PHP - Returning A Recordset Through External Functions File
Similar TutorialsHello. The title is a little confusing, but: What I am trying to do is build a simple CMS where all requests are routed through the root index.php file. This file will be where all constants are defined and importantly where the database connection is estabilished. There will be a folder where template files will reside and, based on the URI, a template file will be included into the root index.php file. Here's some code: Code: [Select] <?php //Sets the database connection and defines some constants require ( "includes/config.php" ); //Where I will place the core functions of the CMS, one being the navigation builder require ( "includes/functions.php" ); //Home page template file require ( "views/cms/index.php" ); ?> So as you can see, I want to be able to call the navigation builder function, called "getMenuItems();", from the home page template. However, I get the following error: Code: [Select] Fatal error: Call to undefined function getMenuItems() in C:\wamp\www\cms\views\cms\index.php on line 3 How can I access functions that have been defined in the "includes/functions.php" file, from the required template file "views/cms/index.php"? If you need anything else explaining then please ask. If this has already been posted, I apologise in advance! I have searched Google and the forums but nothing turned up. Chris Hey guys I m developing a download system for my server that reads files from a third party server and enables MY USER to download it via my URL. What mechanisms should i use to manage this efficiently ??? file_get_contents(); fopen(); Or should I use some kind of buffer mechanism ??? Please do provide a code sample as I'm stuck here very badly. Note: The file sizes may be >500MB *delurk! It had to happen sooner or later!* OK, I am totally and utterly stumped. I have this script: $this->clear_cache ($this->cache_dir, $this->cache_time); if ($this->cache_time > 0) { $current_page = $_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI']; $current_page_encoded = base64_encode($current_page); $current_page_path = $this->cache_dir . $current_page_encoded; if (file_exists($current_page_path)) { // see if there is still a file with the name of the current request URI after cache cleared $content = file_get_contents ($current_page_path); return $content; } } Basically, it is for checking if there is a cached version of the page before running the rest of the script, using the REQUEST_URI as the identifier. So it calls a function to clear the cache, which works fine (and I've tried just deleting the cache files manually anyway). Then it checks if we are even caching, i.e. if cache time is greater than 0. Then it uses the BASE64-encoded REQUEST_URI (under which name the file would have been cached previously) to check if a file with that name still exists in the cache dir, and if so loads it. Now, this works perfectly with a url like: mysite/myscript/mysubpage But when the page has parameters, like: mysite/myscript/mysubpage?search=widgets the file_exists function returns TRUE, even though the directory is empty. I did do a clearstatcache(); but it made no difference and anyway, it wouldn't explain why the URI with query string would fail while the regular one would not. And even if something is wrong with my code elsewhere, the fact is it is returning TRUE for a non-existent file. Can someone prevent my slide into insanity?! I was just wondering if it was possible to have an external php file that can be included in the head of a web page, like a .js file. If this isn't possible maybe have a .js file containing php code that can be executed regarding the JavaScript around it... What is the best way to load a .jsp file on an external sever? when tyring to pass a variable to a extenal javascript file it just shows up as a sting and the variable isnt beening executed
var timezone_offset = <?= $timezone_offset ?>;im guessing its probably down to the fact the variable is being passed from my framework controller... so im wondering how do you send a variable to a external javascript file when using a framework? $this->view->timezone_offset = "test"; // in my controller // passing varibales to template in my view if (preg_match("/\.html$/i", $file_name)) { extract($this->_variables); require_once PRIVATE_DIRECTORY . 'application' . DS . 'views' . DS . $file_name; }thanks guys Hi I am new to php, I am trying to capture the url and place into a variable but I only get the 1st digit to show, I just cant see what I am doing wrong. Sorry to ask such a basic question but I just can't work it out, I have attached a screen shot of all me code, your help would be very very much appreciated. Hello! I am trying to code one part of my functions list, but when I run the function to test all if, elseif, and else statements, it always goes to the else statement. So basically it tries to connect to MySQL, retrieve a username, and check to see if it is active, banned, or inactive. It is always saying it is active, even when I change it's status to inactive via PHPMyAdmin. Here is the code: Code: [Select] <?php function checkActive() { $checkActiveQuery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user=adf"); if ($checkActiveQuery == "INACTIVE"){ echo "Your account has not been activated. If you have not recieved, or have misplaced the activation email, please contact the administrator."; } elseif ($checkActiveQuery == "BANNED"){ echo "You have been banned from our social network. If you believe this is an error, please contact the administrator."; } else { echo "Your account is active."; } } ?> The username I am testing with is "adf" without quotes. But, when I change its status to INACTIVE, it still says it's still active, same with banned. How do I make it retrieve this data from MySQL and it function properly? It seems that it is unable to retrieve this data specifically. Thanks! Nick. I have couple jquery codes in a single file:
$(document).ready(function(){ $('#all').delegate('', 'click', function(){ //more code here }) $('body').delegate('.nice', 'click', function(){ //more code here }) });This works great but is it better to close each function using ; symbol? Even if I do or not the code works ok, BUT whats the correct way? My external css file works on everything except for body, however, it works when I include the css on the page itself:
body{ margin-top: 0px; padding-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; background: url(""); background-color:#b20a22; -webkit-transition: all 300ms ease-in-out; -moz-transition: all 300ms ease-in-out; -ms-transition: all 300ms ease-in-out; -o-transition: all 300ms ease-in-out; transition: all 300ms ease-in-out; }What could be wrong? Hi, I am looking to fetch the contents of in PHP However, the page works with cookies, javascript redirect, and https. Therefor I cannot manage to make a local copy of the actual contents. I have tried with curl, file_get_contents, file, fopen, and numerous user-written functions online, none of which worked. Please make sure you TEST your answer before posting it, because it is probably not as obvious as it seems! Thanks!
Hello everyone,
function get_file_data( $file, $default_headers, $context = '' ) {
/** Hi! I am trying to use the View Model Design Pattern in my application The problem is that it is the first time I use it and I am a beginner. So, I have the logic in the Model and the "front end" in View. I am talking about a sign up page. In the current Html file I am trying to access an error array from the model file and display it to the user above the input field.
Here is the a snippet from the Model (Signup.php) $account = new Account($con); //the account which takes as param the db connection $error = null; //the array // anything the user writes gets inside this array if (isset($_POST["submitButton"])) { $firstName = UnifyFormInput::unifyUserFLName($_POST["firstName"]); $lastName = UnifyFormInput::unifyUserFLName($_POST["lastName"]); $username = UnifyFormInput::unifyFormUserName($_POST["username"]); $email = UnifyFormInput::unifyFormEmail($_POST["email"]); $password = UnifyFormInput::unifyFormPassword($_POST["password"]); //contain true or false based on the query being successful or not $success = $account->register($firstName, $lastName, $username, $email, $password); if ($success) { $_SESSION["userLoggedIn"] = $username; header("Location:index.php"); }else{ $error = $account->getError(Constants::$registerFailed); } } //compact — creates array containing variables and their values //call render function from View file to show the register page content View::render('register', compact('error')); And here is the view: <?php if (!empty($error)) { echo $account->getError(Constants::$loginFailed); } ?> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="firstName" placeholder= "First Name" value="<?php getInputValue("firstName"); ?>" required>
Hi, just a very simple question: I have an array as follows: $langList = array('English', 'French', 'German', 'Dutch'); What's the easiest way to store this array in an external file, so that multiple php scripts can access its contents? And what is then the php line I need to retrieve the array from the external file? Thanks! Hi All,
I want to include my terms and conditions in an ebay listing.
The reason for this is to ease the process if and when i need to change the terms.
I stopped using eBay about a year ago and back then is used this code to display my terms withing the eBay lisitng.
<?php include (''); ?>
NOw when i put that code into the listing it doesnt display.
I tested this out on my own server and it didnt display there either so I now it isnt eBay.
I also tried emoving the brackets without success.
The only way I can get it to display as include on my server is to use a relative path, which isnt the result I need
Has something changed in the past year?
Is there another way to display an external file using an absolute path to an external file?
Many Thanks
This topic has been moved to PHP Regex. the strange thing is...I have the exact same script on another part of my page and it works! the only thing that changed are the variable names and the path (which ive checked 27000 times) What this should do is check if you have a signature in the external file and if you do and you fill out the form correctly then it replaces your old signature with your new one. and if you dont have a signature already and filled out the form correctly then it should write your signature to the file...for some reason this isnt working after checking and rechecking...i need a second pair of eyes. Help please! if (isset($_POST['change_submit2'])) { if (($_SESSION['logged_in'] == '1') && ($signature_test != '1') && ($_POST['change_box2'] == 'CHANGE') && ($invalid_character_test != '1') && ($invalid_character_test1 != '1')) { $fh1 = fopen($users_signatures_path, 'r+'); fwrite($fh1, $sig_front); frwrite($fh1, $_POST['signature']); fwrite($fh1, $sig_back); fwrite($fh1, ' '); flose($fh1); echo 'You have succesfully created a signature!'; } elseif (($_SESSION['logged_in'] == '1') && ($signature_test == '1') && ($_POST['change_box2'] == 'CHANGE') && ($invalid_character_test != '1') && ($invalid_character_test1 != '1')) { $users_signatures_path1 = "../../users/users_signatures.txt"; $fh1 = fopen($users_signatures_path1, 'r+'); $read_fh1 = fread($_fh1, filesize($users_signatures_path1)); $the_new_sig = str_replace($mcurrent_sig, $mnew_sig, $read_fh1); fclose($fh1); $fh1 = fopen($users_signatures_path1, 'r+'); fwrite($fh1, $the_new_sig); fclose($fh1); echo $mnew_sig; echo 'Your signature has been succesfully changed!'; } elseif ($_SESSION['logged_in'] != '1') { echo 'You need to be logged in!'; } elseif ($_POST['change_box2'] != 'CHANGE') { echo 'You must fill in the "CHANGE" box!'; } elseif ($invalid_character_test == '1') { echo 'Contains illegal characters!'; } elseif ($invalid_character_test1 == '1') { echo 'Contains illegal characters!'; } } I have a file I'm trying to split up to separate some HTML from PHP code. Everything works fine when all of the code is together but when I split it into two files the two call back functions in the html form will not work. No errors and when I view the page source my file is included with the form. Any help would be appreciated. Here is the file that has the include statement. add_action('admin_menu', 'sampleoptions_add_page_fn'); // Add sub page to the Settings Menu function sampleoptions_add_page_fn() { add_options_page('Options Example Page', 'Options Example', 'administrator', __FILE__, 'options_page_fn'); } function options_page_fn() { ?> <?php include('options_form.php'); ?> <?php } Here is the options_form.php file code. Code: [Select] <div class="wrap"> <div class="icon32" id="icon-options-general"><br></div> <h2>My Example Options Page</h2> Some optional text here explaining the overall purpose of the options and what they relate to etc. <form action="options.php" method="post"> <?php settings_fields('plugin_options'); ?> <?php do_settings_sections(__FILE__); ?> <p class="submit"> <input name="Submit" type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Save Changes'); ?>" /> </p> </form> </div> I'm guessing that it may have to do with this line of code, due to the page parameter but I don't know that much about that area. <?php do_settings_sections(__FILE__); ?> Thanks in advance I recently migrated from Windows XP to Windows 7, and a PHP package I depend on (mPDF, see stopped working. When I call one of its necessary functions, it hangs. I investigated further and found that the crash was happening in a call to file_get_contents, given one parameter, a URL that points to a CSS file. I found that the file_get_contents and file functions both crash when given a URL. Both work normally when given a pathname on the local file system. As I understand it, these functions are supposed to accept a URL if the INI directive allow_url_fopen is enabled. I checked by calling ini_get; it is. In any case, the description of fopen says that if that directive is disabled, "PHP will emit a warning and the fopen call will fail" -- not just hang! It appears as if there is a glaring bug in one of PHP's core functions. I'm very skeptical that that is really the problem, but I don't know what else to suspect. Any ideas? My configuration is Windows 7 Professional with SP1; Apache 2.2.17; PHP 5.2.17. For reference, here is the script I used to investigate this problem. I stepped through it with a debugger, so I didn't bother displaying results. As shown, the script works. When I comment out the second assignment to $path it should produce identical results; instead it hangs. Code: [Select] <?php $isopen = ini_get('allow_url_fopen'); $path = "http://localhost/pdf/cert.css"; $path = "D:/htdocs/pdf/cert.css"; $contents = file($path); $contents = @file($path); $contents = file_get_contents($path); $contents = @file_get_contents($path); ?> |