PHP - Pagination Doesn't Work Properly
I have one search form and when I search something the result is whole records from the database not only the search term. Any help is appreciated. I will post only the part where is calculating the rows from db but if need I will post whole pagination script.
$searchTerm = trim($_POST['term']); $adjacents = 3; $sql1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM images ORDER BY id ASC"); $nr = mysql_num_rows($sql1); $limit = 6; $targetpage = "search.php"; $page = $_GET['page']; if($page) $start = ($page - 1) * $limit; else $start = 0; if ($page == 0) $page = 1; $prev = $page - 1; // $prev = $page - 1 $next = $page + 1; // $next = $page + 1 $lastpage = ceil($nr/$limit); //lastpage = total pages / items per page. $lpm1 = $lastpage - 1; $pagination = ""; .... .... // pagination ... ... // while loop for the results $sql = "SELECT id, name, caption FROM images WHERE caption LIKE '%".$searchTerm."%' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $start, $limit"; $result = mysql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $output.= "<div class=\"container_image\">"; $output.= "<a href=\"/pic-".$row['id'].".html\"><img src=\"/upload/".$row['name']."\" width=\"210\" height=\"150\"/></a>"; $output.= "</div>"; } Edited by vinsb, 21 July 2014 - 06:58 AM. Similar Tutorialsif ($count==1){ header("Location:store.php"); }very simple I have issolated it and it doesn't redirect maybe u can see where my mistake is Hi guys, i'm new to PHP and i just couldn't get something right.. this is the web that i'm currently having problem with, after pressing the button "learn more". It will link to a page example, And it should show more details of the cars, but i aren't getting any my details out.. The scripts are here.. I'm not sure if this is correct.. <?php include "includes/common.php"; $det1 = mysql_query("select * from tab_product where Status='1' and feat='1' limit $offset,$recperpage"); while($det2 = mysql_fetch_array($det1)) { $det[] = $det2; } $objSmarty->assign("det",$det); $objSmarty->assign("IncludeTemplate","view_car.tpl"); $objSmarty->display("pagetemplateautomobile.tpl"); ?> <tr> <td style="padding-top:30px; padding-bottom:20px;"><table width="780" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="540" valign="top"><table width="540" border="0" align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td valign="top" class="body"><form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""> <table width="93%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="4" class="border"> {literal} <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> google.load("jquery", "1.3"); </script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/prettyPhoto.css" type="text/css" media="screen" title="prettyPhoto main stylesheet" charset="utf-8" /> <script src="js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/login.js"></script> <style type="text/css"> .error { font: normal 12px arial; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; background-color: #ffc; border: 1px solid #c00; } .ok { font: normal 12px arial; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#EFFFDF; border: 1px solid #339966; color:#009900; } </style> {/literal} {section name=a loop=$det} <tr> <td width="580" align="center" valign="top"><table width="580" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td height="672" align="center" valign="top" background="images/boby_bg_top.jpg" style="background-position:top; background-repeat:repeat-x; background-color:#FFFFFF;"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td height="19"> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="580" valign="top"><table width="580" border="0" align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td height="620" align="center" valign="top"><table width="98%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="32%" align="left" valign="middle"><!--<a href="carforsale.php"><img src="images/back.jpg" name="back" width="80" border="0" /></a>--></td> <td width="43%" align="left" valign="middle"> </td> </tr> <tr align="left"> <td width="12%" class="tit_1">{$det[a].prod_name}</td> <td width="88%" class="tit_1"> </td> </tr> <tr align="left"> <td colspan="2" valign="top" class="tit_1"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="registration_border"> <tr> <td height="228" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><table width="95%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td height="15" colspan="3"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" class="content_text" valign="top" colspan="2"> {if $det[a].prod_imgsize1 eq '0' and $det[a].prod_imgsize2 eq '0' and $det[a].prod_imgsize3 eq '0' and $det[a].prod_imgsize4 eq '0' and $det[a].prod_imgsize5 eq '0' and $det[a].prod_imgsize6 eq '0' and $det[a].prod_imgsize7 eq '0'}<img src="product_img/no_image.gif" width="100" align="absmiddle" border="1" style="border-color:#CCCCCC; padding:5px;"/> {else} <!--{if $det[a].prod_imgsize1 neq '0'}--> <a href="product_img/{$det[a].prod_imgname1}"rel="prettyPhoto[mixed]"><img src="product_img/{$det[a].prod_imgname1}" width="140" height="100" border="1" style="border-color:#CCCCCC; padding:5px;"/></a>{/if} {if $det[a].prod_imgsize2 neq '0'}<a href="product_img/{$det[a].prod_imgname2}" rel="prettyPhoto[mixed]"><img src="product_img/{$det[a].prod_imgname2}" width="140" height="100" border="1" style="border-color:#CCCCCC; padding:5px;"/></a>{/if} {if $det[a].prod_imgsize3 neq '0'}<a href="product_img/{$det[a].prod_imgname3}" rel="prettyPhoto[mixed]"><img src="product_img/{$det[a].prod_imgname3}" width="140" height="100" border="1" style="border-color:#CCCCCC; padding:5px;"/></a>{/if} {if $det[a].prod_imgsize4 neq '0'}<a href="product_img/{$det[a].prod_imgname4}" rel="prettyPhoto[mixed]"><img src="product_img/{$det[a].prod_imgname4}" width="140" height="100" border="1" style="border-color:#CCCCCC; padding:5px;"/></a>{/if} {if $det[a].prod_imgsize5 neq '0'}<a href="product_img/{$det[a].prod_imgname5}" rel="prettyPhoto[mixed]"><img src="product_img/{$det[a].prod_imgname5}" width="140" height="100" border="1" style="border-color:#CCCCCC; padding:5px;"/></a>{/if} {if $det[a].prod_imgsize6 neq '0'}<a href="product_img/{$det[a].prod_imgname6}" rel="prettyPhoto[mixed]"><img src="product_img/{$det[a].prod_imgname6}" width="140" height="100" border="1" style="border-color:#CCCCCC; padding:5px;"/></a>{/if} {if $det[a].prod_imgsize7 neq '0'}<a href="product_img/{$det[a].prod_imgname7}" rel="prettyPhoto[mixed]"><img src="product_img/{$det[a].prod_imgname7}" width="140" height="100" border="1" style="border-color:#CCCCCC; padding:5px;"/></a>{/if} {/if}{if $det[a].feat eq '1'} <div style="margin-top:-5px;" align="center"><img src="administrator/images/favorites.png" width="36" border="0" /></div> {/if}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">Car Name : </strong></td> <td class="content_text">{$det[a].prod_name}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">Category : </strong></td> <td class="content_text">{$det[a].category}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">Agent Name : </strong></td> <td class="text1">{$fname} {$lname}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">Agent Email : </strong></td> <td class="text1">{$det[a].email}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">Agent Code : </strong></td> <td class="text1">{$det[a].agent}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc" valign="top"><strong class="car_1_blc">Contact No. : </strong></td> <td class="text1">{$phone}<br /><br />{$phone2}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">Sale Price : </strong></td> <td class="content_text">${$det[a].saleprice}</td> </tr> {if $smarty.session.user_log neq ''} <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">Dealer Price : </strong></td> <td class="content_text">{$det[a].prod_price}</td> </tr> {/if} <!-- <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">Car Quantity : </strong></td> <td class="content_text">{$det[a].quant}</td> </tr>--> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">Road Tax : </strong></td> <td class="content_text">{$det[a].roadtax}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">Transmission : </strong></td> <td class="content_text">{$det[a].trans}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">Engine Capacity : </strong></td> <td class="content_text">{$det[a].capacity}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">Mileage : </strong></td> <td class="content_text">{$det[a].mile}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">Register date : </strong></td> <td class="content_text">{$det[a].regdate}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">Features : </strong></td> <td class="content_text">{$det[a].features}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">Accessories : </strong></td> <td class="content_text">{$det[a].acc}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">COE : </strong></td> <td class="content_text">{$det[a].coe}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">OMV : </strong></td> <td class="content_text">{$det[a].omv}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">Depreciation : </strong></td> <td class="content_text">{$det[a].dep}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">No. of owners : </strong></td> <td class="content_text">{$det[a].owner}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc"><strong class="car_1_blc">Type of Vehicle : </strong></td> <td class="content_text">{$det[a].type}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="car_1_blc" valign="top"><strong class="car_1_blc">Description : </strong></td> <td colspan="2" class="content_text">{$det[a].desc}</td> </tr> <tr> <td height="10" colspan="3"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="25%"> </td> <td colspan="2"><a href="sendmail.php?id={$det[a].prod_id}"><img src="images/sendthemail.jpg" border="0" style="padding:10px;" /></a></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table></td> <!-- Side panel --> <td width="32%" valign="top"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> {include file="side.tpl"} </table></td> <!-- Side ends --> </tr> <tr> <td width="68%"> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> {/section} {literal} <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("a[rel^='prettyPhoto']").prettyPhoto(); }); </script> {/literal} </table> </form> </td> </table> </tr> </td> </tr> </td> </tr> I'm using the PHP Freaks pagination tutorial. Till now the pagination function works very great, except on pages where I use GET in the URL. When I use the pagination navigation links on a profile page like this: then the URL becomes to this: And the profile won't show up anymore. So my question is how can I achieve it so the pagination navigation links will still work even with URL's which use GET? Here's an example of the pagination links section: // echo forward link for next page echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?current_page=$next_page'>></a> "; // echo forward link for last page echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?current_page=$total_pages'>>></a> "; Thank you. I found this nice search database script on line but the pagination does not work can someone tell me what is wrong with it ???? so i can work with it !!! here is the full code : Code: [Select] <?php // Get the search variable from URL $var = @$_GET['q'] ; $trimmed = trim($var); //trim whitespace from the stored variable // rows to return $limit=10; // check for an empty string and display a message. if ($trimmed == "") { echo "<p>Please enter a search...</p>"; exit; } // check for a search parameter if (!isset($var)) { echo "<p>We dont seem to have a search parameter!</p>"; exit; } //connect to your database ** EDIT REQUIRED HERE ** mysql_connect("localhost","username","password"); //(host, username, password) //specify database ** EDIT REQUIRED HERE ** mysql_select_db("database") or die("Unable to select database"); //select which database we're using // Build SQL Query $query = "select * from the_table where 1st_field like \"%$trimmed%\" order by 1st_field"; // EDIT HERE and specify your table and field names for the SQL query $numresults=mysql_query($query); $numrows=mysql_num_rows($numresults); // If we have no results, offer a google search as an alternative if ($numrows == 0) { echo "<h4>Results</h4>"; echo "<p>Sorry, your search: "" . $trimmed . "" returned zero results</p>"; echo "<p><a href=\"" . $trimmed . "\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Look up " . $trimmed . " on Google\">Click here</a> to try the search on google</p>"; } // next determine if s has been passed to script, if not use 0 if (empty($s)) { $s=0; } // get results $query .= " limit $s,$limit"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Couldn't execute query"); // display what the person searched for echo "<p>You searched for: "" . $var . ""</p>"; // begin to show results set echo "Results"; $count = 1 + $s ; // now you can display the results returned while ($row= mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $title = $row["1st_field"]; echo "$count.) $title" ; $count++ ; } $currPage = (($s/$limit) + 1); //break before paging echo "<br />"; // next we need to do the links to other results if ($s>=1) { // bypass PREV link if s is 0 $prevs=($s-$limit); print " <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?s=$prevs&q=$var\"><< Prev 10</a>  "; } // calculate number of pages needing links $pages=intval($numrows/$limit); // $pages now contains int of pages needed unless there is a remainder from division if ($numrows%$limit) { // has remainder so add one page $pages++; } // check to see if last page if (!((($s+$limit)/$limit)==$pages) && $pages!=1) { // not last page so give NEXT link $news=$s+$limit; echo " <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?s=$news&q=$var\">Next 10 >></a>"; } $a = $s + ($limit) ; if ($a > $numrows) { $a = $numrows ; } $b = $s + 1 ; echo "<p>Showing results $b to $a of $numrows</p>"; ?> why aint this working?? Code: [Select] <?php if ($_COOKIE['watch_id']){ $cookie = $_COOKIE['watch_id']; $cookie_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE cookie='$cookie'"); if (mysql_num_rows($cookie_query) >= 1){ ?> <li><a href="/index.php">Home</a></li> <li><a href="/cpanel.php">C-Panel</a></li> <li><a href="/logout.php">Logout</a></li> pass <?php } if (mysql_num_rows($cookie_query) <= 1){ ?> <li><a href="register.php">Register</a></li> <li><a href="#" onclick="OPEN_login();">Login</a></li> <li><a href="index.php">Home</a></li> fail1 <?php } } if(!$_COOKIE['watch_id']){ ?> <li><a href="register.php">Register</a></li> <li><a href="#" onclick="OPEN_login();">Login</a></li> <li><a href="/index.php">Home</a></li> fail2 <?php } ?> i have checked in the browser and the cookies match but it always echos fail2 which means that this line is returning false: Code: [Select] if ($_COOKIE['watch_id']){ i have tried using isset but that didnt help either! any help? For the life of me, I cannot get an uploaded file to move from the tmp folder to the uploads folder. I have made sure all permissions were set to allow for the transfer. $upfile points to the right folder and file. print_r($_FILES); yields the following: Array ( [userfile] => Array ( [name] => 02.jpg [type] => image/jpeg [tmp_name] => /tmp/phpClFyXP [error] => 0 [size] => 121200 ) ) Any help would be greatly appreciated. HTML: Code: [Select] <html> <head></head> <body> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upload.php" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value = "2000000000"> Upload this file: <input name ="userfile" type="file"> <input type="submit" value="Send File"> </form> </body> </html> PHP: <html> <head> <title>Uploading...</title> </head> <body> <h1>Uploading file...</h1> <?php if ($_FILES['userfile']['error'] > 0) { echo 'Problem: '; switch ($_FILES['userfile']['error']) { case 1: echo 'File exceeded upload_max_filesize'; break; case 2: echo 'File exceeded max_file_size'; break; case 3: echo 'File only partially uploaded'; break; case 4: echo 'No file uploaded'; break; } exit; } // Does the file have the right MIME type? // put the file where we'd like it $upfile = '/timporn/uploads/'.$_FILES['userfile']['name']; echo $upfile; if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'])) { if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $upfile)) { echo '<br>Problem: Could not move file to destination directory'; exit; } } else { echo 'Problem: Possible file upload attack. Filename: '; echo $_FILES['userfile']['name']; exit; } echo 'File uploaded successfully<br><br>'; // reformat the file contents $fp = fopen($upfile, 'r'); $contents = fread ($fp, filesize ($upfile)); fclose ($fp); $contents = strip_tags($contents); $fp = fopen($upfile, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $contents); fclose($fp); // show what was uploaded echo 'Preview of uploaded file contents:<br><hr>'; echo $contents; echo '<br><hr>'; ?> </body> </html> I'm able to get the image file name in the database, the image to the right place BUT the problem is the image is totally black and after it's uploaded, a whole bunch of warnings appear. Here are the warnings: Warning: getimagesize(image_files/image-16.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Desktop\xampp\htdocs\image-crop-demo.php on line 37 Warning: Division by zero in C:\Desktop\xampp\htdocs\image-crop-demo.php on line 54 Warning: Division by zero in C:\Users\Samantha\Desktop\xampp\htdocs\image-crop-demo.php on line 71 Warning: imagecreatetruecolor() [function.imagecreatetruecolor]: Invalid image dimensions in C:\Desktop\xampp\htdocs\image-crop-demo.php on line 78 Warning: imagecopyresampled() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\Desktop\xampp\htdocs\image-crop-demo.php on line 86 Warning: imagecopy() expects parameter 2 to be resource, boolean given in C:\Desktop\xampp\htdocs\image-crop-demo.php on line 102 Here is the form: <form action="image-crop-demo.php?username=<?php echo $username ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> Upload an image for processing<br> <input type="file" name="Image1"><br> <input type="submit" value="Upload"> </form> And here is the form action file: $username = $_GET['username']; define( 'DESIRED_IMAGE_WIDTH', 150 ); define( 'DESIRED_IMAGE_HEIGHT', 150 ); $source_path = $_FILES[ 'Image1' ][ 'name' ]; $sql="UPDATE thumbnail SET Image1='$source_path' WHERE username = '$username'"; if (!mysql_query($sql)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } else { // // Add file validation code here // list( $source_width, $source_height, $source_type ) = getimagesize( $source_path ); switch ( $source_type ) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $source_gdim = imagecreatefromgif( $source_path ); break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $source_gdim = imagecreatefromjpeg( $source_path ); break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $source_gdim = imagecreatefrompng( $source_path ); break; } $source_aspect_ratio = $source_width / $source_height; $desired_aspect_ratio = DESIRED_IMAGE_WIDTH / DESIRED_IMAGE_HEIGHT; if ( $source_aspect_ratio > $desired_aspect_ratio ) { // // Triggered when source image is wider // $temp_height = DESIRED_IMAGE_HEIGHT; $temp_width = ( int ) ( DESIRED_IMAGE_HEIGHT * $source_aspect_ratio ); } else { // // Triggered otherwise (i.e. source image is similar or taller) // $temp_width = DESIRED_IMAGE_WIDTH; $temp_height = ( int ) ( DESIRED_IMAGE_WIDTH / $source_aspect_ratio ); } // // Resize the image into a temporary GD image // $temp_gdim = imagecreatetruecolor( $temp_width, $temp_height ); imagecopyresampled( $temp_gdim, $source_gdim, 0, 0, 0, 0, $temp_width, $temp_height, $source_width, $source_height ); // // Copy cropped region from temporary image into the desired GD image // $x0 = ( $temp_width - DESIRED_IMAGE_WIDTH ) / 2; $y0 = ( $temp_height - DESIRED_IMAGE_HEIGHT ) / 2; $desired_gdim = imagecreatetruecolor( DESIRED_IMAGE_WIDTH, DESIRED_IMAGE_HEIGHT ); imagecopy( $desired_gdim, $temp_gdim, 0, 0, $x0, $y0, DESIRED_IMAGE_WIDTH, DESIRED_IMAGE_HEIGHT ); // // Render the image // Alternatively, you can save the image in file-system or database $remote_file = "image_files/".$_FILES["Image1"]["name"]; imagejpeg($desired_gdim,$remote_file); }// Hi guys, I have stuck with this issue for over 3 hours now. My remove all button just wouldn't work.
Can anyone tell me what's the issue? I have 2 pages, one parent and another pop-up page that takes the values (cartSubmit) from parent. And I wrote out the code for both pages but I just cannot get it to work.
I apologize in advanced if my code looks messy or doesn't make any sense.
Please take a look at the code and let me know if you could spot anything wrong with it. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Here is the code related to the remove all button in the parent page:
if(isset($_POST['finalSelected'])) { echo "<br/>inside"; if(!empty($_POST['fSelected'])) { echo "<br/>if NOT empty"; $chosen = $_POST['fSelected']; foreach ($chosen as $item) echo "</br>aID selected: $item </br>"; //implode function to transform an array to a string //chosen(array) to $delimit(String) $delimitStr = implode(", ", $chosen); //Save the selected String to SESSION if(!isset($_SESSION["final"])) { $_SESSION["final"] .= "$delimitStr"; } else { $_SESSION["final"] .= ", $delimitStr"; } //Explode function to transform the SESSION variable back to an array for further trimming. $arraySession = explode(', ', $_SESSION["final"]); //Array unique to filter out duplicates. $uniqueArray = array_unique($arraySession); $cartSubmit = implode(", ",$uniqueArray); $_SESSION['cartSubmit'] = $cartSubmit; } else { echo "<br/>else empty"; $noSubmit = $_SESSION["final"]; //Explode function to transform the SESSION variable back to an array for further trimming. $arraySession = explode(', ', $_SESSION["final"]); //Array unique to filter out duplicates. $uniqueArray = array_unique($arraySession); $cartSubmit = implode(", ",$uniqueArray); $_SESSION['cartSubmit'] = $cartSubmit; } } <form name= "finalForm" method="POST" action="test6-1.php" target = "_self"> <input type="Submit" name="finalSelected"/> <a href="javascript:popup('test6-3.php?aID= <?php if(empty($_SESSION['final']) && empty($_SESSION['cartSubmit'])) echo "0"; else if(empty($cartSubmit)) echo "0"; else echo $_SESSION['cartSubmit'];?>')">Cart</a> <?php if(isset($FinalName)) { foreach($FinalName as $key => $item) {?> <tr><td> <input type="checkbox" name="fSelected[]" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($FinalID[$key])?>" /> <?php echo "$FinalID[$key] & $item";?> </td></tr> <?php } }?> </form>And here is the code in the pop-up page. <script> window.onunload = refreshParent; function refreshParent() { window.opener.location.reload(); } </script> if(isset($_POST['removeAll'])) { $aID = "0"; unset($_SESSION['cartSubmit']); unset($_SESSION['final']); header("Location : test6-3.php?aID=0"); } Edited by Cyjm1120, 18 November 2014 - 12:16 PM. I cannot get my script to update table: locations_all column city_state to the full state name.. Here's what I've been hacking at for 4.5 hours now! Ready to hit the sack.. Thanks for any input: $state_list = array('AL' => "Alabama", 'AK' => "Alaska", 'AZ' => "Arizona", 'AR' => "Arkansas", 'CA' => "California", 'CO' => "Colorado", 'CT' => "Connecticut", 'DE' => "Delaware", 'DC' => "District Of Columbia", 'FL' => "Florida", 'GA' => "Georgia", 'HI' => "Hawaii", 'ID' => "Idaho", 'IL' => "Illinois", 'IN' => "Indiana", 'IA' => "Iowa", 'KS' => "Kansas", 'KY' => "Kentucky", 'LA' => "Louisiana", 'ME' => "Maine", 'MD' => "Maryland", 'MA' => "Massachusetts", 'MI' => "Michigan", 'MN' => "Minnesota", 'MS' => "Mississippi", 'MO' => "Missouri", 'MT' => "Montana", 'NE' => "Nebraska", 'NV' => "Nevada", 'NH' => "New Hampshire", 'NJ' => "New Jersey", 'NM' => "New Mexico", 'NY' => "New York", 'NC' => "North Carolina", 'ND' => "North Dakota", 'OH' => "Ohio", 'OK' => "Oklahoma", 'OR' => "Oregon", 'PA' => "Pennsylvania", 'RI' => "Rhode Island", 'SC' => "South Carolina", 'SD' => "South Dakota", 'TN' => "Tennessee", 'TX' => "Texas", 'UT' => "Utah", 'VT' => "Vermont", 'VA' => "Virginia", 'WA' => "Washington", 'WV' => "West Virginia", 'WI' => "Wisconsin", 'WY' => "Wyoming"); foreach ($state_list as $key => $value) { // get all state abbr and name values. while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $query2 = "UPDATE locations_all SET city_state=$value WHERE city_state=$key"; $result2 = mysqli_query($cxn, $query2) or die("MySQL error: " . mysqli_error($cxn) . "<hr>\nQuery: $query2"); } //while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) } //foreach ($state_list as $key => $value) HI, according to my knowledge session_destroy() function would destroy all session variables and mysql_close() would close connection with the database. i make a simply logoff.php file and close myssql connection and destroy session. but i still get values from the database and session variables. and doesnt work properly here is the code Code: [Select] <?php session_start(); /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ require_once '../database/db_connecting.php'; $dbname="sahansevena";//set database name $con= setConnections();//make connections use implemented methode in db_connectiong.php mysql_select_db($dbname, $con); //update the time and date of the admin table $update_time="update admin set last_logged_date =CURDATE(), last_log_time=CURTIME() where username='$uname'limit 3,4"; //my admin table contain 5 colums they are id, username,password, last_logged_date, last_log_time $link= mysql_query($update_time); // mysql_select_db($dbname, $link); //$con=mysql_connect('localhost', 'root','ijts'); $result="select * from admin where username='a'"; $result=mysql_query($result); mysql_close($con); //here i just check after closing data baseconnection whether i do get reselts but i do, why? echo "after the cnnection was closed"; echo "<html>"; echo "<table border='1' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='2' align='center'>"; echo "<thead>"; echo"<tr>"; echo "<th>"; echo ID; echo"</th>"; echo" <th>";echo Username; echo"</th>"; echo"<th>";echo Password; echo"</th>"; echo"<th>";echo Last_logged_date; echo "</th>"; echo "<th>";echo Last_logged_time; echo "</th>"; echo" </tr>"; echo" </thead>"; echo" <tbody>"; while($row= mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_BOTH)){ echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>"; echo $row[0]; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; echo $row[1]; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; echo $row[2]; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; echo $row[3]; echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; echo $row[4]; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo" </tbody>"; echo "</table>"; echo "</html>"; session_destroy(); session_commit(); echo "session and database are closed but i still get values".$_SESSION['admin']; ?> I am currently creating a multi-user login system, and I have created the database in MySQL, but the problem is that my PHP script is not working as expected. I would like it so that if the user enters in a correct username + password combination, then they are redirected to a webpage called "congrats.php" for example. However, with my current PHP code, if I include a redirection instruction based on the correct input, then when I run the script, then the user is instantly taken to the congrats.php page without filling in any login details. I'm quite sure that the database has been connected to, as due to the layout of my script at the moment, the text that reads "You did it!" appears 4 times, the same number of rows in my MySQL database. My PHP coding for this is: Code: [Select] <html><head><title>Multi-User Log In Form</title></head> <body> <?php $self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; ?> <form action = "<?php echo $self; ?>" method = "post"> Username <input type = "text" name = "username" size = "8"> Password <input type = "password" name = "password" size = "8"> <input type = "submit" value="Submit"> </form> <?php $conn = @mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die ("Err: Conn"); $rs = @mysql_select_db("test3", $conn) or die ("Err: Db"); $sql = "select * from users"; $rs = mysql_query($sql, $conn); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) { $name = $row["uname"]; $pass = $row["pword"]; if ($username = $name && $password = $pass) { //CODE FOR REDIRECTION SHOULD GO HERE //header("location:congrats.php"); echo "You did it!"; } else { echo "Invalid username and password combination"; } } ?></body> </html> Any help in trying to get it so that my PHP script will redirect only if a correct username + password combination is entered would be greatly appreciated I've joined querys because I'm making my own forums. However, when it gets to the echoin out part, it shows the category and only ONE of the sub categorys. Code: [Select] <div id="forumContainer"> <?php $lastboard = ''; $forumQ = mysql_query("SELECT f1.cat_name as catName, f1.cat_id as catID, f2.cat_id as subCatID, f2.sub_id as subID, f2.sub_name as subName, f2.sub_desc as subDesc FROM `forum_cats` as f1 LEFT JOIN `forum_sub` as f2 ON f1.cat_id = f2.cat_id GROUP BY f2.cat_id "); while($forumF = mysql_fetch_assoc($forumQ)) { if($forumF['catName'] != $lastboard) { echo '<div class="forumCat">'.$forumF['catName'].'</div>'; $lastboard = $forumF['catName']; } echo '<div class="forumSub">'.$forumF['subName'].'</div>'; } ?> </div> $Row[2] doesn't work but if I use $Row["linkcat"] than it works fine. Is there somewhere to activate in the php.ini file ? Code: [Select] // I got 9 fields to in the table tbl_link ! $Row[2] should give me a number. $Verbinding = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_passw); mysql_select_db($db_name); $sql = "Select * from tbl_link where userid=1"; $ResultShow = mysql_query($sql); while ($Row = mysql_fetch_assoc($ResultShow)){ echo $Row[2]; } I have something like below Code: [Select] $j = explode("-", $ROW['options']); if(array_search("src_str", $j) == false) echo '_no'; // This doesn't work Also i tried Code: [Select] $j = explode("-", $ROW['options']); if(!in_array("src_str", $j)) echo '_no'; // This also doesn't work Is this bug or am i doing something wrong? All the tables are correct and it's making the connect to the database fine it's just not working, did I write it wrong? Code: [Select] function newPm($to, $from, $title, $text){ $q = $db->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_message_topics ORDER BY mt_id DESC"); $lastMsg = $db->fetch_assoc($q); $mid = $lastMsg['mt_id'] + 1; $msgId = $lastMsg['mt_msg_id'] + 1; $db->query("INSERT INTO ibf_message_topics SET mt_id=$mid, mt_msg_id=$msgId, mt_date=". time(). ", mt_title='$title', mt_from_id=$from, mt_to_id=". $to. ", mt_vid_folder='in', mt_read=0, mt_owner_id=$to, mt_user_read=0") or die(mysql_error()); $db->query("INSERT INTO ibf_message_text SET msg_id=$msgId, msg_date=". time() .", msg_post='$text', msg_sent_to_count=1, msg_author_id=$from") or die(mysql_error()); $userq = $db->query("SELECT new_msg FROM ibf_members WHERE id = $to"); $userData = $db->fetch_assoc($userq); $msgCount = $userData['new_msg'] + 1; $db->query("UPDATE ibf_members SET new_msg=$msgCount, show_popup=1 WHERE id = $to") or die(mysql_error()); } Here's how that function is being called in the beginning of the page: Code: [Select] if($action =="banUser"){ $expire = time() + (3600000 * 24 * $_GET['duration']); $q = $db->query("SELECT * FROM ibf_message_topics ORDER BY mt_id DESC"); $lastMsg = $db->fetch_assoc($q); $mid = $lastMsg['mt_id'] + 1; $msgId = $lastMsg['mt_msg_id'] + 1; $title = "Notification"; $duration = $_GET['duration'] ." days"; if($_GET['duration'] == "1"){ $duration = "1 day"; } if($_GET['duration'] == "Forever"){ $duration = "forever"; } $temp = 0; if($expire > time()){ $temp = 1; } $body = "This automated message has been sent to notify you that your account has been banned $duration. To appeal this ban, click on Irc from the menu on the homepage and ask to speak to a moderator. If this ban is temporary, your account will be reinstated automatically at the appropriate time"; newPm($id, 3017, $title, $body); $msgCount = $_GET['msg'] + 1; $db->query("UPDATE ibf_members SET ban_level = $level, tempbanned = $temp, banned = 1, ban_expire='$expire', ban_reason='". $_GET['reason']."', ban_by='". $name."' WHERE id=$id") or die(mysql_error()); ?> <center><b>User banned!</b> (<a href="index.php?code=plyrmgmt">Back to Player Management</a>)</center> I've written a script where it counts the page impressions on my website. When a visitor lands on the page, it counts their impression and then sets a $_SESSION so that if they reload or return to the page it doesn't count it again. But the problem is it sometimes does. Does this mean that the $_SESSION isn't being set probably? That's what it seems to be. And if so, what would be the reason for that? Here's my basic code: Code: [Select] if(isset($_SESSION['userid'])){ $userid = $_SESSION['userid']; } else{ $userid = rand(1000, 10000000); $_SESSION['userid'] = $userid; } $date = date('Y-m-d'); $counters = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM counters WHERE userid='$userid' AND impressions='1' AND date='$date'") or die(mysql_error()); if(!mysql_num_rows($counters)){ mysql_query("INSERT INTO counters (userid, impressions, date) VALUES('$userid', '1', current_date)") or die(mysql_error()); } Hey, $todo_upgrades_sql = "SELECT * FROM todo_upgrades WHERE time_completion >= $time"; $todo_upgrades_res = mysql_query($todo_upgrades_sql) or die (mysql_error()); results: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 |