PHP - Read/unread Record
Hi, I am learning pdo php and mysql
I would like to know how to see whether a record has been read or not. I have a database messages with id, user_id, contact_id, login, msg, rrecord and msgtime.
The rrecord column has been set as 0 as default. When the client clicks the msg link, I would like it to update the rrecord to 1.
Similar TutorialsIm working on my own (basic) forum sofware how would I determine if the user has read or unread the topic? (like SMF has a specific icon when viewing the forum/topic list which represents theirs unread topics within this forum). Hi Everyone, This is Tamilmani Mohan , i have an issue in to read the SP record set result by using SQLSRV queries. Sample PHP code is <?php $para = array(array($memberid,SQLSRV_PARAM_IN), array($start_date,SQLSRV_PARAM_IN), array($end_date,SQLSRV_PARAM_IN) ); $stmt = "{call MemberStatement(?, ?, ?)}"; if(!($result= sqlsrv_query($conn,$stmt ,$para))) { echo "Database Error"; die; } $arr_main = array();$totalpoints =0;while($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result)){ $arr_main[] = $row;$totalpoints = $totalpoints + $row['member_points']; }?>() When i execute the above i don't get any result. But if i run the above SP in management studio , i am able to see the result(8 rows are coming). I don't know the reason , why i don't get any result? Please any one give me the solution for this problem. Regards Tamilmani Mohan Hello, i will keep it simple to understand : 1) i have a database with 2 columns - word and text 2) Each word has approx. 600,000 lines of text associated with it. 3) Iam a .net person shifting to php and mysql - so a little knowledge. MY requirement : 1) I will pass the word through a form 2) The form will connect to the database and should display 2000 random lines from those 600,000 which should be non-repetitive My current progress : Code: [Select] <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","text_minx","pwd"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("my_db", $con); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Data WHERE word='health'"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['lines']; echo "<br />"; } ?> This shows all the lines. What i want is to read this $row['lines'] in a possible array and randomly select 2000 lines from it - and they should be non-repetitive. Any help please? I have a MySQL database with each record of a person who has registered for an event, I am displaying the information on a web page for a user, but he wants to be able to print out all the records in alphabetical order by last name, first name later on so he will have a hard copy of each person who has registered at the table when they arrive. How can I write each record to a Txt file that he can print out later that will be formated with the record contents along with each fields definition (Ex. Last Name - Smith, First Name - John, etc)? Hello. My first topic here was about getting the amount of unread messages. I'm now working on showing the unread messages in the inbox. Let's say we have 2 users. User1 sends user2 a message with the title: this is a title. User2 read the message and replied. User1 now has to see: this is a title. This is the code in: class Pm {} public function get_unread_pm() { $stmt = $this->db->prepare(' SELECT pm.title, pm.sender_id, pm.timestamp, (SELECT COUNT( FROM pm as pm1, pm as pm2 WHERE AS replies, u.username as sender FROM pm LEFT JOIN users AS u ON WHERE pm.receiver_id=:user_id AND pm.unread=1 AND'); $stmt->bindParam('user_id', $_SESSION['userid']); $stmt->execute(); return $stmt->fetchAll(); } I now get the original message because of the, but I want to get the message where the parent_id of a reply is the same parent_id as where the parent_id is equal to it's id. I think a less complicated description is: How do I get the last reply instead of the original message?
parent_id: When I reply to a message, my id still counts up, the parent_id is the id of the original message. This is what my data-table looks like:
The content:
If I'm doing this stuff really inefficient, I would be happy to know how to make it better Fabian Edited September 19, 2019 by FabelHey, im trying to create a little function that displays how many unread messages a user has this is my function Code: [Select] function unread() { $sql_pm_r = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE reciever=" . $user . " AND recieved='0'"); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($sql_pm_r); $sql_pm_check = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM messages WHERE reciever=" . $user . " AND recieved='0' LIMIT 1"); $num_new_pm = mysql_num_rows($sql_pm_check); if ($num_new_pm > 0) { $pms = '<a href="inbox.php" >('.$num_rows.')</a>'; } else { $pms = '<a href="inbox.php" >(0)</a>'; } echo $pms; }and i'm calling it on the index page as normal like Code: [Select] unread(); However not matter how many unread messages i have, i always get (0), this is how my sql table looks id reciever sender subject message recieved I am trying to run this but it wont work. I get the following error. Warning: imap_open() [function.imap-open]: Couldn't open stream {}Inbox in /home/u984345410/public_html/default.php Here is a snipit of the code Code: [Select] function CountUnreadMails($login, $passwd) { $mbox = imap_open("{}Inbox", $login, $passwd, OP_READONLY); $count = 0; if (!$mbox) { echo "Error"; } else { $headers = imap_headers($mbox); foreach ($headers as $mail) { $flags = substr($mail, 0, 4); $isunr = (strpos($flags, "U") !== false); if ($isunr) $count++; } } imap_close($mbox); return $count; } I cant get this to work and I found a host with imap-ssl here is my code though i've been messing around with it. It cant get the imap_open to work. Code: [Select] $mbox = imap_open ("{}Inbox", "username", "password", OP_READONLY) or die("can't connect: " . imap_last_error()); $check = imap_mailboxmsginfo($mbox); echo $check->Unread; / Please please help. Thanks Hello World ! i got this script of PM system on my website where 2 or 3 users can send PM to each other it work ok but it <?php header : PM (unread count) $msgs_count = GetUnreadMessagesCount($session_user["id"]); and got this in the Index header : PM <span>( <?=$msgs_count;?> )</span> /* Hello World ! i got a website where 2 or 3 users can create and send PM everything work good but have this bug . */ Example message thread#id1 Sender: A send the message to B & C ok now B & C got PM (1) B make reply to this PM and C the same now the bug is userA will have PM(2) like he have 2unread messages but is different reply in the same message so need to count only (1) by Thread not reply ok if A read it and send new reply now B & C will have PM (3) i hope someone can help me with this code thank you ! this is message_tbl for database <?php $tbl_messages_fields = array( "id" => "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT", "threadId" => "INT(11)", "type" => "VARCHAR(4)", "heldById" => "INT", "fromId" => "INT", "toId" => "VARCHAR(32)", "isRead" => "INT(1) $d0", "isStarred" => "INT(1) $d0", "isDeleted" => "INT(1) $d0", "subject" => "VARCHAR(150)", "message" => "VARCHAR(10000)", "timestamp" => "INT(12)"); SetupTable('tbl_messages', $tbl_messages_fields); function UpdateMessageField($conditions, $field, $value){ global $dbPrep; $add = array(); foreach($conditions as $key=>$val){ $add[] = "`$key`=:$key"; } $add = implode(" AND ", $add); $sql = "UPDATE `tbl_messages` SET $field=:$field WHERE $add"; $query = $dbPrep->prepare($sql); $data = array_merge($conditions, array("$field"=>$value)); $query->execute($data); } function GetMessagesQuery($data = array(), $complexConditions = "", $extra = ""){ $dbPrep = GetDatabaseConnection(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `tbl_messages` "; $add = " "; foreach($data as $key=>$value){ $add.= "AND `$key`=:$key "; } $add = ($add != " ") ? "WHERE" . substr($add, 4, strlen($add)) : $add; $sql.= $add." ".$complexConditions." ".$extra; $query = $dbPrep->prepare($sql); $query->execute($data); return GetRows($query); } function GetThreadQuery($conditions = array(), $complexConditions = "", $extra = ""){ global $dbPrep; $add = array(); foreach($conditions as $key=>$val){ $add[] = "`$key`=:$key"; } $add = implode(" AND ", $add); $sql = "SELECT a.*, b.username AS fromUsername, b.type AS fromType FROM `tbl_messages` AS a "; $sql .= "INNER JOIN `tbl_users` AS b ON "; $sql .= "WHERE $add ORDER BY timestamp ASC"; #echo $sql; $query = $dbPrep->prepare($sql); $query->execute($conditions); return GetRows($query); } $p_NewMessage = $dbPrep->prepare("INSERT INTO `tbl_messages` (type, threadId, heldById, fromId, toId, subject, message, timestamp) VALUES (:type, :threadId, :heldById, :fromId, :toId, :subject, :message, :timestamp);"); $sql = "SELECT a.*, b.type as fromType FROM `tbl_messages` AS a "; $sql .= "INNER JOIN `tbl_users` AS b ON "; $sql .= "WHERE threadId=:id AND heldById=:heldById AND isDeleted=0 ORDER BY timestamp ASC"; $p_GetSingleMessage = $dbPrep->prepare($sql); function UnDeleteThread($threadId, $heldById){ global $dbPrep; $p_UnDeleteThread = $dbPrep->prepare("UPDATE `tbl_messages` SET isDeleted=0,isRead=0 WHERE threadId=:threadId AND heldById=:heldById"); $p_UnDeleteThread->execute(array("threadId"=>$threadId, "heldById"=>$heldById)); } function GetRecipients($sessId, $fromId, $toId){ $allParties = $sessId . "," . $fromId . "," . $toId; $arr = array_unique(explode(",", $allParties)); if (($key = array_search($sessId, $arr)) !== false) { unset($arr[$key]); } return implode (",", $arr); } function GetRecipientName($id){ global $dbPrep; $sql = "SELECT username FROM `tbl_users` WHERE id=:id"; $query = $dbPrep->prepare($sql); $query->execute(array("id"=>$id)); $row = $query->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); return $row["username"]; } function GetRecipientNames($recipients){ $all = explode(",", $recipients); $val = array(); foreach ($all as $a){ $val[] = GetRecipientName($a); } return $val; } $p_GetUnreadMessagesCount = $dbPrep->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tbl_messages` WHERE isRead=0 AND heldById=:heldById AND type='recv'"); $unreadMsgsCount = -1; function GetUnreadMessagesCount($uid){ global $unreadMsgsCount; global $p_GetUnreadMessagesCount; if($unreadMsgsCount == -1){ $p_GetUnreadMessagesCount->execute(array("heldById"=>$uid)); $unreadMsgsCount = $p_GetUnreadMessagesCount->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); $unreadMsgsCount = $unreadMsgsCount["COUNT(*)"]; } return $unreadMsgsCount; } function GetNewThreadId(){ global $dbPrep; $threadId = 1; $p_GetLatestThreadId = $dbPrep->prepare("SELECT MAX(threadId) FROM `tbl_messages`"); $p_GetLatestThreadId->execute(); $latestThreadId = $p_GetLatestThreadId->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); if($latestThreadId){ $threadId = $latestThreadId["MAX(threadId)"]+1; } return $threadId; } ?> if(isset($_REQUEST["mark_read"])){ if(isset($_REQUEST["message_all_toggle"])) foreach($_REQUEST["message_all"] as $m) SetNotificationRead($m, $session_user["id"], 1); elseif(isset($_REQUEST["message"])) foreach($_REQUEST["message"] as $m) SetNotificationRead($m, $session_user["id"], 1); else foreach($_REQUEST["message_all"] as $m) SetNotificationRead($m, $session_user["id"], 1); } if(isset($_REQUEST["mark_unread"])){ if(isset($_REQUEST["message_all_toggle"])) foreach($_REQUEST["message_all"] as $m) SetNotificationRead($m, $session_user["id"], 0); elseif(isset($_REQUEST["message"])) foreach($_REQUEST["message"] as $m) SetNotificationRead($m, $session_user["id"], 0); else foreach($_REQUEST["message_all"] as $m) SetNotificationRead($m, $session_user["id"], 0); } if(isset($_REQUEST["delete"])){ if(isset($_REQUEST["message_all_toggle"])) foreach($_REQUEST["message_all"] as $m) RemoveNotificationById($m, $session_user["id"]); elseif(isset($_REQUEST["message"])) foreach($_REQUEST["message"] as $m) RemoveNotificationById($m, $session_user["id"]); } } else { if(isset($_REQUEST["delete"])){ if(is_numeric($_REQUEST["delete"])){ UpdateMessageField(array("threadId"=>$_REQUEST["delete"], "heldById"=>$session_user["id"]), "isStarred", 0); UpdateMessageField(array("threadId"=>$_REQUEST["delete"], "heldById"=>$session_user["id"]), "isDeleted", 1); UpdateMessageField(array("threadId"=>$_REQUEST["delete"], "heldById"=>$session_user["id"]), "isRead", 1); }elseif(isset($_REQUEST["message_all_toggle"])){ $messages = $_REQUEST["message_all"]; foreach($messages as $m){ UpdateMessageField(array("threadId"=>$m, "heldById"=>$session_user["id"]), "isStarred", 0); UpdateMessageField(array("threadId"=>$m, "heldById"=>$session_user["id"]), "isDeleted", 1); UpdateMessageField(array("threadId"=>$m, "heldById"=>$session_user["id"]), "isRead", 1); } }elseif(isset($_REQUEST["message"])){ $messages = $_REQUEST["message"]; foreach($messages as $m){ UpdateMessageField(array("threadId"=>$m, "heldById"=>$session_user["id"]), "isStarred", 0); UpdateMessageField(array("threadId"=>$m, "heldById"=>$session_user["id"]), "isDeleted", 1); UpdateMessageField(array("threadId"=>$m, "heldById"=>$session_user["id"]), "isRead", 1); } } } if(isset($_REQUEST["messagestar"])){ if(isset($_REQUEST["message_all_toggle"])){ $messages = $_REQUEST["message_all"]; foreach($messages as $m){ UpdateMessageField(array("threadId"=>$m, "heldById"=>$session_user["id"]), "isStarred", 1); } }elseif(isset($_REQUEST["message"])){ $messages = $_REQUEST["message"]; foreach($messages as $m){ UpdateMessageField(array("threadId"=>$m, "heldById"=>$session_user["id"]), "isStarred", 1); } } } if(isset($_REQUEST["deletestarred"])){ if(isset($_REQUEST["message_all_toggle"])){ $messages = $_REQUEST["message_all"]; foreach($messages as $m){ UpdateMessageField(array("threadId"=>$m, "heldById"=>$session_user["id"]), "isStarred", 0); } }elseif(isset($_REQUEST["message"])){ $messages = $_REQUEST["message"]; foreach($messages as $m){ UpdateMessageField(array("threadId"=>$m, "heldById"=>$session_user["id"]), "isStarred", 0); } } } if(isset($_REQUEST["mark_unread"])){ if(isset($_REQUEST["message_all_toggle"])){ $messages = $_REQUEST["message_all"]; foreach($messages as $m){ UpdateMessageField(array("threadId"=>$m, "heldById"=>$session_user["id"]), "isRead", 0); } }elseif(isset($_REQUEST["message"])){ $messages = $_REQUEST["message"]; foreach($messages as $m){ UpdateMessageField(array("threadId"=>$m, "heldById"=>$session_user["id"]), "isRead", 0); } } } if(isset($_REQUEST["mark_read"])){ if(isset($_REQUEST["message_all_toggle"])){ $messages = $_REQUEST["message_all"]; foreach($messages as $m){ UpdateMessageField(array("threadId"=>$m, "heldById"=>$session_user["id"]), "isRead", 1); } }elseif(isset($_REQUEST["message"])){ $messages = $_REQUEST["message"]; foreach($messages as $m){ UpdateMessageField(array("threadId"=>$m, "heldById"=>$session_user["id"]), "isRead", 1); } } } } $details = isset($_REQUEST["details"])?$_REQUEST["details"]:0; $session_user = GetUserById($session_user["id"]);
I try to get website speed of some website, but i can read only '''' i can't read website files like css , js ... why ? i use proxies for this job.
here is the php code:
$options = array( 'useragent' => "Firefox (+", // who am i 'connecttimeout' => 120, // timeout on connect 'timeout' => 120, // timeout on response 'redirect' => 10, // stop after 10 redirects 'referer' => "", 'proxyhost' =>'' ); $response = http_get("", $options , $info);but it works fine with , but with files css or js it gives 404, using some free proxy servers available ? Thanks. Trying to get this done: Page_1 has many external links, when certain links are clicked i do not want user to go directly to page, but rather go to a special add page_2 where user must click a second time on the link to finally get there. The add page_2 must show on screen the name of the initial link from page_1, it must change accordingly with the link it came from page_1,once on page_2 the hyperlink redirects outside the site. So far i am thinking give an id to the div or "<a href..." on page_1 then somehow have page_2 detect that id and fill in the variable for the final external link. Other wise is there a way to detect a url from incoming? I guess a similar example is how some domain name sellers landing page will indicate the name of the site. Such as "" is for sale. same landing page but the name changes according to the domain that was typed. I just had a question for you guys. I am building a forum script and I'm currently stumped on the "show unread posts since last visit" feature. Not sure as to how to code it. Should I be using a mysql database to keep track of them or use cookies some how? Thanks in advanced! I got a question im using izabi for me im one who loves the software. But there some quirks that they forgot to add when making the mail system. I was wondering how it would be possible to code in a peice of php where it says read after someone read the email. If you need a copy of the mail mail script let me know. Is it no problem to give the SUM of integers in a column, but is it also possible to give the SUM of integers in a record (automatically)?
I'm trying to update records in a Db. I have a record called "classOffering" and I have associated records for that offering called "classSessions". You have 1 classOffering for 1 to 6 classSessions. The process I use has the user create the classOffering and say how many classSession there will be then I create how ever many sessions they say. I then display the classSessions so they can be edited and updated in the Db. I can't seem to update and set more than one record even though there are more. I know I need to use a while or foreach statement, but I can't seem to do it. Here's my code so far: $sessSet = "UPDATE classSessions SET startDate= '$startDate', startTime= '$startTime', time= '$time' WHERE classSessions.sessionId = $sessionId "; Thanks for any help. Code: [Select] $sql = "SELECT poster_id from phpbb_posts WHERE topic_id = ".$topic_id." "; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); //same as mysql_query $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); // same as mysql_fetch array. var_dump($row); With this code (i commented the query function for you) im getting Code: [Select] array 'poster_id' => string '59' (length=2) When I run this into SQL in phpmyadmin I'm getting Code: [Select] 59 56 //this is what I want I need to get all of the records, not just the first one. I have even tried using replacing the function with mysql_query and mysql_fetch_array any ideas? It's a bit late, so I may just be making a simple mistake. Thanks! I have a "system" setup for posting some feedback questions on an internal website. I have it setup to read a field "enabled" which has a 1 or 0. 0=disabled, 1=enabled The script works if I manually change that field, ie it reads the correct question. But need a way to have the questions listed then the one that needs to be shown on the site selected to be enabled on an admin page. Something like a list with checkboxes or radio buttons? How can I have one enabled and make sure the rest are not to prevent multiple questions being enabled? Hi, I have a simple mySQL database and I would like to update using a simple html form. One of the field is "accepted" and is type "boolean". I have a texbox where I will write the record id and another button which will change the "accepted" value from 0 to 1 for that record id. The problem is that I don't know how to start.... Thanks in advance Sergio I currently have a list of host addresses. I need to get the mx records for them. I was looking at the documentation, and found the getmxrr(). Would that send back the mx record, or just true if it has one? I'm having an issue updating a records. The insert and delete functions are working fine. The $submit variable is being passed 'Update' ~ that is working. This is some extremely old code that has migrated to a new server and is no longer working. Code: [Select] <?php $id = $_GET["id"]; $delete = $_GET["submit"]; $sortorder = $_POST["sortorder"]; $name = $_POST["name"]; $content = $_POST["content"]; $submit = $_POST["submit"]; require'../include/maindb.php'; if($submit=="Submit") { $sql="INSERT INTO biography (id, sortorder, name, content) VALUES (NULL, '".$sortorder."', '".nl2br(addslashes(trim($name)))."', '".htmlentities(addslashes(trim($content)))."')"; } if ($submit == "Update") { $sql="UPDATE biography SET sortorder='".$sortorder."', name='".nl2br(addslashes(trim($name)))."', content='".htmlentities(addslashes(trim($content)))."' WHERE id='".$id."'"; } if ($delete=="Delete") { $sql="DELETE FROM biography WHERE id='".$id."'"; } mysql_query($sql); echo(mysql_error()); header('Location: index.php'); ?> |