PHP - Set A Time Limit To An Oracle Query
I need to interrupt the execution of an oracle query if it is taking more than 10 seconds, and give user a message informing him about execution timeout. I googled a lot but i didn't find anything useful. Is there any way to set a time limit to oci_execute. I cannot modify DB settings... Any Idea? Thnks Similar TutorialsHi, I'm fairly new to all of this and I'm not quite sure what to do. I'm trying to create a field in my database that's 4 hours and 10 minutes into the future from the current time. What data type do I set my field as in the mysql database? How would I populate that mysql field via php.. would I use something like NOW(), or use the php date() function? Also, how would I be able to tell if my field has "expired" (the 4 hours and 10 minutes has elapsed)? Hi, I have a timestamp mysql field that I'm trying to see if something happened within a time limit. The field is updated with the time when the action is complete so I just need to figure out how to see if it's within a time. I currently have a defined variable set titled "MAX_RESPONSE_TIME" and that's in seconds. By default "MAX_RESPONSE_TIME" is equal to 300 seconds. How can I see if a mysql timestamp field is within 300 seconds? can we set limit in safe mode as the hosting company would not off the safe mode so please help i get following error, Warning: set_time_limit() [function.set-time-limit]: Cannot set time limit in safe mode in /home/evercash/public_html/ on line 190 elseif($b=="Compress Matrix") { set_time_limit(6000); include "config.php"; Im wondering if someone can shed some light on possibly the best way to do this. I currently have a website which recieves 26000-37000 visits a month. The host got on my case about to many MySql connections and with help from someone here decided a cache system was best. the cache system is now in place and only updates if the cached file is older than 5 days. I am still recieving high connections to my database and wonder if it is spam as i have a search box. the search box once filled in redirects to a page which queries the database for the keyword and displays results and because it was just selecting and not inserting into database i didnt go for the captcha. this is why i suspect spam, I have thought about limiting the amount of search queries per time limit by ip but I am unsure of how to tackle this and if it will help against spam bots? a google search has only found an answer which stores every visitors ip in a database and keeps count there which I cant see the benefit as it is creating more work for the DB. I have thought maybe creating a session variable that increments with every search and when searching checks this value but I am not to sure if this would help as it would be down to cookie settings. can anyone shed some light on a possible solution to this. I am not expecting you to write this for me but for now just to help with the best way to tackle the problem. Thank you for your time. I'm trying to do an sql query from php that includes 15 condition "groups" each consisting of 4 conditions. I have tried separating each condition group with brackets but still can't get it to work. Am I missing something? Thanks as always for everyone's help!! Tom Here is the code shown with line breaks for clarity: $query="SELECT * FROM d4dauctions WHERE (`user gender` LIKE '%$gender%' AND `auction area` LIKE '%$auctionarea%' AND `user age group` LIKE '%$agegroup%' AND `type of bid` LIKE '%$typeofbid%') OR ('$usergender' = 'Either' AND `auction area` LIKE '%$auctionarea%' AND `user age group` LIKE '%$agegroup%' AND `type of bid` LIKE '%$typeofbid%') OR ('$auctionarea' = 'Anywhere' AND `user gender` LIKE '%$gender%' AND `user age group` LIKE '%$agegroup%' AND `type of bid` LIKE '%$typeofbid%') OR ('$agegroup' = 'Any age' AND `user gender` LIKE '%$gender%' AND `auction area` LIKE '%$auctionarea%' AND `type of bid` LIKE '%$typeofbid%') OR ('$typeofbid' = 'Any type of bid' AND `user gender` LIKE '%$gender%' AND `auction area` LIKE '%$auctionarea%' AND `user age group` LIKE '%$agegroup%') OR ('$usergender' = 'Either' AND '$auctionarea' = 'Anywhere' AND `user age group` LIKE '%$agegroup%' AND `type of bid` LIKE '%$typeofbid%') OR ('$usergender' = 'Either' AND `auction area` LIKE '%$auctionarea%' AND '$agegroup' = 'Any age' AND `type of bid` LIKE '%$typeofbid%') OR ('$usergender' = 'Either' AND `auction area` LIKE '%$auctionarea%' AND `user age group` LIKE '%$agegroup%' AND '$typeofbid' = 'Any type of bid') OR (`user gender` LIKE '%$gender%' AND '$auctionarea' = 'Anywhere' AND '$agegroup' = 'Any age' AND `type of bid` LIKE '%$typeofbid%') OR (`user gender` LIKE '%$gender%' AND '$auctionarea' = 'Anywhere' AND `user age group` LIKE '%$agegroup%' AND '$typeofbid' = 'Any type of bid') OR (`user gender` LIKE '%$gender%' AND `auction area` LIKE '%$auctionarea%' AND '$agegroup' = 'Any age' AND '$typeofbid' = 'Any type of bid') OR ('$usergender' = 'Either' AND '$auctionarea' = 'Anywhere' AND '$agegroup' = 'Any age' AND `type of bid` LIKE '%$typeofbid%') OR ('$usergender' = 'Either' AND `auction area` LIKE '%$auctionarea%' AND '$agegroup' = 'Any age' AND '$typeofbid' = 'Any type of bid') OR ('$usergender' = 'Either' AND '$auctionarea' = 'Anywhere' AND `user age group` LIKE '%$agegroup%' AND '$typeofbid' = 'Any type of bid') OR ('$usergender' = 'Either' AND '$auctionarea' = 'Anywhere' AND '$agegroup' = 'Any age' AND '$typeofbid' = 'Any type of bid') ORDER BY RANK DESC "; Hi. I'm trying to make a sort of a forum, and this is the part of the code that needs to be changed, only I don't know how. Code: [Select] mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); $sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name ORDER BY id DESC"; // OREDER BY id DESC is order result by descending $result=mysql_query($sql); ?> <table width='50%' border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"> <?php $limit=10; $page=0; $numrows = mysql_num_rows($result); $pages = intval($numrows/$limit); if ($numrows % $limit) { $pages++;} $current = ($page/$limit) + 1; if (($pages < 1) || ($pages == 0)) { $total = 1;} else { $total = $pages;} $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $tbl_name ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $page,$limit"); while($rows=mysql_fetch_array($result)){?> <tr><td><font size="+2"><a href="view_topic.php?id=<? echo $rows['id']; ?>"><? echo $rows['topic']; ?></a><BR></font></td> <td width='0*'><? echo $rows['datetime']; ?></td></tr> <tr><td><? echo substr($rows['detail'], 0, 250)."..."; ?> <a href="view_topic.php?id=<? echo $rows['id']; ?>"><? echo "Citeste mai mult";} ?></a> </td></tr> <tr><tr><td> <? if ($page != 0) { // Don't show back link if current page is first page. $back_page = $page - $limit; echo("<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?query=$query&page=$back_page&limit=$limit\">back</a> \n");} for ($i=1; $i <= $pages; $i++) // loop through each page and give link to it. { $ppage = $limit*($i - 1); if ($ppage == $page){ echo("<b>$i</b>\n");} // If current page don't give link, just text. else{ echo("<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?query=$query&page=$ppage&limit=$limit\">$i</a> \n");} } if (!((($page+$limit) / $limit) >= $pages) && $pages != 1) { // If last page don't give next link. $next_page = $page + $limit; echo(" <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?query=$query&page=$next_page&limit=$limit\">next</a>");} ?> </td></tr></tr><?php mysql_close(); ?> </table> I made a database with 4 fields and 11 entries. The script shows the last 10 entries just as it should, but when I click on the 'next' button, nothing happens (it should show the first entry, but it just refreshes the page, and still the last 10 entries/1st page are shown). I think it has something to do with the link, but I can't figure out what exactly. Can someone help, or at least give me a hint? Thanks in advance. Bye. I have searched for a solution to a code that I wrote, with unique numbers in the SQL statement of LIMIT at the end and using execute(). I have also set PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false I know that there is ways to use bindValue() or bindParam() instead of execute() for this. However, the way I have it set up works, but is there a security flaw with the way I am using LIMIT and should I be using bindParam() instead of execute()? <?php if ($numbered_row == 0) { $limitation = ''; } else { $started_page = ($page_number - 1) * $items_on_each_page; $limitation = ' LIMIT '. $started_page . ',' . $items_on_each_page; } $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM `myTable` WHERE `id` = :id AND `group` = :group AND `name` LIKE :name AND `country` = :country ORDER BY `date` DESC" . $limitation; $query_result = $pdo_connecting->prepare($sql_query); $query_result->execute(array(':id' => '73', ':group' => 'Furniture', ':name' => '%'.$name.'%', ':country' => $country)); ?> Edited November 21, 2018 by Cobra23 I have these two tables...
schedule (gameid, homeid, awayid, weekno, seasonno)
teams (teamid, location, nickname)
This mysql query below gets me schedule info for ALL 32 teams in an array...
$sql = "SELECT h.nickname AS home, a.nickname AS away, h.teamid AS homeid, a.teamid AS awayid, s.weekno FROM schedule s INNER JOIN teams h ON s.homeid = h.teamid LEFT JOIN teams a ON s.awayid = a.teamid WHERE s.seasonno =2014"; $schedule= mysqli_query($connection, $sql); if (!$schedule) { die("Database query failed: " . mysqli_error($connection)); } else { // Placeholder for data $data = array(); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($schedule)) { if ($row['away'] == "") {$row['away']="BYE";} $data[$row['homeid']][$row['weekno']] = $row['away']; $data[$row['awayid']][$row['weekno']] = '@ '.$row['home']; } }However, I only want to get info for one specific team, which is stored in the $teamid variable. This should be very easy, right? I have tried multiple things, including this one below (where I added an AND statement of "AND (h.teamid=$teamid OR a.teamid=$teamid)"), but this one still outputs too much... $sql = "SELECT h.nickname AS home, a.nickname AS away, h.teamid AS homeid, a.teamid AS awayid, s.weekno FROM schedule s INNER JOIN teams h ON s.homeid = h.teamid LEFT JOIN teams a ON s.awayid = a.teamid WHERE s.seasonno =2014 AND (h.teamid=$teamid OR a.teamid=$teamid)"; $schedule= mysqli_query($connection, $sql); if (!$schedule) { die("Database query failed: " . mysqli_error($connection)); } else { // Placeholder for data $data = array(); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($schedule)) { if ($row['away'] == "") {$row['away']="BYE";} $data[$row['homeid']][$row['weekno']] = $row['away']; $data[$row['awayid']][$row['weekno']] = '@ '.$row['home']; } }Below is the array that the above outputs. In a nutshell, all I want is that 1st array ([1]) which has, in this example, the Eagles full schedule. It's not giving me too much else and I guess I could live with it and just ignore the other stuff, but I'd rather be as efficient as possible and only get what I need... Array ( [1] => Array ( [1] => Jaguars [2] => @ Colts [3] => Redskins [4] => @ 49ers [5] => Rams [6] => Giants [7] => BYE [8] => @ Cardinals [9] => @ Texans [10] => Panthers [11] => @ Packers [12] => Titans [13] => @ Cowboys [14] => Seahawks [15] => Cowboys [16] => @ Redskins [17] => @ Giants ) [27] => Array ( [1] => @ Eagles ) [28] => Array ( [2] => Eagles ) [4] => Array ( [3] => @ Eagles [16] => Eagles ) [14] => Array ( [4] => Eagles ) [15] => Array ( [5] => @ Eagles ) [3] => Array ( [6] => @ Eagles [17] => Eagles ) [] => Array ( [7] => @ Eagles ) [16] => Array ( [8] => Eagles ) [25] => Array ( [9] => Eagles ) [11] => Array ( [10] => @ Eagles ) [7] => Array ( [11] => Eagles ) [26] => Array ( [12] => @ Eagles ) [2] => Array ( [13] => Eagles [15] => @ Eagles ) [13] => Array ( [14] => @ Eagles ) ) Unless buffer overflows or breaking out of code to perform a new command are problems that have been solved.... I am trying to figure out the proper PHP method for setting a boundary on a variable within a script. I have this variable $name which is fed a value from $_POST['name'] from a form field. Now this form field is limited in the HTML to accept only 20 characters, but someone could easily edit the form or outgoing post data. So I want to know how to limit the variable size in the script. In other languages it could be something like this: var name(20). So how do I do that in PHP? hello every body, I am trying to connect the oracle 10g with PHP code but my all code get error and does not get connection from the server database so i need the help from your site. can you help me My Code is:- <?php $db_host=""; // Host name $db_username="xxx"; // Mysql username $db_password="xxx"; // Mysql password $db_name="XE"; // Database name $tbl_name="USER_DETAIL"; // Table name // Connect to server and select database. try { $conn = "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SERVER_NAME=MYDB)))" ; $c= oci_connect($db_username, $db_password, $conn); $d=new PDO("oci:db_name=$conn",$db_username, $db_password); } catch(PDOException $e) { trigger_error("Could not connect to database",E_USER-ERROR); } This topic has been moved to MySQL Help. I have this code that will get the absent dates for all employees, how can i make it for one specific employee using oracle id? code: $res = $conn->query("SELECT s.oracleid , s.staffname , date_format(date, '%W %d/%m/%Y') as absent FROM staff s CROSS JOIN date d LEFT JOIN attendance_records a ON s.oracleid = a.oracleid AND = DATE(a.clockingindate) WHERE a.oracleid IS NULL ORDER BY s.oracleid, "); the records i am concerned about is for the attendance records table, I have oracle id in that table. Hey all. I have a query that selects data from a datbase based on a criteria. Easy enough. But now I am growing and the amount displaying is too much. How can you, via php, have a queries result be displayed only so many at a time and auto create links that show the rest? Like if query returns 82 results, I want it to display 25 immediately and create 3 links at the bottom. The next link would show 26-50. The next 51-75. And the final 76-82. etc Example: Code: [Select] $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pay"); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['first_name']; echo $row['last_name']; echo $row['item_name']; echo $row['option_selection1']; echo $row['payment_date']; echo $row['stat']; } This is simple. But what happens when the results are 125? I want to limit it to displaying 25 at a time. Is the only way to manually create seperate pages and have each one show 1-25, then 26-50, etc? Or is there a way to have the script do it, itself? Any tutorials out there on this specifically? Hopefully I am making sense. Thanks! Is there any simple way I can log the execution time of each mysql query that is executed on a page, maybe with a register shutdown function, I have been trying to profile and reduce execution time of the CRM / tracking system at work and have used a register shutdown function to log page execution time. We were unsure of wither it was the internet connection, browsers having a hard time rendering nested tables(the code is OLD), or mysql queries taking too long to execute. Yesterday I started re-coding a script and I got to a query, it returned one row/field and had a limit 1, but it searched for an md5 has in the where clause, as soon as I added this query in my re-code it took execution time from 1s to 13s, I ran the query in phpmyadmin and the execution time was 0.5s, this was running in a loop which returned about 20 rows, I added an index on the md5 hash field and the query then took 0.0005s to load, I now want to do this for all scripts on the system. Any ideas? Thanks // EDIT, please note that I don't have shell access, I only have access to the scripts, plesk panel and PHPmyadmin I using.. Hey guys, I`m having problems finding information on how to insert a image on a blob column trough odbc on a oracle database. Does anyone knows where can i find it, or can anyone help me with sample code? I really need to use odbc functions (cant use oci8 ) Tanks for your time reading this and for the possible input you may add on this. Sincerely Arestas PHP date and time function is not showing correct time on my local system I have the following php code date_default_timezone_set("Africa/Lagos"); $date = date('d-m-y h:i:s'); echo "Server Time ".$date ."<br>"; echo "The time is " . date("h:i:sa")."<br>"; $current_datetime = date("Y-m-d") . ' ' . date("H:i:s", STRTOTIME(date('h:i:sa'))); echo "Current time1: ".$current_datetime . "<br>";
Server Time 21-05-21 09:55:39
Expected Output
Server Time 21-05-21 10:55:39
Any help would be appreciated. Edited May 21 by Ponel I am trying to simulate an ad expiration and carry out an action if the ad is expired. And I cannot get the if/else to work properly... I've tried many variations and I cannot see what I am doing wrong here. Any tips please 3 hours and counting of no solution! $ad_start = time()-14 . "<br />"; // 14 days from today in the past (negative) echo $ad_start; $current_time = time() . "<br />"; // current epoch time echo $current_time; $days_past = $ad_start - $current_time; // days past echo "<br />$days_past days have past since the ad started!<br />"; if($days_past <= 14) { echo "<br />Ad is less than 14 days. Not expired."; } else { echo "<br />Ad is over 14 days. Expired."; } Basically I have recently been playing around with parsing a csv file. What I am looking to do at this point is simply take the date/timestamp (part of the csv file), which is in the following format:DD/MM HH:MM:SS.100th/s For the sake of argument, lets say I have this in an array string called $csv[0] and the file has several lines that span the course of a couple hours. I wouldn't mind having to use explode() to breakup/remove the date or 100th/s IF that would make things a lot simpler. So where would I start in trying to achieve this?. The result I am looking for will simply return "X Seconds". Storing this in a string variable would be a bonus, as I plan to use this to divide a separate piece of information. Any examples or ideas would be great. Thank you. ps: Here is an example time from the csv file itself: Code: [Select] 11/19 22:23:18.143 OK So I've got a datepicker that sends a date in d/m/y format. My DB stores the data in Unix Timestamp Which I can convert the date to with strtotime however this does the exact date & time. All I want is the actual day. I've spent hours trying to convert this with just the day with mixed results... Thanks. |