PHP - Error Printing: Sessions Or Get
For some time I have been wondering which one is a better means to transfer an error from a processing file back to the main page, for example a user fills in a wrong username or password at index.php which is submitted for processing to login.php. What is the best means to transfer the error "Wrong username or password" from login.php back to index.php for display, so far i was using a $_SESSION variable but i wonder how effective it can be. I was then told $_GET variables are a good choice as well, i dont think submitting a form to itself is a good solution. Please advice me on the best means to proceed with this. Thanx in advance Similar TutorialsI get this errr message Notice: Undefined index: user in C:\wamp\www\Login\login.php on line 25 Here is line 25: $_SESSION['user'] == $form_username ; Here is the whole page. <?php session_start(); ?> <html> <head> <title>Login</title> <?php include(''); ?> </head> <body> <?php if (!isset($_POST['user_name']) && isset($_POST['password'])) { die("Please enter both a username and password"); } $form_username = $_POST['user_name']; $form_password = $_POST['password']; mysqlConnect(); loginvar(); if($passdb = $form_password && $userdb = $form_username) { $_SESSION['user'] == $form_username ; echo "<hr />"; echo "Login Sucssesful <br /> "; echo '<a href="/login/index.php">Return Home</a>'; } else { die("User name does not match password"); } ?> </body> </html> Hellp! Hello again, I posted a question earlier about an include issue which I managed to fix but now I am dealing with a completely new error message and unlike before I don't even have a basic Idea of what is going on. The error in question is - Quote An error occurred in script 'C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\IUS\Login\form_process.php' on line 10: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\IUS\Index.php:1) Date/Time: 1-10-2012 16:49:31 the code for form_process.php is as follows Code: [Select] <?php # Script 16.8 - login.php // This is the login page for the site. require_once ('login/'); // Start output buffering: ob_start(); // Initialize a session: session_start(); if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) { require_once (MYSQL); // Validate the email address: if (!empty($_POST['email'])) { $e = mysqli_real_escape_string ($dbc, $_POST['email']); } else { $e = FALSE; } // Validate the password: if (!empty($_POST['pass'])) { $p = mysqli_real_escape_string ($dbc, $_POST['pass']); } else { $p = FALSE; } if ($e && $p) { // If everything's OK. // Query the database: $q = "SELECT user_id, first_name, user_level FROM users WHERE (email='$e' AND pass=SHA1('$p')) AND active IS NULL"; $r = mysqli_query ($dbc, $q) or trigger_error("Query: $q\n<br />MySQL Error: " . mysqli_error($dbc)); if (@mysqli_num_rows($r) == 1) { // A match was made. // Register the values & redirect: $_SESSION = mysqli_fetch_array ($r, MYSQLI_ASSOC); mysqli_free_result($r); mysqli_close($dbc); $url = BASE_URL . 'index.php'; // Define the URL: ob_end_clean(); // Delete the buffer. header("Location: $url"); exit(); // Quit the script. } else { // No match was made. echo '<p class="error">Either the email address and password entered do not match those on file or you have not yet activated your account.</p>'; } } else { // If everything wasn't OK. echo '<p class="error">Please try again.</p>'; } mysqli_close($dbc); } // End of SUBMIT conditional. ?> The process also uses config2.php so I am including the code for that in-case it helps Code: [Select] <?php # Script 16.3 - // ********************************** // // ************ SETTINGS ************ // // Flag variable for site status: define('LIVE', FALSE); // Admin contact address: define('EMAIL', ''); // Site URL (base for all redirections): define ('BASE_URL', 'localhost/IUS'); // Location of the MySQL connection script: define ('MYSQL', 'login/mysqli_connect.php'); // Adjust the time zone for PHP 5.1 and greater: date_default_timezone_set ('US/Eastern'); // ************ SETTINGS ************ // // ********************************** // // ****************************************** // // ************ ERROR MANAGEMENT ************ // // Create the error handler: function my_error_handler ($e_number, $e_message, $e_file, $e_line, $e_vars) { // Build the error message. $message = "<p>An error occurred in script '$e_file' on line $e_line: $e_message\n<br />"; // Add the date and time: $message .= "Date/Time: " . date('n-j-Y H:i:s') . "\n<br />"; // Append $e_vars to the $message: $message .= "<pre>" . print_r ($e_vars, 1) . "</pre>\n</p>"; if (!LIVE) { // Development (print the error). echo '<div class="error">' . $message . '</div><br />'; } else { // Don't show the error: // Send an email to the admin: mail(EMAIL, 'Site Error!', $message, 'From:'); // Only print an error message if the error isn't a notice: if ($e_number != E_NOTICE) { echo '<div class="error">A system error occurred. We apologize for the inconvenience.</div><br />'; } } // End of !LIVE IF. } // End of my_error_handler() definition. // Use my error handler. set_error_handler ('my_error_handler'); // ************ ERROR MANAGEMENT ************ // // ****************************************** // ?> At first I thought it was because cookies weren't enabled but I am positive they are, so I am really at a loss as-to what's going on, there is more to the error message, though its quite long and will take me a few minutes to go through and remove/alter any sensitive information. I have 64 rows of players and want each User to be able to choose to bookmark an player, as well as unbookmark it too. I have a bookmark table set up, and each time a User decides to bookmark(+) or unbookmark(-) an player a row is created in the data table. (Matching the player ID and User ID) That's working fine. A query reads the most recent row for each player to determine if there is a + or - button next to each player. Testing the query and adding some dummy data, that part of it works too. However, the issue is the initial state, which I want to be a +. Once I go live, the table will be empty, nothing for the query to return/produce. How do I create an initial state of a + with no rows and have it not used or swapped out when Users start clicking + or -?
$query = "SELECT, bookmark,playerID,userID, FROM a_player_bookmark b LEFT JOIN a_players p ON '". $id ."' = playerID WHERE userID = '". $userID ."'&&'". $id ."' = playerID ORDER BY desc LIMIT 1 "; $results = mysqli_query($con,$query); echo mysqli_error($con); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results)) { echo $row['bookmark']; if($row['bookmark'] == 0) { echo '-'; // this is where a form goes to remove a bookmark } else { echo '+'; // this is where a form goes to add a bookmark } } I tried to get it with CASE, but I don't think that's the right path. I also looked at UNION. I was able to get it to produce an initial state of +, but it still printed the already made up sample data too (so I have three instances of ++ or +-). (Players 2, 4 and 4)
Here is the what the UNION query looked like: $query = "(SELECT, bookmark,playerID,userID, FROM a_player_bookmark b LEFT JOIN a_players p ON '". $id ."' = playerID WHERE userID = '". $userID ."'&&'". $id ."' = playerID ORDER BY desc LIMIT 1) UNION (SELECT, bookmark,playerID,userID, FROM a_player_bookmark b LEFT JOIN a_players p ON '". $id ."' = playerID WHERE userID = '". $userID ."' ORDER BY desc LIMIT 1) ";
I am a new developer, trying to figure out what causing a memory error. The code goes through registered appointments and depends on the service ID, I have to free a 45 minutes for another service to be booked. Now, once I book an appointment for any of the services that can have 45 minutes free spot, the website takes forever to load the hours but doesn't show them, instead I get this error A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Error Message: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded
foreach ($appointments as $appointment) { foreach ($periods as $index => &$period) { $appointment_start = new DateTime($appointment['start_datetime']); $appointment_end = new DateTime($appointment['end_datetime']); if ($appointment_start >= $appointment_end) { continue; } $period_start = new DateTime($date . ' ' . $period['start']); $period_end = new DateTime($date . ' ' . $period['end']); $serviceId=$appointment['id_services']; $color1=1; $color2=2; $color3=3; $color4=4; $color5=5; $color6=6; $color7=7; $color8=8; $color9=9; $color10=10; $color11=11; $color12=12; $color13=13; $color14=14; $color15=15; $color16=16; $color17=17; $color18=18; $color19=19; $period_s=''; $period_e=''; if ($appointment_start <= $period_start && $appointment_end <= $period_end && $appointment_end <= $period_start) { // The appointment does not belong in this time period, so we will not change anything. continue; } else { if ($appointment_start <= $period_start && $appointment_end <= $period_end && $appointment_end >= $period_start) { // The appointment starts before the period and finishes somewhere inside. We will need to break // this period and leave the available part. //open slot for services 45,45,45 if($serviceId == $color1 || $serviceId == $color3 || $serviceId == $color7 || $serviceId == $color9|| $serviceId == $color10 || $serviceId == $color11 || $serviceId == $color12){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i'); } //Open slot for service 45,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color2 || $serviceId == $color8){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color4 || $serviceId == $color6 ||$serviceId == $color16 || $serviceId == $color18){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color5 || $serviceId == $color17){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color13 || $serviceId == $color15){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color14 ){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i'); } // //for the rest of services else { $period['start'] = $appointment_end->format('H:i');} } else { if ($appointment_start >= $period_start && $appointment_end < $period_end) { // The appointment is inside the time period, so we will split the period into two new // others. unset($periods[$index]); if($serviceId == $color1 || $serviceId == $color3 || $serviceId == $color7 || $serviceId == $color9|| $serviceId == $color10 || $serviceId == $color11 || $serviceId == $color12){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } // //Open slot for service 45,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color2 || $serviceId == $color8){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color4 || $serviceId == $color6 ||$serviceId == $color16 || $serviceId == $color18){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color5 || $serviceId == $color17){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color13 || $serviceId == $color15){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color14 ){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } //for other services once The code is completely correct else{ $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_start->format('H:i'), 'end' => $appointment_start->format('H:i') ]; $periods[] = [ 'start' => $appointment_end->format('H:i'), 'end' => $period_end->format('H:i') ]; } } else if ($appointment_start == $period_start && $appointment_end == $period_end) { if($serviceId == $color1 || $serviceId == $color3 || $serviceId == $color7 || $serviceId == $color9|| $serviceId == $color10 || $serviceId == $color11 || $serviceId == $color12){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } //Open slot for service 45,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color2 || $serviceId == $color8){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color4 || $serviceId == $color6 ||$serviceId == $color16 || $serviceId == $color18){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color5 || $serviceId == $color17){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color13 || $serviceId == $color15){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color14 ){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ];} // //for the rest of services else { unset($periods[$index]);} // The whole period is blocked so remove it from the available periods array. } else { if ($appointment_start >= $period_start && $appointment_end >= $period_start && $appointment_start <= $period_end) { // The appointment starts in the period and finishes out of it. We will need to remove //the time that is taken from the appointment. if($serviceId == $color1 || $serviceId == $color3 || $serviceId == $color7 || $serviceId == $color9|| $serviceId == $color10 || $serviceId == $color11 || $serviceId == $color12){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } //Open slot for service 45,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color2 || $serviceId == $color8){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color4 || $serviceId == $color6 ||$serviceId == $color16 || $serviceId == $color18){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 30,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color5 || $serviceId == $color17){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color13 || $serviceId == $color15){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); } // // //Open slot for service 60,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color14 ){ $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); } // for the rest of services else{ $period['end'] = $appointment_start->format('H:i'); } } else { if ($appointment_start >= $period_start && $appointment_end >= $period_end && $appointment_start >= $period_end) { // The appointment does not belong in the period so do not change anything. continue; } else { if ($appointment_start <= $period_start && $appointment_end >= $period_end && $appointment_start <= $period_end) { //Open slot for service 45,45,45 if($serviceId == $color1 || $serviceId == $color3 || $serviceId == $color7 || $serviceId == $color9|| $serviceId == $color10 || $serviceId == $color11 || $serviceId == $color12){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } //Open slot for service 45,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color2 || $serviceId == $color8){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+45 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ]; } // //Open slot for service 30,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color4 || $serviceId == $color6 ||$serviceId == $color16 || $serviceId == $color18){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ];} //Open slot for service 30,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color5 || $serviceId == $color17){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+30 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ];} // // //Open slot for service 60,45,45 else if($serviceId == $color13 || $serviceId == $color15){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-45 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ];} // // //Open slot for service 60,45,60 else if($serviceId == $color14 ){ unset($periods[$index]); $period_s= clone $appointment_start; $period_s->modify('+60 minutes'); $period_e= clone $appointment_end; $period_e->modify('-60 minutes'); $periods[] = [ 'start' => $period_s->format('H:i'), 'end' =>$period_e->format('H:i') ];} else{ unset($periods[$index]); } } } } } } } } } return array_values($periods); } Hello all,
Appreciate if you folks could pls. help me understand (and more importantly resolve) this very weird error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ASC, purchase_later_flag ASC, shopper1_buy_flag AS' at line 3' in /var/www/index.php:67 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/index.php(67): PDO->query('SELECT shoplist...') #1 {main} thrown in /var/www/index.php on line 67
Everything seems to work fine when/if I use the following SQL query (which can also be seen commented out in my code towards the end of this post) :
$sql = "SELECT shoplist.*, store_master.store_name, item_master.item_name FROM shoplist, store_master, item_master WHERE shoplist.store_id = store_master.store_id AND shoplist.item_id = item_master.item_id";However, the moment I change my query to the following, which essentially just includes/adds the ORDER BY clause, I receive the error quoted above: $sql = "SELECT shoplist.*, store_master.store_name, item_master.item_name FROM shoplist, store_master, item_master ORDER BY purchased_flag ASC, purchase_later_flag ASC, shopper1_buy_flag ASC, shopper2_buy_flag ASC, store_name ASC) WHERE shoplist.store_id = store_master.store_id AND shoplist.item_id = item_master.item_id";In googling for this error I came across posts that suggested using "ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET()" and "ORDER BY FIELD()"...both of which I tried with no success. Here's the portion of my code which seems to have a problem, and line # 67 is the 3rd from bottom (third last) statement in the code below: <?php /* $sql = "SELECT shoplist.*, store_master.store_name, item_master.item_name FROM shoplist, store_master, item_master WHERE shoplist.store_id = store_master.store_id AND shoplist.item_id = item_master.item_id"; */ $sql = "SELECT shoplist.*, store_master.store_name, item_master.item_name FROM shoplist, store_master, item_master ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(purchased_flag ASC, purchase_later_flag ASC, shopper1_buy_flag ASC, shopper2_buy_flag ASC, store_name ASC) WHERE shoplist.store_id = store_master.store_id AND shoplist.item_id = item_master.item_id"; $result = $pdo->query($sql); // foreach ($pdo->query($sql) as $row) { foreach ($result as $row) { echo '<tr>'; print '<td><span class="filler-checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="IDnumber[]" value="' . $row["idnumber"] . '" /></span></td>';Thanks I have this (display_items.php) script which should not be accessed directly . user will be directed to a login page, the login checked by a check_login.php file then successful authentication will direct the user to the display_items.php page. it works perfectly on windows server but not on linux. the display_items.php script can be accessed directly on the linux server. It may have something to do with sessions but i cannot pin point the issue at the moment . i have attaced the php script files. Grateful if someone could point me in the right direction
check_login.txt display_items.txt login.txt I there. I am making a small game, either you or the computer win depending on who's life hit 0 first I am using sessions to hold the health values, however I need a little bit of help. How do I make it actually go down after each move until one hits 0? Here is my script and thanks in advance... Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Fighting Game</title> </head> <body> <form action="fighting_game.php" method="post"> <select name='move_choice' id='move_choice'> <option value='punch'>Punch</option> <option value='kick'>Kick</option> </select> <input type='submit' name='submitbtn' value='Continue' id='submitbtn'> </form> <div id='matchdiv'> <?php $_SESSION['ai_health'] = 100; $_SESSION['player_health'] = 100; $moves_ai = array("Computer punches you in the face!","Computer kicks you in the gut!"); $moves_player = array("You punch Computer in the face!","You kick computer in the gut!"); $move_damage = array(2,10); $move_dam_multiplier_player = array(rand(1,5),rand(5,10)); $move_dam_multiplier_ai = array(rand(1,5),rand(5,10)); if($_POST['submitbtn']){ $choice = $_POST['move_choice']; } if($choice == "punch"){ $total_dam_ai=($move_damage[0]*$move_dam_multiplier_ai[0]); $total_dam_player=($move_damage[0]*$move_dam_multiplier_player[0]); echo"$moves_player[1]"." Causing ".$total_dam_player." damage!<br>"; echo"Computers current health is ". ($_SESSION['ai_health']-$move_damage[0]*$move_dam_multiplier_player[0]); echo"<br>$moves_ai[1]"." Causing ".$total_dam_ai." damage!<br>"; echo"Your current health is ". ($_SESSION['player_health']-$move_damage[0]*$move_dam_multiplier_ai[0]); } elseif($choice == "kick"){ $total_dam_ai=($move_damage[1]*$move_dam_multiplier_ai[1]); $total_dam_player=($move_damage[1]*$move_dam_multiplier_player[1]); echo"$moves_player[1]"." Causing ".$total_dam_player." damage!<br>"; echo"Computers current health is ". ($_SESSION['ai_health']-$move_damage[1]*$move_dam_multiplier_player[1]); echo"<br>$moves_ai[1]"." Causing ".$total_dam_ai." damage!<br>"; echo"Your current health is ". $new_player_health=($_SESSION['player_health']-$move_damage[1]*$move_dam_multiplier_ai[1]); } if($_SESSION['ai_health']<=0 && $_SESSION['player_health']>=0){ echo"<br>Computer falls to the ground! He is knocked out! You win!"; } if($_SESSION['player_health']<=0 && $_SESSION['ai_health'] >= 0){ echo"<br>You fall to the ground! You are knocked out! You lose!"; } if($_SESSION['player_health']<=0 && $_SESSION['ai_health'] <=0){ echo"<br>You both fall to the ground! You are both knocked out! It's a draw!"; } ?> </div> </body> </html> Kind of a n00b here. on my main table (users) i named a column as "id", set it to auto-increment and as the primary key and created it like this: CREATE TABLE `users` ( `id` int(20) NOT NULL auto_increment, `full_name` varchar(200) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `user_name` varchar(200) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `user_pwd` varchar(200) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `user_email` varchar(200) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `activation_code` int(10) NOT NULL default '0', `joined` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00', `country` varchar(100) collate latin1_general_ci NOT NULL default '', `user_activated` int(1) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) On the second table i created it like this: CREATE TABLE about_me ( about_id int NOT NULL, nick_name varchar(255), descript varchar(255), aim varchar(255), cell varchar(255), school varchar(255), music varchar(255), aspire varchar(255), City varchar(255), id int, PRIMARY KEY (about_id), FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES users(id) ) I believe i imported the key correctly into my new table (about_me). Well I expected the id column to cascade down into this new table automatically which it didn't. RIght now if you log into my site and use the about me form, it posts to the new table "about_me" but it doesn't identify the user on the table with the primary key assigned to him from the first table (users). How do I use PHP sessions to identify the user by his/her id from the primary key in the table. I attached the whole site. The php for the log in is a prefab and I'm attempting to do the about me part on my own, I'm having alot of trouble with the whole sessions thing. I'm not really sure if I'm doing this correctly. so yeah any point in the right direction would be awesome! -Mike When using sessions, must there be a session_start() in each page for the browser to be considered part of the session? Can a user browse to a page without session_start() and still have that part of the original session that he/she began with?? I haven't used sessions much until now, so this is probably due to my ignorance. I have a page that sets the session variable, and if I print from that page, the session variable (an array) is correct. But when I move to the next page, the same session variable has old, old, wrong data. The $arrAttendeeList is an exploded list from a textarea on a form turned into an array. Example: This page, let's call it page1.php, sets the variable: Code: [Select] <?php $_SESSION['arrAttendeeList'] = $arrAttendeeList; foreach ($_SESSION['arrAttendeeList'] as $temp) { print "$temp <br />"; } exit; ?> Results: Smithers, Waylon Bouvier, Selma Brockman, Kent But the next page, page2.php, when I call the same variable: Code: [Select] <?php foreach ($_SESSION['arrAttendeeList'] as $temp) { print "<br />$temp <br>"; } ?> I get yesterday's data: Smithers, Waylon Bouvier, Selma I've tried setting the session var to null but with the same results. Do I need to kill the session var before setting it to something else? Thanks - I am new to SESSIONS and have a quick question about them. I want to use sesssions on my site but was wondering if they would work for the follow senario. Say a customer visits my url: Now what i am doing is taking the id out of the URL using sessions and redirecting the user to while my session ($_SESSION['id']) holds the value 2 in it. I have this working great, i believe it just looks better. Now if my customer decides to buy my product via paypal and is directed off my site while he/she is paying for said item on paypal when they return could i still use some of the information that i stored in my session?? I know i could use post and get to pass through paypal but unfortunately i have to use sessions for what i am trying to do. I have a simple php script that starts sessions. On every page, I include : if(isset($_SESSION['sessionname'])){ //The rest of the page } else { die("Not logged in"); } I always include the session start and always regenerate the session id after <?php. The code works fine withevery browser except for a certain version of Internet Explorer 8. Even though the browser does enable cookies, it doesn`t seem to allow the ones in my script. In fact, every time I change page, it ives the error message "Not logged in". I have tried it on two different compters with the exact same version of IE and the result was the same. Thank you for your time! hi everyone I have a small user & business Directory and for it, I use a .htaccess ReWrite. My .htaccess file looks like Code: [Select] RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^([^/.]+)$ index.php?q=$1 [QSA,L] so basically when I run Code: [Select] http://localhost/Johnsons/ then it treats that like Code: [Select] http://localhost/index.php?q=Johnsons I then do a PHP Query to find the result, I use the following; print "You looked up $_GET['q']"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT `name` FROM `directory` WHERE `name` = '".$_GET['q']."'"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { print $row['name']; } this all works fine. The problem I now have is that I have been sent some new data in a SQL database import file and it contains entries such as Dugāriy T-ī-Corā but when I try and run http://localhost/Dugāriy/ or http://localhost/T-ī-Corā/ it does not return the correct value and instead it either misses characters or it exchanges one character for another, (ā is swapped "a" as an example). It seems this is due to a mix of Special Characters & Accents within words such as ā ū ī I have tried altering the META charset tag without any luck, I have also tried print utf8_encode($_GET['q']); print urlencode($_GET['q']); but nothing seems to work. Any idea on how I can solve this? Thanks very much J hello i am makeing a forum and to post a new thread it has to check if the user is logged in, so i log into my website and i go to the post new topic but it says im not logged in here is the new_topic.php and also the login.php new_topic.php <?php session_start(); include_once "../scripts/connect_to_mysql.php"; // Connect to the database // Check to see if the user is logged in with session variables if (!isset($_SESSION['userpass']) || $_SESSION['userpass'] == "") { echo "Please log in..."; exit(); } else { // Assume they are a member because they have a password session variable set // Check the database to be sure that their ID, password, and email session variables all match in the database $u_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['id']); $u_name = mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['username']); $u_email = mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['useremail']); $u_pass = mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['userpass']); $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM myMembers WHERE id='$u_id' AND username='$u_name' AND email='$u_email' AND password='$u_pass'"); $numRows = mysql_num_rows($sql); if ($numRows < 1) { echo "ERROR: You do not exist in the system."; exit(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check to make sure the URL variables of "sid" and "title" are set if (!isset($_POST['forum_id']) || $_POST['forum_id'] == "" || !isset($_POST['forum_title']) || $_POST['forum_title'] == "") { echo "Important variables are missing"; exit(); } else { // Acquire the variables and proceed to show them a form for creating a new topic $forum_section_id = preg_replace('#[^0-9]#i', '', $_POST['forum_id']); $forum_section_title = preg_replace('#[^A-Za-z 0-9]#i', '', $_POST['forum_title']); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forum_sections WHERE id='$forum_section_id' AND title='$forum_section_title'"); $numRows = mysql_num_rows($sql); if ($numRows < 1) { echo "ERROR: That section deos not exist."; exit(); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <link href="style/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <title>Create New Topic</title> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> <!-- function validateMyForm ( ) { var isValid = true; if ( document.form1.post_title.value == "" ) { alert ( "Please type in a title for this topic" ); isValid = false; } else if ( document.form1.post_title.value.length < 10 ) { alert ( "Your title must be at least 10 characters long" ); isValid = false; } else if ( document.form1.post_body.value == "" ) { alert ( "Please type in your topic body." ); isValid = false; } return isValid; } //--> </script> </head> <body> <?php include_once("template_header.php"); ?> <table style="background-color: #F0F0F0; border:#069 1px solid; border-top:none;" width="900" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="12" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="731" valign="top"> <div id="breadcrumbs"><a href="">Web Intersect Home</a> ← <a href="">Forum Home</a> ← <a href="section.php?id=<?php echo $forum_section_id; ?>"><?php echo $forum_section_title; ?></a></div> <h2>Creating New Topic In the <em><?php echo $forum_section_title; ?></em> Forum</h2> <form action="parse_post.php" method="post" name="form1"> <input name="post_type" type="hidden" value="a" /> Topic Author:<br /><input name="topic_author" type="text" disabled="disabled" maxlength="64" style="width:96%;" value="<?php echo $u_name; ?>" /> <br /><br /> Please type in a title for your topic he <br /><input name="post_title" type="text" maxlength="64" style="width:96%;" /><br /><br /> Please type in your topic body:<br /><textarea name="post_body" rows="15" style="width:96%;"></textarea> <br /><br /><input name="" type="submit" value="Create my topic now!" onclick="javascript:return validateMyForm();"/> <input name="fsID" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $forum_section_id; ?>" /> <input name="fsTitle" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $forum_section_title; ?>" /> <input name="uid" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['id']; ?>" /> <input name="upass" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['userpass']; ?>" /> </form> </td> <td width="189" valign="top"><div style=" width:160px; height:600px; background-color: #999; color: #CCC; padding:12px;"> <br /> <br /> <br /> <h3>Ad Space or Whatever</h3> </div></td> </tr> </table> <?php include_once("template_footer.php"); ?> </body> </html> login.php <?php // Start Session to enable creating the session variables below when they log in session_start(); // Force script errors and warnings to show on page in case php.ini file is set to not display them error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize some vars $errorMsg = ''; $email = ''; $pass = ''; $remember = ''; if (isset($_POST['email'])) { $email = $_POST['email']; $pass = $_POST['pass']; if (isset($_POST['remember'])) { $remember = $_POST['remember']; } $email = stripslashes($email); $pass = stripslashes($pass); $email = strip_tags($email); $pass = strip_tags($pass); // error handling conditional checks go here if ((!$email) || (!$pass)) { $errorMsg = 'Please fill in both fields'; } else { // Error handling is complete so process the info if no errors include 'scripts/connect_to_mysql.php'; // Connect to the database $email = mysql_real_escape_string($email); // After we connect, we secure the string before adding to query //$pass = mysql_real_escape_string($pass); // After we connect, we secure the string before adding to query $pass = md5($pass); // Add MD5 Hash to the password variable they supplied after filtering it // Make the SQL query $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM myMembers WHERE email='$email' AND password='$pass' AND email_activated='1'"); $login_check = mysql_num_rows($sql); // If login check number is greater than 0 (meaning they do exist and are activated) if($login_check > 0){ while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ // Pleae note: Adam removed all of the session_register() functions cuz they were deprecated and // he made the scripts to where they operate universally the same on all modern PHP versions(PHP 4.0 thru 5.3+) // Create session var for their raw id $id = $row["id"]; $_SESSION['id'] = $id; // Create the idx session var $_SESSION['idx'] = base64_encode("g4p3h9xfn8sq03hs2234$id"); // Create session var for their username $username = $row["username"]; $_SESSION['username'] = $username; mysql_query("UPDATE myMembers SET last_log_date=now() WHERE id='$id' LIMIT 1"); //die($username); } // close while // Remember Me Section if($remember == "yes"){ $encryptedID = base64_encode("g4enm2c0c4y3dn3727553$id"); setcookie("idCookie", $encryptedID, time()+60*60*24*100, "/"); // Cookie set to expire in about 30 days setcookie("passCookie", $pass, time()+60*60*24*100, "/"); // Cookie set to expire in about 30 days $_SESSION['username'] = $username; } // All good they are logged in, send them to homepage then exit script //die($_SESSION['username']); $_SESSION['username'] = $username; header("location: index.php?user=$username;"); exit(); } else { // Run this code if login_check is equal to 0 meaning they do not exist $errorMsg = "Incorrect login data, please try again"; } } // Close else after error checks } //Close if (isset ($_POST['uname'])){ ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <link href="style/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="js/jquery-1.4.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <title>Log In</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { margin-top: 0px; } --> </style></head> <body> <table width="400" align="center" cellpadding="6" style="background-color:#FFF; border:#666 1px solid;"> <form action="login.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="signinform" id="signinform"> <tr> <td width="23%"><font size="+2">Log In</font></td> <td width="77%"><font color="#FF0000"><?php print "$errorMsg"; ?></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Email:</strong></td> <td><input name="email" type="text" id="email" style="width:60%;" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Password:</strong></td> <td><input name="pass" type="password" id="pass" maxlength="24" style="width:60%;"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> </td> <td><input name="remember" type="checkbox" id="remember" value="yes" checked="checked" /> Remember Me</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td><input name="myButton" type="submit" id="myButton" value="Sign In" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">Forgot your password? <a href="forgot_pass.php">Click Here</a> <br /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">Need an Account? <a href="register.php">Click Here</a><br /> <br /></td> </tr> </form> </table> <br /> <br /> <br /> </body> </html> I am in the process of opening my web site to the general public. Right now you have to have a username and password to see anything on the site. What I am looking to do is make it so anyone can see most things on the site. There will still be user accounts for things like admins and submitting ideas. What i have now is some links that look at the user rank and only show up if you are higher then a rank. What I need to do is make it so you don't need to log in to see the site but you still need to log in to edit things. Here is my sessions scrip Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); if(!$_SESSION['login']){ $_SESSION['rank']; $_SESSION['loggedinusername'] = $loggedinusername; $_SESSION['loggedinuseremail'] = $loggedinuseremail; header("location:login.php"); } $rank=$_SESSION['rank']; $loggedinusername=$_SESSION['loggedinusername']; $loggedinuseremail=$_SESSION['loggedinuseremail']; ?> How do I edit this so you are free to move around the site even if your not logged in? Thanks I have the following php script and get data from a database and prints in on a page however it does not print a carriage return. Why can this be? The script: <?php include ""; mysql_select_db("php", $connection); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM orders", $connection); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { foreach ($row as $attribute) print "($attribute)"; print "\n"; } ?> Hi, I have been looking at this code for hours and I can't figure out why the product name and quantity aren't transferring from treats.php to checkOut.php. I realize checkOut.php is extremely long but if I could get some help I would really appreciate it. In case you would want the link, it 's i have an upload form and a posting form on the same page. when you upload a file it is uploaded to the server. what i am then trying to do is add the name of the file to $_SESSION['attachment'] so i can use it later. When the user posts their form i want the session to be inserted into the database but the session always comes up empty. this is what happens when they upload their file Setting the session and moving the file: session_start(); $_SESSION['attachment'] = "EXAMPLE"; move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], "../attachments/" . time() . $_FILES['Filedata']['name']); and then when they submit their form(textarea) it uploads the contents to the database and the contents of the session aswell. Why is this session always empty? Hello everyone, By default when someone comes to my site, it is the unencrypted web page ( I recently purchased a ssl certificate so when a user logs in, their password is encrypted (Posted to Once the form is posted, the session is set and the header("Location:"); function is executed to bring them back to the unencrypted version of the site. However, now when a user tries to login, my site seems to drop the session when the location is set to the unencrypted version of the site. How do sites go about using a secure login form and running on the regular version of the site? Thanks! weee |