PHP - How To Add An Addtional Count Per 4 Items
I would like to add another count that after every 4 items, it loops and create a added piece of script, by adding <ul><li> tags after every 4 items.
I want to addthis piece of code, every fours items after it close </div> Code: [Select] <ul> <li> <div class="box"> <!--All fields and information here--> </div> <div class="h2"></div> <div class="box"> <!--All fields and information here--> </div> <div class="h2"></div> <div class="box"> <!--All fields and information here--> </div> <div class="h2"></div> <div class="box"> <!--All fields and information here--> </div> <div class="h2"></div> </li> </ul> I currently have this piece of code, which builds a list per every <div class="box">, then closes the item </div> and start another one as same. SEE current CODE. Code: [Select] <?php $dealList = $this->dealList; if(count($dealList)==0) echo '<h3>'.JText::_('NO_DEAL_MESSAGE').'</h3>'; $count = 1; foreach ( $dealList as $row): $link = 'index.php?xxx=' . $row->id; if(!Helper::is_urlEncoded($row->pic_dir)) { $imageUrl = $row->pic_dir; } else { $imageUrlArr= unserialize(urldecode($row->pic_dir)); $imageUrl = str_replace("\\","/",$imageUrlArr[0]); } ?> <div class="box"> information fields here </div> <?php if ($count%2==1){?> <div class="h2"></div> <?php } else if($count%2==0){?> <div class="h3"></div> <?php }$count++ ; endforeach;?> How do I added the Additonal count for efter four items <div class=box"> it places and start over with Code: [Select] <ul> <li> <div class="box"> information fields </div> </li> </ul> Similar TutorialsI have a class that I use to do my db queries. I'm starting to work on a new project and purposely put in a query which would fail, thus returning no results, just to make sure the error trapping is working. Here's my code: Code: [Select] function getResults($query) { $results = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error() . "\n\nYour request couldn't be procesed.<p>" . $query); $itemcount = count($results); if ($itemcount > 0) { $i=0; while($itemcount > $i) { $i++; $userdata = array('queryresult' => '!success', 'displayName' => mysql_result($results, $i-1, 'displayName'), 'title' => mysql_result($results, $i-1, 'title')); } } else { $userdata = array('queryresult' => '!fail'); } return $userdata; } when I print $itemcount it returns a value of 1, which forces the conditional and an attempt at parsing the results array. However, in my browser I get these error messages: 1 Warning: mysql_result() [function.mysql-result]: Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index 4 in /Library/WebServer/Dev/timesheet/lib/mysqlconnect.php on line 29 Warning: mysql_result() [function.mysql-result]: Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index 4 in /Library/WebServer/Dev/timesheet/lib/mysqlconnect.php on line 29 It seems as if it is telling me that results has both 1 and no items. Am I doing something to cause this? <?xml-stylesheet href="/player.xsl" type="text/xsl"?> <config> <auto_start>false</auto_start> <player_skin>/test.swf</player_skin> <main_title>Test</main_title> <playlist_title>PLAYLIST</playlist_title> <time_text>TOTAL TIME</time_text> <pan_labels>L,R</pan_labels> <scroller_speed>1</scroller_speed> <scroller_marquee_content>#TRACK_NAME#</scroller_marquee_content> <repeat_is_enabled>false</repeat_is_enabled> <shuffle_is_enabled>false</shuffle_is_enabled> <default_volume>75</default_volume> <default_pan>0</default_pan> <play_list> <item>test.mp3;Test Soundtrack</item> </play_list> </config>Hi, The above code is from an XML file and I added the <?xml line of code to the XML file, but doing so causes the whole page to no longer display the track information (just blank). Is there there a way I could modify that text to try and call it another way? Thanks Edited by hexcode, 16 July 2014 - 02:52 PM. I have a webpage where all the database items are displyes in a table format.The table also has a check box.Upon clicking the delete button i need to delete all the items whish has the checkbox checked. How will i do that Hi guys, I need your help. I am trying to insert the rows in the mysql database as I input the values in the url bar which it would be like this: Code: [Select] However i have got a error which i don't know how to fix it. Error: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 <?php session_start(); define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); define('DB_USER', 'mydbusername'); define('DB_PASSWORD', 'mydbpassword'); define('DB_DATABASE', 'mydbname'); $errmsg_arr = array(); $errflag = false; $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); if(!$link) { die('Failed to connect to server: ' . mysql_error()); } $db = mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE); if(!$db) { die("Unable to select database"); } function clean($var){ return mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($var)); } $username = clean($_GET['user']); $password = clean($_GET['pass']); $adduser = clean($_GET['user1']); $email = clean($_GET['email']); $IP = clean($_GET['ip']); if($username == '') { $errmsg_arr[] = 'username is missing'; $errflag = true; } if($password == '') { $errmsg_arr[] = 'PASSWORD is missing'; $errflag = true; } if($errflag) { $_SESSION['ERRMSG_ARR'] = $errmsg_arr; echo implode('<br />',$errmsg_arr); } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO `members` (`username`,`email`,`IP`) VALUES ('$adduser','$email','$IP')"; if (!mysql_query($sql,$link)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "The information have been updated."; } ?> Here's the name of the columns i have got in my database: Code: [Select] username IP I have input the correct columns names, so I can't correct the problem I am getting. Please can you help? This topic has been moved to MySQL Help. Why am I getting this error when there are 3 Fields with 3 values? Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 Code: [Select] $sql5="INSERT INTO participants (participant_name, team_no, sport) VALUES ('".implode("','$_POST[team]'),('",$_POST['participant_name'])."','$_POST[team]','$sport')"; Anyone can help me? <?php $tbl_name="menu"; $kategorije = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE Left(menu_name, 1) BETWEEN 'A' AND 'M' ORDER BY menu_name ASC"); if (!$kategorije) { die("Database query failed: " . mysql_error()); } while ($row=mysql_fetch_array( $kategorije )) { echo "<div id=lista-header><h4>{$row["menu_name"]}</h4></div>"; $id_sub=$row['id_menu']; $podkategorije = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM submenu WHERE id_menu=$id_sub ORDER BY sub_name ASC", $connection); if (!$podkategorije) { die("Database query failed: " . mysql_error()); } echo "<ul class=\"pod\">"; while ($pod=mysql_fetch_array( $podkategorije )) { echo "<li><a href=index.php?=podkate?".$pod["id_sub"]." class=black>{$pod["sub_name"]}</a><hr size=1 align=left width=100px color=#cccccc></li>"; } echo "</ul>"; } ?> In this way, I get list with categories and hes subcategories. How to count how many subcategories have each categories, and count how many articles have each categories? Example (I wanna get this kind of look): Categories name (3) subcategoriesname (2) subcategoriesname (4) subcategoriesname (7) Categories name (5) subcategoriesname (1) subcategoriesname (14) subcategoriesname (9) subcategoriesname (2) subcategoriesname ( Categories name (2) subcategoriesname (28) subcategoriesname (17) Where the numbers represent how many categories and sub-items have articles How can I select the last 5 db items? I was thinking a timestamp or some thing. What is the best way to capture items that someone wants to purchase when they don't have an account yet? And I prefer not using cookies.
Guys, i want to display ads after 4 items to be displayed. Iam fetching item using mysql database & iam showing 8 items per page. I used below code but its not working because i used the item id to specify the first number but the items is not listed as correct order Code: [Select] <?php // first number $first = $row['id']; // second number $second = 4; //checking if the first number is muliple of second. If true then display ads. If($first % $second == "0") { echo 'ads to display'; } It will work if i list items in correct order. Please let me know correct solution. Thanks in advance ! Hi Guys, I have a script that shows the user of my shop what they have looked at. I was wondering if someone can tell me how I can limit this so it only lists 10 and no more. Here is the code: Code: [Select] if(RECENTVIEWED ==1) { if(isset($_COOKIE['jimbeam'])){ $productUrl = SITE_URL."ecom/index.php?action=ecom.pdetails&mode="; $productUrl = $this->libFunc->m_safeUrl($productUrl); foreach ($_COOKIE['jimbeam'] as $name => $value) { $this->obDb->query="SELECT vTitle FROM ".PRODUCTS." WHERE vSeoTitle = '".$value."'"; $rsProd = $this->obDb->fetchQuery(); $this->obTpl->set_var("TPL_VAR_PRODUCTTITLE",stripslashes($rsProd[0]->vTitle)); $this->obTpl->set_var("TPL_VAR_PRODUCTURL",$productUrl.$value); $this->obTpl->parse("recent_blk","TPL_RECENT_BLK",true); } $this->obTpl->parse("mainrecent_blk","TPL_MAINRECENT_BLK"); } } Thanks, Jordan Hi Guys, I am trying to get the while function to list four of my items on a row however I have no idea how and every time I try, I fail. Please give me a hand? Here is the code I have so far Code: [Select] if($row['photo'] == "#no_photo") $photo = ('<img src="images/item_pictures/default_item.png" width="150" height="150" alt="Default Item">'); else $photo = $row['photo']; echo "<br /> <br />" ; echo "<br /> <font face='Comic Sans MS, cursive'>Click on an item to view it in full.</font> <br /> <br />"; if($row['photo'] == "#no_photo") $photo = ('<img src="images/item_pictures/default_item.png" width="100" height="100" alt="Default Item">'); else $photo = $row['photo']; echo "<br /> <br />" ; $i = 0; while ($i < $num) { $f1 = "<tr><td><font size='6'><a href='item.php?id=" . mysql_result($result,$i,"item_id") . "'>" . mysql_result($result,$i,"item_name") . "</a></font></td><td> " . $photo . "</td></tr>"; echo "" . $f1 ."" ; $i++; Thanks, Jacbey am currently building the cart system of a product, now there is this part wherein, the non-logged-in OR logged-in user should also be able to see the items that he/she viewed, how to do that?., am not asking for code snippets , just give me some ideas/hints/strategies/tips that may help me get the big picture on how to do this thing and proceed coding. This is probably some obvious error I have made, but I cannot figure it out. I have made a few pages and now I am debugging them. My first page is called insert_purchase_order.php; on this page a person will enter some data in fields and hit the insert button. Then, the data is passed to another page, but when I try to insert into mysql it does not give me any errors, but I have no new rows either. The code for my 2nd page: Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); $action=$_GET[action]; if ($action==insert){ $randid=$_POST['randid']; $vendor=$_POST["vendor"]; $purchase_order_date=$_POST["purchase_order_date"]; $ship=$_POST["ship"]; $fob=$_POST["fob"]; $terms=$_POST["terms"]; $buyer=$_POST["buyer"]; $freight=$_POST["freight"]; $req_date=$_POST["req_date"]; $confirming_to=$_POST["confirming_to"]; $remarks=$_POST["remarks"]; $tax=$_POST["tax"]; $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","pass"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("main", $con); mysql_query("INSERT INTO purchase_order (randid, vendor, purchase_order, ship, fob, terms, buyer, freight, req_date, confirming_to, remarks, tax) VALUES ($randid, $vendor,$purchase_order_date,$ship, $fob, $terms, $buyer, $freight, $req_date, $confirming_to, $remarks, $tax)"); mysql_close($con); echo 'Data Accepted...'; echo '<br/>'; echo 'P.O. Inserted Successfully'; }else{ echo 'Error... Please Contact Bruce.'; echo 'Bruce, no data was passed from the insert_purchase_order.php page.'; } ?> <a href="http://localhost/insert_purchase_order_items.php?po= <?php echo $randid; ?>">Insert Purchase Order Items</a> I have permissions and everything. Thanks Right now I have a link list a-z and 0-9. you click one of those links and your taken to page listing all items that start with that character. currently I'm using: Code: [Select] SELECT * FROM my_table where LEFT(`my_item`,1)='$show' ORDER BY my_title ASCall I do right now is just add a link like ?show=a and everything that starts with a is listed. Now here is my problem. I want to listen all items that start with a numeric value listed all on one page instead of being spread across 0-9. If another solution becomes available I'd be more then happy to hear you out. But does anyone know how I can change my query to only list items that start with numbers? Hello, In my Mysql database, it has a datetime field. and I have created a $today = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); <- today's date and time How do I write a query to run in PHP in order to get all today's items by comparing datetime field and $today? Thanks! Hi, I'm having trouble carrying items between two files. The problem is that it works too well. Whenever I include a php file that echos something, the other php files echos the same thing. What are some ways to stop this, but still have access to the variable. Thanks, GEORGE I have an array of products. The array has an ID and price. I'd like to know the most efficient way of adding up all the same ID fields in the array. Code: [Select] <?php $items[] = array( 'id' => 1, 'price' => 5.99, ); $items[] = array( 'id' => 2, 'price' => 1.99, ); $items[] = array( 'id' => 3, 'price' => 2.40, ); $items[] = array( 'id' => 2, 'price' => 6.99, ); $items[] = array( 'id' => 4, 'price' => 8, ); $items[] = array( 'id' => 2, 'price' => 3, ); $items[] = array( 'id' => 3, 'price' => 1, ); function add_like_items($items) { //manipulation return $sums; } //$sums would be an array like //$sum[1] = 5.99 //$sum[2] = 11.98 //$sum[3] = 3.40 //$sum[4] = 8 ?> Anybody have suggestions on the best way to go about doing this? Hi, I have this menu code which displays a drop down menu: <ul> <li><a href="<?php echo URL_PUBLIC; ?>">Home</a></li> <?php function submenu($list, $ul){ if($ul){ echo " <ul>";} foreach($list->children() as $newList){ echo ' <li>'.$newList->link($newList->title, (in_array($newList->slug, explode('/', $newList->url)) ? ' class="current"': null)); if ($newList->childrenCount() > 0) { submenu($newList, true); }else{echo "</li>";} } if($ul){echo " </ul></li>";} } submenu($this->find('/'), false); ?> <br style="clear: left" /> </ul> I am trying to exclude certain menu items based on their slug. I have this code, but can't work it into the above: $omit_pages = array('page1', 'page2'); if (in_array($menu->slug, $omit_pages)) { continue; } Does anyone have any ideas how I can work it in? Thanks |