PHP - Simple Active Inactive Icon
I've been browsing the foams for a while now but haven't posted until now. Anyway,
I have a table containing a list of items, I want a column to have either a red or a green icon depending on the state I set manually. My question is, how would I best set this up? I'd like to be able to have a simple checkbox admin page that when saved the other page reflects the state either 0 (inactive) or 1 (active), what would be the best way of storing these values and then reading them again? By this I mean a text file, MySQL, etc. I have some knowledge of PHP and MySQL, though not a massive amount. Similar TutorialsHello, I'm currently storing a timestamp of the users last activity in my database in which if that hasn't been updated for 15 minutes (for testing doing 2 minutes) I want it to log the user out. I have been trying different things but they all seem to log me out even though they shouldn't be. Example of something I've tried $Online = time() - 120; if ($CheckOnline['lastaction'] < $Online){ header("Location: Logout.php"); session_destroy(); } Am I going at this the wrong way.? If I do $Online < $CheckOnline['lastaction'] it keeps me logged in but never logs me out.
Any help would be brillaint.
Thank you! When a user logs in to my members area, their online status is set to 2 in my database and they are displayed as online for everyone else to see. And when they click log out their online status is set to 1 and they are no longer shown as online. My problem is when the session expires due to inactivity, the database isnt updated and they are still shown as online. So whenever the access a page in the members area I have made it so that time also gets entered into the database. And my goal is to have the users online page auto refresh every 5 minutes to check the current time against the time stored in the database for that user and if 15 minutes has past, have the online status in the database updated to 1 again. im using pdo but im a novice at it and havnt been able to find much help on google. Is there a way i can use an if statement to check the two times and only update the online field to 1 for the inactive users while leaving the users who appear active as 2? Sorry if this was confusing, i wasnt too sure how to word it properly. My issue in my php page where i need to show all the news that have the status only active. in my mysql table i have 3 fiels news,posted date and expiry date. on page load i check the status of the news and displays only the active news.For that i am doing the following code,which gives me error. that is on page load, first i select all the news ,update the status inactive for the news which has crossed expiry time i check the status of the news and displays only the active news.For that i am doing the following code,which gives me error. $query1="select time(date_posted),time(expiry_time) from muh_title where status='Active'"; $res=mysql_query($query1); $row=mysql_fetch_row($res); $expiry_time=$row[0];$dateposted=$row[1]; $query11="select addtime(time(date_posted),time(expiry_time)) from muh_title"; $res11=mysql_query($query11); $row11=mysql_fetch_row($res11); $newtime=$row11[0]; $query2="SELECT TIMEDIFF(time(date_posted) ,time(NOW())) FROM muh_title"; $res2=mysql_query($query2); $row2=mysql_fetch_row($res2); $diff=$row2[0]; //while($newtime){ $query5="select *from muh_main_title where date_posted> date_sub(now(),interval (expiry_time) hour-minute )"; //$query3="update muh_title set status='Inactive' "; $res3=mysql_query($query5); } $q="select * from muh_title where status='Active' "; $r= mysql_query($q); $row= mysql_fetch_row($r); echo "<font size='6' color='white'><b><marquee direction='left' loop='-1' align='absmiddle' behaviour='scroll' scrolldelay='90'>$row[1]</marquee></b></font>"; ?> i am sure some where i have lost the flow of code. Hi I have website where users can upload pictures on server. Sometimes it take 4-5 seconds until the upload it's finish. What can I do that when I click on upload button an icon appear in middle of the screen and disappear then the pictures was finish uploading. Thanks Hi is it possible to make the Icon for my input activate the date picker (I'm using Materialize for my class) A lot of users seem to instinctively try to click the icon rather than the input field on mobile devices <div class="input-field col s12 m8 l7 xl7"> <i class="material-icons prefix">calendar_today</i> <input type="text" name="r_date" class="datepicker"> <label for="r_date"></label> </div> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $('.sidenav').sidenav(); $('select').formSelect(); $('.datepicker').datepicker({ format:'yyyy-mm-dd' }); $(".dropdown-trigger").dropdown(); }); </script>
Hello all, Hello guys, before I start I'm a relativity new user of PHP so this really could be something extremely simple, I just can't seem to find it, Basically on my website i have php login script, when you're logged on every page you visit checks a file called auth.php, This will tell create a session called, "$SESSION" Inventive i know... That will tell the browser if the user is logged in or not, so it can decide whether or not to create a Login button, or a Log out button, Here's the code i have so far. if ( $SESSION == '' ) { echo "<a href='logout.php" ."Log out"; } else { echo "<a href='login-form.php" ."Log in"; } Now, I believe i'm on the right lines? But i'm not fully sure how to basically in English say, If that session is working or exists, Then do this, if not, do this. I mention again, I'm very new to PHP so any help would be very appreciated! I added <?php $_menu = ''?> <?php foreach ($this->getStoreCategories() as $_category): ?> <?php $_menu .= $this->drawItem($_category) ?> <?php endforeach ?> <?php if ($_menu): ?> <div class="nav-container"> <ul id="nav"> <li class="level0 first nav-home"><a href="<?php echo $this->getUrl() ?>"><span><?php echo $this->__('Home') ?></span></a></li> <?php echo $_menu; ?> <li class="level0 nav-1 parent"><a href="<?php echo $this->getUrl('contacts')?>"><span><?php echo $this->__('Contact') ?></span></a></li> <?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('menu')->toHtml() ?> </ul> </div> <?php endif; ?> to top.phtml and it works as expected, I now have CMS links in my nav but how can I make them have active state like the category links do?? here is the site: hello navigation - how can i get the id of an active tab i have a top nav which is pulling its tabs from a database how can i get the id of the active tab then pass it in a global to side navigation this is the top nav code Code: [Select] <?PHP require_once("../includes/initialize.php"); global $topNavs; global $pageName; ?> <div id="navWrapper"> <?PHP $topNav = navL1::find_all(); ?> <div id="ddtabs3" class="solidblockmenu"> <ul> <?PHP foreach($topNav as $topNavs): ?> <li><a <?PHP echo ($pageName == $topNavs->title ? 'class="selected"' : '')?> href="<?PHP echo $topNavs->title; ?>.php" id="<?PHP echo $topNavs->title; ?>"><?PHP echo $topNavs->title; echo $topNavs->id;?></a></li> <?PHP endforeach; ?> </ul> </div><!-- #ddtabs3--> </div><!-- #navWrapper--> this prints the id of 5 which is the last tab in my database. if i have tab 1 active how can i get my loop to get that id ? thanks rick I have a database with Users as a table. It has the normal stuff, id, username, password, and I have anther in it called lastactive. It is DATETIME, and I am wondering how I would make a sql query select the users in the database 'users' and see who has been active in the past 15 mins. What I am asking is how I could do this, and would it be better to use a different structure other then DATETIME. Hi... I am pretty new to ldap and active directory I am creating a site and want to use Active Directory users as the login to the site. This would be the best way to allow everyone to the site and keep the users and passwords up to date. How do you use PHP to talk with Active Directory to do this login? I have read things about LDAP. Do you have to have that? If so, how do you get that to work? and how to configure ldap and where to configure ldap is it server or in my local system. Please give me an idea how to configure n how to integrate active directory Gah, can anyone help. We've written a web app, it was all tested and doing what it should and at the eleventh hour I've hit a snag. We use TCDPF to create printed reports from a MySQL database. It does what it should when accessed over the 'net however I've just been informed that their firewall won't allow Activ X content through and they won't (as opposed to can't) create an exception to trust our site. So, I need a workaround. Option 1) Host a complete copy on their internal network (exceptionally undesirable as it becomes unmanageable). Option 2) Split the printing components out and host that on a web server on their internal network. Option 3) Find another way of producing PDF output from a MySQL web app that can traverse a strict firewall. My preference is for option 2, but I'd like some opinions/thoughts on the best way to proceed before I code myself into a corner once more Thus far I've tried using an include to a different server but it is spitting it's dummy at the moment. Does anyone have any opinions on the *easiest* way to work around the problem? Thanks, Rob Morning(at least for me anyway) All, I am currently integrating a facebook/style chat system into my webpage. I am going to build the active user list myself but need a little guidance on how to list my users which are online and how to detect when the have gone. When my users login i store only their userid in a session like many login systems. When they login i could simply add their name to a active_users table, but how would i detect whether they are still alive? Any help would be great. Thanks Sam Sorry if i posted this in the wrong place but i dident see anthing about Active Directory or Security Questions
But has anyone used Active Directory as their User Database? Has anyone even tryed braking Active Directory with injection attacks?
Notes that i have found so far:
Php Sends to CMD first so encode userdata in base64 as a transport layer
$rand is a random number to prevent users from useing Success: as a ligitimate user
You will need to clean up the many many spaces that powershell sends back as it is a concole
Special Charicters dont need to be escaped
I am using
Win 2008 RC2
PHP (of course)
Active Directory
PHP Script
$psScriptPath = 'C:/Apache/PSScripts/' //Path outside Website Root $rand = mt_rand(mt_getrandmax(),mt_getrandmax()); //UTF-8 Standard only $username = utf8_decode($_POST["username"]); $password = utf8_decode($_POST["password"]); $base64_username = base64_encode($username); //Transport Layer Base64 $base64_password = base64_encode($password); //Transport Layer Base64 //The danger happens here as it is sent to powershell. $query = shell_exec('powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -command "' . $psScriptPath . '" < NUL -rand "' . $rand . '" < NUL -base64_username "' . $base64_username . '" < NUL -base64_password "' . $base64_password . '" < NUL');// Execute the PowerShell script, passing the parametersPowershell Script #*============================================================================= #* Script Name: adpwchange2014.ps1 #* Created: 2014-10-07 #* Author: #* Purpose: This is a simple script that queries AD users. #* Reference Website: #* #*============================================================================= #*============================================================================= #* PARAMETER DECLARATION #*============================================================================= param( [string]$base64_username, [string]$base64_password, [string]$rand ) #*============================================================================= #* IMPORT LIBRARIES #*============================================================================= if ((Get-Module | where {$_.Name -match "ActiveDirectory"}) -eq $null){ #Loading module Write-Host "Loading module AcitveDirectory..." Import-Module ActiveDirectory }else{ write-output "Error: Please install ActiveDirectory Module" EXIT NUL Stop-Process -processname powershell* } #*============================================================================= #* PARAMETERS #*============================================================================= $username = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($base64_username)) $password = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($base64_password)) #*============================================================================= #* INITIALISE VARIABLES #*============================================================================= # Increase buffer width/height to avoid PowerShell from wrapping the text before # sending it back to PHP (this results in weird spaces). $pshost = Get-Host $pswindow = $pshost.ui.rawui $newsize = $pswindow.buffersize $newsize.height = 1000 $newsize.width = 300 $pswindow.buffersize = $newsize #*============================================================================= #* EXCEPTION HANDLER #*============================================================================= #*============================================================================= #* FUNCTION LISTINGS #*============================================================================= Function Test-ADAuthentication { Param($Auth_User, $Auth_Pass) Write-Output "Running Function Test-ADAuthenication" $domain = $env:USERDOMAIN Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement $ct = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Domain $pc = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext($ct, $domain) $pc.ValidateCredentials($Auth_User, $Auth_Pass).ToString() } #*============================================================================= #* SCRIPT BODY #*============================================================================= Write-Output $PSVersionTable Write-Output " " $authentication = Test-ADAuthentication "$username" "$password" if ($authentication -eq $TRUE) { Write-Output "Success:$rand Authentication" }elseif ($authentication -eq $FALSE) { Write-Output "Failed:$rand Authentication" }else { Write-Output "Error: EOS" EXIT NUL Stop-Process -processname powershell* } #*============================================================================= #* SCRIPT Exit #*============================================================================= Write-Output "End Of Script" EXIT NUL Stop-Process -processname powershell* Hi All, How would I go about programming a HTML button that cannot be clicked on for two seconds after it loads? As part of a game I wish to stop people simply re-clicking the button and I think a delay of about two seconds would stop abuse of this (if they click it every two seconds then that's fine). I have read the manual for sleep() but it doesn't do exactly what I want - I want the rest of the page to load (and display), and the button to be grayed out for the two seconds, and then the button to be active. James Hi all Good morning I did connect to the Active Dirctroy using PHP Quote $ldapHost = "ldap://"; $ldapPort = "389"; $ldapUser =""; $ldapPswd ="XXX"; $ldapLink =ldap_connect($ldapHost, $ldapPort) or die("Can't establish LDAP connection"); ldap_bind($ldapLink,$ldapUser,$ldapPswd) or die("Can't bind to server."); it's working well but how can I print the username I mean since I'm connected with Active Dirctory I want any user who enter the webpage it will print his name that stored in Active Dirctory thank you Hello, I'm working on a Class with my CMS and can't get it to work properly. It is the textClass of my cms. You can add and delete text on the website but I want to add an active or non active option. This is de code I got now but it isnt working and I cant find te problem. The radio button in my cms wich shows active or non active works fine and when i change it to non active it changes in the database to 0 so the problem isnt there I think. Can anybody help me out? Tnx:) Code: [Select] public function getTeksten($database, $taal, $actief = NULL, $bladzijde = NULL, $id = NULL) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$database."_teksten WHERE tekst_taal=:taal"; if(!empty($id)) { if(is_numeric($id)) { $sql .= " AND tekst_ID=:id"; } if(!empty($actief) && $actief == 1) { $sql .= " WHERE tekst_actief='1'"; } } else if(!empty($bladzijde)) { if(is_numeric($bladzijde)) { $sql .= " AND tekst_bladzijde=:bladzijde"; } else { return NULL; } } $sql .= " ORDER BY tekst_volgorde ASC"; try { $stmt = $this->db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(":taal", $taal, PDO::PARAM_STR); if(!empty($id) && is_numeric($id)) { $stmt->bindParam(":id", $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); } else if(!empty($bladzijde) && is_numeric($bladzijde)) { $stmt->bindParam(":bladzijde", $bladzijde, PDO::PARAM_INT); } $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); $stmt->closeCursor(); return $result; } catch(Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } } I have to text items on my homepage and turned one to non active but what happened now is that is show all of my text items on my homepage. Cant find the problem:( Someone that can help me out here? Code: [Select] <div id="nav"> <ul> <li class="item"><a href="/">Home</a>/</li> <li class="item"><a href="/one">one</a></li> <li class="item"><a href="/two>two</a></li> <li class="item"><a href="/three">three</a></li> </ul> <div> i want to add class='active' to the a tags . when the menu is the current page. namely.when i on the home page. the a label is Code: [Select] <li class="item"><a href="/" class="active">Home</a>/</li> .but the others a label are not have class="active". when i on the one page. it is is Code: [Select] <li class="item"><a href="one" class="active">one</a>/</li>.the others a label are not have class="active". I would like to know how to make my links show that it's active. For example if I click on a link that says overview then that link has to be highlighted. This is the code that I have: Code: [Select] <?php if (isset($this->_params['submenus']) && is_array($this->_params['submenus'])){ foreach ($this->_params['submenus'] as $submenu){ ?> <li class="active"><a href="<?php echo $this->get_uri("/{$submenu['controller']}/{$submenu['action']}") ?>" onclick="javascript:return setSubMenu(<?php echo $submenu['id'] ?>);"><?php echo strtoupper($submenu['name'])?></a></li> <?php } } ?> Unfortunately with this code all the links are selected as active. Trying to make it so people need a active session in order to access the page after the log in page and if they dont then it redirects them back to the log in page. My session works fine. I tested and made sure. it saves the user_id lets me display the page but how do I keep someone from simply going to the webpage with out loging in? Just a simple if statment checking if lastactive is empty or not? is that secure? Code: [Select] <?php include_once("connect.php"); if(isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { // Login OK, update last active $sql = "UPDATE users SET lastactive=NOW() WHERE id='".mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['user_id'])."'"; mysql_query($sql); }else{ header("Location: index.php"); exit(); } ?> |