PHP - Parse Error: Syntax Error, Unexpected T_elseif...
I can't figure out the problem with my code. This is the error I am receiving...
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSEIF in /****/****/****/****/****/**** on line 68 This is my code: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code: [Select] <? include "./includes/"; include $include_path.""; #// If user is not logged in redirect to login page if(!isset($_SESSION["BPLowbidAuction_LOGGED_IN"])) { Header("Location: user_login.php"); exit; } if($_POST['action'] == "update") { #// Check data if ($_POST['TPL_email']) { if (strlen($_POST['TPL_password'])<6 && strlen($_POST['TPL_password']) > 0) { $TPL_err=1; $TPL_errmsg=$ERR_011; } else if (strlen($_POST['TPL_email'])<5) { $TPL_err=1; $TPL_errmsg=$ERR_110; } elseif(!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+([\.][a-z0-9-]+)+$",$_POST['TPL_email'])) { $TPL_err = 1; $TPL_errmsg = $ERR_008; } $nletter=isset($_POST['TPL_nletter']) ? $_POST['TPL_nletter'] :0; $sql="UPDATE BPLA_users SET email=\"". AddSlashes($_POST['TPL_email']) ."\", reg_date=reg_date" ." , nletter=\"". AddSlashes($_POST['TPL_nletter']); if(strlen($_POST['TPL_password']) > 0) { $sql .= "\", password=\"". md5($MD5_PREFIX.AddSlashes($_POST['TPL_password'])); } $sql .= "\" WHERE nick='".$_SESSION['BPLowbidAuction_LOGGED_IN_USERNAME']."'"; $res=mysql_query ($sql); //$query = "select * from BPLA_users where nick='".$_SESSION['BPLowbidAuction_LOGGED_IN_USERNAME']."'"; //$result = @mysql_query($query); //if(!$result) { // MySQLError($query); // exit; //} else { // $USER = mysql_fetch_array($result); // $TPL_nick = $USER['nick']; // $TPL_email = $USER['email'];; // $TPL_nletter = $USER['nletter']; // } //} // #// Redirect user to his/her admin page $TMP_MSG = $MSG_183; $_SESSION["TMP_MSG"]=$TMP_MSG; /*Header("Location: user_menu.php"); exit; include "header.php"; include "templates/template_updated.html"; */ //include "header.php"; //include phpa_include("template_change_details_php.html"); } else { $TPL_err=1; $TPL_errmsg=$ERR_112; elseif(($_POST['action'] != "update" || $TPL_errmsg !=1)) { //#// Retrieve user's data //$query = "select * from BPLA_users where nick='".$_SESSION['BPLowbidAuction_LOGGED_IN_USERNAME']."'"; //$result = @mysql_query($query); //if(!$result) { // MySQLError($query); // exit; //} else { // $USER = mysql_fetch_array($result); // $TPL_nick = $USER['nick']; // $TPL_email = $USER['email']; // $TPL_nletter = $USER['nletter']; //} //echo "111 "; //include "header.php"; //include phpa_include("template_change_details_php.html"); } if($TPL_err==1) { //include "header.php"; //include phpa_include("template_change_details_php.html"); } #// Retrieve user's data $query = "select * from BPLA_users where nick='".$_SESSION['BPLowbidAuction_LOGGED_IN_USERNAME']."'"; $result = @mysql_query($query); if(!$result) { MySQLError($query); exit; } else { $USER = mysql_fetch_array($result); $TPL_nick = $USER['nick']; $TPL_email = $USER['email']; $TPL_nletter = $USER['nletter']; } include "header.php"; include phpa_include("template_change_details_php.html"); include "footer.php"; $TPL_err=0; $TPL_errmsg=""; ?> Similar Tutorialshello, i am having a problem in my cron file that runs daily, the code posted below at the last block at the elseif ($chance > 2.5) <b>Parse error</b>: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSEIF in <b>/home/content/run_daily.php</b> on line <b>240</b><br /> ... $db = $dbh->prepare("select star_id from {$game}_stars where event_random = '6'"); $db->execute(); $bh_sys = $db->fetchrow_hashref(); if ($bh_sys) { $chance = rand(5); if ($chance < 1) { mysql_query("update {$game}_stars set event_random = 1, metal = '0', fuel='0', star_name = 'BlackHole' where star_id = '$bh_sys->{star_id}'"); mysql_query("insert into {$game}_news (timestamp, headline, login_id) values (".time().",'The <b>SuperNova Remnant</b> in <b class=b1>system $bh_sys->{star_id}</b> has formed into a <b>blackhole</b>. Being a slow process, all ships managed to get out to system #<b>1</b>. We expect no further trouble from that system. <font color=lime>- - - Science Institute of Sol - - -</font>','-11')"); $db = $dbh->prepare("select location,login_id,ship_id,ship_name from {$game}_ships where location = '$bh_sys->{star_id}'"); $db->execute(); while ($ship_bh = $db->fetchrow_hashref()) { mysql_query("update {$game}_ships set location = '1' where ship_id = '$ship_bh->{ship_id}'"); mysql_query("insert into {$game}_messages (timestamp,sender_name,sender_id, login_id, text) values(".time().",'BlackHole','$ship_bh->{login_id}','$ship_bh->{login_id}','Your ship the <b class=b1>$ship_bh->{ship_name}</b> escaped a blackhole forming from a SuperNova Remnant in system #<b>$ship_bh->{location}</b>. It is now in system #<b>1</b>')"); mysql_query("update {$game}_users set location = '1' where location = '$bh_sys->{star_id}'"); print "\nSN remnant in $bh_sys->{star_id} to blackhole\n"; } elseif ($chance > 2.5) { mysql_query("update {$game}_stars set event_random = '14' where star_id = '$bh_sys->{star_id}'"); mysql_query("insert into {$game}_news (timestamp, headline, login_id) values (".time().",'After much study, we have decided that the star in system <b>$bh_sys->{star_id}</b> will <b class=b1>not</b> become a Blackhole, as it was not massive enough. This system will remain a harmless Super-Nova Remnant, with lots of minerals in. <font color=lime>- - - Science Institute of Sol - - -</font>','-11')"); print "\nSN remnant in $bh_sys->{star_id} safe\n"; } } ... Help if(mysql_num_rows($query) == 1) { $compny = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM company WHERE value='". $comp ."'"); $company = mysql_result($compny, 0); if(mysql_num_rows($company) == 0) { echo "Company not found"; die(); } $getcompstt = mysql_query("SELECT stat FROM company WHERE value='". $comp ."' LIMIT 1"); $getcompstat = mysql_result($getcompstt, 0); elseif($getcompstat == "3") Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in C:\xampp\htdocs\mywork\unique.php on line 15 <html> <head> <title> </title> </head> <body bgproperties="fixed"> <?php $dbhost = 'localhost'; $dbuser = 'root'; $dbpass = ''; $con = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die ('Error connecting to mysql'); $dbname = 'mywork'; mysql_select_db($dbname, $con); $sql=mysql_query(insert into users (regno,name,gender,date,month,year,emailid,cell,paddress,caddress,incometype,incomeamt,dad,fyes,dadocup,mom,myes,momocup,password) VALUES ('$_POST[regno]','$_POST[name]','$_POST[gender]','$_POST[date]','$_POST[month]','$_POST[year]','$_POST[emailid]','$_POST[cell]','$_POST[paddress]','$_POST[caddress]','$_POST[incometype]','$_POST[incomeamt]','$_POST[dad]','$_POST[fyes]','$_POST[dadocup]','$_POST[mom]','$_POST[myes]','$_POST[momocup]','$_POST[password]')"); $sql1=mysql_fetch_array($sql); $result = @mysql_query($SQl1); $result="SELECT * FROM users WHERE regno='$regno'"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //echo $row['regno']."regno<br>"; //echo $row['name']."name<br>"; //echo $row['gender']."gender<br>"; //echo $row['date']."date<br>"; //echo $row['month']."month<br>"; //echo $row['year']."year<br>"; //echo $row['emailid']."emailid<br>"; //echo $row['cell']."cell<br>"; //echo $row['paddress']."paddress<br>"; //echo $row['caddress']."caddress<br>"; //echo $row['incometype']."incometype<br>"; //echo $row['incomeamt']."incomeamt<br>"; //echo $row['dad']."dad<br>"; //echo $row['fyes']."fyes<br>"; //echo $row['dadocup']."dadocup<br>"; //echo $row['mom']."mom<br>"; //echo $row['myes']."myes<br>"; //echo $row['momocup']."momocup<br>"; //echo $row['password']."password<br>"; } echo "Thanks for Register!"; if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "1 record added"; mysql_close($con); ?> <form name="security" action="index.php" method="post"> <input type="submit" value="click here to login"> </form> </body> </html> I don`t get it, waht is wrong?! Code: [Select] <?php require_once 'auth.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION['SESS_VERIFY'])) { header("location: access-denied.php"); exit(); } if ($_SESSION['lang'] == 'Ro') { // setare data romania date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Bucharest'); $today = getdate(); $zi = $today['mday']; $luna = $today['mon']; $lunastring = $today['month']; $an = $today['year']; $data = $zi.$luna.$an; $data = (string)$data; $ora = date('H:i:s'); $msg = array(); $err = array(); $luni = array ( 1=>'Ianuarie', 2=>'Februarie', 3=>'Martie', 4=>'Aprilie', 5=>'Mai', 6=>'Iunie', 7=>'Iulie', 8=>'August', 9=>'Septembrie', 10=>'Octobrie', 11=>'Noiembrie', 12=>'Decembrie'); // comun const SQL_ERR = 'SQL statement failed with error: '; const ADD_MODEL = 'ADAUGA UN MODEL NOU'; . .many constants.. . } elseif ($_SESSION['lang'] == 'It') {... Thank you! I have been trying to get my files to upload onto a computer and I receive this message: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/content/19/6550319/html/listing.php on line 27. Line 27 is how the php logs into my SQL. The problem is that I was able to log in before. I just made changes to the form by adding a dropdown menu and price and now it says it doesnt parse. Can anyone figure this out. I will include the code without the login information because the forum is public but I did put the words left out for you to see where I took out the passcodes. Code: [Select] <?php //This is the directory where images will be saved $target = "potofiles/"; $target = $target . basename( $_FILES['photo']['name']); //This gets all the other information from the form $price=$_POST['price']; $gig=$_POST['giga']; $yesg=$_POST['yesg']; $pic=($_FILES['photo']['name']); $pic2=($_FILES['phototwo']['name']); $pic3=($_FILES['photothree']['name']); $pic4=($_FILES['photofour']['name']); $description=$_POST['iPadDescription']; $condition=$_POST['condition']; $fname=$_POST['firstName']; $lname=$_POST['lastName']; $email=$_POST['email'] // Connects to your Database mysql_connect ("left out", "left out", "left out") or die(mysql_error()) ; mysql_select_db("left out") or die(mysql_error()) ; //Writes the information to the database mysql_query("INSERT INTO listing (price,giga,yesg,photo,phototwo,photothree,photofour,iPadDescription,condition,firstName,lastName,email) VALUES ('$price', '$gig', '$yesg', '$pic', '$pic2', '$pic3', '$pic4', '$description', '$condition', '$fname', '$lname', '$email')") ; //Writes the photo to the server if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'], $target)) { //Tells you if its all ok echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']). " has been uploaded, and your information has been added to the directory"; } else { //Gives and error if its not echo "Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file."; } echo date("m/d/y : H:i:s", time()) ?> I just enabled error reporting and I am not that familiar with it. I know I have an error some where around line 33. I know I am missing a bracket or a comma or some other syntax error I just cannot find where the error is. Below is my script. Thanks for any help. Code: [Select] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>Airline Survey</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta name="author" content="Revised by abc1234"/> </head> <body> <?php $WaitTime = addslashes($_POST["wait_time"]); $Friendliness = addslashes($_POST["friendliness"]); $Space = addslashes($_POST["space"]); $Comfort = addslashes($_POST["comfort"]); $Cleanliness = addslashes($_POST["cleanliness"]); $Noise = addslashes($_POST["noise"]); if (empty($WaitTime) || empty($Friendliness) || empty($Space) || empty($Comfort) || empty($Cleanliness) || empty($Noise)) echo "<hr /><p>You must enter a value in each field. Click your browser's Back button to return to the form.</p><hr />"; else { $Entry = $WaitTime . "\n"; $Entry .= $Friendliness . "\n"; $Entry .= $Space . "\n"; $Entry .= $Comfort . "\n"; $Entry .= $Cleanliness . "\n"; $Entry .= $Noise . "\n"; $SurveyFile = fopen("survey.txt", "w") } if (flock($SurveyFile, LOCK_EX)) { if (fwrite($SurveyFile, $Entry) > 0) { echo "<p>The entry has been successfully added.</p>"; flock($SurveyFile, LOCK_UN; fclose($SurveyFile); else echo "<p>The entry could not be saved!</p>"; } else echo "<p>The entry could not be saved!</p>"; } ?d> <p><a href="AirlineSurvey.html">Return to Airline Survey</a></p> </body> </html> Hi folks, I am a complete n00b at php and mysql. I am teaching myself from books and the WWW, but alas I am stuck... the error I get is: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in X:\xampp\htdocs\search.php on line 7 here is the code: <?php mysql_connect ("localhost", "user", "password") or die (mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ("it_homehelp_test") or die (mysql_error()); $term = $_POST['term']; $sql = $mysql_query(select * from it_homehelp_test where ClientName1 like '%term%'); <<<------this is line 7 while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ echo 'Client Name:' .$row['ClientName1']; echo 'Address:' .$row['Address1']; echo 'Phone:' .$row['Tel1']; } ?> Any help you can offer would be great. I can also post the ".html" file that creates the search bar if it is needed. Thanks
Hello everyone,
1 <?php
7 // Create connection
10 // Check connection
14 $firstname = $conn->real_escape_string($_REQUEST['firstname']); 25 $sql2 = "INSERT INTO countries VALUES ('$country')"; 27 $sql3 = "INSERT INTO Contacts (firstname, lastname, address, city, country, phone, email) VALUES ('$firstname', '$lastname', '$address', $city, $country, '$phone_number','$email')";
29 SELECT * FROM cities;
if($conn->query($sql2) === true){
if($conn->query($sql3) === true){ Code: [Select] <?php if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { ?> <h2>Todays Special</h2> <p> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <select name="day"> <option value="1">Monday/Wednesday <option value="2">Tuesday/Thursday <option value="3">Friday/Sunday <option value="4">Saturday </select> input type="submit" name="submit" value="Go"> </form> <?php // get form selection $day = $_POST['day']; // check value and select appropriate item switch ($day) { case 1: $special = 'Chicken in oyster sauce'; break; case 2: $special = 'French onion soup'; break; case 3: $special = 'Pork chops with mashed potatoes and green salad'; break; default: $special = 'Fish and chips'; break; } ?> I am getting syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING on the date stamp line below but I can't see what is causing the problem. when I comment it out the problem goes away so I know I it is there. please help. $email_message = "Form details below.\n\n"; $email_message = date("m/d/Y")"\n"; SET UP: Windows vista # XAMPP 1.7.3, # Apache 2.2.14 (IPv6 enabled) + OpenSSL 0.9.8l # MySQL 5.1.41 + PBXT engine # PHP 5.3.1 # phpMyAdmin After entering various different information from previous forms on different pages I finally get this error message "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in C:\blablah on line 31" on the following code: <?php //let's start our session, so we have access to stored data session_start(); include ''; $db = mysql_connect(MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD) or die ('Unable to connect. Check your connection parameters.'); mysql_select_db(MYSQL_DB, $db) or die(mysql_error($db)); //let's create the query $query = 'INSERT INTO subscriptions (name, email_address, membership_type, terms_and_conditions, name_on_card, credit_card_number, credit_card_expiration_data) VALUES ( "' . $_SESSION[$name, $db] . '", ' . $_SESSION[$email_address, $db] . '", ' . $_SESSION[$membership_type, $db] . '", ' . $_SESSION[$terms_and_conditions, $db] . '", ' . $_POST[$name_on_card, $db] . '", ' . $_POST[$credit_card_number, $db] . '", ' . $_POST[$credit_card_expiration, $db] . ')'; if (isset($query)) { $result = mysql_query($query, $db) or die(mysql_error($db)); } ?> <p>Done!</p> </body> </html> ?> Any help would be appreciated. I'm practicing this with the ambition to develop a multi-page registration using sessions for a website so even web pages that might help me with this aim would be good. This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. Hey, I just started using WordPress - I'm a complete newbie, and am super perplexed by this error I'm getting in functions.php. I'm hoping I am just making a simple mistake, but I'd really appreciate some suggestions as to what the issue is. The error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /homepages/33/d123623052/htdocs/rap3/wp-content/themes/business-turnkey/functions.php on line 196 That line would be at the very bottom of my code. From what I can tell, this error occurs when the code is missing a punctuation mark like a [ ( { , ' etc. I've been looking over the code for ages, and from what I can see all the brackets have a matching end, there's no out of place punctuation. <?php define('THEME_URI', get_stylesheet_directory_uri()); define('THEME_IMAGES', THEME_URI . '/assets/img'); define('THEME_CSS', THEME_URI . '/assets/css'); define('THEME_JS', THEME_URI . '/assets/js'); define('THEME_TEMPLATES', THEME_URI . '/assets/templates'); $GLOBALS['content_width'] = 900; /* Define Theme Defaults */ $options = get_option('turnkey_theme_options'); if($options['templatestyle'] == null) $options['templatestyle'] = 'modern'; if($options['typography'] == null) $options['typography'] = 'typography1'; function turnkeySlider() { $options = get_option('turnkey_theme_options'); if($options['sliderTimer'] != null) $rotateTimer = $options['sliderTimer']; else $rotateTimer = 5000; ?> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('.slide-container').cycle({ fx: 'scrollHorz',next: '#slide-nav .next',prev: '#slide-nav .prev',pause: 1, timeout:<?php echo $rotateTimer; ?>}); }); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_head', 'turnkeySlider'); require_once ( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/theme-options.php' ); require_once ( 'slider/turnkey-slider.php' ); if (function_exists('register_sidebar')) { register_sidebar(array( 'name'=> 'Homepage Widgets', 'id' => 'homepage_widgets', 'before_widget' => '<div class="widget group %2$s">', 'after_widget' => '</div>', 'before_title' => '<h3>', 'after_title' => '</h3>' )); register_sidebar(array( 'name'=> 'Sidebar 1', 'id' => 'sidebar_1', 'before_widget' => '<div class="widget group %2$s">', 'after_widget' => '</div>', 'before_title' => '<h4>', 'after_title' => '</h4>' )); register_sidebar(array( 'name'=> 'Sidebar 2', 'id' => 'sidebar_2', 'before_widget' => '<div class="widget group %2$s">', 'after_widget' => '</div>', 'before_title' => '<h4>', 'after_title' => '</h4>' )); register_sidebar(array( 'name'=> 'Footer Widgets', 'id' => 'footer-widgets', 'before_widget' => '<div class="widget group %2$s">', 'after_widget' => '</div>', 'before_title' => '<h3>', 'after_title' => '</h3>' )); } if ( function_exists( 'register_nav_menus' ) ) { register_nav_menus( array( 'turnkey_mainnav' => 'TurnKey Main Navigation', 'turnkey_secondary' => 'TurnKey Secondary Navigation' ) ); }; add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' ); // Makes Sure thumbnails show up in RSS function do_post_thumbnail_feeds($content) { global $post; if(has_post_thumbnail($post->ID)) { $content = '<div>' . get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID) . '</div>' . $content; } return $content; } add_filter('the_excerpt_rss', 'do_post_thumbnail_feeds'); add_filter('the_content_feed', 'do_post_thumbnail_feeds'); // Define Thumbnail Images Sizes if ( function_exists( 'add_image_size' ) ) { add_image_size( 'post-thumb-threecol', 390, 200, true ); add_image_size( 'post-thumb-onetwocol', 520, 200, true ); /* Slide Image */ add_image_size( 'special', 580, 340, true ); } if ( !is_admin() ) { // instruction to only load if it is not the admin area function googlejquery() { wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' ); wp_register_script( 'jquery', ''); } add_action('init', 'googlejquery'); wp_register_script('functions', get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/assets/js/functions.js'); wp_register_script('cycle', get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/assets/js/cycle.min.js'); wp_register_script('lightbox', get_bloginfo('template_directory') . '/assets/js/lightbox_me.js'); // enqueue the script wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); wp_enqueue_script('functions'); wp_enqueue_script('cycle'); wp_enqueue_script('lightbox'); }; function the_breadcrumb() { if (!is_home()) { echo '<a href="'; echo get_option('home'); echo '">'; bloginfo('name'); echo "</a> » "; if (is_category() || is_single()) { the_category('title_li='); if (is_single()) { echo " » "; the_title(); } } elseif (is_page()) { echo " <span class='current'> "; echo the_title(); echo " </span> "; } } } function rap_register_sidebars() { register_sidebar(array( 'name' => 'Scheduling campaign sidebar', 'id' => 'rap-scheduling-sidebar', 'description' => 'Sidebar for Scheduling Campaign template pages only.', 'before_widget' => '<div class="widget">', 'after_widget' => '</div>', 'before_title' => '<h2 class="widget-title">', 'after_title' => '</h2>' )); } // Add Automatic Feed Links add_theme_support('automatic-feed-links'); add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode'); add_action('widgets_init', 'rap_register_sidebars'); // Below added by Jessica 6/24/13 to display Salesforce lookup fields on Gravity Forms field mapping page add_filter('gf_salesforce_skip_reference_types', '__return_false'); // Below added by Jessica to change the field value on the Join Us and Training forms add_action("gform_pre_submission_1", "pre_submission_JoinUs"); add_action("gform_pre_submission_8", "pre_submission_Training"); add_action("gform_pre_submission_15", "pre_submission_HCAP"); function pre_submission_JoinUs($form){ if ($_POST["input_15"] == 'Former Retail Worker') $_POST["input_15"] = 'Retail Worker'; } function pre_submission_Training($form){ if ($_POST["input_18"] == 'Former Retail Worker') $_POST["input_18"] = 'Retail Worker'; } function pre_submission_HCAP($form){ if ($_POST["input_15"] == 'Former Retail Worker') $_POST["input_15"] = 'Retail Worker'; } ?> Edited by motprogram, 11 December 2014 - 04:33 PM. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); include_once("conninfo2.php"); include_once('classes/bcrypt.php'); class User { private $_bcrypt; $this->_bcrypt = new Bcrypt; if($this->_bcrypt->verify($password, $this->data()->password)){ } if(isset($_POST['username'])) { $firstname = strip_tags($_POST['firstname']); $surname = strip_tags($_POST['surname']); $pnumber = strip_tags($_POST['pnumber']); $username = strip_tags($_POST['username']); $email1 = strip_tags($_POST['email1']); $email2 = strip_tags($_POST['email2']); $password1 = $_POST['password1']; $password2 = $_POST['password2']; //code below will make sure all fields are filled in if(trim($firstname) == "" || trim($surname) == "" || trim($pnumber) == "" || trim($username) == "username" || trim($email1) == "" || trim($email2) == "" ||trim($password1) == "" || trim($password2) == "") { echo "Error, all fileds need to be filled in"; $db = null; exit(); } //code below checks that the emails entered both match one another if($email1 != $email2) { echo "Emails do not match, please try again"; $db = null; exit(); } //code below matches the passwords entered else if($password1 != $password2) { echo "Passwords do not match please try again"; exit(); } if(!filter_var($email1, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { echo "Your email is invalid, please try again"; $db = null; exit(); } //checks if the email exists within the database $stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT email FROM login WHERE email=:email1 LIMIT 1"); $stmt->bindValue(':email1',$email1, PDO::PARAM_STR); try{ $stmt->execute(); $count = $stmt->rowCount(); } catch(PDOException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); $db = null; exit(); } //checks if the username exists $usernameSQL = $db->prepare("SELECT username FROM login WHERE username=:username LIMIT 1"); $usernameSQL->bindValue(':username',$username,PDO::PARAM_STR); try{ $usernameSQL->execute(); $usernameCount = $usernameSQL->rowCount(); } catch(PDOExemption $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); $db = null; exit(); } //checks if the email is already within the database if($count > 0) { echo "This email already exists"; $db = null; exit(); } //checks the username if($usernameCount > 0) { echo "This username is unavailable please try another"; $db = null; exit(); } $user = new User; $bcrypt = new Bcrypt; try { $email1->create(array( 'username' => Input::get('username'), 'password1' => $bcrypt->hash(Input::get('password')), 'firstname' => Input::get('name'), 'surname' => Input::get('surname'), 'pnumber' => Input::get('pnumber'), 'email1' => Input::get('email'), 'ipaddress' => Input::get('ipaddress'), 'signup_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'group' => 1 )); //grab the last id used within the database $lastId = $db->lastInsertId(); $stmt3 = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO activated (user, token) VALUES ('$lastId', :token)"); $stmt3->bindValue(':token',$token,PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt3->execute(); //email activation $from = "From Auto Responder @ Mediaedit <>"; $subject = "IMPORTANT: Please activate your account"; $link = ''.$lastId.'&token='.$token.''; //email body $message = " Thanks for register with Mediaedit, before your able to use our services you will need to verify your email so that we know your human $link "; //headers $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "rn"; $headers .= "Content-type: textrn"; $headers .= "From: Mediaedit"; //send email now mail($email1, $subject, $message, $headers, '-f'); $db->commit(); echo "Thanks for registering, before you can us our services you need to activate your account an email has been sent which you will recieve shortly"; $db = null; exit(); } catch(PDOException $e){ $db->rollBack(); echo $e->getMessage(); $db = null; exit(); } } ?>i keep getting Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting T_FUNCTION Hi all, Does anybody can help me with this error...? I am trying create a simple form which insert data into mysql table called 'sample' Here is my code... Code: [Select] <?php $connection = mysql_connect("localhost","root", "123"); if(!$connection) { die("db connection error" .mysql_error()); } $db_select = mysql_select_db("project", $connection); if(!$db_select) { die("db select error" .mysql_error()); } $sql = "INSERT INTO sample (id,firstname,lastname,bio,gender) VALUES ('$_POST['ID_']','$_POST['firstname']','$_POST['lastname']','$_POST['bio']','$_POST['gender']')"; if(!$sql) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "1 record added"; ?> And every time I am getting this annoying error Quote Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in C:\wamp\www\project\process.php on line 19 and Line 19 is Code: [Select] ('$_POST['ID_']','$_POST['firstname']','$_POST['lastname']','$_POST['bio']','$_POST['gender']')"; Thanks in advance..! :-) Hey, Its something to do with the ' or \ I know that as Ive been trying alot. Code Code: [Select] if ($this->isAdmin && count ($func_players) > SettingsManager::GetSetting(Settings::BAN_LIMIT)) return $this->sendErrorBox('max', 'You can\'t ban that many Users at once!', 'Gosh', 'iBan'); foreach($func_players as $func_player) $func_player->ban(&this->playerName, $this->isAdmin); return $this->sendErrorBox('max', sprintf( '%s ha%s been banned.' $this->getPlayerString($func_players), count($func_players) == 1 ? 's' : 've'), 'SykoPwns:P', 'Sykos:iBan'); Thanks for your help! Ive tried alot of things I think I could just take out the \ or something!! |