PHP - Quick Help With Making A Variable A Link
$link = ?><a href="post?id=<?php echo $id; ?>&title=<?php echo $slug_title; ?>"><?php echo $title; ?></a><?phpBasically what I am trying to do is get a url link of a current page that I'll be sending in an email. I have all the $_GET variables I need to duplicate the current url. For some reason it's giving me an error. Can you please fix what is shown above into something that'll work? Thanks. Edited by man5, 15 July 2014 - 07:09 PM. Similar TutorialsIn one of my pages I have a section which contains a hidden line of text. When the user clicks a button the box containing the text will expand showing the line more clearly. I want this to happen live i.e. no page refresh/reload. I've seen such things done on other sites but my question is, is this done using a php function or is JavaScript required to achieve this? I assume that in order for any php functions to take place there must be a page refresh to reload the data/parameters/variables that are required? The site I'm referring to is this one:- If you click on the "Get code and open site" buttons there for any of the vouchers the area expands live and the voucher is revealed however as I say there is no page refresh and it is done live. Is this effect done in JavaScript and not php or is there some way of using php alone to do something similar? Obviously including JScript in a site is more risky as if a user does not have it installed/activated then they may not be able to use such elements hence the reason I want to know how it is done. I'm having a complete brainfart right now and can't seem to remember this. Tried looking it up in the manual, but couldn't find an example. Here's what I have: class myclass { function testA { } function testB { } } So that's my basic setup. I want to define a variable. I then want to set it's value in testA(). I then want to be able to access the value in testB(). Where and how do I define this variable? I thought all I had to do was something like: class myclass { public $tempvar=''; function testA { $tempvar="my new value"; } function testB { echo $tempvar; } } But this says that $tempvar is equal to NULL. What am I forgetting? Thanks in advance! Here is the function sources that calls the social communtiy re-route or re-direct. an you tell me how to re-write that line alone,pls Code: [Select] function getReturnURL() { $regType = XiptFactory::getSettings('user_reg'); if($regType === 'community') // return XiPTRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=register', false); return XiPTRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=register&Itemid=436', false); //return XiPTRoute::_('index.php?option=com_user&view=register', false); return XiPTRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=register&Itemid=436', false); } Quote from: danjapro I need some quick help. I just need to write this redirect out to where it only redirect the link I have. Current State, NO GOOD producing two itemids. Code: [Select] return XiPTRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=register&Itemid=436', false); I just want the url I have listed to be in url, not any addtional itemids. Thank you in advance. Hello, all I know this isn't actually a PHP questions, but I thought you guys might be able to help. I am creating a software for a forum and would like to create a link to search for a tag word that can link to a search that can find the software. The website uses this for search: I figured out this works to put the keyword in the tag box: I can't figure out how to combine the two to process the search. I tried things like this: But that and other variations did not work. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks! Edited July 5, 2019 by abberrationadded more info Good evening, Im using GenRandomString, and wondered how I can get $confirm to keep its first value throughout my script. I have put comments on the lines that use $confirm. Do I need to change $confirm to a constant and how can I go about this? $firstname = $_GET['firstname']; $lastname = $_GET['lastname']; $companyname = $_GET['companyname']; $doornumber = $_GET ['doornumber']; $street = $_GET ['street']; $town = $_GET['town']; $postcode = $_GET['postcode']; $useremail = $_GET ['usermail']; $telephone = $_GET['telephone']; $shortcode = substr($postcode,0,2); function genRandomString() { $length = 10; $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; $string = ""; for ($p = 0; $p < $length; $p++) { $string .= $characters[mt_rand(0, strlen($characters))];} return $string;} $confirm = genRandomString(); //creating a random number $query =mysql_query ("INSERT INTO treesurgeons (firstname, lastname, companyname, doornumber, street, town, postcode, useremail, telephone, Id) VALUES ('$firstname', '$lastname', '$companyname','$doornumber', '$street', '$town', '$postcode', '$useremail', '$telephone', '$confirm')");//1st Value echo mysql_error(); echo "<p>Thankyou for submiting your details.\r\n Please check your inbox and click on your confirmation link.</p>"; $message = "The following details have been submited to the tree directory and are awaiting confirmation; \r\n Please click on the link below to confirm these details are correct\r\n '$firstname', '$lastname', '$companyname','$doornumber', '$street', '$town', '$postcode', '$usermail', '$telephone' <a href='$confirm'>"; //2nd Value $subject = "Your tree directory details"; $to = "$useremail"; $email = "$emailad"; mail( "$to", "$subject","$message", "$headers"); ?></body></html> I havent really played around with constants before, so please an advice appreciated! Im guessing im using DEFINE but im unsure how I would combine this with GenRandomString in my code. Hi guys! new to forum and to coding. I have poured over the forums and lots of places for an answer. I am not sure if this is due to my thus far limited understanding or, nto a specific enough question was asked. Basically it was suggested to me to make a link on a site from this: Search our Catalog: It was asked that I tie a link to that text and make it sort of a button so that when clicked, it takes someone to our catalog. The site is built with Drupal 6 and uses Danland theme and and a WYSIWYG. WHen I open the gear to edit this section I see: "<P align=right><a href=""> Access Library Account</a> - <a href=""> Get a Card</a> - <a href="">Search Catalog</a></P> <!-- // Start of Search form --> <script language="javascript"> String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,''); } function ProcessInput(e) { if (window.event) // IE keyNum = e.keyCode; else if (e.which) // Netscape/Firefox/Opera keyNum = e.which; if (keyNum == 13) { e.returnValue = false; e.cancelBubble = true; DoKeywordSearch('KW'); return false; } return true; } function DoKeywordSearch() { if (document.getElementById('textboxTerm').value.trim() != '') { var strURL = ''; var strWindex = document.getElementById('Windex').value; var strTerm = escape(document.getElementById('textboxTerm').value); window.location = strURL + "&type=Keyword&limit=TOM=*&sort=PD_TI&Page=0&by=" + strWindex + "&term=" + strTerm; } else { alert('Please enter a search term'); document.getElementById('textboxTerm').focus(); } } </script> <noscript>JavaScript must be enabled for catalog!</noscript> <table border="0"> <tr> <td> <label for="search">Search our Catalog:</label> <input class="search" type=text id=textboxTerm size=30 onkeypress="return ProcessInput(event)" /> <select class="search" id="Windex"> <option value="KW" selected="selected"> Anywhere </option> <option value="SU"> Subject </option> <option value="TI"> Title </option> <option value="AU"> Author </option> <option value="KW&fic=1"> Fiction </option> <option value="KW&fic=0"> Nonfiction </option> </select> <input type="submit" class="button" value="Go!" name="submit" onclick="DoKeywordSearch()" /> </td> </tr> </table> <!--// End of Search form -->" My question is where would the code for the link go and is there a good resource i can use to figure out how to write it? Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you. So what i mean is if i set a variable to "[" ($some_variable = "[") the rest of my code is now going to go CRAZY because there is an open [. Is there a way I can just make everything inside the first set of "" not relevant to the code? thanks! I run these functions to find the key of a given element inside an array. Like so; $ban_ip_file = file("ip_file.txt"); foreach($ban_ip_file as $key => $value) { $value = trim($value); if($value == $ip_from_form)// passed to page by a form $set = $key; } How do I make $set available for testing and file writing further down the script? Tried assigning global $set; just above the $set=$key; ----but it did not work. Hi Everyone. I get the following data from a result from database search <?php echo $rsjobs['CompanyURL'];?> It prints out the url but when I try to turn it into a clickable link it does not work Here is the coding I have so far. <a href="<?php echo $rsjobs['CompanyURL'];?>"><?php echo $rsjobs['CompanyURL'];?></a> What am I doing wrong ? please help. Okay, really newbie question, but for this code... Code: [Select] <!-- Gender --> <label for="gender">Gender:</label> <select id="gender" name="gender"> <option value="">--</option> <option value="F">Female</option> <option value="M">Male</option> </select> 1.) How do I assign a variable to this? 2.) How do I make this "sticky"? Here is how I have usually done other form types... Code: [Select] <!-- First Name --> <label for="firstName">First Name:</label> <input id="firstName" name="firstName" type="text" maxlength="30" value="<?php if(isset($firstName)){echo htmlentities($firstName, ENT_QUOTES);} ?>" /><!-- Sticky Field --> <?php if (!empty($errors['firstName'])){ echo '<span class="error">' . $errors['firstName'] . '</span>'; } ?> Oh, by the way, at the top of my PHP file I have this code... Code: [Select] if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST'){ // Form was Submitted (Post). // Initialize Errors Array. $errors = array(); // Trim all form data. $trimmed = array_map('trim', $_POST); Thanks, Debbie Is there a way to use php to incorporate a folder of pictures as a clickable slideshow. For instance.... using a pic as a button... to go to the next pic.... except in quantities of 100... without having to manually write the code for each page...? In HTML: Code: [Select] <a href="index3.html"><img src="2.jpg" /></a> <a href="index4.html"><img src="3.jpg" /></a> <a href="index5.html"><img src="4.jpg" /></a> <a href="index6.html"><img src="5.jpg" /></a> <a href="index7.html"><img src="6.jpg" /></a> <a href="index8.html"><img src="7.jpg" /></a> <a href="index9.html"><img src="8.jpg" /></a> Something like using a basic rotating script activated on mouse click? How do i convert this into a button without making 100 pages? Code: [Select] <img src="/path/to/images/ rotate.php?img=my_static_image.jpg" /> I have come up with the rotate.php file as following: Code: [Select] <?php $folder = '/oprah/is/'; $extList = array(); $extList['gif'] = 'image/gif'; $extList['jpg'] = 'image/jpeg'; $extList['jpeg'] = 'image/jpeg'; $extList['png'] = 'image/png'; /* I believe that most of the following can be omitted once it hits the timer / countdown script */ $img = null; if (substr($folder,-1) != '/') { $folder = $folder.'/'; } if (isset($_GET['img'])) { $imageInfo = pathinfo($_GET['img']); if ( isset( $extList[ strtolower( $imageInfo['extension'] ) ] ) && file_exists( $folder.$imageInfo['basename'] ) ) { $img = $folder.$imageInfo['basename']; } } else { $fileList = array(); $handle = opendir($folder); while ( false !== ( $file = readdir($handle) ) ) { $file_info = pathinfo($file); if ( isset( $extList[ strtolower( $file_info['extension'] ) ] ) ) { $fileList[] = $file; } } closedir($handle); if (count($fileList) > 0) { $imageNumber = time() % count($fileList); $img = $folder.$fileList[$imageNumber]; } } if ($img!=null) { $imageInfo = pathinfo($img); $contentType = 'Content-type: '.$extList[ $imageInfo['extension'] ]; header ($contentType); readfile($img); } else { if ( function_exists('imagecreate') ) { header ("Content-type: image/png"); $im = @imagecreate (100, 100) or die ("Cannot initialize new GD image stream"); $background_color = imagecolorallocate ($im, 255, 255, 255); $text_color = imagecolorallocate ($im, 0,0,0); imagestring ($im, 2, 5, 5, "IMAGE ERROR", $text_color); imagepng ($im); imagedestroy($im); } } ?> Would be more or less converting the rotate.php script into the base for the link structure. I assume the timing element in this script would be omitted with a replacement or nothing. I can't figure out what will be the quickest way to go about making the href follow the folder contents. I just want a basic click on the pic to go to the next one until it ends. Thoughts anyone? Hy, How can I put a link to a variable without doing like: Code: [Select] <a href='#'>$var</a> I heard that can be other ways. Thanks I have a page that lists out some basic information about each quiz this particular student has taken (call it "quiz summary"). I am creating another page that will have all details of a particular quiz by itself (call it "quiz detail"). If I have a link for each quiz on the "quiz summary" page, how do I tell the "quiz detail' page which link they clicked on? Or which quiz they have selected. I was thinking it would work if I assigned a session variable to each link and then the "quiz detail" page could verify which returns true still and show details for that quiz. Would this logic work? Npot sure how to do it anyone though. thanks for any help! trying to post a link to the database Code: [Select] $amessage ="<a href="link.php">this is a link </a>"; then return that link later on another page. ive done a page that works fine but id like to add links to the results so i can view the models. working page here in the make column i want a link that will only show the make clicked. if this was a fixed page i no how to do it but i cannot figure out to make it from the way ive discribed. i know i have to alter this line <td><div align="center"><?php echo $rows['make']; php?></div></td> but no idea how to do this. do i create a new page for the query? if so how do i pass the $var? is it possable to do this from the same page? ie appear undr the main table. Thanks <?php include("config.php"); // Connect to server and select database. mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); $sql = "SELECT make, COUNT(*) AS total, SUM(IF(comments = \'pass\', 1, 0)) AS withComments FROM dsgi_serval GROUP BY make ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC"; $result=mysql_query($sql); php?> <table width="319" border="1"><tr> <td colspan="4"><font size="4" face="Verdana"> <strong><div align="center">Validation Total's </div></strong></font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="137" align="center"><strong>Make</strong></td> <td width="85" align="center"><strong>Total</strong></td> <td width="75" align="center"><strong>Validated</strong></td> </tr> <?php while($rows=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ php?> <tr> <td><div align="center"><?php echo $rows['make']; php?></div></td> <td><div align="center"><?php echo $rows['total']; php?></div></td> <td><div align="center"><?php echo $rows['withComments']; php?></div></td> </tr> <?php } php?> <tr> <td><div align="center">Totals</div></td> <td> <div align="center"> <?php // counts all rows $query = "SELECT make, COUNT(make) FROM dsgi_serval "; $result1 = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); // Print out result while($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1)){ echo $row1['COUNT(make)']; } ?> </div></td> <td><div align="center"> <?php // counts passes $query = "SELECT make, COUNT(make) FROM dsgi_serval where comments like 'pass'"; $result2 = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){ echo $row2['COUNT(make)']; } ?> </div></td> </tr> </table> <?php mysql_close(); php?> I have this link "https://localhost/what/index.php?album=parent%2Fsubalbum&image=1coffee.jpg" Am trying to insert a variable(eid=86) so that it comes before all other variables to read thus "https://localhost/what/index.php?eid=86&album=parent%2Fsubalbum&image=1coffee.jpg" Regards Hi guys, I want to find the most efficient way of setting a php variable through a link.
What I'm trying to achieve is to allow the user to select a category and their location and store the two variables to update my database results. I first used the GET method, but since the page refreshes when the user selects any other Get variable, so it ends up reseting the variables. Currently I have the category and locations as drop down menu with links to each of the options. I'll appreciate any help. Thank you. :]
Hi. I have a sort of security script which checks a few things, how can i save the url of the link that was clicked, so i can pass it through the script then if all is good, continue on to the url, if not send them somewhere else let me try to explain better with a little text picture user clicks link ----------------------> link goes to my security script --------------------> if the check passes, continue to original links url so basically i just need to know how to save the links url as a variable I have to put a link that can be clicked around the first name and last name variables in the echo statement below. I also need to add a variable from the Select query to the link such as: '"VARIABLE HERE" &action=edit' I've tried a bunch of things and none seem to work. while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo '<tr><td>' . $row['customers_firstname'] . " " . $row['customers_lastname'] . '</td><td>' . date("M. d, Y", strtotime($row['date'])) . '</td><td>' . $row['plan_id'] . '</td></tr>'; David Hi everybody,
I want to cloak my affiliate links or mask it so it looks like a pretty url. Also if possible, I want to track the clicked link with Google Analytics so I think I need a page where I can log the click.
I found lots of information but not for the situation I have. I get my links from my database like this:
echo '<a href="'.$info['url'].'">the link</a>';How can I accomplish this? So I need a url like and when a user click on the link the get a new page with a tracking code and a redirect script to the right url. Thanks so much for the help! Kind regards, Mark |