PHP - Novice - Counting Script
My prof hasn't gotten back to me and he doesn't seem like even he knows how to do it so I'm posting here for some help. We've barely done any script writing yet and I can't seem to figure out how to go about doing it. He wants us to modify the existing script so that it generates a random number from 1 - 1000 and then counts the number of guesses and outputs how many guesses at the end. It won't open in the browser so I'm not sure what's wrong. Any help would be much appreciated!
This is what I have so far:
if (!isset($_POST["guess"])) { $message = "Welcome to the guessing machine!"; $_POST["numtobeguessed"] = rand(1,1000); $_POST["counter"] = 0; } else if ($_POST["guess"] > $_POST["numtobeguessed"]) { $message = $_POST["guess"]." is too big! Try a smaller number."; $_POST["counter"]++; } else if ($_POST["guess"] < $_POST["numtobeguessed"]) { $message = $_POST["guess"]." is too small! Try a larger number."; $_POST["counter"]++; } else { // must be equivalent $message = "Well done! It took you '$_POST["counter"]' tries!"; } ?> <html> <head> <title>A PHP number guessing script</title> </head> <body> <h1><?php echo $message; ?></h1> <form action="" method="POST"> <p><strong>Type your guess he </strong> <input type="text" name="guess"></p> <input type="hidden" name="numtobeguessed" value="<?php echo $_POST["numtobeguessed"]; ?>" ></p> <input type="hidden" name="counter" value="<?php echo $_POST["counter"]; ?>" <p><input type="submit" value="submit your guess"/></p> </form> </body> </html> Similar TutorialsHi,
I am new to this forum and I came here because I am a website owner that is a novice in php coding and I want to adjust the coding my web designer created, because I want to update my auto email when members sign up to my site. I found my signup.php page and found the secton where the contents of the auto email are housed but I have no way (or atleast I don't know the way) to test my coding adjustments without going through the signup process on my site and I don't want to do that multiple times just to check code, so I decided to see if I could ask the questions here and maybe someone can "eyeball" my coding adjustments and ensure that they work OR maybe you can instruct me how I can test my code. Keep in mind, this is not an actual page on my site, it's the auto email when users signup. It's sent from my signup.php page once the signup button is "clicked".
1. I'll provide a snippet of the code my webdesigner setup and that should work fine
2. I'll provide my changes to the email contents (basically text, image and html links).
Hopefully there is someone who can assist. Thanks A BILLION!!!
Below is the original code from my webmaster, shouldn't be anything wrong with this code. (You'll notice the links aren't html text links, I wanted to change that)
$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $headers .= "From: <> \r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: \r\n"; $headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); $to = $_POST["email"]; $subject = "Website Sign Up \r\n"; $body = "<p><img src=''></p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Welcome! We absolutely love new members!</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>Your signup is now complete.</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>Your Login details a <br> \r\n"; $body .= "Current Email: ".$_POST["email"]."<br> \r\n"; $body .= "Password: ".$_POST["pwd"]."</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Hang on to this email just in case you forget those details. </p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>If you need any assistance, don’t worry we are here to HELP! -</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Start Here</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>#1 Complete your profile so we know more about why you love pro audio mixing.<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#2 Join the conversation in our forum, we’d love to hear from you. -<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#3 Submit your mix in the mix-revu to get feedback you can’t get anywhere else on the internet and maybe even win a winner’s spot on our homepage! -<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#4 Our merch store is the place to show others you are a proud member of the mixrevu community, check it out! -<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#5 We need photos of our members in their mix environment, post some!</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>-mixrevu team! </p> \r\n"; mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);Below are my adjustments to the body of the email (it includes image links for social media, and html text links replacing the basic website address links) ** All of the changes I made are within the $body of the email. $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $headers .= "From: <> \r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: \r\n"; $headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); $to = $_POST["email"]; $subject = "Website Sign Up \r\n"; $body = "<p><img src=''></p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Welcome! We Absolutely Love New Members!</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Follow Us For Updates: <a href=''> <img border='0' alt='Facebook page' src='' width='45' height='45'> </a> <a href=''> <img border='0' alt='Twitter page' src='' width='45' height='35'> </a> <a href=''> <img border='0' alt='Google plus' src='' width='60' height='45'> </a></p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>Your signup is now complete.</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>Your Login details a <br> \r\n"; $body .= "Current Email: ".$_POST["email"]."<br> \r\n"; $body .= "Password: ".$_POST["pwd"]."</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Hang on to this email just in case you forget those details. </p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>If you need any assistance, don’t worry we are here to HELP! -</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Start Here</p> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>#1 Complete your profile by registering in the <a href=''>Forum</a>. This is where you’ll have access to our downloads when we upload them. Only members who’ve logged in to both will have access. You can also find previous Head2Head downloads <a href=''>HERE</a> that you can use for practice.<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#2 Be sure to check out the Mixrevu <a href=''>Head2Head Rules</a>.<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#3 Mixrevu Head2Head Free Downloads are announced via Newsletters to all members first. You’ll automatically receive those as a site member. **If you have music of your own you want in a Head2Head, upload that too!!! We have genre specific spaces available.** <a href=''>Here’s how to upload</a>.<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#4 Our Sites Best <a href=''>Trivia</a>, <a href=''>Quizzes</a> & <a href=''>Audio Articles</a> are in our <a href=''>Audio Blog</a>. - Exclusive content guaranteed to improve your mix process.<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#5 Upload your photo to our <a href=''>photo wall</a>, If you win a Head2Head this will be your featured photo!<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#6 Ever wanted to understand your studio better? We cover everything from EQ, Compression, Monitors, TDR, to Studio Acoustics & More in the <a href=''>Signal Path Series</a> .<br> \r\n"; $body .= "#7 <a href=''>Exclusive Audio Engineer T-Shirts</a> & <a href=''>Exclusive Downloads</a> you won’t find anywhere else are in our shop! Everything is ON SALE & Free Shipping in the U.S.!</p><br> \r\n"; $body .= "<p>-mixrevu team! </p> \r\n"; mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers); Hi I'm working with the following code to count the number of files in a directory, however, it doesn't seem to count files in subdirectories, does anyone have any ideas how I can get it to? Thanks! The code so far is as follows: <?php function numFilesInDir($directory, $includeDirs = false) { $files = glob($directory.'/*'); if($files === false) { user_error(__FUNCTION__."(): Invalid directory ($directory)"); return false; } $numFiles = count($files); if(!$includeDirs) //remove ! to count folders instead of files { $dirs = glob($directory.'/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); $numFiles = $numFiles - count($dirs); } return $numFiles; } $numFiles = numFilesInDir('../media/Images'); if($numFiles === false) { echo "<p>Oops....something went wrong.</p>\n"; } else { echo "<p>There are $numFiles pictures in the Image folder.</p>\n"; } ?> Hi all, I am having a few problems. Basically I have a multiple file upload script, that I can get successfully to save the images to a folder. However what I am trying to do is enter a record in the database for every file that is uploaded, giving it a picture id, album id and user id (p_id, a_id, u_id). From here I then want to rename the image to the p_id in the database(auto_increment). I am starting just by counting the amount of images uploaded and then creating a record. However I seem to have something wrong, as when I tried it to upload 1 image as a test it created 388,000 blank records! (just p_id as auto) Can someone explain what I am doing wrong? I am quite new to php. <?php $result = array(); $result['time'] = date('r'); $result['addr'] = substr_replace(gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), '******', 0, 6); $result['agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (count($_GET)) { $result['get'] = $_GET; } if (count($_POST)) { $result['post'] = $_POST; } if (count($_FILES)) { $result['files'] = $_FILES; } // we kill an old file to keep the size small if (file_exists('script.log') && filesize('script.log') > 102400) { unlink('script.log'); } $log = @fopen('script.log', 'a'); if ($log) { fputs($log, print_r($result, true) . "\n---\n"); fclose($log); } // Validation $error = false; if (!isset($_FILES['Filedata']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'])) { $error = 'Invalid Upload'; } else { include('../includes/config.php'); session_start(); $a_id = $_SESSION["a_id"]; $u_id = $_SESSION["id"]; $togo = $result['files']; $i=0; while ($i < $togo) { $query = mysql_query("INSERT into images (a_id,u_id) VALUES ('$a_id','$u_id')"); $i++; } } ?> Many Thanks Hi everyone, I hope you can help me. I am working on a Website at present whereby I am advertising the number of available tickets left for an event. However, I now want to remove this feature from the site, but because I myself did not code the site initially, I'm not sure what part of the code needs to be removed. I have included a copy of the code below: Code: [Select] $venues = $conn->dbAll($query); $conn->dbClose(); if (count($venues) == 0) { echo "<div class='error'>There are no more tickets available to buy</div>"; } else { echo " <form method='post' action='summary.php'>"; $venuecount = 0; foreach ($venues as $v) { echo "<div class='venue'> <div class='match_date'><b>Match Date:</b> " . date(ymd, $v['m_date']) . "</div> <h2>" . escape($v['venue_name']) . "</h2> <div class='venue_address'>" . nl2br(escape($v['venue_address'])) . "</div> [color=red][b]<div class='tickets_container'> <div class='tickets'>" . ($v['tickets_left'] < 30 ? "<span class='tickets_low'>" . escape($v['tickets_left']) . "</span>" : "" . escape($v['tickets_left']) . "") . " tickets left to buy for this match</div>";[/b][/color] if ($v['tickets_left'] > 0) { echo " <div class='tickets_buy'> <input type='hidden' name='venue[]' value='" . escape($v['id']) . "' /> Select how many tickets you wish to buy <select name='quantity[]' id='venue_" . escape($venuecount) . "' onchange='update_tickets()' onkeyup='update_tickets()'> <option value='0'>No tickets</option> <option value='1'" . (isset($_SESSION['tickets'][$v['id']]) && $_SESSION['tickets'][$v['id']] == '1' ? " selected='selected'" : "") . ">1 ticket</option> " . ($v['tickets_left'] > 5 ? " <option value='2'" . (isset($_SESSION['tickets'][$v['id']]) && $_SESSION['tickets'][$v['id']] == '2' ? " selected='selected'" : "") . ">2 tickets</option> <option value='3'" . (isset($_SESSION['tickets'][$v['id']]) && $_SESSION['tickets'][$v['id']] == '3' ? " selected='selected'" : "") . ">3 tickets</option> <option value='4'" . (isset($_SESSION['tickets'][$v['id']]) && $_SESSION['tickets'][$v['id']] == '4' ? " selected='selected'" : "") . ">4 tickets</option> <option value='5'" . (isset($_SESSION['tickets'][$v['id']]) && $_SESSION['tickets'][$v['id']] == '5' ? " selected='selected'" : "") . ">5 tickets</option>" : "") . " </select> <a href='#buy'>Confirm Ticket</a> </div> I have highlighted the code I understand needs to be changed, but I'm not overly familiar with this type of coding and do not want to screw up how the rest of the site works! I would really appreciate somebodys help on this! Many thanks in advance, BB2011 Hello, I have written a PHP upload script.. all is well, so far... apart from the moving of the file at the very end of the script. Here's my script.. <? /* This script handles the uploading of a users photos to the display screen slideshows. 1. Collects data from uploaded image 2. Checks to see if database table exists for the screen in question. 2. Inserts record into database should a table exist. Otherwise, kill script. 3. Takes ID of inserted record from the database 4. Renames photo to the ID of the inserted record 5. Moves photo to the directory holding the images for the screen 6. Modifies entry inserted above to include new image location */ //Config include_once "../../includes/config/config.php"; //Retrieve the screen the user is uploading to $area = $_POST["area"]; //Check to see if screen exists $query = "SELECT * FROM screen_areas WHERE area='$area'"; $query = mysql_query($query); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($query); if($num_rows=="0") { die("Photo upload could not be completed. Screen not found in database. (Error 3)"); } //Image Information $title = $_POST["title"]; $description = $_POST["description"]; //Simplify Image Data Array $image = $_FILES["image"]; $name = $image["name"]; //Photo Name $temp = $image["tmp_name"]; $extension = end(explode('.', $name)); //New Photo Location $new_location_directory = "/screens/images/$area"; $new_location = "$new_location_directory/$name"; //Check if new location (directory) exists $is_dir = is_dir($new_location_directory); if($is_dir=="FALSE") { die("Photo upload could not be completed. Screen directory could not be located. (Error 4)"); } //Insert record into database for this image $query = "INSERT INTO screen_data (area, title, description, location) VALUES ('$area', '$title', '$description', '$new_location')"; $query = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); //Get ID of inserted record $query = "SELECT * FROM screen_data WHERE title='$title' AND description='$description' AND location='$new_location'"; $query = mysql_query($query); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $id = $row["id"]; } //Rename File $name_rename = "$id"; $name_rename .= "."; $name_rename .= "$extension"; //New Location after Renaming $new_location = "$new_location_directory/$name_rename"; //Move Photo if(move_uploaded_file("$temp", "$new_location")) { echo "The file ". basename($name). " has been uploaded"; } And here is the error returned to me: Quote Warning: move_uploaded_file(/screens/images/conference centre/23.png) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Users/George/Desktop/Torindul/Customer Accounts/1035 The Gryphon School/Display CMS/Website/includes/functions/upload.php on line 69 Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/Applications/MAMP/tmp/php/phpK8VJYe' to '/screens/images/conference centre/23.png' in /Users/George/Desktop/Torindul/Customer Accounts/1035 The Gryphon School/Display CMS/Website/includes/functions/upload.php on line 69 Any ideas as to why this may be occurring? Thanks in Advance, George. P.S I have CHMOD'd all directories to 755 where required. I am a web designer/PHP hack trying to solve a problem for our HR department. We have a quarterly newsletter in a Wordpress site I developed and they want to have a dynamically updated service anniversary page updated through excel. The solution to this problem is clearly fgetcsv, but I'm having trouble understanding how to implement it within the wordpress page. Here is a really nice function from the php manual page Code: [Select] <?php function csv_file_to_mysql_table($source_file, $target_table, $max_line_length=10000) { if (($handle = fopen("$source_file", "r")) !== FALSE) { $columns = fgetcsv($handle, $max_line_length, ","); foreach ($columns as &$column) { $column = str_replace(".","",$column); } $insert_query_prefix = "INSERT INTO $target_table (".join(",",$columns).")\nVALUES"; while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, $max_line_length, ",")) !== FALSE) { while (count($data)<count($columns)) array_push($data, NULL); $query = "$insert_query_prefix (".join(",",quote_all_array($data)).");"; mysql_query($query); } fclose($handle); } } function quote_all_array($values) { foreach ($values as $key=>$value) if (is_array($value)) $values[$key] = quote_all_array($value); else $values[$key] = quote_all($value); return $values; } function quote_all($value) { if (is_null($value)) return "NULL"; $value = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'"; return $value; } ?> But this leaves me with a few questions: 1. is this both function AND query? or do i need extra code to run the function and spit out the results? 2. where do i input my actual values? 3. does this have to mirror a mysql table somewhere else? i feel like i'm missing a crucial piece of info here. the path to the csv file needs to be absolute, due to HR needing to manage the file themselves without the help of yours truly. the intended output will look like this: 5 YEARS FirstName1 LastName1, FirstName2 LastName2, FirstName3 LastName3, etc 6 YEARS FirstName1 LastName1, FirstName2 LastName2, FirstName3 LastName3, etc and so on. so in addition to the FirstName, LastName and Year columns, the loop will need to include a conditional statement. something like: Code: [Select] <h1>5 YEAR</h1> <ul> <?php if (quote_all_array(5) ) : ?> echo "<li>(FirstName, LastName), </li>"; <?php endif; ?> </ul> <h1>6 YEAR</h1> <ul> <?php if (quote_all_array(6) ) : ?> echo "<li>(FirstName, LastName), </li>"; <?php endif; ?> </ul> I'm sure my syntax is horribly wrong because I have virtually no idea what I'm doing. Which is why I'm asking you all for help to help my understanding i'll supply a set of variables: CSV Source: Table Columns: FirstName, LastName, Year External MySql database (should it apply): AnnySql Thanks in advance for any help. I'm over my pay grade on this one. Hi, I'm Drew.
I'm a web developer, primarily on the WordPress platform.
I'm not a proficient PHP programmer but I can and have edited lots of PHP code to improve my sites. So, in a way, I'm learning PHP...the hard way.
As probably is the case with most users, I'm here becuase I'd like help with some code and because I want to fasttrack my PHP education.
I'll get to that eventually, this is just me introducing myself to the community.
Best regards.
I'm using this code to get me the variables to a select box on a register page: $vars['user-birthdate-years'] = array(_VARS_USER_CHOOSE_ => "Please choose", _VARS_USER_NONE_ => _VARS_USER_UNDEF_); for ($i = date('Y') - 18; $i > date('Y') - 75; --$i) { $vars['user-birthdate-years'][$i] = "$i"; } This gives me this result in the page source: <select name="birthyear" class="date"><option value="-2" selected="selected">Please choose</option><option value="1997">1997</option><option value="1996">1996</option><option value="1995">1995</option><option value="1994">1994</option><option value="1993">1993</option><option value="1992">1992</option><option value="1991">1991</option><option value="1990">1990</option><option value="1989">1989</option><option value="1988">1988</option><option value="1987">1987</option><option value="1986">1986</option><option value="1985">1985</option><option value="1982">1982</option><option value="1981">1981</option><option value="1980">1980</option><option value="1979">1979</option><option value="1978">1978</option><option value="1977">1977</option><option value="1976">1976</option><option value="1975">1975</option><option value="1974">1974</option><option value="1973">1973</option><option value="1972">1972</option><option value="1971">1971</option><option value="1970">1970</option><option value="1969">1969</option><option value="1968">1968</option><option value="1967">1967</option><option value="1966">1966</option><option value="1965">1965</option><option value="1964">1964</option><option value="1963">1963</option><option value="1962">1962</option><option value="1961">1961</option><option value="1960">1960</option><option value="1959">1959</option><option value="1958">1958</option><option value="1957">1957</option><option value="1956">1956</option><option value="1955">1955</option><option value="1954">1954</option><option value="1953">1953</option><option value="1952">1952</option><option value="1951">1951</option><option value="1950">1950</option><option value="1949">1949</option><option value="1948">1948</option><option value="1947">1947</option><option value="1946">1946</option><option value="1945">1945</option><option value="1944">1944</option><option value="1943">1943</option><option value="1942">1942</option><option value="1941">1941</option></select> Problem: When running the php code at the top it miss two years in the span as you see in the page source below, the year 1983 and 1984 is completely missing in the page source. Why is this happening, could the php code be corrected or is there a workaround in php for the missing years bug I seem to have found? I really appreciate any help on this! Edited by Drezzzer, 12 January 2015 - 05:16 AM. Struggling with creating the following: I'm trying to read in a file which is essentially a csv. (I have a couple of books and am a n00b faffing with sessions/cookies etc and am trying to set up an app for a local forum I'm involved with...) I originally tried fgetcsv and also reading the file in line by line (via fgets/explode) and for the most part it works. However some of the entries have a '<' character within them and whenever the script hits a line with one of these it screws up and truncates the line. I presume the '<' is attempting to redirect the data somewhere(?), but have found no way of being able to read this in whole as of yet and I dont really want to resort to processing each line character by character... An example line would be: 3p!<ph4il,Fabulous Diamond Eyes,Lizzies,Div 3C I welcome some advice to put me out of my misery on the matter Hi im trying to make it so the time says how many hows left, not how many hours past. i have the right idea but it shows a negative number under "$time" $hours = number_format(($diffrence / 60 / 60)); $time = number_format(($hours - 24)); I have a table in my database named order, and i want to count the quantity sold. i have the basic query already setup like: Code: [Select] $sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, deal.title, deal.min_qty, deal.start_date, deal.end_date, deal.status, deal.secondary, count( as orders_cnt FROM deals as deal LEFT JOIN orders as o on o.d_id = WHERE start_date >= '".$beg."' AND start_date <= '".$end."' GROUP BY o.d_id, ORDER BY start_date LIMIT ".AwsPager::getCurrentIndex().", ".AwsPager::getLimit(); Which would theoretically work, but in the orders table, there is a column named quantity, and its those numbers that i need to add together and store in the array as orders_cnt.. any clue how i can do that? I have a page that displays a list of retail locations (est. 100-150 locations). I have my layout setup to fit 3 columns side by side. Ex: <div class="col"></div> <div class="col"></div> <div class="col"></div> .. with the "col" class having a specific width and float: left. Basically, I want to print out the locations in the column and when a column reaches a certain number of locations, it closes that div and starts a new one and continues printing the rest of the locations. How would I go about making sure that once a column has reached a certain number of locations, it closes the div and starts the new one? I have an array. When I print it it looks like this: Quote Array ( [1] => Array ( [Cushion] => Cushion 1 [Fabric] => f-111111 [FabricPrice] => 0 [Fill] => Fiber [Button] => none [ContWelt] => none [ContWeltFabric] => none [Zipper] => N [Quantity] => 2 [WeltSize] => [SKU] => c-111111 [Edge] => Knife [Cap] => N [Straps] => N [Hinged] => N [Type] => Boxed Button [Price] => 54.25 [Total] => 108.5 ) [2] => Array ( [Cushion] => Cushion 1 [Fabric] => f-111111 [FabricPrice] => 0 [Fill] => Fiber [Button] => none [ContWelt] => none [ContWeltFabric] => none [Zipper] => N [Quantity] => 4 [WeltSize] => [SKU] => c-111111 [Edge] => Knife [Cap] => N [Straps] => N [Hinged] => N [Type] => Boxed Button [Price] => 54.25 [Total] => 217 ) ) Now when I use count() I get a result of 01 when I should get 02 when I use count( ,1) I get a result of 381. I am Using this wrong? the array is stored in $_SESSION['cushArray'] ok my code is below but i want to count how many $sname or ['member_name'] there is as if there is 4 or more i want it to add a marquee to it have that sorted but im having trouble getting it to count can you help me? $query = "SELECT * FROM `ibf_members` WHERE member_group_id = '4' or member_group_id = '6' or member_group_id = '17' or member_group_id = '18' or mgroup_others = '4' or mgroup_others = '6' or mgroup_others = '17' or mgroup_others = '18' "; $result99 = mysql_db_query("pbf99_backup", $query); $staff1 = mysql_num_rows($result99); if ($result99) { while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result99)) { // Begin while $sid = $r["member_id"]; $smgid = $r["member_group_id"]; $query2 = "SELECT * FROM `ibf_sessions` WHERE member_id = '$sid'"; $result2 = mysql_db_query("pbf99_backup", $query2); if ($result2) { while ($r2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { // Begin while $sname = $r2["member_name"]; $query3 = "SELECT * FROM `ibf_groups` where g_id = '$smgid'"; $result3 = mysql_db_query("pbf99_backup", $query3); if ($result3) { while ($r3 = mysql_fetch_array($result3)) { // Begin while $ssuffix = $r3["suffix"]; $sprefix = $r3["prefix"]; echo "<a href='$host$sid' target='_parent'>$sprefix$sname$ssuffix$stafff</a><br><br>"; }}}}}} ?> I am getting the result I expected with ORDER BY/GROUP BY queries WITH a troubling EXCEPTION: the data is being IN ORDER from 0 thru 9, but 10 (which in this test sample is my LARGEST quantity) is being inserted between the ONE and 2 quantity. Not sure if this will occur with ALL teen values, as well as hundreds. The column is a SMALLINT field (not sure if that makes a difference)> Is there a solution for this situation? Hello I have a table that inserts a new row with data when a member views a page. I wish to count all the rows for each member, and then be able to show what the cuurent members "position" is eg. what members has the highest row count. Example. counting the rows for member_A returns 1000 rows, the number of rows for member_B returns 1500 rows. How can I display for member_A that he is in "second" place? Hiya peeps, I have a mysql database with a record of all the images a customer uploads on my site, these images are displayed on there account. I can get this to work but the problem I'm facing is I need a minimum of 5 images displayed so if they only upload 2 images for instance I need to detect that and add my "No Image Uploaded" image. But if they have uploaded 5 or more I need to just let them be displayed without adding the "No Image Uploaded" picture. Does anyone have any ideas as I'm very stuck! Many thanks James. I know how to count the files: <?php $dir = $_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT]."/api/sigs/cache/".$i[id]."/"; $files = scandir($dir); $result = count($files); printf("$result Signatures Generated"); ?> But i'm trying to make it so it only counts the files that were modified recently (That Day). |