PHP - Signup System For Multiple Types Of Users
Hello PHP mates!
I am having some doubts and I am going to share them with you so maybe someone can help. Okay, I know how to make signup and login page. And here is the problem. How to make signup page for multiple types of users? For example, type A user has its own signup form, user type B also has its own and same goes for C type of user. How can I make that? Thanks in advance PHP freaks! Similar TutorialsI created a specific Linux user responsible to host a given site, created a postgresql user and database with the same name, and created a pool, and all is good... Almost. How can I make the user a system user (i.e. useradd -r my_user) without a home? Without a home, where should ssh keys go? Anything need to be changed when creating the postgresql user? Thanks Hey all, I am building a simple cms. I have a posts table and I have an images table. A post has many images and images has a foreign key to the posts table. So when a user edits, updates, creates, and deletes a post, they affect the images related to the post. Sometimes a post can have more than one image, like three images. Hence I rendered this in the view (note that I am using a datamapper that converts tables to objects and fields to key/value pairs): Code: [Select] foreach($records as $post){ echo form_open_multipart("homes/update/$post->id"); //File uploads require a multipart form. Default form handling uses the application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type. Multipart forms use the multipart/form-data encoding. //this is critical to pass the id as part of the action attribute of the form, so we can use our params hash to target the id to update the specific record echo label('Update Title'); echo form_input('title',$post->title); echo label('Update Body'); echo form_textarea('body',$post->body); $images = $post->images->include_join_fields()->get(); if(!is_null($images->image_file_name)){ echo label('Update Images'); foreach($images as $image){ echo form_upload('image_file_name',$image->image_file_name); } } } echo form_submit('submit','Update'); The above line of code will render a few input file types. The problem occurs during posting to my update method. It is looking for one parameter from the input file field and so if I upload three different images, it will only look for one and write only one to database: Code: [Select] $field_name = 'image_file_name'; if ( ! $this->upload->do_upload($field_name)){ $error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors()); echo $error['error']; // redirect('homes/edit'); } else { $data = array('upload_data' => $this->upload->data()); $image_file_name = $data['upload_data']['file_name']; Is it possible to do wht I am trying to do? Should I only have on input file type per form submission or is that I need to fix the code to accomodate for multiple submissions by creating an array of sorts? Thanks for response. Hello Guys, I would really appreciate some feedback on this one. Here's the basic simplified code for my bidding system site (querys for when a user sends a new valid bid): Its working fine but if 2 users send a bid at exactly the same precise moment (even same milliseconds), I have 2 problems (described below code, for better understanding) Please picture this code as if its happening 2 times at the same time (from 2 different users) Code: [Select] $time = microtime(true) * 10000; $result = mysql_query("UPDATE `AUCTIONS` SET Current_Price = Current_Price + '$increase_price', Bids = Bids + 1, Bidder = '$bidder', Bidder_Time = '$bidder_time' WHERE PId = '$id'"); //grab the current price to save on bidding history DB if($result) { $resultPrice = mysql_query("SELECT Current_Price FROM AUCTIONS WHERE PId = '$id'"); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($resultPrice)) { $current_price = $row['Current_Price']; } if($resultPrice) { $result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `BIDDING_HISTORY_DB` (Id, Bidder, Bidder_Time, Raw_Time, Ip, Type, Bid_Amount) VALUES ('$id', '$last_bidder', '$last_bidder_time', '$time', '$client_ip', '$credit_type', '$current_price')"); } } If 2 users bid at exactly the same SAME moment, its possible that on BIDDING_HISTORY_DB... I get the Bid_Amount field with the same value (when it should be always 1 number higher than the previous) ( Bid_Amount is coming from $current_price) $current_price grabs the new updated value from the AUCTIONS DB on the first query (Current_Price = Current_Price + '$increase_price'). So its impossible to have 2 values that are the same (at least I am not expecting that), but I realized that if the query from 2 users are being processed at the same time and the UPDATE AUCTIONS query is processed 2 times and AFTER THAT then the SELECT Current_Price FROM AUCTIONS WHERE PId = '$id' is processed on both bids...that is when the Current_Price is grabbed with the same value for both USERS!! Any ideas on how I can find a solution to this ??? The other problem is that I am knowing which bid was made (by which user) before/after because of the $time variable. But sometimes when 2 bids are made at the SAME precise time with the same milliseconds (yes it happens) ... this is when problems arise (because 1 user could have as Current_Price 10.11 and the other one 10.12 and then on DB the user with 10.12 could be shown as if he made the bid first, any ideas/suggestions on how I can find a solution to this? I need some help with my commenting system. at the moment the code is like this: <div id="pagepannel"> <div id="ptop_small">Comments</div> <div id="pbottom_small"> <p> <?php // if ($allow_comments == "no") { ?> </p> <p>No Posting comments here!!!</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> <?php } else ?> </p> <p> <?php $sql = "SELECT comment_id, blog_id, posted_by, comment, stamp, email, type FROM jscrgaming_newscomments WHERE blog_id='$blog_id' ORDER BY comment_id DESC"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die('Error : ' . mysql_error()); while(list($comment_id, $blog_id_co, $username, $comment, $stamp, $email, $type) = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { if ($type == 'user'){ ?> </p> <table width="95%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="full_border"> <tr> <td width="75" id="avatar"></td> <td><span class="capitalize"><a href="userinfo.php?user=<? echo $username ?>"><strong><? echo $username ?></strong></a></span><strong> posted</strong>: <? echo stripslashes($comment) ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#CAE4FF" class="date"><? echo $stamp ?> </td> </tr> </table> <p> </p> <p> <? } else{ ?> </p> <table width="95%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="full_border"> <tr> <td><strong> <? echo $username ?>posted</strong>: <? echo stripslashes($comment) ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#CAE4FF" class="smalltext"><? echo $stamp ?>:: User Was Guest</td> </tr> </table> <p> </p> <p> <? } }?> </p> <p> <?php // if ($allow_comments == "restricted") { /** * User has already logged in, so display relavent links, including * a link to the admin center if the user is an administrator. */ if($session->logged_in){?> </p> <form id="form3" name="form3" method="post" action="user/admin/blog/comment_system/user.php"> <p> </p> <table width="95%" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="2" class="full_border"> <tr> <td colspan="2">You are commenting as <?php echo $session->username;?></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75">Message</td> <td><textarea name="co_comment" cols="30" id="textfield10"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75"><span class="header"> <input name="co_username" type="hidden" id="co_username" value="<?php echo $session->username;?>" /> <input name="co_blog_id" type="hidden" id="co_blog_id" value="<?php echo $blog_id ?>" /> </span></td> <td><label> <input type="submit" class="blog_button" value=" Post " /> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td class="smalltext">only 200 charaters can be used</td> </tr> </table> </form> <p> </p> <p> <? } else {?> </p> <p> </p> <table width="95%" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="2" class="full_border"> <tr> <td width="75"><span class="capitalize">Name</span></td> <td><label> <input name="textfield5" type="text" disabled="disabled" id="textfield5" size="35" /> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75">Email</td> <td><input name="textfield5" type="text" disabled="disabled" id="textfield6" size="35" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75">Message</td> <td><textarea name="textfield5" cols="30" disabled="disabled" id="textfield7">You need to be logged in to comment.</textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75"> </td> <td><label> <input type="button" class="blog_button" value=" Post " /> </label></td> </tr> </table> <p> </p> <p> <?php } } else { if($session->logged_in){?> </p> <form id="form2" name="form2" method="post" action="user/admin/blog/comment_system/user.php"> <p> </p> <table width="95%" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="2" class="full_border"> <tr> <td colspan="2">You are commenting as <?php echo $session->username;?></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75">Message</td> <td><textarea name="co_comment" cols="30" id="textfield8"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75"><input name="co_username" type="hidden" id="co_username" value="<?php echo $session->username;?>" /> <input name="co_blog_id" type="hidden" id="co_blog_id" value="<?php echo $blog_id ?>" /></td> <td><label> <input type="submit" class="blog_button" value=" Post " /> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><span class="smalltext">only 200 charaters can be used</span></td> </tr> </table> </form> <p> </p> <p> <? } else { ?> </p> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="user/admin/blog/comment_system/guest.php"> <p> </p> <table width="95%" border="0" align="center" cellspacing="2" class="full_border"> <tr> <td width="75"><span class="capitalize">Name</span></td> <td><label> <input name="co_username" type="text" id="co_username" size="35" /> </label></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75">Email</td> <td><input name="guest_email" type="text" id="guest_email" size="35" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75">Message</td> <td><textarea name="co_comment" cols="30" id="co_comment"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="75">Spam</td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"><? require_once('user/captcha/recaptchalib.php'); $publickey = "6Ld_W7sSAAAAAPNTLWrUJLEClFpSSPu1d1Ry5zNR"; // you got this from the signup page echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="right"><span class="smalltext">only 200 charaters can be used</span> <input name="co_blog_id" type="hidden" id="co_blog_id" value="<?php echo $blog_id ?>" /> <input type="submit" class="blog_button" value=" Post " /></td> </tr> </table> </form> <p> </p> <p> <? } } ?> </p> <p> </p> <div></div> </div> </div> I, know its a bit messy but lets me see it and design it in Dreamweaver Any way, for the comment system for users, I want it to show their avatar as well, which is stored in the users table. How would one do this. I did think of it submitting the avatar along with the post but then it wouldnt update if the user would to change their avatars :\ Any helps??? Anyone know of a script that will allow you to upload a file and converts it to a specified file format? Folder layout: script/ script/videos/mp4/ } script/videos/ogg/ } folders for converted files from uploaded files script/videos/webm/ } script/videos/swf/ } Video player: Code: [Select] <video width="320" height="240" controls="controls"> <source src="script/videos/mp4/<? echo $movie; ?>.mp4" type="video/mp4" /> <source src="script/videos/ogg/ <? echo $movie; ?> .ogg" type="video/ogg" /> <source src="script/videos/webm/ <? echo $movie; ?> .webm" type="video/webm" /> <object data="script/videos/mp4/ <? echo $movie; ?> .mp4" width="320" height="240"> <embed src="script/videos/swf/ <? echo $movie; ?> .swf" width="320" height="240"> Your browser does not support video </embed> </object> </video> I have searched and searched the web for an answer and cannot find one pleas help? Hey guys. So I'm about to start developing a Private Messaging system for a CMS that I already have set up and working fine, and I had a problem I would like to solve before I start. I would like to add a feature that allows users to send the message to one or more users at a time. Whether it be by typing in the different usernames seperated by commas in the input field or another method, I have no idea how I'd handle submitting this into the database. I don't want it to be like a group conversation though, I want it to submit the message seperately for each user they included in the receptitents field. Any suggestions on how to go about doing this? Gathering it'd be like an array of some sort but I have very little experience with arrays from forms and how to seperate them. I am basically done with my entire site. I just realized...what happens if 10 users are trying to fwrite to one file at once? that is how i store my usernames passwords signatures and all that jazz. If users cant all fwrite at once my site is not going to work AT ALL. and I might just have to give up haha. good news or bad news? I'm am somewhat new to PHP and am trying to set up a website for my cousin's wedding. Her idea is to have the guests sign in with a user/pass that she provides, and once they sign in, they will be taken to a page that has their name on it (i.e. "Mr. and Mrs. So and So, you are invited...). I have come to the conclusion that I will need to make an image for each guest's name (she wants to use a font for their names that nobody will have on their computer) so what I need to know is: How do I link each user name to their own personalized webpage, where the image of their name on the next page will change based on what username is entered? I have been told to use Sessions (which I don't yet have in this code), but I'm clueless as to how to make that work for multiple users. Where do I put the coding, what does the coding look like, etc. Thanks in advance for any help! The php code I have right now is this (i'm sorry it's so long, I just don't want to leave anything out that might be important): Code: [Select] $LOGIN_INFORMATION = array( 'steve' => 'password', 'rick' => 'password', 'tom'=> 'password' ); // request login? true - show login and password boxes, false - password box only define('USE_USERNAME', true); // User will be redirected to this page after logout define('LOGOUT_URL', ''); // time out after NN minutes of inactivity. Set to 0 to not timeout define('TIMEOUT_MINUTES', 0); // This parameter is only useful when TIMEOUT_MINUTES is not zero // true - timeout time from last activity, false - timeout time from login define('TIMEOUT_CHECK_ACTIVITY', true); ################################################################## # SETTINGS END ################################################################## /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // do not change code below /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // show usage example if(isset($_GET['help'])) { die('Include following code into every page you would like to protect, at the very beginning (first line):<br><?php include("' . str_replace('\\','\\\\',__FILE__) . '"); ?>'); } // timeout in seconds $timeout = (TIMEOUT_MINUTES == 0 ? 0 : time() + TIMEOUT_MINUTES * 60); // logout? if(isset($_GET['logout'])) { setcookie("verify", '', $timeout, '/'); // clear password; header('Location: ' . LOGOUT_URL); exit(); } if(!function_exists('showLoginPasswordProtect')) { // show login form function showLoginPasswordProtect($error_msg) { ?> <html> <head> <title>Please enter password to access this page</title> <META HTTP-EQUIV="CACHE-CONTROL" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="PRAGMA" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <style type="text/css"> body,td,th { font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #666; } body { background-color: #FFFFFB; } </style> </head> <body> <div align="center"> <style> input { border: 1px solid black; } </style> <div style="width:600px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center"> <form method="post"> <h4>Please sign in using the information provided on the invitation</h4> <font color="red"><?php echo $error_msg; ?></font><br /> <?php if (USE_USERNAME) echo 'Login:<br /><input type="input" name="access_login" /><br />Password:<br />'; ?> <input type="password" name="access_password" /><p></p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" /> </form> <br /> <a style="font-size:9px; color: #B0B0B0; font-family: Verdana, Arial;" href="" title="Download Password Protector">Powered by Password Protect</a> </div> </body> </html> <?php // stop at this point die(); } } // user provided password if (isset($_POST['access_password'])) { $login = isset($_POST['access_login']) ? $_POST['access_login'] : ''; $pass = $_POST['access_password']; if (!USE_USERNAME && !in_array($pass, $LOGIN_INFORMATION) || (USE_USERNAME && ( !array_key_exists($login, $LOGIN_INFORMATION) || $LOGIN_INFORMATION[$login] != $pass ) ) ) { showLoginPasswordProtect("Incorrect password."); } else { // set cookie if password was validated setcookie("verify", md5($login.'%'.$pass), $timeout, '/'); // Some programs (like Form1 Bilder) check $_POST array to see if parameters passed // So need to clear password protector variables unset($_POST['access_login']); unset($_POST['access_password']); unset($_POST['Submit']); } } else { // check if password cookie is set if (!isset($_COOKIE['verify'])) { showLoginPasswordProtect(""); } // check if cookie is good $found = false; foreach($LOGIN_INFORMATION as $key=>$val) { $lp = (USE_USERNAME ? $key : '') .'%'.$val; if ($_COOKIE['verify'] == md5($lp)) { $found = true; // prolong timeout if (TIMEOUT_CHECK_ACTIVITY) { setcookie("verify", md5($lp), $timeout, '/'); } break; } } if (!$found) { showLoginPasswordProtect(""); } } ?> Hi
I come from a desktop ( background and have used oridinary text files for my databases. I use file locking to prevent other processes from writing to the same file simultaneously.
Now I am moving over the PHP/MySQL - what precautions should I take to stop a simultaneous processes from writing to a table at the same time.?
Do I need to lock the table before writing to it?
Does MySQL deal with this automatically and just block my process until the table becomes free?
(I am talking about a single table here, not multiple dependant tables - I know that is another issue)
I'm looking to know the best way to process a search query that has multiple words in the search: Code: [Select] elseif(isset($_GET['search'])){ $search=$_GET['search']; $keyword=explode(" ",$search); //database query } Should I do a while loop query the database for each keyword? Hey All, I'm tryin to make a log-in system for multiple usernames and passwords, but I don't really know how many if statements i'd need for it.. I'm also a noob.. Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); $users = array("user1" =>"3202", "user2" =>"2002", "user3" =>"1061", "user4"=>"1400", "user5"=>"1001"); if($_REQUEST['username'] == "infs" && $_REQUEST['password'] == "3202"){ $_SESSION['username'] = "user1" ; $_SESSION['password'] = "3202" ; $_SESSION['username'] = "user2" ; $_SESSION['password'] = "2002" ; $_SESSION['username'] = "user5" ; $_SESSION['password'] = "1001" ; $_SESSION['username'] = "user3" ; $_SESSION['password'] = "1061" ; $_SESSION['username'] = "user4" ; $_SESSION['password'] = "1400" ; header("Location: home.php "); }else{ After checking if the matching username and password exist in my array then save them in a session... What's the best way of doing it? Hey. I just needed a little help with a voting system for articles I've put together in PHP. Essentially what happens is someone clicks the "Vote up" button which takes them to the "voteup.php" page. This is the "voteup.php" page where it updates the database for that given article and increments the "votes" column by one. This works perfectly. But the problem is people can do this infinite times and give articles infinite votes. I need it so that each IP address can only vote on each specific article once. Any ideas on how this could be done? Voteup.php Code: [Select] <?php include("connect.php"); $id2 = $_GET['id']; // Get the ID of the article that will be voted up $con = mysql_connect("localhost","lconditn_admin","hello"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("lconditn_database", $con); mysql_query("UPDATE base SET votes = votes+1 // Add one vote to the article WHERE id2 = '$id2'"); mysql_close($con); ?> Thanks a lot for any help with this. I have code written for image uploading, but it doesn't allow multiple images on a single upload, and doesn't re-size. Anyone willing to share a good upload script that will do the following?: -Allow multiple image uploads (10+ per submission), -Re-size images on upload, and -Rename images. Thanks Brett Hello
I am trying to work out how many regular users I have to my site and how long those users tend to be users..
So, I have a table that logs every time a user visits my site and logs in, it stores the date / time as a unix timestamp and it logs their user id.
I started by getting the id's of any user who logs in more than 5 times in a specified period, but now I want to extend that...
SELECT userID as user, count(userID) as logins FROM login_history where timestamp > UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2014-06-01 00:00:00') and timestamp < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2014-07-01 00:00:00') group by user having logins > 5; Hi Guys, I can't figure this one out, in my registration code i set it to email when a user successfully registers: code: <?php if (isset($_POST['submitSignUp'])) { // Errors array() $errors = array(); // POST vars $fName = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['fname']); $lName = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['lname']); $email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']); $pass1 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['pass1']); $pass2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['pass2']); $cntry = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['cntry']); // Does passwords match if ($pass1 != $pass2) { $errors[] = "Your passwords don't match."; } // Potential errors // Empty fields if (empty($fName) || empty($lName) || empty($email) || empty($pass1) || empty($pass2)) { $errors[] = "You never filled in all the fields."; } else { // Does user exist? $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `dig_customers` WHERE `email`='$email' LIMIT 1"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $errors[] = "The e-mail address <b>$email</b> has already been registered."; } else { // Empty for now... } } // display errors if any exist if (count($errors) > 0) { print "<div id=\"errorMsg\"><h3>Ooops! There was error(s)</h3><ol>"; foreach($errors as $error) { print "<li>$error</li>"; } print "</ol></div>"; } else { print "<div id=\"okMsg\"><p>All done :) you can now sign in.</p></div>"; // Encrypt the password before insertion $encPass = md5($pass1); // Insert into the database $q = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `dig_customers` (`id`, `password`, `password_unencrypted`, `gender`, `title`, `first_name`, `last_name`, `address`, `city`, `state_county`, `post_zip_code`, `country`, `email`, `home_number`, `mobile_number`, `news_letter`, `special_offers`, `admin_level`, `registered`) VALUES ('', '$encPass', '$pass1', 'NULL', 'NULL', '$fName', '$lName', 'NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL', '$cntry', '$email', 'NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL', 'N', NOW())"); if ($q) { // Alert on signup send_graham_email("User Has Signed Up!"); } } } ?> i moved this part: print "<div id=\"okMsg\"><p>All done you can now sign in.</p></div>"; and the INSERT query to where it is now thinking this has solved it, but i just got an email saying "user has signed up!" but when i check the stats they haven't LOL can anyone see where i have went wrong? cheers guys Graham hi i am new on php+mysql i am trying to create signup form that will: users to enter email address and the script check via ajax from MYSQL database if the email is not registered send the signup link to their email if already registered than show error you are a member. In my post.php file i have the following code // checks if the username is in use if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_POST['username'] = addslashes($_POST['username']); } $usercheck = $_POST['username']; mysql_real_escape_string($usercheck); $check = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = '$usercheck'") or die(mysql_error()); $check2 = mysql_num_rows($check); //if the name exists it gives an error if ($check2 != 0) { $error="<span style="; $error .="color:red"; $error .=">"; $error .= "Sorry, the username is already in use."; $error .="</span>"; setcookie(Errors, $error, time()+20); header('Location ./?p=UPC'); die(); } The problem is it always 500s if the username is already in use. Hi, I have wondered if just one user should be used (e.g. root) for connecting to the database is the right way of doing things? (which is what I have always done). Would it be better to have a new user created in the privileges section in MySQL and have all operation/table access assigned appropriately for every single user that signs up? I would think that this would give a lot more security but would need a bit more work. What are your thoughts? Hi everybody, I want to build a script that lets someone register with a simple form that logs all activity into a MySQL db. The thing is, I want to log all attempts to signup into the system even if they do not satisfy password strength, or the required fields criteria. In the following code, the string "email" isn't being used. The field named 'name' is what I'm using to collect the email, and the field named 'msg' is what I'm using to collect the password. I've gotten to the point where if they don't provide anything for either email or password, then it directs them to the same page and it asks them to re enter their information. but I can't seem to capture the attempt (so if they enter an email but not a pass, i still want to know what email they entered). I'm getting this error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSE in /hermes/bosweb25c/b1454/ipg.domainname/nameofsite/contact_insert2.php on line 41 Line 41 corresponds to the line with the first "else{" I'm really not sure what to do, it seems straight forward when I think it through in my head. If pass or email field is empty, enter it into the db, and then send them back to the beginning, if pass or email field not empty, continue in script. Code: [Select] <?php define('DB_NAME', 'dbname'); define('DB_USER', 'phpchick'); define('DB_PASS', 'password'); define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // contact to database $connect = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS) or die('Error , check your server connection.'); mysql_select_db(DB_NAME); //Get data in local variable $v_name=$_POST['name']; $v_email=$_POST['email']; $v_msg=$_POST['msg']; // check for null values if ($v_name=="" or $v_msg=="") $query="insert into contact(name,email,msg) values('$v_name','$v_email','$v_msg')"; mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo " <head> <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"\"></head> <h2>Free Registration</h2> <form action=\"contact_insert2.php\" method=\"POST\" id=\"insert\"> <table> <tr> <td >Email</td> <td ><input type=\"text\" size=40 name=\"name\"></td> </tr> <tr> <td >Password</td> <td ><input type=\"password\" size=40 name=\"msg\" ></td> </tr> You must enter an email and password. <tr> <td colspan=2 id=\"sub\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"submit\" ></td> </tr> </Table> </form>"; else{ if (strcspn($_REQUEST['msg'], '0123456789') == strlen($_REQUEST['msg'])) echo "true"; else{ $query="insert into contact(name,email,msg) values('$v_name','$v_email','$v_msg')"; mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo "Your message has been received"; } } ?> |