PHP - How To Make The Log-in Form Disappear After Succeeding
When I asked how to make this Log In Form disappear once it performs it's function:
<form action="../login.php" method="post" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="middletext" onsubmit="'none';"> <p> <input type="text" size="20" name="user_name_login" id="user_name_login" value="ENTER USERNAME" style="color:#D9D9D9" style="vertical-align:middle"; onfocus="if (this.value=='ENTER USERNAME') {this.value='';'#696969';}" > <input type="text" size="20" name="password_login" id="password_login" value="ENTER PASSWORD" style="color:#D9D9D9" style="vertical-align:middle"; onfocus="if (this.value=='ENTER PASSWORD') {this.value='';'#696969';}" > <input type="hidden" name="cookie_time" value="10080" /> <img src="../themes/default/images/arrow-red.png" alt="" /><input type="submit" style="outline:grey" font-size="5px" value="[var.lang_login_now]" class="button-form2" /> <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="yes" /> <input type="hidden" name="remember_me" value="remember_me" /> </p> </form> </div> <!--Begin Sub-Navigation. This only appears when a user is logged in.--> <div class="container1"> <div class="menu1"> <div class="sub-nav"><a href="../index.php"></a> <img src="../themes/default/images/arrow-red.jpg" style="vertical-align:middle" alt="" /><a href="../members/[var.user_name]"> my account</a><img src="../themes/default/images/arrow- red.jpg" style="vertical-align:middle" alt="" /> <a href="../credits.php">[var.lang_my_credits]: [var.member_credits]</font></a><img src="../themes/default/images/arrow-red.jpg" style="vertical-align:middle"><a href="../logout.php">[var.login_out]</a> <!--[onload;block=div;when [var.loggedin]=1;comm]--> </div>I was given this line of code: if($_SESSION['loggedin'] == true){ //dont show form } else { //show form }But I don't know how/where to integrate it into the Form. Any help will be appreciated. Similar TutorialsHello folks, well what I mean by temporary variables are variables like error messages or success messages that appear after a form has been submitted. I want to be able to kill these variables when the page is refreshed and return the page to its defualt state. For example, I'm making this simple page which is basically a form that ask users for some information, then upon submit, stores the in a database and prints a success message. If the form is filled out incorrectly or some form fields are left blank, then error messages are printed. What I really want is for these messages to disappear when the page is refreshed. My current model uses a second page to handle the form, and then upon succes or upon encountering an error, redirects to the form page, passing the error or success variables via the url to the form page where they are printed out. What can I do differently to achieve what I want (ie kill variables upon page refresh)? Below are the form page, and the page that handles the form respectively. Code: [Select] <form method="post" action="send_email.php"> <div id="contact_form"> <div align="left" class="green18">Contact Us</div> <br/> <br/> <label>Your Name:</label> <input class="texta" name ="name" size="20" maxlength="49"/> <br/> <br/> <div class ="error" style="position:relative;bottom:40px;left:128px" > <?php //Retrieve the encoded errors string from send_email.php page $errors_string=$_GET['errors_string']; //Explode the decoded errors string back to an array. $errors = explode(",", $errors_string); echo $errors[0];?> </div> <label>Your Company Name:</label> <input class="texta" name ="company" size="30" maxlength="66"/> <br/> <br/> <div class ="error" style="position:relative;bottom:40px;left:128px" > <?php //Retrieve the encoded errors string from send_email.php page $errors_string=$_GET['errors_string']; //Explode the decoded errors string back to an array. $errors = explode(",", $errors_string); echo $errors[1];?> </div> <label>Subject(Optional):</label> <input class="texta" name ="subject" size="20" maxlength="49"/> <br/> <br/> <label>Email:</label> <input class="texta" name ="email" size="20" maxlength="49"/> <br/> <br/> <div class ="error" style="position:relative;bottom:40px;left:128px" > <?php //Retrieve the encoded errors string from send_email.php page $errors_string=$_GET['errors_string']; //Explode the decoded errors string back to an array. $errors = explode(",", $errors_string); echo $errors[2];?> </div> <label>Message:</label> <textarea style="float:left" class="" name ="message" cols="40" rows="3"> </textarea> <br/> <br/> <div class ="error" style="position:relative;bottom:-19px;left:-260px" > <?php //Retrieve the encoded errors string from send_email.php page $errors_string=$_GET['errors_string']; //Explode the decoded errors string back to an array. $errors = explode(",", $errors_string); echo $errors[3];?> </div> <button class="button" type ="submit" name ="submit">Submit</button> <br/> <div id ="sent" > <?php //Retrieve the user id from send_email.php page $sent=$_GET['sent']; $send_msg = urldecode($sent); echo $send_msg; ?> </div> <!--closes sent--> </div> </form> Code: [Select] <?php //address error handling ini_set ('display_errors', 1); error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $errors = array(); // Connect to the database. require('config/config.php'); //Check for errors. //Check to make sure they entered their name and it's of the right format. if (eregi ("^([[:alpha:]]|-|')+$", $_POST['name'])) { $a = TRUE; } else { $a = FALSE; $errors[0] = '*Please enter a valid name.'; } //Check to make sure they entered their company name. if (!empty ( $_POST['company'])) { $b = TRUE; } else { $b = FALSE; $errors[1] = '*Please enter company name.'; } //Check to make sure email is valid. if(eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $_POST['email'])) { $c = TRUE; }else { $c = FALSE; $errors[2] = '*Please enter a valid email address.'; } //Check to make sure they entered their message. if (!empty ( $_POST['message'])) { $d = TRUE; } else { $d = FALSE; $errors[3] = '*Please enter your message.'; } //If no errors if (empty($errors)) { //Create variables for all the post values. $name = $_POST['name']; $company = $_POST['company']; $email = $_POST['email']; $message = $_POST['message']; $ip = $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]; $date = (date("Y/m/d:G:i:s")); $timestamp = ( mktime(date(H), date(i), date(s), date(m) , date(d) , date(Y))); //Formulate the insert query. $query = "INSERT INTO emails ( email_id, name, company, email, message, ip, date,timestamp) VALUES ( 0, '$name','$company','email', '$message', '$ip' , '$date', '$timestamp' )"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Data could not be inserted into table because: " .mysql_error()); if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) { // Display success message $sent_msg = "Your email has been sent. We will get back to you shortly."; $sent = urlencode($sent_msg); // Display contact page header("Location: contact_page.php?sent=$sent"); exit(); }else{die("There was a problem: " . mysql_error());} //Display error messages. } else {// if errors array is not empty //Confer the errors array into a string $errors_string = implode(",", $errors); //Encode the imploded string. $error_message = urlencode($errors_string); // Display page header("Location: contact_page.php?errors_string=$errors_string"); exit(); }//End of if there are errors. }//End of if submit. ?> Also, another problem I just noticed is that, the errors[3] variable isn't getting passed back to the form page. I don't know if it's because the url can only pass so much info to a second page. The page in question can be located he Hello, I have coded a contact form in PHP and I want to know, if according to you, it is secure! I am new in PHP, so I want some feedback from you. Moreover, I have also two problems based on the contact form. It is a bit complicated to explain, thus, I will break each of my problem one by one. FIRST:The first thing I want to know, is if my contact form secure according to you: The HTML with the PHP codes: Code: [Select] <?php if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { //Assigning variables to elements $first = htmlentities($_POST['first']); $last = htmlentities($_POST['last']); $sub = htmlentities($_POST['subject']); $email = htmlentities($_POST['email']); $web = htmlentities($_POST['website']); $heard = htmlentities($_POST['heard']); $comment = htmlentities($_POST['message']); $cap = htmlentities($_POST['captcha']); //Declaring the email address with body content $to = ''; $body ="First name: '$first' \n\n Last name: '$last' \n\n Subject: '$sub' \n\n Email: '$email' \n\n Website: '$web' \n\n Heard from us: '$heard' \n\n Comments: '$comment'"; //Validate the forms if (empty($first) || empty($last) || empty($sub) || empty($email) || empty($comment) || empty($cap)) { echo '<p class="error">Required fields must be filled!</p>'; header ('refresh= 3; url= index.php'); return false; } elseif (filter_var($first, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) || filter_var($last, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) { echo '<p class="error">You cannot enter a number as either the first or last name!</p>'; return false; } elseif (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { echo '<p class="error">Incorrect email address!</p>'; return false; } elseif (!($cap === '12')){ echo '<p class="error">Invalid captcha, try again!</p>'; return false; } else { mail ($to, $sub, $body); echo '<p class="success">Thank you for contacting us!</p>'; } } ?> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="post"> <p>Your first name: <span class="required">*</span></p> <p><input type="text" name="first" size="40" placeholder="Ex: Paul"/></p> <p>Your last name: <span class="required">*</span></p> <p><input type="text" name="last" size="40" placeholder="Ex: Smith"/></p> <p>Subject: <span class="required">*</span></p> <p><input type="text" name="subject" size="40" placeholder="Ex: Contact"/></p> <p>Your email address: <span class="required">*</span></p> <p><input type="text" name="email" size="40" placeholder="Ex:"/></p> <p>Website:</p> <p><input type="text" name="website" size="40" placeholder="Ex: http//"/></p> <p>Where you have heard us?: <span class="required">*</span></p> <p><select name="heard"> <option>Internet</option> <option>Newspapers</option> <option>Friends or relatives</option> <option>Others</option> </select></p> <p>Your message: <span class="required">*</span></p> <p><textarea cols="75" rows="20" name="message"></textarea></p> <p>Are you human? Sum this please: 5 + 7 = ?: <span class="required">*</span></p></p> <p><input type="text" name="captcha" size="10"/></p> <p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send" class="button"/> <input type="reset" value="Reset" class="button"/></p> </form> SECOND PROBLEM:If a user has made a mistake, he gets the error message so that he can correct! However, when a mistake in the form occurs, all the data the user has entered are disappeared! I want the data to keep appearing so that the user does not start over again to fill the form. THIRD: When the erro message is displayed to notify the user that he made a mistake when submitting the form, the message is displaying on the top of the page. I want it to appear below each respective field. How to do that? In JQuery it is simple, but in PHP, I am confusing! I'm just learning about PHP and I'm diving in head first by attempting to modify our web site's contact form. I'm wishing to stop the form from erasing previously entered values upon "failed" data validation. It's of course going to be annoying to our visitors if their hardworked entries disappear just because they left out a name or entered an illegal email address. I regret that some potential solutions found on this forum and other locations on Google didn't seem to help on my page. As you can see, the validation is done with PHP's version of if-elseif-else. Later I'll be adding a reCAPTCHA and I hope that whatever I learn here might be useful for the potentially same problem when I am adding the CAPTCHA. The actual contact form is at Thank you in advance for your taking the time to help me what originally appeared to be a simple problem. I have read the rules and I hope I've followed the rules -- please let me know if I committed any sins of omission or commission. Now, for your Sunday reading pleasure, here's the code: CODE STARTS HERE ==================================== <?php include("../common/docType.php"); ?> <?php include("../common/htmlOpen.php"); ?> <head> <title><?php include("../common/titleBar.php"); ?> - Contact us!</title> <meta name="description" content="Call or email us with questions or orders."> <meta name="keywords" content="Barking Dog Chocolatiers, Charlotte NC, chocolate, contact us, telephone, email, e-mail"> <meta name="geo.placename" content="Charlotte, North Carolina"> <meta name="geo.region" content="US-NC"> <meta name="author" content="Joal Fischer"> <meta name="verify-v1" content="1aqZs7xrrfI3lp1RaWDkHHjY9UQZIbq2z/mIVdFeXiI=" /> <?php include("../common/headInclude.php"); ?> <script src="../common/common.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link rel="Stylesheet" href="../css/contact.css" /> </head> <?php // Success/Fail message $msg = ""; $brisket = ""; // Target Email $targetEmail = ""; // Process Submissions if(isset($_POST['submitted'])) { if($_POST['submitted']) { // process form. $guestName = $_POST['guestName']; $cityState = $_POST['cityState']; $emailAddress = $_POST['emailAddress']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; $msgSubject = "Barking Dog Chocolatiers Inquiry"; $msgContent = "FROM: $guestName\n"; $msgContent .= "City/State: $cityState\n"; $msgContent .= "Phone & time to call: $phone\n"; $msgContent .= "\nInquiry:\n"; $msgContent .= stripslashes($_POST['msgContent']); // Trial if then else reversed from Dan's original allowing maybe multiple tests in sequence -- in action if($guestName == "") { $keepvar = "1"; $msg = "<p style='color: red; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px;'>Please enter a name!</p>"; } elseif($emailAddress == "") { $msg = "<p style='color: red; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px;'>Please enter a valid email address!</p>"; } else { mail($targetEmail, $msgSubject, $msgContent, "From: $guestName <$emailAddress>\nX-Mailer:PHP/" . phpversion()); $msg = "<p style='color: darkgreen; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px;'>Thank you! Your message has been sent.</p>"; $brisket = "<img src='../images/Brisket180x180web.jpg' width='180px' height='180px' alt='Brisket Says Hi' />"; } // Original if then else all commented out // if($emailAddress != "") { // mail($targetEmail, $msgSubject, $msgContent, "From: $guestName <$emailAddress>\nX-Mailer:PHP/" . phpversion()); // $msg = "<p style='color: darkgreen; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px;'>Thank you! Your message has been sent.</p>"; // $brisket = "<img src='../images/Brisket180x180web.jpg' width='180px' height='180px' alt='Brisket Says Hi' />"; // } else { // $msg = "<p style='color: red; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; margin: 12px 0px 0px 0px;'>Please enter a valid email address!</p>"; // } } } ?> <body onload="loadMe('contact')"> <div id="container"> <div id="header"> <a href="../home/index.php" style="border:none"><div id="logo"></div></a> <div id="navBG"><?php include("../common/mainNav.php"); ?></div> </div><!--End Header--> <div id="contentArea"> <br /><img class="sideBox" src="../images/sideBox.jpg" width="12px" height="12px"><p class="sideItemSelected">contact us</p><br style="clear:both" /> <p class="sideItem"><a class="sideLink" href="./shipping.php">useful q & a</a></p> <div id="mainContent"> <h1>contact us</h1><br /> <h2>Have questions? Ready to order?<br /> <span style="color:#b5a072">Call 704.333.1595 Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm EST</span></h2> <p id="contactText" class="text">It's not business, it's personal! For instant answers to many questions about ordering, shipping, and other good stuff, please check the <a href="shipping.php">useful q&a</a> page. Nonetheless, we'll always be happy to answer your questions by phone or through the form below. We look forward to hearing from you.</p><br /> <div id="contactFormContainer"> <form method="post" id="contactForm" action="<?php echo($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" > <div id="formContainer"> <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="true" /> <input type="hidden" name="formname" value="contact" /> <div class="formRow"> <div class="itemSet"> <p class="itemLabel">Name</p> <input tabindex="1" class="itemContent" type="text" name="guestName" value='<?php echo $_POST[Name]; ?>' /> </div> <div class="itemSet"> <p class="itemLabel">City & state</p> <input tabindex="2" class="itemContent" type="text" name="cityState" /> </div> <br class="clearMe" /> </div> <div class="formRow"> <div class="itemSet"> <p class="itemLabel">Email Address</p> <input tabindex="3" class="itemContent" type="text" name="emailAddress" /> </div> <div class="itemSet"> <p class="itemLabel">Phone & best local time to call</p> <input tabindex="4" class="itemContent" type="text" name="phone" /> </div> </div> <div class="formRow"> <div> <p class="itemLabel">Your question</p> <textarea tabindex="5" id="msgContent" type="text" name="msgContent">Please telephone us to submit an order</textarea> </div> </div> <div class="formRow"> <div style="position: relative;"> <div style="float: left; margin-right: 40px;"> <input tabindex="6" id="submitButton" type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /> </div> <div style="float: left; margin-top: -10px;"> <?php //echo($msg); ?> </div> <br style="clear: both;" /> <div style="clear: both; position: absolute; top: -350px; left: -217px; width: 180px;"> <?php echo($msg); echo($brisket); ?> </div> <br style="clear: both;" /> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Form Container --> </form> </div> <!-- End Contact Form --> </div> </div><!-- End Content Area--> <div id="bottomBar"></div> <?php include("../common/footer.php"); ?> </div><!-- End Container --> </body> </html> CODE STOPS HERE===================================== With some great forum help my nav menu shows nav options in the main menu, and when the user logs-in, it lines up additional menu choices all on a horizontal line. The issue I'd like to fix is to make the "log-in" menu choice disappear when the user is logged-in. If you can overlook all the font tags, in the code below, I'd greatly appreciate any help. Code: [Select] <!--Begin Sub-Navigation. This only appears when a user is logged in.--> <div class="sub-nav"> <img src="themes/default/images/arrow-red.gif"> <a href="members/[var.user_name]"><font color="#333333" face="verdana">my account</font></a> <img src="themes/default/images/arrow-red.gif"> <a href="credits.php"><font color="#333333" face="verdana">[var.lang_my_credits]: [var.member_credits]</font></a> <img src="themes/default/images/arrow-red.gif"> <a href="logout.php"><font color="#000000" face="verdana">log out</font></a> <!--[onload;block=div;when [var.loggedin]=1;comm]--> </div> <!--Begin Sub-Navigation. This only appears when a user is logged in.--> <div class="sub-nav1"> <p class="account"> <span id="welc"><span style="color:#333333; font-size: 12px; font-face=verdana;"> Welcome! You Are Now Logged In.</span></p> <!--[onload;block=div;when [var.loggedin]=1;comm]--> </div> <div class="menu1"> <a href="[var.base_url]"> <font color="#333333" font face="verdana">home</font></a> <a href="page.php?page=16"><font color="#333333" face="verdana">faq</font></a> <a href="[var.base_url]/join.php"><font color="#333333" face="verdana">register</font></a> <a href="[var.login_out_link]"><font color="#333333" face="verdana">log in</font></a> <a href="page.php?page=9"><font color="#333333" face="verdana">search</font></a> <a href="page.php?page=6"><font color="#333333" face="verdana">upload</font></a> </div> Code: [Select] .menu1 { font-size: 11px; font-family: verdana; text-align: right; float: right; color: #333333; margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } .sub-nav { font-size: 11px; font-family: verdana; text-align: right; color: #333333; margin: 0px 22px 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } .sub-nav-links { color: #; font-size: 14px; margin: 0px 0px -20px 0px; } .sub-nav1 { font-size: 11px; font-family: verdana; text-align: right; float: left; color: #333333; margin: 0px 22px 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } .sub-nav {float:right} .sub-nav1 p { margin:0 font-size: 11px; font-family: verdana; color: #333333; } #welc{ float left; } .account font-size: 11px; font-family: arial; color: #333333; } Hi there, As the question says i tried several things but i can't work it out and my knowledge about php isn't that well. Hi all, I have a problem I am not sure how to sort, hopefully someone here can help. I have a sliding login panel on a website that I am making. Its quite discreet. I have a stripped down version here that you can see: On the page I am making, users with a log in enter their details and will be taken to the restricted page. I would like this sliding panel to be on every page when the user is not logged in. Once they log in from the sliding panel they can still surf around all the main site pages. When they log out the session dies and it reverts to the home page. However, when they are logged in I would like the sliding login panel to disappear from the top of each page. Is there any way I can do this simply? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. I have my form outputting the checked boxes using echo "Your Selected Markets = " . $markets ; when it comes out it is displayed as... Your Selected Markets = Aviation and Aerospace Banks Oil and Gas How can I change the output so it for example looks like this. Your Selected Markets = Aviation and Aerospace, Banks & Oil and Gas or Your Selected Markets = Aviation and Aerospace Banks Oil and Gas Good day. I have used an open source form, but I would like to know how to make it into a functional email form (so the form values are sent to an email address). As you can see, there is already a section at the bottom for contact details and a "submit" button, but it is not working. I see that there is no value set for the form action here etc. <form action="" id="cakeform" onsubmit="return false;"> Not sure how to make this a functional email form. Any help would be appreciated. URL of form: Code: [Select] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/sidebar.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" --> <head> <link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/formcalculations.js"></script> <link href="styles/quoteform.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body onload='hideTotal()'> <div id="wrap"> <form action="" id="cakeform" onsubmit="return false;"> <div> <div class="cont_order"> <fieldset> <legend>Piano Moving Estimate For Upright Pianos</legend> <label ><span style="font-size:18px; color:#900">STEP 1:</span> Please select the size of your piano:</label> <img style="margin-top:15px" src="images/small-piano-upright.jpg" alt="small upright piano" /> <label style="float:right; margin-right:202px; margin-top:30px" class='radiolabel'><input type="radio" name="selectedcake" value="Round6" onclick="calculateTotal()" /> Small (Aka: Spinet, Console) <span style="font-weight:bold">$100</span></label> <br/> <img style="margin-top:15px" src="images/medium-piano-upright.jpg" alt="medium upright piano" /> <label style="float:right; margin-right:196px; margin-top:30px" class='radiolabel'><input type="radio" name="selectedcake" value="Round8" onclick="calculateTotal()" /> Medium (Aka: Studio, Upright) <span style="font-weight:bold">$120</span></label><br/> <img style="margin-top:15px" src="images/large-piano-upright.jpg" alt="large upright piano" /> <label style="float:right; margin-right:114px; margin-top:30px" class='radiolabel'><input type="radio" name="selectedcake" value="Round10" onclick="calculateTotal()" /> Large (Aka: Full Size, Cabinet/Grand Upright) <span style="font-weight:bold">$150</span></label><br/> <br/> <label ><span style="font-size:18px; color:#900">STEP 2:</span> Enter pick up and destination addresses:</label> <br/> <p style="color:#900; font-weight:bold">PICK UP LOCATION:</p> <label style="margin-left:15px; font-weight:normal" class="inlinelabel">Street Address:</label> <input style="margin-left:10px" type="text" value="" /><br /> <label style="margin-left:15px; font-weight:normal" class="inlinelabel">City:</label> <input style="margin-left:71px" type="text" value="" /> <br /><br /> <p style="color:#900; font-weight:bold">DESTINATION LOCATION:</p> <label style="margin-left:15px; font-weight:normal" class="inlinelabel">Street Address:</label> <input style="margin-left:10px" type="text" value="" /><br /> <label style="margin-left:15px; font-weight:normal" class="inlinelabel">City:</label> <input style="margin-left:71px" type="text" value="" /> <br /><br /> <label style="margin-left:15px">Approximate distance between "pickup location" and "destination"</label> <br /> <select style="margin-left:135px" id="filling" name='filling' onchange="calculateTotal()"> <option value="None">Choose Distance:</option> <option value="Lemon">1 - 10km ($30)</option> <option value="Custard">11 - 20km ($45)</option> <option value="Fudge">21 - 30km ($60)</option> <option value="Mocha">31 - 40km ($80)</option> </select> <br/><br /> <label ><span style="font-size:18px; color:#900">STEP 3:</span> Is this a player piano?</label> <br /> <select style="margin-left:135px" id="filling2" name='filling2' onchange="calculateTotal()"> <option value="Raspberry">No</option> <option value="Pineapple">Yes ($30)</option> </select> <br/><br /> <label ><span style="font-size:18px; color:#900">STEP 4:</span> Are stairs involved? If so, please select from the diagram below:</label> <br /> <select style="margin-left:135px" id="filling3" name='filling3' onchange="calculateTotal()"> <option value="None2">None</option> <option value="Dobash">Stairway A ($5)</option> <option value="Mint">Stairway B ($10)</option> <option value="Cherry">Stairway C ($15)</option> <option value="Apricot">Stairway D ($20)</option> <option value="Buttercream">Stairway E ($25)</option> </select> <br /><br /> <img src="images/stairs.jpg" alt="stairs" /> <br/><br /> <div id="totalPrice"></div> <br /> <p style="color:#000"><span style="font-size:18px; color:#900">NOTE:</span> This estimate form is to be used as a cost "approximation" only. When speaking with one of our staff, this estimate may be altered.</p> </fieldset> </div> <div class="cont_details"> <fieldset> <legend>Contact Details</legend> <label for='name'>Name</label> <input type="text" id="name" name='name' /> <br/> <label for='address'>Address</label> <input type="text" id="address" name='address' /> <br/> <label for='phonenumber'>Phone Number</label> <input type="text" id="phonenumber" name='phonenumber'/> <br/> </fieldset> </div> <input type='submit' id='submit' value='Submit' onclick="calculateTotal()" /> </div> </form> Ok, I've spent a good part of the day trying to figure out what is going wrong with a client site. I introduced a link within document to send readers from the blogs home page to the comments section of individual posts. It's straight forward right? HTML1, been doing these kind of links for more than ten years. #respond at the end of the normal URL in a normal anchor tag should bring the browser to id="respond" or name="respond" within the document. Right? But, a.) it doesn't. And b.) once it makes a jump everything above that point disappears. Space fills out to the same page height as if it existed but you can't scroll up. You can see it in action at by clicking "Add Your Comment (0)" under the title of any post. Can anyone see what might be causing this problem or experienced something similar before? Hello. I have a mail form (volunteer_send.php) for a site administrator to contact people associated with a certain activity (identified by the event_id variable). The variable is passed via URL from a preceeding page (as a variable called 'id'). I have spent crazy hours trying to figure out if i have a syntax error or something because I cannot get the variable to pass. If I hard code the event_id in the select statement, then it works fine. Also, I changed the syntax of the select statement to event_id = event_id and it emailed everyone in the list while I was testing. woops. any insight would be great. Code: [Select] <?php include('dbconfig.php'); // Make a MySQL Connection mysql_connect("localhost", "$user", "$password") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("$database") or die(mysql_error()); $adminmail=""; // Pass the event id variable $event_id=$_GET['id']; if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $subject=$_POST['subject']; $nletter=$_POST['nletter']; if(strlen($subject)<1) { print "You did not enter a subject."; } else if(strlen($nletter)<1) { print "You did not enter a message."; } else { $nletter=$_POST['nletter']; $subject=$_POST['subject']; $nletter=stripslashes($nletter); $subject=stripslashes($subject); $lists=$_POST['lists']; $nletter=str_replace("rn","<br>",$nletter); //the block above formats the letter so it will send correctly. $getlist="SELECT * from volunteer WHERE event_id = '$event_id' "; //select e-mails in ABC order $getlist2=mysql_query($getlist) or die("Could not get list"); while($getlist3=mysql_fetch_array($getlist2)) { $headers = "From: $adminmail \r\n"; //unlock adminmail above and insert $adminmail for email address $headers.= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 "; //send HTML enabled mail $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0 "; mail("$getlist3[email]","$subject","$nletter",$headers); } print "Your Message Has Been Sent."; } } else { print "<form action='volunteer_send.php' method='post'>"; print "Subject:<br>"; print "<input type='text' name='subject' size='20'><br>"; print "Message:<br>"; print "<textarea name='nletter' cols='50' rows='6'></textarea><br>"; print "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'></form>"; } ?> Hi, I'm creating a PHP application to handle my SQL server and I've run into a bit of a problem; I have two files atm: mainClass.php and testSite.php My mainClass.php looks like this: Code: [Select] class mainClass { private $host = 'localhost'; public function createDb($user,$pass,$dbName) { $con = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass); if (!$con){ die('Could not connect: '.mysql_error()); } $sql = "CREATE DATABASE `$dbName`;"; if (!mysql_query($sql)){ die('Error 1: '.mysql_error()); } mysql_close(); } }and testSite.php looks like this: Code: [Select] <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> </head> <body> <h1>testSite for my PHP app</h1> <?php function __autoload($className){ require_once "./classes/{$className}.php"; } $test = new mainClass(); ?> <form name='createDb' method='post' action=''> User: <input type='text' name='user'><br> Password: <input type='password' name='pass'><br> dbName: <input type='text' name='dbName'><br> <input type='submit' value='Create DB'> </form> </body> </html> What I'm asking is if it is possible to make the form-action from testSite.php run the createDb function from mainClass.php I have pretty much no idea how to do it but I tried like this: Code: [Select] <form name='createDb' method='post' action="<?php $test->createDb($_POST['user'],$_POST['pass'],$_POST['dbName']); ?>"> User: <input type='text' name='user'><br> Password: <input type='password' name='pass'><br> dbName: <input type='text' name='dbName'><br> <input type='submit' value='Log in'> </form>But that just made the whole form disappear so now I'm completely lost, any help greatly appreciated. PS: I'm doing this to get better at PHP so please don't come with advice like "use a framework" or "there already are applications that handles this", I know there is. I have a form which submits to a MySQL DB. There is validation in place so that all fields are required, and the form won't submit until the fields are filled in correctly and then submits. Everything works fine as far as the validation and submitting. A few tweaks, I would like to make are... 1) When you submit the form and there are validation errors, the info that was filled in correctly is wiped out. I would like the correct fields to stay intact so that say one field was not filled in or filled in correctly then the user wouldn't have to fill in all the fields all over again. 2) Currently after the user fills in their name, if the username is already taken, they get an error on the page "Error: Duplicate entry 'Bruce.Gilbert' for key 'usr'". This appears to be a built in MySQL function. The form dies not show at this point, even if you refresh the page. I would like the form to still display with the values intact if there is a duplicate entry is the Username field. Here is the pertenant code. <?PHP require_once "formvalidator.php"; $show_form=true; if(isset($_POST['Submit'])) { $validator = new FormValidator(); $validator->addValidation("FirstName","req","Please fill in FirstName"); $validator->addValidation("LastName","req","Please fill in LastName"); $validator->addValidation("UserName","req","Please fill in UserName"); $validator->addValidation("Password","req","Please fill in a Password"); $validator->addValidation("Password2","req","Please re-enter your password"); $validator->addValidation("Password2","eqelmnt=Password","Your passwords do not match!"); $validator->addValidation("email","email","The input for Email should be a valid email value"); $validator->addValidation("email","req","Please fill in Email"); $validator->addValidation("Zip","req","Please fill in your Zip Code"); $validator->addValidation("Security","req","Please fill in your Security Question"); if($validator->ValidateForm()) { $con = mysql_connect("localhost","uname","pw") or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("DBName") or die(mysql_error()); $FirstName=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['FirstName']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file $LastName=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['LastName']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file $UserName=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['UserName']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file $Password= md5($_POST['Password']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file $Password2= md5($_POST['Password2']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file $email=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file $Zip=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Zip']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file $Birthday=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Birthday']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file $Security=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Security']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file $sql="INSERT INTO Profile (`FirstName`,`LastName`,`Username`,`Password`,`Password2`,`email`,`Zip`,`Birthday`,`Security`) VALUES ('$FirstName','$LastName','$UserName','$Password','$Password2','$email','$Zip','$Birthday','$Security')"; if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } else{ mail('','A profile has been submitted!',$FirstName.' has submitted their profile',$body); echo "<h3>Your profile information has been submitted successfully.</h3>"; echo "<p>You may now <a href='login.php'>login</a></p>"; } mysql_close($con); $show_form=false; } else { echo "<h3 class='ErrorTitle'>Validation Errors:</h3>"; $error_hash = $validator->GetErrors(); foreach($error_hash as $inpname => $inp_err) { echo "<p class='errors'>$inpname : $inp_err</p>\n"; } } } if(true == $show_form) { ?> <form name="test" id="ContactForm" method="POST" action="" accept-charset="UTF-8"> <fieldset> <div class='normal_field'><label for="FirstName">First Name</label></div> <div class='element_label'> <input type='text' name='FirstName' size='20'> </div> <div class='normal_field'><label for="LastName">Last Name</label></div> <div class='element_label'> <input type='text' name='LastName' size='20'> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <div class='normal_field'><label for="UserName">User Name</label></div> <div class='element_label'> <input type='text' name='UserName' size='20'> </div> <div class='normal_field'><label for="Password">Password</label></div> <div class='element_label'> <input type='password' name='Password' size='20'> </div> <div class='normal_field'><label for="Password2">Re-Enter Password</label></div> <div class='element_label'> <input type='password' name='Password2' size='20'> </div> <div class='normal_field'><label for="Email">Email</label></div> <div class='element_label'> <input type='text' name='email' size='20'> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <div class='normal_field'><label for="Zip">Zip Code</label></div> <div class='element_label'> <input type='text' name='Zip' size='20'> </div> <div class='normal_field'><label for="Birthday">Birthday(mm/dd/yyyy format)</label></div> <div class='element_label'> <input type='text' name='Birthday' size='20'> </div> <div class='normal_field'><label for="Security">Security Question</label></div> <div class='element_label'> <input type='text' name='Security' size='20'> </div> </fieldset> <div id="agree"> <label for="tos"> <input type="checkbox" id="tos" name="tos" value="yes" /> I have read and agree to the <a href="ajax/serviceterms.html" id="terms">Terms of Service</a>. </label> </div> <fieldset> <div id="service-terms" class="box rounded-all"></div> <div class="controls"> <input id="submit" type="submit" name="Submit" value="CREATE PROFILE"/> </div> </fieldset> </form> <?PHP }//true == $show_form ?>
<?php Hi guys. As I am new to PHP, I have a question. Necessarily, this need not be done in php, if you have something in html or js that can be done, let me know! Well, I have a form where you enter information like name, city, phone and product option. These product options include real estate and auto options. By clicking submit (to submit form), I need to direct the visitor to their chosen product option. For example, when I filled out the form I chose 'real estate'. When I clicked submit, it went to a page where the real estate-only content appeared. Note: I already have this code ready below and it already directs the information to the database. However, I don't know how to make him redirect to the customer, the product option he chose.
<form action="simulador.php" method="post" name="dados" id="dados" onSubmit="return validaform()"> <div class="col-md-5 esquerda"> Selecione o bem<br/> <select name="tipo" type="text" class="contat3" placeholder="Selecione o bem"> <option value="Im�vel"" style="background-color: #fff;">Imóveis</option> <option value="Autom�vel"" style="background-color: #fff;">Automóveis</option> <option value="Moto" style="background-color: #fff;">Motos</option> </select><br/> Selecione o plano<br/> <select name="plano" type="text" class="contat3"> <option value="Crédito"" style="background-color: #fff;">Crédito</option> <option value="Parcela"" style="background-color: #fff;">Parcela</option> </select><br/> <input name="valorcon" type="text" id="valorcon" class="contat3" placeholder="Digite o valor" maxlength="1000" /><br/> <input name="nomecon" type="text" id="nomecon" class="contat3" placeholder="Nome" maxlength="1000" /><br/> <input name="telefone" type="text" onkeypress="Mascara('TEL',this,event);" type="text" id="telefone" class="contat3" placeholder="Telefone" /> <!--- <input name="tel2" type="text" id="tel2" onkeypress="Mascara('TEL',this,event);" /><br/> ---> <input name="emailcon" type="text" id="emailcon" class="contat3" placeholder="E-mail" maxlength="1000" /><br/> <input name="cidadecon" type="text" id="cidadecon" class="contat3" placeholder="Cidade" maxlength="1000" /> <br/><br/><br/> <a id="enviar-form" class="button solid-color" href="#">Enviar</a> <input type="submit" id="enviar-form-btn" style="display: none;" /> </div> </form>
Hi, I have a search form which pulls info from a MySQL table and there are a few enhancements I would like to make. 1) I would like the search terms in my results table hilited in red. I made a class in my stylesheet for this, but it isn't working so I am missing a step or two 2) I would like a display for the number of results returned. Example. "There were 3 results found in your search". 3) This isn't php related, but if anyone has any ideas why my JQuery slideup doesn't work with my results let me know. I have posted in the JavaScript section, but haven't gotten a response. My code. Code: [Select] <html> <head> <link href="default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <script src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery-fonteffect-1.0.0.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $("#mirror").FontEffect({ outline:true }) </script> <script type='text/javascript'> var $ = jQuery.noConflict(); $(document).ready(function(){ $("#search_results").slideUp(); $("#search_button").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); ajax_search(); }); // $("#search_term").keyup(function(e){ // e.preventDefault(); // ajax_search(); // }); }); function ajax_search(){ $("#search_results").show(); var search_val=$("#search_term").val(); $.post("./find.php", {search_term : search_val}, function(data){ if (data.length>0){ $("#search_results").html(data); $(document).ready(function(){ $(".stripeMe tr").mouseover(function(){$(this).addClass("over");}).mouseout(function(){$(this).removeClass("over");}); $(".stripeMe tr:even").addClass("alt"); }); } }) } </script> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso- 8859-1" /> <title>Novo RPC Results Search Engine</title> <link href="default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" /> </head> <body> <div id="mirror">Search RPC participants</div> <form id="searchform" method="post" action="find.php"> <div> <label for="search_term">Search RPC information</label> <input type="text" name="search_term" id="search_term" /> <input type="submit" value="search" id="search_button" /> </div> </form> <div id="search_results"></div> </body> </html> <?php define(HOST, "localhost"); define(USER, "username"); define(PW, "pw"); define(DB, "DBName"); $connect = mysql_connect(HOST,USER,PW) or die('Could not connect to mysql server.' ); mysql_select_db(DB, $connect) or die('Could not select database.'); $term = strip_tags(substr($_POST['search_term'],0, 100)); $term = mysql_escape_string($term); $sql = "SELECT * FROM Phase1A_1B_TotalScores_2011 WHERE CONCAT(last_name,first_name,employee_id,title,territory,district,Phase1A_Score,Phase1B_HS_Exam, Phase1A_HS_Exam_RT,Phase1B_HS_Exam ,Phase1B_HS_Exam_RT,Class_Date) LIKE '%$term%' order by last_name asc"; $string = ''; $string = "<table class='stripeMe' id='Results'><tr><th>Last Name</th><th>First Name</th><th>Employee ID</th><th>Title</th><th>Territory</th><th>District</th><th>Phase 1A Score</th><th>Phase 1B Score</th><th>Phase 1 Average</th><th>Phase 1A HS Exam</th><th>Phase 1A HS Exam Retake</th><th>Phase 1B HS Exam</th><th>Phase 1B HS Exam Retake</th><th>Class Dates</th><th>Awards</th></tr>"; $result = mysql_query($sql); /// This is the execution if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){ while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)){ $string .= "<tr>"; $string .= "<td>".$row->last_name."</td> "; $string .= "<td>".$row->first_name."</td>"; $string .= "<td>".$row->employee_id."</td>"; $string .= "<td>".$row->title."</b>"; $string .= "<td>".$row->territory."</td>"; $string .= "<td>".$row->district."</td>"; $string .= "<td>".$row->Phase1A_Score."</td>"; $string .= "<td>".$row->Phase1B_Score."</td>"; $string .= "<td>".$row->Phase1_Average."</td>"; $string .= "<td>".$row->Phase1A_HS_Exam."</td>"; $string .= "<td>".$row->Phase1A_HS_Exam_RT."</td>"; $string .= "<td>".$row->Phase1B_HS_Exam."</td>"; $string .= "<td>".$row->Phase1B_HS_Exam_RT."</td>"; $string .= "<td>".$row->Class_Date."</td>"; $string .= "<td>".$row->Awards."</td>"; $string .= "<br/>\n"; $string .= "</tr>"; //print_r($row); } $string .= "</table>"; }else{ $string = "<span class='NMF'>No matches found!</span>"; // echo $sql; } echo $string; ?> and lastly my CSS Code: [Select] /*search term styling*/ #search_term{ font-weight:bold; color:#f00; } I have an upload form (which can be seen he There are currently 5 "upload" fields, and I would like to have it so that if a person requires more "upload" fields, they can click on a + sign or something and it will make 15 more "upload" fields drop down (so they can upload a total of 20 files at a time). Does anyone know a good way to do this? Thanks. <?php error_reporting(0); foreach($_POST as $key => $value){ if (is_array($value)) { $_values[$key] = join("%,% ",$value); }else $_values[$key] = $value; $_values[$key]=stripslashes($_values[$key]); } if (!isset($_POST["_referer"])) { @$_referer = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]; }else $_referer = $_POST["_referer"]; $_ErrorList = array(); function mark_if_error($_field_name, $_old_style = ""){ global $_ErrorList; $flag=false; foreach($_ErrorList as $_error_item_name){ if ($_error_item_name==$_field_name) { $flag=true; } } echo $flag ? "style=\"background-color: #FFCCBA; border: solid 1px #D63301;\"" : $_old_style; } function IsThereErrors($form, $_isdisplay) { global $_POST, $_FILES, $_values, $_ErrorList; $flag = false; if ($form > -1) { if ($_isdisplay) { echo "<div style=\"border: 1px solid; margin: 10px auto; padding:15px 10px 15px 50px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 10px center; color: #D63301; background-color: #FFCCBA; max-width:600px; background-image:url('".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?image=warning');\">"; } $flag = false; $req[0][] = array("firstname", "firstname is required."); $req[0][] = array("lastname", "lastname is required."); $req[0][] = array("email", "email is required."); $req[0][] = array("companynumber", "companynumber is required."); foreach($req[$form] as $field){ if (!isset($_values[$field[0]]) or ($_values[$field[0]]=="")) { $flag = true; if ($_isdisplay) { echo $field[1]."<br>"; $_ErrorList[] = $field[0]; } } } $files_req[0][] = array("upload1", "upload1 is required."); foreach($files_req[$form] as $field){ if (@$_FILES[$field[0]]["name"]=="") { $flag = true; if ($_isdisplay) { echo $field[1]."<br>"; $_ErrorList[] = $field[0]; } } } $fields[0][] = array("email", '/^\w+((-\w+)|(\.\w+))*\@[A-Za-z0-9]+((\.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*\.[A-Za-z0-9]{2,4}$/', true, "email should be valid e-mail address."); $fields[0][] = array("companynumber", '/^[-+]?\b[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?\b$/', true, "companynumber should contain integer or floating point value only."); foreach($fields[$form] as $field){ if (!(preg_match($field[1],$_values[$field[0]])==$field[2]) && $_values[$field[0]]!=""){ $flag = true; if ($_isdisplay) { echo $field[3]."<br>"; $_ErrorList[] = $field[0]; } } } $files[0][] = array("upload1", "true", "true", "You are trying to upload file with not allowed extension.", "true", ""); $files[0][] = array("upload2", "true", "true", "", "true", ""); $files[0][] = array("upload3", "true", "true", "", "true", ""); $files[0][] = array("upload4", "true", "true", "", "true", ""); $files[0][] = array("upload5", "true", "true", "", "true", ""); foreach($files[$form] as $file){ $str = $file[1]; if (eval("if($str){return true;}")) { $_values[$file[0]] = $_FILES[$file[0]]["name"]; $dirs = explode("/","attachments//"); $cur_dir ="."; foreach($dirs as $dir){ $cur_dir = $cur_dir."/".$dir; if (!@opendir($cur_dir)) { mkdir($cur_dir, 0777);}} $_values[$file[0]."_real-name"] = "attachments/".date("YmdHis")."_".$_FILES[$file[0]]["name"]."_secure"; copy($_FILES[$file[0]]["tmp_name"],$_values[$file[0]."_real-name"]); @unlink($_FILES[$file[0]]["tmp_name"]); }else{ $flag=true; if ($_isdisplay) { //$ExtFltr = $file[2]; //$FileSize = $file[4]; if (!eval("if($file[2]){return true;}")){echo $file[3];} if (!eval("if($file[4]){return true;}")){echo $file[5];} $_ErrorList[] = $file[0]; } } } if ($_isdisplay) { echo "</div>"; } } return $flag; } function display_page_upload_form($_iserrors) { global $_values, $_referer;?> <html><SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript"> var fields = { "companynumber" : ["companynumber", /^[-+]?\b[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?\b$/, true, "Your Company Number should be entered with no spaces or hyphens."], "email" : ["email", /^\w+((-\w+)|(\.\w+))*\@[A-Za-z0-9]+((\.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*\.[A-Za-z0-9]{2,4}$/, true, "Please ensure your email address is in a valid format."] }; var req = { "upload1" : ["upload1", "upload1 is required."], "companynumber" : ["companynumber", "company number is required."], "email" : ["email", "email is required."], "lastname" : ["lastname", "last name is required."], "firstname" : ["firstname", "first name is required."] }; var validate_form = true;function CheckForm(){HideAllErrors();if(!validate_form)return true;var LastErrorField=null;for(var i in fields){isError=ValidateField(fields[i][0],fields[i][1],fields[i][2],fields[i][3]);if(isError)LastErrorField=isError}for(var i in req){isError=isFilled(req[i][0],req[i][1]);if(isError)LastErrorField=isError}if(LastErrorField){LastErrorField.focus();return false}else return true}function ShowTooltip(type,field,message){var IE='\v'=='v';var container;if(!(container=document.getElementById('error_list'))){var container=(IE)?(document.createElement('<div name="error_list">')):(document.createElement('div'));container=document.createElement('div');container.setAttribute('id','error_list');document.body.appendChild(container)}if(!document.getElementById(field+'_tooltip')){var elem=(IE)?(document.createElement('<div name="myName">')):(document.createElement('div'));var elem2=(IE)?(document.createElement('<div name="myName2">')):(document.createElement('div'));div_id=field+'_tooltip';elem=document.createElement('div');elem.setAttribute('id',div_id);elem.className="fe-"+type+"-container";elem.onmouseover=function(){MoveDivToTop(this)};elem.onclick=function(){HideTooltip(};elem2=document.createElement('div');elem2.className="fe-"+type;elem2.innerHTML=message;parentField=document.getElementsByName(field);var f=0;while(parentField[f].type=='hidden')f++;with({top=findPos(parentField[f])[0]+'px';left=findPos(parentField[f])[1]+parentField[f].offsetWidth+'px'}elem.appendChild(elem2);container.appendChild(elem)}}function ValidateField(name,rule,condition,message){fld=document.getElementsByName(name);var i=0;while(fld[i].type=='hidden')i++;if(!(((fld[i].value.match(rule)!=null)==condition)||(fld[i].value==""))){ShowTooltip('error',fld[i].name,message);return fld[i]}return null}function isFilled(name,message){fld=document.getElementsByName(name);var isFilled=false;var i=0;while(fld[i].type=='hidden')i++;var obj=fld[i];for(j=i;j<fld.length;j++){if((fld[j].type=='checkbox')||(fld[j].type=='radio')){if(fld[j].checked)isFilled=true}else{if(fld[j].value!="")isFilled=true}}if(isFilled){return null}else{ShowTooltip('error',name,message);return obj}}function FieldBlur(elemId){HideTooltip(elemId);fieldName=elemId.replace(/(\S{0,})_tooltip/,"$1");if(typeof fields[fieldName]!='undefined'){ValidateField(fields[fieldName][0],fields[fieldName][1],fields[fieldName][2],fields[fieldName][3])}if(typeof req[fieldName]!='undefined'){isFilled(req[fieldName][0],req[fieldName][1])}}function HideTooltip(elemId){var elem=document.getElementById(elemId);var parent=document.getElementById('error_list');if((elem)&&(parent))parent.removeChild(elem)}function HideAllErrors(){error_container=document.getElementById('error_list');if(error_container!=null){while(error_container.childNodes.length>0){error_container.removeChild(error_container.firstChild)}}}function MoveDivToTop(div_to_top){div_container=document.getElementById('error_list');for(i=0;i<div_container.childNodes.length;i++)div_container.childNodes[i].style.zIndex="998";"999"}function findPos(obj){var curleft=curtop=0;do{curleft+=obj.offsetLeft;curtop+=obj.offsetTop}while(obj=obj.offsetParent);return[curtop,curleft]} </SCRIPT> <style type="text/css"> .form_expert_style {display: none;}.fe-info,.fe-error{font:13px arial,helvetica,verdana,sans-serif;padding:2px;position:relative;top:-7px}.fe-error{border:solid 1px #d51007;background:#fbe3e4;color:#d51007}.fe-info{border:solid 1px #0187c5;background:#eff9ff;color:#0187c5}.fe-info-container,.fe-error-container{position:absolute;padding:0;border-left:8px solid transparent;-border-left:8px solid white;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Chroma(color="white")}.fe-error-container{border-top:8px solid #d00}.fe-info-container{border-top:8px solid #0187c5} </style> <form class="uploadform" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" onSubmit="return CheckForm(this);"> <?php IsThereErrors("0", $_iserrors); 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padding-bottom:300px;"><b>Thank you for your submission</b></p> </html> <?php } function display_default() { ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><title>Successful submission</title><link rel="shortcut icon" href="" /><style>html,body,form,fieldset{margin:0;padding:0}html,body{ height:100%}body{color:#000;background:#FFF;font-family:Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;line-height:160%}body#bd{padding:0;color:#333;background-color:#FFF}body.fs4{font-size:12px}.componentheading{color:#4F4F4F;font-family:"Segoe UI","Trebuchet MS",Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-weight:bold}small,.small{color:#666;font-size:92%}ul{list-style:none}ul li{padding-left:30px;background:url(../images/bullet-list.gif) no-repeat 18px 9px;line-height:180%}.componentheading{padding:0 0 15px 0;margin-bottom:0px;color:#4F4F4F;background:url( repeat-x bottom;font-size:250%;font-weight:bold}#ja-header{height:60px;position:relative;z-index:999;width:920px;margin:0 auto;clear:both}#ja-containerwrap,#ja-footer{width:920px;margin:0 auto;clear:both}#main-container{ min-height:100%; 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".date("H:i").""; $head[0] .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $head[0] .= "From: ".str_replace("%,%", ",", $_values['email'])."\r\n"; $head[0] .= "X-Mailer: Forms Expert at\r\n"; $head[0] .= "Reply-To: ".str_replace("%,%", ",", $_values['email'])."\r\n"; $head[0] .= "Content-Type:multipart/mixed;"; $head[0] .= "boundary=\"".$un."\"\r\n\r\n"; $EmailBody = "<html><body> Form was filled with the following data: <br><b>firstname:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["firstname"])." <br><b>lastname:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["lastname"])." <br><b>email:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["email"])." <br><b>companynumber:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["companynumber"])." <br><b>upload1:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["upload1"])." <br><b>upload2:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["upload2"])." <br><b>upload3:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["upload3"])." <br><b>upload4:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["upload4"])." <br><b>upload5:</b> ".htmlspecialchars($_values["upload5"])." </body></html> "; BuildBody($EmailBody, True, 0); for ($i=0;$i<=0;$i++){ mail($to[$i], $subject[$i], $zag[$i], $head[$i]); } } $actions = array ("display_page_upload_form","display_thankyou"); session_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION["FormSent"])) { $_SESSION["FormSent"] = time(); $delta = -1; } else { $delta = time() - $_SESSION["FormSent"]; } if (((strlen(trim(@$_POST["URL"])) > 0) or (($delta>-1)and($delta<2)))and(!isset($_POST["back"]))){ display_spam_warning(); }else{ unset($_SESSION["FormSent"]); if (in_array($_GET["image"], array("warning"))) { header("Content-type: image/png"); echo base64_decode("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"); }else{ if (isset($_POST["_next_page"])) { $_next_page = $_POST["_next_page"]; }else $_next_page = 0; if (isset($_POST["back"])) { call_user_func($actions[$_next_page-2],false); }else if (IsThereErrors($_next_page-1, false)){ call_user_func($actions[$_next_page-1],true); }else { call_user_func($actions[$_next_page+0],false); if ($_next_page == count($actions)-1) { SendEmails(); session_destroy(); } } } } ?> Hello All, Have another problem want to make the fields editable, i have tried in several ways but it's not helping if some one can help me out on this, i have tried contents editable = "true" but not helpful at all below is the code: Please advise what and where needs to be added to make the fields editable except date fields. <?php session_start(); error_reporting(0); include('includes/dbconnection.php'); if (strlen($_SESSION['cvmsaid']==0)) { header('location:logout.php'); } else{ if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $eid=$_GET['editid']; $remark=$_POST['remark']; $fullname=$_POST['fullname']; $query=mysqli_query($con,"update tblsupvisitor set remark='$remark',fullname-'$fullname' where ID='$eid'"); if ($query) { $msg="Visitors Remark has been Updated."; } else { $msg="Something Went Wrong. Please try again"; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <!-- Required meta tags--> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"> <meta name="description" content="au theme template"> <meta name="author" content="Hau Nguyen"> <meta name="keywords" content="au theme template"> <!-- Title Page--> <title>CVSM Visitors Forms</title> <!-- Fontfaces CSS--> <link href="css/font-face.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all"> <link href="vendor/font-awesome-5/css/fontawesome-all.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all"> <link href="vendor/font-awesome-4.7/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all"> <link href="vendor/mdi-font/css/material-design-iconic-font.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all"> <!-- Bootstrap CSS--> <link href="vendor/bootstrap-4.1/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all"> <!-- Vendor CSS--> <link href="vendor/animsition/animsition.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all"> <link href="vendor/bootstrap-progressbar/bootstrap-progressbar-3.3.4.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all"> <link href="vendor/wow/animate.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all"> <link href="vendor/css-hamburgers/hamburgers.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all"> <link href="vendor/slick/slick.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all"> <link href="vendor/select2/select2.min.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all"> <link href="vendor/perfect-scrollbar/perfect-scrollbar.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all"> <!-- Main CSS--> <link href="css/theme.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all"> </head> <body class="animsition"> <div class="page-wrapper"> <!-- HEADER MOBILE--> <?php include_once('includes/sidebar-Supp.php');?> <!-- END HEADER MOBILE--> <!-- MENU SIDEBAR--> <!-- END MENU SIDEBAR--> <!-- PAGE CONTAINER--> <div class="page-container"> <!-- HEADER DESKTOP--> <?php include_once('includes/header-supp.php');?> <!-- HEADER DESKTOP--> <!-- MAIN CONTENT--> <div class="main-content"> <div class="section__content section__content--p30"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="card"> <div class="card-header"> <strong>Visitor</strong> Details </div> <div class="card-body card-block"> <p style="font-size:16px; color:red" align="center"> <?php if($msg){ echo $msg; } ?> </p> <?php $eid=$_GET['editid']; $ret=mysqli_query($con,"select * from tblsupvisitor where ID='$eid'"); $cnt=1; while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($ret)) { ?><table border="1" class="table table-bordered mg-b-0"> <tr> <th>Full Name</th> <td><?php echo $row['FullName'];?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Qatar ID #</th> <td><?php echo $row['IDNO'];?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Vehicle #</th> <td><?php echo $row['vno'];?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>No of Persons</th> <td><?php echo $row['noopaxs'];?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Address</th> <td><?php echo $row['Address'];?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Whom to Meet</th> <td><?php echo $row['WhomtoMeet'];?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Deptartment</th> <td><?php echo $row['Deptartment'];?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Reason to Meet</th> <td><?php echo $row['ReasontoMeet'];?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Vistor Entring Time</th> <td><?php echo $row['EnterDate'];?></td> </tr> <?php if($row['remark']==""){ ?> <form method="post"> <tr> <th>Outing Remark :</th> <td> <textarea name="remark" placeholder="" rows="12" cols="14" class="form-control wd-450" required="true"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="2"><button type="submit" name="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm">Update</button></td> </tr> </form> <?php } else { ?> <tr> <th>Outing Remark </th> <td><?php echo $row['remark']; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <th>Out Time</th> <td><?php echo $row['outtime']; ?> </td> <?php } ?> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php include_once('includes/footer.php');?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Jquery JS--> <script src="vendor/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script> <!-- Bootstrap JS--> <script src="vendor/bootstrap-4.1/popper.min.js"></script> <script src="vendor/bootstrap-4.1/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <!-- Vendor JS --> <script src="vendor/slick/slick.min.js"> </script> <script src="vendor/wow/wow.min.js"></script> <script src="vendor/animsition/animsition.min.js"></script> <script src="vendor/bootstrap-progressbar/bootstrap-progressbar.min.js"> </script> <script src="vendor/counter-up/jquery.waypoints.min.js"></script> <script src="vendor/counter-up/jquery.counterup.min.js"> </script> <script src="vendor/circle-progress/circle-progress.min.js"></script> <script src="vendor/perfect-scrollbar/perfect-scrollbar.js"></script> <script src="vendor/chartjs/Chart.bundle.min.js"></script> <script src="vendor/select2/select2.min.js"> </script> <!-- Main JS--> <script src="js/main.js"></script> </body> </html> <!-- end document--> <?php } ?> <?php } ?>
Any help will be much appreciated.
Kind Regards, Naveed. Edited July 30, 2020 by Naveed786This topic has been moved to HTML Help. |