PHP - Php Classes Or Straight Code?
I have been trying to figure out a somewhat complex set of functions to handle some product price calculations and display. I was thinking that building classes may be the best solution, but I don't completely know what I am doing with that either. I was hoping someone may be able to help me figure out the best solution for all this. This site is being built within wordpress.
The pages load as follows, 1. Site determines client level: If no user is logged in, it defaults to client_lvl = high, if user is logged in, client_lvl may be set to an alternate value. (high, med, low) This should be loaded just once per site visit. I created this function: function get_client_lvl () {$user_id = get_current_user_id(); global $client_lvl; If ($user_id == 0) {$client_lvl= 'high';} Else {$client_lvl=get_user_meta($user_id, wpcf-client-lvl, true); } }//End functionI tried converting it to a class, but I'm not sure I am doing it correctly. class ClientLvl { public $client_lvl ='high'; private $user_id; private function __construct() { $this->user_id= get_current_user_id(); } public function get_client_lvl () //check the client level from user meta- { $this->client_lvl If ($user_id != 0) {return get_user_meta($user_id, wpcf-client-lvl, true); }The rest of the functions are based on the following arrangement. Collections have multiple products which have multiple variations. The Products have a series of multiplier values attached to them. One for each client level. It also has a multiplier type (m_type) The variants then have the item specific details such as cost of goods sold (cogs), Area, sku, and name. 2. This function is used to determine which multiplier value will be used in the calculation. Used on collection and product pages to determine which multiplier value to use for calculation based on client level f unction get_multiplier($client_lvl) { $p_high= get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'p_high','single'); $p_med= get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'p_med','single'); $p_low =get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'p_low','single'); if ($client_lvl == 'med') {$prices=array('high'=>$p_high,'med'=> $p_med);} elseif ($client_lvl == 'low') {$prices=array('high'=>$p_high,'low'=> $p_low);} else {$prices=array('high'=>$p_high);} }//End functionI am assuminng that if I made this a class, I should just define the p_high (med, low) values and then display them with another object creation in another function? 3.These values will be used in another function to limit the number of images that a user can select for their product. $img_min= get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'img_min','single'); $img_max= get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'img_max','single');4. These are the formulas that are used to calculate the displayed price. I am not sure how to handle the image and image+commission options as they use the number of selected images to determine the price. But if no images are selected, I want it to display "This is the price/ image. One idea I thought of was to include the echo statements inside the switch options, but Im not sure how to handle the array. If the client level is High the function will only loop through once and will not have a was now price. but if it is anything else, then it will loop through twice and will have the was now echo statement. If I didnt have the special case in the image based calculations, then the was now function would work just fine. But I'm not sure where to put the conditional echo's for those functions. function calculate_price($m_type) { global $cogs; $cogs= get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'cogs','single'); $img_cost=10; $prices= get_multiplier(); Foreach($prices as $multiplier) { switch ($m_type) { case 'Area': $area= get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'area','single'); $total[]= $multiplier * $area; break; case 'Image': if(isset($img_count)) {$total[]= $multiplier * $cogs * $img_count;} else {$total[]= $multiplier * $cogs ;} // Displayed as $price/ Image using $img_count break; case 'Commission': $total[]= $multiplier + $cogs; break; case 'Flat': $total[]= $multiplier; break; case 'Commission+Image': if(isset($img_count)) {$total[]= $multiplier + ($img_cost*$img_count);} else {$total[]= $multiplier; } //Display "Price: ".$multiplier. "+".$img_cost ." /image" break; case 'Price': $total[]= $multiplier * $cogs; break; }}}5. Function that displays the price result from the previous function. Does not currently account for the image or image+commission statements. I need to create a similar function that finds the lowest calculated price of a particular product group to display on the archive page for products. function was_now($client_lvl,$m_type) { $total=calculate_price($m_type); $p1=number_format($total[0],2,'.',','); If ($client_lvl == "high") { echo "is \${$p1}"; } else { $p2=number_format($total[1],2,'.',','); echo "WAS: \${$p1}<br/>"; echo "NOW: \${$p2}"; }}6.This is the subloop of the product page that displays the variants for that product. Not fully coded yet. (This code is currently displayed in the template file itself opposed to a function. function uc_list_product($ID,$m_type) { get_page_children($ID); echo "<table> "; while ( have_posts() ) { the_post(); ?> <tr><?php if($m_type=='Image'){ $display= 'Price '. was_now($client_lvl,$m_type); //if images are selected display price*img count } elseif($m_type=='Commission+Image'){ $display= 'Price '. was_now($client_lvl,$m_type);} //display multiplier, img cost, img count else {$display= 'Price '. was_now($client_lvl,$m_type);} echo "<td>". the_title()."</td><td>Price ".$display ."</td><td><a href='#'>Select Product</a></td></tr>" ; } echo "</table>"; wp_reset_query(); } This will probably be doable with classes, but I I'm not entirely sure how to go about that. I hope someone can help me figure this out. Edited by jcc5018, 04 October 2014 - 10:09 PM. Similar TutorialsI've been spending long hours learning about classes and their magic methods. I just came across a tutorial which showed a constructor like this:
class Device { //... public function __construct(Battery $battery, $name) { // $battery can only be a valid Battery object $this->battery = $battery; $this->name = $name; // connect to the network $this->connect(); } //... }the Battery part instantly caught my attention. Here had previously made a Battery class (and a more complete Device class) but the next thing he did really caught my interest: $device = new Device(new Battery(), 'iMagic'); // iMagic connected echo $device->name; // iMagicwhat the hell is going on here? Is this another way to include the methods and properties of one class into another class, in order words is this the same thing as: class Device extends BatteryI don't think so because this new Battery() thing looks more like its creating an object inside the Device object. Previously the only way I could to that was to type $battery = new Battery() inside one of my methods. But this looks like hes doing something different. Can anyone explain whats going on here? The whole tutorial is he http://code.tutsplus...-php--net-13085 in the main Device method he has a premade $battery variable to hold the Battery object. Sometimes I have multiple classes containing functions which I'd like to include in my main class. I can only extend one class, so I usually extent a class containing only properties, no methods. I still don't know what difference making that info class abstract is, I'd appreciate if anyone could tell me. Also I'd love to know what the point in static methods is. I've never used them because I've never seen the point. Is it just to make it easier to call the methods because you don't need to create an object instance to call them? Sorry for the extra questions, the first one is what I'm really wondering about. if(get_images_for_delete($username, $newid, $mysqli) !== FALSE){ // WE are dealing with images $images = get_images_for_delete($username, $newid, $mysqli); $sourceBucket = "***********"; $targetBucket = "***********"; foreach($images as $image){ // copy our object $aws = new s3; $aws = $aws->copyObject($targetBucket, $image, $sourceBucket, $image); // delete our object $aws_delete = new s3; $aws_delete = $aws_delete->deleteObject($image); // copy our (thumbnail) object $aws2 = new s3; $aws2 = $aws2->copyObject($targetBucket, "thumb_".$image, $sourceBucket, "thumb_".$image); // delete our (thumbnail) object $aws_delete2 = new s3; $aws_delete2 = $aws_delete2->deleteObject("thumb_".$image); }Is my code. Do I need to declare so many new s3 classes? All the methods are within the same class. Not sure if this is the correct way to go about it. I don't get why these columns won't stay side by side vertically. I've tried playing around with the css. Please help. <body> <?php include_once "header_template.php"; ?> <div id="site_body" align="center"> <table width="735" border="0" height="1"> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="749" height="150" border="1" align="center" bordercolor="" class="wrap"> <tr> <td width="240" height="100%" align="left" valign="top"><div id="spry_box" align="center"><?php include_once "spry_Collapsable_panal.php"; ?></div></td> <td width="255" align="center" valign="top"><div id="join_form_box" align="center"><?php include_once "join_form.php"; ?></div></td> <td width="240" align="right" valign="top"><div id="right_AD_box" align="center"><?php include_once "right_AD_template.php"; ?></div></td> </tr> </table> </div> <?php include_once "footer_template.php"; ?> </body> Hi Guys Another noob question. I have written a script to create a csv file from a mysql query. Bread and butter you might think... The script i've written (based on reading a few bits and a few bits there) creates the csv file in the same directory as the php script. I don't really want this to happen because the data it's pulling is a little sensitive. So my questions: How can i stop the csv from storing itself locally? How can i output the csv directly to the browser - i.e. to initiate a download automatically You'll notice that in the code I have a while loop within which i run a function to trim the data results as they are pulled down before placing them in the csv. I suspect that recursively calling this function is probably not the most efficient way of doing it. Any suggestions on how this should be done? I don't expect you to code it (unless you really want to) just an explanation to point me in the right direction would be fab. Any help would be very appreciated. Drongo Code: [Select] <?php require_once("config.php"); $select = "SELECT * FROM members"; $export = mysql_query ( $select ) or die ( "Sql error : " . mysql_error( ) ); $fields = mysql_num_fields ( $export ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $fields; $i++ ) { $header .= mysql_field_name( $export , $i ) . ","; } echo $header; $headings = explode(",", $header); //Set headers in first line of csv. $fp = fopen('test.csv', 'w'); fputcsv($fp, $headings); fclose($fp); // Function to trim all values. Remember the pass by reference to change original value. function trim_all(&$value) { if (is_array($value)) { array_walk_recursive($value, 'trim_all'); } else { $value = trim(str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $value)); } } //open file for writing $dp = fopen('test.csv', 'a+'); // ignore this line mysql_data_seek($export, 0); // while loop runs trim on data and stores each array as csv row while($rows = mysql_fetch_row($export)) { array_walk_recursive($rows, 'trim_all'); print_r($rows); fputcsv($dp, $rows); } fclose($dp); ?> I have an array with 192 items in it (0-191) and I want to rearrange them into a multidimensional array with 24 sets of 8. If I wasn't very clear there, here's an abbreviated version of what I want: $arr1 = array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23); $arr2 = array(array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), array(8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15), array(16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23)); Thank you in advance! I've got a site that requires the user to follow a well-defined workflow, corresponding to a sequence of pages. You'll have the right idea if you think of a store where the user selects items, then chooses a delivery method, then pays (although the site's actual purpose is somewhat different than that). I just tracked down a puzzling logical failu a user followed the workflow up to a certain point, then opened a new browser window, pointed it to the site, and started a second workflow. The site stores information about the user's activities in session variables, and the two windows shared a single session, so the site got tremendously confused about what the user was doing. Given the site's design, visiting the site in two windows at once is a legitimate thing for a user to do. I'm darned if I see how I can accommodate it, though. Other designers must have dealt with this problem many times. What ways of solving it have been found effective? In this case, the simplest and most effective solution would be to create a new session for each window in which the user visits the site. Is there any way to do that? Not sure how to describe what I'm trying to do here in the title, but here goes with what I am trying to accomplish. I've got a few hundred lines of code in total so far, so I'll try to keep it as short as I can. I've got an application that I am programming using classes for each module and right now I am coding the base classes that I need in order for it to run (database, errors, logging, etc). What I'm doing for my database class is I have a query factory and it extends the MySQLi class so I can process, clean and code the rest of my app faster. I also have another, unrelated class "Error", which will be used for processing errors I might come across. I'd rather do it this way instead of having to call trigger_error and error_log every time there is an error. I'd also not like to have to call a new instance of an object every time I need to use something from that class. Is there any way I can call a class within a class and return it as an object for all the methods within the class? I've tried the methods below, but no luck I've tried others, but I'm trying to keep it brief and get what I'm trying to do across. <?php class QueryFactory extends MySQLi { public $err = new error(); //Doesn't work. public $err = error(); //Nope. #This is the function that I need the $err object for. function set($fields, $newvals) { if ( is_array($fields) && is_array($newvals) ) { if ( count($fields) != count($newvals) ) { //Instead of below, I want to do something like $err->('Array lengths must match for method', 256, $islogged = 1); trigger_error('Array lengths must match for method', 256); } } } } The thing is, I have a "" which does include and create new objects for running just the basic app and if I try to redeclare the error class in query.class.php, it gives me an error saying I can't do that, but if i try to call $err from the page that has all the classes defined it throws an error saying that my method is undeclared. I'd like my error class be available to every other class I create so I can display and log errors as needed. Any suggestions or links to point me where I'd like to go? Quotation marks are confusing me.
What do you guys use when it comes to quotation marks?
In HTML attributes and throughout the bodies of my web pages, I use the HTML entity ("). For example:
<a href="" title="Read "Article Name""> <p>In his new book, he says: "This is a quote."</p>I thought that this is the best practice. However, today, I read that it's perfectly safe to use straight quotes (") in the body, and that I should use the HTML entity only in HTML attributes. Is that correct? But what if I want to use curly quotes in the body instead of straight quotes? Should I always use the HTML entities for curly quotes (“ and ”), or can I also safely use the characters (“”)? I heard that straight quotes are safe in all browsers, even if you don't specify the character set of your web pages, but that curly quotes are only safe if you specify the character set or if you use the HTML entities. Is that true? And what about the <q> tag? Apparently, it's compatible with all browsers but they treat it differently. Edited by Fluoresce, 30 August 2014 - 07:37 AM. How can i get my class to be showed on the front page here is the front page <?php require('ex2.php'); $start = new A(); $tart->Display(); ?> now here is ex2.php <?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); class A { public $title = "test1"; public $end = "test2"; } function __set($name, $value) { $this->$name = $value; } function Display() { echo $title; echo $end; } ?> shoudn't this print test1 and test2 ? If I have defined an instance of a class in one script how do I then use this same instance and the same variable in other scripts? For example say I have this code in a file called "index.php" include("myclass.class.php"); $myclass = new myClass; $myclass->$variable = "hello world"; However if I then have this code in a file called "page1.php" when I try to access the same variable it is empty. include("myclass.class.php"); echo($myclass->$variable) How can I use the same instance of this class across all files keep the variable values the same? Thanks for any help. ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); class A { private function operation1() //only be used inside this class { echo 'operation1 called'; } protected function operation2() //only inside this class { echo 'operation2 called'; } public function operation3() //public can be used in any class { echo 'operation3 called'; } } class B extends A { function _construct() { //$this->operation1(); //$this ->operation2(); $this->operation3(); } } $b = new B; can someone please tell me why this code doesn't work ? Hi, I want to build a simple calculator class and one of the function is to calculate the factorial, but for some reason I cannot get this to work. Here is class: ========= Code: [Select] <?php class Calculator { function factorial($n) { if($n==1) return 1; else return factorial($n-1)*$n; } }//END CLASS Calculator $calculator=new Calculator(); print $calculator->factorial(3); ?> But it doesn't work, I know this is simple but I am a little rusty with object oriented programming. I'd appreciated any help! Hi. I want to know how I access calsses in PHP. I mean how I search for class that I want and need. do I need to search in and what editors that provide access the the whole php classes and who they keep updated? Cheers. Hello All, I am fairly new to PHP class development, and I was wondering if it is normal behaviour to see classes not being able to access global variables related to PHP-based requests ($_GET, $_SESSION, etc.)? I seem to either have to use "global <var>" inside of the class to access the data, or I am forced to change the methods so then such required data is passed in as parameters. Perhaps I am just doing something wrong? Here is an example of what I mean: class Something { function aFunc() { if (isset($_SESSION['somedata'])) { return false; } // this always returns false whether I had set the value or not } function bFunc() { global $_SESSION; // figured this would already be in a global accessible scope if (isset($_SESSION['somedata'])) { return false; } // now this will return false only when the value is set } } Now the above example is commented to demonstrate what I was meaning above, and I was wondering if this was the 'norm' when developing classes for PHP (and thus such values should be passed as parameters)? Thanks! Take the following example: <?php class a { var $things; public function __construct($stuff) { $this->things = $stuff; } } class b { var $morethings; $this->morethings = "something"; } $c = new a(new b); echo $c->things->__PARENT__; ?> The line "echo $c->things->__PARENT__;" (as you can probably imagine) does not work. How would I output what the 'b' object is stored in ('a')? Hi there,
This might a newbie question but I need help understanding PHP classes which am currently learning.
I have an index page.
With this three included files.
on database.php, the class is declared using $connection new Database(...), on this page is also all the coding for this class.
In config.php is a declared class of $account new Account($user_id);
and on account.php is all the details for the account class.
on the index.php is echo $account->sayHello;
However, My page is throwing out an error because I'm trying to use $connection->query(..) in my account.php / Account class.
I have tried to extend the Account class with Database but still have no luck.
How can I make sure the I can use a class function from another page in my Account class?
Thanks for reading
Hello, maybe back to basics, but [PHP] pobierz, plaintext I have just start using PHP classes and was wondering how you continue an instance of a class in another file. For example I have a folder called "includes" where I includes files that I send data to when I perform ajax request. However how do I continue an instance of class in these files? Hope that makes sense. Thanks for any help. im currently doing a large php project and i am confident i can do it. Its a basic forum like phpbb or mybb where users can download the files and instal. however i have looked through their code and i see they use classes. I have never learned to do classes since i havent had to use them yet. should i be using them now for this project? do i need to? and if so then what are the benefits? |