PHP - Changing A Files Owner
I am trying to create a file, then give it to the linux user 'templates'.
I can create it, chmod it to 777, but can't change the owner from apache. If I do: chown("/home/templates/file.php", "templates"); I get an operation not permitted error. If I do: shell_exec("chown -R templates /home/templates/file.php"); I don't get an error, but it also doesn't work. Guessing this is some kind of stupid security thing - anyway around it? Right now I'm just setting everything to 777 =/ Similar TutorialsHi,
I am new to this forum and I came here because I am a website owner that is a novice in php coding and I want to adjust the coding my web designer created, because I want to update my auto email when members sign up to my site. I found my signup.php page and found the secton where the contents of the auto email are housed but I have no way (or atleast I don't know the way) to test my coding adjustments without going through the signup process on my site and I don't want to do that multiple times just to check code, so I decided to see if I could ask the questions here and maybe someone can "eyeball" my coding adjustments and ensure that they work OR maybe you can instruct me how I can test my code. Keep in mind, this is not an actual page on my site, it's the auto email when users signup. It's sent from my signup.php page once the signup button is "clicked".
1. I'll provide a snippet of the code my webdesigner setup and that should work fine
2. I'll provide my changes to the email contents (basically text, image and html links).
Hopefully there is someone who can assist. Thanks A BILLION!!!
Below is the original code from my webmaster, shouldn't be anything wrong with this code. (You'll notice the links aren't html text links, I wanted to change that)
$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $headers .= "From: <> \r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: \r\n"; $headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); $to = $_POST["email"]; $subject = "Website Sign Up \r\n"; $body = "<p><img src=''></p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Welcome! We absolutely love new members!</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>Your signup is now complete.</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>Your Login details a <br> \r\n"; $body .= "Current Email: ".$_POST["email"]."<br> \r\n"; $body .= "Password: ".$_POST["pwd"]."</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Hang on to this email just in case you forget those details. </p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>If you need any assistance, don’t worry we are here to HELP! -</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Start Here</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>#1 Complete your profile so we know more about why you love pro audio mixing.<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#2 Join the conversation in our forum, we’d love to hear from you. -<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#3 Submit your mix in the mix-revu to get feedback you can’t get anywhere else on the internet and maybe even win a winner’s spot on our homepage! -<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#4 Our merch store is the place to show others you are a proud member of the mixrevu community, check it out! -<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#5 We need photos of our members in their mix environment, post some!</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>-mixrevu team! </p> \r\n"; mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);Below are my adjustments to the body of the email (it includes image links for social media, and html text links replacing the basic website address links) ** All of the changes I made are within the $body of the email. $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $headers .= "From: <> \r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: \r\n"; $headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); $to = $_POST["email"]; $subject = "Website Sign Up \r\n"; $body = "<p><img src=''></p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Welcome! We Absolutely Love New Members!</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Follow Us For Updates: <a href=''> <img border='0' alt='Facebook page' src='' width='45' height='45'> </a> <a href=''> <img border='0' alt='Twitter page' src='' width='45' height='35'> </a> <a href=''> <img border='0' alt='Google plus' src='' width='60' height='45'> </a></p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>Your signup is now complete.</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>Your Login details a <br> \r\n"; $body .= "Current Email: ".$_POST["email"]."<br> \r\n"; $body .= "Password: ".$_POST["pwd"]."</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Hang on to this email just in case you forget those details. </p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>If you need any assistance, don’t worry we are here to HELP! -</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Start Here</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>#1 Complete your profile by registering in the <a href=''>Forum</a>. This is where you’ll have access to our downloads when we upload them. Only members who’ve logged in to both will have access. You can also find previous Head2Head downloads <a href=''>HERE</a> that you can use for practice.<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#2 Be sure to check out the Mixrevu <a href=''>Head2Head Rules</a>.<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#3 Mixrevu Head2Head Free Downloads are announced via Newsletters to all members first. You’ll automatically receive those as a site member. **If you have music of your own you want in a Head2Head, upload that too!!! We have genre specific spaces available.** <a href=''>Here’s how to upload</a>.<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#4 Our Sites Best <a href=''>Trivia</a>, <a href=''>Quizzes</a> & <a href=''>Audio Articles</a> are in our <a href=''>Audio Blog</a>. - Exclusive content guaranteed to improve your mix process.<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#5 Upload your photo to our <a href=''>photo wall</a>, If you win a Head2Head this will be your featured photo!<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#6 Ever wanted to understand your studio better? We cover everything from EQ, Compression, Monitors, TDR, to Studio Acoustics & More in the <a href=''>Signal Path Series</a> .<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#7 <a href=''>Exclusive Audio Engineer T-Shirts</a> & <a href=''>Exclusive Downloads</a> you won’t find anywhere else are in our shop! Everything is ON SALE & Free Shipping in the U.S.!</p><br> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>-mixrevu team! </p> \r\n"; mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers); I am using apache web server on linux. I am using PHP for web designing. On web server, i want to show the configuration data by reading the ini file. I am creating this ini file from one php code itself. If this php code i run through linux terminal, the file is created with file and group owner as root.(i am having sudo rights on machine) Then if i try to read the ini file from my apache web server, it gives warning as failed to open stream: permission denied. I have tried changing the owner, and permissions to 777 of the file. Still it is not readable.
On the other hand, if i run the php code of ini file creation through web server, ini file is created with file and group owner as apche. and web server is able to read/ write the file.
But i want to create that file from root or some other user and later read/written by apache.
How to give this access permission?
Hello I have a simple question about file handling... Is it possible to list all files in directories / subdirectories, and then read ALL files in those dirs, and put the content of their file into an array? Like this: array: [SomePath/test.php] = "All In this php file is being read by a new smart function!"; [SomePath/Weird/hello.txt = "Hello world. This is me and im just trying to get some help!";and so on, until no further files exists in that rootdir. All my attempts went totally crazy and none of them works... therefore i need to ask you for help. Do you have any ideas how to do this? If so, how can I be able to do it? Thanks in Advance, pros So far I have managed to create an upload process which uploads a picture, updates the database on file location and then tries to upload the db a 2nd time to update the Thumbnails file location (i tried updating the thumbnails location in one go and for some reason this causes failure) But the main problem is that it doesn't upload some files Here is my upload.php <?php include 'dbconnect.php'; $statusMsg = ''; $Title = $conn -> real_escape_string($_POST['Title']) ; $BodyText = $conn -> real_escape_string($_POST['ThreadBody']) ; // File upload path $targetDir = "upload/"; $fileName = basename($_FILES["file"]["name"]); $targetFilePath = $targetDir . $fileName; $fileType = pathinfo($targetFilePath,PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $Thumbnail = "upload/Thumbnails/'$fileName'"; if(isset($_POST["submit"]) && !empty($_FILES["file"]["name"])){ // Allow certain file formats $allowTypes = array('jpg','png','jpeg','gif','pdf', "webm", "mp4"); if(in_array($fileType, $allowTypes)){ // Upload file to server if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $targetFilePath)){ // Insert image file name into database $insert = $conn->query("INSERT into Threads (Title, ThreadBody, filename) VALUES ('$Title', '$BodyText', '$fileName')"); if($insert){ $statusMsg = "The file ".$fileName. " has been uploaded successfully."; $targetFilePathArg = escapeshellarg($targetFilePath); $output=null; $retval=null; //exec("convert $targetFilePathArg -resize 300x200 ./upload/Thumbnails/'$fileName'", $output, $retval); exec("convert $targetFilePathArg -resize 200x200 $Thumbnail", $output, $retval); echo "REturned with status $retval and output:\n" ; if ($retval == null) { echo "Retval is null\n" ; echo "Thumbnail equals $Thumbnail\n" ; } }else{ $statusMsg = "File upload failed, please try again."; } }else{ $statusMsg = "Sorry, there was an error uploading your file."; } }else{ $statusMsg = 'Sorry, only JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, mp4, webm & PDF files are allowed to upload.'; } }else{ $statusMsg = 'Please select a file to upload.'; } //Update SQL db by setting the thumbnail column to equal $Thumbnail $update = $conn->query("update Threads set thumbnail = '$Thumbnail' where filename = '$fileName'"); if($update){ $statusMsg = "Updated the thumbnail to sql correctly."; echo $statusMsg ; } else { echo "\n Failed to update Thumbnail. Thumbnail equals $Thumbnail" ; } // Display status message echo $statusMsg; ?> And this does work on most files however it is not working on a 9.9mb png file which is named "test.png" I tested on another 3.3 mb gif file and that failed too? For some reason it returns the following Updated the thumbnail to sql correctly.Updated the thumbnail to sql correctly. Whereas on the files it works on it returns REturned with status 0 and output: Retval is null Thumbnail equals upload/Thumbnails/'rainbow-trh-stache.gif' Failed to update Thumbnail. Thumbnail equals upload/Thumbnails/'rainbow-trh-stache.gif'The file rainbow-trh-stache.gif has been uploaded successfully. Any idea on why this is? I am using WPSQT plugin in my blog site .I code some files in PHP to add that files in plugin files.
As I am VERY new to PDO, can someone help me in converting the below 2 codes so that I can setup the testing site knowing at least this part works. Below is the old SQL that I need to convert but don't have to foggiest on where to start. If I can get some help with this I can slowly work through the rest of my site with a bit more ease. LOGIN CODE: <?php if($_POST['submit']){ $Username = protect($_POST['Username']); $Password = protect(sha1($_POST['Password'])); if(!$Username || !$Password){ echo "<center>Please enter your <b>Username</b> and <b>Password</b>!</center>"; }else{ $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `eusers` WHERE `Username` = '".$Username."'"); $num = mysql_num_rows($res); if($num == 0){ echo "<center>The <b>Username</b> or <b>Password</b> you supplied is incorrect!</center>"; }else{ $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `eusers` WHERE `Username` = '".$Username."' AND Password = '".$Password."'"); $num = mysql_num_rows($res); if($num == 0){ echo "<center>The <b>Password</b> you supplied is incorrect!</center>"; }else{ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); if($row['Active'] != 1){ echo "<center>Your login has been <b>deactivated</b>, Please contact your Manager for assistance.</center>"; }else{ header('Location: secure.php'); $time = date('U')+7200; //2 Hours mysql_query("UPDATE `eusers` SET `Online` = '".$time."' WHERE `id` = '".$_SESSION['uid']."'"); $_SESSION['uid'] = $row['id']; }}}}} ?> ACCESS GRANTED (Each Page): <?php if(strcmp($_SESSION['uid'],"") == 0){ printf("<script>location.href='index.php'</script>"); }else{ $time = date('U')+7200; //2 Hours $update = mysql_query("UPDATE `eusers` SET `Online` = '".$time."' WHERE `id` = '".$_SESSION['uid']."'"); } ?>
Hi, I am changing my ISP and need to import my databases.
Do I I have to create a new datarbase or can I change my database name to import?
My new host has a different database prefix ie: -web147xxxxxxxx
My old one was arewene1_wor1.
Many thanks.
Hi, I have a second website under the same domain which I wanted to change to, I have been looking around for PHP for this but am unsure of what to search for, could anyone give me a suggestion? Thank you Salting passwords... How can you update the salting without getting all the users to change their password? Is the salting set in stone once created? Hi guys, i have a system and was asked to develop the site with the current system. These are sometimes a pain but it is an old system and i'm trying to change the url's which is seems to be hard to do with this kind of code. set_time_limit(60); include 'includes/config.php'; include 'includes/logfile.php'; include 'includes/databasefile.php'; include 'includes/templatefile.php'; $log = new cLog; $db = new cDatabase; //first run ssl check if necessary if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == "80" && $sslredirect == 1) { header ("Location: https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); exit(0); } //first, determine page requested list ($junk, $request) = split ("\?/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); list ($uri, $data) = split ("!", $request); $uriarray = split ("/", $uri); //check for login/logout request list ($junk, $request) = split ("\?", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if ($request == 'login') { header ("Location: login.php"); exit(0); } else if ($request == 'logout') { header ("Location: logout.php"); exit(0); } if ($data != "") { //parse internal variables $dataarray = split ("&", $data); foreach ($dataarray as $line) { list ($cmd, $val) = split ("=", $line); $arr_cmds[$cmd] = urldecode ($val); } } $pagename = $db->escape($uriarray[count($uriarray)-2]); $sectionname = $db->escape($uriarray[count($uriarray)-3]); if ($pagename == "") { $pagename = "home"; } if ($sectionname == "") { $sectionname = "home"; } $urlpagename = $pagename; $urlsectionname1 = $sectionname; $urlsectionname2 = $db->escape($uriarray[count($uriarray)-4]); //handle any commands, then redirect back to page $cmd = $_REQUEST['cmd']; if ($cmd == "-displayelement") { $elementid = $db->escape($_REQUEST['elementid']); if ($_REQUEST['surpresshtml'] == "") { echo "<html><head><link href='templates/css.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'></head>\n"; } if ($_REQUEST['global'] == "1") { $query = $db->query("select ComponentName, Data from table_globalelements where (ElementID = '$elementid')"); } else { $query = $db->query("select ComponentName, Data from table_elements where (ElementID = '$elementid')"); } $r = $db->fetch_array($query); $currentcomponentname = $r['ComponentName']; $data = stripslashes($r['Data']); //find matching component and launch display function $dir_handle = opendir("com/components/"); while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) { $filenoext = str_replace (".php", "", $file); if ($filenoext == $currentcomponentname) { include "com/components/" . $file; echo call_user_func(array($currentcomponentname, 'display'), $data); break; } } if ($_REQUEST['surpresshtml'] == "") { echo "</body></html>\n"; } exit (0); } else if ($cmd == '-editelement') { $elementid = $db->escape($_REQUEST['elementid']); if (isset($_SESSION['UserID'])) { $query = $db->query("select UserID, AdminFlag from table_users where (UserID = '" . $_SESSION['UserID'] . "')"); $r = $db->fetch_array($query); $userid = $r['UserID']; $adminflag = $r['AdminFlag']; if ($adminflag != "1") { $query = $db->query ("select ComponentName, Data, PageID from table_elements where (ElementID = '$elementid' and UserID = '$userid')"); } else { $query = $db->query ("select ComponentName, Data, PageID from table_elements where (ElementID = '$elementid')"); } $r = $db->fetch_array($query); $currentcomponentname = $r['ComponentName']; $data = stripslashes($r['Data']); $pageid = $r['PageID']; //handle request $cmd = $_REQUEST['greyboxcmd']; if ($cmd == 'save') { $elementid = $db->escape($_REQUEST['ElementID']); $data = $db->escape($_REQUEST['Data']); //find matching component and launch save function $dir_handle = opendir("com/components/"); while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) { $filenoext = str_replace (".php", "", $file); if ($filenoext == $currentcomponentname) {; include "com/components/" . $file; $data = call_user_func(array($currentcomponentname, 'save')); if ($adminflag != "1") { $query = $db->query("update table_elements set Data = '$data' where (ElementID = '$elementid' and UserID = '$userid')"); } else { $query = $db->query("update table_elements set Data = '$data' where (ElementID = '$elementid')"); } echo "<script type='text/javascript'>parent.location.reload(true); parent.GB_hide();</script>\n"; exit(0); } } echo "Error: component not found..."; } //find matching component and launch edit function echo "<html><head><link href='templates/css.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><script type='text/javascript' src='templates/openwysiwyg/wysiwyg.js'></script></head>\n"; echo "<body style='text-align: center;'><form name='Form0' enctype='multipart/form-data' method='post' action='" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "'>\n"; $dir_handle = opendir("com/components/"); while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) { $filenoext = str_replace (".php", "", $file); if ($filenoext == $currentcomponentname) {; include "com/components/" . $file; echo call_user_func(array($currentcomponentname, 'edit'), $data); break; } } echo "<input type='hidden' name='ElementID' value='$elementid'><input type='submit' name='Save' value='Save' class='smallbutton'>\n"; echo "<input type='button' name='Cancel' value='Cancel' onclick='parent.GB_hide();' class='smallbutton'>\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='greyboxcmd' value='save'></form></body></html>\n"; exit (0); } else { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>parent.GB_hide();</script>\n"; exit (0); } } else if ($cmd == '-editglobalelement') { $elementid = $db->escape($_REQUEST['elementid']); if (isset($_SESSION['UserID'])) { $query = $db->query("select UserID, AdminFlag from table_users where (UserID = '" . $_SESSION['UserID'] . "')"); $r = $db->fetch_array($query); $userid = $r['UserID']; $adminflag = $r['AdminFlag']; if ($adminflag != "1") { echo "Security - Out of bounds"; exit(0); } $query = $db->query ("select ComponentName, Data from table_globalelements where (ElementID = '$elementid')"); $r = $db->fetch_array($query); $currentcomponentname = $r['ComponentName']; $data = stripslashes($r['Data']); //handle request $cmd = $_REQUEST['greyboxcmd']; if ($cmd == 'save') { $elementid = $db->escape($_REQUEST['ElementID']); $data = $db->escape($_REQUEST['Data']); //find matching component and launch save function $dir_handle = opendir("com/components/"); while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) { $filenoext = str_replace (".php", "", $file); if ($filenoext == $currentcomponentname) {; include "com/components/" . $file; $data = call_user_func(array($currentcomponentname, 'save')); $query = $db->query("update table_globalelements set Data = '$data' where (ElementID = '$elementid')"); echo "<script type='text/javascript'>parent.location.reload(true); parent.GB_hide();</script>\n"; exit(0); } } echo "Error: component not found..."; } //find matching component and launch edit function echo "<html><head><link href='templates/css.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><script type='text/javascript' src='templates/openwysiwyg/wysiwyg.js'></script></head>\n"; echo "<body style='text-align: center;'><form name='Form0' enctype='multipart/form-data' method='post' action='" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "'>\n"; $dir_handle = opendir("com/components/"); while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) { $filenoext = str_replace (".php", "", $file); if ($filenoext == $currentcomponentname) {; include "com/components/" . $file; echo call_user_func(array($currentcomponentname, 'edit'), $data); break; } } echo "<input type='hidden' name='ElementID' value='$elementid'><input type='submit' name='Save' value='Save' class='smallbutton'>\n"; echo "<input type='button' name='Cancel' value='Cancel' onclick='parent.GB_hide();' class='smallbutton'>\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='greyboxcmd' value='save'></form></body></html>\n"; exit (0); } else { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>parent.GB_hide();</script>\n"; exit (0); } } //lookup page details $query = $db->query("select p.PageID, p.PageTitle, p.SectionID, p.TemplateID, p.UserID, p.LastUpdate, p.SectionName, s.SectionTitle, s.GroupID, s.Protected, p.Keywords, p.PageName from table_pages as p left join table_sections as s on s.SectionName = p.SectionName where (p.PageName = '$pagename' and s.SectionName = '$sectionname') limit 1"); if (!$pagedetails = $db->fetch_array($query)) { echo "404"; exit(0); } //check for privileges section if ($pagedetails[8] != "" && $pagedetails[8] != "0") { $sectionname = stripslashes($pagedetails[6]); if (!isset($_SESSION['Username']) && !isset($_REQUEST['Username'])) { echo "This is a restricted area. Please login.<br/><br/>"; echo "<form action='index.php' method='get'>Username: <input type='text' name='Username'><br/>\n"; echo "Password: <input type='password' name='Password'><br/>\n"; echo "<input type='submit' name='Login' value='Login'></form><br/>\n"; exit; } else { $username = $db->escape ($_REQUEST['Username']); $password = $db->escape ($_REQUEST['Password']); if ($username == "") { $username = $db->escape ($_SESSION['Username']); } if ($password == "") { $password = $db->escape ($_SESSION['Password']); } $query = $db->query("select UserID, Password, RealName, Email, GroupID, AdminFlag from table_users where (Username = '$username')"); $r = $db->fetch_array($query); $dbpassword = $r['Password']; if ($password == $dbpassword) { $_SESSION['Username'] = $username; $_SESSION['UserID'] = $r['UserID']; $_SESSION['RealName'] = $r['RealName']; $_SESSION['Email'] = $r['Email']; $_SESSION['GroupID'] = $r['GroupID']; } } if ($_SESSION['GroupID'] != $pagedetails[8]) { echo "This is a restricted area. Please login.<br/><br/>"; echo "<form action='index.php' method='get'>Username: <input type='text' name='Username'><br/>\n"; echo "Password: <input type='password' name='Password'><br/>\n"; echo "<input type='submit' name='Login' value='Login'></form><br/>\n"; exit; } } else { //check login details if user appears to be already logged in if (isset($_SESSION['Username'])) { $username = $db->escape ($_SESSION['Username']); $password = $db->escape ($_SESSION['Password']); $query = $db->query("select UserID, Password, RealName, Email, GroupID, AdminFlag from table_users where (Username = '$username')"); $r = $db->fetch_array($query); $dbpassword = $r['Password']; if ($password == $dbpassword) { $_SESSION['Username'] = $username; $_SESSION['UserID'] = $r['UserID']; $_SESSION['RealName'] = $r['RealName']; $_SESSION['Email'] = $r['Email']; $_SESSION['GroupID'] = $r['GroupID']; } } } //load template $tplate = new cTemplate($pagedetails['TemplateID'], $pagedetails['PageID']); $tplate->loadtemplate(); //add logout button if (isset($_SESSION['UserID'])) { echo "<div align='center'><small><a href='index.php?logout'>logout</a></small></div>\n"; } //log request if (getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)) { $ip = getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR); } else { $ip = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR); } $log->writelog("/$sectionname/$pagename", "Access"); In the includes/templatefile.php file the code is like: function parsetemplate($templatefile) { global $db, $pageid, $pagedetails, $fullbaseurl, $adminemail; //first, find internal metacodes $pagetitle = stripslashes($pagedetails[1]); $lastupdate = date('l dS \of F Y h:i:s A', $pagedetails[5]); $sectiontitle = stripslashes($pagedetails[7]); $sectionname = stripslashes($pagedetails[6]); $templatefile = str_replace ("!PAGETITLE!", $pagetitle, $templatefile); $templatefile = str_replace ("!ADMINEMAIL!", $adminemail, $templatefile); $templatefile = str_replace ("!REQUEST_DOCUMENTID!", $_REQUEST['DocumentID'], $templatefile); $templatefile = str_replace ("!SECTIONTITLE!", $sectiontitle, $templatefile); $templatefile = str_replace ("!LASTUPDATE!", $lastupdate, $templatefile); $templatefile = str_replace ("!URL!", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $templatefile); $templatefile = str_replace ("!FULLBASEURL!", $fullbaseurl, $templatefile); $templatefile = str_replace ("!KEYWORDS!", $pagedetails[10], $templatefile); if ($_SESSION['UserID'] != "") { $templatefile = str_replace ("!LOGINDETAILS!", "- You are logged in as " . $_SESSION['Username'], $templatefile); } else { $templatefile = str_replace ("!LOGINDETAILS!", "", $templatefile); } $templatefile = str_replace ("!SECTIONLINK!", $fullbaseurl . "?/" . $sectionname . "/Home/", $templatefile); What i am getting via the links a Code: [Select] How do i get rid of the "?" mark and the "/Home/". The /Home/ is also stored in the Database. I have tried a number of solutions by getting rid of the "?" and "/Home/" but i get the 404 error as the code shows. Can you please help with this? Hey folks, I have made a cart. My output of the cart ( when I receive a mail of the order ) is like this "3,2,4,2" ,, the numbers are the id's of the items, but instread of the id's of the items, I would like to have the names of the items as an output in mail.php, column in sql table is also 'name' what should I do ?? the cart thanks in advance index.php <?php // Include MySQL class require_once('inc/mysql.class.php'); // Include database connection require_once('inc/'); // Include functions require_once('inc/'); // Start the session require_once('mail.php'); session_start(); ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <title>PHP Shopping Cart Demo &#0183; Bookshop</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css" /> </head> <body> <div id="shoppingcart"> <h1>Welkom, plaats uw order</h1> </div> <div id="booklist"> <h1>Warme dranken</h1> <?php $sql = 'SELECT * FROM products WHERE cat=2'; $result1 = $db->query($sql); $output1[] = '<ul>'; while ($row = $result1->fetch()) { $output1[] = '<li>'.$row['name'].': €'.$row['price'].'<br /><a href="cart.php?action=add&id='.$row['id'].'">Add to cart</a></li>'; } $output1[] = '</ul>'; echo join('',$output1); ?> <h1>Cocktails</h1> <?php $sql = 'SELECT * FROM products WHERE cat=3'; $result2 = $db->query($sql); $output2[] = '<ul>'; while ($row = $result2->fetch()) { $output2[] = '<li>'.$row['name'].': €'.$row['price'].'<br /><a href="cart.php?action=add&id='.$row['id'].'">Add to cart</a></li>'; } $output2[] = '</ul>'; echo join('',$output2); ?> </div> </body> </html> mail.php <?php // Include MySQL class require_once('inc/mysql.class.php'); // Include database connection require_once('inc/'); session_start(); if($_POST['sendemail'] == 'Email') { $info =($_POST['cart']); $headers = 'From: Sender <>'; mail('', 'Subject', $info, $headers); echo $_POST["cart"]; echo 'Your mail has been sent'; } else { echo 'Your mail was not sent'; } ?> cart.php <?php function writeShoppingCart() { $cart = $_SESSION['cart']; if (!$cart) { return '<p>You have no items in your shopping cart</p>'; } else { // Parse the cart session variable $items = explode(',',$cart); $s = (count($items) > 1) ? 's':''; return '<p>You have <a href="cart.php">'.count($items).' item'.$s.' in your shopping cart</a></p>'; } } function showCart() { global $db; $cart = $_SESSION['cart']; if ($cart) { $items = explode(',',$cart); $contents = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { $contents[$item] = (isset($contents[$item])) ? $contents[$item] + 1 : 1; } $output[] = '<form action="cart.php?action=update" method="post" id="cart">'; $output[] = '<table>'; foreach ($contents as $id=>$qty) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = '.$id; $result = $db->query($sql); $row = $result->fetch(); extract($row); $output[] = '<tr>'; $output[] = '<td><a href="cart.php?action=delete&id='.$id.'" class="r">Remove</a></td>'; $output[] = '<td>'.$name.'</td>'; $output[] = '<td>€'.$price.'</td>'; $output[] = '<td><input type="text" name="qty'.$id.'" value="'.$qty.'" size="3" maxlength="3" /></td>'; $output[] = '<td>€'.($price * $qty).'</td>'; $total += $price * $qty; $output[] = '</tr>'; } $output[] = '</table>'; $output[] = '<p>Grand total: <strong>€'.$total.'</strong></p>'; $output[] = '<div><button type="submit">Update cart</button></div>'; $output[] = '</form>'; } else { $output[] = '<p>You shopping cart is empty.</p>'; } return join('',$output); } ?> functions.php <?php function writeShoppingCart() { $cart = $_SESSION['cart']; if (!$cart) { return '<p>You have no items in your shopping cart</p>'; } else { // Parse the cart session variable $items = explode(',',$cart); $s = (count($items) > 1) ? 's':''; return '<p>You have <a href="cart.php">'.count($items).' item'.$s.' in your shopping cart</a></p>'; } } function showCart() { global $db; $cart = $_SESSION['cart']; if ($cart) { $items = explode(',',$cart); $contents = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { $contents[$item] = (isset($contents[$item])) ? $contents[$item] + 1 : 1; } $output[] = '<form action="cart.php?action=update" method="post" id="cart">'; $output[] = '<table>'; foreach ($contents as $id=>$qty) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = '.$id; $result = $db->query($sql); $row = $result->fetch(); extract($row); $output[] = '<tr>'; $output[] = '<td><a href="cart.php?action=delete&id='.$id.'" class="r">Remove</a></td>'; $output[] = '<td>'.$name.'</td>'; $output[] = '<td>€'.$price.'</td>'; $output[] = '<td><input type="text" name="qty'.$id.'" value="'.$qty.'" size="3" maxlength="3" /></td>'; $output[] = '<td>€'.($price * $qty).'</td>'; $total += $price * $qty; $output[] = '</tr>'; } $output[] = '</table>'; $output[] = '<p>Grand total: <strong>€'.$total.'</strong></p>'; $output[] = '<div><button type="submit">Update cart</button></div>'; $output[] = '</form>'; } else { $output[] = '<p>You shopping cart is empty.</p>'; } return join('',$output); } ?> Hi Guys, I have a list of branches in a database table with the following collumns, Ter BranchName BranchAddress BranchTel BranchEmail BranchLink Ter = Terriotory ID However every time i update a branch using the edit.php code it always sets the Ter as 1 again! Rather than leaving it the same. The actual field is read-only to prevent that from happening. It then always comes up with the error Duplicate entry '1' for key 1 but thats because there is already a branch with Ter=1 include('config.php'); if (isset($_GET['Ter']) ) { $ter = (int) $_GET['Ter']; if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) { foreach($_POST AS $key => $value) { $_POST[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($value); } $sql = "UPDATE `ter` SET `Ter` = `BranchName` = '{$_POST['BranchName']}' , `BranchAddress` = '{$_POST['BranchAddress']}' , `BranchTel` = '{$_POST['BranchTel']}' , `BranchEmail` = '{$_POST['BranchEmail']}' , `BranchLink` = '{$_POST['BranchLink']}' WHERE `Ter` = '$ter' "; mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); echo (mysql_affected_rows()) ? "Edited Branch.<br />" : "Nothing changed. <br />"; } $row = mysql_fetch_array ( mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `ter` WHERE `Ter` = '$ter' ")); <form action='' method='POST'> <p><b>Territory:</b><br /><input name='Ter' type='text' value='<?= stripslashes($row['Ter']) ?>' size="3" readonly="readonly" /> <p><b>Branch Name:</b><br /><input name='BranchName' type='text' value='<?= stripslashes($row['BranchName']) ?>' size="50" /> <p><b>Address:</b><br /> <textarea name="BranchAddress" cols="40" rows="5"><?= stripslashes($row['BranchAddress']) ?></textarea> <p><b>Telephone:</b><br /><input name='BranchTel' type='text' value='<?= stripslashes($row['BranchTel']) ?>' size="15" /> <p><b>Email:</b><br /><input name='BranchEmail' type='text' value='<?= stripslashes($row['BranchEmail']) ?>' size="50" /> <p><b>Link:</b><br /><input name='BranchLink' type='text' value='<?= stripslashes($row['BranchLink']) ?>' size="50" /> <p><input type='submit' value='Save' /><input type='hidden' value='1' name='submitted' /> </form> <? } ?> Any Ideas? Cheers, S okay i need help with this part of code i need to set time 00:00 to 24:00 Code: [Select] $vrijeme_otvoreno = "$rv_od_h:$rv_od_min"; $vrijeme_zatvoreno = "$rv_do_h:$rv_do_min"; if ($vrijeme_otvoreno =="00:00" && $vrijeme_zatvoreno == "00:00") { $vrijme_zatvoreno = "24:00"; echo $vrijeme_zatvoreno; } echo "$vrijeme_otvoreno - $vrijeme_zatvoreno <br>"; i get echo 00:00 - 00:00 and i need it to be 00:00 - 24:00 Any chance you could help me out with some probably simple code ? I need to change an image when the script change state. So instead of $Streamstatus "off"or "on" I would like to change an image. Cheers Code: [Select] <?php $request = ''; $arg = 'Zerkilive'; $session = curl_init($request.$arg); curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $response = curl_exec($session); curl_close($session); if (preg_match("/true/",$response, $result)) { $streamStatus="on"; $color="green"; } else { $streamStatus="off"; $color="red"; } echo $streamStatus; ?> hello guys i have a project with Georgian calendar but when i contact to the developer they tell me we not support any other calendar so you must do this alone or get help from local developer. as manager i need to have basic knowledge from what is under my control. so please guide me to how change Georgian to Persian (jalali) calendar. i done translating from en to per but the most problem is the calendar. project address: thank you for your attention and your kind best regards Hi I'm using a form that uses number_format. It works fine until the number in question gets into the thousands. I can enter "3000", click Calculate and it comes back as "3,000.00" which is perfect. But if I click Calculate again, it changes to "3.00". How can I get it to remain "3,000.00"? Here's the code: Code: [Select] <form action="test.php" method="POST" > <?php if (empty($_POST['data1'])) { $number = ''; } else { str_replace(",","",$_POST['data1']); $number = number_format((double)$_POST['data1'],2); } ?> <input type="text" style="40" name="data1" value="<?php echo $number; ?>"> <input type="submit" name="submitCalc" value="Calculate" /><br /> <a href="test.php">Reset Form</a> </form> Hi all I have a string called $voucher_code which is a value used to deduct or add value to a shopping cart. If the value is a minus I need it to show the minus sign, or if it's a plus value, it needs to show a plus sign. Here's my code: <strong>£ -".number_format(($voucher_code),2)."</strong> How do I modify the above code to show + instead of -- which it does at the moment? Many thanks for your help Pete Hi, I'm using the following code: <td>$row[color]</td> and the possible values for this field are 1, 2 and 3. But I want the return to be red for 1, blue for 2, and green for 3. How do I write it so that instead of getting a row of 1's, 2's and 3's, I change those numbers to their corresponding colors? Thanks! // SESSION TEST if ($_SESSION['username']) { require_once("../mysql.php"); // Find Username from Session ID // Find Username from ID $finduser="SELECT username FROM users WHERE id='$_SESSION[username];'"; $finduserquery=mysql_query($finduser)or die(mysql_error()); $userfetch = mysql_fetch_array($finduserquery); // Set Username Variable $userfromid = $userfetch['username']; echo "lol" . ucwords($userfromid); } else { } Everytime I load this page more than once when logged in, it seems to turn the variable blank. Therefore making the user not be able to view other pages that use a session. Help? Thanks Hi, I've got the follow array: Query: Code: [Select] SELECT concat(monthname(gl_date),", ",year(gl_date)) as "monthYear", concat(DATE_FORMAT(gl_date,"%d-%m-%Y"),", ",gl_venue) as "dateVenue", DATE_FORMAT(gl_date,"%d-%m-%Y")as "date", gl_venue as "venue", gl_city as "city", gl_postcode as "postcode", gl_text as "description", concat(DAYOFMONTH(gl_date), MONTHNAME(gl_date),".png") AS "imageName" FROM tg_gig_list where gl_date >= curdate() and gl_publish = 1 order by gl_date Array: Code: [Select] $array = array(); $array['gigs'] = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $array['gigs'][] =$row; } $output = json_encode($array); This returns JSON like this: - Code: [Select] { "gigs": [ { "monthYear": "May, 2011", "dateVenue": "14-05-2011, Queen Victoria hall", "date": "14-05-2011", "venue": "Queen Victoria hall", "city": "Oundle", "postcode": "PE8 4EJ", "description": "", "imageName": "14May.png" }, { "monthYear": "May, 2011", "dateVenue": "19-05-2011, O'Neill's", "date": "19-05-2011", "venue": "O'Neill's", "city": "Peterborough", "postcode": "PE1 1SQ", "description": "This one is another outing for Jason and Darren's acoustic duo, the pair will be playing a selection of their favourite songs as well as some tunes from the guards set.<br \/>\r\n<br \/>\r\n19:00 to 21:00", "imageName": "19May.png" }, { record I'd like the data to be arranged by the 'monthYear' field....something like this... Code: [Select] { "gigs": [ "monthYear": "May, 2011" { "monthYear": "May, 2011", "dateVenue": "14-05-2011, Queen Victoria hall", "date": "14-05-2011", "venue": "Queen Victoria hall", "city": "Oundle", "postcode": "PE8 4EJ", "description": "", "imageName": "14May.png" }, {......all gigs for 'May, 2011' } "monthYear": "June, 2011" {....records for 'June, 2011' so 'gigs'=>'monthYear'=>'other records' I've tried all sorts of combinations of putting the '$row['monthYear']' field in different places in the array, but I seem to loose data by doing so for some reason. any input greatly appreciated. Darren |