PHP - Adding File Within Function Without Having To Call File.
Hi all i have stumbled across an issue and really need some help i have got a function below which i am using in a wordpress plugin. here is the code. // Base function function isd_s3player() { // Plugin Url $s3url = WP_PLUGIN_URL.'/'.str_replace(basename( __FILE__),"",plugin_basename(__FILE__)); echo '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="'.$s3url.'dewplayer-playlist.swf" width="235" height="200" id="dewplayer" name="dewplayer"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <param name="movie" value="'.$s3url.'dewplayer-playlist.swf" /> <param name="flashvars" value="showtime=true&autoreplay=true&xml='.$s3url.'playlist.php&autostart=1" /> </object>'; } ok the problem i am having is i cant passed the database variable to the playlist.php which the dewplayer needs to call within the function. is their a way to somehow use or set the playlist.php in this function without having to call it seperatly??? Here is my playlist.php <?php $bucket = get_option("isd-bucket"); $folder = get_option("isd-folder"); //include the S3 class if (!class_exists('S3'))require_once('s3/S3.php'); //AWS access info if (!defined('awsAccessKey')) define('awsAccessKey', 'amazon key'); if (!defined('awsSecretKey')) define('awsSecretKey', 'amazon secret key'); //instantiate the class $s3 = new S3(awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey); // Get the contents of our bucket $bucket_contents = $s3->getBucket($bucket,$folder); header("Content-type: text/xml"); $xml_output = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n"; $xml_output .= '<playlist version="1" xmlns="">\n'; $xml_output .= "<trackList>\n"; foreach ($bucket_contents as $file){ $fname = $file['name']; $furl = "http://$".urlencode($fname); if(preg_match("/\.mp3$/i", $furl)) { if (isset($outputted[$furl])) { continue; } $xml_output .= "\t<track>\n"; $xml_output .= "\t\t<location>" . $furl . "</location>\n"; $xml_output .= "\t\t<creator>" . $fname . "</creator>\n"; $xml_output .= "\t\t<album>" . $fname . "</album>\n"; $xml_output .= "\t\t<title>" . basename($fname) . "</title>\n"; $xml_output .= "\t\t<annotation>I love this song</annotation>\n"; $xml_output .= "\t\t<duration>32000</duration>\n"; $xml_output .= "\t\t<image>covers/smetana.jpg</image>\n"; $xml_output .= "\t\t<info></info>\n"; $xml_output .= "\t\t<link>" . $furl . "</link>\n"; $xml_output .= "\t</track>\n"; $outputted[$furl] = true; } } $xml_output .= "</trackList>"; echo $xml_output; ?> ok so as you can see right at the top i am trying to grab two option from the database but it doesnt allow you to do it this way within wordpress. So i guess what i am asking is their a way to completely skip the playlist.php file and do everything within the function??? Any help?? Similar TutorialsHi there, I have already read some other topics concerning the same problem I am encountering. I have multiple applications which I programmed in PHP. In all of these applications I use a central authentication database and a central translation database (also on PHP). For this to work, I need to include a functions.php file for both the authentication db as for the translation db in all of my sites. Because I use different URL's for all my apps, including auth and transl, I am forced to use an URL when including both the functions.php files of the auth db and the transl db. As I found out (the hard way) PHP5 doesn't include the raw data of my functions.php files into the calling files, so none of my functions are known and I receive an error "Call to undefined function ...". Since I am using these programs only on an internal network (not public available), I am not afraid of any security issues. Is there any way I can include my functions.php files using an URL (like include ('');) so the defined functions in the functions.php file are known for the calling page? I hope I am not too confusing you all with my story, but I would really be very greatfull with some help. If needed I can also provide you with some more coding I used and configuring. I already checked my php.ini file and the following settings have already been applied: allow_url_fopen = On allow_url_include = On short_open_tag = On Many thanks in advance. Hi all. I try to adding checkbox when I call my function, my Class code is Code: [Select] class SQLconn{ function fetchData($table_name, $argument, $linebreak, $end_linebreak){ $result = mysql_query("select * from $table_name where status='$argument'"); while($row=mysql_fetch_row($result)){ echo $linebreak.$row[1]."<input type='checkbox' name='option' id='checkbox' value=$row[0] />".$end_linebreak; //$row[0] is 'job_id' from database } } } and my view code is like this Code: [Select] <?php $connect = new SQLconn(config()); $connect->connectDB(); $connect->fetchData("todo", "Undone", "<li>", "</li>"); //this is where the problem is $connect->closeConn(); ?> With that code I succesfully achieve my goal to add checkbox with right 'job_id' value but this is a workaround and not good because if I code it this way my function will be broken if use it somewhere else. My question is, how can I fix my code so I can add checkbox to view page but I can keep my function clean? Really need opinion about this?? hi I have a problem with my code. Actually i want to make a dynamic page. for that i have a database from where i get data. I getting data dynamically at homepage & make a hyperlink there with html code. But in actual inner pages are not exists. I made a file there which is getting dynamic data also. All comparing data is put in redirect.html on server & also include that specific file as well................Main Problem is that i do not know from where to call redirect.php....because when a link is clicked server open that page & we redirect control to redirec.php....... Is there any possible solutions I've inherited a website and I'm no PHP expert. The way pages work is the urls are displayed as follows<page_name> The pages are stored in a folder called templates as .tpl files. Amongst these is a file called layouts.tpl which is the website layout and menus, inside this there's a php include Code: [Select] <?php include("template/$content_for_layout.tpl"); ?> which basically draws the content for the page from each static file when requested. In the index.php each static file has to be included as in the following example: Code: [Select] case "conditions"; $title = "Terms & Conditions"; $content_for_layout = $_GET['action']; break; Without this in the index.php the page just reverts back to the homepage when you enter the url. I personally don't think this is right? It is handy to be able to manage all the page titles from a central location (index.php) but seems quite messy and cumbersome. I plan on making an articles or news folder and regularly creating pages and if each one has to be relayed this way in the index it is going to get big and cause headaches. Is there any way around this that anyone can see? ... On another note. If you type in the actual physical url of the file location it shows the html of the page without the layout i.e. I don't know how common it is for websites to display "../?action=pagename" or similar but I wouldn't have thought it would be ideal for SEO purposes? I want to call a different header file for firefox. Is this possible? I don't need to adjust anything in the css file. How can I do this? hello. im trying to get the following to work. any ideas for me? Code: [Select] Text[12]=["Job Description","$description it "] it is in a .js file. Hello all I have a php and jquery/ajax call I am using to create a file/send an email. I get all the contents from my textboxes but I want a message to display on the screen afterwards being success or fail. In my .ajax call My call is exiting right before the ‘success:’ part. Why is my call not succeeding? Any tips/help will be appreciated Thank you Html page just a form with a submit button $(document).ready(function () { var form = $("#formData"); $(form).on("submit", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "file.php", data: $(this).serialize(), beforeSend: function () { $("#status").html('<span style="color:red;">Loading everything actually creating a .TXT file of contents...</span>') //--works }, success: function (data) { var responseMsgType = "alert-" + data.type; var responseMsgText = data.message; // message below var alertBox = '<div class="alert ' + responseMsgType + ' alert-dismissable"><button type="button" class="close" ' + 'data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true">×</button>' + responseMsgText + '</div>'; if (responseMsgType && responseMsgText) { $(form).find(".successArea").html(alertBox); $(form)[0].reset(); } } }); return false; }); <?php $controls = array('txtName' => 'Name', 'txtEmail' => 'Email', 'txtSubject' => 'Subject', 'txtMessage' => 'Message'); try { if(count($_POST)==0) { throw new \Exception ('Contact Form Message is empty'); } $headers = array('Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8";', 'From: ' . $email, 'Reply-To: ' . $email, 'Return-Path: ' .$email); $emailMessage = "You have a new message from your contact form" . PHP_EOL; $emailMessage .= "-------------------------------------------------------" . PHP_EOL; foreach($_POST as $key => $value){ if(isset($controls[$key])) { $emailMessage .= "$controls[$key]: $value". PHP_EOL; } } $mailMsg = "email6.txt"; if(file_exists($filename) == false) { $fh = fopen($mailMsg, "w"); fwrite($fh, $headers); fwrite($fh, $emailMessage); fclose($fh); } else { $fhexists = fopen($filename, "a"); fwrite($fhexists, $content); fclose($fhexists); } $responseMessage = array("type" => "success", "message" => $successMessage); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $responseMessage = array("type" => "errorM", "message" => $errorMessage); } if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest') { $encodedJSON = json_encode($responseMessage); header("Content-Type: application/json"); echo $encodedJSON; } else { echo $responseMessage["message"]; }
Hi, Is it possible to add PHP code into a TPL file? Ive tried adding my code in as standard PHP and also tried it with the {php}.....{/php} tags but it still doesnt work. Any help appreciated! Thanks Tom Hi all, I am trying to add 3 images to a file on the server. The form is posted to a php page where I am trying to put the images in to a folder named aircraft. I have tried echoing the values and they are correct. But it is not working for some reason. Any help will be appreciated. The html form is: Code: [Select] <li> <label for="image">Main Image</label> <fieldset id="image1"> <input type="file" name="image" id="image" /> </fieldset> <label for="image2">Second Image</label> <fieldset id="image 2"> <input type="file" name="image2" id="image2" /> </fieldset> <label for="image3">Third Image</label> <fieldset id="image 3"> <input type="file" name="image3" id="image3" /> </fieldset> </li> The PHP page is: <?php $destination='aircraft/'.$reg."1.jpg"; $temp_file = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name']; move_uploaded_file($temp_file,$destination); $destination2='aircraft/'.$reg."2.jpg"; $temp_file2 = $_FILES['image2']['tmp_name']; move_uploaded_file($temp_file2,$destination2); $destination3='aircraft/'.$reg."3.jpg"; $temp_file3 = $_FILES['image3']['tmp_name']; move_uploaded_file($temp_file3,$destination3); ?> Hi, I was wondering if this is possible as I've been tasked (uni project) with creating a blog site that displays entries in order of creation. From what I've seen, when modifying the file I can only add entries from the bottom line and not from the top without replacing the previously stored content. Thank you. Hey anybody can please guide me where I m wrong in this php code please reply here is the code Only variables should be passed by reference on line 3 in that function area function get_file_extension($file_name) main error I guess is the explode one Aand yeah I checked adding $file_name = $_FILES['fld']; before the function is started <?php require("include/dbconn.php"); //$username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username1']); function get_file_extension($file_name) { return end(explode('.',$file_name)); } function errors($error){ if (!empty($error)) { $i = 0; while ($i < count($error)){ $showError.= '<div class="msg-error">'.$error[$i].'</div>'; $i ++;} return $showError; }// close if empty errors } // close function if (isset($_POST['submit'])){ $username = "Sunny"; $date1 = date("d m y"); mysql_select_db("deals") or die(mysql_error()); if($username == "") { //header("location:newnewuser1.php"); echo "Username empty"; //header("location:newnewuser1.php"); } else { function createRandomPassword() { $chars = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz023456789"; srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $i = 0; $pass = '' ; while ($i <= 7) { $num = rand() % 33; $tmp = substr($chars, $num, 1); $pass = $pass . $tmp; $i++; } return $pass; } // Usage $password = createRandomPassword(); //$password = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Password']); $date = strtotime("+2hours"); $date1 = date("d-m-y",$date); if(get_file_extension($_FILES["fld"]["name"])!= 'csv') { $error[] = 'Only CSV files accepted!'; echo "Wrong Input"; }//get_file_extension if (!$error) { $tot = 0; $handle = fopen($_FILES["fld"]["tmp_name"], "r"); while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) { for ($c=0; $c < 1; $c++) { try { mysql_query("INSERT INTO newusers (email,password,location,company,name,contact,sourcename,date)VALUES('".mysql_real_escape_string($data[0])."','$password','".mysql_real_escape_string($data[1])."', '".mysql_real_escape_string($data[2])."','".mysql_real_escape_string($data[3])."','".mysql_real_escape_string($data[4])."','$username1','$date1')"); $tot++; } catch(Exception $e) { PRINT 'ERROR:' +$e; } }//for }//while fclose($handle); }// end no error }//close if isset upfile } ?> and this is the form code <form name="f1" action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <table><tr><td><input type="file" value="Browse" name="fld" onselect="CheckExtension(fld)"><br/></td><td> </td></tr><tr><td>Username :<input type="text" name="username1" value="" id="user" onfocus="validateForm1()"></td> <td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" id="submit"></td></tr></table> </form> Please help me I m stuck in this quite badly Please [attachment deleted by admin] Hi, I am using Mouseflow analytics in a phpbb forum. In my specific application, I need to add their application's javascript code inside php code. How do I properly add Javascript code inside a php code. Thanks This is how I would add it to an html file <script type="text/javascript"> var _mfq = _mfq || []; (function () { var mf = document.createElement("script"); mf.type = "text/javascript"; mf.async = true; mf.src = "//"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(mf); })(); </script> I have a script that will download a file from my server onto the user's computer. The problem is it's adding the pages HTML to the top of the file. When I actually look at the file on my server it does NOT have the HTML there, so it has to be some sort of problem with my headers. Code: [Select] <?php $fname = "keyword_files/".$this->fileID.".csv"; header('Content-type: application/csv'); header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=".$fname); readfile($fname); ?> I would appreciate any help! Thanks. I have a checkout form that goes like this... Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head></head> <body></body> </html> Can I start adding this line of code to all of my PHP files - AS THE LAST LINE - without any negative consequences?? Code: [Select] <? // Build date 2011-05-14 ?> Debbie Hello, I am making an upload script and I want to restrict all file types except png, jpg, and gif. I can't seem to figure it out and help would be appreciated!! <?php $target = "images/"; $target = $target . basename( $_FILES['uploaded']['name']) ; $ok=1; //This is our size condition if ($uploaded_size > 230000) { echo "Your file is too large.<br>"; $ok=0; } if (!($uploaded_type=="image/gif")) { echo "You may only upload GIF files.<br>"; $ok=0; } //Here we check that $ok was not set to 0 by an error if ($ok==0) { Echo "Sorry your file was not uploaded"; } //If everything is ok we try to upload it else { if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'], $target)) { echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']). " has been uploaded"; } else { echo "Sorry, there was a problem uploading your file."; } } ?> Hi all I have a string in an include file for a javascript lightbox value. I need this value to increase by one every time it loops. Here's my code: $fetchproducts = mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM `products` "); while($returnedProduct = mysql_fetch_array($fetchproducts)) { include('product-cell.php'); } The string is called $lightboxcount in the product-cell.php file Can I fit a ++ into the code above? Many thanks for your help Pete Can someone help me add a filter to my script that reads txt files from subfolders, I want it to only read txt files that are <= a certain KB size Code: [Select] 1.<?php 2.set_time_limit(0); // set unlimited execution time 3. 4. 5.$base_folder = $_POST['base_folder']; 6.$article_to_capture = (int)$_POST['article_to_capture']; 7. 8.$words = explode(',', $_POST['words']); 9. 10. 11.// print_r($words); die(''); 12. 13. 14.if(!is_dir($base_folder)) 15. die('Invalid base folder. Please go <a href="step1.php"><strong>back</strong></a> and enter correct folder.'); 16. 17.?><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> 18.<html> 19.<head> 20.<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> 21.<title>Artcle Scraper Step 2</title> 22.<style type="text/css"> 23.<!-- 24.body { 25. font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 26. font-size: 12px; 27. color: #333333; 28.} 29.--> 30.</style> 31.</head> 32. 33.<body> 34.<h2>Step 2 : Processing the content of the folder. </h2> 35.<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"> 36. <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> 37. <th width="10%"> </td> 38. <th width="30%">BASE FOLDER NAME</td> 39. <th width="50%"> <?php echo $base_folder;?></td> 40. <th width="10%"> </td> 41. </tr> 42.<?php 43. 44.$subfolder_arr = scandir($base_folder); 45. 46.//print_r($arr1); 47. 48.$total_subfolders = sizeof($subfolder_arr); 49.$subfolder_count = 0; 50.$file_count = 0; 51.$report = ""; 52. 53.$fp = fopen('articles.csv', 'w+'); 54. 55.for($i=0; $i< $total_subfolders; $i++){ 56. $file_name = $subfolder_arr[$i]; 57. 58. if($file_name=='.'||$file_name=='..') 59. continue; 60. 61. $sub_folder_name = $base_folder ."\\". $file_name; 62. $file_type = is_dir($sub_folder_name) ? 'dir' : 'file'; 63. if($file_type=='dir'){ 64. $sub_folder_count++; 65. $rpeort .= "Processing folder $sub_folder_count $sub_folder_name \r\n"; 66. $msg = "Processing folder $sub_folder_count $sub_folder_name \r\n"; 67.?> 68. <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><td> </td><td colspan="2"> 69. <?php echo $msg;?> 70. </td><td> </td></tr> 71. <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><td> </td><td colspan="2"> 72. <table width="90%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1" bordercolorlight="#0000FF"> 73.<?php 74. // process sub folder 75. $column1 = $file_name; 76. $column2 = '{'; 77. $column3 = '{'; 78. $first = true; 79. $files_arr = scandir($sub_folder_name); 80. $article_processed =0; // article_processed in current sub folder 81. foreach($files_arr as $key=>$val){ 82. 83. if(is_file($sub_folder_name.'\\'.$val) ) 84. { if( substr($val,-4)=='.txt' ) 85. { 86. $article_processed++; 87. 88. if($article_to_capture==0 || $article_processed <= $article_to_capture ){ 89. 90. if($first==true) $first=false; 91. else 92. { $column2 .= '|'; $column3 .= '|'; } 93. 94. // read file get title and body 95. $file_content = file($sub_folder_name.'\\'.$val); 96. $file_title = rtrim($file_content[0]); 97. 98. $file_content[0] = ''; 99. 100. $file_arr_size = sizeof($file_content); 101. $words_arr_size = sizeof($words); 102. $t=1; 103. while($t < $file_arr_size){ 104. $file_content[$t] = rtrim($file_content[$t]); 105. //echo $file_content[$t]; 106. //die('inside'); 107. if( $words_arr_size>0 ){ 108. //die('inside'); 109. $temp = str_replace($words, "", $file_content[$t]); 110. $file_content[$t] = $temp; 111. } 112. $t++; 113. //if($t>=3) die('aa'); 114. } 115. $file_body = implode('',$file_content); 116. 117. $column2 .= $file_title; 118. $column3 .= $file_body; 119. 120. ?> 121. <tr><td> 122. <?php //print_r($files_arr); 123. echo $val ."\r\n"; 124. ?> 125. </td></tr> 126. <?php 127. } //end if .txt 128. } // article processed 129. } // end if is_file 130. } // end foreach 131.?> 132.</table> 133.</td><td> </td></tr> 134.<?php $column2 .= '}'; 135. $column3 .= '}'; 136. 137. // write to csv / excel file 138. $erro = fputcsv ($fp, array($column1,$column2,$column3) ); 139. 140. } //end if filetype 141. else{ 142. 143. } 144.} // end for 145. 146.fclose($fp); 147. 148.?> <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> 149. <td> </td> 150. <td colspan=""> File Generated. 151. Download it <a href="articles.csv" target="_blank">HERE</a></td> 152. <td> </td> 153. </tr> 154.</table> 155.</body> 156.</html> Array(2) and others are just an empty array for some reason i do think it is to do with the preg_replace but don't have enough of an understanding about it to sort it out any help would be appreciated i don't particularly know if i need preg replace but i have tried with out it or other options and nothing has worked so far. Heres the code Code: [Select] <?php $file = "widget.csv"; $delimiter = ","; $enclosure = '"'; @$fp = fopen($file, "r") or die("Could not open file for reading"); while (!feof($fp)) { $tmpstr = fgets($fp, 100); $shop[] = preg_replace("//", "", $tmpstr); /* $tmpstr = $shop; */ } for ($i=0; $i < count($shop); $i++) { $shop[$i] = explode($delimiter, $shop[$i]); } print_r ($shop); echo "<h1>Manual access to each element</h1>"; echo $shop[0][0]." costs ".$shop[0][1]." and you get ".$shop[0][2]."<br />"; echo $shop[1][0]." costs ".$shop[1][1]." and you get ".$shop[1][2]."<br />"; echo $shop[2][0]." costs ".$shop[2][1]." and you get ".$shop[2][2]."<br />"; echo "<h1>Using loops to display array elements</h1>"; echo "<table>"; /* for ($row = 0; $row < 3; $row++) */ for ($row=0; $row<count($shop); $row++) { echo "<th colspan='3'><b>" . $shop[$row][0]."</b></th>"; echo "<tr>"; /* for ($col = 1; $col < 6; $col++) */ for ($col=1; $col < count($shop); $col++) { echo "<td>".$shop[$row][$col]."</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; /* echo "</li>"; */ } echo "</table>"; ?> This is the CSV File widget.csv Quote A,Airlie Beach,Andergrove,Alexandra,Armstrong Beach,Alligator Creek,,,,,,,,,,,,,, B,Bucasia,Blacks Beach,Beaconsfield,Bakers Creek,Balberra,Bloomsbury,Breadalbane,Ball Bay,Belmunda,,,,,,,,,, C,Cannonvale,Calen,Crystal Brook,Cremorne,Chelona,Campwin Beach,Cape Hillsborough,Conway,,,,,,,,,,, D,Dows Creek,Dumbleton,Dolphin Heads,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, E,Eimeo,Eton,Erakala,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, F,Foulden,Foxdale,Flametree,Farleigh,Freshwater Point,,,,,,,,,,,,,, G,Glen Isla,Glenella,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H,Homebush,Hampden,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, J,Jubilee Pocket,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, K,Kinchant Dam,Kolijo,Koumala,Kuttabul,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, L,Laguna Quays,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, M,McEwens Beach,Mackay,Mackay Harbour,Mandalay,Marian,Mia Mia,Middlemount,Midge Point,Mirani,Moranbah,Mount Charlton,Mount Jukes,Mount Julian,Mount Marlow,Mount Martin,Mount Ossa,Mount Pelion,Mount Pleasant,Mount Rooper N,Narpi,Nebo,Nindaroo,North Eton,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, O,Oakenden,Ooralea,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, P,Palmyra,Paget,Pindi Pindi,Pinevale,Pioneer Valley,Pleystowe,Preston,Proserpine,,,,,,,,,,, Q,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, R,Racecourse,Richmond,Riordanvale,Rosella,Rural View,,,,,,,,,,,,,, S,St Helens Beach,Sandiford,Sarina,Seaforth,Slade Point,Shoal Point,Shute Harbour,Shutehaven,Strathdickie,Sugarloaf,Sunnyside,,,,,,,, T,Te Kowai,The Leap,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, U,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, V,Victoria Plains,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, W,Wagoora,Walkerston,Woodwark,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, X,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Y,Yalboroo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Z,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, It is generating this as the output of the Array as this but the array(2) and others as you can see are empty C should of been the first one after B field had finished. Quote Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => A [1] => Airlie Beach [2] => Andergrove [3] => Alexandra [4] => Armstrong Beach [5] => Alligator Creek [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [1] => Array ( [0] => B [1] => Bucasia [2] => Blacks Beach [3] => Beaconsfield [4] => Bakers Creek [5] => Balberra [6] => Bloomsbury [7] => Breadalbane [8] => Ball Bay [9] => Belmunda [10] => ) [2] => Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => ) [3] => Array ( [0] => C [1] => Cannonvale [2] => Calen [3] => Crystal Brook [4] => Cremorne [5] => Chelona [6] => Campwin Beach [7] => Cape Hillsborough [8] => Conway [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [4] => Array ( [0] => ) [5] => Array ( [0] => D [1] => Dows Creek [2] => Dumbleton [3] => Dolphin Heads [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [6] => Array ( [0] => E [1] => Eimeo [2] => Eton [3] => Erakala [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [7] => Array ( [0] => F [1] => Foulden [2] => Foxdale [3] => Flametree [4] => Farleigh [5] => Freshwater Point [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [8] => Array ( [0] => G [1] => Glen Isla [2] => Glenella [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [9] => Array ( [0] => H [1] => Homebush [2] => Hampden [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [10] => Array ( [0] => I [1] => [2] => [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [11] => Array ( [0] => J [1] => Jubilee Pocket [2] => [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [12] => Array ( [0] => K [1] => Kinchant Dam [2] => Kolijo [3] => Koumala [4] => Kuttabul [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [13] => Array ( [0] => L [1] => Laguna Quays [2] => [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [14] => Array ( [0] => M [1] => McEwens Beach [2] => Mackay [3] => Mackay Harbour [4] => Mandalay [5] => Marian [6] => Mia Mia [7] => Middlemount [8] => Midge Point [9] => Mirani [10] => Moranb ) [15] => Array ( [0] => ah [1] => Mount Charlton [2] => Mount Jukes [3] => Mount Julian [4] => Mount Marlow [5] => Mount Martin [6] => Mount Ossa [7] => Mount Pelion [8] => Mount ) [16] => Array ( [0] => Pleasant [1] => Mount Rooper ) [17] => Array ( [0] => N [1] => Narpi [2] => Nebo [3] => Nindaroo [4] => North Eton [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [18] => Array ( [0] => O [1] => Oakenden [2] => Ooralea [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [19] => Array ( [0] => P [1] => Palmyra [2] => Paget [3] => Pindi Pindi [4] => Pinevale [5] => Pioneer Valley [6] => Pleystowe [7] => Preston [8] => Proserpine [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [20] => Array ( [0] => Q [1] => [2] => [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [21] => Array ( [0] => R [1] => Racecourse [2] => Richmond [3] => Riordanvale [4] => Rosella [5] => Rural View [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [22] => Array ( [0] => S [1] => St Helens Beach [2] => Sandiford [3] => Sarina [4] => Seaforth [5] => Slade Point [6] => Shoal Point [7] => Shute Harbour [8] => Shutehaven [9] => Strath ) [23] => Array ( [0] => dickie [1] => Sugarloaf [2] => Sunnyside [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => ) [24] => Array ( [0] => T [1] => Te Kowai [2] => The Leap [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [25] => Array ( [0] => U [1] => [2] => [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [26] => Array ( [0] => V [1] => Victoria Plains [2] => [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [27] => Array ( [0] => W [1] => Wagoora [2] => Walkerston [3] => Woodwark [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [28] => Array ( [0] => X [1] => [2] => [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [29] => Array ( [0] => Y [1] => Yalboroo [2] => [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) [30] => Array ( [0] => Z [1] => [2] => [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => [7] => [8] => [9] => [10] => [11] => [12] => [13] => [14] => [15] => [16] => [17] => [18] => [19] => ) ) Im not much of a coder, and I obviously did this wrong since it is not working. Im trying to bring a new field value in to an existing php file. I created a new table, and an admin page to control that field. I cant, however, figure out how to use that value in a different php file. Actually, there are 2 files. Each using a different field from that new table. I will post what my current code is below with the additions I tried to add. I bolded the lines that contain the tags Im trying to use. Any and help you can give in fixing this to make it work is greatly appreciated. Code: [Select] <?php # INCLUDE ALL NECESSARY FILES. include_once("Constants.php"); include_once("Database.php"); include_once("SiteSetting.php"); [b]$query = "SELECT arcade_multiplier FROM tbl_point_rewards"; mysql_query($query) or die("Invalid query". mysql_error() ); $result = mysql_fetch_array($result); $arcade_multiplier = $result["arcade_multiplier"];[/b] $dbObj = new database(); # SAVE ARCADE GAME POINTS INTO THE DATABASE function saveGamePoints( $game_id, $user_id, $game_score, $calculate_score_flag, $play_date ){ global $dbObj; $user_max_plays = getUserMaxPlaysLimit( $user_id, $game_id ); //$_SESSION["arcade_game"]["save_score"] = ($user_max_plays < $_SESSION["arcade_game"]["max_plays"]) ? "yes" : "no" ; if($user_max_plays < $_SESSION["arcade_game"][$_SESSION["url_gameid"]]["max_plays"]){ $total_points = calculatePointRatio($game_id, $game_score); //$total_points = $game_score; $x_gameid = md5($game_id); if($_SESSION["arcade_game"][$x_gameid]["play_time"] > 0){ $playTime['start'] = $_SESSION["arcade_game"][$x_gameid]["play_time"]; $playTime['end'] = time(); $playTime = ($playTime['end'] - $playTime['start']); } else { $playTime = 0; } # update total points into main score [b] $update_sql = "update tbl_users set points_gained = (points_gained+(".ceil($total_points)." * $arcade_multiplier)) where usrid={$user_id}";[/b] $rs = mysql_query($update_sql) or die("Invalid query: {$update_sql} - ". mysql_error()); $table = "tbl_arcade_game_score"; $fields = array("game_id", "user_id", "game_score", "calculate_score_flag", "play_date", "game_time"); $values = array($game_id, $user_id, $game_score, $calculate_score_flag, $play_date, $playTime); // return $dbObj->cgi( $table, $fields, $values, 1 ); $insertid = $dbObj->cgi( $table, $fields, $values, "" ); $ceiling_point = getCeiling($game_id); if($game_score >= $ceiling_point) { $chk_authourity = isAlreadyTrophyOwner($user_id, $game_id); //if($chk_authority < 1) if($chk_authourity < 1) { # store award details into the database (tbl_trophy_award) //$trophy_id = getTrophy( $game_id ); $trophy = getTrophyDetails($game_id); $trophy_id = $trophy['ctoon_id']; $tbl_fields = array('userid', 'game_id', 'award_date', 'trophy' ); $tbl_values = array($user_id, $game_id, $play_date, $trophy_id ); $insert_tbl_trophy_award_id = $dbObj->cgi('tbl_trophy_award', $tbl_fields, $tbl_values , "" ); # award trophy to user (tbl_users_ctoons) $table = "tbl_users_ctoons"; $fl = array("usrid", "ctoon_id", "del_status", "ctoons_auction", "auction_id", "location", "batpts"); $vl = array($user_id, $trophy_id, '0', '', 0, 1, 0); $dbObj->cgi($table, $fl, $vl , "" ); # send a pm to the user about the trophy include_once("send_pm_message.php"); $game = getGameDetails($game_id); $msgSub = "Grats! You just got a trophy!"; $message = "Grats! You got the ".$trophy["toon_name"]." trophy for the ".$game["game_name"]." game!<br> <img src=\"{$game['path']}\">"; //echo $message; //echo "<br><hr><br>"; sendMessage($user_id, 0, 0, $msgSub, $message, 1); sendMessage(2034, $user_id, 0, $msgSub, $message, 1); } } return $insertid; } }//end function function getCeiling($game_id) { $sql = "SELECT ceiling FROM tbl_game WHERE game_id = '".$game_id."'"; $rs = mysql_query($sql); $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs); return $result['ceiling']; } function isAlreadyTrophyOwner($user_id, $game_id) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_trophy_award WHERE game_id = {$game_id} and userid = {$user_id}"; $rs = mysql_query($sql); $num_rows = 0; $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($rs); if($num_rows > 0) { return $num_rows; } else { return $num_rows; } } # calculate game ratio function calculatePointRatio($game_id, $game_score){ //return $game_score; $sql = "select gs.* from arcade_game_setting as gs where gs.game_id={$game_id}"; $rs = mysql_query($sql) or die( "Invalid query". mysql_error() ); if($rs){ $row = mysql_fetch_array($rs); switch($row["calculation_type"]){ case "divide": $x_score = round($game_score / $row["r_no"]); break; case "multiply": $x_score = round($game_score * $row["r_no"]); break; default : $x_score = ceil($game_score); break; }//switch $row["r_no"]; if($row["game_cap"] > 0){ if($x_score > $row["game_cap"]){ $x_score = $row["game_cap"]; } } return $x_score; }//if }// end function # get user total plays function getUserMaxPlaysLimit($user_id, $game_id){ global $d_start_time, $d_end_time; $sql = "select * from tbl_arcade_game_score where user_id={$user_id} and game_id={$game_id} and play_date between {$d_start_time} and {$d_end_time}"; $rs = mysql_query($sql) or die("Invalid query :". mysql_error() ); if($rs){ return mysql_num_rows($rs); }//if } # get game details function getGameDetails($game_id){ $sql = "select g.game_id, g.game_name, g.award_ctoonid, c.toon_name, c.toon_cat, c.toon_subcat, c.toon_small_img from tbl_game as g, tbl_ctoon as c where g.game_id = {$game_id} and g.award_ctoonid=c.ctoon_id"; $rs = mysql_query($sql); if($rs){ $row = mysql_fetch_array($rs); if($row['toon_cat']!="" && $row['toon_subcat']!=0) $tpth="imgtoon/".$row['toon_cat']."/".$row['toon_subcat']."/thumb"; elseif($row['toon_cat']!="" && $row['toon_subcat']==0) $tpth="imgtoon/".$row['toon_cat']."/thumb"; $game["game_name"] = $row["game_name"]; $game["award_ctoon_id"] = $row["award_ctoonid"]; $game["toon_name"] = $row["toon_name"]; $game["path"] = SITEROOT ."/" . $tpth ."/" . $row["toon_small_img"]; return $game; } else { return false; } } # send pm message to winner function sendPMToWinner($user_id, $game_id, $game_score){ include_once("send_pm_message.php"); $g = $game_id; //$point_prize = calculatePointRatio($game_id, $game_score); $point_prize = $game_score; $game = getGameDetails($game_id); //# select ctoon //$sql = "select award_ctoonid from tbl_game where game_id=".$g; //$rsctoon = mysql_query($sql) or die("Invalid query: {$sql} - ". mysql_error()); //$row_ctoon = mysql_fetch_array($rsctoon); //$ctoon_id = $row_ctoon["award_ctoonid"]; //# award ctoon //$insert_user_ctoon = "insert into tbl_users_ctoons (usrid, ctoon_id, del_status, ctoons_auction, auction_id, location, batpts) //values('{$user_id}', '{$ctoon_id}', '0', '', '', '1', '0')"; //mysql_query($insert_user_ctoon) or die("Invalid insert query:".mysql_error() ); //# update points $update_points_sql = "update tbl_users set points_gained = (points_gained+1500) where usrid={$user_id}"; mysql_query($update_points_sql) or die("Invalid updates points query". mysql_error() ); $dbObj = new database(); $msgSub = "Grats! You got a Top Score for ".$game["game_name"]." !"; $message = "Grats! You had one of the Top 10 scores in the ".$game["game_name"]." game last month, and got a 1500 point bonus!<br>"; //<img src=\"{$game['path']}\">"; // echo $message; // echo "<br><hr><br>"; sendMessage($user_id, 0, 0, $msgSub, $message, 1); } /** * function getTrophy( $game_id ) * @param $game_id */ function getTrophy( $game_id ){ $sql = "select award_ctoonid from tbl_game where game_id=".$game_id; $rs = mysql_query( $sql ) or die( mysql_error() ); if( $rs ){ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ); } return $row["award_ctoonid"]; } // Updated function from above // Will get more information about the trophy function getTrophyDetails($game_id) { $sql = "select b.ctoon_id,b.toon_name,b.toon_small_img from tbl_game as a,tbl_ctoon as b where a.game_id = '$game_id' and b.ctoon_id = a.award_ctoonid LIMIT 1"; $rs = mysql_query( $sql ) or die( mysql_error() ); if( $rs ){ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs ); } return $row; } ?> Code: [Select] <?php include_once("Constants.php"); include_once("Database.php"); include_once("SiteSetting.php"); /**************************************************/ # SAVE DONETION IN DATABASE # @param $uid # @param $donation_amt /**************************************************/ function saveDonetion($uid, $donation_amt, $transaction_id, $subscr_id='', $type){ if($transaction_id != "") { $flag = checkExist($uid); if($flag > 0){ updateDonetion($uid, $donation_amt, $transaction_id, $subscr_id='', $type); }else{ addDonetion($uid, $donation_amt, $transaction_id, $subscr_id='', $type); } } } /**************************************************/ /**************************************************/ # CHECK IS RECORD EXITS IN DONETION TABLE # @param $uid /**************************************************/ function checkExist($uid){ $dbObj = new database(); $sql = "select user_id from tbl_donation where user_id={$uid}"; $dbObj->myquery($sql); if($dbObj->row_count > 0){ return $dbObj->f_user_id; }else{ return 0; } } /**************************************************/ /**************************************************/ # INSERT DONETION RECORD IN tbl_donation # @param $uid # @param $donation_amt /**************************************************/ [b]$query = "SELECT arcade_multiplier FROM tbl_point_rewards"; mysql_query($query) or die("Invalid query". mysql_error() ); $result = mysql_fetch_array($result); $arcade_multiplier = $result["arcade_multiplier"];[/b] function addDonetion($uid, $donation_amt, $transaction_id, $subscr_id='', $type){ $dbObj = new database(); $months = floor($donation_amt / 5); $exp_time = mktime(date("H"),date("i"),date("s"),date("m") + $months,date("d"),date("Y")); $fields = array("transaction_id", "subscr_id", "user_id", "donation_amt", "donation_date", "exp_date", "donation_type", "transaction_details"); $values = array($transaction_id, $subscr_id, $uid, $donation_amt, time(), $exp_time, $type, serialize($_SESSION["recurring_td"])); # update points [b]$update_points_sql = "update tbl_users set points_gained = (points_gained+(($donation_amt / 5) * $donation_pts)) where usrid={$uid}";/[b] mysql_query($update_points_sql) or die("Invalid updates points query". mysql_error() ); if($donation_amt < 5){ // The user donated less than $5 }else{ upgradeAccount($uid); } return $dbObj->cgi("tbl_donation", $fields, $values, false); } /**************************************************/ /**************************************************/ # UPDATE EXISTING DONETION RECORD # @param $uid # @param $donation_amt /**************************************************/ function updateDonetion($uid, $donation_amt, $transaction_id, $subscr_id='', $type){ if(strlen($subscr_id) > 0){ $cd = " AND subscr_id='".$subscr_id."'"; } $sql_select = "select exp_date, donation_amt from tbl_donation where user_id=".$uid; //$sql_select = "select exp_date, donation_amt from tbl_donation where user_id=".$uid." and donation_type like '%recurring%'"; $rs_select = mysql_query($sql_select) or die("Invalid query".mysql_error()); if($rs_select){ $row = mysql_fetch_array($rs_select); $expdt = $row["exp_date"]; $damt = ($row["donation_amt"] + $donation_amt); $months = floor($donation_amt / 5); $exp_time = mktime(23, 59, 59, date("m",$row["exp_date"]) + $months, date("d", $row["exp_date"]), date("Y", $row["exp_date"])); } $dbObj = new database(); $sql = "update tbl_donation set transaction_id='".$transaction_id."', donation_amt=(donation_amt + {$donation_amt}), donation_date = ".time().", exp_date=".$exp_time.", donation_type='".$type."', transaction_details='".serialize($_SESSION["recurring_td"])."' where user_id={$uid}"; # update points [b]$update_points_sql = "update tbl_users set points_gained = (points_gained+(($donation_amt / 5) * $donation_pts)) where usrid={$uid}";[/b] mysql_query($update_points_sql) or die("Invalid updates points query". mysql_error() ); $dbObj->myquery($sql, 1); if($donation_amt < 5){ // The user donated less than $5 }else{ upgradeAccount($uid); } } /**************************************************/ /**************************************************/ # UPDATE EXISTING RECURRING DONETION RECORD # @param $uid # @param $donation_amt /**************************************************/ function updateRecurringDonetion($subscr_id, $transaction_amt){ $sql_subscr = "select donation_id, transaction_id, user_id from tbl_donation where subscr_id = '".$subscr_id."'"; $rs_subscr = mysql_query($sql_subscr) or die("Invalid query".mysql_error()); if(strlen($rs_subscr) > 0){ $row_subscr = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_subscr); $uid = $row_subscr["user_id"]; $donation_amt = $transaction_amt; $transaction_id = $row_subscr["transaction_id"]; $subscr_id = $subscr_id; $type = "Recurring"; updateDonetion($uid, $donation_amt, $transaction_id, $subscr_id='', $type); } } /**************************************************/ /**************************************************/ # UPDATE USER STATUS FROM STANDERED TO PREMIUM # @param $uid /**************************************************/ function upgradeAccount($uid){ $dbObj = new database(); $sql = "UPDATE tbl_users SET acc_type = 'P' WHERE usrid={$uid} LIMIT 1 "; # update points $update_points_sql = "update tbl_users set points_gained = (points_gained+0) where usrid={$uid}"; mysql_query($update_points_sql) or die("Invalid updates points query". mysql_error() ); $dbObj->myquery($sql, 1); }//function upgradeDonation($uid) ?> |