PHP - Using An Excel Sheet To Create Tables?
Hello, well I guess my question is pretty clear.
How would I be able to read data out of an Excel sheet? F.E. to allow my users to simply upload an .xls file to help them avoid the coding and such. Of course, I know how to create the tables etc, the main problem is just getting that data. Also, I am uncertain if uploading an .xls file is a lot harder/totally done differently then images, and if so.. what is the best way to do this? P.s. I do want all the fancy equations to be included, just normally entered data (which would just follow some sort of a protocol). Thanks in advance. Similar TutorialsI have a PHP code to download one mysql table to excel sheet.what i want to do is download 2 tables in to same excel sheet.those tables are should be in different excel worksheet.please help me. this code work's download one table
<?php ob_start(); session_start(); include('dbconnection.php'); $usr= $_SESSION['fname']; header('Content-Type: text/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=exported-data.csv'); $select_table=mysql_query("select * from regfarmer WHERE ffname='$usr'"); $rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($select_table); if ($rows) { getcsv(array_keys($rows)); } while($rows) { getcsv($rows); $rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($select_table); } function getcsv($no_of_field_names) { $separate = ''; foreach ($no_of_field_names as $field_name) { if (preg_match('/\\r|\\n|,|"/', $field_name)) { $field_name = '' . str_replace('', $field_name) . ''; } echo $separate . $field_name; $separate = ','; } echo "\r\n"; } ?> I need some help and hopefully will respond. I'm trying to put some information to the second row of the excel sheet once extracted. Can somebody help me with this script? I'm trying to move the address line to the second row. Thanks. hi, I'm using MIME to send a html email and i wanted to attach an excel sheet that will be generated from My SQL database to that email. can you help me on how can i generate and attach that excel sheet to emails that my script sends? thank you Hello to all Here is the headache: I want to make a website. In this website there is a table with multiple columns and rows. The cells of the table are editable by the user on the web. After filling the cells with numbers, the user clicks a button and the table is sent to an existing (but blank) excel spreadsheet. I have the website and i am trying to understand the code beneath this. This is for my graduation paperwork and the schedule is very tight. If you can teach me how to this I would be most grateful: How to make a php script that transfers all the data in a table to an excel sheet? I am using ODBC connection and sql language like this one: <?php $ligacao=odbc_pconnect("test","","") or die ("error"); $sql="INSERT INTO [sheet$](F1) VALUES ('value1')"; $resultado=odbc_exec($ligacao,$sql); echo $resultado; odbc_close($ligacao); ?> Thank you a lot! what I am trying to do is use this php script to load the data being submitted in the html form into my database and then populate the database into an excel (xls) file and then e-mail it to my address. Everything works great it populates into the database and creates the xls file perfect. But it is wanting me to download the file. What can I add to the script to have it e-mail the file to my e-mail address INSTEAD of downloading it. Code: [Select] <?php define('DB_NAME', 'database'); define('DB_USER', 'username'); define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password'); define('DB_HOST', 'hostname'); $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); if (!$link) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } $db_selected = mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $link); if (!$db_selected) { die('Can\'t use ' . DB_NAME . ': ' . mysql_error()); } $value1 = $_POST['groupname']; $value2 = $_POST['name']; $value3 = $_POST['address']; $value4 = $_POST['city']; $value5 = $_POST['state']; $value6 = $_POST['zip']; $value7 = $_POST['homephone']; $value8 = $_POST['cellphone']; $value9 = $_POST['email']; $value10 = $_POST['age']; $value11 = $_POST['maritalstatus']; $value12 = $_POST['income']; $value13 = $_POST['contact1']; $value14 = $_POST['contact2']; $value15 = $_POST['contact3']; $value16 = $_POST['date1']; $value17 = $_POST['date2']; $value18 = $_POST['date3']; $sql = "INSERT INTO clients (groupname, name, address, city, state, zip, homephone, cellphone, email, age, maritalstatus, income, contact1, contact2, contact3, date1, date2, date3) VALUES ('$value1', '$value2', '$value3', '$value4', '$value5', '$value6', '$value7', '$value8', '$value9', '$value10', '$value11', '$value12', '$value13', '$value14', '$value15', '$value16', '$value17', '$value18')"; if (!mysql_query($sql)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_close(); mysql_connect('hostname', 'username', 'password'); mysql_select_db('database'); $sql = "SELECT `groupname` AS `Group`, `name` AS `Customer Name`, `address` AS `Address`, `city` AS `City`, `state` AS `State`, `zip` AS `Zip Code`, `homephone` AS `Home Phone`, `cellphone` AS `Cell Phone`, `email` AS `E-Mail`, `age` AS `Age Group`, `maritalstatus` AS `Marital Status`, `income` AS `Household Income`, `contact1` AS `Contact VIA`, `contact2` AS `Contact VIA`, `contact3` AS `Contact VIA`, `date1` AS `1st Date`, `date2` AS `2nd Date`, `date3` AS `3rd Date` FROM fundtour_info.clients clients"; // Query Database $result=mysql_query($sql); $filename = 'file.xls'; // Send Header header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Type: application/download");; header("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=$filename"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary "); // XLS Data Cell xlsBOF(); xlsWriteLabel(0,0,"Group"); xlsWriteLabel(0,1,"Name"); xlsWriteLabel(0,2,"Address"); xlsWriteLabel(0,3,"City"); xlsWriteLabel(0,4,"State"); xlsWriteLabel(0,5,"Zip Code"); xlsWriteLabel(0,6,"Home Phone"); xlsWriteLabel(0,7,"Cell Phone"); xlsWriteLabel(0,8,"E-mail Address :"); xlsWriteLabel(0,9,"Age Group"); xlsWriteLabel(0,10,"Marital Status"); xlsWriteLabel(0,11,"Income"); xlsWriteLabel(0,12,"Contact Via"); xlsWriteLabel(0,13,"Dates"); $xlsRow = 1; while(list($groupname,$name,$address,$city,$state,$zip,$homephone,$cellphone,$email,$age,$maritalstatus,$income,$contact1, $contact2, $contact3,$date1, $date3, $date3)=mysql_fetch_row($result)) { ++$i; xlsWriteLabel($xlsRow,0,"$groupname"); xlsWriteLabel($xlsRow,1,"$name"); xlsWriteLabel($xlsRow,2,"$address"); xlsWriteLabel($xlsRow,3,"$city"); xlsWriteLabel($xlsRow,4,"$state"); xlsWriteLabel($xlsRow,5,"$zip"); xlsWriteLabel($xlsRow,6,"$homephone"); xlsWriteLabel($xlsRow,7,"$cellphone"); xlsWriteLabel($xlsRow,8,"$email"); xlsWriteLabel($xlsRow,9,"$age"); xlsWriteLabel($xlsRow,10,"$maritalstatus"); xlsWriteLabel($xlsRow,11,"$income"); xlsWriteLabel($xlsRow,12,"$contact1, $contact2, $contact3"); xlsWriteLabel($xlsRow,13,"$date1, $date3, $date3"); $xlsRow+++; } xlsEOF(); exit(); function xlsBOF() { echo pack("ssssss", 0x809, 0x8, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0); return; } function xlsEOF() { echo pack("ss", 0x0A, 0x00); return; } function xlsWriteNumber($Row, $Col, $Value) { echo pack("sssss", 0x203, 14, $Row, $Col, 0x0); echo pack("d", $Value); return; } function xlsWriteLabel($Row, $Col, $Value ) { $L = strlen($Value); echo pack("ssssss", 0x204, 8 + $L, $Row, $Col, 0x0, $L); echo $Value; return; } ?> Thanks for any help Hey guys! I have the following script to create an excel file, the thing is that I dont want to be asked if I want to open or save the file when accessing the php file...I just want the php file directly to save the excel file. Heres the code: $filename = "test.xls"; $contents = "testdata1 \ntestdata2 \ntestdata3 \n"; header('Content-type: application/'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$filename); echo $contents; Is there a way instead of using the header function, use something like: fopen, fwrite, fclose ? Thanks in advance! Cheers, I am trying to create seperate tables from this. Maybe a div class will work. I want each cat variable 'catname' to be in seperate tables at the top of each table with the subcats for that cat in 1 or 2 rows under the cat. I want to be able to also choose whether to use 1 or 2 table rows for the subcats under the cat. any ideas? Will appreciate your help. // Categories $sql = "SELECT catid, catname AS catname FROM $t_cats WHERE enabled = '1' $sortcatsql"; $rescats = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); $catcount = @mysql_num_rows($rescats); $percol_short = floor($catcount/$dir_cols); $percol_long = $percol_short+1; $longcols = $catcount%$dir_cols; $i = 0; $j = 0; $col = 0; $thiscolcats = 0; while($rowcat=mysql_fetch_array($rescats)) { if ($j >= $thiscolcats) { $col++; $thiscolcats = ($col > $longcols) ? $percol_short : $percol_long; $j = 0; echo "<td valign=\"top\" width=\"$cell_width%\">"; } $i++; $j++; $catlink = buildURL("ads", array($xcityid, $rowcat['catid'], $rowcat['catname'])); $adcount = 0+$catadcounts[$rowcat['catid']]; ?> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" class="dir_cat"> <tr> <th width="25" valign="top"><img src="images/category.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></th> <th><a href="<?php echo $catlink; ?>"><?php echo $rowcat['catname']; ?></a> <?php if($show_cat_adcount) { ?><span class="count">(<?php echo $adcount; ?>)</span><?php } ?> </th> </tr> <?php $sql = "SELECT scat.subcatid, scat.subcatname AS subcatname FROM $t_subcats scat WHERE scat.catid = $rowcat[catid] AND scat.enabled = '1' $sortsubcatsql"; $ressubcats = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()."<br>$sql"); $subcatcount = mysql_num_rows($ressubcats); while ($rowsubcat = mysql_fetch_array($ressubcats)) { if ($shortcut_categories && $subcatcount == 1 && $rowsubcat['subcatname'] == $rowcat['catname']) { continue; } $adcount = 0+$subcatadcounts[$rowsubcat['subcatid']]; $subcat_url = buildURL("ads", array($xcityid, $rowcat['catid'], $rowcat['catname'], $rowsubcat['subcatid'], $rowsubcat['subcatname'])); ?> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <a href="<?php echo $subcat_url; ?>"><?php echo $rowsubcat['subcatname']; ?></a> <?php if($show_subcat_adcount) { ?><span class="count">(<?php echo $adcount; ?>)</span><?php } ?> <br> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <br> <?php if($j==$thiscolcats || $i==$catcount) echo "</td>"; } ?> </tr></table> I am submitting $_POST data to a results page. The data comprises of references and text. Each reference has its own table on the results page. I need to check if an any of the table id's on the results page are the same as any of the references in $_POST, if any are, I am appending to the table, if not I am creatig a new table for the reference. How do I check if a table id exists in order to append, then create tables for those that don't Any help/guidance appreciated. i have two tables, employee details table(empno, emp_name , branch) and attendance table(date, Ot, attendence). I want to create a relation between two tables Hi,
I am a bit of a MYSQL newbie so please bear with me. I have a database created about football/soccer stats. The database at the moment contains the following tables but more maybe added:
I will create php pages for these tables that add, edit and delete records for each. But the problem I can't get my head around is how to add a record that uses data from other tables, for example we would add a...
player -> club-season-competition
Lets say we want create a player called 'Joe Bloggs' and want to add his details, we need somehow for the page to display an option for club, season and competition. Maybe they can be drop down boxes but how does one fill those drop down boxes with records that are already added in the database for each table?
Here is function that backup mysql database. It's working fine, but I want to download file instead of creating it. /* backup the db OR just a table */ function backup_tables($host,$user,$pass,$name,$tables = '*') { $link = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass); mysql_select_db($name,$link); //get all of the tables if($tables == '*') { $tables = array(); $result = mysql_query('SHOW TABLES'); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $tables[] = $row[0]; } } else { $tables = is_array($tables) ? $tables : explode(',',$tables); } //cycle through foreach($tables as $table) { $result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM '.$table); $num_fields = mysql_num_fields($result); $return.= 'DROP TABLE '.$table.';'; $row2 = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query('SHOW CREATE TABLE '.$table)); $return.= "\n\n".$row2[1].";\n\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $num_fields; $i++) { while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $return.= 'INSERT INTO '.$table.' VALUES('; for($j=0; $j<$num_fields; $j++) { $row[$j] = addslashes($row[$j]); $row[$j] = str_replace("\n","\\n",$row[$j]); if (isset($row[$j])) { $return.= '"'.$row[$j].'"' ; } else { $return.= '""'; } if ($j<($num_fields-1)) { $return.= ','; } } $return.= ");\n"; } } $return.="\n\n\n"; } //save file $date= date("d-M-Y_h-i"); $handle = fopen('Backup-'.$date.'.sql','w+'); fwrite($handle,$return); fclose($handle); } Usage: Quote backup_tables('HOST','USER','PASS','TABLE'); But this will create backup file on server. I also tried to add following code in function (at the end): echo $return; header('Content-type: text/plain'); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\""); How to just download file, without showing it on screen instead of using fwrite/fclose function? Hello, i am currently getting an Microsoft Excel formatted text file whose save type is .Txt from a URL.I used to open it and will change the save type as excel file. Please suggest whether we can do this with php code. currently my code is like this, <? php copy("","./contactsexport.xls"); ?> where as the contactsexport.xls type is .Txt which i need it in .xls Thanks in Advance. I need to echo <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" /> But! i need it to check the mysql database if the row pagestyle is empty it will echo <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" /> If not then it will echo <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.<? echo $pagestyle; ?>.css" /> This portion is kind of stumping me. Basically, I have a two tables in this DB: users and users_access_level (Separated for DB normalization) users: id / username / password / realname / access_level users_access_level: access_level / access_name What I'm trying to do, is echo the data onto an HTML table that displays users.username in one table data and then uses the users.access_level to find users_access_level.access_name and echo into the following table data, I would prefer not to use multiple queries if possible or nested queries. Example row for users: 1234 / tmac / password / tmac / 99 Example row for users_access_level: 99 / Admin Using the examples above, I would want the output to appear as such: Username: Access Name: Tmac Admin I am not 100% sure where to start with this, but I pick up quickly, I just need a nudge in the right direction. The code I attempted to create just shows my lack of knowledge of joining tables, but I'll post it if you want to see that I did at least make an effort to code this myself. Thanks for reading! Im doing a search system and Im having some problems.
I need to search in two tables (news and pages), I already had sucess doing my search system for just one table, but for two tables its not easy to do.
I already use a select statment with two tables using UNION because I want to show number of search results, that is number of returned rows of my first sql statment.
But now I need to do a select statment that allows me to acess all fields of my news table and all fields of my pages table.
I need to acess in my news table this fields: id, title, content, link, date, nViews
I need to acess in my pages table this fields: id, title, content, link
Im trying to do this also with UNION, but in this case Im not having any row returning.
Do you see what I have wrong in my code?
<?php //first I get my $search keyword $search = $url[1]; $pdo = connecting(); //then I want to show number of returned rows for keyword searched $readALL = $pdo->prepare("SELECT title,content FROM news WHERE title LIKE ? OR content LIKE ? UNION SELECT title,content FROM pages WHERE title LIKE ? OR content like ?"); $readALL->bindValue(1,"%$search%", PDO::PARAM_STR); $readALL->bindValue(2,"%$search%", PDO::PARAM_STR); $readALL->bindValue(3,"%$search%", PDO::PARAM_STR); $readALL->bindValue(4,"%$search%", PDO::PARAM_STR); $readALL->execute(); //I show number of returned rows echo '<p>Your search keyword returned <strong>'.$readALL->rowCount().'</strong> results!</p>'; //If dont return any rows I show a error message if($readALL->rowCount() <=0){ echo 'Sorry but we didnt found any result for your keyword search.'; } else{ //If return rows I want to show, if it is a page result I want to show title and link that I have in my page table //if it is a news result I want to show title and link that I have in my news table and also date of news echo '<ul class="searchlist">'; $readALL2 = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM news WHERE status = ? AND title LIKE ? OR content LIKE ? LIMIT 0,4 UNION SELECT * FROM pages where title LIKE ? OR content LIKE ? LIMIT 0,4"); $readALL2->bindValue(1, '1'); $readALL2->bindValue(2, "%$search%", PDO::PARAM_STR); $readALL2->bindValue(3, "%$search%", PDO::PARAM_STR); $readALL2->bindValue(4, "%$search%", PDO::PARAM_STR); $readALL2->execute(); while ($result = $readALL2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ echo '<li>'; echo '<img src="'.BASE.'/uploads/news/'.$result['thumb'].'"/>'; echo '<a href="'.BASE.'/news/'.$result['id_news'].'">'.$result['title'].'</a>'; //if it is a news result I also want to show date on my list //echo '<span id="date">'.$result['date'].'</span>'; echo '</li>'; } echo ' </ul>'; //but how can I do my select statement to have access to my news table fields and my page table fields?? } ?> I am trying to write some data from multiple SQL tables to a page. In the first table is a list of places. I then have more tables that are named after the different places. For example, say my first place in the list is called Place1. I have a table named Place1 with data that corresponds to place1. The data contained in the table named Place1 is a list of things to do in this place. It has 21 columns and each one is something to do in the morning, afternoon, and at night for each day of the week in the place Place1. What I am trying to do is display a sort of weekly calendar as a table on a webpage that lists all of the places in one column and then lists seven days of the week as 7 more columns. Then in each data cell I would want to list the things to do in the morning, afternoon and at night for the certain day of the week and for the place. The problem is that I am creating a CMS to allow other users with no coding knowledge to update events for other places, so I have to display data that could have been altered. The only solution I know of is to do a while loop that gets all of the place names and while there are still place names, write the place names to the page and set a variable equal to the place name. Inside the while loop I would create another while loop that each time the first while loop is executed uses the variable set in the first while loop to know which table to reference and then make a call to that table pulling out the 21 columns and writing them to the page. Each time the outer while loop executes, it would (hopefully) write the place name, and then set the variable as the current place name so that the inner while loop uses the variable to write the rest of the information about that place. I don't know if that would even work and if it did, I know it cannot be the best way to do this. I am pretty stuck here and don't really have a good solution so if anyone proposes a solution that is radically different to anything I have done, I am open to everything. Thank you! Hello everyone, I am working on a form that is similar to a shopping cart system and I am thinking of creating a button that submits the checked value and saves them to a $_SESSION variable. And also a link that links to a cart.html that takes the values of a $_SESSION variable. I am have trouble figuring what tag/attribute should I use in order to achieve that.
Right now my code attached below submits the checked values to cart.html directly. However I want my submit button to save the checked box to a $_SESSION variable and STAY on the same page. And then I will implement a <a> to link to the cart.php.
I researched a little bit about this subject and I know it's somewhat related to ajax/jquery. I just wanted to know more about it from you guys. I appreciate your attention for reading the post and Thanks!
Below is the form that I currently have:
<form name= "finalForm" method="POST" action="cart.php"> <input type="Submit" name="finalSelected"/> <?php foreach($FinalName as $key => $item) {?> <tr> <td><input type="checkbox" name="fSelected[]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($FinalID[$key])?>" /> <?php echo "$FinalID[$key] & $item";?> </td> </tr> <?php } ;?>Below is the code for cart.php <?php require ('connect_db.php'); if(isset($_POST['finalSelected'])) { if(!empty($_POST['fSelected'])) { $chosen = $_POST['fSelected']; foreach ($chosen as $item) echo "aID selected: $item </br>"; $delimit = implode(", ", $chosen); print_r($delimit); } } if(isset($delimit)) { $cartSQL = "SELECT * from article where aID in ($delimit)"; $cartQuery = mysqli_query($dbc, $cartSQL) or die (mysqli_error($dbc)); while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($cartQuery, MYSQLI_BOTH)) { $aTitle[] = $row[ 'name' ]; } } ?> <table> <?php if(isset($delimit)) { $c=0; foreach($aTitle as $item) {?> <tr> <td> <?php echo $aTitle[$c]; $c++;?> </td> </tr> <?php }}?> </table> Hi All, I am trying to export a table into excel and it is working, kind of.. I'm trying to import data that has commas in it. Unfortunately, it looks like this "PHP to CVS" process is comma delimited. How can I get around that, while having the data in the correct columns? Here is my code: Code: [Select] $file = 'Notes_Export'; $csv_output = ''; $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM prop_notes WHERE Field IN ('note', 'created_by', 'created_on', 'updated_by', 'updated_on')"; $result = mysqli_query($connect, $sql); $i = 0; if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $csv_output .= $row['Field'].", "; $i++; } } $csv_output .= "\n"; $sql = "SELECT note, created_by, created_on, updated_by, updated_on FROM prop_notes"; $values = mysqli_query($connect, $sql); while($rowr = mysqli_fetch_row($values)) { for ($j=0;$j<$i;$j++) { $csv_output .= $rowr[$j].", "; } $csv_output .= "\n"; } $filename = $file."_".date("Y-m-d_H-i",time()); header("Content-type: application/"); header("Content-disposition: csv" . date("Y-m-d") . ".csv"); // header( "Content-disposition: filename=".$filename.".csv"); header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=".$filename.".csv"); print $csv_output; exit; I need to parse xls files (Microsoft Excel). The option to tell the users who will be uploading the files to convert it to a more friendly format like XML or CSV is not an option (I know its unfortunately, though I have to make it so it parses those formats as well (fun is)). Users must be able to just save the file, and upload it as is. below is a link to a example xls file. So I am looking to see if there's anything native to php that will allow me to open and read xls formatted files quickly and efficiently and work with the values independently on a per row per column basis when outputting them. Or if there's a recommended library/class I can use that someone here can suggest. My biggest issue is I am on a time crunch so I need something I can work with quickly and efficiently all around. Any samples would be greatly appreciated. I need a way of parsing Excel files.. both xls and xlsx in what seems to be various formats.. the concept of the way the expected sheets are to come in is with 2 tabs first tab row one column one will be a single value.. second tab will be any number of values only 2 columns though. I had found one parser class that I could use but it was very limiting and for some reason didn't work when I saved a fresh file... whats the best class, or way of handling an excel file? is there anything out there freely avaliable to work with thats kept upto date? or that works? |