PHP - Help Returning Search Results As Hyperlinks That Go To Previous Php Form
Hi all,
I am new to PHP and am trying to implement a window that opens when a user is trying to validate an organisation on our site. I have an initial page where users can enter data. One of the fields is organisations. This has a button to its right that lets the user search existing organisations in the mysql db. I have the search piece thanks to some code I found and altered. However, instead of a static non-linked list 1,2,3 coming back from the search, I need the search results to be links / or at least "select"-able. When the user chooses the organisation they were referring to that exists in the db I would like the selection to go back to the original php page and populate the organisation field. Ideally without having other data in the original form being lost. Any tips, hints or links would be greatly appreciated. Here is my code: <?php $dbHost = 'localhost'; $dbUser = 'root'; $dbPass = 'mypass'; $dbDatabase = 'mydb'; $con = mysql_connect($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass) or trigger_error("Failed to connect to MySQL Server. Error: " . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($dbDatabase) or trigger_error("Failed to connect to database {$dbDatabase}. Error: " . mysql_error()); // Set up our error check and result check array $error = array(); $results = array(); // First check if a form was submitted. // Since this is a search we will use $_GET if (isset($_GET['search'])) { $searchTerms = trim($_GET['search']); $searchTerms = strip_tags($searchTerms); // remove any html/javascript. if (strlen($searchTerms) < 3) { $error[] = "Search terms must be longer than 3 characters."; }else { $searchTermDB = mysql_real_escape_string($searchTerms); // prevent sql injection. } // If there are no errors, lets get the search going. if (count($error) < 1) { $searchSQL = "SELECT Organisation_Name FROM vcaccount_contact_organisation WHERE "; // grab the search types. $types = array(); $types[] = isset($_GET['Organisation_Name'])?"`Organisation_Name` LIKE '%{$searchTermDB}%'":''; $types = array_filter($types, "removeEmpty"); // removes any item that was empty (not checked) if (count($types) < 1) $types[] = "`Organisation_Name` LIKE '%{$searchTermDB}%'"; // use the body as a default search if none are checked $andOr = isset($_GET['matchall'])?'AND':'OR'; $searchSQL .= implode(" {$andOr} ", $types) . " ORDER BY `Organisation_Name`"; // order by organisation. $searchResult = mysql_query($searchSQL) or trigger_error("There was an error.<br/>" . mysql_error() . "<br />SQL Was: {$searchSQL}"); if (mysql_num_rows($searchResult) < 1) { $error[] = "The search term provided {$searchTerms} yielded no results."; }else { $results = array(); // the result array $i = 1; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($searchResult)) { $results[] = "{$i}: {$row['Organisation_Name']}<br /><br />"; $i++; } } } } function removeEmpty($var) { return (!empty($var)); } ?> <html> <title>My Simple Search Form</title> <style type="text/css"> #error { color: red; } </style> <body> <?php echo (count($error) > 0)?"The following had errors:<br /><span id=\"error\">" . implode("<br />", $error) . "</span><br /><br />":""; ?> <form method="GET" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" name="searchForm"> Organisation: <input type="text" name="search" value="<?php echo isset($searchTerms)?htmlspecialchars($searchTerms):''; ?>" /><br /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Search!" /> </form> <?php echo (count($results) > 0)?"Your search term: {$searchTerms} returned:<br /><br />" . implode("", $results):""; ?> </body> </html> Similar TutorialsJust finished a search script. However, when type two keywords it will return duplicate entries: Code: [Select] elseif(isset($_GET['search'])){ $search=$_POST['search']; $search=str_replace(" ", ".", $search); header("Location: ./index.php?q=".$search); } elseif(isset($_GET['q'])){ $search=$_GET['q']; $keywords=explode(".",$search); $sql10000="SELECT product_id FROM $tbl_name2 WHERE keyword LIKE '%" . implode("%' OR keyword LIKE '%",$keywords) . "%'"; $result10000=mysql_query($sql10000); if(mysql_num_rows($result10000)==0){ $content='<div class="center">Search found no results.</div>'; } else{ while($row10000=mysql_fetch_array($result10000)){ $product_id3=$row10000['product_id']; $sql15000="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE product_id=".$product_id3; $result15000=mysql_query($sql15000); while($row15000=mysql_fetch_array($result15000)){ extract($row15000); $content.=$product_name; } } } } I have 3 products: Test2 - microphone Test3 - audio, microphone Test123 - audio When you search "audio" you get: Test3, Test123 When you search "microphone" you get: Test2, Test3 When you search "audio microphone" you get: Test2, Test3, Test3, Test123 with Test3 being a duplicate. Is there anyway to correct this? I tried SELECT DISTINCT * FROM, but there's no difference in the results returned, from what I have now. Hello folks, I've got a problem with a search script. It's searching a db containing various properties (as in buildings) and it's not quite returning the correct results. The search form asks that you select a house type (4 options, all of which are tick boxes) and then the last part of the form is select how many bedrooms you'd like (which is a drop-down list featuring numbers 2-5) What should happen is someone selects one or more of the tick boxes and then the number of bedrooms and it returns all the house types that were ticked but only those with the number of bedrooms that were specified in the original search. Currently the results are correct in that they're showing the correct house types, but the number of bedrooms isn't right. e.g. if you chose 2 bedrooms in the search it shows those, as well as 3, 4 and 5 bedrooms in the results. Can't figure it out but it will be something to do with && and OR in my search script. Can anyone suggest a tweak to this that might work? (I'm using the $_GET function because the search form is in a Flash movie) $Result = mysql_query("select * from property_names where TownHouse = '$_GET[TownHouse]' OR Apartment = '$_GET[Apartment]' OR Detached = '$_GET[Detached]' OR SemiDetached = '$_GET[SemiDetached]' && visible= 'Yes' && bedrooms = '$_GET[Bedrooms]' && bedrooms = '$_GET[Bedrooms]'") Hi, I have search form which works apart from 1 part, I have set the results limit to 10 per page with a next link if there are more than 10 results, however when the next link is clicked, i get the error 'you do not have a search parameter' which comes from this code: Code: [Select] if (!isset($var)) { echo "<p>We dont seem to have a search parameter!</p>"; exit; } The next link is defined by the code below: Code: [Select] // check to see if last page if (!((($s+$limit)/$limit)==$pages) && $pages!=1) { // not last page so give NEXT link $news=$s+$limit; echo " <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?s=$news&q=$var\">Next 10 >></a>"; } Can anyone see where I have gone wrong with this code without me sending the whole search form? Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks In the code below, I am trying to produce a google-like page where the user can type keywords and pages of search results are displayed. The main difficulty I am encountering is that when the browser changes pages, it forgets everything about current data. Perhaps I should include the display of pages inside the HTML form ? How can I fix this code ? Here is the contents of my searchpage.php file : <?php $keywords=''; $display_search_results=''; if(isset($_POST['search_submitted'])) { $keywords=$_POST['keywords']; $search_results=array(); $totalNbrOfItems=20; for($k=1;$k<=$totalNbrOfItems;$k++) { $search_results[$k]='Your keywords '$keyowrds.' have been found in item number '.$k; } $nbrOfItemsParPage = 5; $nbrOfPages = ceil($totalNbrOfItems / $nbrOfItemsParPage); // Compute current page $current_page = (isset($_GET['page']))?intval($_GET['page']):1; $display_pages=($nbrOfPages<2)?'<p>Page : ':'<p>Pages : '; for ($i = 1 ; $i <= $nbrOfPages ; $i++) { if ($i == $current_page) //No link to the current page { $display_pages=$display_pages.$i.' '; } else { $display_pages=$display_pages.'<a href="searchpage.php?'. 'page='.$i.'">'. $i . '</a> '; } } $display_pages=$display_pages.'</p>'; $display_items=''; $start=$nbrOfItemsPerPage*($current_page-1); for($k=1;$k<=$nbrOfItemsParPage;$k++) { $display_items=$display_items.($search_results[$start+$k]).'<br>'; } $display_search_results=$display_pages.$display_items; } echo '<form method="post" action="searchpage.php">'. ' Type your keywords here : <br><br>'. '<textarea cols="65" rows="1" '. 'id="keywords_id" name="keywords">'.$keywords.'</textarea>'. '<input type="submit" name="search_submitted" id="search_submitted_id" value="Search" /> '. '</fieldset>'. '</form>'; echo $display_search_results; ?> I'm trying to figure out how to filter the results of a database query. For example somebody uses a php/javascript form to search for ford cars. When they see 100 results, they then narrow the results by model and/or color. Am I right in thinking that the way to do this is by creating a temporary table of the results? What is the best approach to what I'm trying to do? I've got a page that displays all my blog entries on a single page. When you click on a specific entry, it pulls the post ID and loads the page specifically. From there, I wanted to have the option to click either onto the next or previous post by finding the next or previous ID in the database.. however, I know that sometimes posts are deleted, etc. so the ID's won't exactly be in order. What direction should I take with this? My aim is for this what if the table is empty which means no results will be retrieved in the first query then I want it to repeat the $testArray as "TBD" as well. Code: [Select] function getTop5() { $this->db->select('character1_id, character2_id, character3_id, character4_id, character5_id'); $this->db->from('site_top5'); $this->db->where('status_id', '1'); $this->db->order_by('id', 'desc'); $query = $this->db->get(); $row = $query->row(); $ids = array( $row->character1_id, $row->character2_id, $row->character3_id, $row->character4_id, $row->character5_id ); $testArray = array(); foreach ($ids as $id) { if($id !== "0") { $this->db->select('character_name'); $this->db->from('characters'); $this->db->where('id', $id); $query = $this->db->get(); $row = $query->row(); $testArray[] = $row->character_name; } else { $testArray[] = "TBA"; } } return $testArray; } Greetings all! I've been working on a project for about a week now and everything had been going fine until this evening. I'm querying a single row from a user information table based on the userID and doing various things based off of the information that is returned. For whatever reason, the query is not returning all of the information anymore. Code follows: Code: [Select] $userToEdit = mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['link'], $_POST['userToEdit']); $userSQL = "SELECT fName, lName, email, volunteer, staff, admin, active, volunteerID FROM userinfo WHERE userID=" . $userToEdit; $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['link'], $userSQL); if (!$result) { $message = 'There was an error retrieving the user information from the database.'; include '../html/error.html.php'; exit(); } $editInfo = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); The strange part is that the database i'm querying is located on my remote host(GoDaddy). When I run the app from my local Apache server and query the remote DB, everything works fine, however, when I upload the files to my host, not all of the information is being returned. For example, using the print_r() function while on my local host, i get: Code: [Select] Array ( [fName] => Taylor [lName] => Hughes [email] => [volunteer] => 1 [staff] => 0 [admin] => 0 [active] => 1 [volunteerID] => 13 ) But when I execute the app on my remote host, the print_r() function outputs: Code: [Select] Array ( [fName] => Taylor [lName] => Hughes [email] => [volunteer] => [staff] => [admin] => [active] => [volunteerID] => 13 ) I'm not sure why this is happening but it is affecting multiple queries and subsequently multiple forms and functionality in different parts of the application. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I've browsed around for about an hour with no luck. I'm writing in PHP 5.3 and the remote MySQL DB is version 5.0 Oh! And if it helps, I just came to the realization that all the items not being returned are of the BIT data type in the tables. Hey Everybody, I am writing a SUPER SIMPLE script and for some reason I cannot figure this issue out. I guess I'm too close to the situation and have spent too many hours staring at this script. Here's the problem: I am running a basic SQL query through php that should return multiple rows of data and instead returns the first row multiple times. I'm not sure what the problem is, but I'm sure YOU can help! <?php //Get Invoice Rows $sql = 'SELECT * FROM timecard WHERE INVOICE_ID=\'1000\''; $result = mysql_query($sql); $rows = mysql_fetch_array($result); $num = mysql_num_rows($result); //Build Current Invoice $i=0; $invoice = '<table class="invoice" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'; $invoice .= '<tr class="heading"><td>#</td><td>Invoice</td><td>Date</td><td>Time In</td><td>Time Out</td><td>Hours</td><td>$/Hr</td><td>Sub Total</td></tr>'; while($i < $num){ if( $i%2 ) { $eo = 'odd'; } else { $eo = 'even'; } $invoice .= '<tr id="invoiceRow" class="'.$eo.'"><td>'.$rows[0].'</td><td>PHG'.$rows[1].'</td><td>'.$rows[2].', '.$rows[4].' '.$rows[3].', '.$rows[5].'</td><td>'.$rows[6].'</td><td>'.$rows[7].'</td><td>'.$rows[8].'</td><td>'.$rows[9].'</td><td>'.$rows[10].'</td></tr>'; $runningTotal[$i] = $rows[10]; $i++; } //Get Total $total = array_sum($runningTotal); $invoice .= '<tr><td colspan="7" style="background-color: #000000; color: #ffffff; font-weight: bold; padding-left: 5px;">Total</td><td align="right" style="background-color: #333333; font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF; padding-right: 5px;">'.$total.'</td>'; $invoice .= '</table>'; echo $invoice; ?> Much thanks in advance for anyone that is able to resolve this problem, even just a try is nice!! Thank You, E Hello all, Trying to figure out how to display database results so that they are numbered (for editing and deletion purposes). I want to be able to edit the message text and update the database information with the UPDATE command, but have not gotten that far yet. Current problem is that I am returning no results. Here is my script: Code: [Select] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>My Profile</title> <link href="loginmodule.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <h1>My Profile </h1> <a href="member-index.php">Home</a> | <a href="member-profile.php">My Profile</a> | Update Posts | <a href="logout.php">Logout</a> <br /><br /> <?php $subject = $_POST['subject']; $message_text = $_POST['message_text']; //Connect to mysql server $link = mysql_connect('XXXXXX', 'XXXXXX', 'XXXXXX'); if(!$link) { die('Failed to connect to server: ' . mysql_error()); } //Select database $db = mysql_select_db('ryan_iframe'); if(!$db) { die("Unable to select database"); } // validate incoming values $subject = (isset($_GET['subject'])) ? (int)$_GET['subject'] : 0; $message_text = (isset($_GET['message_text'])) ? (int)$_GET['message_text'] : 0; ob_start(); $id = $_GET['SUBJECT']; $query = sprintf( " SELECT SUBJECT, MSG_TEXT, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MSG_DATE) AS MSG_DATE FROM FORUM_MESSAGE WHERE SUBJECT = '$id' ORDER BY MSG_DATE DESC", DB_DATABASE, DB_DATABASE, $subject, $subject); $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $num = mysql_numrows($result); mysql_close(); $i = 0; while ($i < $num) { $subject = mysql_result($result, $i, "SUBJECT"); $message_text = mysql_result($result, $i, "MSG_TEXT"); echo '<div style="width: 400px;padding:20px;">'; echo '<table border=0 width="400px">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td style="vertical-align:top;width:auto;">'; echo 'Date: '; echo '</td>'; echo '<td style="vertical-align:top;width:320px;">'; echo date('F d, Y', $row['MSG_DATE']) . '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td style="vertical-align:top;width:auto;">'; echo 'Subject: '; echo '</td>'; echo '<td style="vertical-align:top;width:320px;">'; echo '<div>' . htmlspecialchars($row['SUBJECT']) . '</div>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td style="vertical-align:top;width:auto;">'; echo 'Message: '; echo '</td>'; echo '<td style="vertical-align:top;width:320px;">'; echo '<div>' . htmlspecialchars($row['MSG_TEXT']) . '</div>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<td style="vertical-align:top;width:auto;">'; echo '</td>'; echo '<td style="vertical-align:top;width:320px;text-align:center;">'; echo '<form method="post">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="update" value="true" />'; echo '<input type="submit" value="Update" />'; echo ' '; echo '<input type="hidden" name="delete" value="true" />'; echo '<input type="submit" value="Delete" />'; echo '</form>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo '<br />'; echo '<hr />'; echo '</div>'; ++$i; } ?> </body> </html> Thanks in advance. Ryan Well, the title says it all, I do have a class named Database and one Users with multiple methods (code below). When i do try to use one user method (find_all) it returns 2 identical results from the database (and there is only one record in the DB). I tried to spot some mistake in the code but i couldn't find it, if you find something please tell... Database Class: Code: [Select] <?php /** * Class Name: MySQLDatabase * * Most of the methods in this class are * database-neutral methods for code reusability. * * Author: hisk */ require_once("config.php"); class MySQLDatabase { private $connection; private $last_query; private $magic_quotes_active; private $real_escape_string; function __construct() { $this->open_connection(); $this->magic_quotes_active = get_magic_quotes_gpc(); $this->real_escape_string = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string"); } public function open_connection() { $this->connection = mysql_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS); if(!$this->connection) { die("Database connection failed: " . mysql_error()); } else { $db_select = mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $this->connection); if (!$db_select) { die("Database selection failed: " . mysql_error()); } } } public function close_connection() { if(isset($this->connection)) { mysql_close($this->connection); unset($this->connection); } } public function query($sql) { $this->last_query = $sql; $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->connection); $this->confirm_query($result); return $result; } private function confirm_query($result) { // usable only in query() function (private) if(!$result) { echo "DB Query Failed: " . mysql_error(); // The last query that might got us the problem echo "Last Query Was: " . $this->last_query; } } // agnostic public function num_rows($result) { return mysql_num_rows($result); } public function affected_rows($result) { return mysql_affected_rows($result); } public function insert_id($result) { return mysql_insert_id($result); } public function fetch_array($result) { return mysql_fetch_array($result); } public function escape_value($value) { if($this->real_escape_string) { // undo any magic quote effect so mysql_real_esc_str can work if($this->magic_quotes_active) { $value = stripslashes($value);} $value = mysql_real_escape_string($value); } else { if (!$this->magic_quotes_active) { $value = addslashes($value); } } return $value; } } $database = new MySQLDatabase(); ?> User Class: Code: [Select] <?php // smart to include the database class require_once("database.php"); class User { public static function find_by_id($id=0) { global $database; $result_set = self::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = {$id}"); $result = $database->fetch_array($result_set); return $result; } public static function find_all() { global $database; $result_set = self::find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM users"); return $result_set; } public static function find_by_sql($sql="") { global $database; $result_set = $database->query($sql); return $result_set; } } ?> TEST FILE: Code: [Select] <?php require_once("../includes/database.php"); require_once("../includes/user.php"); $users = User::find_all(); $result = $database->fetch_array($users); foreach($result as $user) { echo "<pre>" . $user . "</pre>"; } ?> Hi All, Its been a while since i've posted, its good to be back. I am currently trying to pull two exchange rates against the $ using YQL's restful url. Unfortunately I am having a huge problem returning the results correct.... currently my array will only output a single rate (instead of two) and the hash array returns with the base rate name rather than the expected currency code. I hope someone can help me sort this as it's given me quite a headache! Please see the code below: Code: [Select] <?php require_once('uwe_proxy.php'); /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ # use the yahoo YQL rest service to return any number of rates in a hash function get_yahoo_rest_rate ($base, $curr_arr) { $params = ''; $rates = array(); # define the YQL rest url head & tail $yql_base_uri = ""; $yql_tail_uri = '&'; # build up the $params value foreach($curr_arr as $curr) { $params .= $curr.$base.','; } #strip last comma $params = substr($params, 0, -1); # build the query with the params as comma sep. string eg. USDGBP,USDBOB,.. $yql_query = "select * from where pair IN ('{$params}')"; # build the the complete YQL query $yql_query_url = $yql_base_uri . "?q=" . urlencode($yql_query) . $yql_tail_uri; # send the query via proxy and get as string and load as simplexml object $yql_response = @simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents_proxy($yql_query_url)); Print_r($yql_query_url); //- debugging only # process simplexml object and return a sorted hash of rates or FALSE on error if ($yql_response) { foreach($yql_response->results->rate as $rate) { if ((float)$rate->Rate>0) { $rates[substr((string)$rate->attributes()->id, -3)] = (float)$rate->Rate; } } ksort($rates); return $rates; } else { return FALSE; }// print_r($yql_response); - debugging only } /////// - debugging only $curr_arr = array('GBP','GBP'); $rates = get_yahoo_rest_rate ('USD', $curr_arr); //PRINT_R($yql_response); print_r($rates); ?> Sorry about dumping the whole lot - but I really don't know where this is going wrong! Thanks in Advance for any help or pointers in the right direction! When using cURL, how would I be able to include a call inside my get_all that basically will loop through all the next_page, get and store the data and then output it to $response->data when the "next_page" parameter becomes null? **Here is the method**: public function get_all() { return $response->data; } **This is what $response->data is returning as of now** (The cURL code wasn't included here): "paginator": { "total": 3092, "per_page": 500, "current_page": 2, "last_page": 7, "prev_page": "", "next_page": "" }, "data": [ { "id": 1592, etc.... Here are all of my unsuccessful attempts: public function get_all() { // $next_url = $response->paginator->next_page; // // foreach ($response as $next => $next_page) { // print_r2($next); // // if ($next_url !== null) { // $next_page = $response->data; // } // } // foreach ($response as $paginator => $next_page) { // if ($next_url !== null) { // $return[] = $response->data; // } // } // var_dump($response->paginator); // if ($next_url !== null) { // $this->get_all($path, $args, $next_url); // } return $response->data; } Edited October 30, 2019 by Sema314 Hello, I'm developing a website that asks the user to submit a keyword for a search. The results should display matches for this keyword, but also show matches for related keywords (in order of relevenace!). I'm planning on building up a library of which search terms users use in the same sessions (e.g. if someone searches for "it jobs" and "php jobs", I'll know the terms are correlated), and I'll also measure the click-through rates of the items on the results list. I've been spending all weekend trying to map out the design for this but it's proving incredibly complicated and I think the solution is likely to be on the internet somewhere already?! Please could someone point me in the right direction if you've come accross this problem before? Thanks a million, Stu this is only returning one record, when I know there are more, and it's an endless loop crashing my browser, can someone tell me how my brackets are wrong, or what is wrong? Code: [Select] if (isset($_POST['search'])){ $keyword=$_POST['keyword']; } $sql="SELECT id, fname, lname FROM obituaries WHERE lname LIKE '%$keyword%' OR fname LIKE '%$keyword%' ORDER BY id DESC"; $results = mysql_query($sql); $num = mysql_num_rows ($results); if ($num > 0 ) { $i=0; while ($i < $num) { $id = mysql_result($results,$i,"id"); $fname = mysql_result($results,$i,"fname"); $lname = mysql_result($results,$i,"lname"); ?> <a href="view.php?id=<?php echo ($id); ?>"><?php echo($fname); ?> <?php echo($lname); ?></a> <?php } } ?>Thanks in advance I am trying to write a script that will allow me visitors to my site to search my database for items. I followed a tutorial that I had found and tweaked it to fit my needs. I am not getting any results it keeps telling that there was no search results found. Even though I have the items that I have been testing on in my database. I have two files the main search.php file and the search_func.php file Here is the search.php file Code: [Select] <form method='post' action='search.php'> <fieldset> <input type='text' name='search' id='search' value='type name here'/> <input type='submit' name='search_submit' id='search_submit' value='search'/> </fieldset> </form> <?php include('includes/search_func.php'); if(isset($_POST['search'])) { $keywords = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(trim($_POST['search']))); $errors = array (); if (empty($keywords )){ $errors[] = 'Please enter a search term'; } else if (strlen($keywords ) < 3 ) { $errors[] = 'Search term must be more then three characters long'; } else if (search_results($keywords == false)) { $errors[] = 'Your search for ' .$keywords . ' showed no results'; } if (empty($errors)) { $results = search_results($keywords ); $results_num = count($results); $suffix = ($results_num != 1) ? 's' : ''; echo 'Your search for <strong>'. $keywords .'</strong> returned <strong>' .$results_num.'</strong> result'.$suffix.''; foreach($results as $result) { echo $result['first']; } } else { foreach($errors as $error){ echo $error; } } } ?> Here is the search_func.php file Code: [Select] <?php include('includes/config.php'); connect(); function search_results($keywords ) { $returned = array(); $where = ""; $keywords = preg_split('/[\s+]/', $keywords ); $total = count($keywords ); foreach($keywords as $key=>$keyword) { $where .= "`l_name` LIKE '%$keyword%'"; if($key != ($total - 1)){ $where .= "OR"; } } $results = "SELECT `l_name`,`f_name`,`image`,`item_return` FROM `ttmautos` WHERE $where"; $results_num = ($results = mysql_query($results)) ? mysql_num_rows($results): 0 ; if ($results_num === 0) { return false; } else { while($results_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { $returned_results[] = array( 'last' => $results_row['l_name'], 'first' => $results_row['f_name'], 'image' => $results_row['image'], 'item' => $results_row['item_return'] ); } return $returned_results; } } ?> If anyone could give me an idea of what I am doing wrong I would appreciate it. What I expect: - The function to loop output all of the rows which match the search results. The problems: - Only 1 row is matched. - Notice: Undefined index: id in G:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\dsa\search_func.php on line 57 - The image is not showing Line 57: Code: [Select] $id = $_REQUEST['id']; Entire Code: Code: [Select] <?php /* return the details of an employee parameter empno - employee number eg empHTML.php?empno=7521 This is very basic e.g no error checking */ function search($dbc, $id) { if (isset($_GET['terms']) && ($_GET['terms'] != 'Search...') ) { $terms = $_GET['terms']; $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME) or die *('Error connecting to MySQL server'); $query = "SELECT * FROM stick, location, identification WHERE make LIKE '%$terms%' AND stick.sid = location.lid AND identification.stickID = stick.sid AND identification.stickID = $id"; $result=mysqli_query($dbc,$query); $num_rows = mysqli_num_rows($result); $output = Array(); $image = mysqli_fetch_object($result); if ($num_rows > 0){ if($result=mysqli_query($dbc,$query)){ $output[] = '<ul>'; $output[] = '<li> Type: '.$image->make .'<br />Size: '.$image->size .$image->type .'<br />Colour: '.$image->colour . '<br /> Street Missing in: ' .$image->street.'<br />Town missing in: '.$image->town .'<br />City missing in: '.$image->city.'</li>'; $output[] = '</ul>'; } return join('',$output); } else { echo "<h3>Sorry,</h3>"; echo "<p>your search: "" .$terms. "" returned zero results</p>"; } } else { // Tell them to use the search form. echo '<p class="error">Please use the search form at the top of the window to search this site.</p>'; } } // connect $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); // get the id from the URL $id = $_REQUEST['id']; print search($dbc, $id); print "<img src='getPhoto.php?id=$id'/>"; // close the database mysqli_close($dbc); hey guys, i have a search bar i am implementing into my navmenu but keeping getting errors returned and im not sure why This is the code in my navmenu to display the search bar Code: [Select] echo '<form action="search.php" method="post">Search: <input type="text" name="term" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Search"/>'; Code: [Select] Here is the php file that query's the search $term = $_POST['term']; $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); $query = mysqli_query("select * from ob_listings where subject like '%$term%' or description like '%$term%' "); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($dbc, $query)){ echo 'Subject: '.$row['subject']; echo '<br/> Date: '.$row['date']; echo '<br/> Price: '.$row['price']; echo '<br/> City: '.$row['city']; echo '<br/><br/>'; } any help is much appreciated here are the errors being returned Warning: mysqli_query() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in C:\vhosts\HeadFirst\ourbazzar\search.php on line 16 (line 16 is the $query) Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, object given in C:\vhosts\HeadFirst\ourbazzar\search.php on line 17 (line 17 is the while loop) Hi, I have a problem if users search something which doesn't match the data in the table I'm selecting from. At the moment I'm trying this code: Code: [Select] <?php require_once('inc/'); # /* * This is the search content module. * This page is included by index.php. * This page expects to receive $_GET['terms']. */ // Redirect if this page was accessed directly: if (!defined('BASE_URL')) { // Need the BASE_URL, defined in the config file: require_once ('../includes/'); // Redirect to the index page: $url = BASE_URL . 'index.php?p=search'; // Pass along search terms? if (isset($_GET['terms'])) { $url .= '&terms=' . urlencode($_GET['terms']); } header ("Location: $url"); exit; } // End of defined() IF. // Print a caption: echo '<h2>Search Results</h2>'; // Display the search results if the form // has been submitted. if (isset($_GET['terms']) && ($_GET['terms'] != 'Search...') ) { $terms = $_GET['terms']; $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME) or die *('Error connecting to MySQL server'); // Query the database. $query = "SELECT * FROM product WHERE title LIKE '%$terms%'"; // Fetch the results. //$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result); // Print the results: $result=mysqli_query($dbc,$query); if ($result == 0){ echo "<h3>Sorry,</h3>"; echo "<p>your search: "" .$terms. "" returned zero results</p>"; } while($row=mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $output[] = '<ul>'; $output[] = '<li>'.$row['title'] .': £'.$row['price'].'<br /><img src="'.$row['img'].'" alt="'.$row['title'].'" /></li>'; $output[] = '</ul>'; } echo join('',$output); } else { // Tell them to use the search form. echo '<p class="error">Please use the search form at the top of the window to search this site.</p>'; } ?> But I'm getting this error: Object of class mysqli_result could not be converted to int So that little if statement here doesn't work: Code: [Select] if ($result == 0){ echo "<h3>Sorry,</h3>"; echo "<p>your search: "" .$terms. "" returned zero results</p>"; } Is there another way I can display no search matched results? Thank you for reading, Andrew. This topic has been moved to HTML Help. |