PHP - Problems Accessing Maxmind Database
This is a bit of a wierd problem, but I haven't been able to solve it so I thought I'd post it up here.
Basically, I'm using the following function to access Maxmind's GEO IP database (so that I can target visitors to my site based on their location): <?php // This code demonstrates how to lookup the country by IP Address include(""); // Uncomment if querying against GeoIP/Lite City. // include(""); $gi = geoip_open("/home/bounce6/public_html/geoIP/GeoIP.dat",GEOIP_STANDARD); $ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $country=geoip_country_code_by_addr($gi, "$ip"); geoip_close($gi); ?> The function is being called using this line from a separate file: include "/home/username/public_html/"; Now the code does what it's supposed to do, in as far as it's able to give me a string which details where a visitor is located. However, for some strange reason it seems to be adding a new HTML tag into my existing header tag. The code which has been inserted is as follows: <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> </body> </html> I've managed to isolate the problem to this script, so I know that there must be an issue with it, but I'm not quite sure what it is. Can anyone suggest why this extra source code is being produced? Is there a particular function that I'm using which is forcing additional headers or something?! Any thoughts would be really appreciated! Similar TutorialsCan somebody help me what i'm doing wrong? The value from database is not visible when using: <?php $artikel = new Artikel(); $content= $artikel->printArtikel(); echo $content; ?> <?php class Artikel { // db connection protected $mydb; // database value protected $land; public function __construct($artikelnummer = false) { // databaseconnection: $this->mydb = new MyDB(); if($artikelnummer) { $this->load($artikelnummer); } else // load everything from database. { $sql = "SELECT * FROM artikel"; $this->mydb->doQuery($sql); $this->mydb->close(); } } public function load($artikelnummer) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM artikel"; $this->mydb->doQuery($sql); if($artikel = $this->mydb->fetch()) { // i got a feeling there is something missing here, like query from database?? } $this->mydb->close(); } public function printArtikel() { // return database value as table. $html = "<table border='1'>"; $html .= "<tr> <td>".$this->land."</td> </tr>"; $html .= "</table>"; return $html; } } ?> Other class are accessing extern. For example database connection with class MyDB. please, can somebody correct my script?? Hey everyone, I'm creating a website which requires users to login. I didn't want to have to do my own crypto, so I basically created it with Wordpress. I'm at the point where I don't want to use Wordpress for the whole site--just the login system. So I was wondering how I can piggyback off the user management system of Wordpress while using my own script for the rest of the site. I know that Wordpress ends up storing passwords in the database as HMACs, for what that's worth. Thank you, Ryan Hi! I'm having trouble accessing data with simpleXML_load_file I have a working script that loads an XML-file and outputs in a proprietary format that I've written, but for some reason I can't get it to work with this second set of XML-files. Loading the file seems to work fine. I load the file into a variable, and can print the contents of the file using echo $xml -> asXML(); However, when I try to access a single node using: echo $xml->{'SOAP-ENV:Envelope'}->{'SOAP-ENV:Body'}->Order->OrderHeader->OrderNumber->BuyerOrderNumber;I get the following error: Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\www\convert_uio.php on line 28 XML-file looks as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd=""> <SOAP-ENV:Header> <nseps:endpoints SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="true" xmlns:nseps="urn:schemas-IBX:/docs/endpoint.nsendpoint"> <nseps:to> <nseps:address>8b51fc8c-7aba-1000-bbbe-c0a878330001</nseps:address> </nseps:to> <nseps:from> <nseps:address>1b0ad9d6-7a05-1000-a43c-c0a878330001</nseps:address> </nseps:from> </nseps:endpoints> <nsprop:properties SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="true" xmlns:nsprop="urn:schemas-IBX:/docs/property.nsproperty"> <nsprop:identity>fb1797dbb1f14a179482b1bb53bc7c14</nsprop:identity> <nsprop:sentAt>2014-09-02T00:00:00+01:00</nsprop:sentAt> <nsprop:topic>Order</nsprop:topic> </nsprop:properties> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <Order xmlns="rrn:org.xcbl:schemas/xcbl/v3_5/xcbl35.xsd"> <OrderHeader> <OrderNumber> <BuyerOrderNumber>E14124673</BuyerOrderNumber> </OrderNumber> <OrderIssueDate>20140902T00:00:00+01:00</OrderIssueDate> <OrderReferences> <AccountCode> <Reference> <RefNum>no_unoslo</RefNum> </Reference> </AccountCode> </OrderReferences> <Purpose> <PurposeCoded>Original</PurposeCoded> </Purpose> <RequestedResponse> <RequestedResponseCoded>NoAcknowledgementNeeded</RequestedResponseCoded> </RequestedResponse> <OrderType> <OrderTypeCoded>PurchaseOrder</OrderTypeCoded> </OrderType> <OrderCurrency> <Currency> <CurrencyCoded>NOK</CurrencyCoded> </Currency> </OrderCurrency> <OrderLanguage> <Language LanguageDependent="false"> <LanguageCoded>no</LanguageCoded> </Language> </OrderLanguage> <OrderDates> <RequestedDeliverByDate>20140904T00:00:00+01:00</RequestedDeliverByDate> </OrderDates> <OrderParty> <BuyerParty> <Party> <PartyID> <Identifier> <Agency> <AgencyCoded>AssignedByBuyerOrBuyersAgent</AgencyCoded> </Agency> <Ident>no_uio</Ident> </Identifier> </PartyID> <NameAddress> <Name1>xxxxxxxxxxxxx</Name1> <Name2>xxxxxxxxxxxxx</Name2> <POBox>xxxxx</POBox> <PostalCode>NO-0316</PostalCode> <City>Oslo</City> <Country> <CountryCoded>NO</CountryCoded> </Country> </NameAddress> <OrderContact> <Contact> <ContactName>Some Name</ContactName> <ContactFunction> <ContactFunctionCoded>PurchasingContact</ContactFunctionCoded> </ContactFunction> <ListOfContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue></ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>EmailAddress</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue>+4700000000</ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>TelephoneNumber</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> </ListOfContactNumber> </Contact> </OrderContact> </Party> </BuyerParty> <BuyerTaxInformation> <PartyTaxInformation> <TaxIdentifier> <Identifier> <Agency> <AgencyCoded>Other</AgencyCoded> <AgencyCodedOther>VAT Number</AgencyCodedOther> </Agency> <Ident>00000000</Ident> </Identifier> </TaxIdentifier> </PartyTaxInformation> </BuyerTaxInformation> <SellerParty> <Party> <PartyID> <Identifier> <Agency> <AgencyCoded>AssignedByBuyerOrBuyersAgent</AgencyCoded> </Agency> <Ident>8b51fc8c-7aba-1000-bbbe-c0a878330001</Ident> </Identifier> </PartyID> <NameAddress> <Name1>Name 2</Name1> <Street>Adress</Street> <PostalCode> 0314</PostalCode> <City>OSLO</City> <Country> <CountryCoded>NO</CountryCoded> </Country> </NameAddress> <OrderContact> <Contact> <ContactName>N/A</ContactName> <ListOfContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue>email</ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>EmailAddress</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue>47 0000000</ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>FaxNumber</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> </ListOfContactNumber> </Contact> </OrderContact> </Party> </SellerParty> <ShipToParty> <Party> <PartyID> <Identifier> <Agency> <AgencyCoded>AssignedByBuyerOrBuyersAgent</AgencyCoded> </Agency> <Ident /> </Identifier> </PartyID> <NameAddress> <Name1>Name</Name1> <Name2>Name2 </Name2> <Street>Adress</Street> <StreetSupplement1>0318 Oslo</StreetSupplement1> <PostalCode>NO-0562</PostalCode> <City>OSLO</City> <Country> <CountryCoded>NO</CountryCoded> </Country> </NameAddress> <OrderContact> <Contact> <ContactName>Name</ContactName> <ContactFunction> <ContactFunctionCoded>PurchasingContact</ContactFunctionCoded> </ContactFunction> <ListOfContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue>emamil</ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>EmailAddress</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue>+470000000</ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>TelephoneNumber</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> </ListOfContactNumber> </Contact> </OrderContact> <ReceivingContact> <Contact> <ContactName>Name</ContactName> <ContactFunction> <ContactFunctionCoded>PurchasingContact</ContactFunctionCoded> </ContactFunction> <ListOfContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue>email</ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>EmailAddress</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue>+4700000000</ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>TelephoneNumber</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> </ListOfContactNumber> </Contact> </ReceivingContact> </Party> </ShipToParty> <BillToParty> <Party> <PartyID> <Identifier> <Agency> <AgencyCoded>AssignedByBuyerOrBuyersAgent</AgencyCoded> </Agency> <Ident>no_uio</Ident> </Identifier> </PartyID> <NameAddress> <Name1>Name</Name1> <Name2>Adress</Name2> <POBox>adress2</POBox> <PostalCode>NO-0316</PostalCode> <City>Oslo</City> <County /> <District>9908:971035854</District> <Country> <CountryCoded>NO</CountryCoded> </Country> </NameAddress> <OrderContact> <Contact> <ContactName>Name</ContactName> <ContactFunction> <ContactFunctionCoded>PurchasingContact</ContactFunctionCoded> </ContactFunction> <ListOfContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue>email</ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>EmailAddress</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> <ContactNumber> <ContactNumberValue>+470000000</ContactNumberValue> <ContactNumberTypeCoded>TelephoneNumber</ContactNumberTypeCoded> </ContactNumber> </ListOfContactNumber> </Contact> </OrderContact> </Party> </BillToParty> </OrderParty> <OrderTermsOfDelivery> <TermsOfDelivery> <TermsOfDeliveryFunctionCoded>Other</TermsOfDeliveryFunctionCoded> <TermsOfDeliveryFunctionCodedOther>Other</TermsOfDeliveryFunctionCodedOther> <TransportTermsCoded>Other</TransportTermsCoded> <TransportTermsCodedOther>DDP</TransportTermsCodedOther> <ShipmentMethodOfPaymentCoded>Other</ShipmentMethodOfPaymentCoded> <ShipmentMethodOfPaymentCodedOther>Other</ShipmentMethodOfPaymentCodedOther> <TransportDescription /> </TermsOfDelivery> </OrderTermsOfDelivery> <OrderHeaderNote /> </OrderHeader> <OrderDetail> <ListOfItemDetail> <ItemDetail> <BaseItemDetail> <LineItemNum> <BuyerLineItemNum>1</BuyerLineItemNum> </LineItemNum> <LineItemType> <LineItemTypeCoded>Item</LineItemTypeCoded> </LineItemType> <ItemIdentifiers> <PartNumbers> <SellerPartNumber> <PartNum> <PartID>1000000000001</PartID> </PartNum> </SellerPartNumber> <ManufacturerPartNumber> <PartID /> </ManufacturerPartNumber> </PartNumbers> <ItemDescription>Normal frakt, pris 20 NOK</ItemDescription> </ItemIdentifiers> <TotalQuantity> <Quantity> <QuantityValue>1</QuantityValue> <UnitOfMeasurement> <UOMCoded>EA</UOMCoded> </UnitOfMeasurement> </Quantity> </TotalQuantity> <OffCatalogFlag>false</OffCatalogFlag> </BaseItemDetail> <PricingDetail> <ListOfPrice> <Price> <UnitPrice> <UnitPriceValue>20</UnitPriceValue> <Currency> <CurrencyCoded>NOK</CurrencyCoded> </Currency> <UnitOfMeasurement> <UOMCoded>EA</UOMCoded> </UnitOfMeasurement> </UnitPrice> <PriceBasisQuantity> <Quantity> <QuantityValue>1</QuantityValue> <UnitOfMeasurement> <UOMCoded>EA</UOMCoded> </UnitOfMeasurement> </Quantity> </PriceBasisQuantity> </Price> </ListOfPrice> <Tax> <TaxFunctionQualifierCoded>Tax</TaxFunctionQualifierCoded> <TaxCategoryCoded>StandardRate</TaxCategoryCoded> <TaxTypeCoded>ValueAddedTax</TaxTypeCoded> <TaxPercent>.00</TaxPercent> <TaxableAmount>20.00</TaxableAmount> <TaxAmount>.00</TaxAmount> </Tax> <TotalValue> <MonetaryValue> <MonetaryAmount>20.00</MonetaryAmount> </MonetaryValue> </TotalValue> </PricingDetail> <DeliveryDetail> <ListOfScheduleLine> <ScheduleLine> <Quantity> <QuantityValue>1</QuantityValue> <UnitOfMeasurement> <UOMCoded>EA</UOMCoded> </UnitOfMeasurement> </Quantity> <RequestedDeliveryDate>20140904T00:00:00+01:00</RequestedDeliveryDate> </ScheduleLine> </ListOfScheduleLine> </DeliveryDetail> </ItemDetail> <ItemDetail> <BaseItemDetail> <LineItemNum> <BuyerLineItemNum>2</BuyerLineItemNum> </LineItemNum> <LineItemType> <LineItemTypeCoded>Item</LineItemTypeCoded> </LineItemType> <ItemIdentifiers> <PartNumbers> <SellerPartNumber> <PartNum> <PartID>9788258312007</PartID> </PartNum> </SellerPartNumber> <ManufacturerPartNumber> <PartID /> </ManufacturerPartNumber> </PartNumbers> <ItemDescription>Hovedtariffavtalen i staten 1. mai 2014 - 30. april 2016 (p.100kr)</ItemDescription> </ItemIdentifiers> <TotalQuantity> <Quantity> <QuantityValue>2</QuantityValue> <UnitOfMeasurement> <UOMCoded>EA</UOMCoded> </UnitOfMeasurement> </Quantity> </TotalQuantity> <OffCatalogFlag>false</OffCatalogFlag> </BaseItemDetail> <PricingDetail> <ListOfPrice> <Price> <UnitPrice> <UnitPriceValue>100</UnitPriceValue> <Currency> <CurrencyCoded>NOK</CurrencyCoded> </Currency> <UnitOfMeasurement> <UOMCoded>EA</UOMCoded> </UnitOfMeasurement> </UnitPrice> <PriceBasisQuantity> <Quantity> <QuantityValue>1</QuantityValue> <UnitOfMeasurement> <UOMCoded>EA</UOMCoded> </UnitOfMeasurement> </Quantity> </PriceBasisQuantity> </Price> </ListOfPrice> <Tax> <TaxFunctionQualifierCoded>Tax</TaxFunctionQualifierCoded> <TaxCategoryCoded>StandardRate</TaxCategoryCoded> <TaxTypeCoded>ValueAddedTax</TaxTypeCoded> <TaxPercent>.00</TaxPercent> <TaxableAmount>100.00</TaxableAmount> <TaxAmount>.00</TaxAmount> </Tax> <TotalValue> <MonetaryValue> <MonetaryAmount>200.00</MonetaryAmount> </MonetaryValue> </TotalValue> </PricingDetail> <DeliveryDetail> <ListOfScheduleLine> <ScheduleLine> <Quantity> <QuantityValue>2</QuantityValue> <UnitOfMeasurement> <UOMCoded>EA</UOMCoded> </UnitOfMeasurement> </Quantity> <RequestedDeliveryDate>20140904T00:00:00+01:00</RequestedDeliveryDate> </ScheduleLine> </ListOfScheduleLine> </DeliveryDetail> </ItemDetail> </ListOfItemDetail> </OrderDetail> <OrderSummary> <NumberOfLines>2</NumberOfLines> <TotalTax> <MonetaryValue> <MonetaryAmount>.00</MonetaryAmount> </MonetaryValue> </TotalTax> <TotalAmount> <MonetaryValue> <MonetaryAmount>220.00</MonetaryAmount> <Currency> <CurrencyCoded>NOK</CurrencyCoded> </Currency> </MonetaryValue> </TotalAmount> </OrderSummary> </Order> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> Hi, I have created a session based logon system using php and MYSQL from some tutorials I found online which is working very successfully. I can log on and of and move through different pages with no problems. My query is how do I output or display the information that is specific to the user which is currently logged on and block access to any other users information. I am quite sure there is a simple solution that is escaping me. If you could point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance The following code works: Code: [Select] @ $db = new mysqli('localhost', 'username', 'password', 'database'); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo 'Error: Could not connect to database. Please try again later.'; exit; } $query = "select * from model order by name asc"; $result = $db->query($query); However, I just started to include connect.php to my pages. Now I'm getting an error saying: "Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object on line 14" Here's my connect.php Code: [Select] .... $db = mysql_select_db($dbase , $connection) or die ("Can't select database."); Line 14 is... $result = $db->query($query); Any ideas? I believe it's the $db variable causing the problem. Hi. For a uni assignment I am turning my static prototype into a dynamic prototype and adding various features like templates, log in system and the ability to add/delete information stored on the database and view the information on the website. I have running into a problem though, I am having difficulties getting connected to the database, I don't know if this is something to do with the log in information though, below I have quoted the files. update.php (the script I use to connect to the database) Quote <?php /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ $name = $_POST['name']; $sname = $_POST['sname']; $address = $_POST['address']; $number = $_POST['number']; mysql_connect("localhost", "", "") or die ('error: ' .mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ("bza410_test"); $query="INSERT INTO testTable (id, firstname, surname, address, phone)VALUES ('NULL','".$name."', '".$sname."', '".$address."', '".$number."')"; mysql_query($query) or die ('error updating database'); echo "database updated with: " .$name. " ".$sname." ".$address." ".$number ; ?> after localhost I am aware password/username goes there, just removed them for obvious reasons. home.php Quote <?php $pagetitle = 'Welcome to ENSI'; require 'template/header.php'; ?> <p> This web page page was created on <strong> <?php echo date('l F jS \a\t Y h:i:s A \,'); if (date('H') < 12) { echo ' RISE AND SHINE!!!,'; } else { echo ' TIME TO SLEEP!!!,'; } ?> </strong> on the computer that is running on PHP. </p> <div> <p><strong>Please enter your name and birthday:-</strong></p> <form method="post" action="update.php"> <fieldset> <legend>Details</legend> <label>First Name:</label> <input type="text" name="name" /> <br/> <label> Surname:</label> <input type="text" name="sname" /> <br/> <label> Address </label> <input type="text" name="address" /> <br/> <label>Phone</label> <input type="text" name="number" /> <br/> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" /> <input type="reset" name="reset" value="reset" /> </fieldset> </form> <?php if(isset ($_POST['submit'])) { $name = $_POST['name']; $sname = $_POST['sname']; $address = $_POST['address']; $number = $_POST['number']; echo htmlentities ($text); echo 'Hello, your first name is ' .$name; echo ' Your surname is ' .$sname; echo ' Your address is - ' .$address; echo ', Your phone number is - ' .$number; } ?> </div> <?php require 'template/footer.php'; ?> When I fill in the form and then press submit it goes to "error updating database" from the script, so have I got the server information wrong? Thanks Will. Ok, the point of this code is I want a user to be able to create a campaign, two things need to be unique when creating a campaign, the name and the keyword. The name needs to be unique to the table, and the keyword needs to be unique to the user. I can't seem to figure it out and I'm sure it's a problem with my SQL queries. Any help is appreciated if($user && $name && $pw && $kw && $desc && $reply) { //Check for a UNIQUE campaign Name $q = "SELECT user_id FROM campaigns WHERE name='$name'"; $r = mysqli_query ($dbc, $q) or trigger_error("Query: $q\n<br />MySQL Error: " . mysqli_error($dbc)); $qq = "SELECT name FROM campaigns WHERE (user_id={$_SESSION['user_id']} AND keyword='$kw')"; $rr = mysqli_query ($dbc, $qq) or trigger_error("Query: $qq\n<br />MySQL Error: " . mysqli_error($dbc)); if(mysqli_num_rows($r) == 0) // Campaign Name is Unique { if(mysqli_num_rows($rr) == 0) // Keyword is Unique to user { //Add campaign to database $q = "INSERT INTO campaigns (user_id, name, description, password, keyword , reply, creation_date) VALUES ('$user', '$name', '$desc', '$pw', '$kw', '$reply', NOW() )"; $r = mysqli_query ($dbc, $q) or trigger_error("Query: $q\n<br />MySQL Error: " . mysqli_error($dbc)); //If it ran OK if(mysqli_affected_rows($dbc) == 1) { echo '<p>Campaign Successfully Created</p>'; include('footer.html'); exit(); } else { echo '<p>Campaign could not be created</p>'; } } else { echo 'Keyword is not unique'; } } else //campaign name is not UNIQUE { echo 'Your campaign name is not unique'; } } else { echo 'There was a problem creating your new campaign'; } mysqli_close($dbc); } i'm working on a project that stores records of architecture and architects. What i have to do is create a way for users to search the records in a simple way. The user can search by Building name, Architect, Location, Date it was built, Building type and architecture style. Currently i can only search properly by building name, date, type and style. If i add architect to the search query the records screw up when i try to search for the other fields for example if i add the architect to the query and try to only search by building name the results get screwed up and it displays more results that don't have nothing in comon rather than just display one result which would be the building name Like i said this only happens if i add the "architect" to the query Since the architect, location, date, type and style are stored in different tables i search for them first and get the id. Once i've grabbed the ID for those fields i do the actual search to get the buildings that match those records by ID In the actual query i use the OR statement to search all 5 fields regardless if the user left them empty. So if th user only searches for a building name it the query will basically search for the buildingID OR the rest of the fields as well. I hope someone here can help me figure out why when i add the architect field to the query the results get screwed up. I have the code displayed below: <?php if(isset($_POST['search'])){ $building = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['building']); $architect = stringForUrl($_POST['architect']); $date = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['date']); $style = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['style']); $type = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['type']); $find_building = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM points WHERE name LIKE '$building'") or die(mysql_error()); $tmp_building = mysql_fetch_assoc($find_building); $buildingID = $tmp_building['id']; $find_architect = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM architects WHERE full_name LIKE '$architect'") or die(mysql_error()); $tmp_architect = mysql_fetch_assoc($find_architect); $architectID = $tmp_architect['id']; $find_style = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM styles WHERE name LIKE '$style'") or die(mysql_error()); $tmp_style = mysql_fetch_assoc($find_style); $styleID = $tmp_style['id']; $find_type = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM types WHERE name LIKE '$type'") or die(mysql_error()); $tmp_type = mysql_fetch_assoc($find_type); $typeID = $tmp_type['id']; } ?> <?php if(isset($_POST['search'])){ $session_arch_id = $_SESSION['architect_id']; //query that does the actual search $get_search_points = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM points WHERE id='$buildingID' OR style_id='$styleID' OR type_id='$typeID' OR architect_id='$architectID' OR date='$date' ORDER BY name") or die(mysql_error()); $num_search_points = mysql_num_rows($get_search_points); print($get_search_points); ?> <h3>Architecure on the map</h3> <span id="num_buildings">Showing <?php echo $num_search_points; ?> buildings</span> <table width="605" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0" id="wam_results-tbl"> <tr class="search_headings"> <td width="156">Building Name</td> <td width="114">Architect</td> <td width="45">Date</td> <td width="144">Building Type</td> <td width="96">Style</td> </tr> <?php while($points = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_search_points)){ $point_type_id = $points['type_id']; $point_style_id = $points['style_id']; $point_architect_id = $points['architect_id']; $point_firm_id = $points['firm_id']; ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $points['name']; ?></td> <td> <?php if(!empty($point_architect_id)){ $get_architect = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM architects WHERE id='$point_architect_id'") or die(mysql_error()); $architect = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_architect); echo ''.$architect['first_name'].' '.$architect['last_name'].''; }elseif(empty($point_architect_id)){ $get_firm = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM firms WHERE id='$point_firm_id'") or die(mysql_error()); $firm = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_firm); echo $firm['name']; } ?> </td> <td><?php echo $points['date']; ?></td> <td> <?php $get_types = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM types WHERE id='$point_type_id'") or die(mysql_error()); $type = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_types); echo $type['name']; ?> </td> <td> <?php $get_styles = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM styles WHERE id='$point_style_id'") or die(mysql_error()); $style = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_styles); echo $style['name']; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> <?php } ?> Hi there guys, I am very new to php and mySQL and i am currently working on a new site which I want to create a form where my sit visitors can leave their details so i can send them emails with future promotions... I have uploaded the files and when testing the form there doesnt seem to be any errors messages, but then when i go to my phpMyAdmin to check i it has worked. I can not see any of the information to which i ave entered from the form n the website.. I would be very grateful if somebody can please help me... the code for the php is as below.. Many many thanks in advance.. <?php $username="rdo10000_robin"; $password="mypassword"; $database="rdo10000_email"; mysql_connect(localhost,$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); mysql_query($query); $query = "INSERT INTO data1 VALUES ('$_POST[name]','$_POST[email]','$_POST[phone]','$_POST[country]','$_POST[age]')"; header('Location: fish.html'); mysql_close(); ?> I really hope some one can help, many thanks in advance HEy Guys Here is a snippet of an array: SimpleXMLElement Object ( [report1] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [ReportHost] => Array ( => SimpleXMLElement Object ( [HostName] => [startTime] => Thu Dec 17 13:58:49 2009 [stopTime] => Thu Dec 17 15:13:13 2009 [netbios_name] => (unknown) [mac_addr] => (unknown) [dns_name] => (unknown) [os_name] => (unknown) [num_ports] => 2 [num_lo] => 0 [num_med] => 0 [num_hi] => 0 [ReportItem] => Array which is printed using print_r($a) now how can i access [HostName] => in the $a array?? Thanks in advance I am a part of an institue which has internal web pages. It also provides me with my web space with php servers. Now I know those internal web pages are available to the server. I want a code that can fetch those web pages and display it in my web space. And whatever forms i fill or links i click it should do those on internal page and again return the new web page. If $result contains the result of mysql_query, a select count distinct query, how do I access the count? I've tried $result[0] to no avail and $result only returns the resource #. Hi guys, I have xml that looks like: <item> <title></title> <link></link> <description></description> <dc:date>2011-02-27T16:42:31-05:00</dc:date> </item> I can access title, link, and description just fine. But how do I access a tag that has a colon? I tried this: Code: [Select] $x = new SimpleXmlElement($content); $entry = $x->item; $entry->children('dc', true)->date; Thanks for looking. LR How do I access an object on different pages? I created object "A" on pageone.php and I need to access it on pagetwo.php. How do I do that? TomTees Hi all, I've tried to access the admin.php of the xcart installation he but it doesn't allow me to access it, saying that it's a 404 page not found error. That page does in fact exist, but I think the issue might be something to do with a redirection. The site owner apparently clicked on something in the admin section (possibly https or something similar) but what can I do to avoid this issue without having to re install everything? Thanks, Neil Hi all, I am still trying to figure what went wrong. It doesn't work over here. The error shown was the {else} command else { echo '<p class="error">There was a problem accessing your profile.</p>'; } I have attached my 4 sql tables for reference. Appreciate any advices.... Code: [Select] <?php $query3 = "SELECT ols.subject_level_id, sl.level_id, sl.subject_id, tl.level_name AS level_name, ts.subject_name AS subject_name " . "FROM tutor_overall_level_subject AS ols " . "INNER JOIN tutor_subject_level AS sl USING (subject_level_id) " . "INNER JOIN tutor_level AS tl USING (level_id) " . "INNER JOIN tutor_subject AS ts USING (subject_id) " . "WHERE ols.tutor_id = '" . $_GET['tutor_id'] . "'"; $data3 = mysqli_query($dbc, $query3) or die(mysqli_error($dbc)); if (mysqli_num_rows($data3) == 1) { echo '<div id="panel4">'; echo'<table><tr>'; // Start your table outside the loop... and your first row $count = 0; // Start your counter while($row3 = mysqli_fetch_array($data3)) { /* Check to see whether or not this is a *new* row If it is, then end the previous and start the next and restart the counter. */ if ($count % 5 == 0) { echo "</tr><tr>"; $count = 0; } echo '<td class="label">' . $row3['level_name'] . '</td><td>' . $row3['subject_name'] . '</td>'; $count++; //Increment the count } echo '</tr></table><br/>'; //Close your last row and your table, outside the loop echo '</div>'; //End of panel 4 } //End of if (mysqli_num_rows($data3) == 1) else { echo '<p class="error">There was a problem accessing your profile.</p>'; } ?> So basically I'm using PHP to solve a math problem for me. The user puts in a few parameters and the program runs those numbers through the algorithm and spits out a bunch of xy coordinates. I'm using the PHP SELF method to retrieve the user input. This all works fine, but it's afterwords that I run into problems. I create a drop down menu of all the x values and I want the user to be able to choose any x value they wish and to have the corresponding y value be displayed. The problem is that I have to use another POST command for this and when I do, it wipes out all the computed data. Of course the y-value is never displayed, and there lies the problem. I'm sure there are many ways to get around this, but I could not find one out myself. Anyone have any ideas? I have the following code in zend: Code: [Select] $arrErrors=array(); if (!empty($this->post['submit'])) { // Each time theres an error, add an error message to the error array // using the field name as the key. if (empty($this->post['client_name'])) $arrErrors['client_name'] = "Please Enter Client's name as it appears in the carrier software"; } if i set $this->view->arrErrors=$arrErrors in the controller, Can I access it as $this->arrErrors['client_name'] in the view? Is it possible to have a class access another class it its parent directory without using a fully qualified name? While the following script is not valid, it is how I would have thought it would be done should it be possible. If it is not possible, I expect there is a good reason why one would not want to do so, and would appreciate your thoughts why that is so. Thanks // src/PrimaryTopic/SubTopic/SubSubTopic/ParentClass.php namespace PrimaryTopic\SubTopic\SubSubTopic; class ParentClass {} // src/PrimaryTopic/SubTopic/SubSubTopic/Child/ChildClass1.php namespace PrimaryTopic\SubTopic\SubSubTopic\Child; class ChildClass1 extends ..\ParentClass {} // src/PrimaryTopic/SubTopic/SubSubTopic/Child/ChildClass2.php namespace PrimaryTopic\SubTopic\SubSubTopic\Child; class ChildClass2 extends ..\ParentClass {}