PHP - Anonymous Object Methods
I am trying to run the function "age", using the last line, I thought that is how I could to access that method, but that doesn't work.
Code: [Select] <?php require_once '../phpLive/phpLive.php'; $live->myClass = (object)array( "name" => "Billy Bob Joe", "age" => function($dob){ // Run some code } ); echo $live->myClass->age("1986-07-22"); ?> I get the following error when trying to do that. Quote Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::age() in /xxx/new.plugin.php on line 9 Any Ideas how I can access that method? Thanks! Similar TutorialsHi All, My appologies in advance. I am pretty sure that this has probably been answered before by someone...but for the life of me I carn't find the answer in any forums. My basic question is this. Can you create an object at the beginning of a script, and then call its methods from within functions? I have coded the following: <?php ///import classes to use require "booking_form_gui.php"; $booking = new booking_form_gui(); function _booking_form($form_state){ ///$booking = new booking_form_gui(); return $booking -> date_selection(); <----------this line causes the error I guess } The problem is that when I run this code, I get an error message similar to the following: Fatal error: Call to a member function date_selection() on a non-object in /var/www/drupal_6/sites/default/modules/booking_system/booking_form/booking_form.module on line 127 Anyone any ideas how I could get round this? Thanks, Mark. Well the title may seem a bit confusing, but heres an example: Code: [Select] <?php class User{ public $uid; public $username; protected $password; protected $email; public $usergroup; public $profile; public function __construct($id){ // constructor code inside } public function getemail(){ return $this->email; } public function getusergroup(){ return $this->usergroup; } public function getprofile(){ $this->profile = new UserProfile($this->uid); } } class UserProfile(){ protected $avatar; protected $bio; protected $gender; protected $favcolor; public function __construct($id){ // constructor code inside } public function formatavatar(){ // avatar formatting code inside } public function formatusername(){ // format username? } } ?> As you can see, the User class(an outer class) has a property called Profile, which can be instantiated as a UserProfile object(an inner class). The two objects have distinct functionalities, but there are times when the UserProfile object needs to access property and methods from the user object. I know its easy for outer class to access methods from inner class by using the single arrow access operator twice, but how about the other way around? Lets say from the above example the userprofile can format the username displayed to the screen by adding a sun to the left of the username if the usergroup is admin, a moon if the usergroup is mod, and nothing if its just a member. The usergroup property is stored in the outer class, and can be accessed with this $user->getusergroup() method only. I know I can always do the hard way by passing a user object to the method's argument, but is there an easier way for the inner class UserProfile to access properties/methods for outerclass User? If so, how can I achieve that? I've always had an issue needing to write and maintain script to validate both client side and sever side so a while back I wrote a validation class whose primary purpose was: Accept in its constructor a JSON string which is mostly identical to the jQuery validation option except it also included a "sanitize" property. For instance: {"rules": {"account": {"minlength": 6}}, "messages": {"account": {"minlength": "Six numbers are required"}, "sanitize":{"account":int}}. Provide the correct jQuery validation option so a form can be validated client side. Sanitize the form data server side. Validate the form data server side.I recently looked at the code and it is a train wreck. I used a single class and had a bunch of protected functions where some would validate per a given rule and return the message upon error and others would sanitize. For non-typical rules required by the specific application, I would extend the class and add them. Some of these added rules required other resources such as an entities primary key, a PDO connection, etc. While inheritance worked fine to add simple rules, it did not do so for the rules which needed other resources. Also, even though I used "final" on my base class methods, I never liked this single class of many methods as I couldn't use the same name for a given rule and sanitize method (i.e. would rather use digit and digit instead of digit and int). I am thinking of changing it to something like the following. While this is definitely better, I question whether I should be using traditional classes to define my standard and custom rules. Any recommendations? Thanks class Validator { protected $options, $rules=[ "digit"=>function($value, $prop, $name){ return /*validate and return error string or null*/; }, "minlength"=>"ect, etc" ]; public function __construct(string $json, \Closure ...$customRules=[]) { $this->options=json_decode($json); $this->rules=array_merge($this->rules, $customRules); } } class Application { public function someMethod() { $pdo=$this->pdo; $applicationCustomRules=[ 'someCustomRule'=>function($value, $prop, $name) use ($pdo) { return /*validate and return error string or null*/; } ]; $validator=new Validator($json, ...$applicationCustomRules); //Which can be used such as: $jQueryOptions=$validator->getJQueryOptions(); $validator->validate($data); $validator->validateProperty('account', $account); } }
So I have made an anonymous poll system but I would like to limit the possibility to vote only once from a single pc. I think that I could store and check 3 things regarding a user that has voted: 1) $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']."!".$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']."!".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; 2) HTTP cookie 3) Flash cookie LSO (because this contrary to the HTTP cookei can be detected in multiple browsers( (only if Flash is installed))) But there can be a simple situation - a simple user votes one time from Firefox and after a time his IP changes (for example he uses some Mobile internet where dynamic addressing is used) . Then for some reason he wants to use Internet Explorer where Flash is not installed. In result - it is possible to vote twice. Can anyone please suggest something regarding this? I know there is not 100% bulletproof solution - I just want to minimise the possibility to vote more than once. Also I am thinking about using EverCookie(undeletable cookie) but that could cause a lot of other problems. When using the phpDoc PHAR to parse the following file, it returns Parse Error: Syntax error, unexpected '(' on line 16 No summary was found for this file, and doesn't include the file. The specific script which triggers the error is ($this->prototype)(). I am using the PHAR listed on which appears to be the same as, and am running PHP 7.1.26. Any guess why I am getting this error? Recommended workarounds? As a hack, I am thinking of adding an ignored function or class who's only missing is to invoke the anonymous function. I've also tried using the PHAR at, and while I don't get this error, I don't get any output. I first tried it without downloading the public key but got ssl errors. Is there more to in than just locating the two files in the same directory? Thanks <?php /** * My Summary. * * My Description. */ class Foo { private $prototype; public function __construct() { $this->prototype=function(){ return 'prototype';}; } public function getPrototype() { $prototype=($this->prototype)(); return $prototype; } } [michael@devserver test]$ php /usr/share/phar/phpDocumentor.phar -d ./phpDocDir -t ./phpDocTarget Collecting files .. OK Initializing parser .. OK Parsing files Parsing /var/www/public/test/phpDocDir/testphpdocs.php Parse Error: Syntax error, unexpected '(' on line 16 No summary was found for this file Storing cache in "/var/www/public/test/phpDocTarget" .. OK Load cache .. 0.001s Preparing template "clean" .. 0.011s Preparing 17 transformations .. 0.000s Build "elements" index .. 0.000s Replace textual FQCNs with object aliases .. 0.000s Resolve @link and @see tags in descriptions .. 0.000s Enriches inline example tags with their sources .. 0.000s Build "packages" index .. 0.000s Build "namespaces" index and add namespaces to "elements" .. 0.000s Collect all markers embedded in tags .. 0.000s Transform analyzed project into artifacts .. Applying 17 transformations Initialize writer "phpDocumentor\Plugin\Core\Transformer\Writer\FileIo" Initialize writer "phpDocumentor\Plugin\Twig\Writer\Twig" Initialize writer "phpDocumentor\Plugin\Graphs\Writer\Graph" Execute transformation using writer "FileIo" Execute transformation using writer "FileIo" Execute transformation using writer "FileIo" Execute transformation using writer "FileIo" Execute transformation using writer "FileIo" Execute transformation using writer "twig" Execute transformation using writer "twig" Execute transformation using writer "twig" Execute transformation using writer "twig" Execute transformation using writer "twig" Execute transformation using writer "twig" Execute transformation using writer "twig" Execute transformation using writer "twig" Execute transformation using writer "twig" Execute transformation using writer "twig" Execute transformation using writer "twig" Execute transformation using writer "Graph" 0.073s Analyze results and write report to log .. 0.000s [michael@devserver test]$
I have built a small classified ads application. A person can put in an item for sale and it will diaplay the item. On the input form for the ad they enter their email address.
I am looking for an application that will display an anonymous email address on the classified ad and send to the anonmmous email through to their real email address. I would prefer to do this through the web server of the client and not have to set up a Google Apps or third party email accout for the "catch all" account.
Any recommendation for tutorials to explain and illustrate how to write this code.
Thanks in advance for any assist.
Hey all, I want to have an object that has a property which is an object containing instances of other objects. I try this: Code: [Select] class Blog extends Posts { public $has_posts; public function __construct($a,$b,$c){ $has_posts = (object) array_merge((array) $a, (array) $b, (array) $c); } } class Posts { public $b; public function __construct($b){ $this->b = $b; } } $post1 = new Posts(1); $post2 = new Posts(2); $post3 = new Posts(3); $blog = new Blog($post1,$post2,$post3); var_dump($blog->has_posts); //null foreach($blog->has_posts as $post){ //Invalid argument supplied for foreach() echo $post->b; } But as you see, has_posts is null, not an object containing other objects. Thanks for response. hey guys im wdondering if there's a magic method which works like
__GET()but allows you to put a parameter in...thank you <?php class test { public function run() { $this->object->('string'); // __get with parameter? } public function __get($value) { return $this->{$value} } } ?> I don't know if this belongs here; sorry if it doesn't. I'm using a method=get on a form as I need to pass information through a URL once the form has been submitted. But I also need to INSERT some data from that form to multiple tables. - How can I stop the GET from passing my other variables into the URL? - How do I make the form submit to itself? I need to use the 'index.php?p=checkout' as this matches with a switch statement, which matches to the checkout page. The function PHP_SELF will just refresh to the index.php page, which will not have any of this checkout's page validation. Here's my code: Code: [Select] <h2>Please enter your details</h2> <h3>All fields required</h3> <div id="checkout"> <?php if (isset($_GET['checkout'])){ require_once ('./includes/connectvars.php'); $title = $_GET['title']; $fname = $_GET['fname']; $sname = $_GET['sname']; $ctype = $_GET['ctype']; $cnumber = md5($_GET['cnumber']); $syear = $_GET['smonth'] . $_GET['syear']; $fyear = $_GET['fmonth'] . $_GET['fyear']; $service = $_GET['cardAuth']; $amount = $_REQUEST[$total]; $msg = rand(1000,9999); $api = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'; $b_house = $_GET['b_house']; $b_postcode = $_GET['b_postcode']; $b_city = $_GET['b_city']; $b_country = $_GET['b_country']; $d_house = $_GET['d_house']; $d_postcode = $_GET['d_postcode']; $d_city = $_GET['d_city']; $d_country = $_GET['d_country']; $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); $query = "INSERT INTO customer (cust_id, first_name, last_name) VALUES ('', '$fname', '$sname') "; $query = "INSERT INTO bill (cust_id) VALUES ('') "; $query = "INSERT INTO deliver (cust_id) VALUES ('') "; mysqli_query($dbc, $query); } //.'service='.$service.'msg_id='.$msg.'num_md5='.$cnumber.'amount='.$amount.'currency=GBP'.'api_key='.$api. ?> <form method="get" action="index.php?p=checkout"> <table> <tr> <td><input type="hidden" name="cardAuth" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td> Title: </td> <td> <select name="title" value="<?php if (!empty($title)) echo $title; ?>" > <option></option> <option>Mr</option> <option>Sir</option> <option>Ms</option> <option>Miss</option> <option>Mrs</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> First Name: </td> <td> <input type="text" name="fname" value="<?php if (!empty($fname)) echo $fname; ?>"/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Surname: </td> <td> <input type="text" name="sname" value="<?php if (!empty($sname)) echo $sname; ?>"/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Card Type: </td> <td> <select name="ctype" value="<?php if (!empty($ctype)) echo $ctype; ?>"> <option>mastercard</option> <option>visa</option> <option>amex</option> <option>solo</option> <option>maestro</option> <option>jcb</option> <option>diners</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Card Number: </td> <td> <input type="text" name="cnumber" value="<?php if (!empty($cnumber)) echo $cnumber; ?>"/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Valid From: </td> <td> <select name="smonth" value="<?php if (!empty($smonth)) echo $smonth; ?>"> <option>01</option> <option>02</option> <option>03</option> <option>04</option> <option>05</option> <option>06</option> <option>07</option> <option>08</option> <option>09</option> <option>10</option> <option>11</option> <option>12</option> </select> <select name="syear" value="<?php if (!empty($syear)) echo $syear; ?>"> <option>07</option> <option>08</option> <option>09</option> <option>10</option> <option>11</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Expires End: </td> <td> <select name="fmonth" value="<?php if (!empty($fmonth)) echo $fmonth; ?>"> <option>01</option> <option>02</option> <option>03</option> <option>04</option> <option>05</option> <option>06</option> <option>07</option> <option>08</option> <option>09</option> <option>10</option> <option>11</option> <option>12</option> </select> <select name="fyear" value="<?php if (!empty($fyear)) echo $fyear; ?>"> <option>10</option> <option>11</option> <option>12</option> <option>13</option> <option>14</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><h4>Billing Address</h4></td> </tr> <tr> <td> House Name/ Number: </td> <td> <input type="text" name="b_house" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Postcode </td> <td> <input type="text" name="b_postcode" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> City: </td> <td> <input type="text" name="b_city" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Country: </td> <td> <input type="text" name="b_country" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><h4>Delivery Address</h4></td> </tr> <tr> <td> House Name/ Number: </td> <td> <input type="text" name="d_house" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Postcode </td> <td> <input type="text" name="d_postcode" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> City: </td> <td> <input type="text" name="d_city" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Country: </td> <td> <input type="text" name="d_country" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <input type="submit" name="checkout" value="Checkout"/> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> what are magic methods? when do we need to use magic methods? what are the advantages of using magic methods? thanks in advanced. I have a class that has the __get and __set magic methods defined. The idea is to use those to communicate with the __get and __set methods in a database table object which is a protected attribute of this class. Then I can quickly build out models without having to bother with method definitions aside from those that need modifications made to the data before saving. The problem is, they don't seem to be doing anything. I get an undefined function error the first time I call getVarx(). I don't actually have any of the attributes I'm trying to get and set defined in the object, but I thought that was the point of these magic methods. Am I missing something here? Thanks, Brandon Hi there, I am working on a PHP ecommerce website. I am going to install SSL on few of the pages. I need to install it on Apache web server coz thats the server our PHP website is running on. How we do go about installing SSL on PHP website. Can anybody please guide me in the right direction. All comments and feedback are always welcomed. Thank you! hello, i have been following the oop manual but im having a little trouble understanding something. on this page in the manual: it shows this code and if i seperate it out i cant get it to echo the results i want. what am i doing wrong? i have added a little extra code . class Bear Code: [Select] class Bear { // define properties public $name; public $weight; public $age; public $sex; public $colour; // constructor public function __construct() { $this->name = "winny the poo"; $this->weight = 100; $this->age = 0; $this->sex = "male"; $this->colour = "brown"; } // define methods public function eat($units) { echo $this->name." is eating ".$units." units of food... <br/>"; $this->weight += $units; } public function run() { echo $this->name." is running... <br/>"; } public function kill() { echo $this->name." is killing prey... <br/>"; } public function sleep() { echo $this->name." is sleeping... <br/>"; } } class PolarBear Code: [Select] class PolarBear extends Bear { // constructor public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->colour = "white"; $this->weight = 600; } function polarbar() { // Note: the next line will issue a warning if E_STRICT is enabled. Bear::bear(); } // define methods public function swim() { echo $this->name." is swimming... "; } } now if i try to get back the results i have trouble. this is fine Code: [Select] $bear = new Bear(); $bear->eat($units); $bear->eat(); $bear->run(); $bear->kill(); $bear->sleep(); that echos back Quote //THE BEAR winny the poo is eating 5 units of food... winny the poo is eating units of food... winny the poo is running... winny the poo is killing prey... winny the poo is sleeping... //THE POLAR BEAR winny the poo is eating 5 units of food... winny the poo is eating units of food... winny the poo is running... winny the poo is killing prey... winny the poo is sleeping... winny the poo is swimming... THAT FINE but how come i can echo out each of the properties? why do these ways not work? Code: [Select] Bear::eat($units); Bear::eat(); Bear::run(); Bear::kill(); Bear::sleep(); or Code: [Select] $bear = new Bear(); $bear->$name; $bear->$weight; $bear->$age; $bear->$sex; $bear->$colour; or Code: [Select] echo Bear::eat($units); echo Bear::eat(); echo Bear::run(); echo Bear::kill(); echo Bear::sleep(); or Code: [Select] $bear = new Bear(); echo $bear->$name; echo $bear->$weight; echo $bear->$age; echo $bear->$sex; echo $bear->$colour; and the same goes for PolarBear if i try and get back any of the properties on a page i get nothing ??? i even tried putting it in a loop and that didnt work Code: [Select] $bear = new Bear(); foreach ($bear as $bears){ echo $bears->$name; echo $bears->$weight; echo $bears->$age; echo $bears->$sex; echo $bears->$colour; } whats wrong. why cant i get any results from these ? thanks Is there any way to produce a custom magic method? Let's say when I try to get an attribute that doesn't have any value, a method gets called that gives that attribute a value. So I want a method to be triggered when I try to get a value from an attribute that doesn't have any value. I can't find an explicit answer on this anywhere, but when you create a child class from an abstract class must you use ALL of the methods that are inside the abstract class in the new child class? Or are these methods just available to the child class to pick and choose?
So, I'm starting a new project and thought I would try a new approach at loading files and classes to process output. I think my logic is correct, but for some reason I'm getting a blank page. Basically instead of having seperate pages to output different functions and such, I store everything in one page. It's the same deal as the switch case approach, but it uses a foreach loop to cycle through the actions, classes, and functions which are stored in an array. Here's my index.php file: Code: [Select] <?php require('config.php'); include('languages/english.php'); include('classes/Template.php'); $template = new Template; $viewPages = array( 'category' => array('classfile' => 'Category.php', 'classname' => 'category', 'functions' => array('create', 'delete', 'modify', 'merge')), 'questions' => array('classfile' => 'Question.php', 'classname' => 'Question', 'functions' => array('create', 'delete', 'modify', 'votegood', 'votebad')) ); $currentPage = $_REQUEST['action']; foreach($viewPages as $action => $settings){ if($currentPage == $action){ require(INCLUDE_ROOT.'/classes/'.$settings['classfile']); $class = new $settings['classname']; $function = $_REQUEST['do']; $class->$function(); $template->loadTemplate($settings['classname']->viewFile, $vars = array()); if($template->message == FALSE){ die($template->message); } } } ?> Here's the Template class file: Code: [Select] <?php class Template { var $file; var $vars; var $message; function loadTemplate($file, $vars){ if(empty($file) || empty($vars)){ $this->message = LANG_ERR_7; } else if($file = file_get_contents(INCLUDE_ROOT.'/'.$file)){ $this->message = LANG_ERR_7; } else { foreach($vars as $key => $val) $file = str_replace('{'.$key.'}', $val, $file); } $this->message = FALSE; return $file; } } ?> I tried visiting the category action(index.php?action=category;do=create). This is the classfile for that Code: [Select] <?php class category { var $id; var $title; var $description; var $uri; var $message = array(); var $vars = array(); var $viewFile = ''; function create(){ if($_POST['submit']){ //Review the user input and make ure everything is ok $messages = array(); if($this->title == FALSE){ $messages['title'] = LANG_ERR_1; } else if(strlen($this->title) > 30 || strlen($this->title < 5)){ $messages['title'] = LANG_ERR_2; } else if($this->description == FALSE){ $messages['description'] = LANG_ERR_3; } else if(strlen($this->description) > 400 || strlen($this->description) < 10){ $messages['description'] = LANG_ERR_4; } else { $messages = FALSE; } if($messages != FALSE){ $this->messages = $messages; $this->viewFile = INCLUDE_ROOT.'/template/index_body.tpl'; } else { $this->title = htmlentities($this->title); $this->title = stripslashes($this->title); $this->title = htmlspecialchars($this->title); $this->description = htmlentities($this->description); $this->description = htmlspecialchars($this->description); $this->description = nl2br($this->description); $query = " INSERT INTO categories (c_title, c_desc) VALUES('".$this->title."', '".$this->desscription."')"; if(mysql_query($query)){ $this->message['succes'] = LANG_ERR_5; } else { $this->message['fail'] = LANG_ERR_6; } $this->viewFile = INCLUDE_ROOT.'/template/message_body.tpl'; } } else { $this->viewFile = INCLUDE_ROOT.'/template/create_category.tpl'; } } } ?> Now if you look at the Category class, the template file it sets is the "category_create.tpl" file, which I haven't created yet. I'm expecting there to be an error associated with the template class and the file_get_contents function that calls the file, but like I said, I'm just getting a blank page. I've never tried this approach before, so I have no idea what's causing this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Hi, I am trying to get my head around classes, interfaces and methods for different animals
this is what I have so far: <?php interface animal { function walk(); function fly(); function swim(); } class monkey implements animal{ const interface1 = "I am from test class"; function noise() { echo "ooh ooh ah ah!"; } function walk() { echo "monkey is walking"; } function fly() { echo "monkey is Flying"; } function swim() { echo "monkey is Swimming"; } public function display() { echo monkey::interface1; echo PHP_EOL; } } class bear implements animal{ const interface1 = "I am from test class"; function noise() { echo "Grrr!"; } function walk() { echo "Bear is walking"; } function fly() { echo "Bear is Flying"; } function swim() { echo "Bear is Swimming"; } public function display() { echo bear::interface1; echo PHP_EOL; } } $Obj = new monkey(); $Obj->display(); $Obj1 = new bear(); $Obj1->display(); ?> I'm a bit stumped as animal interface not calling all functions?! please help Hi, I'm new to php and am attempting to build a site where the navigation and content is built with query functions. My current tables in my database are Categories, Products, and Variation. So a person chooses a category -> then a product -> then a product page shows variations for that product. The problem I am currently having is after when a person selects a section the previous section selected is reset. So lets a person selects a category the product list is shown, but when a person selects a product, the category is no longer selected in the navigation. Or if someone selects product and sees all the variations, if he selects a variation the product ID is reset. I've tried to comb through the internet for some type of solution. I came across concatenating URL encode, but am not sure if this is the correct solution. I tried concatenating one of my urls with Code: [Select] "<a href=\"product_detail.php?cat=" . urlencode($sel_cat["id"]) . '&' . "product=" . urlencode($sel_product['id']) . '&' . "var=" . urlencode($var["id"]) . "\" its a bit of a stab in the dark. My $_GET function is Code: [Select] function find_selected_product() { global $sel_cat; global $sel_product; global $sel_var; if (isset($_GET['cat'])) { $sel_cat = get_cat_by_id($_GET['cat']); } elseif (isset($_GET['product'])) { $sel_cat = NULL; $sel_product = get_product_by_id($_GET['product']); } elseif (isset($_GET['product'])) { $sel_product = get_product_by_id($_GET['product']); $sel_var = get_default_var($sel_product['id']); } elseif (isset($_GET['var'])) { $sel_product = NULL; //test $sel_var = get_variation_by_id($_GET['var']); } else { $sel_cat = NULL; $sel_product = NULL; $sel_var = NULL; } } My navigation code is Code: [Select] function public_navigation($sel_cat, $public = true) { $output = "<td class=\"c1\"><div class=\"sidenav\"><ul>"; $cat_set = get_all_cats($public); while ($cat = mysql_fetch_array($cat_set)) { $output .= "<li>"; if ($cat["id"] == $sel_cat['id']) { $output .= "<a class=\"current\""; } $output .= "<a href=\"index.php?cat=" . urlencode($cat["id"]) . "\">{$cat["cat_name"]}</a></li>"; } $output .= "</ul>"; return $output; } My product is divided into gender and is written like Code: [Select] function cat_content_ladies($sel_cat, $sel_product, $female = true) { $output = "<ul class=\"regions\">"; $cat_set = get_all_cats($female); while ($cat = mysql_fetch_array($cat_set)) { if ($cat["id"] == $sel_cat['id']) { $product_set = get_products_for_female($cat["id"], $female); $output .= "<tr>"; while ($product = mysql_fetch_array($product_set)) { if ($cat["id"] == $sel_cat['id']) { $output .= "<tr>"; $output .= "<div class=\"pre\"><a href=\"product_detail.php?product=" . urlencode($product["id"]) . "\"></li>"; $output .= "<img src=\"{$product["img_src"]}\" height=\"121\" width=\"121\">"; $output .= "<div>{$product["prod_name"]}</a></div>"; } } $output .= "</tr>"; } } return $output; } My variation table is set up in thumb nails and is written in this function Code: [Select] function show_thumb($sel_product, $sel_var, $public = true) { $output = "<ul class=\"subjects\">"; $product_set = get_all_products($public); while ($product = mysql_fetch_array($product_set)) { $output .= "<li"; if ($product["id"] == $sel_product['id']) { $output .= " class=\"selected\""; } //$output .= "><a href=\"product_detail.php?product=" . urlencode($product["id"]) . //"\">{$product["id"]}</a></li>"; if ($product["id"] == $sel_product['id']) { $var_set = get_variations_for_product($product["id"], $public); $output .= "<ul class=\"pages\">"; while ($var = mysql_fetch_array($var_set)) { $output .= "<li"; if ($var["id"] == $sel_var['id']) { $output .= " class=\"selected\""; } $output .= "><a href=\"product_detail.php?var=" . urlencode($var["id"]) . "\">{$var["id"]}</a></li>"; } $output .= "</ul>"; } } $output .= "</ul>"; return $output; } any light on this subject would be greatly appreciated. Hi PhpFreaks, I have a method that I need to be initialised dynamically and I am not sure if the code below will work I have been able to workout if the method exists but I have not found a way to it get to return the array. Has anyone go any ideas? The error I get is: Catchable fatal error: Object of class Forms could not be converted to string Code: [Select] public function setMethodForms($methodName){ echo $methodName." and does it exist ". (int)method_exists($this->formsObj, $methodName); //test to see if the method exists if ((int)method_exists($this->formsObj, $methodName) == 1){ //if it does execute //print_r ($this->formsObj->projects()); //test to see if object works $return call_user_func($this->formsObj."->".$methodName."()"); } return $return; } I have two classes were one extends the other but they both have magic methods __get __call and __set but when trying to call a magic method it conflicts one with the other as you can there a way of getting around this ie. name spaces
or do I simply have to rewrite my classes
thank you