PHP - Posting Values Using The Header Function
Code: [Select]
header("Location: index.php?x=y") , i had seen people having this problem when i was asking too.. about adding GET values to a change header function... Anyone still need this help? Similar Tutorialsi've seen this error pop up time and time again, and the answer is ALWAYS the same. please look here before you post it. the problem is you are outputting to the browser (whitespace included) before sending a header. this is unallowed. remove output prior to the header, or use OUTPUT BUFFERING. NEW EDIT TO THIS TOPIC: what usually results in these errors is poor script design. when one processes a form, they should do it BEFORE OUTPUTTING ANYTHING TO THE BROWSER. there is NO reason that the process cannot be operated in the header of the document, before any HTML is output. let's take a common example. the programmer wants a login form which checks the username and password against the database. if they don't match, then don't set a cookie remembering them and tell them it failed. if they do match, set the cookie and send them to a member page. many will do: [HTML starting the page and layout] [PHP processing the form] [form code] because they can simply echo any errors straight from PHP right above that form. they can also send a success message, set the cookie, and header() them off on their merry way without seeing the form again. it's a logical place to put this code. think again. you'll (perhaps not so) obviously get header errors when you go to use setcookie() and header(). if the login fails, it's dandy, but if you have a successful login the user gets nowhere. answer: put the processing in the header, and store the results in variables. perhaps a $result variable that is 1 if successful, 0 if failed. then $output that contains either a success message or customized error messages. the new code would look like: [PHP processing the form (if it was sent) and storing the results] [HTML starting the page and layout] [PHP echoing the results] [form code if failed - exit(); if successful] this will solve your header errors and will make for much more maintainable and readable code. if you want to redirect them elegantly (with a success message), use a <meta> refresh redirect. header() should only be used in instances where instant redirection is desired. Hello, I am new to some of the rules to PHP as far as what you can POST or SEND via forms in PHP. I am attempting to change the location of a page via the header() function and basically redirect to another page if the weather is inclimate at an outdoor events center. Currently what I have is two different submit buttons that would post the header() redirect based on if the weather is good or bad. Ex. <div style="width:220px; height:50px;"> <form method="POST" action="../../weather.php"> <input type="submit" value="Good Weather" name="weather_good" /> <input type="submit" value="Bad Weather" name="weather_bad" /> </form> </div> Then the processing for the form is this file - <?php if(isset($_POST['weather_good'])){ $myFile = "../myfile.php"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file"); $stringData = echo "<?php header ('Location:fall_festival/index.php'); ?>"; fwrite($fh, $stringData); fclose($fh); echo "Page Updated"; } else if(isset($_POST['weather_bad'])){ $myFile = "../myfile.php"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file"); $link = "header('Location:fall_festival/weather/index.php');" ; $stringData = $link; fwrite($fh, $stringData); fclose($fh); echo "Page Updated"; } ?> The file doesn't return an error when it's processed but it also doesn't update the file header and redirect to the proper page. Thanks for your time and help! Hi all I have a form which takes details from drop down menus. But what I need is a wild card if someone leaves the selected option value as "all" it adjusts the SQL query to not search that cell so it brings all entries without filtering. My form looks like this: Code: [Select] <select name="area" id="area"> <option value="all">--All areas--</option> <?php $getareas = mysql_query (" SELECT * FROM `areas` ORDER by name ASC"); while ($showareas = mysql_fetch_array($getareas)) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $showareas['id']; ?>"><?php echo $showareas['name']; ?></option> <?php } ?> </select> My SQL query looks lie this: Code: [Select] $getads = mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM adverts WHERE categoryid = 1 AND areaid = '".$searchedarea."' AND makeid = '".$searchedmake."' AND modelid = '".$searchedmodel."' AND berth = '".$searchedberth."' AND live = 1 AND approved = 1 AND paid = 1 AND dateexpired >= '".$todaysdate."' ORDER BY seller ASC , type ASC, id ASC") or die (mysql_error()); So if they select 'all" in the drop down field, the SQL query doesn't have 'AND areaid = '".$searchedarea."'' in it? Is this possible, or can I add a wildcard into the SQL query? Many thanks Pete any one? Hi, I got this form which passes hidden values as well as a select menu. The only thing is, it doesnt seem to post the form data to the script.
Here is the form
echo '<form action="regsale.php" method="POST">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="username" value="<?php echo $username ?>"'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="listing_title" value="<?php echo $listing_title ?>"'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="speciesCommon" value="<?php echo $speciesCommon ?>"'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="cost" value="<?php echo $cost ?>"'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="business" value="<?php echo $business ?>"'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="postage_cost" value="<?php echo $postage_cost ?>"'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="multipostage" value="<?php echo $multipostage ?>"'; echo "<ul class='results'>"; echo '<li>Quantity:</li>'; echo '<select name="quantity">'; echo "<option value='$quantity'>Maximum of $quantity available</option>"; for ($q=1; $q<=$quantity; $q++) { echo "<option value='$q'>$q</option>"; } echo '</select>'; echo' </ul><br>'; echo '<div align="center">'; echo '<br>'; echo '<input type="submit" value="Confirm Purchase"><br>'; echo '</form><br>';And here is the script that the form is posted to <?php include 'init.php'; include 'includes/overall/header.php'; include 'includes/logo.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) { die("You must be logged in to submit care guides"); //this causes to script to stop executing and lets the user know there is a problem /* Note: instead of the die() function, you could use the echo() function and provide an HTML link back to the login page, or use the header() function to just redirect users to the login page without any message. It is up to you to decide what your application should behave. */ } //else { //logged in elseif (isset($_SESSION['loggedin']) ){ //logged in $username = $_SESSION['loggedinuser']; if (isset($_POST['listing_title'], $_POST['speciesCommon'], $_POST['cost'], $_POST['business'], $_POST['postage_cost'], $_POST['multipostage'], $_POST['quantity'] ) ) { if( $_POST['listing_title'] == "" ) { echo "Error: Please go back and try again"; } elseif( $_POST['speciesCommon'] == "" ) { echo "Error: Please go back and try again"; } elseif( $_POST['cost'] == "" ) { echo "Error: Please go back and try again"; } elseif( $_POST['business'] == "" ) { echo "Error: Please go back and try again"; } elseif( $_POST['postage_cost'] == "" ) { echo "Error: Please go back and try again"; } elseif( $_POST['multipostage'] == "" ) { echo "Error: Please go back and try again"; } elseif( $_POST['quantity'] == "" ) { echo "Error: Please go back and try again"; } else { $listing_title = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['listing_title']); $speciesCommon = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['speciesCommon']); $cost = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['cost']); $business = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['business']); $postage_cost = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['postage_cost']); $multipostage = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['multipostage'] ); $quantity = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['quantity'] ); if( $multipostage == "per item" ) { $postage_cost = $quantity * $postage_cost; } elseif( $multipostage == "Combined Postage" ) { $postage_cost; } $total = $cost + $postage_costage; // Writes customer_sales information to the MySQL database $sqlCustomerSales = "INSERT INTO customer_sales(username, listing_title, speciesCommon, total, business, postage_cost, multipostage ) VALUES ( '". $username ."', '". $listing_title ."', '". $speciesCommon ."', '". $total ."', '". $business ."', '". $postage_cost ."', '". $multipostage."' )"; $result1 = mysqli_query($con, $sqlCustomerSales); // This writes the transaction to the MySQL database $memo = $listing_title; $datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $regCustomerTransaction = "INSERT INTO customer_transactions(username, datetime, cost, postage_cost, memo) VALUES ( '". $username ."', '". $datetime ."', '". $cost ."', '". $postage_cost ."', '". $memo."' )"; // Query the database $result2 = mysqli_query($con, $regCustomerTransaction); } // This writes the user_stats to the MySQL database $total_items_sold = $quantity; $regUserStats = "INSERT INTO user_stats(username, datetime, total, items_listed, bonus_credits, last_credit_purchase, total_care_guides, total_items_sold, total_currently_listed_items, total_items_purchased, total_diary_entries, feedback ) VALUES ( '". $username ."', '". $datetime ."', '". $total ."', '". $quantity ."', '". $subtotal ."', '". $last_credit_purchase ."', '". $total_care_guides ."', '". $total_items_sold ."', '". $total_currently_listed_items ."', '". $total_items_purchased ."', '". $total_diary_entries ."', '". $feedback."' )"; // Query the database $result3 = mysqli_query($con, $regUserStats); } ?> <h1>Payment to <?php echo $username ?></h1><br> <?php echo '<strong>Thank you for confirming you would like to purchase $speciesCommon; </strong>'; echo '<br>'; echo '<strong>Your payment comes to a total of $total; </strong></h2>'; echo '<br>'; echo '<br>'; echo 'Please complete payment using the PayPal button<br>'; echo '<br>'; echo '<br>'; ?> <form name="_xclick" action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="shipping" value="<?php echo $postage_cost ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="<?php echo $business ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="GBP"> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="<?php echo $speciesCommon ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="<?php echo $cost ?>"> <input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" onclick="OnButton1(); OnButton2();" alt="PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online." > <img alt="" align="center" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1"></form> <?php } else { echo 'Sorry we were unable to process your listing. Please contact <a href="">'; die(); include('includes/overall/footer.php'); } // Close the connection mysqli_close($con); ?><h1>Payment to <?php echo $username ?></h1><br> works, but I think that is because it is passed in the SESSION. Any other $variable such as those below echo '<strong>Thank you for confirming you would like to purchase $speciesCommon; </strong>'; echo '<br>'; echo '<strong>Your payment comes to a total of $total; </strong></h2>';does not work. Why is the form not posting the values to the database. Just in case it helps, the form gets its values from the database, and the values are displayed in the sales page on which the form is contained. Here is the page containing the form. <?php include 'init.php'; include 'includes/overall/header.php'; include 'includes/logo.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) { die("You must be logged in to view this page!"); //this causes to script to stop executing and lets the user know there is a problem /* Note: instead of the die() function, you could use the echo() function and provide an HTML link back to the login page, or use the header() function to just redirect users to the login page without any message. It is up to you to decide what your application should behave. */ } //else { //logged in elseif (isset($_SESSION['loggedin']) ){ //logged in $username = $_SESSION['loggedinuser']; $results = $con->query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = '$username';"); while($row = $results->fetch_array()) { $business = $row['paypal_email']; $user_id = $_GET['user_id']; $results1 = $con->query("SELECT * FROM live_sales WHERE user_id = '$user_id';"); while($row = $results1->fetch_array()) { $username = $row['username']; $fishtype = $row['fishtype']; $speciesCommon = $row['speciesCommon']; $speciesScientific = $row['speciesScientific']; $listing_title = $row['listing_title']; $age = $row['age']; $quantity = $row['quantity']; $origin = $row['origin']; $size = $row['size']; $environment = $row['environment']; $waterChemistry = $row['waterChemistry']; $temperature = $row['temperature']; $feeding = $row['feeding']; $sexing = $row['sexing']; $compatability = $row['compatability']; $temperament = $row['temperament']; $breeding = $row['breeding']; $comments = $row['comments']; $postage_type = $row['postage_type']; $postage_cost = $row['postage_cost']; $multipostage = $row['multipostage']; $cost = $row['cost']; echo "<div class='result'>"; echo "<h3>$speciesCommon</h3>"; echo "<h2>$listing_title</h2>"; echo "<ul class='results'>"; echo "<li>Species</li>" . str_replace("_"," "," $fishtype") . "<br>"; echo "<li>Common Name:</li> $speciesCommon<br>"; echo "<li>Scientific Name:</li> $speciesScientific<br>"; echo "<li>Age:</li> $age<br>"; echo "<li>Quantity:</li> $quantity<br>"; echo "<li>Price per item:</li> £$cost<br>"; echo "<li>Origin:</li> $origin<br>"; echo "<li>Size:</li>$size<br>"; echo "<li>Environment:</li> $environment<br>"; echo "<li>Water Chemistry</li> $waterChemistry<br>"; echo "<li>Temperatu </li> $temperature<br>"; echo "<li>Feeding:</li> $feeding<br>"; echo "<li>Sexing:</li> $sexing<br>"; echo "<li>Compatability:</li> $compatability<br>"; echo "<li>Temperament:</li> $temperament<br>"; echo "<li>Breeding:</li>$breeding<br>"; echo "<li>Comments:</li> $comments<br>"; echo "<li>Postage Type:</li>$postage_type<br>"; echo "<li>Postage Cost:</li> £$postage_cost $multipostage<br>"; echo '<form action="regsale.php" method="POST">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="username" value="<?php echo $username ?>"'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="listing_title" value="<?php echo $listing_title ?>"'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="speciesCommon" value="<?php echo $speciesCommon ?>"'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="cost" value="<?php echo $cost ?>"'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="business" value="<?php echo $business ?>"'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="postage_cost" value="<?php echo $postage_cost ?>"'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="multipostage" value="<?php echo $multipostage ?>"'; echo "<ul class='results'>"; echo '<li>Quantity:</li>'; echo '<select name="quantity">'; echo "<option value='$quantity'>Maximum of $quantity available</option>"; for ($q=1; $q<=$quantity; $q++) { echo "<option value='$q'>$q</option>"; } echo '</select>'; echo' </ul><br>'; echo '<div align="center">'; echo '<br>'; echo '<input type="submit" value="Confirm Purchase"><br>'; echo '</form><br>'; echo '<br><br> </div>'; exit(); } } echo 'Sorry but we could not find any results.'; } include 'includes/overall/footer.php'; ?>Any help is always appreciated. aquaman I am having trouble sending information that was entered into a form, on the same page to the next page. I am sure i have done this a few years ago but cant find the code and cant find the answer online, hope someone can help me. My code is as follows: <form method="POST" action="https://.............. .asp "> <table> <tr> <td>Name: </td> <td><input type="text" name="clientname" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>E-mail:</td> <td><input type="text" name="email" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Contact No:</td> <td><input type="text" name="telno" /></td> </tr> </table> <?php $udate = date("y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime ("+2 hour")); $uniquevalue = "$udate" . " " . "Simpay Pro"; echo $uniquevalue; ?> <br /> <input type="hidden" name="info1" value="<?php print $uniquevalue?>"> <input type="hidden" name="info2" value=$clientname> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form> So basically info1 is working i can see the value on the next page after its submitted, but info2 is the value of the input field. Is this possible to do it like this, or do i have to send it to another page and then to my last page that displays the values? Hi all, I have a situation where I need to remember what check boxes where checked over pagination, I have managed to do this via the use of this: The problem is that as the code stood: Code: [Select] <input type="checkbox" name="compare" value="<?php echo $list['jobseeker_id'];?>" class="remember_cb"/> It was treating one ticked checkbox as them all because they all have the same name and are in the a while loop! I countered this by changing the code to: Code: [Select] <input type="checkbox" name="compare<?php echo $list['jobseeker_id']?>" value="<?php echo $list['jobseeker_id'];?>" class="remember_cb"/> Which effectively now makes the checkbox name unique... i.e. compare{id}. The problem with this is that I can now no longer process it. This is my processing code: $jobseekers = $_POST['compare']; $i = 0; for($i; $i<count($jobseekers); $i++){ $query = "SELECT * FROM jobseekers WHERE jobseeker_id = '$jobseekers[$i]'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // Spit out the required data } } As you can see I am trying to get the data from $_POST['compare'], which will obviously now be blank as I have had to make the name unique.... the trouble is I'm not sure how to actually process this. Can anyone help me out here? any help or advice would be greatly appreciated! many thanks, Greens85 I need to know if what I am doing will even work. I have a .php page which submits information into a form to a insert_form.php page which then parses then information and adds it to a DB. In this insert_form.php page I have a function which is being called which is located in another .php file called function.php. This function adds images to the file system and will display errors if anything happens to the user. I do this by doing a header redirect: Code: [Select] header('location:link.php?error=error message that i want to display'); The problem is the function is working because the images are being loaded correctly, but if something happens to the images and the header redirect gets initiated, its not redirecting. I need to know if the header redirect would work when being a function in another file or not. thanks beemer Code: [Select] header('Location: ' . $register_success); Code: [Select] $register_success = 'register_success.php'; The header function above gets executed after a successful registering, and the variable is stated in the path.php file, which gets included into the header.php file, which also is included into the page, and also into the page with the register form. The register form is contained in the path model/register/register_script.php, and the file register_success.php is in the same folder. The problem I am having is that the header function does redirect to controller/register/register_success.php this used to be the previous location of that file. I am wondering is the old path saved somewhere in the cache, and this all is actually a caching problem? It does not seem to be a caching problem of the internet browser because I cleaned the cache out. What else could be the cause for this problem? If it is a caching problem, which cache could be, as in in which location? Hi i turned my output_buffering to true on my php.ini because i need some of its features for trailing the system my problem now is when im getting .csv file using header function, it seems that it gives me the source code of the interpreted code instead of the expected .csv contents. Here is the source code echo $who; echo $ecrn; $myFile = "($who)$info_value[RecordName]-$ecrn"; header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8'); $content = "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$myFile.".csv"; header($content); $output = fopen('php://output', 'w'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM classrecordvalue"; $query = mysql_query($sql); // loop over the rows, outputting them while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rows)) fputcsv($output, $row); im just wondering does output_buffering true in php.ini affect the output here? if so any other suggestions there of how i can download .csv files using php? thank you much for the people who will help Hi Guys
I am a rookie here... I have a function which gets information from a postgres database. And returns an array. But how do I echo a single value from the array returned by the function. Please see function below:
function getDate($campid) this is part of my code how should i make fwrite to get in txt file name,Level,CT,Kills,Deaths,killdeaths,AS values ? any help will be welcome Code: [Select] $file="$name.txt"; $open=fopen($file,"a"); if($open){ fwrite($open,$name,$Level,$CT,$Kills,$Deaths,$killdeaths,$AS); fclose($open); } hello. im having a little trouble with a function say i have a function that gets the nav title and header. how do i echo the results out on the page ok, this is an example: Code: [Select] function nav($title, $link){ $title = "this is the title"; $link = "this is the link"; } this is the page: Code: [Select] //FIND FUNCTIONS.PHP <?PHP require_once("includes/initialize.php"); ?> //FIND THE FUNCTION <?PHP nav($title, $link); ?> <h1><?php echo $title; ?></h1> <ul> <li><?php echo $link; ?></li> </ul>; THE ABOVE DOES NOT WORK i also tried this but it does not work . Code: [Select] function nav($title, $link){ $title = "this is the title"; $link = "this is the link"; return $title; return $link; } THANKS I have two pages of php. one is page1.php and the other is page2.php. In page1.php there is a function which dynamically creates a form of html and return the full form at the end of the function. And I want to the function to return a 2nd variable with the form. and i get that variable on page2.php. How can i do this??? Hello I am on to OOP now and I dont know how to write the syntax to print the results I want The scenario is I have the abstract class, its subclass and then the object that calls the subclass, all in different files. So: part of the subclass reads: Code: [Select] function __construct($v1, $v2, $v3) { $this->speed[] = $v1; // I dont like this either, it is not elegant. I tried to put an array as argument of the constructor and send the parameters $this->speed[] = $v2; // from the object being created, but it did not work, so I leave it like this for now, but I would have preferred to put that $this->speed[] = $v3; // array and then populate it by some looping. } // METHOD TO REPORT TABLE OF ACCELERATION public function acceleration() { return $this->acceleration1 = ($this->speed[1] - $this->speed[0])/5; // I actually need to return the other two speed differences from the other stages, but as you know, once the first return acts, it exits the function // so sure this "return" has to be abandoned and the results of the function have to be printed otherwise. That is the question. } =================================== And now from the Object file I am trying to call the function, but of course, I only get one value, even if I write 3 times return Code: [Select] $objeto = new Motorbike($v1, $v2, $v3); echo '<p>The speeds are ' . $objeto->acceleration() . '</p>'; // Yes, this call works, of course, but that is about it. I cant print any other result. Thanks a lot not sure if this is possible but i do not know how to return multiple values and read them where the call was made. Code: [Select] $string = "clause1"; func1($string); // somehow read the response and use the return values seperately. // both $string2 and $string3 Code: [Select] function func1($input) { if ($input == "clause1") { $string2= "value2"; $string3= "value6"; } if ($input == "clause2") { $string2= "value3"; $string3= "value7"; } if ($input == "clause3") { $string2= "value4"; $string3= "value8"; } if ($input == "clause4") { $string2= "value5"; $string3= "value9"; } return ($requesttype, $messagetitle); } Ok, starting around line 137 with the functions..... Commented well. Just not sure If im doing it right. Any help greatly appreciated. Basic stuff and still learning. Just trying to figure out if Im passing by reference correctly or if not how to do it. Thanks. php File is attached but heres a snippet. Thanks in advance. Peace, Adam // The grand total and the item total need to be passed BY REFERENCE. function show_table_contents($cart_items, $table, &$grand_total, &$item_total) Im trying to understand the code below. (taken from an O'REILLY book) Im trying to get my head around this, so can anyone tell me if im thinking about this in the right way; The function (fix_names) borrows the values from $a1,$a2 and $a3 and puts them into $n1,$n2, and $n3. It then processes the strings contained within these newly created variables and then returns the processed values back into $a1,$a2,and $a3? The variables $n1,$n2, and $n3 cannot be echoed as they were created within the function.? Please correct me if im wrong. Code: [Select] <html> <head> </head> <body> <?php $a1 = "EDWARD"; $a2 = "thomas"; $a3 = "wriGHT"; fix_names($a1,$a2,$a3); echo $a1." ".$a2." ".$a3; function fix_names(&$n1,&$n2,&$n3) { $n1 = ucfirst(strtolower($n1)); $n2 = ucfirst(strtolower($n2)); $n3 = ucfirst(strtolower($n3)); } ?> </body> </html> Morning All, Should be a quick one for the seasoned veterans! I'm learning the in's and out's of sanitizing my variables for input into my database (mysql). The following is my code; Code: [Select] $Username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']); $PWord = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['pword']); $Email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']); $Fullname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['fullname']); $Address_1 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['address_1']); $Address_2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['address_2']); $City = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['city']); $Zip = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['zip']); $Country = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['country']); The following is my output; Error executing INSERT statement - INSERT INTO tblUser(User_Name, Full_Name, Email, Address_1, Address_2, City, Zip, Country, PWord)VALUES ('','','','','','','','','') Any ideas? Also; is mysql_real_escape_string valid for use on all types of input from the input box? |