PHP - Moved: How To Overwrite An Existing Table Record
This topic has been moved to MySQL Help. Similar Tutorials<?php if(!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } // UNCOMMENT NEXT LINE TO PRINT THE $_SESSION ARRAY TO THE SCREEN . . . // echo '<pre>'; print_r($_SESSION); echo '</PRE>'; if(empty($_SESSION['userID']) || $_SESSION['authorized'] != true ) { header("Location: login.php"); exit; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html lang="EN" dir="ltr" xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/xml; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url=editprofile.php"> <title>Saving Profile</title> </head> <body> <?php require_once ("dbconn.php"); ?> <?php $userID = $_SESSION['userID']; $insert_query = 'insert into users WHERE userID='$userID'( aim, msn, yim, psnID, xblGamertag, otherContact ) values ( "' . $_POST['aim'] . '", "' . $_POST['msn'] . '", "' . $_POST['yim'] . '", "' . $_POST['psnID'] . '", "' . $_POST['xblGamertag'] . '", "' . $_POST['otherContact'] . '" )'; mysql_query($insert_query); ?> Your profile has been saved! You will now be redirected from where you came from. <br /><a href="editprofile.php" title="Click here if you don't want to wait">Click here if you don't want to wait.</a> </body> </html> It creates a new record but I want it to update an existing one. It's an editprofile script. This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. This topic has been moved to Editor Help (Dreamweaver, Zend, etc). This topic has been moved to CSS Help. This topic has been moved to Third Party PHP Scripts. I have a table with lots of records. My table has the following field, with records containing either NULL or '1' that I need to modify. Hello everybody,
I have been racking my brain trying to decipher something that should be really simple for a seasoned programmer. Newbieprogrammer
function display($randomNr) This topic has been moved to MySQL Help. I'm racking my brain trying to figure out the most effective way (any way) to insert some information into a table if it hasn't been previously inserted. Here's a simplified sample that I'm working with: -- Column 1 Column 2 Coloumn3 Sue Cat Adopted Jack Dog Adopted Cujo Dog Not Adopted -- The column I'm trying to scrub my loop against is column 3. Here's what I have so far... <?PHP $question = "ADOPTED"; $res = mysql_query("SELECT file FROM temp_data"); while($rw = mysql_fetch_array($res)){ $arr[] = $rw['file']; if (in_array($question, $arr)){ echo "ADOPTED"; //Leave it alone... } else { echo "NOT ADOPTED<br />"; //Insert My New Data } ?> I think I'm on the right path by using the 'in_array' function to check if '$question' variable is within the the '$arr' array, however, logically (to me) it makes sense but it is not working. Suggestions? I should also mention that I'm not receiving any error messages but rather, a completely inaccurate result instead. Im not much of a coder, and I obviously did this wrong since it is not working. Im trying to bring a new field value in to an existing php file. I created a new table, and an admin page to control that field. I cant, however, figure out how to use that value in a different php file. Actually, there are 2 files. Each using a different field from that new table. I will post what my current code is below with the additions I tried to add. I bolded the lines that contain the tags Im trying to use. Any and help you can give in fixing this to make it work is greatly appreciated. Code: [Select] <?php # INCLUDE ALL NECESSARY FILES. include_once("Constants.php"); include_once("Database.php"); include_once("SiteSetting.php"); [b]$query = "SELECT arcade_multiplier FROM tbl_point_rewards"; mysql_query($query) or die("Invalid query". mysql_error() ); $result = mysql_fetch_array($result); $arcade_multiplier = $result["arcade_multiplier"];[/b] $dbObj = new database(); # SAVE ARCADE GAME POINTS INTO THE DATABASE function saveGamePoints( $game_id, $user_id, $game_score, $calculate_score_flag, $play_date ){ global $dbObj; $user_max_plays = getUserMaxPlaysLimit( $user_id, $game_id ); //$_SESSION["arcade_game"]["save_score"] = ($user_max_plays < $_SESSION["arcade_game"]["max_plays"]) ? "yes" : "no" ; if($user_max_plays < $_SESSION["arcade_game"][$_SESSION["url_gameid"]]["max_plays"]){ $total_points = calculatePointRatio($game_id, $game_score); //$total_points = $game_score; $x_gameid = md5($game_id); if($_SESSION["arcade_game"][$x_gameid]["play_time"] > 0){ $playTime['start'] = $_SESSION["arcade_game"][$x_gameid]["play_time"]; $playTime['end'] = time(); $playTime = ($playTime['end'] - $playTime['start']); } else { $playTime = 0; } # update total points into main score [b] $update_sql = "update tbl_users set points_gained = (points_gained+(".ceil($total_points)." * $arcade_multiplier)) where usrid={$user_id}";[/b] $rs = mysql_query($update_sql) or die("Invalid query: {$update_sql} - ". mysql_error()); $table = "tbl_arcade_game_score"; $fields = array("game_id", "user_id", "game_score", "calculate_score_flag", "play_date", "game_time"); $values = array($game_id, $user_id, $game_score, $calculate_score_flag, $play_date, $playTime); // return $dbObj->cgi( $table, $fields, $values, 1 ); $insertid = $dbObj->cgi( $table, $fields, $values, "" ); $ceiling_point = getCeiling($game_id); if($game_score >= $ceiling_point) { $chk_authourity = isAlreadyTrophyOwner($user_id, $game_id); //if($chk_authority < 1) if($chk_authourity < 1) { # store award details into the database (tbl_trophy_award) //$trophy_id = getTrophy( $game_id ); $trophy = getTrophyDetails($game_id); $trophy_id = $trophy['ctoon_id']; $tbl_fields = array('userid', 'game_id', 'award_date', 'trophy' ); $tbl_values = array($user_id, $game_id, $play_date, $trophy_id ); $insert_tbl_trophy_award_id = $dbObj->cgi('tbl_trophy_award', $tbl_fields, $tbl_values , "" ); # award trophy to user (tbl_users_ctoons) $table = "tbl_users_ctoons"; $fl = array("usrid", "ctoon_id", "del_status", "ctoons_auction", "auction_id", "location", "batpts"); $vl = array($user_id, $trophy_id, '0', '', 0, 1, 0); $dbObj->cgi($table, $fl, $vl , "" ); # send a pm to the user about the trophy include_once("send_pm_message.php"); $game = getGameDetails($game_id); $msgSub = "Grats! You just got a trophy!"; $message = "Grats! You got the ".$trophy["toon_name"]." trophy for the ".$game["game_name"]." game!<br> <img src=\"{$game['path']}\">"; //echo $message; //echo "<br><hr><br>"; sendMessage($user_id, 0, 0, $msgSub, $message, 1); sendMessage(2034, $user_id, 0, $msgSub, $message, 1); } } return $insertid; } }//end function function getCeiling($game_id) { $sql = "SELECT ceiling FROM tbl_game WHERE game_id = '".$game_id."'"; $rs = mysql_query($sql); $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs); return $result['ceiling']; } function isAlreadyTrophyOwner($user_id, $game_id) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_trophy_award WHERE game_id = {$game_id} and userid = {$user_id}"; $rs = mysql_query($sql); $num_rows = 0; $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($rs); if($num_rows > 0) { return $num_rows; } else { return $num_rows; } } # calculate game ratio function calculatePointRatio($game_id, $game_score){ //return $game_score; $sql = "select gs.* from arcade_game_setting as gs where gs.game_id={$game_id}"; $rs = mysql_query($sql) or die( "Invalid query". mysql_error() ); if($rs){ $row = mysql_fetch_array($rs); switch($row["calculation_type"]){ case "divide": $x_score = round($game_score / $row["r_no"]); break; case "multiply": $x_score = round($game_score * $row["r_no"]); break; default : $x_score = ceil($game_score); break; }//switch $row["r_no"]; if($row["game_cap"] > 0){ if($x_score > $row["game_cap"]){ $x_score = $row["game_cap"]; } } return $x_score; }//if }// end function # get user total plays function getUserMaxPlaysLimit($user_id, $game_id){ global $d_start_time, $d_end_time; $sql = "select * from tbl_arcade_game_score where user_id={$user_id} and game_id={$game_id} and play_date between {$d_start_time} and {$d_end_time}"; $rs = mysql_query($sql) or die("Invalid query :". mysql_error() ); if($rs){ return mysql_num_rows($rs); }//if } # get game details function getGameDetails($game_id){ $sql = "select g.game_id, g.game_name, g.award_ctoonid, c.toon_name, c.toon_cat, c.toon_subcat, c.toon_small_img from tbl_game as g, tbl_ctoon as c where g.game_id = {$game_id} and g.award_ctoonid=c.ctoon_id"; $rs = mysql_query($sql); if($rs){ $row = mysql_fetch_array($rs); if($row['toon_cat']!="" && $row['toon_subcat']!=0) $tpth="imgtoon/".$row['toon_cat']."/".$row['toon_subcat']."/thumb"; elseif($row['toon_cat']!="" && $row['toon_subcat']==0) $tpth="imgtoon/".$row['toon_cat']."/thumb"; $game["game_name"] = $row["game_name"]; $game["award_ctoon_id"] = $row["award_ctoonid"]; $game["toon_name"] = $row["toon_name"]; $game["path"] = SITEROOT ."/" . $tpth ."/" . $row["toon_small_img"]; return $game; } else { return false; } } # send pm message to winner function sendPMToWinner($user_id, $game_id, $game_score){ include_once("send_pm_message.php"); $g = $game_id; //$point_prize = calculatePointRatio($game_id, $game_score); $point_prize = $game_score; $game = getGameDetails($game_id); //# select ctoon //$sql = "select award_ctoonid from tbl_game where game_id=".$g; //$rsctoon = mysql_query($sql) or die("Invalid query: {$sql} - ". mysql_error()); //$row_ctoon = mysql_fetch_array($rsctoon); //$ctoon_id = $row_ctoon["award_ctoonid"]; //# award ctoon //$insert_user_ctoon = "insert into tbl_users_ctoons (usrid, ctoon_id, del_status, ctoons_auction, auction_id, location, batpts) //values('{$user_id}', '{$ctoon_id}', '0', '', '', '1', '0')"; //mysql_query($insert_user_ctoon) or die("Invalid insert query:".mysql_error() ); //# update points $update_points_sql = "update tbl_users set points_gained = (points_gained+1500) where usrid={$user_id}"; mysql_query($update_points_sql) or die("Invalid updates points query". mysql_error() ); $dbObj = new database(); $msgSub = "Grats! You got a Top Score for ".$game["game_name"]." !"; $message = "Grats! You had one of the Top 10 scores in the ".$game["game_name"]." game last month, and got a 1500 point bonus!<br>"; //<img src=\"{$game['path']}\">"; // echo $message; // echo "<br><hr><br>"; sendMessage($user_id, 0, 0, $msgSub, $message, 1); } /** * function getTrophy( $game_id ) * @param $game_id */ function getTrophy( $game_id ){ $sql = "select award_ctoonid from tbl_game where game_id=".$game_id; $rs = mysql_query( $sql ) or die( mysql_error() ); if( $rs ){ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ); } return $row["award_ctoonid"]; } // Updated function from above // Will get more information about the trophy function getTrophyDetails($game_id) { $sql = "select b.ctoon_id,b.toon_name,b.toon_small_img from tbl_game as a,tbl_ctoon as b where a.game_id = '$game_id' and b.ctoon_id = a.award_ctoonid LIMIT 1"; $rs = mysql_query( $sql ) or die( mysql_error() ); if( $rs ){ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ); } return $row; } ?> Code: [Select] <?php include_once("Constants.php"); include_once("Database.php"); include_once("SiteSetting.php"); /**************************************************/ # SAVE DONETION IN DATABASE # @param $uid # @param $donation_amt /**************************************************/ function saveDonetion($uid, $donation_amt, $transaction_id, $subscr_id='', $type){ if($transaction_id != "") { $flag = checkExist($uid); if($flag > 0){ updateDonetion($uid, $donation_amt, $transaction_id, $subscr_id='', $type); }else{ addDonetion($uid, $donation_amt, $transaction_id, $subscr_id='', $type); } } } /**************************************************/ /**************************************************/ # CHECK IS RECORD EXITS IN DONETION TABLE # @param $uid /**************************************************/ function checkExist($uid){ $dbObj = new database(); $sql = "select user_id from tbl_donation where user_id={$uid}"; $dbObj->myquery($sql); if($dbObj->row_count > 0){ return $dbObj->f_user_id; }else{ return 0; } } /**************************************************/ /**************************************************/ # INSERT DONETION RECORD IN tbl_donation # @param $uid # @param $donation_amt /**************************************************/ [b]$query = "SELECT arcade_multiplier FROM tbl_point_rewards"; mysql_query($query) or die("Invalid query". mysql_error() ); $result = mysql_fetch_array($result); $arcade_multiplier = $result["arcade_multiplier"];[/b] function addDonetion($uid, $donation_amt, $transaction_id, $subscr_id='', $type){ $dbObj = new database(); $months = floor($donation_amt / 5); $exp_time = mktime(date("H"),date("i"),date("s"),date("m") + $months,date("d"),date("Y")); $fields = array("transaction_id", "subscr_id", "user_id", "donation_amt", "donation_date", "exp_date", "donation_type", "transaction_details"); $values = array($transaction_id, $subscr_id, $uid, $donation_amt, time(), $exp_time, $type, serialize($_SESSION["recurring_td"])); # update points [b]$update_points_sql = "update tbl_users set points_gained = (points_gained+(($donation_amt / 5) * $donation_pts)) where usrid={$uid}";/[b] mysql_query($update_points_sql) or die("Invalid updates points query". mysql_error() ); if($donation_amt < 5){ // The user donated less than $5 }else{ upgradeAccount($uid); } return $dbObj->cgi("tbl_donation", $fields, $values, false); } /**************************************************/ /**************************************************/ # UPDATE EXISTING DONETION RECORD # @param $uid # @param $donation_amt /**************************************************/ function updateDonetion($uid, $donation_amt, $transaction_id, $subscr_id='', $type){ if(strlen($subscr_id) > 0){ $cd = " AND subscr_id='".$subscr_id."'"; } $sql_select = "select exp_date, donation_amt from tbl_donation where user_id=".$uid; //$sql_select = "select exp_date, donation_amt from tbl_donation where user_id=".$uid." and donation_type like '%recurring%'"; $rs_select = mysql_query($sql_select) or die("Invalid query".mysql_error()); if($rs_select){ $row = mysql_fetch_array($rs_select); $expdt = $row["exp_date"]; $damt = ($row["donation_amt"] + $donation_amt); $months = floor($donation_amt / 5); $exp_time = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("m",$row["exp_date"]) + $months, date("d", $row["exp_date"]), date("Y", $row["exp_date"])); } $dbObj = new database(); $sql = "update tbl_donation set transaction_id='".$transaction_id."', donation_amt=(donation_amt + {$donation_amt}), donation_date = ".time().", exp_date=".$exp_time.", donation_type='".$type."', transaction_details='".serialize($_SESSION["recurring_td"])."' where user_id={$uid}"; # update points [b]$update_points_sql = "update tbl_users set points_gained = (points_gained+(($donation_amt / 5) * $donation_pts)) where usrid={$uid}";[/b] mysql_query($update_points_sql) or die("Invalid updates points query". mysql_error() ); $dbObj->myquery($sql, 1); if($donation_amt < 5){ // The user donated less than $5 }else{ upgradeAccount($uid); } } /**************************************************/ /**************************************************/ # UPDATE EXISTING RECURRING DONETION RECORD # @param $uid # @param $donation_amt /**************************************************/ function updateRecurringDonetion($subscr_id, $transaction_amt){ $sql_subscr = "select donation_id, transaction_id, user_id from tbl_donation where subscr_id = '".$subscr_id."'"; $rs_subscr = mysql_query($sql_subscr) or die("Invalid query".mysql_error()); if(strlen($rs_subscr) > 0){ $row_subscr = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_subscr); $uid = $row_subscr["user_id"]; $donation_amt = $transaction_amt; $transaction_id = $row_subscr["transaction_id"]; $subscr_id = $subscr_id; $type = "Recurring"; updateDonetion($uid, $donation_amt, $transaction_id, $subscr_id='', $type); } } /**************************************************/ /**************************************************/ # UPDATE USER STATUS FROM STANDERED TO PREMIUM # @param $uid /**************************************************/ function upgradeAccount($uid){ $dbObj = new database(); $sql = "UPDATE tbl_users SET acc_type = 'P' WHERE usrid={$uid} LIMIT 1 "; # update points $update_points_sql = "update tbl_users set points_gained = (points_gained+0) where usrid={$uid}"; mysql_query($update_points_sql) or die("Invalid updates points query". mysql_error() ); $dbObj->myquery($sql, 1); }//function upgradeDonation($uid) ?> Hi guys, im inserting data into the table using drop-down list & multi select list,well it works very well. but i need to make sure i should not insert same StudentID & CourseID twice. here my code for you could anyone tell me pls where should i write code to check existing data? <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("uni", $con)or trigger_error('MySQL error: ' . mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM student") or trigger_error('MySQL error: ' . mysql_error()); echo '<select name="sid">'; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo '<option value="' . $row['StudentID'] . '">' . $row['StudentName'] . '</option>'; } echo '</select>'; // ---------------- ?> </div> <div class="style41" id="Layer7"> <?php $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM course") or trigger_error('MySQL error: ' . mysql_error()); echo '<select name ="cid[]" multiple="multiple" size="10">'; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo '<option value="' . $row['CourseID'] . '">' . $row['CourseName'] . '</option>'; } echo '</select>'; mysql_close($con); ?> ------------------------------------ <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("uni", $con)or trigger_error('MySQL error: ' . mysql_error()); if (!empty($_POST['sid']) && !empty($_POST['cid'])) { $ct = 0; $student = $_POST['sid']; foreach ($_POST['cid'] as $key => $course) { $sql = "INSERT INTO take (StudentID, CourseID) VALUES('".mysql_real_escape_string($student)."', '".mysql_real_escape_string($course)."')"; $query = mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error('MySQL error: ' . mysql_error()); if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0){$ct++;} } echo $ct . ' rows added.'; } mysql_close($con); ?> I have an existing GET form that I use and want to write to a MYSQL table everytime a user uses that form. Code: [Select] <FORM ACTION="" METHOD=GET> Would the easiest to be a javascript function that uses the onclick event? What would be the best way to continue to pass the user along while capturing data and writing that to a MYSQL table. Thanks! Not sure how to update a record in my table here. I got my insert and delete statement working. Just can't get the update to work correctly. I'm not really sure how to do it. Here is my code for my page, and my update and delete page Code: [Select] <?php ini_set ("display_errors", "1"); error_reporting(E_ALL); require_once('database.php'); session_start(); if (isset($_POST['add_grade'])) { $query = "INSERT INTO grades (grade_id, student_id, grade_type, grade_name, grade_points) "; $query .= "VALUES (:grade_id, :student_id, :grade_type, :grade_name, :grade_points) "; $statement = $db->prepare($query); $statement->bindValue (':student_id', $_SESSION['student_id']); $statement->bindValue (':grade_id', $_SESSION['grade_id']); $statement->bindValue (':grade_type', $_POST['grade_type']); $statement->bindValue (':grade_name', $_POST['grade_name']); $statement->bindValue (':grade_points', $_POST['grade_point']); $statement->execute(); $statement->closeCursor(); $grade_type = $_POST['grade_type']; if ($grade_type == 'Lab') { $final *= .60; } echo $final; $grade_type = $_POST['grade_type']; if ($grade_type == 'Mid-Term') { $final *= .20; } echo $final; $grade_type = $_POST['grade_type']; if ($grade_type == 'Final') { $final *= .20; } echo $final; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>View Course Grades</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css" /> </head> <body> <?php $student_name = $_SESSION['student_name']; $student_id = $_SESSION['student_id']; $query = "SELECT * FROM grades WHERE student_id = :student_id "; $statement = $db->prepare($query); $statement->bindValue (':student_id', $student_id); $statement->execute(); $grades = $statement->fetchAll(); $statement->closeCursor(); echo "<h1>Show Grades for $student_name </h1>"; foreach ($grades as $grade) { echo $grade['grade_type'] . " " . $grade['grade_name']. " " . $grade['grade_points'] . "<br />"; } ?> <div id="content"> <!-- display a table of products --> <table> <tr> <th>Grade Type</th> <th>Grade Name</th> <th>Grade Points</th> <th>Remove</th> </tr> <?php foreach ($grades as $grade) : ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $grade['grade_type']; ?></td> <td><?php echo $grade['grade_name']; ?></td> <td><?php echo $grade['grade_points']; ?></td> <td><form action="delete_grade.php" method="post"> <input type="submit" name="remove" value="Delete" /> </form></td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </table> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> </div> <form name="grades" method="post" action="grades.php"> <p>Grade Type<SELECT NAME="grade_type"> <OPTION VALUE="Mid-Term">Mid-Term <OPTION VALUE="Final">Final <OPTION VALUE="Lab">Lab </SELECT> <br> Grade Name:<input type="text" name="grade_name" value=""><br /> Grade Points:<input type="text" name="grade_point" value=""> <input type="submit" name="add_grade" value="Add Grade"> </form> </table> </body> </html> My delete and update page Code: [Select] <html> <head> <title>Delete Grade</title> </head> <body> <form method="post" action="delete_grade.php"> <?php ini_set ("display_errors", "1"); error_reporting(E_ALL); $dbc = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'se266_user', 'pwd', 'se266') or die(mysql_error()); //delete grades if (isset($_POST['remove'])) { foreach($_POST['delete'] as $delete_id) { $query = "DELETE FROM grades WHERE grade_id = $delete_id"; mysqli_query($dbc, $query) or die ('can\'t delete user'); } echo 'user has been deleted.<br />'; } if (isset($_POST['update'])) { foreach($_POST['update'] as $update_id) { $query = "UPDATE grades SET grade_id = $grade_id"; mysqli_query($dbc, $query) or die ('can\'t update user'); } } //Display grade info with checkbox to delete $query = "SELECT * FROM grades"; $result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query); while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { echo '<input type="checkbox" value="' .$row['grade_id'] . '" name="delete[]" />'; echo ' ' .$row['grade_type'] .' '. $row['grade_name']; echo '<br />'; } mysqli_close($dbc); ?> <input type="submit" name="remove" value="Remove" /> <input type="submit" name="update" value="Update" /> </form> </body> </html> I have the following code: Code: [Select] $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ESSAY_QUESTIONS WHERE SUBJECT = 'ENGLISH'") or die(mysql_error()); while($essay_data=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $question = $essay_data['QUESTION']; $id = $essay_data['ID']; echo "<a href=\"englishessays.php?id=$id>"; echo "$question </a>"; echo "<br><br>"; } It seems to be almost working but it just displays one link and the address is all the rest of the code including </a>"; echo "<br><br>"; and other questions. I presume there's an error with how I've written the echo statements so can anyone see it? Or can anyone suggest a better way to do this? On the next page, the php will read the ID from the address and display the information form that record. I have some code that will update a record and is generic, meaning any POST variables can be used - whatever you have on the form. See below: Code: [Select] $set = array(); foreach($_POST as $field => $value){ $field = mysql_real_escape_string($field); $value = mysql_real_escape_string($value); $set[] = "`{$field}` = '{$value}'"; } $query .= implode(", ",$set) . " WHERE $id_name = '".$id."' LIMIT 1"; mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); My question is, how would I modify this to insert a NEW record (not update an existing one). I'm not sure how to order this within a foreach statement because the add query has a different form: insert into tabel (all the fieldnames here) VALUES (all the values here) Hi, I just want to know how to check if a row/record already exists for a given table, but this code gives me message in browser: Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in myTest.php This is the the snippet I am running: Code: [Select] <?php $connxn=mysql_connect("localhost","root"); $db=mysql_select_db("siliconvalley"); $toyNodePath="#document/siliconValleyHELLO"; $queryA=mysql_query("SElECT FROM pathexpress (path_express) WHERE path_express='$toyNodePath'");//make sure AT MOST ONE ROW EXISTS!! if(mysql_num_rows($queryA)==1) print "ALREADY IN table pathexpress!"; else { mysql_query("INSERT INTO pathexpress (path_express) VALUES ('$toyNodePath')"); print "ADDED $toyNodePath to table pathexpress!"; } ?> Please, any help is greatly appreciated! This topic has been moved to Application Design. Greetings mates, I have not been here for years. I have been thrust into an app written by someone else. The requirement is to amend, not edit, an existing record. In other words, rather than edit an existing record, management would like an empty new text box to enter amended data and save to another table so that when queried, would display existing record and the newly amended record. Below is an ID of an existing record: $sql = "SELECT * FROM DBO.existingTable where year_created = 2019 Order by Id"; echo '<table id="results-table"> <thead> <tr> <th>ID</th> <th>Edit</th> <th>View PDF</th> <th>Task Lead</th> <th>Task Title</th> <th>Division</th> </tr> </thead>'; while ( $row = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $stmt, SQLSRV_FETCH_BOTH ) ) { $div = ($row['division'] == "1" ? "Divname" : ($row['division'] == "2" ? "Highway" : "NULL")); $taskType = ($row['task_type'] == 0 ? "Annual" : ($row['task_type'] == 1 ? "Carryover" : ($row['task_type'] == 2 ? "New" : "NULL"))); if($row['year_created'] == 2019){ echo '<tr id="taskId"> <td>'.$row['Id'].'</td> <td><a href="project_edit.html?id='.$row['Id'].'" target="_blank">Edit</a></td> <td><input type="button" onclick="getReport('.$row['Id'].')" value="View PDF"></td> <td>'.$row['task_lead'].'</td> <td>'.$row['task_title'].'</td> <td>'.$div.'</td> </tr> } } echo '</table>' The above code isa snippet of code in edit.php. What I would like to do is grab the ID which is '.$row['Id'].' from this edit page and use it when inserting the amended code which is in insert,php file: //The ID from edit.php code should go here $task_lead = (empty($_POST['task_lead'])) ? "''" : "'" . str_ireplace( "'", "", $_POST[ 'task_lead' ] ) . "'"; $task_title = (empty($_POST['task_title'])) ? "''" : "'" . str_ireplace( "'", "''", $_POST[ 'task_title' ] ). "'"; $division = (empty($_POST['division'])) ? "''" : "'" . str_ireplace( "'", "", $_POST[ 'division' ] ) . "'"; //Then my insert statement should be something like this: $sql = "INSERT INTO DBO.Amended_Records ({id from table with existing record}, amended_taskActivities, amended_taskProducts,amendscope_dev_fhwa, amendconsultant_procurement, amendcontract_negotiations, amendconsultant_notice, amendtotal_duration, year_created) VALUES ({$rowId - that I need to get from edit.php}, $amendproposed_activities, $amendanticipated_products,$amendscope_dev_fhwa,$amendconsultant_procurement,$amendcontract_negotiations,$amendconsultant_notice,$amendtotal_duration, 2021)"; When I insert this record into the DB, the id from edit.php is getting inserted as null. Can you please advise how I can resolve this? I posted a topic earlier and there was confusion as to what I could not work out.
I am able to display the checkbox, either checked or unchecked depending of the value or 1 or 0 in the obcDisplay field.
<input type="checkbox" name="obcDisplay" value="<?=$r['obcDisplay'] ?>" <?=($r['obcDisplay']) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?>/>I am trying to update the DB table by the checkbox. If the checkbox is checked (obcDisplay = 1) and I uncheck the box and submit, I want the table updated so that obcDisplay now equals 0. When the form is displayed, the checkbox is now uncheck (obcDisplay = 0). Now I check the box and submit and the update changes the field from 0 to 1. I can display the checkbox as checked or unchecked by the DB field obcDisplay being either 0 or 1. It is changing the value where I am having the problem. Hello,
Here is my current code:
<html> <body> <form id="hey" name="hey" method="post" onsubmit="return false"> Name:<input type="text" name="name"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="click"> </form> <table class="table table-bordered" id="update"> <thead> <th>Name</th> </thead> <tbody> <script type="text/javascript"> $("#hey").submit(function() { $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: 'response.php', data: { username: $('#name').val()}, success: function (data) { $("#update").prepend(data); }, error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { alert(thrownError); } }); }); </script> </tbody> </table>response.php <?php $username = $_GET['username']; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>$username</td>"; echo "</tr>"; ?>This code works fine, it prints out the rows as what the user enters. Now what I want to do is, log all these entries to a mySQL database and also, display these rows over the site. i.e., any user who is online, should be seeing this without having to refresh the page too.. Real time updates in a way. How can I achieve that? Thanks! |