PHP - Simplexml_load_file
My first stab at connecting to an API with php. The API takes a url and returns an xml file. When I try this:
<?php $apicall = ""; $xml = simplexml_load_file($apicall); print_r($xml); ?> My local testing server responds with: Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: Unable to find the wrapper "https" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? However, in the php configuration file, php.ini, I have: 'allow_url_fopen = On' which is what the manual says is all you need for https use in most functions that take urls. The url that is $apicall works correctly when just pasted into the browser. When I try the php code on the production server I get no warning (they are turned off) and no output. Any ideas? Similar TutorialsHi.
I am trying to fetch xml from a betting website feed. The feed is restricted per IP but I have had the server IP, where the site is located, whitelisted and they have confirmed numerous times that the IP has definitely been whitelisted.
If I try to connect using simplexml_load_file to a BBC xml feed it works fine but to the betting feed I get "failed to open stream: HTTP request failed!"
Is there any way of knowing why it is failing or is there anything else that could prevent it from connecting to that specific feed?
many thanks in advance
Does the file have to be in the document root? If not, what is the correct syntax to point simplexml_load_file() to a directory on the server that is not the document root? ie what goes between the () this works fine if the .xml file is in my public html root - simplexml_load_file('sample.xml') but when I put the file in a different directory on the server, I can't figure out how to point to it. Help is appreciated. first off I have to make an empty loc.xml file with permissions in order to write contents, I understand the permission idea. secondly, simplexml_load_file does nothing I get it straight from here <?php $request=''; //echo $request; $filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/loc.xml"; $raw_xml = file_get_contents($request); //echo $raw_xml; $fp = fopen($filename, "w"); fwrite($fp, $raw_xml); fclose ($fp); // The file test.xml contains an XML document with a root element // and at least an element /[root]/title. if (file_exists($filename)) { $xml = simplexml_load_file($filename); print_r($xml); } else { exit('Failed to open loc.xml.'); } ?> I have an application that loads several xml files, and then outputs some of the data from the file. The problem is that every once in a while, the service that provides the xml file does maintenance (or has an error in the file), and my application gives a "Fatal error: Call to a member function children() on a non-object in..."
I would like to handle the error differently, by displaying "unavailable" instead of the error. I know that this is usually not the appropriate way of handling errors, because there is a reason for a fatal error.
Any ideas on how to appropriately handle this error?
// Node 217 (GGB) $xml = simplexml_load_file(""); foreach($xml->children() as $traveltime) { $ggb = "$traveltime->currentTravelTime"; } echo "GGB:" , $ggb , " Minutes"; Hi guys, This has been bothering me for quite some time. I have a piece of code that works absolutely fine on my local XAMPP setup but causes a 500 internal server error when I run it on my host (hostgator). $source = "marketplace_feed_v1.xml"; $xml = simplexml_load_file($source,'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); SimpleXML is enabled on hostgator marketplace_feed_v1.xml is located in the same directory as this script I don't understand why this won't work Any help at all is much appreciated. Hi! I'm having trouble accessing data with simpleXML_load_file I have a working script that loads an XML-file and outputs in a proprietary format that I've written, but for some reason I can't get it to work with this second set of XML-files. Loading the file seems to work fine. I load the file into a variable, and can print the contents of the file using echo $xml -> asXML(); However, when I try to access a single node using: echo $xml->{'SOAP-ENV:Envelope'}->{'SOAP-ENV:Body'}->Order->OrderHeader->OrderNumber->BuyerOrderNumber;I get the following error: Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\www\convert_uio.php on line 28 XML-file looks as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd=""> <SOAP-ENV:Header> <nseps:endpoints SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="true" xmlns:nseps="urn:schemas-IBX:/docs/endpoint.nsendpoint"> <nseps:to> <nseps:address>8b51fc8c-7aba-1000-bbbe-c0a878330001</nseps:address> </nseps:to> <nseps:from> <nseps:address>1b0ad9d6-7a05-1000-a43c-c0a878330001</nseps:address> </nseps:from> </nseps:endpoints> <nsprop:properties SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="true" xmlns:nsprop="urn:schemas-IBX:/docs/property.nsproperty"> <nsprop:identity>fb1797dbb1f14a179482b1bb53bc7c14</nsprop:identity> <nsprop:sentAt>2014-09-02T00:00:00+01:00</nsprop:sentAt> <nsprop:topic>Order</nsprop:topic> </nsprop:properties> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <Order xmlns="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/xcbl/v3_5/xcbl35.xsd"> <OrderHeader> <OrderNumber> <BuyerOrderNumber>E14124673</BuyerOrderNumber> </OrderNumber> <OrderIssueDate>20140902T00:00:00+01:00</OrderIssueDate> <OrderReferences> <AccountCode> <Reference> <RefNum>no_unoslo</RefNum> </Reference> </AccountCode> </OrderReferences> <Purpose> <PurposeCoded>Original</PurposeCoded> </Purpose> <RequestedResponse> <RequestedResponseCoded>NoAcknowledgementNeeded</RequestedResponseCoded> </RequestedResponse> <OrderType> <OrderTypeCoded>PurchaseOrder</OrderTypeCoded> </OrderType> <OrderCurrency> <Currency> <CurrencyCoded>NOK</CurrencyCoded> </Currency> </OrderCurrency> <OrderLanguage> <Language LanguageDependent="false"> <LanguageCoded>no</LanguageCoded> </Language> </OrderLanguage> <OrderDates> <RequestedDeliverByDate>20140904T00:00:00+01:00</RequestedDeliverByDate> </OrderDates> <OrderParty> <BuyerParty> <Party> <PartyID> <Identifier> <Agency> <AgencyCoded>AssignedByBuyerOrBuyersAgent</AgencyCoded> </Agency> <Ident>no_uio</Ident> </Identifier> </PartyID> <NameAddress> <Name1>xxxxxxxxxxxxx</Name1> <Name2>xxxxxxxxxxxxx</Name2> <POBox>xxxxx</POBox> <PostalCode>NO-0316</PostalCode> <City>Oslo</City> <Country> <CountryCoded>NO</CountryCoded> </Country> </NameAddress> <OrderContact> <Contact> <ContactName>Some Name</ContactName> <ContactFunction> <ContactFunctionCoded>PurchasingContact</ContactFunctionCoded> </ContactFunction> <ListOfContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue></ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>EmailAddress</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue>+4700000000</ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>TelephoneNumber</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> </ListOfContactNumber> </Contact> </OrderContact> </Party> </BuyerParty> <BuyerTaxInformation> <PartyTaxInformation> <TaxIdentifier> <Identifier> <Agency> <AgencyCoded>Other</AgencyCoded> <AgencyCodedOther>VAT Number</AgencyCodedOther> </Agency> <Ident>00000000</Ident> </Identifier> </TaxIdentifier> </PartyTaxInformation> </BuyerTaxInformation> <SellerParty> <Party> <PartyID> <Identifier> <Agency> <AgencyCoded>AssignedByBuyerOrBuyersAgent</AgencyCoded> </Agency> <Ident>8b51fc8c-7aba-1000-bbbe-c0a878330001</Ident> </Identifier> </PartyID> <NameAddress> <Name1>Name 2</Name1> <Street>Adress</Street> <PostalCode> 0314</PostalCode> <City>OSLO</City> <Country> <CountryCoded>NO</CountryCoded> </Country> </NameAddress> <OrderContact> <Contact> <ContactName>N/A</ContactName> <ListOfContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue>email</ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>EmailAddress</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue>47 0000000</ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>FaxNumber</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> </ListOfContactNumber> </Contact> </OrderContact> </Party> </SellerParty> <ShipToParty> <Party> <PartyID> <Identifier> <Agency> <AgencyCoded>AssignedByBuyerOrBuyersAgent</AgencyCoded> </Agency> <Ident /> </Identifier> </PartyID> <NameAddress> <Name1>Name</Name1> <Name2>Name2 </Name2> <Street>Adress</Street> <StreetSupplement1>0318 Oslo</StreetSupplement1> <PostalCode>NO-0562</PostalCode> <City>OSLO</City> <Country> <CountryCoded>NO</CountryCoded> </Country> </NameAddress> <OrderContact> <Contact> <ContactName>Name</ContactName> <ContactFunction> <ContactFunctionCoded>PurchasingContact</ContactFunctionCoded> </ContactFunction> <ListOfContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue>emamil</ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>EmailAddress</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue>+470000000</ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>TelephoneNumber</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> </ListOfContactNumber> </Contact> </OrderContact> <ReceivingContact> <Contact> <ContactName>Name</ContactName> <ContactFunction> <ContactFunctionCoded>PurchasingContact</ContactFunctionCoded> </ContactFunction> <ListOfContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue>email</ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>EmailAddress</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue>+4700000000</ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>TelephoneNumber</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> </ListOfContactNumber> </Contact> </ReceivingContact> </Party> </ShipToParty> <BillToParty> <Party> <PartyID> <Identifier> <Agency> <AgencyCoded>AssignedByBuyerOrBuyersAgent</AgencyCoded> </Agency> <Ident>no_uio</Ident> </Identifier> </PartyID> <NameAddress> <Name1>Name</Name1> <Name2>Adress</Name2> <POBox>adress2</POBox> <PostalCode>NO-0316</PostalCode> <City>Oslo</City> <County /> <District>9908:971035854</District> <Country> <CountryCoded>NO</CountryCoded> </Country> </NameAddress> <OrderContact> <Contact> <ContactName>Name</ContactName> <ContactFunction> <ContactFunctionCoded>PurchasingContact</ContactFunctionCoded> </ContactFunction> <ListOfContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue>email</ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>EmailAddress</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue>+470000000</ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>TelephoneNumber</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> </ListOfContactNumber> </Contact> </OrderContact> </Party> </BillToParty> </OrderParty> <OrderTermsOfDelivery> <TermsOfDelivery> <TermsOfDeliveryFunctionCoded>Other</TermsOfDeliveryFunctionCoded> <TermsOfDeliveryFunctionCodedOther>Other</TermsOfDeliveryFunctionCodedOther> <TransportTermsCoded>Other</TransportTermsCoded> <TransportTermsCodedOther>DDP</TransportTermsCodedOther> <ShipmentMethodOfPaymentCoded>Other</ShipmentMethodOfPaymentCoded> <ShipmentMethodOfPaymentCodedOther>Other</ShipmentMethodOfPaymentCodedOther> <TransportDescription /> </TermsOfDelivery> </OrderTermsOfDelivery> <OrderHeaderNote /> </OrderHeader> <OrderDetail> <ListOfItemDetail> <ItemDetail> <BaseItemDetail> <LineItemNum> <BuyerLineItemNum>1</BuyerLineItemNum> </LineItemNum> <LineItemType> <LineItemTypeCoded>Item</LineItemTypeCoded> </LineItemType> <ItemIdentifiers> <PartNumbers> <SellerPartNumber> <PartNum> <PartID>1000000000001</PartID> </PartNum> </SellerPartNumber> <ManufacturerPartNumber> <PartID /> </ManufacturerPartNumber> </PartNumbers> <ItemDescription>Normal frakt, pris 20 NOK</ItemDescription> </ItemIdentifiers> <TotalQuantity> <Quantity> <QuantityValue>1</QuantityValue> <UnitOfMeasurement> <UOMCoded>EA</UOMCoded> </UnitOfMeasurement> </Quantity> </TotalQuantity> <OffCatalogFlag>false</OffCatalogFlag> </BaseItemDetail> <PricingDetail> <ListOfPrice> <Price> <UnitPrice> <UnitPriceValue>20</UnitPriceValue> <Currency> <CurrencyCoded>NOK</CurrencyCoded> </Currency> <UnitOfMeasurement> <UOMCoded>EA</UOMCoded> </UnitOfMeasurement> </UnitPrice> <PriceBasisQuantity> <Quantity> <QuantityValue>1</QuantityValue> <UnitOfMeasurement> <UOMCoded>EA</UOMCoded> </UnitOfMeasurement> </Quantity> </PriceBasisQuantity> </Price> </ListOfPrice> <Tax> <TaxFunctionQualifierCoded>Tax</TaxFunctionQualifierCoded> <TaxCategoryCoded>StandardRate</TaxCategoryCoded> <TaxTypeCoded>ValueAddedTax</TaxTypeCoded> <TaxPercent>.00</TaxPercent> <TaxableAmount>20.00</TaxableAmount> <TaxAmount>.00</TaxAmount> </Tax> <TotalValue> <MonetaryValue> <MonetaryAmount>20.00</MonetaryAmount> </MonetaryValue> </TotalValue> </PricingDetail> <DeliveryDetail> <ListOfScheduleLine> <ScheduleLine> <Quantity> <QuantityValue>1</QuantityValue> <UnitOfMeasurement> <UOMCoded>EA</UOMCoded> </UnitOfMeasurement> </Quantity> <RequestedDeliveryDate>20140904T00:00:00+01:00</RequestedDeliveryDate> </ScheduleLine> </ListOfScheduleLine> </DeliveryDetail> </ItemDetail> <ItemDetail> <BaseItemDetail> <LineItemNum> <BuyerLineItemNum>2</BuyerLineItemNum> </LineItemNum> <LineItemType> <LineItemTypeCoded>Item</LineItemTypeCoded> </LineItemType> <ItemIdentifiers> <PartNumbers> <SellerPartNumber> <PartNum> <PartID>9788258312007</PartID> </PartNum> </SellerPartNumber> <ManufacturerPartNumber> <PartID /> </ManufacturerPartNumber> </PartNumbers> <ItemDescription>Hovedtariffavtalen i staten 1. mai 2014 - 30. april 2016 (p.100kr)</ItemDescription> </ItemIdentifiers> <TotalQuantity> <Quantity> <QuantityValue>2</QuantityValue> <UnitOfMeasurement> <UOMCoded>EA</UOMCoded> </UnitOfMeasurement> </Quantity> </TotalQuantity> <OffCatalogFlag>false</OffCatalogFlag> </BaseItemDetail> <PricingDetail> <ListOfPrice> <Price> <UnitPrice> <UnitPriceValue>100</UnitPriceValue> <Currency> <CurrencyCoded>NOK</CurrencyCoded> </Currency> <UnitOfMeasurement> <UOMCoded>EA</UOMCoded> </UnitOfMeasurement> </UnitPrice> <PriceBasisQuantity> <Quantity> <QuantityValue>1</QuantityValue> <UnitOfMeasurement> <UOMCoded>EA</UOMCoded> </UnitOfMeasurement> </Quantity> </PriceBasisQuantity> </Price> </ListOfPrice> <Tax> <TaxFunctionQualifierCoded>Tax</TaxFunctionQualifierCoded> <TaxCategoryCoded>StandardRate</TaxCategoryCoded> <TaxTypeCoded>ValueAddedTax</TaxTypeCoded> <TaxPercent>.00</TaxPercent> <TaxableAmount>100.00</TaxableAmount> <TaxAmount>.00</TaxAmount> </Tax> <TotalValue> <MonetaryValue> <MonetaryAmount>200.00</MonetaryAmount> </MonetaryValue> </TotalValue> </PricingDetail> <DeliveryDetail> <ListOfScheduleLine> <ScheduleLine> <Quantity> <QuantityValue>2</QuantityValue> <UnitOfMeasurement> <UOMCoded>EA</UOMCoded> </UnitOfMeasurement> </Quantity> <RequestedDeliveryDate>20140904T00:00:00+01:00</RequestedDeliveryDate> </ScheduleLine> </ListOfScheduleLine> </DeliveryDetail> </ItemDetail> </ListOfItemDetail> </OrderDetail> <OrderSummary> <NumberOfLines>2</NumberOfLines> <TotalTax> <MonetaryValue> <MonetaryAmount>.00</MonetaryAmount> </MonetaryValue> </TotalTax> <TotalAmount> <MonetaryValue> <MonetaryAmount>220.00</MonetaryAmount> <Currency> <CurrencyCoded>NOK</CurrencyCoded> </Currency> </MonetaryValue> </TotalAmount> </OrderSummary> </Order> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> I have a script that uses simplexml_load_file to download weather xml files. It works great except when the file doesn't exist. The server returns an HTML page when the xml file isn't available but the title is something.xml. How can I check to be sure it is an xml file and handle the error when it isn't. I have tried file_exists and access the return code (it's always 200). Can I access the doctype and determine if it HTML or XML? Hello fellow developers, Let me start by saying I'm still a PHP noob so please don't go too hard on me if I my code reflects this noobishness... So I'm trying to build a (very) simple RSS reader using jQuery and PHP. When the user clicks on an option from a dropdown, an AJAX call is made and passes the url selected from the list to a PHP script. The PHP script then loads the appropriate xml file from an 'xmlcache' folder. Everything is working just fine for files named as such: somefilename_1231231231.xml The problem is that I need it to be able to load files which have been urlencoded such as: In case you're wondering, the numbers at the end are a timestamp which will determine if the reader will load a cached copy of the desired xml file (if it's less than an hour old) or if it needs to get a fresh version (this part of the code is not written yet). Here is a look at my script thus far: <?php $url = "./xmlcache/" . urlencode($_REQUEST['url']); //access url from AJAX call echo $url; //outputs -> "./xmlcache/", which is the same as the file's name $curTime = time(); $urlParts = explode('_', $url); $urlTime = intval($urlParts[1]); $diff = $curTime - $urlTime; $urlAge = 60 * 60; //60sec * 60min = 3600sec or 1 hour if(file_exists($url)){ if($diff > $urlAge){ //the > will be switched to < to make logical sense once testing is done. $xml = simplexml_load_file($url); //ROOT TAG foreach($xml as $key0 => $value){ echo "$key0: $value"; foreach($value->attributes() as $attributeskey0 => $attributesvalue1){ echo "$attributeskey0: $attributesvalue1"; } echo "<br />"; //1 LEVEL BELOW ROOT TAG foreach($value as $key => $value2){ echo "$key: $value2"; foreach($value2->attributes() as $attributeskey => $attributesvalue2){ echo "$attributeskey = $attributesvalue2"; } echo '<br />'; //2 LEVELS BELOW ROOT TAG foreach($value2 as $key2 => $value3){ echo "$key2: $value3"; foreach($value3->attributes() as $attributeskey2 => $attributesvalue3){ echo "$attributeskey2 = $attributesvalue3"; } echo '<br />'; //3 LEVELS BELOW ROOT TAG foreach($value3 as $key3 => $value4){ echo "$key3: $value4"; foreach($value4->attributes() as $attributeskey3 => $attributesvalue4){ echo "$attributeskey3 = $attributesvalue4"; } echo '<br />'; //4 LEVELS BELOW ROOT TAG foreach($value4 as $key4 => $value5){ echo "$key4: $value5"; foreach($value5->attributes() as $attributeskey4 => $attributesvalue5){ echo "$attributeskey4 = $attributesvalue5"; } echo '<br />'; //5 LEVELS BELOW ROOT TAG foreach($value5 as $key5 => $value6){ echo "$key5: $value6"; foreach($value6->attributes() as $attributeskey5 => $attributesvalue6){ echo "$attributeskey5 = $attributesvalue6"; } echo '<br />'; } } } } echo '<br />'; } echo '<br />'; } }else{ //need to create the XML file from scratch, do a curl function, or read from a text file echo "need a new version"; //@unlink("$url); } }else{ echo "That file does not exist.<br/>"; } ?> The error message I'm getting is this: Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "./xmlcache/" in C:\wamp\www\reader\loadfeed.php on line 13 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\wamp\www\reader\loadfeed.php on line 16 The second error is obviously thrown because the file doesn't get loaded. I appreciate any help you gurus have to offer, and if you have any suggestions for the best way to load a fresh version that will be handled by the first else statement, I'm all ears. Thanks guys! Hi Guys! I'm new here at PHPFreaks, I have this problem using simplexml_load_file function. I am retrieving an XML from another sub-domain of my project, it's working fine on my local server (win xp, php 5.2.14) but when I try to execute it on our testing server (linux, php 5.2.14) it returns an error something like this.. Warning: simplexml_load_file([url of the script]) [function.simplexml-load-file]: failed to open stream: Connection timed out in [absolute path of the script] on line 3 i have tried cURL and file_get_contents, still get no luck. please note that the XML is validated via and works really fine on my local server.. Thanks in advanced! I've been pulling my hair out for the past couple of hours working with simplexml_load_file(). I was attempting to consume a web service generated by that I've been consuming using CURL and a function to remove the BOM (byte order marker) so that I could load it into simplexml_load_string(). When I switched over to simplexml_load_file() to call the file instead of using CURL and my function, I was getting errors that it could not find the beginning '<' and that the document was empty and so on.. I couldn't find anything about simplexml_load_file() handling BOM characters, so I went for a walk. I came back to my desk and refreshed the page.. and it just started working. I changed nothing! Guess I should be happy that it started working, but I'd sure like to know why it was breaking in the first place, and then why it would suddenly start working without me doing anything. Has anyone else seen anything like this? |