PHP - Help With Loop Count?
I have this SQL query that gathers set information for the Salesperson($user) that is logged in and viewing theri need information. Everything works weell, except my Loop Count. I don't know, what I am doping incorrectly. It returns only two values which are the same. But the Query returns 10 values for that user. When I run the query direct in SQL DB. What am I missing? Code: [Select] <div class='page_content clearfix'> <div class='grid_8 first'> <?php $salesPersonId = & JFactory::getUser()->get('username'); //$merchantId = JFactory::getSession()->get('merchantId'); $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $query = " SELECT XXX_merchant.*, as MercName, XXX_merchant.address as MercAddress FROM XXX_sales_person, jXXX_merchant WHERE XXX_sales_person.user_name = '$salesPersonId' AND XXX_merchant.sales_person_id ="; $db->setQuery( $query ); $row = $db->loadObject(); //echo $query; //echo $query; //echo '<br>'; //echo $salesPerson->name; ?> <?php $link = 'index.php?option=XXX&controller=deal&task=view&id=' . $row->id; $count = 0; foreach ( $row as $row): $link = '/index.php?option=XXX&controller=merchant&task=edit&cid[]=' . $row->id; ?> <div class='quickie_login grid_9 last' style="width: 140px"> <div class='text_center' id='login_banner'> <div class='page_content text_center'> <div class="avatar" style="float: left; margin-top: -10px; padding: 0px;"> <a class="k2Avatar ubAvatar" href="<?php echo $link; ?>" title="<?php echo JText::_($row->MercName); ?> Edit Account" target="_blank"> <span class="ubName" style="display: block; margin-top: -20px;"><b><?php echo $row->MercName; ?></b> </span> <?php if(!empty($row->logo_url)) { $imagePathArr = unserialize(urldecode($row->logo_url)); $link='http://'; $link.= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$link_server.DS; $link.=$imagePathArr[0]; $link =str_replace("\\","/",$link); ?> <img src='<?php echo $link; ?>' alt="<?php echo $row->name; ?>" style="max-width: 100px; height:100px;"/> <?php } ?> </a> </div> <div class="sales-system2"> <div style="display: block; margin-top: 0px;"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php endforeach;?> Similar TutorialsBasically, this part of the code is checking the "scanned" table in my mysql database to get the last scanned date for the item at hand. It then takes that date and selects all the vendor items in the odbc table "ARVEND" that are greater than the last purchase date. || This is where I am running into a problem. When it loops through each vendor item it selects from the "associated" mysql table to see if the vendor item has been scanned. If it does not find anything I am trying to get the $checkpurdate variable to add 1 to itself. | In the second script you will see the elseif($checkpurdate>0) .... Here I am saying if there are any vendor items that have not been scanned, highlight the row in yellow. But, this part of my code $checkpurdate = $checkpurdate + 1; does not seem to be counting correctly. Sometimes it counts '4' for an item when there are only two vendor items available. All of this may sound confusing since you may not know what I am trying to do. But, the main problem I am having is the counting part is returning wrong numbers. $checkpurdate = $checkpurdate + 1; Code: [Select] /* $checkpurdate */ $query3 = "SELECT date FROM scanned WHERE `item` = '$ITEM' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1"; $result3 = mysql_query($query3); $checklastdate = ""; while($row3 = mysql_fetch_array($result3, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {$checklastdate= $row3['date']; $checklastdate=date("m/d/y", strtotime($checklastdate)); } //checkpurdate loops $checkassoc="0"; $checkpurdate="0"; $sqlc="SELECT RECNO5 FROM ARVEND WHERE PURDATE1 > '$checklastdate' AND ITEM = '$ITEM'"; $rsc=odbc_exec($conn,$sqlc); if (!$rsc) {exit("Error in SQL");} while (odbc_fetch_row($rsc)) { $checkrecno5=odbc_result($rsc,"RECNO5"); $checkassosquery = "associated WHERE `VENDORID` = '$checkrecno5' AND ITEM = '$ITEM'"; $checkassoc = get_rows($checkassosquery); if($checkassoc>0) { // do nothing } else { $checkpurdate = $checkpurdate + 1; } } Code: [Select] elseif($checkpurdate>0) { echo"<TR class=\"NV\"> <TD>"; } Hello all, I've built a database of coupons. Each coupon is assigned to a category (so all electronics coupons display under electronics). On my category list I'd like to display how many coupons is in each category. Currently this function displays my category list: function fetch_categories() { mysql_connect(SQL_HOST_NAME, SQL_USER_NAME, SQL_PASSWORD) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db(SQL_DATABASE) or die(mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM categories ORDER BY category_name")or die(mysql_error()); echo '<div id="category_list">'; echo '<ul class="cat_list">'; while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ //get total of discounts in each category $count_result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM category_relations, discounts WHERE category_relations.member_of = '$row[id]' AND = '1'")or die(mysql_error()); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($count_result); echo '<span class="numrows">('.$num_rows.')</span>'; echo '<li><a href="index.php?cat_ID='.$row['id'].'">'.$row['category_name'].' </a></li>'; } echo '</ul>'; echo '</div>'; } The above is a debug version so it's not all formatted correctly. However right now, that exports "3" for Airlines when right now, I have only one discount in the entire database. This is my category_relations table: Code: [Select] -- -- Table structure for table `category_relations` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `category_relations` ( `id` int(10) NOT NULL, `member_of` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Dumping data for table `category_relations` -- INSERT INTO `category_relations` (`id`, `member_of`) VALUES (2, 2), (1, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1); And this is my discounts table: Code: [Select] -- -- Table structure for table `discounts` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `discounts` ( `id` smallint(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `redeem` tinyint(3) NOT NULL, `discount_title` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `short_description` tinytext CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `eligibility` blob NOT NULL, `url` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `coupon_code` varchar(75) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `start_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `end_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `long_description` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `logo` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `business_name` varchar(75) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `phone` varchar(80) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `store_location_street` varchar(75) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `store_location_city` varchar(75) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `store_location_state` char(2) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `store_location_zip` varchar(10) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL, `categories` blob NOT NULL, `level` tinyint(5) NOT NULL, `active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, `user_id` varchar(2555) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `level` (`level`,`active`), KEY `user_id` (`user_id`(333)) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=5 ; -- -- Dumping data for table `discounts` -- INSERT INTO `discounts` (`id`, `redeem`, `discount_title`, `short_description`, `eligibility`, `url`, `coupon_code`, `start_date`, `end_date`, `long_description`, `logo`, `business_name`, `phone`, `store_location_street`, `store_location_city`, `store_location_state`, `store_location_zip`, `categories`, `level`, `active`, `user_id`) VALUES (1, 0, '$2.00 Off Transportation', '', 0x4172726179, '', '', '2010-01-01 00:00:00', '2011-01-01 00:00:00', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer varius ipsum id justo pellentesque laoreet. Curabitur tempus tincidunt...', NULL, 'Bayside Airport Shuttle', '850-123-3456', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0x4172726179, 0, 1, '24'); It seems to be completely ignoring my active check. How can I fix this, or is there a better way to do this query? Hi I have currently written some code which uses of the Twitter API and extracts the information required to display my most current tweet on my website. This is all working perfectly but at the minute it is only displaying one tweet and I would like it to display as many as the variable $limit is set to. I have tried numerous count with while loops but just cannot seem to get my head around the logic of it. Here is the code im currently using which displays one tweet. <?php $username = "my_twitter_username"; $limit = "2"; $twitter_url = "$username.xml?count=$limit"; $buffer = file_get_contents($twitter_url); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($buffer); $status_item = $xml -> status; $status_id = $xml -> status -> id; $user_item = $xml -> status -> user; $user_id = $xml -> status -> user -> screen_name; $description = $status_item -> text; $status_time = $status_item -> created_at; $status_img = $user_item -> profile_image_url; $description = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])([\w]+?://[\w]+[^ \"\n\r\t< ]*)#", "\\1<a href=\"\\2\" target=\"_blank\">\\2</a>", $description); $description = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])((www|ftp)\.[^ \"\t\n\r< ]*)#", "\\1<a href=\"http://\\2\" target=\"_blank\">\\2</a>", $description); $description = preg_replace("/@(\w+)/", "<a href=\"\\1\" target=\"_blank\">@\\1</a>", $description); $description = preg_replace("/#(\w+)/", "<a href=\"\\1\" target=\"_blank\">#\\1</a>", $description); echo " <div class='tweet-wrapper'> <div class='tweet-img'> <a href='' target='_BLANK'><img src='$status_img' alt='La Academia Twitter' style='width:30px height:30px;' /></a> </div><!-- tweet-img --> <div class='tweet-text'> <p class='tweet-p'>$description</p> <p class='tweet-time'>$status_time . <a href='$user_id%20&in_reply_to_status_id=$status_id&in_reply_to=$user_id' target='_BLANK' class='tweet-reply'>Reply</a></p> </div><!-- tweet-text --> <div class='cleaner'></div> </div><!-- tweet-wrapper --> "; ?> Thanks for any help. Hi guys, I need your help. I am trying to insert the rows in the mysql database as I input the values in the url bar which it would be like this: Code: [Select] However i have got a error which i don't know how to fix it. Error: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 <?php session_start(); define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); define('DB_USER', 'mydbusername'); define('DB_PASSWORD', 'mydbpassword'); define('DB_DATABASE', 'mydbname'); $errmsg_arr = array(); $errflag = false; $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); if(!$link) { die('Failed to connect to server: ' . mysql_error()); } $db = mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE); if(!$db) { die("Unable to select database"); } function clean($var){ return mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($var)); } $username = clean($_GET['user']); $password = clean($_GET['pass']); $adduser = clean($_GET['user1']); $email = clean($_GET['email']); $IP = clean($_GET['ip']); if($username == '') { $errmsg_arr[] = 'username is missing'; $errflag = true; } if($password == '') { $errmsg_arr[] = 'PASSWORD is missing'; $errflag = true; } if($errflag) { $_SESSION['ERRMSG_ARR'] = $errmsg_arr; echo implode('<br />',$errmsg_arr); } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO `members` (`username`,`email`,`IP`) VALUES ('$adduser','$email','$IP')"; if (!mysql_query($sql,$link)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "The information have been updated."; } ?> Here's the name of the columns i have got in my database: Code: [Select] username IP I have input the correct columns names, so I can't correct the problem I am getting. Please can you help? This topic has been moved to MySQL Help. Why am I getting this error when there are 3 Fields with 3 values? Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 Code: [Select] $sql5="INSERT INTO participants (participant_name, team_no, sport) VALUES ('".implode("','$_POST[team]'),('",$_POST['participant_name'])."','$_POST[team]','$sport')"; Anyone can help me? <?php $tbl_name="menu"; $kategorije = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE Left(menu_name, 1) BETWEEN 'A' AND 'M' ORDER BY menu_name ASC"); if (!$kategorije) { die("Database query failed: " . mysql_error()); } while ($row=mysql_fetch_array( $kategorije )) { echo "<div id=lista-header><h4>{$row["menu_name"]}</h4></div>"; $id_sub=$row['id_menu']; $podkategorije = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM submenu WHERE id_menu=$id_sub ORDER BY sub_name ASC", $connection); if (!$podkategorije) { die("Database query failed: " . mysql_error()); } echo "<ul class=\"pod\">"; while ($pod=mysql_fetch_array( $podkategorije )) { echo "<li><a href=index.php?=podkate?".$pod["id_sub"]." class=black>{$pod["sub_name"]}</a><hr size=1 align=left width=100px color=#cccccc></li>"; } echo "</ul>"; } ?> In this way, I get list with categories and hes subcategories. How to count how many subcategories have each categories, and count how many articles have each categories? Example (I wanna get this kind of look): Categories name (3) subcategoriesname (2) subcategoriesname (4) subcategoriesname (7) Categories name (5) subcategoriesname (1) subcategoriesname (14) subcategoriesname (9) subcategoriesname (2) subcategoriesname ( Categories name (2) subcategoriesname (28) subcategoriesname (17) Where the numbers represent how many categories and sub-items have articles Hey.
So the issue I'm having is consecutive loops on semi-large arrays, over and over. Consider this array:
$firstArray = array( 'row1' => array( 'dates' => array( '2014-01-01' => array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3', 'key4' => 'value4', 'key5' => 'value5', 'key6' => 'value6', 'key7' => 'value7', 'key8' => 'value8', 'key9' => 'value9', 'key10' => 'value10'), '2014-01-02' => array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3', 'key4' => 'value4', 'key5' => 'value5', 'key6' => 'value6', 'key7' => 'value7', 'key8' => 'value8', 'key9' => 'value9', 'key10' => 'value10'), '2014-01-03' => array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3', 'key4' => 'value4', 'key5' => 'value5', 'key6' => 'value6', 'key7' => 'value7', 'key8' => 'value8', 'key9' => 'value9', 'key10' => 'value10'), '2014-01-04' => array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3', 'key4' => 'value4', 'key5' => 'value5', 'key6' => 'value6', 'key7' => 'value7', 'key8' => 'value8', 'key9' => 'value9', 'key10' => 'value10'), '2014-01-05' => array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3', 'key4' => 'value4', 'key5' => 'value5', 'key6' => 'value6', 'key7' => 'value7', 'key8' => 'value8', 'key9' => 'value9', 'key10' => 'value10'), '2014-01-06' => array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3', 'key4' => 'value4', 'key5' => 'value5', 'key6' => 'value6', 'key7' => 'value7', 'key8' => 'value8', 'key9' => 'value9', 'key10' => 'value10'), '2014-01-07' => array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3', 'key4' => 'value4', 'key5' => 'value5', 'key6' => 'value6', 'key7' => 'value7', 'key8' => 'value8', 'key9' => 'value9', 'key10' => 'value10'), ) ), 'row2' => array( 'dates' => array( '2014-02-01' => array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3', 'key4' => 'value4', 'key5' => 'value5', 'key6' => 'value6', 'key7' => 'value7', 'key8' => 'value8', 'key9' => 'value9', 'key10' => 'value10'), '2014-02-02' => array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3', 'key4' => 'value4', 'key5' => 'value5', 'key6' => 'value6', 'key7' => 'value7', 'key8' => 'value8', 'key9' => 'value9', 'key10' => 'value10'), '2014-02-03' => array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3', 'key4' => 'value4', 'key5' => 'value5', 'key6' => 'value6', 'key7' => 'value7', 'key8' => 'value8', 'key9' => 'value9', 'key10' => 'value10'), '2014-02-04' => array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3', 'key4' => 'value4', 'key5' => 'value5', 'key6' => 'value6', 'key7' => 'value7', 'key8' => 'value8', 'key9' => 'value9', 'key10' => 'value10'), '2014-02-05' => array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3', 'key4' => 'value4', 'key5' => 'value5', 'key6' => 'value6', 'key7' => 'value7', 'key8' => 'value8', 'key9' => 'value9', 'key10' => 'value10'), '2014-02-06' => array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3', 'key4' => 'value4', 'key5' => 'value5', 'key6' => 'value6', 'key7' => 'value7', 'key8' => 'value8', 'key9' => 'value9', 'key10' => 'value10'), '2014-02-07' => array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3', 'key4' => 'value4', 'key5' => 'value5', 'key6' => 'value6', 'key7' => 'value7', 'key8' => 'value8', 'key9' => 'value9', 'key10' => 'value10'), '2014-02-08' => array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3', 'key4' => 'value4', 'key5' => 'value5', 'key6' => 'value6', 'key7' => 'value7', 'key8' => 'value8', 'key9' => 'value9', 'key10' => 'value10'), '2014-02-09' => array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3', 'key4' => 'value4', 'key5' => 'value5', 'key6' => 'value6', 'key7' => 'value7', 'key8' => 'value8', 'key9' => 'value9', 'key10' => 'value10'), ) ) );Originally the data comes from ~2-3 database tables, of course. But to ilustrate the point, this is how the main array looks like. This array usually contains anywhere between 10-50 rows, each row containing at least 10 dates, with 10 key/values each. And after setting up all the data, it needs to be processed. Currently this is how a friend of mine did it.. $placeDataHere = array(); foreach($firstArray as $key => $dates) { foreach($dates as $date => $values) { foreach($values as $key => $value) { $placeDataHere['DV_' . $date]['SM_' . $key] = 'KS_' . $value; //Followed by another ~50-70 lines of processing the 3 loop's data.. ... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... } } }Obviously this isn't good practise, but we can't seem to figure out a better way of doing it, since both the data and the loops are horribly nested. This loop and setup of $firstArray is run anywhere between 10-20 times/request, due to amount of users we wish to process. So, the result is that this code can take up to over 2-3 minutes to complete, which isn't really optimal performance. In short my question is, are there any better methods of handling this with the data setup we currently have? Below is my output on the browser: Student: Kevin Smith (u0867587) Course: INFO101 - Bsc Information Communication Technology Course Mark 70 Grade Year: 3 Module: CHI2550 - Modern Database Applications Module Mark: 41 Mark Percentage: 68 Grade: B Session: AAB Session Mark: 72 Session Weight Contribution 20% Session: AAE Session Mark: 67 Session Weight Contribution 40% Module: CHI2513 - Systems Strategy Module Mark: 31 Mark Percentage: 62 Grade: B Session: AAD Session Mark: 61 Session Weight Contribution 50% Now where it says course mark above it says 70. This is incorrect as it should be 65 (The average between the module marks percentage should be 65 in the example above) but for some stange reason I can get the answer 65. I have a variable called $courseMark and that does the calculation. Now if the $courseMark is echo outside the where loop, then it will equal 65 but if it is put in while loop where I want the variable to be displayed, then it adds up to 70. Why does it do this. Below is the code: Code: [Select] $sessionMark = 0; $sessionWeight = 0; $courseMark = 0; $output = ""; $studentId = false; $courseId = false; $moduleId = false; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $sessionMark += round($row['Mark'] / 100 * $row['SessionWeight']); $sessionWeight += ($row['SessionWeight']); $courseMark = ($sessionMark / $sessionWeight * 100); if($studentId != $row['StudentUsername']) { //Student has changed $studentId = $row['StudentUsername']; $output .= "<p><strong>Student:</strong> {$row['StudentForename']} {$row['StudentSurname']} ({$row['StudentUsername']})\n"; } if($courseId != $row['CourseId']) { //Course has changed $courseId = $row['CourseId']; $output .= "<br><strong>Course:</strong> {$row['CourseId']} - {$row['CourseName']} <strong>Course Mark</strong>" round($courseMark) "<strong>Grade</strong> <br><strong>Year:</strong> {$row['Year']}</p>\n"; } if($moduleId != $row['ModuleId']) { //Module has changed if(isset($sessionsAry)) //Don't run function for first record { //Get output for last module and sessions $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); } //Reset sessions data array and Set values for new module $sessionsAry = array(); $moduleId = $row['ModuleId']; $moduleName = $row['ModuleName']; } //Add session data to array for current module $sessionsAry[] = array('SessionId'=>$row['SessionId'], 'Mark'=>$row['Mark'], 'SessionWeight'=>$row['SessionWeight']); } //Get output for last module $output .= outputModule($moduleId, $moduleName, $sessionsAry); //Display the output echo $output; I think the problem is that it is outputting the answer of the calculation only for the first session mark. How in the while loop can I do it so it doesn't display it for the first mark only but for all the session marks so that it ends up showing the correct answer 65 and not 72? Hey guys, Got another question im hoping someone can help me with. I have a foreach loop (for use in a mysql query): foreach ($interests as $interest) { $query .= "($id, $interest), "; } problem is i do not want the comma(,) in the last loop. Is there some kinda of function i can use so it does not insert it on last loop? Or should i just use a for loop with a nested if loop? something like ; for($i=0; $i < count($interests); $i++){ $query .= "($id, '$interests[$i]')"; if($i + 1 < count($interests)) { $query .= ", "; } } Cheers guys I am working to echo the results in a while or for loop... Both of my sample codes work, but the results are wrong! The while loop ONLY echos a result IF the first record in the postings table matches the id passed (does not display a result unless the first record has a match) The if loop displays ALL listings with the same name (counts them all) so there are no unique listings! <?php $posts_by_city_sql = "SELECT * FROM postings WHERE id='$_GET[id]'"; $posts_by_city_results = (mysqli_query($cxn, $posts_by_city_sql)) or die("Was not able to grab the Postings!"); /* While Loop */ while($posts_by_city_row = mysqli_fetch_array($posts_by_city_results)) { echo "<li><a href='posting_details.php?id=$posts_by_city_row[id]'>$posts_by_city_row[title]</a></li>"; } /* For Loop */ $posts_by_city_row = mysqli_fetch_array($posts_by_city_results); for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($posts_by_city_row); $i++) { echo "<li><a href='posting_details.php?id=$posts_by_city_row[id]'>$posts_by_city_row[title]</a></li>"; } ?> Results with for loop (there are 7 total unique book names, but it's just counting the first match on id 7 times like below): AJAX for Beginners AJAX for Beginners AJAX for Beginners AJAX for Beginners AJAX for Beginners AJAX for Beginners AJAX for Beginners AJAX for Beginners Good Evening - I am in the process of trying to call back a list of categories and sub categories using a WHILE LOOP inside of a WHILE LOOP. It works on a different part of the site within the admin panel but not here. Here it only calls one sub category and moves on to the next parent category instead of finishing the loop and pulling all sub categories out... // CATEGORIES $query = "SELECT * FROM cat"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $catid = $row['id']; $catname = $row['name']; $output .= "<li class=\"level0 nav-2 parent\" onmouseover=\"toggleMenu(this,1)\" onmouseout=\"toggleMenu(this,0)\"> <a href=\"product.php?cat=$catid\"> <span>$catname</span> </a>\n"; $querynav = "SELECT * FROM subcat WHERE pid = '$catid'"; $resultnav = mysql_query($querynav); while($array = mysql_fetch_array($resultnav, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $subcatid = $row['id']; $subcatname = $row['name']; $output .= "<ul class=\"level0\"> <li class=\"level1 nav-2-1 first\"> <a href=\"product.php?cat=$catid&subid=$subcatid\"> <span>$subcatname</span> </a> </li> </ul> </li>"; } } Hello,
I am trying to get the report of my sales table. I want to get total number of leads for each month. And then i have to use this data to create graph using google graph.
But i am not getting how eactly i can get this.
Here is my code
<?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $type = $_POST['type']; $sql="select * from leads where lead_customer='".$type."'"; $query=mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { list($year,$month,$day)=explode("-", $row['last_modified']); $l = $row['last_modified']; $count=mysql_num_rows($month); echo $count; $myurl[] = "['".$month."', ".$count."]"; } print_r($myurl); echo implode(",", $myurl); } ?>But for $count, it doesn't show any values. below is my database. Capture.PNG 18.16KB 0 downloads Please suggest me hey i'm just woundering how i would go abouts on echoing unread messages sent to a user i want to beable to see how many unread messages i have Hey All, I need to count and display the number of rows I have. <?php //declare the SQL statement that will query the database $query = " SELECT COUNT(id) FROM connectvisits WHERE staffid = '$staffid' "; //execute the SQL query and return records $result = mssql_query($query); $thismonth = mssql_num_rows($result); echo "Total Meetings This Month: "; echo $thismonth; echo "<br />"; ?> For some reason I keep getting a result of 1. Everything else I try gives me a "Resource ID" number. Any help would be apprecaited. Maybe I have the completely wrong code. Thanks! Hello, I'm using the following code to count the amount of SQL results and divide it. Works great as is but I want to alter it so it works with categories. $amount = mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(`car_id`) AS num FROM `tbl_cars`') or die(mysql_error()); $amount_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($amount); I tried adding... WHERE car_cat = '".$cat."' which causes an error. Why doesn't this work, and how can I get the amount of results as a variable? returns -30. how can i remove the minus so it just returns 30 Code: [Select] $days = (strtotime(date("Y-m-d")) - strtotime($info['expiredate'])) / (60 * 60 * 24) echo $days How to get the count if any of this ($ArrayDrRes) contain the word "APPROVED"? $Array1 = array($user1, $user2, $user3, $user4, $user5, $user6, $user7, $user8); $Array2 = array('APPROVED'); $count3 = count( array_intersect($Array1, $Array2) ); echo $count3; This topic has been moved to MySQL Help. |