PHP - Reading Simple Json
I have this json file
{"user":"XC12","time":"21:00","type":"management"} {"user":"YG89","time":"09:00","type":"staff"} and I want to pull just "staff" from it and output like user: RD32 time: 14:00 ----- user: YG89 time: 09:00 is that possible? Similar TutorialsHey, I'm trying to work out how I can have a simple script that will work like this: Page 1 - Heading, Paragraph, Image read from database. Page 2 - Has text boxes allowing you to change heading, paragraph and image (url) with each edit using a different text box. (Admin panel) The database connection would be in a separate file. So far I've got the database connection sorted. Code: [Select] <?php //Database Information $dbtype = "mysql"; $db_host = "localhost"; $db_user = ""; $db_pass = ""; $db_name = ""; $db_port = ""; $db_table_prefix = "userCake_"; ?> At the top of each of the other pages this is what I've got. Code: [Select] <?php require_once("models/config.php"); ?> Let's say I give each bit stored in the database a page ID and an object ID. If the page selected is index.php how can we give it a page ID of 1 and give then include all the separate 'objects' throughout the page? Hopefully this makes sense? Cheers, Jack Hi, I'm kind of new to this forum, so I'll just go ahead and write a little about myself and my project. 18 year old from Sweden, still in school. thats pretty much all about me, so my project: the past months I've been developing a JavaScript game with php backend. To communicate between server and client i use JSON. This has been working great. There's just one little problem, storing all the data. At first everything was stored in textfiles. all the sensitive data was ofcourse encrypted. To organize the data i used different characters like the star (*) etc. But the big problem was that i was forced to deparse all data and the puzzle it back together. This bugged out sometimes, when the wrong data was received and bugged out the whole system. Thats when i decided to go with MySQL. This was great, and much more simple. there's just one problem. the system needed to be capable of holding 1000 players online at once which did not work since the server was forced to handle 4000 php request/second. Before i "only" needed to handle less than 500 php requests/second. So I began thinking of a solution. My idea is: *JavaScript sends the data to the php script. *The php script checks that the file holding the data requested isn't already opened. *The php script opens the file and decodes the content. *The php script loops through the object and finds the index the person is looking for. *The data in this "index-object" is changed to the value received in the first step. *The data is encoded to json and saved to the file. for one of the things I will use this for is player position. So the player send his/her position to the php-script when he moves. But when the player wants to get the other players data, its read directly from the file! The only question is: Do you think thiswill be able to work? Thank you for taking the time to answer! //Daniel I have a very simple piece of code to create a grid based gallery. The thumbnails are loaded from a single directory and are name 1.jpg... 2.jpg... 3.jpg etc At the moment the images appear to be loaded in randomly. I want them to load in numerically in terms of their filename. I know I may need to use 'sort' or 'natsort' but where in the code? Thanks for any help you can give me Code: [Select] <? $images = "Images/Bag Thumbs/"; # Location of small versions $big = "ruxxwomens.php?id="; # Location of big versions (assumed to be a subdir of above) $cols = 4; # Number of columns to display if ($handle = opendir($images)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != rtrim($big,"/")) { $files[] = $file; } } closedir($handle); } $colCtr = 0; echo '<table width="800" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr>'; foreach($files as $file) { if($colCtr %$cols == 0) echo '</tr><tr>'; echo '<td align="center"><a href="' . $big . $file . '"><img src="' . $images . $file . '" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"></a></td>'; $colCtr++; } echo '</table>' . "\r\n"; ?> I just can't wrap my head around it, but I am trying to integrate weather into my website using NOAA. 1. Here is the NOAA page: 2. Here is the XML to that page: Now what I want to do is to have PHP on my website that reads the XML from the NOAA site and create the "Forecast At A Glance". Possible or too challenging? Hello, I'm trying to read some XML by name this is the XML: Code: [Select] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <imgdir name="01040000.img"> <imgdir name="info"> <canvas name="icon" width="29" height="30" basedata="iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAB0AAAAeCAYAAADQBxWhAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAADsMAAA7DAcdvqGQAAAMuSURBVEhLlZcBlatADEWxUAu1gAUs1AIWsIAFLGChFmphLXwL83ND3jQwlO5yTg6FmcnNSzLDbtf97io27Zv9ztOHWY3zZezKOHSl7/ud8Y6x1/IxoK+BOGwd+zIN99LfN4dnQGAVuG5zmD8Nt7I87u6D55SdU3jh2hZuwPK6lfJvKq9wmkH/nhtId+bPBvtZRgeOva219WQgZaEB++DjfqtQHArs9wjCnVkgCoZ1QIGhEuBgfvyyoJlPgKG6gn1AwKo0FjjcfisIqXOwAW83MysLqZ0MyD0r9Wy9a/6GKloBH7YYZx4plwUlqGBE70CZgVGaU4xifJ+pdZWkRw0AlGhx+JwDHmnNsN7GZahVioFLsac66ptTvKXFjNr0/bB1LvWxptqpCVUERaAC4hgo5kAbVxdL7THFNSUZiuPF1KvW+TdjlAKHgAVFicCoJtVqLvf93kZbWngxPMaqVGpwzsLcaAIKChgYUHxUxWquyCTzleK6TaZp9kUMKEJg7jwiBahtIZVZrXwo3Vp3VEobOyxDmQSw7rc4KDwjEUhOsdTiY56X6ktwZSKfED4Rk1Lvutir+XTxIy8aqnZudLHv14BmMM15PBxc6bI+a4SLPb/Mfsxstt95xhjDprCH3TGeee/1XNed2jOoR5ehcpDBGX4FPkJzyZrUCkp6z5RK7TelW9bWRm1z9qqeiupuCzF92vR505fm7MDQO5zj75jiBiqYmsj3KJ+naCR9VThVCEDj3POW4FlQ+fQT7qqRmMgiTpLnNOzA+qThmDHN4aSabe9iOnGkUh181rnevdlwxB4kZXIodfrQa85RtdQefF7+2eIKstJcP4BSmefxTor9UIk0f/0DKSb4YlSycPCvzvuPMaLXYc88zdV81fjP0FwrAcdxLJhvB4NltfzOSinHX6A7lR61qcxAg9reP1d7Udvv9VTU27e1gfaf1CrdufGimVhj294Dbq5ayw9AOx072a621FSW925AR7vb8dwBb8CeXprnuIXseTazE3BnzX7NezZ8EOQl1OsVRmRMxrLC4++r/2/wMYTCj+kl34CZICMlR5Oj4/u8ThD8NSn9D9wL1z9uxdBdAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC"> <vector name="origin" x="-2" y="30"/> </canvas> <canvas name="iconRaw" width="29" height="29" basedata="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"> <vector name="origin" x="-2" y="30"/> </canvas> <string name="islot" value="Ma"/> <string name="vslot" value="Ma"/> <int name="reqJob" value="1"/> <int name="reqLevel" value="40"/> <int name="reqSTR" value="130"/> <int name="reqDEX" value="0"/> <int name="reqINT" value="0"/> <int name="reqLUK" value="0"/> <int name="incDEX" value="3"/> <int name="incMMP" value="10"/> <int name="incPDD" value="45"/> <int name="tuc" value="7"/> <int name="price" value="6700"/> <int name="cash" value="0"/> </imgdir> Say I want to get reqJob and print it onto the page. Also I would need to get the BaseData of the iconRaw canvas. how can I read a url coming from another site by header('Location:') command The following script just validates some form inputs, and then puts any errors inside an array. I get this error: Fatal error: Cannot use [] for reading in C:\xampp\htdocs\Game\includes\validation.php on line 104 I've looked around, and this still does not make any sense to me. public function ValidateEmail($email, $reemail){ /* Sanatize. User filter_var to validate. Make sure both emails match. Check if email already exists or not. */ trim($email); strip_tags($email); mysql_real_escape_string($email); trim($reemail); strip_tags($reemail); mysql_real_escape_string($reemail); if(!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){ $this->valid = false; //Line 104 $this->error[] - "The E-Mail that you provided is not valid."; } else { $this->valid = true; } if($email !== $reemail){ $this->valid = false; $this->error[] = "The E-Mail's that you provided do not match."; } else { $this->valid = true; } if(filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) && $email == $reemail){ $checkmail = mysql_query("SELECT, FROM users, temp_users WHERE email = '$email'"); if(mysql_mum_rows($checkmail) == 1){ // email is found, throw out error $this->valid = false; $this->error[] = "That E-Mail is already in use."; } else { $this->valid = true; } } return $this->error; } Line 104 is commented out. Thanks! [xml]<category id="SOCMENEURASTVICLEA" order="26800">Aus. Victoria League</category>[/xml] I have the above xml, I can read the category id, order but I dont no how to read the value "Aus. Victoria League" foreach($description->children() as $category) { foreach($category->attributes() as $a => $b) { echo "<br/> -------- "; echo $a,'="',$b,"\"\n"; } echo "category name" . $category->asXML(); } the asXML() i have no idea what that is but am guessing I need thats where the php function which returns the value needs to go Thank you PHP 5.3.8 XAMPP on Windows XP I have an XML file that manages the input to an mp3 player on this page The structure looks like this Code: [Select] <content> <auto_play>yes</auto_play> <loop>yes</loop> <volume>60</volume> <artist> <song_title><![CDATA[Bach - Suite No. 3 - Allemande]]></song_title> <artist_name><![CDATA[Andre Segovia]]></artist_name> <image_path>load/images/segovia.jpg</image_path> <mp3_path>load/songs/Bach - Suite No. 3 (for solo cello, arr. Duarte)- Allemande.mp3</mp3_path> <url target="_blank" open="yes"></url> </artist> <artist> ... with <artist> being the repeating element I want to be able to read and eventually write to If I run this Code: [Select] $xml = simplexml_load_file("load.xml"); var_dump($xml); I get this object(SimpleXMLElement)#1 (4) { ["auto_play"]=> string(3) "yes" ["loop"]=> string(3) "yes" ["volume"]=> string(2) "60" ["artist"]=> array(22) { => object(SimpleXMLElement)#2 (5) { ["song_title"]=> object(SimpleXMLElement)#24 (0) { } ["artist_name"]=> object(SimpleXMLElement)#25 (0) { } ["image_path"]=> string(23) "load/images/segovia.jpg" ["mp3_path"]=> string(74) "load/songs/Bach - Suite No. 3 (for solo cello, arr. Duarte)- Allemande.mp3" ... [/color] which is overwhelming This cleans it up but doesn't give me the artist name and song name I'm looking for. Code: [Select] $xml = simplexml_load_file("load.xml"); echo $xml->getName() . "<br />"; foreach($xml->children() as $child) { echo $child->getName() . ": " . $child . "<br />"; } The Output: content auto_play: yes loop: yes volume: 60 artist: artist: artist: My experience with simplexml only goes back a couple of hours so I'm pretty inept at this point. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I've never been very good with arrays, and am totally new to them in PHP... If I have this array... Code: [Select] $concertDates = array('201105071'=>'May 7, 2011 (9:00am - 12:00pm)', '201105072'=>'May 7, 2011 (1:00pm - 4:00pm)', '201105141'=>'May 14, 2011 (9:00am - 12:00pm)'); ...and I know the key, e.g. Code: [Select] $concertDate = '201105072' Then how do I get the corresponding value, i.e. Code: [Select] May 7, 2011 (1:00pm - 4:00pm)' ...from the array?? Debbie Hi People. Here is a form that is supposed to read from my database. My primary key is called "index" and I have about 300 records in the database. I wanted to be able to view the records but when I load this page the "php" part is empty. I simply get given a blank form. I know it is connecting to the DB OK because I changed one letter in the password and then got a "can't connect to the database error" just to test it out. Code: [Select] <?php $host = 'localhost'; $usr = "the_db_user"; $password = 'not_shared_on_forum'; $db_name = 'stranded'; function cr($string){ $clean_string = str_replace("rn","<BR>",$string); return $clean_string; } //$id = 11; if (!isset($id)) $id = $_GET['id']; mysql_connect ("$host","$usr","$password") or die ('Error During Connect:<br>'.mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ("$db_name") or die ('Error Selecting DB:<br>'.mysql_error()); $read_query = "select * from HelperFormData where index = '$id'"; $results = mysql_query($read_query); $rs = mysql_fetch_array($results); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body,td,th { font-size: 12px; } --> </style></head> <body> Surname: <? echo $rs["surname"]; ?> <table width="500" border="1" bordercolor = "#2c2cf6" textcolor = "#2c2cf6"cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td colspan="5">Record number: <? echo $rs["index"]; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="120" bgcolor = #E6F8EB>Surname</td> <td width="120" bgcolor = #E6F8EB>First Name</td> <td width="120" bgcolor = #E6F8EB>phone1</td> <td width="120" bgcolor = #E6F8EB>phone2</td> <td width="120" bgcolor = #E6F8EB>Location</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor = #E6F8EB textcolor = #AC1636><strong><? echo $rs["surname"]; ?></strong></td> <td bgcolor = #E6F8EB><strong><? echo $rs["firstname"]; ?></strong></td> <td bgcolor = #E6F8EB><strong><? echo $rs["phone1"]; ?></strong></td> <td bgcolor = #E6F8EB><strong><? echo $rs["phone2"]; ?></strong></td> <td bgcolor = #E6F8EB><strong><? echo $rs["location"]; ?></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor = #dbeff8>Qualifications</td> <td bgcolor = #dbeff8>Expertise</td> <td bgcolor = #dbeff8>Assistance</td> <td bgcolor = #dbeff8>Languages</td> <td bgcolor = #dbeff8>E-Mail</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor = #dbeff8><strong><? echo $rs["qualifications"]; ?></strong></td> <td bgcolor = #dbeff8><strong><? echo $rs["expertise"]; ?></strong></td> <td bgcolor = #dbeff8><strong><? echo $rs["assistance"]; ?></strong></td> <td bgcolor = #dbeff8><strong><? echo $rs["languages"]; ?></strong></td> <td bgcolor = #dbeff8><strong><? echo $rs["e_mail"]; ?></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor = #E6F8EB>Consent</td> <td bgcolor = #E6F8EB>Published</td> <td bgcolor = #E6F8EB> </td> <td bgcolor = #E6F8EB> </td> <td bgcolor = #E6F8EB> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor = #E6F8EB><strong><? echo $rs["consent"]; ?></strong></td> <td bgcolor = #E6F8EB><strong><? echo $rs["radio_callsign"]; ?></strong></td> <td bgcolor = #E6F8EB> </td> <td bgcolor = #E6F8EB> </td> <td bgcolor = #E6F8EB> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="5"><p>Comments:<br /> <strong><? echo $rs["comments"]; ?></strong></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> </html> Hi all, how do I read emails sent to an email account on my site such as I am trying to use this weeklyReport1Boles.html: Code: [Select] <html> <head> <title>Weekly Report</title> <link rel ="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="sample.css" /> </head> <body> <h1>Weekly Report</h1> <p> <form action = "weeklyReport1Boles.php" method = "post" > <p> <input type = "submit" value = "Display the Report" /> </p> </form> </body> </html> TO PULL data from weeklyDataBoles.txt lines 1-8 1 236.00 2 284.00 3 148.00 4 128.00 5 0.00 6 110.00 7 0.00 8 THE RESULTING WEB PAGE SHOULD BE: Weekly Report TOTAL INCOME FROM PAINT CONTRACTS: $0.00 AVG DAILY INCOME FROM PAINT CONTRACTS: $0.00 NUMBER OF DAYS with NO INCOME: . MY PHP CODE IS: <?php $total = $_POST['total']; $avgDailyIncome = $_POST['avgDailyIncome']; $badDays = $_POST ['badDays']; $paintFile = fopen("weeklyDataBoles.txt","r"); $year = fgets($weeklyDataBoles); $total = 0; for ($count= 1; $count <=7; $count = $count +1) { $nextDay = fgets($weeklyDataBoles); $total = $total + $nextDay; } fclose($weeklyData); $avgDailyIncome = $total/7; print("<p>TOTAL INCOME FROM PAINT CONTRACTS: "); print("$".number_format($total, 2)."</p>"); print("<p>AVG DAILY INCOME FROM PAINT CONTRACTS: "); print("$".number_format($avgDailyIncome, 2)."</p>"); print("<p>NUMBER OF DAYS with NO INCOME: $badDays.</p>"); ?> </body> </html> THE AVERAGES ARE BASED ON ONE WEEK OR SEVEN DAYS, WHY CANT I OPEN THE FILE AND GET THE PROGRAM TO READ IT, I AM A STUDENT AND VERY, VERY, VERY BAD AT THIS, MAKES ME CRAZY CAUSE I REALLY LOVE IT hi i am a making a site in which m saving a songs information in database then fetching that out for inserting song link m using readdir function that read all song in a folder then save them in database but i have problem when that read file name .mp3 also include with that which i don't want to show on page where i fetch that mean simply i want that i can insert song name separately and file separately... and i want to use readdir also for getting file name becoz that easy way instead of upload through panel ..? any idea or solution about adding separately file name I have been studying PHP for a long time. I can write a simple PHP guestbook now. But you know, it's so so so simply, even the green hand can attack on my site. I want to improve my PHP skill, so i decide to read a big php program such as a shopping cart. Finally i choose the cart Eclime. But when i read the code, i find it's so difficult for me to understand it. Maybe i am in the wrong way to study PHP. Anyone tell me what i should do now ... Hi there I am working on PHP form which has an array named: $productOptions. When I do: print_r($productOptions); it returns: Array ( [124] => Array ( [optionId] => 124 [optionName] => acer aspire [optionListId] => 28 [dateCreated] => 2010-11-04 12:48:53 [enabled] => 1 [optionQtyId] => 84 [productId] => 40 [quantity] =>7 ) [114] => Array ( [optionId] => 114 [optionName] => acer fast [optionListId] => 28 [dateCreated] => 2010-11-01 02:04:53 [enabled] => 1 [optionQtyId] => 83 [productId] => 40 [quantity] => 0 ) Now from this Array, I would like to check if the quantity if greater than Zero. so I tried: if (productOptions[quantity] > 0){ echo "blah blah..." } But for getting the quantity, the part: productOptions[quantity] returns nothing. Am I doing this correctly? Please reply. Thank you I am trying to go through all of the emails in an inbox with php. I saw a way to do it with imap_open, but I don't have the imap functions installed. Does anyone know of another way to do this? I would think someone would have written a 3rd party library that just uses sockets -- kind of like phpmailer but for receiving instead of sending. Hey guys I am Posting data over to a server file in Json and I need to know how I can add to the XML file. here is both codes.
function validate() { $xml = simplexml_load_file("stock.xml"); $sxe = new SimpleXMLElement($xml->asXML()); for($i = 1; $i < 801; $i++) { $newItem->addChild("name" , "null"); } $sxe->asXML("stock.xml"); echo $sxe->asXML(); $response = $_POST; $response["items"] = "Test output"; $response["description"] = "test 42 "; $response["json"] = json_encode($response); echo json_encode($response); }The red text is what I want this json script to do. Do I have to return back to my form to add to the XML file? Can json add to a xml file on its own? Thanks for your time! have a good day! Okay so i know this is going to sound really stupid i just got out of school and now im in the real world here is the problem I dont know very much about how to work with JSON via PHP all i am trying to do is have the Script read data into an array from some text boxes then from the array into a JSON file the reading and the listing is all fine and dandy but only if i want the entire file how do i read data from a JSON file and only have it display data according to what i want so for example if i wanted to return data that matched an ID like you would do in MySQL like this ("SELECT * FROM catagories WHERE ID = '$id'") so how do i do that without a Database using a JSON File as a source for the data |