PHP - Multiple Choice With Radio Buttons?
In this form, I am using radio buttons to select various PHP math function results (total, average,both) and it works but was wondering if it is possible to make it multiple choice, that is to say instead of displaying one result at t time when you submit, displaying two or three of the results, depending on how many radio buttons are clicked. Can this be done?
Here is the form code <form action="." method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="process_scores" /> <label>Score 1:</label> <input type="text" name="scores[]" value="<?php echo $scores[0]; ?>"/><br /> <label>Score 2:</label> <input type="text" name="scores[]" value="<?php echo $scores[1]; ?>"/><br /> <label>Score 3:</label> <input type="text" name="scores[]" value="<?php echo $scores[2]; ?>"/><br /> <!-- ADD LOGIC TO DETERMINE WHETHER TO CALCULATE AVERAGE, TOTAL OR BOTH --> <fieldset> <legend> What do you want to calculate?</legend> <p> <input type="radio" name="calculate" value="average" checked="checked" /> Average<br /> <input type="radio" name="calculate" value="total" />Total<br /> <input type="radio" name="calculate" value="both" />Both</p> <p><br /> </p> </fieldset> <br /><br /> <label> </label> <input type="submit" value="Process Scores" /><br /> <label>Scores:</label> <span><?php if (isset($scores_string)) { echo $scores_string; } ?></span><br /> <label>Score Total:</label> <span><?php if (isset($score_total)) { echo $score_total; } ?></span><br /> <label>Average Sco </label> <span><?php if (isset($score_average)) { echo $score_average; } ?></span><br /> </form> and the processing code <?php if (isset($_POST['action'])) { $action = $_POST['action']; } else { $action = 'start_app'; } if (isset($_POST['calculate'])) { $calculate = $_POST['calculate']; } switch ($action) { case 'start_app': $scores = array(); $scores[0] = 70; $scores[1] = 80; $scores[2] = 90; break; case 'process_scores': $scores = $_POST['scores']; // validate the scores $is_valid = true; for ($i = 0; $i < count($scores); $i++) { if (empty($scores[$i]) || !is_numeric($scores[$i])) { $scores_string = 'You must enter three valid numbers for scores.'; $is_valid = false; break; } } if (!$is_valid) { break; } // process the scores $scores_string = ''; $score_total = 0; foreach ($scores as $s) { $scores_string .= $s . '|'; $score_total += $s; } $scores_string = substr($scores_string, 0, strlen($scores_string)-1); // calculate the average $score_average = $score_total / count($scores); // format the total and average switch($calculate) { case 'average': $score_average = number_format($score_average, 2); $score_total = ""; break; case 'total': $score_average = ""; $score_total = number_format($score_total, 2); break; case 'both': $score_total = number_format($score_total, 2); $score_average = number_format($score_average, 2); break; } break; } include 'loop_tester.php'; ?> Similar TutorialsI have a multiple choice search page which asks visitors to select one or more choices before rendering the search results. It only works in items 1+2 are selected, or 1+2+3, or 1+2+3+4, or 1+2+3+4, etc... I want to make it so that any combination of choices work. Example: Items 1+6 or 2+3+5 or 1+4+6 etc... I have four hours to fix it before my client shows up and need help BADLY. Anyone out there who can help? Whoever can help me... you are the best and I will have a special prayer for you tonight. Here is the coding: <?php } else{ if(!empty($_GET['latt']) && !empty($_GET['long'])) { $condition="SELECT ( 3959 * acos( cos( radians( '".$_GET['latt']."' ) ) * cos( radians( latitude ) ) * cos( radians( longitude ) - radians( '".$_GET['long']."' ) ) + sin( radians( '".$_GET['latt']."' ) ) * sin( radians( latitude ) ) ) ) as distance,id,membership FROM notary_members "; if(!empty($_GET['s'])) { $a=" where and"; } else { $a=" where"; } if($_GET['edoc']!='') { $condition.=$a." edoc= 'yes'"; } if($_GET['esign']!='') { if($_GET['edoc']!='') $condition.=" and esign= 'yes'"; else $condition.=$a." esign= 'yes'"; } if($_GET['laserprinter']!='') { if($_GET['esign']!='' || $_GET['edoc']!='') $condition.=" and laserprinter= 'yes'"; else $condition.=" laserprinter= 'yes'"; } if($_GET['dualtray']!='') { if( $_GET['laserprinter']!='' || $_GET['esign']!='' || $_GET['edoc']!='') $condition.=" and dualtray= 'yes'"; else $condition.=" dualtray= 'yes'"; } if($_GET['error_in']!='') { if($_GET['dualtray']!='' || $_GET['laserprinter']!='' || $_GET['esign']!='' || $_GET['edoc']!='') $condition.=" and error_in= 'yes'"; else $condition.=" error_in= 'yes'"; } if($_GET['bg_checked']!='') { if($_GET['error_in']!='' || $_GET['dualtray']!='' || $_GET['laserprinter']!='' || $_GET['esign']!='' || $_GET['edoc']!='') $condition.=" and bg_checked= 'yes'"; else $condition.=" bg_checked= 'yes'"; } if($_GET['home_insp']!='') { if($_GET['bg_checked']!='' || $_GET['error_in']!='' || $_GET['dualtray']!='' || $_GET['laserprinter']!='' || $_GET['esign']!='' || $_GET['edoc']!='') $condition.=" and home_insp= 'yes'"; else $condition.=" home_insp= 'yes'"; } if($_GET['fingerprint']!='') { if($_GET['home_insp']!='' || $_GET['bg_checked']!='' || $_GET['error_in']!='' || $_GET['dualtray']!='' || $_GET['laserprinter']!='' || $_GET['esign']!='' || $_GET['edoc']!='') $condition.=" and fingerprint= 'yes'"; else $condition.=" fingerprint= 'yes'"; } if($_GET['hosp_signing']!='') { if($_GET['fingerprint']!='' || $_GET['home_insp']!='' || $_GET['bg_checked']!='' || $_GET['error_in']!='' || $_GET['dualtray']!='' || $_GET['laserprinter']!='' || $_GET['esign']!='' || $_GET['edoc']!='') $condition.=" and hosp_signing= 'yes'"; else $condition.=" hosp_signing= 'yes'"; } if($_GET['jail_signing']!='') { if($_GET['hosp_signing']!='' || $_GET['fingerprint']!='' || $_GET['home_insp']!='' || $_GET['bg_checked']!='' || $_GET['error_in']!='' || $_GET['dualtray']!='' || $_GET['laserprinter']!='' || $_GET['esign']!='' || $_GET['edoc']!='') $condition.=" and jail_signing= 'yes'"; else $condition.=" jail_signing= 'yes'"; } if($_GET['im_docs']!='') { if($_GET['jail_signing']!='' || $_GET['hosp_signing']!='' || $_GET['fingerprint']!='' || $_GET['home_insp']!='' || $_GET['bg_checked']!='' || $_GET['error_in']!='' || $_GET['dualtray']!='' || $_GET['laserprinter']!='' || $_GET['esign']!='' || $_GET['edoc']!='') $condition.=" and im_docs= 'yes'"; else $condition.=" im_docs= 'yes'"; } if($_GET['jail_signing']!='' || $_GET['hosp_signing']!='' || $_GET['fingerprint']!='' || $_GET['home_insp']!='' || $_GET['bg_checked']!='' || $_GET['error_in']!='' || $_GET['dualtray']!='' || $_GET['laserprinter']!='' || $_GET['esign']!='' || $_GET['edoc']!='' || $_GET['im_docs']!='') { $condition.=" and status=1 order by distance asc"; } else { $condition.=$a." status=1 order by distance asc"; } $sql=mysql_query($condition); $num=mysql_num_rows($sql); $getmile=explode(' ',$_GET['miles']); $c=0; while($getidres=mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { if($getidres['distance']<=$getmile[0]) { if($getidres['membership']=='premium') { $prefirst[$getidres['id']]=$getidres['distance']; $c++; } else { $basicfirst[$getidres['id']]=$getidres['distance']; $c++; } } } if(!empty($sql)) { if($c!=0) { if(!empty($prefirst) || !empty($basicfirst)) { ?> I am pretty new to using php and mysql and am struggling to understand how to go about processing a multiple choice quiz script to check if the answer given by the user is right or wrong and give the user the final result . I understand how to write and process register pages and login scripts and the like but for some reason I just can't understand what i need to do for this type of script So far my thinking has been 1) When the page is submitted have a query that compares the answer selected to the answer in the database. 2) Have php variables for correct and and incorrect both initialised to 0 and which will change depending on the answers given. 3) Use an if else statement similar to the code below to add up the score : - if($result['answer']==$_POST[$result['id']]){ $correct_answer++; }else{ $incorrect_answer++; } 4) Have a query that enters the person taking the quiz's grade in to the database. I would really appreciate it someone could give me some guidance for the best way to do this. I have included below my code for selecting the questions form the database. <?php // Starts the session session_start(); /* */ if (!isset($_SESSION['user_level']) or ($_SESSION['user_level'] != 0)) { header("Location: error_page.php"); exit(); } ?> <?php require_once ('mysqli_connect.php'); $email_address = ['email_address']; $quizGradeBegan=("INSERT INTO learner_grade_db( email_address, score, )VALUES ('$email_address',0) "); $result=@mysqli_query($dbcon, $submittedAnswerQuery); if(isset($_SESSION['email_address'])){ ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Q-Quiz: Learner Homepage</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="sdnt.css" /> </head> <body> <div class="wrapper"> <!-- Start of wrapper div --> <div class="header"> <!-- Start of header div --> <h1>e-Quiz: <br> Learner Homepage</h1> <?php //Makes a call to includes/leaner_nav.php in order to show The Learner Navigation Bar require_once("includes/learner_nav.php"); //Makes a call to includes/welcome_name.php in order to show the Learners name. require_once("includes/welcome_name.php"); /*Makes a call to includes/current_date in order to shows the current date. Will appear in the Day Month Year Format.*/ require_once("includes/current_date.php"); ?> <!-- Shows the Change text size images --> <div id="textSizer"><!-- Start of the textSizer div --> <img id="smallStyler" class="textSize" src="imgs/fontSmall.jpg" height="18" width="18" alt="Smallest" /> <img id="mediumStyler" class="textSize" src="imgs/fontMedium.jpg" height="18" width="18" alt="Default" /> <img id="largeStyler" class="textSize" src="imgs/fontLarge.jpg" height="18" width="18" alt="Biggest" /> </div> <!-- End of textsizer div --> </div><!-- End of Header div --> <div class="article"> <!-- Start of the article div --> <?php $query=("SELECT question_id, question, distractor_1, distractor_2, distractor_3, distractor_4 FROM multiplechoice_db ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 3 " ); $result = @mysqli_query ($dbcon, $query); // Run the query. while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH)):?> <br> <form action="gradepage.php" method="post"> <?php echo $row['question_id'];?> <br> <?php echo $row['question'];?> <br> <input type="radio" value="1" id=' distractor <?php echo $row['question_id'];?>' name ='<?php echo $row['question_id'];?>'/><?php echo $row['distractor_1'];?> <br> <input type="radio" value="2" id=' distractor <?php echo $row['question_id'];?>' name ='<?php echo $row['question_id'];?>'/><?php echo $row['distractor_2'];?> <br> <input type="radio" value="3" id=' distractor <?php echo $row['question_id'];?>' name ='<?php echo $row['question_id'];?>'/><?php echo $row['distractor_3'];?> <br> <input type="radio" value="4" id=' distractor <?php echo $row['question_id'];?>' name ='<?php echo $row['question_id'];?>'/><?php echo $row['distractor_4'];?> <br> <?php endwhile;?> <p> <input id="submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="Click To Submit Completed Quiz "></> </div> <!-- End of the article div --> <div class="aside"> <!-- Start of the aside div --> <ul class="nav2"> <?php //Makes a call to includes/leanersidebar1.php in order to show The Learner Sidebar require_once("includes/learnersidebar1.php"); ?> </ul> <br><br><br><br><br> </div> <!-- End of the aside div --> <div class="footer "><!-- Start of the footer div --> <?php //Makes a call to includes/footer.php in order to show the Footer require_once("includes/footer.php"); ?> </div><!-- End of the footer div --> </div><!-- End of the wrapper div --> </body> <html> I have made a form which includes text fields and radio buttons. The user completes the fields and makes their selections. Once the form is submit, they are then directed to a php file which displays their entries and selections. Atm I can't quite work out how to post their radio button selections. Here is the form: <legend>Car type</legend> <input name="cartype" type="radio" value="1" id="carone" /> <label for="carone">Compact</label><br /> <input name="cartype" type="radio" value="2" id="cartwo" /> <label for="cartwo">Saloon</label><br /> <input name="cartype" type="radio" value="3" id="carthree" /> <label for="carthree">SUV</label> and here is my current code for the text fields: <?php $firstname = $_POST['firstname']; $lastname = $_POST['lastname']; $emailaddress = $_POST['emailaddress']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; echo "Dear ". $firstname . " " . $lastname . ",<br />"; echo "Thank you for your order. <br />"; echo "Your contact details a - <br />"; echo "phone: " . $phone . "<br />"; echo "email: " . $emailaddress . "<br />"; ?> </body></html> If anyone could give a hand I'd be very grateful! Hello guys. I am learning PHP little by little and am writing a VERY basic quiz. For functionality in the future I want to be able to change questions and answers in one "included" php doc. The problem i am having with my current code is that I would like to place a variable in the "value" definition on the radio input. I am unable to do this I guess. Any suggestions to accomplish the same thing? Sorry for my horrible code, this is the first thing I have written from scratch. The form page: Code: [Select] <?php include ("test.php"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <h2><? print $q1; ?></h2> <form method="post" action="test.php"> <input type="radio" name="q1answered" value="Basketball"/> <?php print $q1ans[0]; ?> <input type="radio" name="q1answered" value="Football"/> <?php print $q1ans[1]; ?> <br /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Submit Your Answer!" name="submit" /> </form> </body> </html> The php Code: [Select] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <?php //Enter all questions below $q1 = "What is your favorite Sport?"; $q2 = "What is your favorite hobby?"; //End Questions //Enter Asnwer choices for each question $q1ans = array("Basketball", "Football"); //End Answers //All question defined variables here to make grading easier $qbank = array ($q1, $q2,); if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { $choice = $_POST["q1answered"]; if ($choice == $q1ans[0]){ print "Your Favorite Sport is $q1ans[0]."; } else { print "Your Favorite Sport is $q1ans[1]."; } } ?> </body> </html> Thanks! I'm totally naive to php coding and i'm trying to modify my website which was written for me by someone else in php. So i'm kind of shooting in the dark - but my modification really isn't that difficult... here goes. I already have a form set up allowing the user to select values from drop down menus. To this I want to add a further selection from a choice of 4 radio buttons. This is the coding I've used (i've stripped it down to basics for simplicity) it's inserted between the 'form' tags <input type=radio name="choice" value="FP"> Front Print<br> <input type=radio name="choice" value="BP"> Back Print<br> <input type=radio name="choice" value="PP"> Pocket Print<br> <input type=radio name="choice" value="CP"> Custom Print<br> Ok - this part displays ok and seems to function as expected. The form 'Action' sends the user to another php page so i need to access these values on a different page. This is where I'm running blind. I just want a simple 'if' statement to set a variable based on the value of the radio buttons. So something that looks like this.... if (choice[1].checked=true) {$printchoice = "Front Print";} if (choice[2].checked=true) {$printchoice = "Back Print";} if (choice[3].checked=true) {$printchoice = "Pocket Print";} if (choice[4].checked=true) {$printchoice = "Custom Print";} This part doesn't work - i've tried various combinations but i'm just taking wild guesses. Any help would be much appreciated - thanks Code: [Select] if ($cartype = 1 ) { echo "Compact <br/>"; } elseif ($cartype == 2 ) { echo "Saloon <br/>"; } else if ($cartype == 3 ) { echo "SUV <br/>"; } This code will only display the first radio button atm. How do I fix this? Hi guys...I need some help in matching data from results of checkboxs and radio buttons. My Intentions: There are 3 radio buttons and 8 check boxes. Users can select any one but cannot don't select at all. I separate the calss and categories because for classes, users can only select 1 option whereas for categories users can select many. For example, User select class 1 but do not select anything else and click submit...the system will then retrieve that he selected and check the data base if he have the pre requisites to allow him to go through. Coding for my form: Code: [Select] <form id="applicationoptions" method="post" action="s_apply_now.php"> <div id="optionshead">Class :</div> <div id="classoptions"> <input type="radio" name="class" value="1" /> Class 1 Permit <input type="radio" name="class" value="2" /> Class 2 Permit <input type="radio" name="class" value="3" /> Class 3 Permit </div> <div id="optionshead2">Categories :</div> <div id="catoptions"> <input type="checkbox" name="cat" value="1" /> CAT 2PG <input type="checkbox" name="cat" value="2" /> CAT 1OR <input type="checkbox" name="cat" value="3" /> CAT 2TT <br/><br/> <input type="checkbox" name="cat" value="4" /> CAT 3PG <input type="checkbox" name="cat" value="5" /> CAT 2OR <input type="checkbox" name="cat" value="6" /> CAT 3TT <br/><br/> <input type="checkbox" name="cat" value="7" /> CAT 4PG <input type="checkbox" name="cat" value="8" /> CAT 3OR </div> <div class="applynext"> <input class="applynextbutton" type="submit" name="applynextbutton" value="PROCEED" /> </div> </form> Lets say if user do not select any class, but select CAT 3PG, system will check if user have the pre-requisites before proceeding to next step. Any one can help me or give me hints?? most importantly is i do not know how to retreieve the values selected from the form. Is it possible to do it using php or must i hunt for javascript's script?? Thanks in advance guys...greatly appreciate. I have been at this for far too long and really need some help. I am just trying to check if a radio button has been set or not when someone hits submit. My validation looks something like this: function protect($string){ $string = trim(strip_tags(addslashes($string))); return $string; } if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ //protect and then add the posted data to variables $username = protect($_POST['username']); $password = protect($_POST['password']); $passconf = protect($_POST['passconf']); $email = protect($_POST['email']); $fname = protect($_POST['fname']); $lname = protect($_POST['lname']); $address = protect($_POST['address']); $phone = protect($_POST['phone']); $gender = $_POST['gender']; if(!$username || !$password || !$passconf || !$email || !$fname || !$lname || !$address || !$phone || !isset($gender)){ echo "<p>Please enter all required fields</p>"; }else{ and my form for the radio button is like this... <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"> <h1>General</h1> <p> <label for="username">Username: </label> <input type="text" name="username" value="<?=$_POST['username'] ?>" /> </p> <p> <label for="password">Password: </label> <input type="password" name="password" value="<?=$_POST['password'] ?>" /> </p> <p> <label for="passconf">Confirm Password: </label> <input type="password" name="passconf" value="<?=$_POST['passconf'] ?>" /> </p> <p> <label for="email">Email: </label> <input type="text" name="email" value="<?=$_POST['email'] ?>" size="25"/> </p> <p> <label for="fname">First Name: </label> <input type="text" name="fname" value="<?=$_POST['fname'] ?>" size="25"/> </p> <p> <label for="lname">Last Name: </label> <input type="text" name="lname" value="<?=$_POST['lname'] ?>" size="25"/> </p> <p> <label for="address">Home Address: </label> <input type="text" name="address" value="<?=$_POST['address'] ?>" /> </p> <p> <label for="phone">Primary Phone Number: </label> <input type="text" name="phone" value="<?=$_POST['phone'] ?>" size="10" /> </p> <p> <label for="genders">Gender: </label> <input type="radio" name"gender" value="male" /> Male <input type="radio" name"gender" value="female" /> Female </p> everytime i hit submit i get this error: "Notice: Undefined index: gender in C:\wamp\www\LoginRegistration\register.php on line 37 Please enter all required fields" can anyone help me please? I'm not sure how to use foreach to send multiple form information to the database. <form> <input id="<?php print $row['id'];?>" name="attendance" type="radio" value="1" checked="checked" /> <input id="<?php print $row['id'];?>" name="attendance" type="radio" value="2" /> <input id="<?php print $row['id'];?>" name="attendance" type="radio" value="3" /> </form> I have a group of 3 buttons for three different options and this is in a php while loop,and there could be anywhere from 1 to 30 of these forms that ineed to send the data to the database at the same time. each one of these groups are next to a user to mark if they were present, tardy, or absent. I need it to get the id of the user for each one of these and send the value to the database as well. Hi community. The radio buttons on my form suddenly stopped working. For the life of me I can’t figure out why. Everything seems to look fine. I did some moving around on servers so I wonder if something got messed up during the transfer. I’m wondering if a new version of PHP was installed and made something obsolete. I was wondering if someone could take a look. Thank you in advance for your advise.
<form action="brian_1.php" method="post" name="form1" id="form1"> <input name="name" type="text" id="name" size="30" tabindex="1"/> Company if Applicable: <input name="company" type="text" id="company" size="30" tabindex="2"/> Phone: <input name="phone" type="text" id="phone" tabindex="3" onkeypress="return formatPhone(event,this)" onkeydown="return getKey(event,this)" size="13" maxlength="12"/> Example: XXXXXXXXXX Alternate Phone: <input name="altphone" type="text" id="altphone" tabindex="4" onkeypress="return formatPhone(event,this)" onkeydown="return getKey(event,this)" size="13" maxlength="13"/> Example: XXXXXXXXXX Street Address:<input name="mail" type="text" id="mail" size="60" tabindex="5"/> City, State, Zip Code: <input name="city" type="text" id="city" size="60" tabindex="5"/> E-mail: <input name="emai" type="text" id="emai" size="60" tabindex="6"/> Would you like to be part of our mailing list? <label><input type="radio" name="list" value="Yes" id="RadioGroup1_0" tabindex="7"/>Yes</label><label><input type="radio" name="list" value="No" id="RadioGroup1_1" tabindex="8"/>No</label> Are you interested in volunteering for upcoming events? <label><input type="radio" name="volunteer" value="Yes" id="RadioGroup2_0" tabindex="9"/>Yes</label><label><input type="radio" name="volunteer" value="No" id="RadioGroup2_1" tabindex="10"/>No</label> Are you interested in becoming a sponsor by receiving opportunities to advertise through us? <label><input type="radio" name="opportunities" value="Yes" id="RadioGroup3_0" tabindex="11"/>Yes</label><label><input type="radio" name="opportunities" value="No" id="RadioGroup3_1" tabindex="12"/>No</label> Would you like to join our efforts by offering your services or products to further our cause? <label><input type="radio" name="cause" value="Yes" id="RadioGroup4_0" tabindex="15"/>Yes</label><label><input type="radio" name="cause" value="No" id="RadioGroup4_1" tabindex="16"/>No</label> If so, in what ways would you like to contribute? <textarea name="contribute" cols="60" rows="4"></textarea> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Sumbit" /><input type="reset" name="reset" id="reset" value="Clear" /> </form> <?php /* Email Variables */ $emailSubject = 'Contact Form'; $webMaster = ''; $webMaster = ''; //$webMaster = ''; /* Data Variables */ $name = $_POST['name']; $company = $_POST['company']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; $altphone = $_POST['altphone']; $mail = $_POST['mail']; $city = $_POST['city']; $emai = $_POST['emai']; if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { echo $_POST["list"]; } if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { echo $_POST["volunteer"]; } if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { echo $_POST["opportunities"]; } if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { echo $_POST["cause"]; } $contribute = $_POST['contribute']; $body = <<<EOD \r\n \r\n <br> Name(s): $name \r\n <br> Company if Applicable: $company \r\n <br> Phone: $phone \r\n <br> Alternate Phone: $altphone \r\n <br> Street Address: $mail \r\n <br> City, State, Zip Code: $city \r\n <br> Email: $emai \r\n <br> Would you like to be part of our mailing list? $list \r\n <br> Are you interested in volunteering for upcoming events? $volunteer \r\n <br> Are you interested in becoming a sponsor by receiving opportunities to advertise through us? $opportunities \r\n <br> Would you like to join our efforts by offering your services or products to further our cause? $cause \r\n <br> If so, in what ways would you like to contribute? $contribute \r\n <br> EOD; $from = "From:\r\n"; $from .= "Reply-To: ".$emai."\r\n"; $from .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n"; mail($webMaster, $emailSubject, $body, $from); /* Results rendered as HTML */ echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=\">"; ?> Hi, I have the below code which pulls pet types from the database, and when you pick the particular type by selecting a radio button amd press 'Select Pet Type' you are brought to a page listing all examples of that pet. Is there any way of changing this so the pet types are listed as hyperlinks instead and when you click each particular hyperlink you are brought to a page where that pet type is listed? <?php /* Program: PetCatalog.php * Desc: Displays a list of pet categories from the PetType table. Includes descriptions. * Displays radio buttons for user to check. */ ?> <html> <head><title>Pet Types</title></head> <body> <?php include(""); #12 $cxn = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$password,$dbname) #14 or die ("couldn't connect to server"); /* Select all categories from PetType table */ $query = "SELECT * FROM pettype ORDER BY petType"; #18 $result = mysqli_query($cxn,$query) or die ("Couldn't execute query."); #20 /* Display text before form */ echo "<div style='margin-left: .1in'>\n <h1 style='text-align: center'>Pet Catalog</h1>\n <h2 style='text-align: center'>The following animal friends are waiting for you.</h2>\n <p style='text-align: center'>Find just what you want and hurry in to the store to pick up your new friend.</p> <h3>Which pet are you interested in?</h3>\n"; /* Create form containing selection list */ echo "<form action='ShowPets.php' method='POST'>\n"; #33 echo "<table cellpadding='5' border='1'>"; $counter=1; #35 while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) #36 { extract($row); #38 echo "<tr><td valign='top' width='15%' style='font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em'\n"; echo "<input type='radio' name='interest' value='$petType'\n"; #43 if( $counter == 1 ) #44 { echo "checked"; } echo ">$petType</td>"; #48 echo "<td>$typeDescription</td></tr>"; #49 $counter++; #50 } echo "</table>"; echo "<p><input type='submit' value='Select Pet Type'> </form></p>\n"; #54 ?> </div> </body></html> I have been searching for something like this to use so I am trying to implement these ideas for my form but unable to get it to work. The concept is similar so I am posting here but if I would make a new post just let me know. it is not posting the info when the radio button is checked. Someone with a keener eye that mine can give a look and tell what I have done incorrectly it would be appreciated. Code: [Select] echo ' <form action="" method="get"><div id="avatar_section"> <div id="avatar_stack"> <p> <img src="herotmb/face0.png" alt="" /><input name="avatar[head]" type="radio" value="face0" checked="checked" /> </p> <p> <img src="herotmb/face0.png" alt="" /><input type="radio" name="avatar[face]" value="face0" /> <img src="herotmb/face1.png" alt="" /><input type="radio" name="avatar[face]" value="face1" /> <img src="herotmb/face2.png" alt="" /><input type="radio" name="avatar[face]" value="face2" /> <img src="herotmb/face3.png" alt="" /><input type="radio" name="avatar[face]" value="face3" /> </p> <span name="color"> <p> <img src="herotmb/color0.png" alt="" /><input type="radio" name="avatar[color]" value="black" id="black" onclick="color(black);" /> <img src="herotmb/color1.png" alt="" /><input type="radio" name="avatar[color]" value="brown" id="brown" /> <img src="herotmb/color2.png" alt="" /><input type="radio" name="avatar[color]" value="darkbrown" id="darkbrown" onclick="color(darkbrown);" /> <img src="herotmb/color3.png" alt="" /><input type="radio" name="avatar[color]" value="yellow" id="red" onclick="color(red);" /> <img src="herotmb/color4.png" alt="" /><input type="radio" name="avatar[color]" value="red" id="yellow" onclick="color(yellow);" /> </p> </span> '; $selected_radio = '$_POST[avatar[color]]'; if ($selected_radio == 'black') { echo ' <p> <img src="herotmb/hair0-black.png" alt="" /><input name="avatar[hair]" type="radio" value="hair0-black" /> <img src="herotmb/hair1-black.png" alt="" /><input name="avatar[hair]" type="radio" value="hair1-black" /> <img src="herotmb/hair2-black.png" alt="" /><input name="avatar[hair]" type="radio" value="hair2-black" /> <img src="herotmb/hair3-black.png" alt="" /><input name="avatar[hair]" type="radio" value="hair3-black" /> <img src="herotmb/hair4-black.png" alt="" /><input name="avatar[hair]" type="radio" value="hair4-black" /> <img src="herotmb/hair5-black.png" alt="" /><input name="avatar[hair]" type="radio" value="hair5-black" /> <img src="herotmb/hair6-black.png" alt="" /><input name="avatar[hair]" type="radio" value="hair6-black" /> <img src="herotmb/hairNone-black.png" alt="" /><input name="avatar[hair]" type="radio" value="hairNone" /> </p>'; } else if ($selected_radio == 'brown') { echo 'Table 2 Here.'; } else if ($selected_radio == 'darkbrown') { echo 'Table 3 Here.'; } else if ($selected_radio == 'red') { echo 'Table 4 Here.'; } else if ($selected_radio == 'yellow') { echo 'Table 5 Here.'; } echo ' <p id="submit" > <input type="submit" value="Save" /> </p> </form>'; Hi. Im pretty sure this is easy but ive been trying for hours and looked all over the web but cant seem to do it. I have information submitted to my database which I then retrieve on another page. I retrieve the landlord name and group the same values together plus retrieve an overall rating which I average and sort by. This works and is done using: Code: [Select] $sql="SELECT landlord_name, AVG(overall) FROM $tbl_name GROUP BY landlord_name ORDER BY AVG(overall) DESC"; $result=mysql_query($sql); // Start looping rows in mysql database. while($rows=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ Where Im finding it difficult though is I have 5 radio buttons with values from 1-5 and want one of them to be checked if the value matches the averaged overall rating. What I've tried is: Code: [Select] if (AVG(overall)==1){ $check1="checked";} if (AVG(overall)==2){ $check2="checked";} if (AVG(overall)==3){ $check3="checked";} if (AVG(overall)==4){ $check4="checked";} if (AVG(overall)==5){ $check5="checked";} then in the form: Code: [Select] <table width="600" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td><? echo $rows['landlord_name']; ?></td> <td><div class="avg"><form> <input type="radio" value="1" disabled="disabled" checked= "<? $check1 ?>" /> <input type="radio" value="2" disabled="disabled" checked= "<? $check2 ?>" /> <input type="radio" value="3" disabled="disabled" checked= "<? $check3 ?>" /> <input type="radio" value="4" disabled="disabled" checked= "<? $check4 ?>" /> <input type="radio" value="5" disabled="disabled" checked= "<? $check5 ?>"/> </form></div> </td> </tr> </table> To make it a bit more difficult, the AVG(overall) value will not always be an integer from 1-5 and will need to be rounded to the closest one. Think i can use ROUND for this but dont know how to put it in. Thanks for your help in advance. As you can probably tell im new to php and still learning the basics. I'm trying to create a database driven poll to allow users to "like" or "dislike" each video on my site. But instead of radio buttons and a submit button I want to use images with jquery handling the submit when a choice is made. I have found 2 tutorials that each accomplish part of what I want. This tutorial has a poll which is perfect because I can pass in a poll id (which will be the same value as my video id) and it will load that video's poll. This tutorial replaces the radio buttons with images. I have them both working separately on this page I can't seem to figure out how to combine the two together. The poll script generates its html inside of a php function. In the code below I have commented out the line ( getPoll(1) ) that calls the function and replaced it with the html it generates to make it easier to see what is going on. Another problem is each form has a different action so both actions somehow need to be combined together into a function. I was hoping someone might want to see if they can combine the two together and post it as a tutorial or demo. Code: [Select] <?php require("inc/db.php"); require("inc/functions.php"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Ajax Poll Script - Demo</title> <!-- styles and js for poll --> <script src="inc/js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="inc/js/poll.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <style> body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 1em; } #pollWrap{ width: 550px; margin-left:40px; } #pollWrap h3 { display:none; color:red; font-size: 1em; margin-bottom: 5px; display:none; } #pollWrap ul { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 5px; } #pollWrap li { padding: 0; /*overflow:hidden;*/ /*for our lovely friend IE6 to behave nicely*/ font-size: 0.8em; display: inline; } #pollWrap li span { font-size: 0.7em; } .pollChart { margin-left: 25px; height: 10px; width:1px; /*Adding rounded corners to the graphs - Optional - START*/ -moz-border-radius-topright: 4px; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 4px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; /*Adding rounded corners to the graphs - Optional - END*/ } #pollSubmit { margin-top: 5px; } #pollMessage { color:#C00; font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; } </style> <!-- styles and js for image radio buttons --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/radio.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/radio-demo.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="greenlight"> <div id="options"> <ul id="list"> <li class="active"><a href="#" class="option1 active" id="link1"><span>Option</span></a></li> <li><a href="#" class="option2" id="link2"><span>Option</span></a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- close options --> <form action="step2.html" method="post" id="radioform"> Green Light: <input name="option1" type="radio" value="option1" id="option1" checked="checked" /><br /> Cancel: <input name="option1" type="radio" value="option2" id="option2" /><br /> </form> <!-- <p><a href="#" class="toggleform">Show Hidden Form Radion Buttons</a></p> --> <?php // getPoll(1); //$pollID ?> <div id="pollWrap"> <form name="pollForm" method="post" action="inc/functions.php?action=vote"> <h3>Poll Question 1</h3> <ul> <li> <input name="pollAnswerID" id="pollRadioButton1" value="1" type="radio"> Answer1 for Poll1 <span id="pollAnswer1"></span> </li> <li class="pollChart pollChart1"></li> <li> <input name="pollAnswerID" id="pollRadioButton2" value="2" type="radio"> Answer2 for Poll1 <span id="pollAnswer2"></span> </li> <li class="pollChart pollChart2"></li> </ul> <input name="pollSubmit" id="pollSubmit" value="Vote" type="submit"> <span id="pollMessage"></span> <img src="ajaxLoader.gif" alt="Ajax Loader" id="pollAjaxLoader"> </form> </div> </div><!-- close greenlight --> </body> </html> I have a table that shows all the users in my table. Each user is either a user or an admin. I have radio buttons for each user determining if they are a user or an admin Right now I have each RB group named userlevel0, userlevel1, userlevel2 etc.. How can I get all the groups dynamically? I attempted an html array but failed. Hi, I need to analyze a string and get the text between, before, and after the forward slashes.. The string will always look something like this, but will vary: $str = "I will go to the store with <# one/two/three #> people." Then I need to create a form with radio buttons for each choice. In this case (one, two, or three). The text between the <# ... #> could be different every time, and with uknown amount of forward slashes. Here is what I have so far but it doesn't work. Code to find if there are slashes: Code: [Select] preg_match_all( '/([/]+)/',$str,$matches); Code to create html form .. Code: [Select] $i = 0; $html = '<form>'; foreach ($matches[0] as $match){ if ($pos = strpos( $str,$match ) ) === false ) continue; } $html .= '<input type="radio" name="place-' . $i . '" value=". $match . '" /> '; } $html .= '</form>'; Its not working as needed. I'm not sure how to create radio button choices for the words (one, two, three). Thanks Below is my code. I am having an issue with the form printing the Gender to an e-mail that it sends. I can't figure out what I am missing. Everything else works fine. I also need to have a list of check boxes that more than one can be selected like What kind of music do you like? Rock Pop ETC Any help with this would be greatly appreciated Thank you Gary Code below ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <?php $your_email ='';// <<=== update to your email address session_start(); $errors = ''; $name = ''; $visitor_email = ''; $user_message = ''; if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $name = $_POST['name']; $visitor_email = $_POST['email']; $visitor_q1 = $_POST['q1']; $user_message = $_POST['message']; ///------------Do Validations------------- if(empty($name)||empty($visitor_email)) { $errors .= "\n Name and Email are required fields. "; } if(IsInjected($visitor_email)) { $errors .= "\n Bad email value!"; } if(empty($_SESSION['6_letters_code'] ) || strcasecmp($_SESSION['6_letters_code'], $_POST['6_letters_code']) != 0) { //Note: the captcha code is compared case insensitively. //if you want case sensitive match, update the check above to // strcmp() $errors .= "\n The captcha code does not match!"; } if(empty($errors)) { //send the email $to = $your_email; $subject="New form submission"; $from = $your_email; $ip = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ''; $body = "A user $name submitted the contact form:\n". "Full Name: $name\n". "Email: $visitor_email \n". "Gender: $gender \n". "Q1: $visitor_q1 \n". "Message: \n ". "$user_message\n". "IP: $ip\n"; $headers = "From: $from \r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: $visitor_email \r\n"; mail($to, $subject, $body,$headers); header('Location: thank-you.html'); } } // Function to validate against any email injection attempts function IsInjected($str) { $injections = array('(\n+)', '(\r+)', '(\t+)', '(%0A+)', '(%0D+)', '(%08+)', '(%09+)' ); $inject = join('|', $injections); $inject = "/$inject/i"; if(preg_match($inject,$str)) { return true; } else { return false; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <META name="description" content="Voice Lessons with Richard Fink IV world wide via Skype and iChat. Vocal studio located near Rochester NY."> <META name="keywords" content="rates, cost, vocal, teacher, coach, voice, private, lessons, rochester, ny, skype, ichat, new york city, los angels, las vegas, nyc, la, artist, pop, r&b, rock, country, metal"> <META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Visual Page 2.0 for Windows"> <TITLE>Frequently Asked Questions | Vocal Coach | Castle Nine Vocal Studios</TITLE> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body,td,th { color: #333333; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: medium; } body { background-color: #FFFFFF; } .style9 {font-size: 14px} .style18 {font-size: 25px; color: #330033; } .style20 {font-size: 24px} .style21 { font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; } .style23 {color: #000000} .style10 {color: #330033} .style11 { color: #330033; font-weight: bold; } --> </style> <style> label,a, body { font-family : Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; } .err { font-family : Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 12px; color: red; } </style> <script type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0 var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; 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} ?> <div id='contact_form_errorloc' class='err'></div> <form method="POST" name="contact_form" action="<?php echo htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>"> <p> <label for='name'>Full Name: </label><br> <input type="text" name="name" value='<?php echo htmlentities($name) ?>'> </p> <p> <label for='email'>Email: </label><br> <input type="text" name="email" value='<?php echo htmlentities($visitor_email) ?>'> <p> <p> <label for='q1'>Q1: </label><br> <input type="text" name="q1" value='<?php echo htmlentities($visitor_q1) ?>'> <p> <p> <label for='gender'>Male: </label> <input type="radio" name="Gender" value='<?php echo htmlentities($male) ?>'/> <br /> <label for='Gender'>Female:</label> <input type="radio" name="Gender" value='<?php echo htmlentities($female) ?>'/> <br /> </p> <p> <label for='message'>Message:</label> <br> <textarea name="message" rows=8 cols=30><?php echo htmlentities($user_message) ?></textarea> </p> <p> <img src="captcha_code_file.php?rand=<?php echo rand(); ?>" id='captchaimg' ><br> <label for='message'>Enter the code above here :</label><br> <input id="6_letters_code" name="6_letters_code" type="text"><br> <small>Can't read the image? click <a href='javascript: refreshCaptcha();'>here</a> to refresh</small> </p> <input type="submit" value="Submit" name='submit'> </form></i><br> <br> <br> <br> </p> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="images/pdabase.jpg" width="647" height="48" border="0" usemap="#Map2"></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </CENTER> <map name="Map"><area shape="rect" coords="514,43,633,70" href="richard_fink_iv/voicelessons.htm"> <area shape="rect" coords="514,74,637,96" href="richard_fink_iv/photo.htm"> <area shape="rect" coords="529,101,637,124" href="richard_fink_iv/testimonials.htm"> <area shape="rect" coords="581,128,638,150" href="richard_fink_iv/faq.htm"> <area shape="rect" coords="152,52,462,113" href="richard_fink_iv/mobileindex.html"> </map> <map name="Map2"><area shape="rect" coords="462,7,503,46" href=""> <area shape="rect" coords="509,5,550,47" href=""> <area shape="rect" coords="558,6,596,48" href=""> <area shape="rect" coords="607,6,647,47" href=""> </map> <map name="Map3"><area shape="rect" coords="-5,-1,129,67" href=""> <area shape="rect" coords="135,1,213,77" href=""> </map> <map name="Map4"><area shape="rect" coords="497,16,647,151" href="index.html"> </map> <script language="JavaScript"> // Code for validating the form // Visit // for details var frmvalidator = new Validator("contact_form"); //remove the following two lines if you like error message box popups frmvalidator.EnableOnPageErrorDisplaySingleBox(); frmvalidator.EnableMsgsTogether(); frmvalidator.addValidation("name","req","Please provide your name"); frmvalidator.addValidation("email","req","Please provide your email"); frmvalidator.addValidation("email","email","Please enter a valid email address"); </script> <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'> function refreshCaptcha() { var img = document.images['captchaimg']; img.src = img.src.substring(0,img.src.lastIndexOf("?"))+"?rand="+Math.random()*1000; } </script> </BODY> </HTML> Sorry if this should be in the HTML forum but as it is relating to something I am trying to do with php I thought this was the right place! I am creating a search page and one of the columns has only two potential values, 'H' for Home Games and 'A' for Away Games. Using radio buttons I can get the search page to filter correctly but there will also be times, once there are a few more search options on there, when a search would want to show All Games. The current form I have is Code: [Select] <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="fixrestestsearch.php"> <p> <label for="OPP">OPP</label> <input type="text" name="OPP" id="OPP" /> <br /> <label> <input type="radio" name="HA" value="H" id="HA_0" /> Home</label> <br /> <label> <input type="radio" name="HA" value="A" id="HA_1" /> Away</label> <br /> <label> <input type="radio" name="HA" value="" id="HA_2" /> All</label> <br /> <br /> SUB <input type="submit" name="SUB" id="SUB" value="Submit" /> </p> </form> and the query in the results page contains Code: [Select] WHERE team_name='$OPP' AND h_a='$HA' If either the 'Home' or 'Away' buttons are checked everything works fine. If I check the 'All' button nothing is returned as it is looking for blank cells. I have also tried using 'value="*"' but that did not work. Is there anything that I can put as the value of a radio button that would select all records or would it have to be something amended in the query on the results page? Thanks in advance Steve Hey all, I'm somewhat new to PHP and working on a form and trying to make radio buttons sticky. I've tried the following but when I refresh/got back to the page then now matter what button I chose it always shows the "4" bedroom or "No". What size of unit do you require? <input type="radio" name="unitsize" value="1 Bedroom" <?php if (isset($_POST['unitsize']) == '1 Bedroom') echo 'checked'; ?>> 1 bedroom <input type="radio" name="unitsize" value="2 Bedroom" <?php if (isset($_POST['unitsize']) == '2 Bedroom') echo 'checked'; ?>> 2 bedroom <input type="radio" name="unitsize" value="3 Bedroom" <?php if (isset($_POST['unitsize']) == '3 Bedroom') echo 'checked'; ?>> 3 bedroom <input type="radio" name="unitsize" value="4 Bedroom" <?php if (isset($_POST['unitsize']) == '4 Bedroom') echo 'checked'; ?>> 4 bedroom Do you require an accessible unit?</td> <input type="radio" name="accessible" value="Yes" <?php if (isset($_POST['accessible']) == 'Yes') echo 'checked'; ?>> Yes <input type="radio" name="accessible" value="No" <?php if (isset($_POST['accessible']) == 'No') echo 'checked'; ?>> No Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated. |