HtmlCode ) ); } else $Content = ltrim( $Content ); } } if ( trim( $Content ) != '' ) { if ( $HtmlOpen ) $FunctionCode .= " . "; else $FunctionCode .= $this->addTab() . "\$_HTML .= "; $HtmlOpen = true; $FunctionCode .= "'" . str_replace( "'", "\'", $Content ) . "'"; } if ( $HtmlOpen ) $FunctionCode .= ";\r\n"; $Function = "function t_" . $Name . "(" . implode( ',', $FunctionVars ) . ")\r\n{\r\n"; $Function .= $this->setGlobals( $FunctionGlobals, $FunctionVars ); if ( substr( $FunctionCode, 0, 3 ) == " . " ) { $Function .= "\t\$_HTML = "; $Function .= substr( $FunctionCode, 3, strlen( $FunctionCode )-3 ) ; } else { $Function .= "\t\$_HTML = ''"; $Function .= $FunctionCode ; } $Function .= "\treturn \$_HTML;\r\n"; $Function .= "}\r\n"; $FunctionList[] = $Function; } return implode( "\r\n", $FunctionList ); } function getFirstTAG( $Content, $Offset = 0 ) { $FirstPosition = 999999; foreach ( $this->MatchTAG as $TagName => $TagArray ) { if ( ( $Position = strpos( $Content, "<" . $TagName, $Offset ) ) !== false ) { if ( $Position < $FirstPosition ) { $FirstPosition = $Position; $this->FirstTAG = $TagName; } } } if ( $FirstPosition < 999999 ) return $FirstPosition; else return false; } function addTab() { return str_repeat( "\t", $this->TabCount ); } function setGlobals( $GlobalArray, $VarsArray = array() ) { $Globals = array(); foreach ( $GlobalArray as $Global ) { preg_match( '/\$([a-z0-9_]+)/i', $Global, $Match ); if ( !isset( $Globals[$Match[1]] ) AND !in_array( $Match[1], $this->PredefinedGlobals ) AND !isset( $VarsArray[$Match[1]] ) ) $Globals[$Match[1]] = '$' . $Match[1]; } if ( count( $Globals ) ) return "\tglobal " . implode( ', ', $Globals ) . ";\r\n"; else return ""; } } ?> Similar TutorialsHappy New Year, folks! I am having an issue that's been dragging my life for quite some time. I am creating a website for my church The site's Menu and Content are pulled from a MySQL database I created. As far as this goes, everything is fine; content is pulled from my database with no issues. My problem is as follow: I am including an online bible, which is a third party script I downloaded. This scripts comes with its own database, which I have installed for use in my web server. I used Include() to include the index.php file of the online bible script, from its folder. I just don't know if this the right way to do it. Of course, this script has its own folder and a set of files which makes up the entire bible script. I use an if condition so that when the user clicks on the menu button BIBLE, the script's index.php file is included instead of text from my database. This way of adding the third party script is rendering some unwanted results such as layout distortion (which I don't care at this point), broken links (main issue), and links (although broken) are sent to new pages, instead of staying within my site's CONTENT page template. I need to find a way to make my script more modular so everything renders as intended. Here's my content function: Code: [Select] function content(){ // DETERMINE which page ID to USE in our query below ******************** if (!isset($_GET['jesusid'])) { $pageid = '1'; } else { $pageid = preg_replace('#[^0-9]#i', '', $_GET['jesusid']);} // filter everything but numbers for security) //preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string);//preg_replace() Function structure // Query the body section for the proper page $query = mysql_query ("SELECT body_text,title,linklabel, author FROM content WHERE id = '$pageid' LIMIT 1 ") or die (mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo ucwords($row['title']).' por '; echo '<b>'.$row['author']. '</b><br>'; echo ucwords($row['body_text']); //Add Bible Script if (ucwords($row['title'])=='Biblia') //use row title -- UPPERCASED word { include ('bible/__WINDOWS/search.php'); } } } ?> Just click on the BIBLE button, and then on any link within that page and you will see what I mean. I am still learning PHP and I don't have any background integrating third party scripts to an existing PHP website. I hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance for your assistance. Hi guys, i found simple php script which allow all visitors of my web site to create free email address thru my webmail service (like yahoo,hotmail,gmail,etc) and it works great, but in last month stupid bots created lots of funny user accounts and sending SPAM emails Signup script is one file (signup.php) doing all the stuff i need (registration form,lost passwords form,etc). Now i want to put captcha code into signup.php to have captcha image cheking to prevent bots from creating more user accounts ... i`m not a php programer but i know how to change some things, but not all Signup scripts is free, so i will post it here that you can help me with this (it does not have my mysql and other information,because of security issue) - i will be happy if some of you guys put all the code i need for captcha to work with signup.php script Here is the signup.php script: Code: [Select] <?php // HMailServer New user signup Script Configuration $dbhost = "localhost"; // host of the MySQL database $dbuser = "root"; // Database username $dbpassword = ""; // Your database password $dbname = "hmail"; // the name of the database that has the hmailserver tables $webmailurl = ""; // The url to login in the webbased mail system $quota = "50"; // The mailbox free space if (strlen($_POST["pas1"]) <= 4 && IsSet($_POST["pas1"])) { $error .= "<centeR>Error: Your password must be longer than 4 characters</center>"; } else if ($_POST["pas1"] == "12345" && IsSet($_POST["pas1"])) { $error .= "<centeR>Error: Too simple password</center>"; } // Get the action if (IsSet($_POST["action"])) { $action = $_POST["action"]; } else { $action = $_GET["action"]; } // A function to check addresses, probably i will have to use it later. function normalmail($visitormail) { if(!$visitormail == "" && (!strstr($visitormail,"@") || !strstr($visitormail,"."))) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } // If there is no action, open the page for a new registration if (!IsSet($action)) { // Load the domain names and their ids into a variable $db = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword); mysql_select_db($dbname); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM hm_domains WHERE domainactive = '1' ", $db); $domains = "<select name=\"domain\">"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $domainid = $row['domainid']; $domainname = $row['domainname']; $domains .= "\n<option value=\"$domainid\">$domainname</option>"; } $domains .= "\n</select>"; mysql_close(); echo " <center><b>Open a new E-Mail Account</b> <p> (*) fields are reguired.<br> <form action=\"\" name=\"registration\" method=\"post\"> <table border=\"0\"> <tr> <td>* Username: <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"username\">@<td>$domains<tr> <td>* First name: <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"firstname\"><td><tr> <td>* Last name: <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"lastname\"><td><tr> <td>* Password: <td><input type=\"password\" name=\"pas1\"><Td><tr> <td>* Password again: <td><input type=\"password\" name=\"pas2\"><Td><tr> <td>Old email Address: <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"oldmail\"><td>(in case you forgot your password)<tr> <td>* Secret question: <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"squestion\"><td><tr> <td>* Secret answe <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"sanswere\"><td><tr> <td><td> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"register\"> <input type=\"Submit\" value=\"Signup\"><td><tr></td></tr></table></table> "; } else if ($action == "register") { // Load the variables from the posting $domainid = $_POST["domain"]; $username = $_POST["username"]; $pas1 = $_POST["pas1"]; $pas2 = $_POST["pas2"]; $firstname = $_POST["firstname"]; $lastname = $_POST["lastname"]; $squestion = $_POST["squestion"]; $sanswere = $_POST["sanswere"]; $oldmail = $_POST["oldmail"]; // Do all the checks if ($oldmail != NULL && normalmail($oldmail) == FALSE) { $error .= "Error: Please enter a valid email address\n<br>"; } if ($squestion == NULL) { $error .= "Error: You have to enter your secret question\n<br>"; } if ($sanswere == NULL) { $error .= "Error: You have to enter your secret aswere\n<br>"; } if ($username == NULL) { $error .= "Error: You have to enter your desired username\n<br>"; } if ($domainid == NULL) { $error .= "Error: You have to choose a domain\n<Br>"; } if ($pas1 == NULL) { $error .= "Error: You have to enter your password\n<Br>"; } if ($pas1 != $pas2) { $error .= "Error: Your passwords does not match\n<Br>"; } if ($firstname == NULL) { $error .= "Error: You have to enter your first name\n<Br>"; } if ($lastname == NULL) { $error .= "Error: You have to enter your last name\n<Br>"; } //Check if the user exists for that domain $db = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword); mysql_select_db($dbname); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM hm_domains WHERE domainid = '$domainid' ", $db); $result = @mysql_fetch_array($result); $address = $username . "@" . $result['domainname']; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM hm_accounts WHERE accountaddress = '$address' ", $db); $result = @mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($result['accountid'] != "") { $error .= "Error: The E-Mail address $address is already registered, please coose another username or domain\n<Br>"; mysql_close(); } if (IsSet($error)) { echo "<Center>Oops, There was some errors, please submit the form again<br>"; echo $error; } else { // Insert the new user infos into the database $passwd = md5($pas1); $db = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword); mysql_select_db($dbname); $query = "INSERT INTO hm_accounts (accountaddress, accountdomainid, accountadminlevel, accountpassword, accountactive, accountisad, accountmaxsize, accountpwencryption, accountvacationmessageon, accountoldaddress, accountfirstname, accountlastname, accountsecretque, accountsecretans) VALUES ('$address','$domainid','0','$passwd','1','0','$quota','2','0','$oldmail','$firstname','$lastname','$squestion','$sanswere')"; mysql_query($query) or die("Error: Can not query to the database"); mysql_close(); echo "<center><B>Completed!</b> <br><br> You have created an email account with us! you can use the E-Mail services eather by pop3/imap or by using the webmail system. <p>Please <A href=\"$webmailurl\">Login</a> to read or to send emails <p>Thank you $firstname $lastname for joining us"; } } else if ($action == "install") { $db = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword); mysql_select_db($dbname); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `hm_accounts` ADD `accountoldaddress` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `hm_accounts` ADD `accountfirstname` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `hm_accounts` ADD `accountlastname` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `hm_accounts` ADD `accountsecretque` VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `hm_accounts` ADD `accountsecretans` VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `hm_accounts` ADD `accounttmpverify` VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL"); mysql_close(); Echo "The script is istalled successfuly"; } // If the user forgot his password, this is the page to recover it. else if ($action == "forgotpass") { echo "<Center><b>Welcome to the password recovery page</b> <br><br> This page will help you to recover your lost password, if you had filled the oldmail at the registration time You will be able to recover it by using the oldmail method, else you will have to use the secret question method"; echo "<br><br><center> <table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <tr><td><center>Old Email Method<tr><td> <form name=\"forgot\" action=\"\" method=\"post\"> <table border=0><tr><td> Old email<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"oldemail\"><tr> <td>Your email with us in form of (username@domain.tld) <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"current\"><tr> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"fpassoldemail\"> <td><td><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Send me Recovery code\"></tr></td> </form></td></tr></table></table> <center><p> <table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <tr><td><center>Secret Question Method<tr><td> <form name=\"forgot\" action=\"\" method=\"post\"> <table border=0> <tr><td>Frist name<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"firstname\"><tr> <tr><td>Last name<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"lastname\"><tr> <td>Your email with us in form of (username@domain.tld) <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"current\"><tr> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"fpassgetquestion\"> <td><td><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"></tr></td> </form></td></tr></table></table></center>"; } // if the user submited data for the secret question method, // load the variables, and do the checks else if ($action == "fpassgetquestion") { $username = $_POST["current"]; $firstname = $_POST["firstname"]; $lastname = $_POST["lastname"]; if (normalmail($username) == FALSE) { $error .= "Error: Please enter a valid ID in form of email address\n<br>"; } if ($username == NULL) { $error .= "Error: You have to enter your current ID (in form of\n<br>"; } if ($firstname == NULL) { $error .= "Error: You have to enter your first name\n<Br>"; } if ($lastname == NULL) { $error .= "Error: You have to enter your last name\n<Br>"; } if (IsSet($error)) { echo "<Center>Oops, There was some errors, please submit the form again<br>"; echo $error; //else do the rest of the checks } else { $db = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword); mysql_select_db($dbname); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM hm_accounts WHERE accountaddress = '$username' ", $db); $result = @mysql_fetch_array($result); $questi = $result['accountsecretque']; echo "<center><b>Please answere your secret question: $questi </b>"; echo "<p><form name=\"forgot\" action=\"\" method=\"post\"> <table border=0> <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$firstname\" name=\"firstname\"> <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$lastname\" name=\"lastname\"> <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$questi\" name=\"squestion\"> <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$username\" name=\"current\"> <td>Answe <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"sanswere\"><tr> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"fpassquestion\"> <td><td><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"></tr></td> </form></td></tr></table></table></center>"; } } else if ($action == "fpassquestion") { $username = $_POST["current"]; $firstname = $_POST["firstname"]; $lastname = $_POST["lastname"]; $squestion = $_POST["squestion"]; $sanswere = $_POST["sanswere"]; // Do all the checks if (normalmail($username) == FALSE) { $error .= "Error: Please enter a valid ID in form of email address\n<br>"; } if ($squestion == NULL) { $error .= "Error: You have to enter your secret question\n<br>"; } if ($sanswere == NULL) { $error .= "Error: You have to enter your secret aswere\n<br>"; } if ($username == NULL) { $error .= "Error: You have to enter your current ID (in form of\n<br>"; } if ($firstname == NULL) { $error .= "Error: You have to enter your first name\n<Br>"; } if ($lastname == NULL) { $error .= "Error: You have to enter your last name\n<Br>"; } // If there was error, stop if (IsSet($error)) { echo "<Center>Oops, There was some errors, please submit the form again<br>"; echo $error; //else do the rest of the checks } else { $db = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword); mysql_select_db($dbname); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM hm_accounts WHERE accountaddress = '$username' ", $db); $result = @mysql_fetch_array($result); // check if the information does match with the stored data if ( $result['accountlastname'] == NULL || $result['accountfirstname'] == NULL || $result['accountsecretque'] == NULL || $result['accountsecretans'] == NULL) { die("Error: Cant find infos in database for $username"); mysql_close(); } if (strtolower($result['accountlastname']) == strtolower($lastname) && strtolower($result['accountfirstname']) == strtolower($firstname) && strtolower($result['accountsecretque']) == strtolower($squestion) && strtolower($result['accountsecretans']) == strtolower($sanswere)) { echo "<b><center>Your info does match, please enter a new password for $username bellow</b>"; echo "<p><br><center> <table><tr><td> <center>Change password for $username<tr><Td> <center><table> <form name=\"forgot\" action=\"\" method=\"post\"> <tr><Td>Enter new password<td><input type=\"password\" name=\"pas1\"><Tr> <Td>Verify password<td><input type=\"password\" name=\"pas2\"><Tr> <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$firstname\" name=\"firstname\"> <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$lastname\" name=\"lastname\"> <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$squestion\" name=\"squestion\"> <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$sanswere\" name=\"sanswere\"> <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$username\" name=\"current\"> <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"forgpassquepro\" name=\"action\"> <Td><td><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Change it\"></Tr></table></table></form></center>"; } else { echo "<b><center>Your info does NOT match</b><p> Your data does not match with the stored informations of $username, please enter the exact info"; } } } else if ($action == "forgpassquepro") { $username = $_POST["current"]; $firstname = $_POST["firstname"]; $lastname = $_POST["lastname"]; $squestion = $_POST["squestion"]; $sanswere = $_POST["sanswere"]; $newpassword = $_POST["pas1"]; $newpassword = md5($newpassword); if (normalmail($username) == FALSE) { die("Error"); } $db = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword); mysql_select_db($dbname); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM hm_accounts WHERE accountaddress = '$username' ", $db); $result = @mysql_fetch_array($result); // check if the information does match with the stored data if ( $result['accountlastname'] == NULL || $result['accountfirstname'] == NULL || $result['accountsecretque'] == NULL || $result['accountsecretans'] == NULL) { die("Error: Cant find infos in database for $username"); mysql_close(); } if ($_POST["pas1"] != $_POST["pas2"]) { $error = "<center><B>Your passwords does not match, please submit the form again</b></centeR>"; } if ($error != NULL) { echo $error; } else { if (strtolower($result['accountlastname']) == strtolower($lastname) && strtolower($result['accountfirstname']) == strtolower($firstname) && strtolower($result['accountsecretque']) == strtolower($squestion) && strtolower($result['accountsecretans']) == strtolower($sanswere)) { $accountid = $result['accountid']; //ok change the password $query = "UPDATE hm_accounts SET accountpassword = '$newpassword' WHERE accountid = '$accountid'"; mysql_query($query); echo "<center><b>Ok Your password has changed, sign in now with your new password, and your ID $username</b></center>"; mysql_close(); } } } // forgot password, old email method. else if ($action == "fpassoldemail") { $username = $_POST["current"]; $oldmail = $_POST["oldemail"]; // Do all the checks if (normalmail($username) == FALSE) { $error .= "Error: Please enter a valid ID in form of email address\n<br>"; } if (normalmail($oldmail) == FALSE) { $error .= "Error: Please enter a valid email address\n<br>"; } $db = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword); mysql_select_db($dbname); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM hm_accounts WHERE accountaddress = '$username'", $db); $result = @mysql_fetch_array($result); $accountid = $result['accountid']; if ($result['accountoldaddress'] == NULL) { $error .= "Error: Missing infos in the database for $username <Br>"; } if ($result['accountoldaddress'] != $oldmail) { $error .= "Error: The address $oldmail does not match with the old address of $username <Br>"; } if ($error != NULL) { echo "<Center>Oops, There was some errors, please submit the form again<br>"; echo $error; mysql_close(); } else { // in that case somehow we have to generate a random code for($x=0;$x<10;$x++) { $y = rand(0,61); $z .= $y + (($y<10) ? 48 : (($y<20) ? 21 : 10)); } $db = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword); mysql_select_db($dbname); $query = "UPDATE hm_accounts SET accounttmpverify = '$z' WHERE accountid = '$accountid'"; mysql_query($query); mysql_close(); $body = " The user account $username has this email associated with it. A Web user from " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " has just requested a Confirmation Code to change the password. Your Confirmation Code is: $z With this code you can now assign a new password at http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?action=fpassconfirm&addr=$username&code=$z If you cant click in the link, copy paste the URL into your browser. If you didn't asked for this, don't worry. Just delete this Email."; $body = wordwrap($body, 70); $subject = "Lost password: confirmation code"; $headers=""; $headers = 'From: ' . $username; if (mail($oldmail, $subject, $body, $headers)) { echo "<b>Message successfully sent!</b> <p>Please read the email in your old address $oldmail to get the verification code and reset your password <p>Your IP address is loged for security reasons."; } else { echo "<b>Message delivery failed!</b>"; } } } else if ($action == "fpassconfirm") { $code = $_POST["code"]; $username = $_POST["addr"]; if (!IsSet($code)) { $code = $_GET["code"]; } if (!IsSet($username)) { $username = $_GET["addr"]; } $db = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword); mysql_select_db($dbname); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM hm_accounts WHERE accountaddress = '$username' ", $db); $result = @mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($username == NULL || normalmail($username) == FALSE) { $error .= "Error: Please enter your E-mail address in the correct form<Br>"; } if ($code == NULL) { $error .= "Error: Please enter the confirmation code<br>"; } if ($result['accounttmpverify'] != $code) { $error .= "Error: You entered an invalid confirmation code. <Br>"; } if ($error != NULL) { echo "<Center>Oops, There was some errors, please submit the form again<br>"; echo $error; echo "<br><br> <form name=\"forgot\" action=\"\" method=\"post\"> <center> <table><tr> <Td>E-Mail address<td><input name=\"addr\" type=\"text\"> <tr><td>Code<td><input name=\"code\" type=\"text\"><tr> <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"fpassconfirm\" name=\"action\"> <td><td><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\"></tr> </td></table></table></form></centeR> "; mysql_close(); } else { echo "<b><center>Confirmation code is valid, Please enter your new password bellow</b>"; echo "<p><br> <center><table><tr><Td> Change password for $username<tr><Td> <table><tr> <form name=\"forgot\" action=\"\" method=\"post\"> <Td>Enter new password<td><input type=\"password\" name=\"pas1\"> <Tr><Td>Verify password<td><input type=\"password\" name=\"pas2\"><Tr> <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$code\" name=\"code\"> <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"$username\" name=\"addr\"> <input type=\"hidden\" value=\"forgpasscodepro\" name=\"action\"> <Td><td><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Change it\"></Tr></table></table></form>"; mysql_close(); } } // ok lets check the code again, and change the password. else if ($action = "forgpasscodepro") { $code = $_POST["code"]; $username = $_POST["addr"]; $newpassword = $_POST["pas1"]; $newpassword = md5($newpassword); $db = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword); mysql_select_db($dbname); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM hm_accounts WHERE accountaddress = '$username' ", $db); $result = @mysql_fetch_array($result); $accountid = $result['accountid']; if ($username == NULL || normalmail($username) == FALSE) { $error .= "Error: Please enter your E-mail address in the correct form<Br>"; } if ($code == NULL) { $error .= "Error: Please enter the confirmation code<br>"; } if ($result['accounttmpverify'] != $code) { $error .= "Error: You entered an invalid confirmation code. <Br>"; } if ($_POST["pas1"] != $_POST["pas2"]) { $error .= "Error: Passwords does not match. <Br>"; } if ($error != NULL) { echo $error; } else { $query = "UPDATE hm_accounts SET accountpassword = '$newpassword' WHERE accountid = '$accountid'"; mysql_query($query); echo "<b>Your password has changed!</B><br><br> now you can sign in with your new password and your ID $username"; mysql_close(); } } echo "<center><p><em><font size=\"2\">Powered by <a target=\"hmail\" href=\"\">HMailServer</a> @ All rights reserved</em></font></centeR>"; ?> Tnx Hi there, This forum has been helpful to me so far. I'd like to thank you for your help. Now the question is, we will be using services for our shopping cart and prices. Based to the customer's location the currency must change. For example, if the customer is sitting in Europe, the currency for the product and the shopping cart will be displayed in Euros, similarly for the US customers it will be in USD. I would like to know how we can do this using and what steps are required. Any comments/feedbacks are always welcome! Thank you! Is there a PHP "API" that can connect to GoDaddy, list domains, change the dns and whois? Possibly add new domains? I highly doubt it, and if not, I'll start writing one. However, GoDaddy uses what must be the worst HTML code EVER. WHO THE @$%^ uses javascript FOR EVERY LINK. That is just plain unnecessary. And I have a feeling GoDaddy wouldn't like such an API, and would make any attempt to break it Thanks Hi, Can any help me out how to integrate skype with php? or poeple leave a message on my skype through php? Hi... I am pretty new to ldap and active directory I am creating a site and want to use Active Directory users as the login to the site. This would be the best way to allow everyone to the site and keep the users and passwords up to date. How do you use PHP to talk with Active Directory to do this login? I have read things about LDAP. Do you have to have that? If so, how do you get that to work? and how to configure ldap and where to configure ldap is it server or in my local system. Please give me an idea how to configure n how to integrate active directory Hi guy's, I'm trying to integrate a shopping cart, but my knowledge is lacking. I've tried allot, but mostly it resulted in displaying nothing or a bunch of errors. Here's where i'm at. Code: [Select] function getProducts() { //Function to display the products on the front end //Create the MYSQL db connection $db = new Connection(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, T4_DB_NAME); //Query the DB for all the products $result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM user_photos'); // for testing purposes //Set the items variable so that you can add to it in the loop below $items = ''; //Loop through the mysql results $id = $_GET['id']; $username = $_GET['username']; // NOTE: if i do a while here, it display's all pictures of every user and loops the pictures for 16 times. // If i do a if i can click the image, but the thumnail is not displaying and the title is that of the admin // and only one image is displayed, while a user has more pictures. while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $items .= ' <div class="product"> <h3>'.stripslashes($row['title']).'</h3> <div class="info"> <a href=/secure/users/'.$username .'/pics/'. stripslashes($row['reference']).'> <img src=/secure/users/'.$username .'/pics/thumbs/'. stripslashes($row['thumbnail']).'></a> <div class="price">€'.number_format($row['price'], 2).'</div> <a href="addToCart.php?ID='.$id.'">Add to cart</a> </div> </div> '; } echo $items; } See NOTE in code: // NOTE: if i do a while here, it display's all pictures of every user and loops the pictures for 16 times. // If i do a if i can click the image, but the thumnail is not displaying and the title is that of the admin // and only one image is displayed, while a user has more pictures. (id=1) while it should be 25. (title= that of the admin). (thumbnail not displaying) The username and path is correct, because when you click on the broken image it display's the bigger picture of the user who's logged in. Who is so kind to help me out here? Martijn This topic has been moved to Other Libraries and Frameworks. Hello! I have sim card, how can we integrate it with server and use web interface to send sms and other requests, all handled via PHP?? Just an idea will be appreciated. thanks watsmyname I am using Payeezy Payment Gateway, how to integrate with my PHP page, actually the payment gateway for my customer form, i done with form using PHP, how can i integrate Payeezy Payment Gateway with my PHP form. This topic has been moved to Application Frameworks. This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. Need help converting a wp theme. I got it to display the menu items, but I need it to display them in the slider like it does in the theme.
Here is a link to what the theme looks like: http://www.redfactor...rant/menu-card/
I included menucard-1.php which is the code from the theme and menu_cat_nav-1.php which my code. What am I missing?
menu_cat_nav-1.php 6.44KB
menucard-1.php 5.81KB
Okay so we all know Code: [Select] <?php include "theme.html"; print: "Hello"; ?> Would output the theme and output hello at the bottom of the page, my question is, how do you position hello to go on the current theme? Thanks. So, here goes...
On my website,, I have destinations laid out in thumbnails on the main destination page. The page is using three columns. The page works fine as it is, however, I know that as I add more locations scrolling will become an issue. The author did a great job on this theme and he also gave an option to select maximum number of items to be shown but no paging occurs once you hit that max (weird, right?).
I have tried, I really have. Reading up on the WP codex, hunting down scripts and tutorials, all with a view to adding this simple feature. I know if someone figures this out it's going to be easy as cheese but the drawback for me is that I'm not a PHP programmer, just pretty decent at editing and changing the code.
Anyway, I'm posting the entire page code below (realised at end that I can attach, so did that instead). The important stuff happens in the "uxbarn_custom_port_load_portfolio_shortcode" function and onward. I noticed that although he starts a while loop to write the thumbnails to the page, he doesn't seem to end it. He also has a pagination template for the blog page which I'll add below but I couldn't make heads or tails of it. Hope someone can assist.
The template below is used for blog and search and is called with:
<?php get_template_part( 'template-pagination' ); ?>
<?php $big = 999999999; global $wp_query; $total_pages = $wp_query->max_num_pages; if( is_search() ) { // Only for search page, there are 10 posts per page // And always round up the result $total_pages = ceil( $wp_query->found_posts / 10 ); } if ( $total_pages > 1 ) { echo '<div class="row no-margin-bottom"> <div id="blog-pagination" class="uxb-col large-12 columns pagination-centered"> '; $current_page = max( 1, get_query_var( 'paged' ) ); echo paginate_links( array( 'base' => str_replace( $big, '%#%', esc_url( get_pagenum_link( $big ) ) ), 'format' => '&page=%#%', 'current' => $current_page, 'total' => $total_pages, 'prev_text' => '<i class="icon ion-ios7-arrow-left"></i>', 'next_text' => '<i class="icon ion-ios7-arrow-right"></i>', 'type' => 'list' )); echo '</div> </div>'; } ?> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attached Files custom-uxbarn-portfolio.php 33.24KB 2 downloads template-pagination.php 1022bytes 0 downloads This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. Hi, I have website: I want put ADS in this place: IMG is he I don't know where past code in my theme. ? I bought this website few day ago. thanks for help I have this software that lets user's use themes and so on. But one feature they didn't add into the peice of code is image display of the theme before the person chooses. I was hoping someone could help me figure out what bit of code I need to make it work. I know joomla has this feature but I don't care for joomla and I like this script alot more. All I can offer is the code where it displays the theme selector. PHP Part // HANDLE SUBMITTED DISPLAY SETTINGS // if (isset($_POST["SubmitDisplay"])) { myQ(" UPDATE `[x]users` SET `use_theme` = '{$_POST["theme"]}', WHERE `id`='".me('id')."' LIMIT 1 "); } /* Populate the site themes */ if ($handle = opendir("theme/")) { $themeInUse = (me("use_theme") != "" ? me("use_theme") : $CONF["DEFAULT_THEME"]); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." and $file != ".." and $file != "templates" and is_dir("theme/".$file)) { $themesReplacementArray[] = array( "theme" => $file, "select" => ($file == $themeInUse ? "selected=\"selected\"" : ""), ); } } closedir($handle); } $tpl -> Loop("themes", $themesReplacementArray); HTML Part Code: [Select] <form method="post"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><strong>Site style: </strong></td> <td width="10"> </td> <td> <select name="theme" id="theme"> <loop themes> <option value="{theme}" {select}>{theme}</option> </loop themes> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"><input name="SubmitDisplay" type="submit" class="submit" id="SubmitDisplay" value="Save" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> Thanks in advance. |