PHP - Help With Sending Online Order Form
I have made an order form in html and i want to send the content of the form to an email adres. I tried some things already with php but i can't seem to get it right. Can anyone help me with this order form?
Similar TutorialsCode: [Select] Hi, I am calling the sms service provider server with the following code $url = $urlAccount_home."?username=".$userAccount."&password=".$passAccount."&number=".$number."&sender=".$userSenderSMS."&msg=".$msg; if (!($fp =fopen($url,"r"))) echo "<br><center>خطا في الاتصال </center><br>"; $result =fread($fp,10); fclose($fp); When sending sms to 1 person no problem, but when sending sms to more than 1 person example for a group, i will poll the serve in loop... what am afraid is calling the server more than once continuously, wont affect the service? The following code is what I have already done, but I have just realised that the way I have done this will not enable me to display the online users in alphabetical order, I do not know a way how to do this. Any help or suggestions? Thanks $friend_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM friend_request WHERE user='{$user_id}'"); $friend_id_array = ""; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($friend_query)) { $friend_id = $row['friend_id']; $more_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM friend_request WHERE friend_id='{$user_id}'"); while($row_more = mysql_fetch_assoc($more_query)) { $more_friend_id = $row_more['user']; //all friends in an array $friend_id_array = $friend_id_array.$friend_id."/".$more_friend_id; $friend_id_array = explode('/', $friend_id_array); $friend_count = count($friend_id_array); //how many of the friends are online $online_count = 0; for($i=0;$i<$friend_count;$i++) { $query_online = mysql_query("SELECT loggedin, fname, mname, lname FROM users WHERE id='{$friend_id_array[$i]}'"); //get loggedin and names $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_online); $loggedin = $row['loggedin']; if($loggedin == "1") //if logged in { $online_count++; // final number off people online } } } } Hi there i would like to send my clients a randomly generated order code by email i have had no success so far and was wondering how to do it. Any help would be great! Thanks, Blink359 I am quite inexperienced when it comes to coding and I obtained a template for an online form submission that I butchered to meet my needs. Our clients are attempting to send the form, and there are times that it transmits correctly, and times that it won't. There is verification code to try and eliminate bots from filing and submitting bogus forms. Can anyone spend the time to review my code and attempt to tell you where my issue may lie? You may view my form at http://www.damageana..._assignment.php
<?php session_start(); function getRealIp() { if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { //check ip from share internet $ip=$_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { //to check ip is pass from proxy $ip=$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else { $ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } return $ip; } function writeLog($where) { $ip = getRealIp(); // Get the IP from superglobal $host = gethostbyaddr($ip); // Try to locate the host of the attack $date = date("d M Y"); // create a logging message with php heredoc syntax $logging = <<<LOG \n << Start of Message >> There was a hacking attempt on your form. \n Date of Attack: {$date} IP-Adress: {$ip} \n Host of Attacker: {$host} Point of Attack: {$where} << End of Message >> LOG; // Awkward but LOG must be flush left // open log file if($handle = fopen('hacklog.log', 'a')) { fputs($handle, $logging); // write the Data to file fclose($handle); // close the file } else { // if first method is not working, for example because of wrong file permissions, email the data $to = ''; $subject = 'HACK ATTEMPT'; $header = 'From:'; if (mail($to, $subject, $logging, $header)) { echo "Sent notice to admin."; } } } function verifyFormToken($form) { // check if a session is started and a token is transmitted, if not return an error if(!isset($_SESSION[$form.'_token'])) { return false; } // check if the form is sent with token in it if(!isset($_POST['token'])) { return false; } // compare the tokens against each other if they are still the same if ($_SESSION[$form.'_token'] !== $_POST['token']) { return false; } return true; } function generateFormToken($form) { // generate a token from an unique value, took from microtime, you can also use salt-values, other crypting methods... $token = md5(uniqid(microtime(), true)); // Write the generated token to the session variable to check it against the hidden field when the form is sent $_SESSION[$form.'_token'] = $token; return $token; } // VERIFY LEGITIMACY OF TOKEN if (verifyFormToken('form1')) { // CHECK TO SEE IF THIS IS A MAIL POST if (isset($_POST['req-name'])) { // Building a whitelist array with keys which will send through the form, no others would be accepted later on $whitelist = array('token','req-company','req-email','req-name','req-phone','ext','fax','assign_type','loss_type','req-claim','policy','ded','dol','Clmt-Own','insd','insd_add','insd_city','insd_st','insd-zip','insd-home','insd-work','insd-cell','insd-other','clmt','clmt_add','clmt_city','clmt_st','clmt-zip','clmt-home','clmt-work','clmt-cell','clmt-other','VIN','veh-year','veh-make','veh-model','veh-model','veh-color','lic_pl','location','loc-name','loc-add','loc-city','loc-st','loc-zip','loc-con','loc-phone','desc-loss','desc-dmg','spec-inst','save-company','save-email','save-name','save-phone'); // Building an array with the $_POST-superglobal foreach ($_POST as $key=>$item) { // Check if the value $key (fieldname from $_POST) can be found in the whitelisting array, if not, die with a short message to the hacker if (!in_array($key, $whitelist)) { writeLog('Unknown form fields'); die("Hack-Attempt detected. Please use only the fields in the form"); } } // SAVE INFO AS COOKIE, if user wants name and email saved $saveCompany = $_POST['save-company']; if ($saveCompany == 'on') { setcookie("NA-Company", $_POST['req-company'], time()+60*60*24*365); } $saveName = $_POST['save-name']; if ($saveName == 'on') { setcookie("NA-Name", $_POST['req-name'], time()+60*60*24*365); } $saveEmail = $_POST['save-email']; if ($saveEmail =='on') { setcookie("NA-Email", $_POST['req-email'], time()+60*60*24*365); } $savePhone = $_POST['save-phone']; if ($savePhone =='on') { setcookie("NA-Phone", $_POST['req-phone'], time()+60*60*24*365); } // PREPARE THE BODY OF THE MESSAGE $message = '<html><body>'; $message .= '<img src="" alt="Assignment Request" />'; $message .= '<table rules="all" style="border-color: #666;" cellpadding="10">'; $message .= "<tr style='background: #eee;'><td><strong>Company:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['req-company']) . "</td></tr>"; $message .= "<tr><td><strong>Adjuster:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['req-name']) . "</td></tr>"; $message .= "<tr><td><strong>Email:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['req-email']) . "</td></tr>"; $message .= "<tr><td><strong>Phone:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['req-phone']) . "</td></tr>"; if($_POST['ext'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Extension:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['ext']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['fax'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Fax:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['fax']) . "</td></tr>";} $message .= "<tr><td><strong>Assignment Type:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['assign_type']) . "</td></tr>"; if($_POST['loss_type'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Type of Loss:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['loss_type']) . "</td></tr>";} $message .= "<tr><td><strong>Claim #:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['req-claim']) . "</td></tr>"; if($_POST['policy'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Policy #:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['policy']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['ded'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Deductible:</strong> </td><td> $" . strip_tags($_POST['ded']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['dol'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Date of Loss:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['dol']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['insd'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Insured:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['insd']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['insd_add'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Insured's Address:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['insd_add']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['insd_city'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Insured's City:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['insd_city']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['insd_st'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Insured's State:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['insd_st']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['insd-zip'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Insured's Zip:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['insd-zip']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['insd-home'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Insured's Home Phone:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['insd-home']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['insd-work'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Insured's Work Phone:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['insd-work']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['insd-cell'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Insured's Mobile Phone:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['insd-cell']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['insd-other'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Insured's Other Phone:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['insd-other']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['clmt'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Claimant:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['clmt']) . "</td></tr>"; $message .= "<tr><td><strong>Claimant's Address:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['clmt_add']) . "</td></tr>"; $message .= "<tr><td><strong>Claimant's City:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['clmt_city']) . "</td></tr>"; $message .= "<tr><td><strong>Claimant's State:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['clmt_st']) . "</td></tr>"; $message .= "<tr><td><strong>Claimant's Zip:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['clmt-zip']) . "</td></tr>"; $message .= "<tr><td><strong>Claimant's Home Phone:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['clmt-home']) . "</td></tr>"; $message .= "<tr><td><strong>Claimant's Work Phone:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['clmt-work']) . "</td></tr>"; $message .= "<tr><td><strong>Claimant's Mobile Phone:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['clmt-cell']) . "</td></tr>"; $message .= "<tr><td><strong>Claimant's Other Phone:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['clmt-other']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['VIN'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>VIN:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['VIN']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['veh-year'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Year:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['veh-year']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['veh-make'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Make:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['veh-make']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['veh-model'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Model:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['veh-model']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['veh-color'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Color:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['veh-color']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['lic_pl'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>License Plate:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['lic_pl']) . "</td></tr>";} $message .= "<tr><td><strong>Unit Location:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['location']) . "</td></tr>"; if($_POST['location'] =='At Another Location') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Location Name:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['loc-name']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['location'] =='At Another Location') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Location Address:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['loc-add']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['location'] =='At Another Location') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Location City:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['loc-city']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['location'] =='At Another Location') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Location State:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['loc-st']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['location'] =='At Another Location') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Location Zip:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['loc-zip']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['location'] =='At Another Location') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Location Contact:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['loc-con']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['location'] =='At Another Location') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Location Phone:</strong> </td><td>" . strip_tags($_POST['loc-phone']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['desc-loss'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Description of Loss:</strong> </td><td>" . htmlentities($_POST['desc-loss']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['desc-dmg'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Description of Damage:</strong> </td><td>" . htmlentities($_POST['desc-dmg']) . "</td></tr>";} if($_POST['spec-inst'] !='') {$message .= "<tr><td><strong>Special Instructions:</strong> </td><td>" . htmlentities($_POST['spec-inst']) . "</td></tr>";} $message .= "</table>"; $message .= "</body></html>"; // MAKE SURE THE "FROM" EMAIL ADDRESS DOESN'T HAVE ANY NASTY STUFF IN IT $pattern = "/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$/i"; if (preg_match($pattern, trim(strip_tags($_POST['req-email'])))) { $cleanedFrom = trim(strip_tags($_POST['req-email'])); } else { return "The email address you entered was invalid. Please try again!"; } // CHANGE THE BELOW VARIABLES TO YOUR NEEDS $to = ''; $subject = 'New Assignment Request'; $headers = "From: " . $cleanedFrom . "\r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: ". strip_tags($_POST['req-email']) . "\r\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n"; if (mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) { echo 'Your message has been sent.'; } else { echo 'There was a problem sending the email.'; } // DON'T BOTHER CONTINUING TO THE HTML... die(); } } else { if (!isset($_SESSION[$form.'_token'])) { } else { echo "Hack-Attempt detected. Got ya!."; writeLog('Formtoken'); } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="fr" lang="fr"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>New Assignment Request Form</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jqtransform.css" type="text/css" media="all" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css" media="all" /> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> google.load("jquery", "1.3.2"); </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.jqtransform.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.validate.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.form.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/websitechange.js"></script> </head> <?php // generate a new token for the $_SESSION superglobal and put them in a hidden field $newToken = generateFormToken('form1'); ?> <body> <div id="page-wrap"> <img src="" alt="DANA_logo" width="750" height="70" /> <h1>New Assignment Request Form</h1> <form action="new_assignment.php" method="post" id="change-form"> <h4>IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ.</h4> <h3> -Please provide us with as much information as possible to aide us in setting up a new appraisal for you. <br> <br> -Please be sure to provide as least one good contact number for the vehicle owner. <br> <br> -Once submitted, you will receive an acknowledgement in your e-mail with information regarding the appraisal for your claim. <br> <br> -If submitted before 3 PM, and no acknowledgement is received by 5 PM, please call our office to confirm we received the request.</h3> <input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $newToken; ?>"> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="req-company">Company*:</label> <input type="text" id="req-company" name="req-company" class="required" minlength="2" value="<?php echo $_COOKIE["NA-Company"]; ?>" /> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="req-name">Adjuster*:</label> <input type="text" id="req-name" name="req-name" class="required" minlength="2" value="<?php echo $_COOKIE["NA-Name"]; ?>" /> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="req-email">E-mail*:</label> <input type="text" name="req-email" class="required email" value="<?php echo $_COOKIE["NA-Email"]; ?>" /> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="req-phone">Phone*:</label> <input type"text" id="req-phone" name="req-phone" class="required" maxlength="12" value="<?php echo $_COOKIE["NA-Phone"]; ?>" /> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="ext">Extension:</label> <input type="text" id="ext" /> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="fax">Fax:</label> <input type="text" id"fax" /> </div> <h2>Claim Info</h2> <div class="rowElemSelect"> <label for="assign_type">Assignment Type*:</label> <select name="assign_type" class="required"> <option value="Automobile">Automobile</option> <option value="Recreational">Recreational</option> <option value="Heavy Equipment">Heavy Equipment</option> <option value="Property">Minor Property</option> <option value="Estimate Audit">Estimate Audit</option> <option value="Scene Investigation">Scene Investigation</option> <option value="Arbitration">Arbitration</option> <option value="DRP Inspection">DRP Quality Control Inspection</option> <option value="Photos Only">Photos Only</option> </select> </div> <br> <div class"rowElemSelect"> <label for="loss_type">Type of Loss:</label> <select name="loss_type" id="loss_type"> <option value="Collision">Collision</option> <option value="Comprehensive">Comprehensive</option> <option value="Other">Other</option> </select> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="req-claim">Claim #*:</label> <input type="text" id="req-claim" name="req-claim" class="required"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for"policy">Policy #:</label> <input type="text" id="policy" name="policy"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="ded">Deductible:</label> <input type="text" id="ded" name="ded"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="dol">Date of Loss:</label> <input type="date" id="dol" name="dol"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="Clmt-Own">Claimant Vehicle?</label> <input type="checkbox" name="Clmt-Own" id="ClmtCheck" /> </div> <h2>Insured Info</h2> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="insd">Insured:</label> <input type="text" id="insd" name="insd"> </div> <div class ="rowElem"> <label for="insd_add">Address:</label> <input type="text" id="insd_add" name="insd_add"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="insd_city">City:</label> <input type="text" id="insd_city" name="insd_city"> </div> <br> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="insd_st">State:</label> <select name="insd_st" id="insd_st"> <option value="AL">AL</option> <option value="AK">AK</option> <option value="AZ">AZ</option> <option value="AR">AR</option> <option value="CA">CA</option> <option value="CO">CO</option> <option value="CT">CT</option> <option value="DE">DE</option> <option value="FL">FL</option> <option value="GA">GA</option> <option value="HI">HI</option> <option value="ID">ID</option> <option value="IL">IL</option> <option value="IN">IN</option> <option value="IA">IA</option> <option value="KS">KS</option> <option value="KY">KY</option> <option value="LA">LA</option> <option value="ME">ME</option> <option value="MD">MD</option> <option value="MA">MA</option> <option value="MI" selected="selected">MI</option> <option value="MN">MN</option> <option value="MS">MS</option> <option value="MO">MO</option> <option value="MT">MT</option> <option value="NE">NE</option> <option value="NV">NV</option> <option value="NH">NH</option> <option value="NJ">NJ</option> <option value="NM">NM</option> <option value="NY">NY</option> <option value="NC">NC</option> <option value="ND">ND</option> <option value="OH">OH</option> <option value="OK">OK</option> <option value="OR">OR</option> <option value="PA">PA</option> <option value="RI">RI</option> <option value="SC">SC</option> <option value="SD">SD</option> <option value="TN">TN</option> <option value="TX">TX</option> <option value="UT">UT</option> <option value="VT">VT</option> <option value="VA">VA</option> <option value="WA">WA</option> <option value="WV">WV</option> <option value="WI">WI</option> <option value="WY">WY</option> </select> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="insd-zip">Zip Code:</label> <input type="text" name="insd-zip" id="insd-zip" minlength="5" maxlength="10"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="insd-home">Home Phone:</label> <input type="text" name="insd-home" id="insd-home" maxlength="12"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="insd-work">Work Phone:</label> <input type="text" name="insd-work" id="insd-work" maxlength="12"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="insd-cell">Mobile Phone:</label> <input type="text" name="insd-cell" id="insd-cell" maxlength="12"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="insd-other">Other Phone:</label> <input type="text" name="insd-other" id="insd-other" maxlength="12"> </div> <br> <div id="Clmt-Info"> <h2>Claimant Info</h2> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="clmt">Claimant:</label> <input type="text" id="clmt" name="clmt"> </div> <div class ="rowElem"> <label for="clmt_add">Address:</label> <input type="text" id="clmt_add" name="clmt_add"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="clmt_city">City:</label> <input type="text" id="clmt_city" name="clmt_city"> </div> <br> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="clmt_st">State:</label> <select name="clmt_st" id="clmt_st"> <option value="AL">AL</option> <option value="AK">AK</option> <option value="AZ">AZ</option> <option value="AR">AR</option> <option value="CA">CA</option> <option value="CO">CO</option> <option value="CT">CT</option> <option value="DE">DE</option> <option value="FL">FL</option> <option value="GA">GA</option> <option value="HI">HI</option> <option value="ID">ID</option> <option value="IL">IL</option> <option value="IN">IN</option> <option value="IA">IA</option> <option value="KS">KS</option> <option value="KY">KY</option> <option value="LA">LA</option> <option value="ME">ME</option> <option value="MD">MD</option> <option value="MA">MA</option> <option value="MI" selected="selected">MI</option> <option value="MN">MN</option> <option value="MS">MS</option> <option value="MO">MO</option> <option value="MT">MT</option> <option value="NE">NE</option> <option value="NV">NV</option> <option value="NH">NH</option> <option value="NJ">NJ</option> <option value="NM">NM</option> <option value="NY">NY</option> <option value="NC">NC</option> <option value="ND">ND</option> <option value="OH">OH</option> <option value="OK">OK</option> <option value="OR">OR</option> <option value="PA">PA</option> <option value="RI">RI</option> <option value="SC">SC</option> <option value="SD">SD</option> <option value="TN">TN</option> <option value="TX">TX</option> <option value="UT">UT</option> <option value="VT">VT</option> <option value="VA">VA</option> <option value="WA">WA</option> <option value="WV">WV</option> <option value="WI">WI</option> <option value="WY">WY</option> </select> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="clmt-zip">Zip Code:</label> <input type="text" name="clmt-zip" id="clmt-zip" minlength="5" maxlength="10"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="clmt-home">Home Phone:</label> <input type="text" name="clmt-home" id="clmt-home" maxlength="12"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="clmt-work">Work Phone:</label> <input type="text" name="clmt-work" id="clmt-work" maxlength="12"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="clmt-cell">Mobile Phone:</label> <input type="text" name="clmt-cell" id="clmt-cell" maxlength="12"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="clmt-other">Other Phone:</label> <input type="text" name="clmt-other" id="clmt-other" maxlength="12"> </div> </div> <br> <h2>Damaged Unit Information</h2> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="VIN">VIN:</label> <input type="text" name="VIN" id="VIN" maxlength="17"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="veh-year">Year:</label> <input type="text" name="veh-year" id="veh-year" maxlength="4"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="veh-make">Make:</label> <input type="text" name="veh-make" id="veh-make"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="veh-model">Model:</label> <input type="text" name="veh-model" id="veh-model"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="lic_pl">License Plate:</label> <input type="text" name="lic_pl" id"lic_pl"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="veh-color">Color:</label> <input type="text" name="veh-color" id="veh-color"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label>Unit Location:</label> <div id="changeLocation"> <input type="radio" name="location" id="owner" value="With the Owner" checked="checked" /> <label for="owner">With the Owner</label> <div class="clear"></div> <label></label> <input type="radio" name="location" id="alt-loc" name="loc" value="At Another Location" /> <label for="alt-loc">At Another Location (i.e. Body Shop, Tow Yard, Workplace)</label> </div> </div> <br> <div class="clear"></div> <br> <br> <div id="loc-info"> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="loc-name">Location Name:</label> <input type="text" name="loc-name" id="loc-name"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="loc-add">Location Address:</label> <input type="text" name="loc-add" id="loc-add"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="loc-city">Location City:</label> <input type="text" name="loc-city" id="loc-city"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="loc-st">State:</label> <select name="loc-st" id="loc-st"> <option value="AL">AL</option> <option value="AK">AK</option> <option value="AZ">AZ</option> <option value="AR">AR</option> <option value="CA">CA</option> <option value="CO">CO</option> <option value="CT">CT</option> <option value="DE">DE</option> <option value="FL">FL</option> <option value="GA">GA</option> <option value="HI">HI</option> <option value="ID">ID</option> <option value="IL">IL</option> <option value="IN">IN</option> <option value="IA">IA</option> <option value="KS">KS</option> <option value="KY">KY</option> <option value="LA">LA</option> <option value="ME">ME</option> <option value="MD">MD</option> <option value="MA">MA</option> <option value="MI" selected="selected">MI</option> <option value="MN">MN</option> <option value="MS">MS</option> <option value="MO">MO</option> <option value="MT">MT</option> <option value="NE">NE</option> <option value="NV">NV</option> <option value="NH">NH</option> <option value="NJ">NJ</option> <option value="NM">NM</option> <option value="NY">NY</option> <option value="NC">NC</option> <option value="ND">ND</option> <option value="OH">OH</option> <option value="OK">OK</option> <option value="OR">OR</option> <option value="PA">PA</option> <option value="RI">RI</option> <option value="SC">SC</option> <option value="SD">SD</option> <option value="TN">TN</option> <option value="TX">TX</option> <option value="UT">UT</option> <option value="VT">VT</option> <option value="VA">VA</option> <option value="WA">WA</option> <option value="WV">WV</option> <option value="WI">WI</option> <option value="WY">WY</option> </select> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="loc-zip">Location Zip:</label> <input type="text" name="loc-zip" id="loc-zip" minlength="5" maxlength="10"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="loc-con">Location Contact:</label> <input type="text" name="loc-con" id="loc-con"> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="loc-phone">Location Phone:</label> <input type="text" name="loc-phone" id="loc-phone" maxlength="12"> </div> </div> <br> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="desc-loss">Description of Loss:</label> <textarea cols="40" rows="8" name="desc-loss"></textarea> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="desc-dmg">Description of Damage:</label> <textarea cols="40" rows="8" name="desc-dmg"></textarea> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label for="spec-inst">Special Instructions:</label> <textarea cols="40" rows="8" name="spec-inst"></textarea> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label> </label> <input type="submit" value="Submit Request" /> </div> <div class="rowElem"> <label> </label> <input type="reset" value="Reset" /> </div> <div id="rowElem"> <label>Click to Save:</label> <input type="checkbox" name="save-company" /> <label for="save-company">Company Name</label> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div id="rowElem"> <label> </label> <input type="checkbox" name="save-name" /> <label for="save-name">Adjuster's Name</label> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div id="rowElem"> <label> </label> <input type="checkbox" name="save-email" /> <label for="save-email">Adjuster's E-mail</label> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div id="rowElem"> <label> </label> <input type="checkbox" name="save-phone" /> <label for="save-phone">Adjuster's Phone</label> </div> </form> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-68528-29"); pageTracker._initData(); pageTracker._trackPageview(); </script> </body> </html> Hi, I have a some online backup software call ahsay, I' am looing to create a API call with a form in PHP Please check out this link this is the guide to create a api for the online backup (page 69) Would some be intrested in creating this api call and php form for me ? p.s please see attached image this is something i'am looking for. if so how much would it be please email me if you want more info! Hi guys, i'm having trouble with making a order form for my school assignment, i'm trying to get it so that it gets the product number from one of the tables to show in a drop down box thingy any help would be greatly appricated. the code is below: <form name="Place an Order" method="post" action="order2.php "></center> <center><p>Enter the Product ID of the product you wish to purchase <a href="product.php" target="content">(cant remember? click here)</a>: <input name="ProductID" type="select" value="$query=mysql_query("SELECT ProductID FROM Products ORDER BY ProductName ASC") or die(mysql_error()); print("<select name=\"productid\">\n"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($query)) { printf("<option value=\"*" selected>*</option>\n", $row[0], $row[1]); } print("</select><br>");">"</p> <p>Customer ID <a href="Customer.php" target="content">(If you are not already a customer click here)</a>: <input name="CustomerID" type="text" value="Customer ID"></p> <p>Quantity: <input name="Quantity" type="text" value="99"></p> <input name="Place Order" type="submit" value="Place Order"> </center> </form> Hi everyone, I'm looking for a point in the right direction. I just about to start my biggest coding project yet. (A Simple PHP Order form). The client has suggested that they want a form for users to enter a reference code (from a catalog) of a product type how many items they want. It will generate a sub total. And if the total is over a certain amount discount will be given. The form will also have the regular form fields as well. e.g Name, email, address etc... Then all this will post to a email. I've created contact form scripts before. But is there any links or tutorials that could help me do this or even point me in the right direction. Thanks for all the help Barry Hi I have a html form page linked to a .php page for sending me and the user the data entered in to the from: Part of the code for example purposes: HTML SIDE <form method="post" action="thankyou.php"> <?php $ipi = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); $httprefi = getenv ("HTTP_REFERER"); $httpagenti = getenv ("HTTP_USER_AGENT"); ?> <input name="visitormail" type="text" size="25" /> <input name="button" type="submit" id="button" value="Send" /> </form> PHP SIDE SENDING <?php $visitormail = $_POST['visitormail']; $from = "From: $visitormail\r\n"; $from = "Cc: $visitormail\r\n"; mail("", $subject, $message, $from); ?> What is happening is the incoming mail is coming in to me and to the user from "" but from my ISP domain? After lots of searching I have come up with the answer that I should be using "PHP mail() and SMTP Authentication" ? Is this the case and if so how do I set up SMTP Authentication as I am new to php!!!!! Thanks Gary Hi, I had a website running a few months ago with a working contact form I am now building a new website and have copied the files changing relevant info but it is not not working it is sending me to the thank you page but the email is not coming through. Can anybody see why? <?php $EmailTo = ""; $Subject = "Contact from Website"; $Title = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['Title'])); $FName = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['First Name'])); $LName = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['Last Name'])); $Email = Trim(stripslashes($_POST['Email'])); // prepare email body text $Body = ""; $Body .= "Title: "; $Body .= $Title; $Body .= "\n"; $Body .= "First Name: "; $Body .= $FName; $Body .= "\n"; $Body .= "Last Name: "; $Body .= $LName; $Body .= "\n"; $Body .= "Email: "; $Body .= $Email; $Body .= "\n"; // send email $success = mail($EmailTo, $Subject, $Body, "From: <$Email>"); // redirect to success page if ($success){ print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=thankyou.php\">"; } else{ print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=error.php\">"; } ?> Code: [Select] <form action="quoteform.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="quoteform" id="quoteform"> <label for="Title" id="Title">Title:</label><select name="Title"> <option value="Mr">Mr</option> <option value="Mrs">Mrs</option> <option value="Miss">Miss</option> <option value="Ms">Ms</option> <option value="Dr">Dr</option> <option value="Other">Other</option> </select> <label for="FName" id="FName">First Name:</label><input name="First Name" type="text" size="25"> <label for="LName" id="LName">Last Name:</label><input name="Last Name" type="text" size="25"> <label for="Email" id="Email">Email:</label><input name="Email" type="text" size="50"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send" class="submit-button" title="Submit" /> <input type="button" value="Clear Message" onClick="document.forms['quoteform'].Message.value=''" /> </form> Ok I dont understand why my php form keeps sending me blank emails. Because I have a checker with java script. Did I do something wrong in my coding with the php forms or is it just the javascript on the sites problem? Here is the php form code: Code: [Select] <script language="JavaScript"> function checkForm() { var cname, caddress, cphone, cemail, ccontact; with(window.document.msgform) { cname = name; caddress = address; cphone = phone; cemail = email; ccontact = contact; } if(trim(cname.value) == '') { alert('Please enter your name'); cname.focus(); return false; } else if(trim(caddress.value) == '') { alert('Please enter your address'); cemail.focus(); return false; } else if(trim(cphone.value) == '') { alert('Please enter your phone number'); cemail.focus(); return false; } else if(!isEmail(trim(cemail.value))) { alert('Email address is not valid'); cemail.focus(); return false; } else if(trim(ccontact.value) == '') { alert('Please enter your contact person'); cemail.focus(); return false; } else { cname.value = trim(cname.value); caddress.value = trim(caddress.value); cphone.value = trim(cphone.value); cemail.value = trim(cemail.value); ccontact.value = trim(ccontact.value); return true; } } /* Strip whitespace from the beginning and end of a string Input : a string */ function trim(str) { return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,''); } /* Check if a string is in valid email format. Returns true if valid, false otherwise. */ function isEmail(str) { var regex = /^[-_.a-z0-9]+@(([-a-z0-9]+\.)+(ad|ae|aero|af|ag|ai|al|am|an|ao|aq|ar|arpa|as|at|au|aw|az|ba|bb|bd|be|bf|bg|bh|bi|biz|bj|bm|bn|bo|br|bs|bt|bv|bw|by|bz|ca|cc|cd|cf|cg|ch|ci|ck|cl|cm|cn|co|com|coop|cr|cs|cu|cv|cx|cy|cz|de|dj|dk|dm|do|dz|ec|edu|ee|eg|eh|er|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fk|fm|fo|fr|ga|gb|gd|ge|gf|gh|gi|gl|gm|gn|gov|gp|gq|gr|gs|gt|gu|gw|gy|hk|hm|hn|hr|ht|hu|id|ie|il|in|info|int|io|iq|ir|is|it|jm|jo|jp|ke|kg|kh|ki|km|kn|kp|kr|kw|ky|kz|la|lb|lc|li|lk|lr|ls|lt|lu|lv|ly|ma|mc|md|mg|mh|mil|mk|ml|mm|mn|mo|mp|mq|mr|ms|mt|mu|museum|mv|mw|mx|my|mz|na|name|nc|ne|net|nf|ng|ni|nl|no|np|nr|nt|nu|nz|om|org|pa|pe|pf|pg|ph|pk|pl|pm|pn|pr|pro|ps|pt|pw|py|qa|re|ro|ru|rw|sa|sb|sc|sd|se|sg|sh|si|sj|sk|sl|sm|sn|so|sr|st|su|sv|sy|sz|tc|td|tf|tg|th|tj|tk|tm|tn|to|tp|tr|tt|tv|tw|tz|ua|ug|uk|um|us|uy|uz|va|vc|ve|vg|vi|vn|vu|wf|ws|ye|yt|yu|za|zm|zw)|(([0-9][0-9]?|[0-1][0-9][0-9]|[2][0-4][0-9]|[2][5][0-5])\.){3}([0-9][0-9]?|[0-1][0-9][0-9]|[2][0-4][0-9]|[2][5][0-5]))$/i; //regex = /^[-_.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789]+@(([-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789]+\.)+(ad|ae|aero|af|ag|ai|al|am|an|ao|aq|ar|arpa|as|at|au|aw|az|ba|bb|bd|be|bf|bg|bh|bi|biz|bj|bm|bn|bo|br|bs|bt|bv|bw|by|bz|ca|cc|cd|cf|cg|ch|ci|ck|cl|cm|cn|co|com|coop|cr|cs|cu|cv|cx|cy|cz|de|dj|dk|dm|do|dz|ec|edu|ee|eg|eh|er|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fk|fm|fo|fr|ga|gb|gd|ge|gf|gh|gi|gl|gm|gn|gov|gp|gq|gr|gs|gt|gu|gw|gy|hk|hm|hn|hr|ht|hu|id|ie|il|in|info|int|io|iq|ir|is|it|jm|jo|jp|ke|kg|kh|ki|km|kn|kp|kr|kw|ky|kz|la|lb|lc|li|lk|lr|ls|lt|lu|lv|ly|ma|mc|md|mg|mh|mil|mk|ml|mm|mn|mo|mp|mq|mr|ms|mt|mu|museum|mv|mw|mx|my|mz|na|name|nc|ne|net|nf|ng|ni|nl|no|np|nr|nt|nu|nz|om|org|pa|pe|pf|pg|ph|pk|pl|pm|pn|pr|pro|ps|pt|pw|py|qa|re|ro|ru|rw|sa|sb|sc|sd|se|sg|sh|si|sj|sk|sl|sm|sn|so|sr|st|su|sv|sy|sz|tc|td|tf|tg|th|tj|tk|tm|tn|to|tp|tr|tt|tv|tw|tz|ua|ug|uk|um|us|uy|uz|va|vc|ve|vg|vi|vn|vu|wf|ws|ye|yt|yu|za|zm|zw)|(([0-9][0-9]?|[0-1][0-9][0-9]|[2][0-4][0-9]|[2][5][0-5])\.){3}([0-9][0-9]?|[0-1][0-9][0-9]|[2][0-4][0-9]|[2][5][0-5]))$/i; return regex.test(str); } </script> <form name="msgform" action="thankyou.php" method="post" > <table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="1" class="tablestyle" cellpadding="1" align="center"> <tr><td>Name:</td> <td><input type="text" name="name" size="27"> </td> </tr> <tr><td>Address:</td> <td><input type="text" name="address" size="27"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Phone: </td> <td> <input type="text" name="phone" size="27"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Email: </td> <td> <input type="text" name="email" size="27"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Contact Person: </td> <td> <input type="text" name="contact" size="27"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top>I would like to participate at the: </td> <td valign=top> <input type="radio" name="level" value="5000">Platinum<BR> <input type="radio" name="level" value="2500">Gold<BR> <input type="radio" name="level" value="1000">Silver<br> <input type="radio" name="level" value="500">Bronze <br><br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <input type="radio" name="level" value="1250"option5<br> </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit" onClick="return checkForm();"><input type="reset" value="Reset"></td></tr> </table></form> Here is the php process code: Code: [Select] <?php $con = mysql_connect(""); //Replace with your actual MySQL DB Username and Password if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("sponsorship", $con); //Replace with your MySQL DB Name $name=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file $address=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['address']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file $phone=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['phone']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file $email=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file $contact=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['contact']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file $level=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['level']); //This value has to be the same as in the HTML form file $sql="INSERT INTO sponsorship (name,address,phone,email,contact,level) VALUES ('$name','$address','$phone','$email','$contact','$level')"; /*form_data is the name of the MySQL table where the form data will be saved. name and email are the respective table fields*/ if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } ?> <?php $name = $_POST["name"]; $address = $_POST["address"]; $phone = $_POST["phone"]; $email = $_POST["email"]; $contact = $_POST["contact"]; $level = $_POST["level"]; echo "Name: ". $name . " <br />"; echo "Address: ". $address . " <br />"; echo "Phone: ". $phone . " <br />"; echo "Email: ". $email . " <br />"; echo "Contact: ". $contact . " <br />"; echo "Level: ". $level . " and up. <br />"; $recipient = "my email"; $subject = " subject "; $message = " '. name: .'$name '. contact: .' $contact '. address: .' $address '. phone: .' $phone '. email: .' $email '. level: .' $level "; mail($recipient, $subject, $message); ?> i keep thinking its the javascript fault but i have a navigation menu which is made from javascript and it works fine. So it leaves me to think its something i did wrong with the form or php? Can someone help me please? Thank you! Hi all I am working on a filter system that when a user selects a drop down menu item it automatically updates the page taking the value from the form and sending it through the URL parameter to update the page accordingly: <form id="category_filter" name="category_filter" method="post" action=""> <label for="category_filter"></label> <select name="category_filter" id="category_filter" style="width: 160px" onchange="this.form.submit();" > <option value="" selected class="meter-calc-text">Category</option> <?php $fetchcategories=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `categories` ORDER BY position ASC"); while($returnedcategories=mysql_fetch_array($fetchcategories)) { echo "<option value=\"".$returnedcategories['name']."\" >".$returnedcategories['name']."</option>"; } ?> </select> </form> The only thing is, it doesn't pass the value to the url, it remains blank Many thanks for your help. Pete obtain an id_item users doesn´t know and I need to send to the DB
I got this
<?php require_once('Connections/conexxion.php'); ?> <?php if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) { function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "") { if (PHP_VERSION < 6) { $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue; } $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue); switch ($theType) { case "text": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "long": case "int": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL"; break; case "double": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL"; break; case "date": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "defined": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue; break; } return $theValue; } } $editFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $editFormAction .= "?" . htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } if ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "form1")) { $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO movimiento (venta, compra, taller, regula_mas, regula_menos, id_lente, id_cil, id_esf) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", GetSQLValueString($_POST['venta'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['compra'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['taller'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['regula_mas'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['regula_menos'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['id_lente'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['id_cil'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['id_esf'], "int")); mysql_select_db($database_conexxion, $conexxion); $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $conexxion) or die(mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db($database_conexxion, $conexxion); $query_lente = "select id_lente, lente from lentes"; $lente = mysql_query($query_lente, $conexxion) or die(mysql_error()); $row_lente = mysql_fetch_assoc($lente); $totalRows_lente = mysql_num_rows($lente); mysql_select_db($database_conexxion, $conexxion); $query_esfera = "SELECT * FROM esfera"; $esfera = mysql_query($query_esfera, $conexxion) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($database_conexxion, $conexxion); $query_cilindro = "SELECT * FROM cilindro"; $cilindro = mysql_query($query_cilindro, $conexxion) or die(mysql_error()); $query_item = "select id_item from item inner join rx on rx.id_rx = item.id_rx inner join cilindro on cilindro.id_cil = rx.id_cil inner join esfera on esfera.id_esf = rx.id_esf where cilindro = ".$_POST['sel_cil']." and esfera = ".$_POST['sel_esf']." and id_lente =". $_POST['sel_lente']; $idlente = mysql_query($query_lente, $conexxion) or die (mysql_error()); ?> <form action="<?php echo $editFormAction; ?>" method="post" name="form1" id="form1"> <table align="center"> <tr valign="baseline"> <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">Venta:</td> <td><input type="text" name="venta" value="" size="32" /></td> </tr> <tr valign="baseline"> <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">Compra:</td> <td><input type="text" name="compra" value="" size="32" /></td> </tr> <tr valign="baseline"> <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">Taller:</td> <td><input type="text" name="taller" value="" size="32" /></td> </tr> <tr valign="baseline"> <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">Regula_mas:</td> <td><input type="text" name="regula_mas" value="" size="32" /></td> </tr> <tr valign="baseline"> <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">Regula_menos:</td> <td><input type="text" name="regula_menos" value="" size="32" /></td> </tr> <tr valign="baseline"> <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">lente:</td> <td><?php echo "<select name='sel_lente'>"; while($row= mysql_fetch_array($lente)){?> <option value=" <?php echo $row['id_lente'] ;?> " > <?php echo $row['lente']; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <label for="id_lente"></label></td> </tr> <tr valign="baseline"> <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">cilindro:</td> <td><?php echo "<select name='sel_cil'>"; while($row= mysql_fetch_array($cilindro)){?> <option value=" <?php echo $row['id_cil'] ;?> " > <?php echo $row['cilindro']; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <label for="id_cil"></label></td> </tr> <tr valign="baseline"> <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">Esfera:</td> <td><?php echo "<select name='sel_esf'>"; while($row= mysql_fetch_array($esfera)){?> <option value=" <?php echo $row['id_esf'] ;?> " > <?php echo $row['esfera']; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select></td> </tr> <tr valign="baseline"> <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">id_lente</td> <td><label for="id_lente3"></label> <input type="text" name="id_lente" id="id_lente3" /></td> </tr> <tr valign="baseline"> <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right"> </td> <td><input type="submit" value="Insert record" /></td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="MM_insert" value="form1" /> </form> <?php mysql_free_result($esfera); mysql_free_result($cilindro); mysql_free_result($lente); ?>and with this query $query_item = "select id_item from item inner join rx on rx.id_rx = item.id_rx inner join cilindro on cilindro.id_cil = rx.id_cil inner join esfera on esfera.id_esf = rx.id_esf where cilindro = ".$_POST['sel_cil']." and esfera = ".$_POST['sel_esf']." and id_lente =". $_POST['sel_lente']; $idlente = mysql_query($query_lente, $conexxion) or die (mysql_error());I would obtain the id_item, but , how?, because the form it´s not procesed and I´m getting no variable values. hello, i have implemented a jquery function like this: i need to grab the contents of the textarea to store it in a session, but without sending a form, is this possible?? thanks for looking when i click submit the form isnt sending to the dataabse...any help really appreciated!! heres the code: Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); $errorMsg = ""; if (isset($_POST['billing'])){ include_once "connect_to_mysql.php"; $firstname = preg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", $_POST['firstname']); $lastname = preg_replace("[^A-Z a-z0-9]", "", $_POST['Last Name']); $address = preg_replace("[^A-Z a-z0-9]", "", $_POST['address']); $phone = preg_replace("[^A-Z a-z0-9]", "", $_POST['phone']); $creditcard = preg_replace("[^A-Z a-z0-9]", "", $_POST['creditcard']); $expiry = preg_replace("[^A-Z a-z0-9]", "", $_POST['expiry']); $CVV = preg_replace("[^A-Z a-z0-9]", "", $_POST['CVV']); $email = stripslashes($_POST['email']); $email = strip_tags($email); $email = mysql_real_escape_string($email); if((!$firstname) || (!$lastname) || (!$address) || (!$phone) || (!$creditcard) || (!$expiry) || (!$CVV) || (!$email)){ $errorMsg = "You did not submit the following required information!<br /><br />"; if(!$firstname){ $errorMsg .= "--- First Name"; } else if(!$lastname){ $errorMsg .= "--- Last Name"; } else if(!$address){ $errorMsg .= "--- Address"; } else if(!$phone){ $errorMsg .= "--- Phone"; } else if(!$creditcard){ $errorMsg .= "--- Credit Card"; } else if(!$expiry){ $errorMsg .= "--- Expiry"; } else if(!$CVV){ $errorMsg .= "--- CVV"; } else if(!$email){ $errorMsg .= "--- Email Address"; } } else { $id = mysql_insert_id(); $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO customer (firstname, lastname, address, phone, creditcard, expiry, CVV, email) VALUES('$firstname','$lastname','$address','$phone','$creditcard','$expiry','$CVV','$email' now())") or die (mysql_error()); print "<br /><br /><br /><h4>OK $firstname, Thanks for Shopping:</h4><br /> We just sent a Confirmation link to: $email<br /><br /> <strong><font color=\"#990000\">Please check your email inbox. Thank You.</font></strong><br />"; exit(); } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Billing</title> <link href="../dnb2.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <?php include_once("../template_header2.php");?> <table width="600" align="center"> <tr> <td width="7%" align= "center">Billing</td> </tr> </table> <table width="600" align="center" cellpadding="5"> <form action="billing.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <tr> <td colspan="2"><font color="#FF0000"><?php echo "$errorMsg"; ?></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="163"><div align="right">First Name:</div></td> <td width="409"><input name="firstname" type="text" value="<?php echo "$firstname"; ?>" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="163"><div align="right">Last Name:</div></td> <td width="409"><input name="lastname" type="text" value="<?php echo "$lastname"; ?>" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="163"><div align="right">Address:</div></td> <td width="409"><input name="address" type="text" value="<?php echo "$address"; ?>" /></td> </tr> <tr> <tr> <td width="163"><div align="right">Phone:</div></td> <td width="409"><input name="phone" type="text" value="<?php echo "$phone"; ?>" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div align="right">Credit Card: </div></td> <td><input name="creditcard" type="text" value="<?php echo "$creditcard"; ?>" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div align="right">Expiry: </div></td> <td> <input name="expiry" type="text" value="<?php echo "$expiry"; ?>" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="163"><div align="right">CVV:</div></td> <td width="409"><input name="CVV" type="text" value="<?php echo "$CVV"; ?>" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div align="right">Email: </div></td> <td><input name="email" type="text" value="<?php echo "$email"; ?>" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><div align="right"></div></td> <td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit Form" /></td> </tr> </form> </table> </body> </html> Hi i am trying to send a form to an email address but it works at my house but apparently the person i am doing this for says its not working at their home and at work. So this code works at some place. what would i be doing wrong. Here is the form: Code: [Select] <form method="post" action="envoyez.php"> Nom:<br /> <input name="Nom" type="text"><br> Courriel:<br /> <input name="Courriel" type="text"><br> Commentai <br> <textarea name="Commentaire" rows="15" cols="40"></textarea><br> <input type="submit" value="Envoyez"> </form> and here the code to send the email: Code: [Select] <?php $Nom = $_REQUEST['Nom'] ; $Courriel = $_REQUEST['Courriel'] ; $Commentaire = $_REQUEST['Commentaire'] ; mail( "", "Commentaire", $Commentaire, "From: $Courriel" ); ?> what am I doing wrong. Because If i send a comment it is working. Can anyone help pls?? Ok, so I used to be very good in HTML, PHP, and JS, but it's been a long time since I used it. been trying to make just a simple order form for a friends business. Though I wanted it to do server side validation and emailing... But it doesn't do anything.... on submit I get no errors when there are and with no errors I get no email to my inbox.. What it is supposed to do is gather what pictures they checked and their sizes as well as a person info and email it to an email address. Though I want it to check for required areas and correct input (like email has @ and a .com in it, zip is digits only, etc... But yeah my code shows the order form and looks nice, but does nothing.... Code: [Select] <?php require_once "formvalidator.php"; $error_hash = 'no'; $show_form = true; class MyValidator extends CustomValidator { function DoValidate(&$formars,&$error_hash) { if(stristr($formars['comments'],'http://')) { $error_hash['comments']="No URLs allowed in comments"; return false; } return true; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['Submit'])) { $validator = new FormValidator(); $validator->addValidation("email", "email", "<B>Email address is invalid.</B>"); $validator->addValidation("first", "req", "<B>Please provide your first name for invoice.</B>"); $validator->addValidation("addr", "req", "<B>Please provide your address for invoice.</B>"); $validator->addValidation("city", "req", "<B>Please provide your city name for invoice.</B>"); $validator->addValidation("zip", "req", "<B>Please provide your zipcode for invoice.</B>"); $validator->addValidation("last", "req", "<B>Please provide your last name for invoice.</B>"); $validator->addValidation("zip", "num", "<B>Numbers only in Zipcode.</B>"); $validator->addValidation("phone", "num", "<B>Numbers only in phone number.</B>"); if ($validator->ValidateForm()) { $show_form = false; } else { echo "<center><font color='#CC0000'><B>Validation Errors:</B></font></center>"; $error_hash = $validator->GetErrors(); foreach ($error_hash as $inpname => $inp_err) { echo "<center><p>$inpname : $inp_err</p></center>\n"; $show_form = true; } } if ($show_form === false){ // Grab the form vars $Pic = $_REQUEST['pic[]'] ; $Size = $_REQUEST['size[]'] ; $Email = $_REQUEST['email']; $Name = $_REQUEST['first'. 'last']; $Addr = $_REQUEST['addr']; $City = $_REQUEST['city']; $State = $_REQUEST['state']; $Zip = $_REQUEST['zip']; $comments = $_REQUEST['comments'] ; if(empty($pic)) { echo "<center><font color='#CC0000'><B>Please Select a picture.</B></font></center>"; } else { $r = count($pic); for($i=0; $i < $r; $i++) { echo "picture(s) requested $i was: " . $pic[$i] . "\r\n"; } } if(empty($size)) { echo "<center><font color='#CC0000'><B>Please Select a picture size.</B></font></center>"; } else { $r = count($size); for($i=0; $i < $r; $i++) { echo "Sizes(s) requested $i was: " . $size[$i] . "\r\n"; } } //message body $mail_body .= "$Pic"."\r\n"; $mail_body .= "$Size"."\r\n"; $mail_body .= "$Email"."\r\n"; $mail_body .= "$Name"."\r\n"; $mail_body .= "$Addr"."\r\n"; $mail_body .= "$City,". " $State". " $Zip"."\r\n"; $mail_body .= "$Comments"."\r\n"; //sending to $recipient = ""; $subject = "Order Form"; //Headerfields $header = "From: " . $Email . " <" . $Email . ">\r\n"; //mail command mail($recipient, $subject, $mail_body, $header); } echo "<div style='width:400px; margin:0 auto; border:1px solid #1e1e1e'>Your order has been sent successfully. <br>An Invoice will be either emailed or mailed to you, thank you for your order.<br>You will be redirected to the home page in a few moments...</div>"; //page redirect to home echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"4;url="; echo "http://lmtl-linux/credit\" />"; } if (true == $show_form) { ?> <form name="ordering" action="" method="GET" enctype="text/plain"> <img src="1.jpg" /> <input type="checkbox" name="pic[]" value="1"> <br /> <select name="Type" size="1" name="size[]" Value="1"> <option value="">Select Type</option> <option value="Original">Original $Price</option> <option value="Print Small">300x500 Print $Price</option> <option value="Print Medium">800x600 Print $Price</option> <option value="Print Large">1200x1280 Print $Price</option> <option value="Print XLarge">1282x1400 Print $Price</option> </select> <br /> <img src="2.jpg" /> <input type="checkbox" name="pic[]" value="2"> <br /> <select name="Type" size="1" name="size[]" Value="2"> <option value="">Select Type</option> <option value="Original">Original $Price</option> <option value="Print Small">300x500 Print $Price</option> <option value="Print Medium">800x600 Print $Price</option> <option value="Print Large">1200x1280 Print $Price</option> <option value="Print XLarge">1282x1400 Print $Price</option> </select> <br /> <img src="3.jpg" /> <input type="checkbox" name="size[]" Value="3"> <br /> <select name="Type" size="1" name="size3"> <option value="">Select Type</option> <option value="Original">Original $Price</option> <option value="Print Small">300x500 Print $Price</option> <option value="Print Medium">800x600 Print $Price</option> <option value="Print Large">1200x1280 Print $Price</option> <option value="Print XLarge">1282x1400 Print $Price</option> </select> <br /> <img src="4.jpg" /> <input type="checkbox" name="pic[]" value="4"> <br /> <select name="Type" size="1" name="size[]" Value="4"> <option value="">Select Type</option> <option value="Original">Original $Price</option> <option value="Print Small">300x500 Print $Price</option> <option value="Print Medium">800x600 Print $Price</option> <option value="Print Large">1200x1280 Print $Price</option> <option value="Print XLarge">1282x1400 Print $Price</option> </select> <br /> <img src="5.jpg" /> <input type="checkbox" name="pic[]" value="5"> <br /> <select name="Type" size="1" name="size[]" Value="5"> <option value="">Select Type</option> <option value="Original">Original $Price</option> <option value="Print Small">300x500 Print $Price</option> <option value="Print Medium">800x600 Print $Price</option> <option value="Print Large">1200x1280 Print $Price</option> <option value="Print XLarge">1282x1400 Print $Price</option> </select> <br /> <br /> <br /> Information For Invoice: <font color="red">(Required Info = *)</font> <br /> <input type="text" name="first" Value="First Name" size="25" onfocus="value=''"><font color="red">*</font> <input type="text" name="last" Value="Last Name" size="25" onfocus="value=''"><font color="red">*</font> <br /> <input type="text" name="phone" Value="Phone Number" size="25" onfocus="value=''"> <br /> <input type="text" name="email" Value="E-mail" size="30" onfocus="value=''"> <br /> <input type="text" name="addr" Value="Street Address" size="50" onfocus="value=''"><font color="red">*</font> <br /> <input type="text" name="city" Value="city" size="30" onfocus="value=''"><font color="red">*</font> <br /> <select name="state" size="1"> <option value="">Select State</option> <option value="AK">AK</option> <option value="AL">AL</option> <option value="AR">AR</option> <option value="AZ">AZ</option> <option value="CA">CA</option> <option value="CO">CO</option> <option value="CT">CT</option> <option value="DC">DC</option> <option value="DE">DE</option> <option value="FL">FL</option> <option value="GA">GA</option> <option value="HI">HI</option> <option value="IA">IA</option> <option value="ID">ID</option> <option value="IL">IL</option> <option value="IN">IN</option> <option value="KS">KS</option> <option value="KY">KY</option> <option value="LA">LA</option> <option value="MA">MA</option> <option value="MD">MD</option> <option value="ME">ME</option> <option value="MI">MI</option> <option value="MN">MN</option> <option value="MO">MO</option> <option value="MS">MS</option> <option value="MT">MT</option> <option value="NC">NC</option> <option value="ND">ND</option> <option value="NE">NE</option> <option value="NH">NH</option> <option value="NJ">NJ</option> <option value="NM">NM</option> <option value="NV">NV</option> <option value="NY">NY</option> <option value="OH">OH</option> <option value="OK">OK</option> <option value="OR">OR</option> <option value="PA">PA</option> <option value="RI">RI</option> <option value="SC">SC</option> <option value="SD">SD</option> <option value="TN">TN</option> <option value="TX">TX</option> <option value="UT">UT</option> <option value="VA">VA</option> <option value="VT">VT</option> <option value="WA">WA</option> <option value="WI">WI</option> <option value="WV">WV</option> <option value="WY">WY</option> </select> <br /> <input type="text" name="zip" Value="Zipcode" size="5" onfocus="value=''"><font color="red">*</font> <br /> <textarea name="comments" rows="15" cols="40" value="comments" onfocus="value=''"> </textarea> <br /> <input type=button value="Submit"> <input type="reset" value="Clear Form"> </form> <?php }//true == $show_form ?> Hello Everyone, Currently our form is not sending confirmation emails. We can see the quote requests in our content management system however are sales team is not getting the email requesting the quote. There is no option in our content management system to click this on or off so I am assuming something is not right in the code. form-process.php Code: [Select] <? session_start(); include('settings.php'); include('classes/class.formdata.php'); include('classes/'); include('classes/class.DB.php'); include('functions/functions.general.php'); if ($_POST["PreviousOrderNumber"]){$_POST["Layout*"]=$_POST["PreviousOrderNumber"];} unset($_POST["PreviousOrderNumber"]); $newformdata = new FormData($_POST); //echo "Hello"; switch ($send_form_data) { case 'email': { if (!$_SESSION['formerrors']) { $newemail = new Email($to,$from, $subject); $newemail->SendEmail(); var_dump($_SESSION["formdata"]); unset($_SESSION["formdata"]); $redirect = $newformdata->referrer; header("Location: $redirect"); } } break; case 'email/db': { if (!$_SESSION['formerrors']) { $newemail = new Email($to,$from, $subject); $newemail->SendEmail(); $dbFormData = new DB(); $dbFormData->writePostToDB($_SESSION["formdata"],"QuoteRequests"); if (count($_FILES)>1){ $dbFormData->writeFilesToDB($_FILES,"QuoteRequests"); } unset($_SESSION["formdata"]); } } break; default: { echo 'Invalid setting in variable $send_form_data'; } break ; } //echo "END"; //exit; $redirect = $newformdata->referrer; header("Location: $redirect"); exit; $newformdata = new FormData($_POST); //var_dump($_SESSION['formerrors']) . " - " .var_dump($_SESSION["formdata"]);exit; switch ($send_form_data) { case 'email': { if (!$_SESSION['formerrors']) { $newemail = new Email($to,$from, $subject); $newemail->SendEmail(); unset($_SESSION["formdata"]); } } break ; default: { echo 'Invalid setting in variable $send_form_data'; } break ; } //insert into db if (!$_SESSION['formerrors']) { $arg = ''; $FirstName= $_POST['FirstName*']; $LastName= $_POST['LastName*']; $Company= $_POST['Company']; $Phone= $_POST['Phone*']; $Fax= $_POST['Fax']; $Email= $_POST['Email*']; $PONumber= $_POST['PONumber']; $Address= $_POST['Address*']; $ApartmentOrUnitNumber= $_POST['ApartmentOrUnitNumber']; $City= $_POST['City*']; $State= $_POST['State*']; $Zip= $_POST['Zip*']; $Quantity= $_POST['Quantity*']; $Height= $_POST['Height*']; $Width= $_POST['Width*']; $Characters= $_POST['Characters*']; $AdditionalCharacters= $_POST['AdditionalCharacters']; $Metal= $_POST['Metal*']; $Border= $_POST['Border*']; $Texture= $_POST['Texture*']; $Color= $_POST['Color*']; $Finish= $_POST['Finish*']; $Mounting= $_POST['Mounting*']; $Font= $_POST['Font*']; $Capitalization= $_POST['Capitalization*']; $Proof= $_POST['Proof*']; $Layout= $_POST['Layout*']; $Logo= $_POST['Logo']; $SpecialInstructions= $_POST['SpecialInstructions']; //echo "Done"; exit; $arg = "INSERT INTO `healypla_general`.`QuoteRequests` (`Quote_Id`, `FirstName`, `LastName`, `Company`, `Phone`, `Fax`, `Email`, `PONumber`, `Address`, `ApartmentOrUnitNumber`, `City`, `State`, `Zip`, `Quantity`, `Height`, `Width`, `Characters`, `AdditionalCharacters`, `Metal`, `Border`, `Texture`, `Color`, `Finish`, `Mounting`, `Font`, `Capitalization`, `Proof`, `Layout`, `Logo`, `SpecialInstructions`, `DateSubmitted`) VALUES (NULL, '$FirstName ', '$LastName', '$Company', '$Phone', '$Fax', '$Email', '$PONumber', '$Address', '$ApartmentOrUnitNumber', '$City', '$State', '$Zip', '$Quantity', '$Height', '$Width', '$Characters', '$AdditionalCharacters', '$Metal', '$Border', '$Texture', '$Color', '$Finish', '$Mounting', '$Font', '$Capitalization', '$Proof', '$Layout', '$Logo', '$SpecialInstructions', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);"; $newdb = new DB($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname); $arg = $arg; $result1 = $newdb->insert_db($arg); } $redirect = $newformdata->referrer; if ($_SESSION['formerrors']) { header("Location: $redirect"); } else { echo "Done";} exit; ?> $FirstName= $_POST['FirstName*']; $LastName= $_POST['LastName*']; $Company= $_POST['Company']; $Phone= $_POST['Phone*']; $Fax= $_POST['Fax']; $Email= $_POST['Email*']; $PONumber= $_POST['PONumber']; $Address= $_POST['Address*']; $City= $_POST['City*']; $State= $_POST['State*']; $Zip= $_POST['Zip*']; $Quantity= $_POST['Quantity*']; $Height= $_POST['Height*']; $Width= $_POST['Width*']; $Characters= $_POST['Characters*']; $AdditionalCharacters= $_POST['AdditionalCharacters']; $Metal= $_POST['Metal*']; $Border= $_POST['Border*']; $Texture= $_POST['Texture*']; $Color= $_POST['Color*']; $Finish= $_POST['Finish*']; $Mounting= $_POST['Mounting*']; $Font= $_POST['Font*']; $Capitalization= $_POST['Capitalization*']; $Proof= $_POST['Proof*']; $Layout= $_POST['Layout*']; $Logo= $_POST['Logo']; $SpecialInstructions= $_POST['SpecialInstructions']; then settings.php Code: [Select] <? //Global settings //Handles what to do with form data after it has been validated //email or database $send_form_data = 'email/db'; //Email settings //Where to send email $to = ''; //Where it came from $from = 'quote'; //Subject of email $subject = 'Custom Plaque Quote - '; //Database settings ?> Any help would be extremely appreciated! Thanks, Amanda Smith Hi, am having abit of a problem.Can anyone help me in programming my form to send it's details to an email address.The form should be able to detect unfilled fields,unselected items all in all the form should work as a effectively according to how i designed it The email sending processing should be handled by a separate file known as process.php below is the HTML coding... <form name="myform" action="process.php" method="POST"> Name: <input type="text" name="Name" /><br /> Email: <input type="text" name="Email" /><br /> Select something from the list: <select name="Seasons"> <option value="Spring" selected="selected">Spring</option> <option value="Summer">Summer</option> <option value="Autumn">Autumn</option> <option value="Winter">Winter</option> </select><br /><br /> Choose one: <input type="radio" name="Country" value="USA" /> USA <input type="radio" name="Country" value="Canada" /> Canada <input type="radio" name="Country" value="Other" /> Other <br /> Choose the colors: <input type="checkbox" name="Colors[]" value="green" checked="checked" /> Green <input type="checkbox" name="Colors[]" value="yellow" /> Yellow <input type="checkbox" name="Colors[]" value="red" /> Red <input type="checkbox" name="Colors[]" value="gray" /> Gray <br /><br /> Comments:<br /> <textarea name="Comments" rows="10" cols="60">Enter your comments here</textarea><br /> <input type="submit" /> </form> Please help: I'm trying to figure out what is going on with a custom made PHP contact form on my company's multiple websites. Check it out he This custom form was made by a former employee and USUALLY works great. Validation, spam checking, database connection, etc. But I've discovered a bug. The form does not always actually send the data to us when it says it does! This problem almost always happens in Internet Explorer and Safari browsers. But sometimes that data shows up. This does not effect Firefox or Chrome. I've been looking everywhere, but no idea what is causing this. Thoughts? Ideas? I'm no PHP coder so even obvious places to look are welcome. Ok, I have tried using the code from this link Code: [Select] <?php // Get the name they entered in the form // We'll be naming the file this $file = $_POST['name']; // Get the email from the form $email = $_POST['email']; // We want the file to be a text file right? $ex = ".txt"; // Try to open a file named $file$ex (johndoe.txt for example) // Because this file doesn't exist yet the server creates it $write = fopen("$file$ex","w"); // Now open the file up again but this time save the email in it fwrite($write,$email); // MAKE SURE you close the file!!! fclose($write); // The folder that this script is in on the server is where the file we just made was saved // We can 'rename' it to another folder // The folder on the server we want to move it to $data = "../emails/"; // Now put it all together: This example goes out of the folder we're in and into the folder 'emails' // The new 'name' would be this now (../emails/johndoe.txt): So now the file is moved to where we want for storage rename ("$file","$data$file$ex"); // The script is done, send the user to another page (Just read the address below and you'll get it) exit; ?> unfortunately it doesn't do as i would like. I'm not sure how to get it to save a new file based on a variable on the form page or from one of the fields in the form. What i need is a way for a user to submit the form and it save the data into a uniquely named csv file. I know the code given is for text files, not csv, but that was about all i could find. If there is any help i would greatly appreciate it. |