PHP - Pass An Array As Function Element
Hello All,
I have used a function to collect a users information from the database. This is then returned as an array. Using this returned array, I wish to pass it into another function. Here is the code: The array is created in the collect() function and needs to be passed to the ipn_data function Code: [Select] /* This script is responsible for handling all subscription payments. It will collect all information, insert data into the relevant databases and then forward the user to PayPal with the relevant transaction ID. On return, the IPN listener will deal with all account changes whilst the user is held in a queue. */ /* ------------------------------------- */ /* DATABASE CONFIGURATION */ /* ------------------------------------- */ include_once "../config/config.php"; /* ------------------------------------- */ /* COLLECT SESSION INFORMATION */ /* ------------------------------------- */ session_start(); $id = "100000002"; // ID of logged in user $next_year = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+365 day", time())); //Date next year /* ------------------------------------- */ /* SET VARIABLES */ /* ------------------------------------- */ $reason = $_GET["reason"]; /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* COLLECT USERS INFORMATION FROM DATABASE */ /* ----------------------------------------- */ function collect($id) { //Select the subscriber from the database $query = "SELECT * FROM subscribers WHERE id='$id'"; $query = mysql_query($query); //Collect the subscribers first name, last name and email address while($row=mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $fname = $row["fname"]; $lname = $row["lname"]; $email = $row["email"]; } //Collate subscribers information into an array return array('fname' => "$fname", 'lname' => "$lname", 'email' => "$email"); } /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* CREATE TIMESTAMP OF CURRENT TIME */ /* ----------------------------------------- */ function mktimestamp() { //Set date variables $day = date("d"); $month = date("m"); $year = date("Y"); //Make timestamp return mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); } /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* INSERT USERS DATA INTO ipn_data */ /* ----------------------------------------- */ //Create random identifier $ident = rand("1", "10000"); function ipn_data($info, $reason, $timestamp) { //WANT THE ARRAY TO BE PASSED INTO HERE!! //I TRIED PASSING THE $info VARIABLE INTO THE FUNCTION, WHICH IS WHAT I ASSIGNED TO THE COLLECT FUNCTION LATER IN THE SCRIPT } /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* Get ID of inserted ipn_data row */ /* ----------------------------------------- */ function get_id($ident, $timestamp) { //Setup Query to find ID $query = "SELECT * FROM subscribers WHERE timestamp='$timestamp' AND identifier='$ident'"; //Run Query $query = mysql_query($query) or mysql_error(); //Using query find ID while($row=mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $ltj_txn_id = $row["id"]; } return $ltj_txn_id or mysql_error(); } /* ------------------------------------- */ /* SWITCH REASON */ /* ------------------------------------- */ switch($reason) { case "subscribe": break; case "renew": //Collect array from user information array function $info = collect($id); //Get timestamp from our mktimestamp function $timestamp = mktimestamp(); //Insert users data into ipn_data table $run_ipn = ipn_data($reason, $timestamp, $ident); //Collect ID of record just inserted $get_id = get_id($ident, $timestamp); echo "$run_ipn"; break; case "upgrade": break; default: break; } Any ideas? Similar TutorialsCant seem to figure this one out for a chained script. In the code below I need to take the value of $drop_var from function drop_1() and send it to function drop_2() So I can add it to the Where clause to limit the results of the third box a little more. But I cannot get the value to pass to the function. Any help appreciated. func.php <?php //************************************** // Page load dropdown results // //************************************** function getTierOne() { $result = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT branch FROM rank") or die(mysql_error()); while($tier = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) { echo '<option value="'.$tier['branch'].'">'.$tier['branch'].'</option>'; } } //************************************** // First selection results // //************************************** if($_GET['func'] == "drop_1" && isset($_GET['func'])) { drop_1($_GET['drop_var']); } function drop_1($drop_var) { include_once('db.php'); $result = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT type FROM rank WHERE branch='$drop_var'") or die(mysql_error()); echo '<select name="drop_2" id="drop_2"> <option value=" " disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Choose one</option>'; while($drop_2 = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) { echo '<option value="'.$drop_2['type'].'">'.$drop_2['type'].'</option>'; } echo '</select>'; echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> $('#wait_2').hide(); $('#drop_2').change(function(){ $('#wait_2').show(); $('#result_2').hide(); $.get(\"func.php\", { func: \"drop_2\", drop_var2: $('#drop_2').val() }, function(response){ $('#result_2').fadeOut(); setTimeout(\"finishAjax_tier_three('result_2', '\"+escape(response)+\"')\", 400); }); return false; }); </script>"; } //************************************** // Second selection results // //************************************** if($_GET['func'] == "drop_2" && isset($_GET['func'])) { drop_2($_GET['drop_var2']); } function drop_2($drop_var2) { echo "<br>($drop_var)<br>"; include_once('db.php'); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM rank WHERE type='$drop_var2'") or die(mysql_error()); echo '<select name="drop_3" id="drop_3"> <option value=" " disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Choose one</option>'; while($drop_3 = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) { echo '<option value="'.$drop_3['grade'].'">'.$drop_3['grade'].'</option>'; } echo '</select>'; echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />'; } ?> index.php <?php include('db.php'); include('func.php'); ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Chained Select Boxes using PHP, MySQL and jQuery</title> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#wait_1').hide(); $('#drop_1').change(function(){ $('#wait_1').show(); $('#result_1').hide(); $.get("func.php", { func: "drop_1", drop_var: $('#drop_1').val() }, function(response){ $('#result_1').fadeOut(); setTimeout("finishAjax('result_1', '"+escape(response)+"')", 400); }); return false; }); }); function finishAjax(id, response) { $('#wait_1').hide(); $('#'+id).html(unescape(response)); $('#'+id).fadeIn(); } function finishAjax_tier_three(id, response) { $('#wait_2').hide(); $('#'+id).html(unescape(response)); $('#'+id).fadeIn(); } </script> </head> <body> <p> <form action="" method="post"> <select name="drop_1" id="drop_1"> <option value="" selected="selected" disabled="disabled">Select a Category</option> <?php getTierOne(); ?> </select> <span id="wait_1" style="display: none;"> <img alt="Please Wait" src="ajax-loader.gif"/> </span> <span id="result_1" style="display: none;"></span> <span id="wait_2" style="display: none;"> <img alt="Please Wait" src="ajax-loader.gif"/> </span> <span id="result_2" style="display: none;"></span> </form> </p> <p> <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $drop = $_POST['drop_1']; $drop_2 = $_POST['drop_2']; $drop_3 = $_POST['drop_3']; echo "You selected a "; echo $drop_3." ".$drop." ".$drop_2; } ?> </body> </html> hello how do i pass a value from 1 function to another i want to use this part Code: [Select] //send the list order to the navigation or list page $PHL = PhLists::by_listNo($PHGlno); foreach ($PHL as $PHLs){ $PHLlno = $PHLs->phList_No; $PHLorb = $PHLs->orderBy; $PHLord = $PHLs->orderDir; } from this very long function. Code: [Select] function include_placeHolders($position, $phNo, $pageID){ $langBS = basicSettings::find_by_id(1); $langID = $langBS->language_id; //FIND PLACEHOLDER BY ID $PH = Placeholders::find_by_pageID($pageID); foreach ($PH as $PHs){ $PHpos = $PHs->position; $PHnum = $PHs->phNumber; $PHgNo = $PHs->phGroup_No; $PHgFx = $PHs->PHGfx_id; $PHgThm = $PHs->PHGtheme_id; if($phNo == $PHnum && $position == $PHpos){ //FIND ELEMENT THEMES echo '<style type="text/css" media="screen">'; include(PAGES.DS."phGroups".DS."theme{$PHgThm}".DS."css".DS."styles.css"); echo '</style>'; echo'<div id="PHgroup">'; //FIND GROUPS BY phGroupNo $PHGodr = PhGroups::find_order($PHgNo); foreach ($PHGodr as $PHGodrs){ $PHGob = $PHGodrs->orderBy; $PHGod = $PHGodrs->orderDir; } //FIND PHGROUPS BY BY GROUPno & ORDER $PHG = PhGroups::find_by_order($PHgNo, $PHGob, $PHGod); foreach ($PHG as $PHGs){ $PHGid = $PHGs->id; $PHGname = $PHGs->name; $PHGgno = $PHGs->phGroup_No; $PHGlno = $PHGs->list_No; $PHGce = $PHGs->contElements_id; $PHGpl = $PHGs->pageLink_id; $extLink = $PHGs->extLink_id; $PHfx = $PHGs->PHfx_id; $PHthm = $PHGs->PHtheme_id; //send the list order to the navigation or list page $PHL = PhLists::by_listNo($PHGlno); foreach ($PHL as $PHLs){ $PHLlno = $PHLs->phList_No; $PHLorb = $PHLs->orderBy; $PHLord = $PHLs->orderDir; } //FIND EXTERNAL LINK $PHGeL = ExtLinks::find_link($extLink); foreach($PHGeL as $PHGeLs){ $PHGurl = $PHGeLs->url; $PHGtarget = $PHGeLs->target; } //FIND ELEMENTS $CE = ContElements::find_by_phg($PHGce); foreach ($CE as $CEs){ $CEeName = $CEs->name; $CEetype = $CEs->elementTypes_id; $CEefx = $CEs->elFx_id; $CEethm = $CEs->elTheme_id; //FIND ELEMENT TYPE NAME $CEt = ElementsTypes::find_Etype($CEetype); foreach ($CEt as $CEts){ $CEtName = $CEts->name; //FIND PLACEHOLDER THEMES echo '<style type="text/css" media="screen">'; include(PAGES.DS."placeHolders".DS."theme{$PHthm}".DS."css".DS."styles.css"); echo '</style>'; //FIND ELEMENT THEMES echo '<style type="text/css" media="screen">'; include(ELEMENTS.DS."{$CEtName}".DS."themes".DS."theme{$CEethm}".DS."css".DS."styles.css"); echo '</style>'; //FIND INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL LINK $pageLNK = (empty($PHGpl)) ? '' : '<a href="index.php?pageID='.$PHGpl.'">'; $extLNK = (empty($extLink)) ? '' : '<a href="'.$PHGurl.'" target="'.$PHGtarget.'">'; $ENDpageLNK = (empty($PHGpl)) ? '' : '</a>'; $ENDextLNK = (empty($extLink)) ? '' : '</a>'; echo $pageLNK; echo $extLNK; echo'<div id="ph"> <div id="PHelement">'; include(ELEMENTS.DS."{$CEtName}".DS."{$CEeName}.php"); echo'</div></div>'; echo $ENDpageLNK; echo $ENDextLNK; } } } echo'</div>'; } } } i want the next long function to use these values Quote $PHLlno = $PHLs->phList_No; $PHLorb = $PHLs->orderBy; $PHLord = $PHLs->orderDir; this is where i want to use them in the next function Quote $nH = PhLists::navOrder($PHLlno, $PHLorb, $PHLord); Code: [Select] function nav(&$navLink){ $nH = PhLists::navOrder($PHLlno, $PHLorb, $PHLord); foreach ($nH as $nHs){ $nav_typ = $nHs->type; $nav_lvl = $nHs->levels; $nav_pLnk = $nHs->pageLink_id; $nav_eLnk = $nHs->extLink_id; $nav_tType = $nHs->titleType; $nav_ctBid = $nHs->custTxtBridge_id; //INTERNAL LINKS if($nav_typ == "Internal"){ //USE SET TITLE if($nav_tType == "SetTitle"){ $navPage = Pages::findNav($nav_pLnk); foreach ($navPage as $navPages){ $NPbid = $navPages->PCbridge_id; } $STBhead = PCbridge::find_setTitle($NPbid, $langID); foreach ($STBhead as $STBheads){ $text = $STBheads->pageContent_id; } $navText = PageContent::find_text($text); foreach ($navText as $navTexts){ $navLink = $navTexts->title; } //USE CUSTOM TITLE }else if($nav_tType == "Custom"){ $CTBhead = PCbridge::find_customTitle($nav_ctBid, $langID); foreach ($CTBhead as $CTBheads){ $text = $CTBheads->pageContent_id; } $navText = PageContent::find_text($text); foreach ($navText as $navTexts){ $navLink = $navTexts->title; } } } //EXTERNAL LINKS if($nav_typ == "External"){ //USE SET TITLE if($nav_tType == "SetTitle"){ $navExt = ExtLinks::findNav($nav_eLnk); foreach ($navExt as $navExts){ $navLink = $navExts->name; $PHGurl = $navExts->url; $PHGtarget = $navExts->target; } //USE CUSTOM TITLE }else if($nav_tType == "Custom"){ $navExt = ExtLinks::findNav($nav_eLnk); foreach ($navExt as $navExts){ $PHGurl = $navExts->url; $PHGtarget = $navExts->target; } $CTBhead = PCbridge::find_customTitle($nav_ctBid, $langID); foreach ($CTBhead as $CTBheads){ $text = $CTBheads->pageContent_id; } $navText = PageContent::find_text($text); foreach ($navText as $navTexts){ $navLink = $navTexts->title; } } } //NO LINK if($nav_typ == "Non"){ //USE CUSTOM TITLE if($nav_tType == "Custom"){ $CTBhead = PCbridge::find_customTitle($nav_ctBid, $langID); foreach ($CTBhead as $CTBheads){ $text = $CTBheads->pageContent_id; } $navText = PageContent::find_text($text); foreach ($navText as $navTexts){ $navLink = $navTexts->title; } } } } } thanks Kindly let me know how can i assign values to a php function from any textbox when user clicks on the submit button??? Code: [Select] <form action="welcome.php" method="post"> Name: <input type="text" name="fname" /> <input type="submit" /> </form> Hi guys, I have a trouble with my php snippet, when I insert the var function in the url bar something is like: or It doesn't get pass the favorites function to delete the id. It is the same things that it goes for each different function. Here's the current code: <?php Code: [Select] session_start(); define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); define('DB_USER', 'mydbuser'); define('DB_PASSWORD', 'mydbpass'); define('DB_DATABASE', 'mydbtablename'); $errmsg_arr = array(); $errflag = false; $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); if(!$link) { die('Failed to connect to server: ' . mysql_error()); } $db = mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE); if(!$db) { die("Unable to select database"); } function clean($var){ return mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($var)); } $favorites = clean($_GET['favorites']); $id = clean($_GET['id']); if($favorites && $id == ''){ // both are empty $errmsg_arr[] = 'favorites id are missing.'; $errflag = true; } if($errflag) { $_SESSION['ERRMSG_ARR'] = $errmsg_arr; echo implode('<br />',$errmsg_arr); } else { $insert = array(); if(isset($_GET['id'])) { $insert[] = 'id = \'' . clean($_GET['id']) .'\''; } if(isset($_GET['favorites'])) { $insert[] = 'favorites = \'' . clean($_GET['favorites']) . '\''; } if($favorites && $id) { mysql_query("DELETE FROM favorites WHERE id='$id'"); $deleted = mysql_affected_rows(); if($deleted > 0) { echo "favorites channels is deleted"; } else { echo("favorites is already deleted"); } } } ?> If you do know how to get pass the favorites function, then please say so as i need your help. Any advice would be much appreicated. Hi, Im trying to pass a variable ($in_this_instance) into, and then back out of a function. The variable goes into the function no problem, and is echo'ed out fine. However the echo after the close of the function, does not give anything out. Code: [Select] $in_this_instance = 'boo'; function in_this_instance($data) { global $in_this_instance; echo $in_this_instance; $in_this_instance = 'hoo'; $rep_val = '[front banner]'; $test = strpos($data, $rep_val); if ($test === false) { return $data; } else { return $data;; } } add_filter('the_content', 'in_this_instance'); echo $in_this_instance; Could any one give me a pointer please? Many Thanks! Hi All, I have a function that i want to pass a variable into so that i can do some SQL on it. The information that i want to pass into it is a data-id on a button that is used to trigger the function. The button that will be clicked is this <div class='modaltrigger btn btn-primary' data-id='$itemId' data-toggle='modal'>Manage</div> This button is being created by another function. I would like to know either how i pass the variable from one function to another or how i pass it from the data-id to the function in php. Thanks in advance. I'm creating a quick survey app for my son's cub scout pack's end-of-year surveys. There are two sets of questions: those where they want the responses to be completely anonymous and those questions where we need to know who filled out the response (people volunteering for positions, etc) I'm storing the responses in the db as two separate arrays, $anon and $nonAnon $anon[0] will be an array containing all the questions: $anon[0][0] = Survey question # 1 $anon[0][1] = Survey question #2, etc. The responses will be stored as arrays and placed in $anon as the 2nd element: $anon[1][0][0] = first response, answer to the first question $anon[1][0][1] = first resopnse, answer to the 2nd question $anon[1][1][0] = 2nd response, answer to the 1st question Etc. The pack leadership is concerned that no one would be able to reconstruct which anon response belonged to whom by matching up the order of the anon answers with the non-anon answers. Therefore I'd like to shuffle at least the anon responses. The long answer would be to build a temp array using the elements in $anon[1] and then shuffle that array and then reassign it to $anon[1]. Is there a way to use shuffle directly on $anon[1] without having to build a temporary array, shuffling it, then replacing the elements of $anon[1]? I need someone to explain how to loop through an array ($products) and grab the three values (name, price, & shipping) and have them sent to "all_products" function - see line 13 then 61 thru 64. I currently have the script partially working by using array_shift which I know is removing the 1st element (name or $product value). Note: this is the problem (I need $product included in the call to the "all_products" function along with $price & $shipping so that the final output looks as follow: --------------------------------- Checkout Below is a summary of the products you wish to purchase, along with totals: * Candle Holder: $12.95 * Coffee Table: $99.5 * Lamp: $42.99 Total (including tax and shipping): $182.12 ------------------------------------------------------ HERE'S THE SCRIPT FOR REVIEW & COMMENT: =============================== <B>Checkout</B><br> Below is a summary of the products you wish to purchase, along with totals: <?php /* Fix this code by creating a function to determine sub-totals for each product. Then add the sub-totals together to arrive at the grand total.The product name, & price should display for each item. ?><ul><? /* "all_products" function was created to query then calculate the sub-totals for each prodcut, then add each sub-total togehter to form grand total - outside the function */ function all_products($prod_array) { extract($prod_array); #tax rate is constant $tax = 0.08; $total_price = 0; $total_tax = 0; $total_shipping = 0; // Calculations per product with returned sum sent outside to $grand_total variable $total_price += $price; $total_tax += $tax * $price; $total_shipping += $shipping * $price; $sub_total = ($total_price + $total_tax + $total_shipping); # This calculates the sub-total (or Grand total) for each product echo "<li>".$product.": $".$price."<br />"; # THE PRODUCT NAME & PRICE SHOULD DISPLAY HERE (NAME IS NOT SHOWING WHICH IS PROBLEM) # I had echo statement to confirm calculation on product was correct # echo "Grand Total is $".$sub_total."<br />"; return $sub_total; # This breaks out of the function when Candle Holder IF statement is true; returning value } /* Keep the functions, and add a two-dimensional array that acts as a product database -- it should contain the name, price, and shipping price for every product -- and use list() and each() to traverse the database. */ // Products array with List / Each configuration to pass arguements into function $products = array('Candle Holder' => array('price' => '12.95','shipping' => '0.00'), 'Coffee Table'=>array('price' => '99.50','shipping' => '0.10'), 'lamp' =>array('price' => '99.50','shipping' => '0.10')); while (list($k, $v) = each($products)) { $product = $k; # This is individual product name extracted from array #echo "Here's the price & shipping cost for ".$product.":<br/>"; while (list($key, $value) = each($v)) { if (array_key_exists('price',$v)) { $price = $value; #echo "The product ".$key." is: $".$value."<br />"; } if (array_key_exists('shipping',$v)) { $shipping = $value; #echo "The ".$key." cost is: ".$value."<br />"; } } } # THE BELOW THREEE LINES TRAVERSE THE ARRAY BUT STRIPPING THE 1ST ELEMENT WHICH IS NOT WHAT I WANT; I NEED THE INCLUDED TO DISPLRAY BEFORE PRICES $sub_total1 = all_products(array_shift($products)); $sub_total2 = all_products(array_shift($products)); $sub_total3 = all_products(array_shift($products)); echo "RESULTS OUTSIDE FUNCTION: ".$sub_total1."<br />"; echo "RESULTS OUTSIDE FUNCTION: ".$sub_total2."<br />"; echo "RESULTS OUTSIDE FUNCTION: ".$sub_total3."<br />"; // Add total sum for each product to define grand total for all products including shipping & taxes $grand_total = $sub_total1 + $sub_total2 + $sub_total3; ?> </ul> <hr> <br> <?php # Below is the "GRAND TOTAL" for all three project - displayed outside the function which should be $182.12 USD ?> <B>Total (including tax and shipping): $<? echo number_format($grand_total, 2); ?></B> Hello everyone, Can someone show me a way how to pass $_post variable from a form to a function? So, input username and input password to a function login($username, $password). Hi I am looking to be able to pass an array to mysql_fetch_row() not sure where i am going wrong. works fine like this. Code: [Select] mysql_select_db($DB_NAME); $new = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$DB_TABLE}"); if (!$new) { echo 'MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error(); exit; } $row = mysql_fetch_array($new); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($new)) { echo $row['username'] . $DELIMITER . $row['firstname'] . $DELIMITER . $row['lastname'] . $DELIMITER . $row['password'] . $DELIMITER. "" . $DELIMITER . "author"; echo "<br />"; } But really need too be able to do it this way. Code: [Select] mysql_select_db($DB_NAME); $new = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM {$DB_TABLE}"); if (!$new) { echo 'MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error(); exit; } $row = mysql_fetch_array($new); echo "<pre>"; //print_r($row); echo "</pre>"; $sam = array('username','firstname','lastname'); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($new)) { echo $row[$sam] . $DELIMITER; echo "<br />"; } So it will just loop through the array so i can keep adding to it by just adding an extra parameter to the array. Any Help Stuck???? If I have a parameter that has a default value, how do I pass nothing such that it uses the default value? Passing NULL does not work. Code: [Select] function test($to = "", $from) { echo $to . "<BR>" . $from; } //This will NOT show "" but instead an empty line test( NULL, "" ); I have the array defined and print_r (outside the function is show what I need...) However, I need to somewhay pass those three arguments - name, price, shipping (keys & values) into the "all_products" function and assign (inside the function) each element to a variable {name, price, shipping}. Code: [Select] function all_products($key,$value) { # This is where I'm lost - I know the values are passed to the function but how to I assign them to below variable? echo "$name"; echo "$price"; echo "$shipping"; // Products array defined to send values into "all_products" function & loop to display item name & individual pricing (using WHILE LOOP) $products = array('Product1' => array ( 'name' => 'item one', 'price' => '30.00', 'shipping' => '0.00'), 'Product2' => array ( 'item two', 'price' => '19.50', 'shipping' => '0.10'), 'Product3' => array ( 'item three', 'price' => '21.99', 'shipping' => '0.10') ); while (list($keys, $values) = each($products)) { while (list($k, $v) = each($values)) echo "Checking Looped Data Outside Function: <strong>$k: </strong> $v<br/>"; # echo "<pre>"; # print_r($value); # echo "</pre>"; # Trying to send array elements into "all_products" function & echo (name, price, shipping) keys and values inside that function all_products($k,$v); } I want the quiz questions a teacher loads to be randomized so that each time the teacher gives it (different class, different day, whatever …) the order of questions will be randomized. I'm loading the data into an array and then shuffling it. Problem solved. BUT … students on their smart devices need to load the same quiz with the same question order.
I can solve this by:
- teacher stores question and answer data and order temporarily in a dB table
- students load that information
- problem solved
But I was hoping to do this without using a table. Is there a way to pass a randomized array from the teacher to the students without going through a dB table? Thanks.
Hi, I'm trying to pass values from an array into a form. As a newbie, I've came up with the code underneath, but I want to pinpoint all the first values toward 1 selection list in the form. Any suggestions how to accomplish this? Thanks in advance. Ruud <html> <head> <title>Test formulier</title> </head> <body> <h2>Test formulier</h2> <form action="test.php" method="post"> <p> <?php $prijzen = array( array("01", "125","150", "A" => true,"B" => true), array("02", "125","150", "A" => true,"B" => true), array("03", "125","150", "A" => true,"B" => false), array("04", "125","150", "A" => true,"B" => true) ); ?> </P> <select name="prijzen[]" id="prijzen" multiple="multiple" size="7" class="none"> <?php while(list($key, $val) = each($prijzen)){ while(list($key2, $val2) = each($val)){ echo '<option value="'.$key2.'">'.$val2.'</option>'.PHP_EOL; } } ?> </select> </body> </html> I am working on search result page where all the thumbnail will display and its working fine. but what my boss wants is when user click on any thumbnail a new window will open with the product image and next and prev button so that user will navigate search result through new window so how i can pass all the ID to new window so that this funtionality can be done thanks in advance.. I have a simple ajax that passes data to a php script using jquery serialize. This is working good but where I am getting stuck is trying to pass json array into mysql. The json is outputting the correct data, but when I insert into db, it just says Array in the field. How can I convert(if that is the right term) json array to use in mysql. In the code I have posted, $box is an array from jquery which I normally use foreach to loop through array. What I need to do is convert $box after is has been encoded. Thanks Code: [Select] $box = $_POST['BRVbrtrv_boxnumber']; $list = array("activity" => $activity, "mobile" => $mobile, "company" => $company, "authorised" => $authorised, "service" => $service, "department" => $department, "address" => $address, "boxcount" => $boxcount, "box" => $box); $c = json_encode($list); echo $c; I am simply trying to insert a value generated from an array in a while loop, but it seems the value is not global and I can't pass it as I like. I did some research on this, but could not find an answer that solved my issue... Here is my select box code which is working perfect: <select name="city"> <?php $sql = "SELECT id, city_name FROM cities ". "ORDER BY city_name"; $results_set = (mysqli_query($cxn, $sql)) or die("Was not able to produce the result set!"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($results_set)) { echo "<option value=$row[id]>$row[city_name]</option>"; } ?> </select> Are any variables defined in a while loop global to the while loop only? Here is my SQL which you can see my $row[id] being passed thru field city_id... The value is being generated as supposed to based on value like: value="1", value="2" etc.. for the select options for each city name. So the values are there... But I CANNOT get that numerical id to pass to the database when submitting my form. Any ideas for a workaround to get this value passing as normal? if (isset($_POST['addPosting'])) { $query = "INSERT INTO Postings (id, city_id, title, description) VALUES ('','$row[id]','$_POST[title]','$_POST[description]')"; In my view file, I instantiate User class and call two methods that have not been declared or initialized in the class: $user = new Models\User(); $user->setFirstName('John'); $user->setLastName('Merlino'); echo $user->getFirstName() . " " . $user->getLastName(); However, I have two private members only available to instances: protected $first_name; protected $last_name; Because I don't want to manually create privileged getters and setters for each of my private members, I use the call method: public function __call($name,$args){ echo $name . "<br />"; echo $args . "<br />"; } Because my methods were not initialized, the interpreter calls the __call method as a last option resort, and passes the name of the method in local variable $name and if exists the arguments passed into the method in local variable $args. Ok so that makes sense. However, when I echo the values of the two variables, I see a blank array created: setFirstName Array setLastName Array getFirstName Array getLastName Array See everytime I call it, there's an array being created. I don't see the purpose of this. Also how often do you use __call() in your php applications, specifically when using MVC? Thanks for response. |