PHP - Can I Put My Code Into A Single Global In Oop ???
I have some oop code that pulls information about a page out of a mysql db but i dont want to put the code on every page. Instead in want to put it in the a function and pass it back to each page. do i put it in a function in my functions.php file or can i put it into my includes/pages.php includes file ?? the code looks for the page name on the page and then pulls that pages info from the db. this code works on the page - home.php Code: [Select] <?PHP require_once("../includes/initialize.php"); $currentPages = Pages::find_all(); $pName = "adminHome"; $page_id = ""; $visible = ""; $pageZones = ""; $pageCRUD = ""; $pageTypes = ""; $module = ""; $title = ""; $sub_title = ""; $description = ""; $image = ""; $about = ""; foreach($currentPages as $currentPage){ $page_id = $currentPage->id; $pageName = $currentPage->pageName; $visible = $currentPage->visible; $pageZone = $currentPage->pageZones_id; $pageCRUD = $currentPage->pageCRUD_id; $pageType = $currentPage->pageTypes_id; $module = $currentPage->module_id; $title = $currentPage->title; $sub_title = $currentPage->sub_title; $description = $currentPage->description; $image = $currentPage->image; $about = $currentPage->about; if($pageName == $pName){ echo $pageName.'<br/>'; echo $page_id.'<br/>'; echo $visible.'<br/>'; echo $pageZone.'<br/>'; echo $pageCRUD.'<br/>'; echo $pageType.'<br/>'; echo $module.'<br/>'; echo $title.'<br/>'; echo $sub_title.'<br/>'; echo $description.'<br/>'; echo $image.'<br/>'; echo $about.'<br/>'; } } ?> i would like to be able to just put global $page or something like that to get all the db info for each page. i tried this in my includes/pages.php includes file but it cant get the page name. Code: [Select] public static function find_by_pageName(){ global $database; global $pName; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".self::$table_name." WHERE pageName=".$pName.""; $result_array = self::find_by_sql($sql); return !empty($result_array) ? array_shift($result_array) : false; } any suggestions ???? whats the best way to do this ? thanks ricky Similar TutorialsAt present, all my queries return multiple records. Now I want to do a record count, and only return the one record. Current Code Code: [Select] $query = "SELECT * FROM tblListField WHERE ListID = '" . $_SESSION['listid'] . "'"; $result = mysqli_query($dbc, $query) or die('Error executing SELECT * statement for tblListField - ' . $query); if(mysqli_num_rows($result)) { // at least one row, process the data from the query while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { So the above runs through each record; what do I use to get the one record from the following SQL? (Note; I'm using mysqli_) Code: [Select] $query = "SELECT COUNT(ItemField_1) WHERE ListID='" . $listid . "'"; Hi all, Just to check if it is possible to have 2 while loops in a single code? Below are my codes. SQL code $tutor_id = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, $_GET['tutor_id']); $query = "SELECT tl.level_id, tl.level_name, ts.subject_id, ts.subject_name, tsl.subject_level_id, IF(tosl.tutor_id='{$tutor_id}', 1, 0) as checked FROM tutor_level AS tl INNER JOIN tutor_subject_level AS tsl USING (level_id) INNER JOIN tutor_subject AS ts USING (subject_id) LEFT JOIN tutor_overall_level_subject AS tosl ON tosl.subject_level_id = tsl.subject_level_id AND tosl.tutor_id = '{$tutor_id}' ORDER BY tl.level_id, ts.subject_name"; $sql = mysqli_query($dbc, $query) or die(mysqli_error($dbc)); $query1 = "SELECT tl.level_id, tl.level_name, IF(tslvl.tutor_id='{$tutor_id}', 1, 0) as checked FROM tutor_level AS tl LEFT JOIN tutor_selected_level AS tslvl ON tslvl.level_id = tl.level_id AND tslvl.tutor_id='{$tutor_id}' ORDER BY tl.level_id, tl.level_name"; $sql1 = mysqli_query($dbc, $query1) or die(mysqli_error($dbc)); PHP code (2 while loops) //Process the results $checkboxes = ''; //Create variable for output $current_level_id = false; //Flag to check when records change level while($data = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)) //Iterate throug the DB results { if($current_level_id != $data1['level_id']) //Determine if this level is different from the last { print_r ($data); $checkboxes .= createLevelCheckboxes($subject_data, $level_data, 5); $current_level_id = $data['level_id']; $subject_data = array(); } //Add the current record to the $level_data array $subject_data[] = $data; } //$checkboxes .= createLevelCheckboxes($subject_data, $level_data, 5); while($data1 = mysqli_fetch_array($sql1)) { print_r ($data1); $checkboxes .= createLevelCheckboxes($subject_data, $level_data, 5); $level_data = array(); $level_data[] = $data1; } //Call the createLevelCheckboxes() function to generate the HTML for the LAST level records $checkboxes .= createLevelCheckboxes($subject_data, $level_data, 5); PHP script return 20Â UL LISTÂ values like, < ul >
A < /ul > How to display UL LIST into row wise 5 columns like
A B C D Hi, I've been scratching my head for a while now about how to do this, I'm relatively new to php and mysql and perhaps foolishly taking on creating a user area for a website. I have everything else working, all of my register account functions and confirmations and all of the login scripts etc. I have created a profile page which returns various information to the user (this bit works fine) and I've got some nice show/hide toggles running with some javascript/css but my intention is to allow the user to change thier information (e-mail address, contact phone number and also whether they are subscribed to the e-mail list), it also displays any support tickets or messages. So after the long intro, here's what I'm struggling with... I have a form in a visibility toggled <div> which submits a 'change_email' script, so a user wants to change their e-mail, clicks on change, the <div> appears, they bang in the new e-mail and hit submit. My php script appears to work (because it doesn't throw up any errors), until you realise that actually it's not updated the record in the db... I'm using mysql_query("UPDATE users SET email='$new_email' WHERE username='$user'"); Do I need to setup variables for all of the information in the db (name, username, password, email, contno etc etc) and include them in the command to get it to work or should that just pick the correct record and then update it? If that is the case is there a way I can include 'blank' variables so I don't have to set them all up... e.g. mysql_query("UPDATE users SET user='',password='',email='$new_email', etc WHERE username='$user'"); Many thanks in anticipation This question may sound very lame... ... But I have never able to know how to define a variable that I can use in different functions in a same file. There is no class structure just a PHP file with some functions. Is it possible to use some type of variable that can be share by all functions and that variable should not be a session variable . Something like: <?php $my_global_var; function A() { // use $my_global_var here } function B() { // use $my_global_var here and should retain the last value } ?> Something like in VB6.... Thanks I use $db object to handle database function like $db->get_row for example. Is there any way that I don't need to put into every function global $db or do I actually need to repeat in every function global $db? Code: [Select] function example(){ global $db //Do I need to repeat this in each function? } It's a function=> Code: [Select] function _wp_call_all_hook($args) { global $wp_filter; //var_dump($wp_filter); //exit(); reset( $wp_filter['all'] ); do { foreach( (array) current($wp_filter['all']) as $the_ ) if ( !is_null($the_['function']) ) call_user_func_array($the_['function'], $args); } while ( next($wp_filter['all']) !== false ); } Why is $wp_filter variable declared as global ? Was $wp_filter assigned before ? Just wanted to know if $_Session was a global thing or does php require cookies setup?
I assumed that I could do something like this:
PAGE: A.php session_start(); $_Session['Cat'] = 'Meow'; // ----------------------- PAGE: B.php if (isset($_Session['Cat']) && !empty($_Session['Cat'])){ echo $_Session['Cat']; } OUTPUT: Meow // ----------------------- PAGE: C.php if (isset($_Session['Cat']) && !empty($_Session['Cat'])){ echo $_Session['Cat']; } OUTPUT: MeowI can't seem to get this to work. Page: // ========================================================= Session Log in / out public function logon($username, $password){ if ($username == "admin" && $password == "coffee"){ session_start(); $_SESSION['USER_STATUS'] = '1'; echo 'IN SESSION LOGIN HANDLER'; echo $_SESSION['UserLogged']; } } public function logout(){ $_SESSION['USER_STATUS'] = '0'; echo 'IN SESSION LOGOUT HANDLER'; session_destroy(); //session_unset(); }Page: index.php if (!isset($_SESSION['USER_STATUS']) && empty($_SESSION['USER_STATUS']) || $_SESSION['USER_STATUS'] == 0){ if (isset($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password']) && !empty($_POST['password'])){ $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; echo $handler->logon($username, $password); } <LOGIN FORM CODE> }else{ if (isset($_SESSION['USER_STATUS']) && !empty($_SESSION['USER_STATUS']) || $_SESSION['USER_STATUS'] == 1){ echo 'Session name: '. $_SESSION['USER_STATUS']; } if (isset($_POST['btn_logout']) && !empty($_POST['btn_logout'])){ $handler->logout(); echo '<br />Logged out<br />'; } <LOGOUT FORM BUTTON CODE> }Could someone point me in the right direction please. It does not seem to hold its session. i have two classes and I am trying to call one class in through another here is my code but my welcome is not showing at all ever when i change the var's to 1 Code: [Select] class site { function DisplayContent ($page) { global $Users; echo '<div align="center"> <div id="Header"> <div id="NavBar">'; if ($Users->logged == 1) { echo 'Welcome '. $Users->user .' - <a href="?page=viewreminders">View Reminders</a> - <a href="?page=addreminder">Add Reminder</a> - <a href="logout.php" id="Logout">Logout</a>'; } else { echo '<a href="?page=login">Login</a> - <a href="?page=register">Register</a> - <a href="?page=forgotpassword">Forgot Password?</a>'; } echo '</div> </div> <div id="Content">'; $this->ShowPage($page); echo '</div> <div id="Footer">Copyright © '.date('Y').'<br /> Coded and Designed by Chris Cloyd</div> </div>'; } } class users { var $logged; var $user; var $email; var $level; function LogIn ($name,$email,$level) { $this->logged = 1; $this->user = $name; $this->email = $email; $this->level = $level; } function LogOut () { $this->logged = "0"; $this->user = ""; $this->email = ""; $this->level = ""; } } hello, ok if i set a Global on index.php (wwwroot/admin/index.php) it works Code: [Select] $page1='hello from page1 on index'; global $page1; echo $page1; i can echo $page1 on other pages like (wwwroot/admin/pages/home.php) and it will echo out "hello from page1 on index". GREAT but if i write a Global on (wwwroot/admin/pages/home.php) it does not work. i also can not echo it out on any other page Code: [Select] $page2='hello from page2 on home'; global $page2; echo $page2; why is this ??? I have some variables that I have set with the global command but they don't seem to be working correctly. It's probably my order of operation but not sure. Here's the stripped down version of whats going on: locator() //functions function geoip() global $zip, $city, $areacode, $metrocode, $state, $country, $latitude, $longitude; function locator() geoip() use globals from geoip pass to- ad_display() function ad_display() does some work stat_tracking() function stat_tracking() access global $zip, $city, $areacode, $metrocode, $state, $country, $latitude, $longitude; The problem is once I call stat_tracking() and try to access the global variables, they are all empty. Just to clarify the chain of events is: page loads, calls locator(), locator() calls function geoip() fine then passes work to ad_display(), ad_display() calls stat_tracking(), stat_tracking() now tries to access the globals I made but all variables are blank if I echo them. Any ideas? <?php function getglobal() { global $my_global; echo "The value of \$foobar is '$foobar' <br />"; } $my_global = 20; getglobal(); ?> It's supposed to give the result, Quote 'The value of $my_global is '20'; But instead when I try it, its giving me Quote Notice: Undefined variable: foobar in C:\wamper\www\php\index.php on line 17 The value of $foobar is '' So I don't really understand what's happening and why it's not working. Through out my program I have used global $mysqli; as a connection to my database - this has worked fine so far. Now I have called $sql_statement = "SELECT * FROM items WHERE name='$itemName'"; $itemStats = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql_statement), MYSQLI_ASSOC); via a function and I get the following warnings - Quote Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given in /functions/getdata.php on line 27 Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, null given in /functions/getdata.php on line 27 it still works though and returns the correct information. If I take the code out of the function and use it normally then I get no Warnings - but this defeats the whole purpose of having functions! How do I get rid of the warnings? (and no, I don't mean turn the warnings off ) I need the following three variables to be available globally, that is to every page. (An common header.html uses them at every page). Please teach me how to initialize them. (inside the header.html maybe?) 'U_M_CODE' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}faq.$phpEx", 'mode=bbcode'), 'U_M_TERMS' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'mode=terms'), 'U_M_PRV' => append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}ucp.$phpEx", 'mode=privacy'), Thank you. Sorry, this will be a simple question. Say you define two global variables in your functions.php file as: GLOBAL $salesTax = .07; GLOBAL $shipping = 5.00; Those variables would be accessiible in the checkout.php page, right? If I want to load some user information from the database into an object/array and share it throughout my application, what's the best approach for this? Here is what I thought of doing: - I can call a function (e.g user_info() ) that will return the user information whenever I need it , but It'll have to run a DB query each time I call it. - Load user information once from the DB, assign it into a global array/object, then call that object whenever I need it. A lot of people recommended against using global variables, but I think performance wise it's better than running a query each time. Are there any better alternatives than the above approaches? This topic has been moved to CSS Help. $errors=0; //NEW USER NAME HAS BEEN SUBMITTED, CHECK IT OUT AND THEN ADD IF OKAY $newuser=$_REQUEST['newuser']; function TryAgain(){ global $errors; $errors++; echo '<br/><br/>Please try again <a href="index.php?locate=admin&sub=add_admin">here</a>'; echo "<br/>errors=[$errors]"; } echo "<br/>Trying to add user: $newuser<br/><br/>"; if ($newuser){ }else{ // field was left blank, report this to user and give them option to try again echo '<br/>Field was left empty, you must pick a username.';TryAgain(); } if (strlen($newuser)<5){echo 'Username should be at least 5 characters.';TryAgain();} if (!$errors){echo "continue to SQL [errors=$errors]";} what is wrong with this code? For some reason if I increment $errors with $errors++ within the function it doesn't increment outside the function's scope. even though I declare it as a global at the start of the function. I know I'm doing something stupid here but can somebody please tell me what it is? Thanks Hey, I've been developing a browsergame. In this you are able to produce something ("weed"). Now I've got some kind of trouble with the function that is responsible for updating the "weed" on the user accounts. Im going to explain, how my script is working First step: Loading the datas from "worlds". In this case id, weed_factor, weed_basis. What this is required for you will see in the next steps <?php include 'includes/settings/mysql.php'; mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass); mysql_select_db($dbbase); $time = time(); $update_weed_world_data_sql = "SELECT id, weed_factor, weed_basis FROM worlds"; $update_weed_world_data_res = mysql_query($update_weed_world_data_sql) OR DIE (mysql_error()); while($update_weed_world_data_while = mysql_fetch_assoc($update_weed_world_data_res)){ $update_weed_world_id = $update_weed_world_data_while['id']; $update_weed_world_basis[$update_weed_world_id] = $update_weed_world_data_while['weed_basis']; $update_weed_world_factor[$update_weed_world_id] = $update_weed_world_data_while['weed_factor']; global $update_weed_world_basis; } Second step: This is the function which is editing each account by the data given as parameters. function do_update_weed($profile_id,$world,$update,$level,$time){ $update_weed_period = $time - $update; $update_weed_add = ($update_weed_period / 3600 * $update_weed_world_basis[$world] * pow($update_weed_world_factor[$world],$level)) +1; echo $update_weed_world_basis[$world]; echo "<br>"; mysql_query("UPDATE profiles SET weed = weed +$update_weed_add, weed_update = $time WHERE id = $profile_id LIMIT 1"); } Note: echo $update_weed_world_basis[$world]; doesnt result an output. In step three, the accounts are loaded: function todo_update_weed($time){ $todo_update_weed_sql = "SELECT * FROM profiles WHERE weed_update < $time"; $todo_update_weed_res = mysql_query($todo_update_weed_sql) or die (mysql_error()); while($todo_update_weed_while = mysql_fetch_assoc($todo_update_weed_res)){ do_update_weed( $todo_update_weed_while['id'], $todo_update_weed_while['world_id'], $todo_update_weed_while['weed_update'], $todo_update_weed_while['level_farm'], $time ); } } And the last step is calling function "todo_update_weed" with the time. todo_update_weed($time); I script calculate the time between the last update and the current time. This make a difference in time. With this value I calculate something else. And then the update time has to be saved. The script has just working fine, when I set the variable "$update_weed_add" with a fix value. But by now the script doesn't work, because I don't know how to make the array available inside functions. I considered whether I put the database-function for the world_data inside the function that updates the profiles. But if I do this, the database will be called thousands of times... Hope anybody has a nice idea to fix the problem |