PHP - Add Pagination To An Existing Opencart Module
First time asking technical question in a forum so I beg pardon for errors.
I have a third party blog module installed on opencart. The original coder helped me to fix some bugs, but he is not answering anymore to emails.
I would like to add a simple pagination to the "latest articles" part, because at the moment the website display the exact number declared in "article limit" and does not show pagination if articles shown are less than the total.
the code from "article_by_type.php" line 85 is the following:
/*recent_article*/ if ($setting['article_type']=='recent_article') { $data = array( 'sort' => 'p.date_added', 'order' => 'DESC', 'start' => 0, 'limit' => $article_limit ); $articles = $this->model_news_article->getArticles($data); }another file "article_list.php" at line 88 and 214 already have pagination: $this->data['article_ajax_load'] = $this->getArticle($article_category_id,$page,$limit,$description_limit);can anyone help add pagination to "article_by_type.php" or adapt the existing pagination code to it ? Attached Files article_by_type.php 6.23KB 0 downloads article_list.php 10.2KB 0 downloads Similar TutorialsHello All! I was hoping one of you phpFreaks could help me out I have the following code that produces links from a database. Certain sets of results have over 3000 links. I can currently set the amount of links to display per page but that's it. I would like to be able to truncate the links to all the pages using pagination. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Here is the code: <?php echo "Results<br><HR WIDTH=100% SIZE=1><br>"; mysql_connect("", "mysite_mysite", "mysitepassword") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("user_database") or die(mysql_error()); if (isset($_GET['pagenum'])) { $pagenum = $_GET['pagenum']; } else { $pagenum = 1; } $rpg = $pagenum; $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mydb WHERE mfg='golf'") or die(mysql_error()); $rows = mysql_num_rows($data); $page_rows = 80; $last = ceil($rows/$page_rows); if ($pagenum < 1) { $pagenum = 1; } elseif ($pagenum > $last) { $pagenum = $last; } $max = 'limit ' .($pagenum - 1) * $page_rows .',' .$page_rows; $data_p = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mydb WHERE mfg='golf' $max") or die(mysql_error()); while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data_p )) { $page=$info['link']; echo "<a href='$page' class='blue1'>". $info['title'] . "</a><br>"; } echo "<p>"; if ($pagenum > $last) {$pagenum=1;} else { echo "<HR WIDTH=100% SIZE=1><br>"; $pagenum = 1; while ($pagenum <= $last) { $next = $pagenum; echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?pagenum=$next' class='g5'>$pagenum</a> "; $pagenum = $pagenum+1; } Echo "<br><br>Page $rpg of $last <br>"; } ?> Simple insertion of pagination would be GREAT! Thanks guys.... Hi there, I've been trying to implement pagination to an existing script that displays products, but at present only displays next and back buttons. The number of products is now increasing and we would like to show the number of pages of results but the tutorials I've been going through seem to use a very different way of displaying the results to the script we currently have. Does anyone have any suggestions how I could add pagination to this form..... // Build Pagination $ByPage = ($prod_rows * $prod_cols); $qnav = "SELECT devbg_products.*, devbg_categories.*, devbg_subcategories.* FROM devbg_products LEFT JOIN devbg_categories ON devbg_products.ItemCategory = devbg_categories.CategoryID LEFT JOIN devbg_subcategories ON devbg_products.ItemSubcategory = devbg_subcategories.SubcategoryID WHERE devbg_products.ItemCategory = " . sql($cgid); $rnav = mysql_query($qnav) or die(mysql_error()); $rows = mysql_num_rows($rnav); if($rows > $ByPage) { $pages = ceil ($rows / $ByPage); echo "<br>\n"; echo "<table align='center'>\n"; echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td align=center><font face=verdana size=2>"; echo "<form method='POST' action='ShowCategory.php'>\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='Start' value='" . ($Start - $ByPage) . "'>\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='CategoryID' value='" . $_REQUEST["CategoryID"] . "'>\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='SubcategoryID' value='" . $_REQUEST["SubcategoryID"] . "'>\n"; if (($Start - $ByPage) <> -$ByPage) { echo "<input class='sub' type='submit' value='<<< Back' name='btnBack'>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; echo "</td>\n"; } echo "<td>\n"; echo "<form method='POST' action='ShowCategory.php'>\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='Start' value='" . ($Start + $ByPage) . "'>\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='CategoryID' value='" . $_REQUEST["CategoryID"] . "'>\n"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='SubcategoryID' value='" . $_REQUEST["SubcategoryID"] . "'>\n"; if ($Start + $ByPage < $pages * $ByPage) { echo "<input class='sub' type='submit' value='Next >>>' name='btnNext'>"; } echo "</form>\n"; echo "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; echo "</table><br><br>\n"; } Hi Everyone
I have this code,
<?php // Text $_['text_title'] = 'Interlink Express 24 Courier'; $datetime = new DateTime('tomorrow'); $_['text_description'] = 'Interlink Express: Get it tomorrow, ' . $datetime->format('l, jS \of F '); $_['text_weight'] = 'Weight:'; $_['text_insurance'] = 'Insured upto:'; $_['text_time'] = 'Estimated Time: Within 48 Hours'; ?> This is a code to display this; (see pic) Now my problem is I do not know how to make it display monday instead of sunday as we cannot deliver on sunday? How would I code it so it knows when the date is sunday so then it replaces sunday with monday. Any help is grealty appcireadted! Many Thanks Attached Files Capture.JPG 27.93KB 0 downloads I'm trying to add a checkbox to remove a print status I have created form all orders. This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. I can't seem to find a tutorial on basics of making a module based php system. Like how to fetch and execute the module. A joomla module have the following code which displays the date of an article, and to a seperate line the linked title of that article.
Please help me on how to change that code so that the date and the title of the article to be presented in the same line?
<div class="smartlatest-title"> <?php if($params->get('show_date',1)) echo '<div class="smartlatest-date">'.strftime($params->get('date_format','%d-%m-%Y'), strtotime($item->publish_up)).'</div>'; ?> <?php if($params->get('link_title',1)) { ?><a href="<?php echo $item->link; ?>" class="smartlatest-title-link"><?php } ?> <?php echo $item->title; ?> <?php if($params->get('link_title',1)) { ?></a><?php } ?> </div> This is a node voting module I created and it has a slight problem that I cannot figure out. It's supposed to be a simple 'Vote Up' or 'Vote Down' feature. You click 'Vote Up' and one appears in your vote tally. You click 'Vote Down' and your original vote tally is subtracted by one back down to zero. When it goes back to zero, it gets stuck there. It stays on zero no matter if I choose 'Vote Up' or 'Vote Down' again. There's something that's happening when I move my vote tally back down to zero. Maybe something isn't setup correctly with the $current_votes variable. I don't know. I've been at this for hours. Here's the code: <?php function bonnier_vote_perm() { return array('vote on content'); } function bonnier_vote_menu() { $items = array(); $items['vote'] = array( 'title' => 'vote', 'page callback' => 'bonnier_vote_vote', 'access arguments' => array('vote on content'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); return $items; } function bonnier_vote_vote() { $nid = $_REQUEST['nid']; $value = $_REQUEST['votes']; $current_votes = db_result(db_query("SELECT votes FROM bonnier_vote WHERE nid = $nid")); if ($current_votes) { $new_votes = $current_votes + $value; db_query("UPDATE bonnier_vote SET votes = $new_votes WHERE nid = $nid"); } else { db_query("INSERT INTO bonnier_vote (nid, votes) VALUES ($nid, $value)"); } drupal_set_message('Your vote has been recorded'); drupal_goto('node/'.$nid); } function bonnier_vote_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser = null, $page = null) { if ($op == 'view' && !$teaser) { $votes = db_result(db_query("SELECT votes FROM bonnier_vote WHERE nid = {$node->nid}")); if (!$votes) { $votes = 0; } $widget = '<div>'; $widget .= l('Vote Up', 'vote', array('query' => array('nid' => $node->nid, 'votes' => 1))); $widget .= ' '; $widget .= l('Vote Down', 'vote', array('query' => array('nid' => $node->nid, 'value' => -1))); $widget .= ' '; $widget .= 'Sco '. $votes; $widget .= '</div>'; $node->content['vote_widget'] = array( '#value' => $widget, '#weight' => -10, ); } } Any bit of advice would be much appreciated. How do I check in PHP if something like the GD library is installed on a server? I am going to be making a thumbnailing system and the user can install the app on their server. If they have the GD library, continue with making thumbnails, else show a default thumbnail. Created module like No other products add to cart if restricted product available in cart and vice versa. My Module : app/etc/modules/Brst_Test.xml<?xml version="1.0"?> <config> <modules> <Brst_Test> <active>true</active> <codePool>community</codePool> </Brst_Test> </modules> </config> This is my observer file app/code/community/Brst/Test/Model/Observer.php<?php ini_set('display_errors', '1'); // Mage::log('Hy observer called', null, 'logfile.log'); class Brst_Test_Model_Observer { //Put any event as per your requirement public function logCartAdd() { $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product') ->load(Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('product', 0)); $cart_qty = (int) Mage::getModel('checkout/cart')->getQuote()->getItemsQty(); if ($product->getId()==31588 && cart_qty > 0) { Mage::throwException("You can not add This special Product, empty cart before add it"); } // $quote = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote(); // if ($quote->hasProductId(2)) //{ // Mage::getSingleton("core/session")->addError("Cart has Special Product you can not add another"); // return; // } $quote = Mage::getModel('checkout/cart')->getQuote(); foreach ($quote->getAllItems() as $item) { $productId = $item->getProductId(); if($productId==31588){ Mage::throwException("Cart has Special Product you can not add another"); } } } } ?> app/code/community/Brst/Test/etc/config.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <config> <modules> <Brst_Test> <version>0.1.0</version> </Brst_Test> </modules> <global> <models> <brst_test> <class>Brst_Test_Model</class> </brst_test> </models> </global> <frontend> <events> <controller_action_predispatch_checkout_cart_add> <observers> <brst_test_log_cart_add> <class>brst_test/observer</class> <method>logCartAdd</method> </brst_test_log_cart_add> </observers> </controller_action_predispatch_checkout_cart_add> </events> </frontend> </config>
Not working, how to solve the error? This topic has been moved to PHP Applications. hello dear linux-community if a server needs to meed some requirements - eg for installation wordpress and if the server needs to run eg see he https://wordpress.or...t/requirements/ PHP 5.2.4 or greater MySQL 5.0 or greater The mod_rewrite Apache module then i need to have a closer look at the apache2handler in the php-ini Apache Version Apache Loaded Modules core mod_so http_core mod_authn_file mod_authn_core mod_authz_host mod_authz_groupfile mod_authz_user mod_authz_core mod_access_compat mod_auth_basic mod_auth_digest mod_socache_shmcb mod_watchdog mod_ratelimit mod_reqtimeout mod_filter mod_deflate mod_mime mod_log_config mod_env mod_mime_magic mod_expires mod_headers mod_usertrack mod_setenvif mod_version mod_session mod_session_cookie mod_ssl prefork mod_unixd mod_status mod_autoindex mod_dir mod_alias mod_php5 all the mentioned are listed in the php-info.file note: here are no mod_rewrite Apache module so what I want to move a module, as shown in the attached jpeg. I want to move it to the position illustrated by the arrow, and I want to increase it's height so it fills the space but leaving a border. There is no module in the position that I can use, so I have to adjust the html coding (I presume). Can anyone help me with this? I have searched for help and I don't even know which file I need to change - whether it is the css or the html. Cheers, James. I have problem with PHP module for meta search engine, this module takes image results from google and sends it to meta search engine as a result. But it is not working, there is a problem in PHP code witch i have no idea how to find and fix. Code: [Select] <?php class image_google { function image_google() { $this->profile = array( 'site_name' => 'Google', 'site_url' => '', 'request_url' => '$e_qry_str&site=images&tab=wi&start='.(20*($_REQUEST['d']-1)), ); } function parse_results(&$output) { #echo $output; # debug $results = array(); if(preg_match_all('{imgurl=(.*?)&imgrefurl=(.*?)&}is',html_compress(remove_code($output)),$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $last_match = ''; foreach($matches as $r) { $result = array( 'real_url' => html_decode($r[2]), 'follow_url' => html_decode($r[1]), 'image_url' => html_decode($r[1]), 'title' => html_decode($r[1]), 'description' => html_decode($r[1]), ); array_push($results,$result); $last_match = &$r[0]; } if($last_match) { $offset = strpos($output,$last_match)+strlen($last_match); $output = substr($output,$offset); } } #var_export($results); # debug return $results; } } ?> Is there a code library out there that can read the exif data from image files, without the use of the php exif extension? I have a Windows hosting package and am noticing that several hosts don't (and won't) enable the exif extension for PHP for some reason. I need Windows for one of my sites which requires MS SQL access, so I can't use a Unix/Linux host because of that. But all of them support PHP on Windows.
Can anyone help me please, I am trying to place a PHP calendar into an existing DIV tag that used to hold a flash slideshow application, but we want to replace that with a calendar. Here is my code: Code: [Select] echo '<div class="grid_9"> <div class="box"> <h2>'.$titleone.'</h2> <div class="block">'; if (!defined('BLOCK_FILE')) { Header('Location: ../index.php'); die(); } $modName = 'GCalendar'; $blockConfig = array('maxTitle' => 21, 'eventPrefix' => '• ', 'maxEvents' => 10, 'lookahead' => 2, 'twoColumn' => false, 'excludeCats' => array(), 'force_center' => false, ); require_once 'modules/' . $modName . '/language.php'; gcalGetLang($modName); require_once 'modules/' . $modName . '/'; require_once 'modules/' . $modName . '/'; require_once 'modules/' . $modName . '/getMonthlyEvents.php'; require_once 'modules/' . $modName . '/gcalBlock.php'; $config = getConfig(); list($year, $month, $today) = explode(',', date('Y,n,j')); $block = new GCalBlock($year, $month, $today, $config, $blockConfig); $content = $block->calendar(); $content .= '<br />'; $content .= $block->upcomingEvents(); echo '</div> </div> </div>'; When I try this above, I just get an 'Too many page loads' error, so I'm not sure what I've done wrong. Any help appreciated. Regards, Tree Is there a way to instantiate a PDO object using an already existing database connection? Or does PDO detect an already opened connection and use it? The existing connection is a persistant connection. I spent some time "Googling" today but all I found was how to create PDFs on the fly. What I wonder is if it is possible to print text on an existing PDF. And if so, could I get some pointer where to obtain this knowledge? Simply put. I have a PDF form that is not yet filled out. I would like to be able to look up an address and other information in a database, and use that information to print on the existing PDF file. Any help is much appreciated. Hey, I have just started using cookies and have got the basic idea of creating and accessing the simple cookies but now I am wanting to be able to check if a cookie already exists on the users computer before overwriting the current one. Code: [Select] <?php if(!isset($_COOKIE['testCookie'])){ setcookie("TestCookie", "username", time() + (24 * 60) ) } ?> <html>....</html> At the moment my page just doesn't get past this piece of code any ideas? Cheers |