PHP - Want To Unfavorite And Item From The User's Favorite List Through Php
I have a server script with which i have allowed the user to mark any item as favorite, but i also want another script through which the user can unfavorite the same item if they want and that item should be deleted from their favorite list. I have kept the same table for both favorite and unfavorite code, therefore i have used update query to update the details. For this purpose i have a code, but its not working, as i am new in the programming field would appreciate if someone could provide the correct codes
<?php require_once('config.php'); $favorite = $_REQUEST['favorite']; $unfavorite = $_REQUEST['unfavorite']; $id=$_REQUEST['id']; $unfavoritedeal=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM favoritedeals where id='".$id."'"); //favoritedeals is the name of the table if($row=mysql_fetch_array($unfavoritedeal)) { $favorite=$row['favorite']; $unfavorite=$row['unfavorite']; } $myfavorite=(isset($_REQUEST['favorite'])?$_REQUEST['favorite']:$favorite); $myunfavorite=(isset($_REQUEST['unfavorite'])?$_REQUEST['unfavorite']:$unfavorite); $update = mysql_query("update favoritedeals set favorite = '".$myfavorite."', unfavorite = 1 where id = '".$id."'"); if(unfavorite="1" where id='".$id."') { "delete from favoritedeals WHERE id= '".$id."'"; } $posts[0]['message'] = 'favorite list updated'; $selectt = mysql_query("select * from favoritedeals where id = '".$id."'"); $results = mysql_fetch_assoc($selectt); $posts[0]['detail'] = $results; header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($posts); ?> Similar TutorialsI would appreciate your assistance, there are tons of login scripts and they work just fine. However I need my operators to login and then list their activities for the other operators who are logged in to see and if desired send their clients on the desired activity. I have the login working like a charm and the activities are listed just beautifully. How do I combine the two tables in the MySQL with PHP so the operator Logged in can only make changes to his listing but see the others. FIRST THE ONE script the member logges in here to the one table in MSQL: <?php session_start(); require_once('config.php'); $errmsg_arr = array(); $errflag = false; $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); if(!$link) { die('Failed to connect to server: ' . mysql_error()); } $db = mysql_select_db(DB_DATABASE); if(!$db) { die("Unable to select database"); } function clean($str) { $str = @trim($str); if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $str = stripslashes($str); } return mysql_real_escape_string($str); } $login = clean($_POST['login']); $password = clean($_POST['password']); if($login == '') { $errmsg_arr[] = 'Login ID missing'; $errflag = true; } if($password == '') { $errmsg_arr[] = 'Password missing'; $errflag = true; } if($errflag) { $_SESSION['ERRMSG_ARR'] = $errmsg_arr; session_write_close(); header("location: login-form.php"); exit(); } $qry="SELECT * FROM members WHERE login='$login' AND passwd='".md5($_POST['password'])."'"; $result=mysql_query($qry); if($result) { if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) { session_regenerate_id(); $member = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $_SESSION['SESS_MEMBER_ID'] = $member['member_id']; $_SESSION['SESS_FIRST_NAME'] = $member['firstname']; $_SESSION['SESS_LAST_NAME'] = $member['lastname']; session_write_close(); header("location: member-index.php"); exit(); }else { header("location: login-failed.php"); exit(); } }else { die("Query failed"); } ?> ................................................. ................................ Now I need the person who logged in to the table above to be able to make multiple entries to the table below <? $ID=$_POST['ID']; $title=$_POST['title']; $cost=$_POST['cost']; $activity=$_POST['activity']; $ayear=$_POST['aday']; $aday=$_POST['ayear']; $seats=$_POST['special']; $special=$_POST['seats']; mysql_connect("xxxxxx", "xxx350234427", "========") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("xxxx") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_query("INSERT INTO `activity` VALUES ('ID','$title', '$cost','$activity', '$aday', '$ayear', '$special', '$seats')"); Print "Your information has been successfully added to the database!" ?> Click <a href="member-profile.php">HERE</a> to return to the main menu <?php ?> At the moment I have an sql query which retrieves an item and it's latest comments and it works well but I am now struggling to get it to output properly. My query is as follows:- Code: [Select] SELECT DISTINCT @rowtype:='1' AS rowType, //Type of row post or comment AS rowId, //used as the 'grouper' to group posts and their comments, s.body, //text of the post, s.aboutItemId, //id of the attached item AS u1_id, u1.username AS u1_username, AS u1_name, u1.surname AS u1_surname FROM z_posts AS s LEFT JOIN z_users AS u1 ON s.id1 = UNION SELECT @rowtype:='2' AS rowType, l.id2 AS rowId,, l.body,, l.id1 AS u1_id, NULL AS u1_username, NULL AS u1_name, NULL AS u1_surname FROM ( SELECT id2, COALESCE( ( SELECT id FROM z_postComments li WHERE li.id2 = dlo.id2 ORDER BY li.id2, LIMIT 14, 1 ), CAST(0xFFFFFFFF AS DECIMAL)) AS mid FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT id2 FROM z_postComments dl ) dlo ) lo, z_postComments l WHERE l.id2 >= lo.id2 AND l.id2 <= lo.id2 AND <= lo.mid ORDER BY rowId DESC, rowType ASC, date DESC What I want is to output the posts as lis in a ul with the comments for each item in their own ul within each post li so it looks like this:- <ul> <li>Post2 <ul> <li>Comment 2 on post 2</li> <li>Comment 1 on post 2</li> </ul> </li> <li>Post1 <ul> <li>Comment 3 on post 1</li> <li>Comment 2 on post 1</li> <li>Comment 1 on post 1</li> </ul> </li> </ul> How can I create this this via php? i have the following code: <td width='100px'>Suppliers <select name="supplier"> <?php $catcher_id = $service->getCatcherId(); $supplier_names = LpmAdnetworkPeer::getByName($catcher_id); foreach($supplier_names as $row) { ?> <option><?php echo $row->getName(); ?></option> <?php } ?> </select> </td> then on the same form i have a submit button that takes me to the next form..the problem now is how can i access the ID of the item seleted in the dropdown on the NEXT form please? i can get the name from the list by $_POST['supplier'] on the next form thanks Hi all,
I am trying to validate all required fields in my contact form using php. However I am unable to retain what was selected in my country dropdown list after it is selected and submitted if the form had errror while validating. I want the form to retain the value that was selected by the user to stay in the form so that users can make necessary changes and resubmit the form all other values stay in the form except the country dropdown. Please help Below is the code. <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <style> .error {color: #FF0000;} </style> </head> <body> <?php // define variables and set to empty values $nameErr = $emailErr = $genderErr = $websiteErr = $countryErr = ""; $name = $email = $gender = $comment = $website = ""; $country =""; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if (empty($_POST["name"])) { $nameErr = "Name is required"; } else { $name = test_input($_POST["name"]); // check if name only contains letters and whitespace if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z ]*$/",$name)) { $nameErr = "Only letters and white space allowed"; } } if (empty($_POST["email"])) { $emailErr = "Email is required"; } else { $email = test_input($_POST["email"]); // check if e-mail address syntax is valid if (!preg_match("/([\w\-]+\@[\w\-]+\.[\w\-]+)/",$email)) { $emailErr = "Invalid email format"; } } if (empty($_POST["website"])) { $website = ""; } else { $website = test_input($_POST["website"]); // check if URL address syntax is valid (this regular expression also allows dashes in the URL) if (!preg_match("/\b(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/|www\.)[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|]/i",$website)) { $websiteErr = "Invalid URL"; } } if (empty($_POST["comment"])) { $comment = ""; } else { $comment = test_input($_POST["comment"]); } if (empty($_POST["gender"])) { $genderErr = "Gender is required"; } else { $gender = test_input($_POST["gender"]); } $country = $_POST['country']; if (!in_array($country, array("AF", "AX", "AL", "DZ", "AS", "AD", "AO", "AI", "AQ", "AG", "AR", "AM", "AW", "AU", "AT", "AZ", "BS", "BH", "BD", "BB", "BY", "BE", "BZ", "BJ", "BM", "BT", "BO", "BA", "BW", "BV", "BR", "IO", "BN", "BG", "BF", "BI", "KH", "CM", "CA", "CV", "KY", "CF", "TD", "CL", "CN", "CX", "CC", "CO", "KM", "CG", "CD", "CK", "CR", "CI", "HR", "CU", "CY", "CZ", "DK", "DJ", "DM", "DO", "EC", "EG", "SV", "GQ", "ER", "EE", "ET", "FK", "FO", "FJ", "FI", "FR", "GF", "PF", "TF", "GA", "GM", "GE", "DE", "GH", "GI", "GR", "GL", "GD", "GP", "GU", "GT", "Gg", "GN", "GW", "GY", "HT", "HM", "VA", "HN", "HK", "HU", "IS", "IN", "ID", "IR", "IQ", "IE", "IM", "IL", "IT", "JM", "JP", "JE", "JO", "KZ", "KE", "KI", "KP", "KR", "KW", "KG", "LA", "LV", "LB", "LS", "LR", "LY", "LI", "LT", "LU", "MO", "MK", "MG", "MW", "MY", "MV", "ML", "MT", "MH", "MQ", "MR", "MU", "YT", "MX", "FM", "MD", "MC", "MN", "MS", "MA", "MZ", "MM", "NA", "NR", "NP", "NL", "AN", "NC", "NZ", "NI", "NE", "NG", "NU", "NF", "MP", "NO", "OM", "PK", "PW", "PS", "PA", "PG", "PY", "PE", "PH", "PN", "PL", "PT", "PR", "QA", "RE", "RO", "RU", "RW", "SH", "KN", "LC", "PM", "VC", "WS", "SM", "ST", "SA", "SN", "CS", "SC", "SL", "SG", "SK", "SI", "SB", "SO", "ZA", "GS", "ES", "LK", "SD", "SR", "SJ", "SZ", "SE", "CH", "SY", "TW", "TJ", "TZ", "TH", "TL", "TG", "TK", "TO", "TT", "TN", "TR", "TM", "TC", "TV", "UG", "UA", "AE", "GB", "US", "UM", "UY", "UZ", "VU", "VE", "VN", "VG", "VI", "WF", "EH", "YE", "ZM", "ZW" ))) { $country1 = "Please select your country";} } function test_input($data) { $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = htmlspecialchars($data); return $data; } ?> <h2>contact us</h2> <p><span class="error">* required field.</span></p> <form method="post" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>"> Name: <input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo $name;?>"> <span class="error">* <?php echo $nameErr;?></span> <br><br> E-mail: <input type="text" name="email" value="<?php echo $email;?>"> <span class="error">* <?php echo $emailErr;?></span> <br><br> <legend>Country:</legend> <select name="country"> <option value="NULL">select</option> <option value="AF">Afghanistan</option> <option value="AX">Ã…Land Islands</option> <option value="AL">Albania</option> <option value="DZ">Algeria</option> <option value="AS">American Samoa</option> <option value="AD">Andorra</option> <option value="AO">Angola</option> <option value="AI">Anguilla</option> <option value="AQ">Antarctica</option> <option value="AG">Antigua And Barbuda</option> <option value="AR">Argentina</option> <option value="AM">Armenia</option> <option value="AW">Aruba</option> <option value="AU">Australia</option> <option value="AT">Austria</option> <option value="AZ">Azerbaijan</option> <option value="BS">Bahamas</option> <option value="BH">Bahrain</option> <option value="BD">Bangladesh</option> <option value="BB">Barbados</option> <option value="BY">Belarus</option> <option value="BE">Belgium</option> <option value="BZ">Belize</option> <option value="BJ">Benin</option> <option value="BM">Bermuda</option> <option value="BT">Bhutan</option> <option value="BO">Bolivia</option> <option value="BA">Bosnia And Herzegovina</option> <option value="BW">Botswana</option> <option value="BV">Bouvet Island</option> <option value="BR">Brazil</option> <option value="IO">British Indian Ocean Territory</option> <option value="BN">Brunei Darussalam</option> <option value="BG">Bulgaria</option> <option value="BF">Burkina Faso</option> <option value="BI">Burundi</option> <option value="KH">Cambodia</option> <option value="CM">Cameroon</option> <option value="CA">Canada</option> <option value="CV">Cape Verde</option> <option value="KY">Cayman Islands</option> <option value="CF">Central African Republic</option> <option value="TD">Chad</option> <option value="CL">Chile</option> <option value="CN">China</option> <option value="CX">Christmas Island</option> <option value="CC">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</option> <option value="CO">Colombia</option> <option value="KM">Comoros</option> <option value="CG">Congo</option> <option value="CD">Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The</option> <option value="CK">Cook Islands</option> <option value="CR">Costa Rica</option> <option value="CI">Cote D'Ivoire</option> <option value="HR">Croatia</option> <option value="CU">Cuba</option> <option value="CY">Cyprus</option> <option value="CZ">Czech Republic</option> <option value="DK">Denmark</option> <option value="DJ">Djibouti</option> <option value="DM">Dominica</option> <option value="DO">Dominican Republic</option> <option value="EC">Ecuador</option> <option value="EG">Egypt</option> <option value="SV">El Salvador</option> <option value="GQ">Equatorial Guinea</option> <option value="ER">Eritrea</option> <option value="EE">Estonia</option> <option value="ET">Ethiopia</option> <option value="FK">Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</option> <option value="FO">Faroe Islands</option> <option value="FJ">Fiji</option> <option value="FI">Finland</option> <option value="FR">France</option> <option value="GF">French Guiana</option> <option value="PF">French Polynesia</option> <option value="TF">French Southern Territories</option> <option value="GA">Gabon</option> <option value="GM">Gambia</option> <option value="GE">Georgia</option> <option value="DE">Germany</option> <option value="GH">Ghana</option> <option value="GI">Gibraltar</option> <option value="GR">Greece</option> <option value="GL">Greenland</option> <option value="GD">Grenada</option> <option value="GP">Guadeloupe</option> <option value="GU">Guam</option> <option value="GT">Guatemala</option> <option value="Gg">Guernsey</option> <option value="GN">Guinea</option> <option value="GW">Guinea-Bissau</option> <option value="GY">Guyana</option> <option value="HT">Haiti</option> <option value="HM">Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands</option> <option value="VA">Holy See (Vatican City State)</option> <option value="HN">Honduras</option> <option value="HK">Hong Kong</option> <option value="HU">Hungary</option> <option value="IS">Iceland</option> <option value="IN">India</option> <option value="ID">Indonesia</option> <option value="IR">Iran, Islamic Republic Of</option> <option value="IQ">Iraq</option> <option value="IE">Ireland</option> <option value="IM">Isle Of Man</option> <option value="IL">Israel</option> <option value="IT">Italy</option> <option value="JM">Jamaica</option> <option value="JP">Japan</option> <option value="JE">Jersey</option> <option value="JO">Jordan</option> <option value="KZ">Kazakhstan</option> <option value="KE">Kenya</option> <option value="KI">Kiribati</option> <option value="KP">Korea, Democratic People'S Republic Of</option> <option value="KR">Korea, Republic Of</option> <option value="KW">Kuwait</option> <option value="KG">Kyrgyzstan</option> <option value="LA">Lao People'S Democratic Republic</option> <option value="LV">Latvia</option> <option value="LB">Lebanon</option> <option value="LS">Lesotho</option> <option value="LR">Liberia</option> <option value="LY">Libyan Arab Jamahiriya</option> <option value="LI">Liechtenstein</option> <option value="LT">Lithuania</option> <option value="LU">Luxembourg</option> <option value="MO">Macao</option> <option value="MK">Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of</option> <option value="MG">Madagascar</option> <option value="MW">Malawi</option> <option value="MY">Malaysia</option> <option value="MV">Maldives</option> <option value="ML">Mali</option> <option value="MT">Malta</option> <option value="MH">Marshall Islands</option> <option value="MQ">Martinique</option> <option value="MR">Mauritania</option> <option value="MU">Mauritius</option> <option value="YT">Mayotte</option> <option value="MX">Mexico</option> <option value="FM">Micronesia, Federated States Of</option> <option value="MD">Moldova, Republic Of</option> <option value="MC">Monaco</option> <option value="MN">Mongolia</option> <option value="MS">Montserrat</option> <option value="MA">Morocco</option> <option value="MZ">Mozambique</option> <option value="MM">Myanmar</option> <option value="NA">Namibia</option> <option value="NR">Nauru</option> <option value="NP">Nepal</option> <option value="NL">Netherlands</option> <option value="AN">Netherlands Antilles</option> <option value="NC">New Caledonia</option> <option value="NZ">New Zealand</option> <option value="NI">Nicaragua</option> <option value="NE">Niger</option> <option value="NG">Nigeria</option> <option value="NU">Niue</option> <option value="NF">Norfolk Island</option> <option value="MP">Northern Mariana Islands</option> <option value="NO">Norway</option> <option value="OM">Oman</option> <option value="PK">Pakistan</option> <option value="PW">Palau</option> <option value="PS">Palestinian Territory, Occupied</option> <option value="PA">Panama</option> <option value="PG">Papua New Guinea</option> <option value="PY">Paraguay</option> <option value="PE">Peru</option> <option value="PH">Philippines</option> <option value="PN">Pitcairn</option> <option value="PL">Poland</option> <option value="PT">Portugal</option> <option value="PR">Puerto Rico</option> <option value="QA">Qatar</option> <option value="RE">Reunion</option> <option value="RO">Romania</option> <option value="RU">Russian Federation</option> <option value="RW">Rwanda</option> <option value="SH">Saint Helena</option> <option value="KN">Saint Kitts And Nevis</option> <option value="LC">Saint Lucia</option> <option value="PM">Saint Pierre And Miquelon</option> <option value="VC">Saint Vincent And The Grenadines</option> <option value="WS">Samoa</option> <option value="SM">San Marino</option> <option value="ST">Sao Tome And Principe</option> <option value="SA">Saudi Arabia</option> <option value="SN">Senegal</option> <option value="CS">Serbia And Montenegro</option> <option value="SC">Seychelles</option> <option value="SL">Sierra Leone</option> <option value="SG">Singapore</option> <option value="SK">Slovakia</option> <option value="SI">Slovenia</option> <option value="SB">Solomon Islands</option> <option value="SO">Somalia</option> <option value="ZA">South Africa</option> <option value="GS">South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands</option> <option value="ES">Spain</option> <option value="LK">Sri Lanka</option> <option value="SD">Sudan</option> <option value="SR">Suriname</option> <option value="SJ">Svalbard And Jan Mayen</option> <option value="SZ">Swaziland</option> <option value="SE">Sweden</option> <option value="CH">Switzerland</option> <option value="SY">Syrian Arab Republic</option> <option value="TW">Taiwan, Province Of China</option> <option value="TJ">Tajikistan</option> <option value="TZ">Tanzania, United Republic Of</option> <option value="TH">Thailand</option> <option value="TL">Timor-Leste</option> <option value="TG">Togo</option> <option value="TK">Tokelau</option> <option value="TO">Tonga</option> <option value="TT">Trinidad And Tobago</option> <option value="TN">Tunisia</option> <option value="TR">Turkey</option> <option value="TM">Turkmenistan</option> <option value="TC">Turks And Caicos Islands</option> <option value="TV">Tuvalu</option> <option value="UG">Uganda</option> <option value="UA">Ukraine</option> <option value="AE">United Arab Emirates</option> <option value="GB">United Kingdom</option> <option value="US">United States</option> <option value="UM">United States Minor Outlying Islands</option> <option value="UY">Uruguay</option> <option value="UZ">Uzbekistan</option> <option value="VU">Vanuatu</option> <option value="VE">Venezuela</option> <option value="VN">Viet Nam</option> <option value="VG">Virgin Islands, British</option> <option value="VI">Virgin Islands, U.S.</option> <option value="WF">Wallis And Futuna</option> <option value="EH">Western Sahara</option> <option value="YE">Yemen</option> <option value="ZM">Zambia</option> <option value="ZW">Zimbabwe</option> </select> <span class="error">*<?php echo $country1;?></span> <br><br> Website: <input type="text" name="website" value="<?php echo $website;?>"> <span class="error"><?php echo $websiteErr;?></span> <br><br> Gender: <input type="radio" name="gender" <?php if (isset($gender) && $gender=="female") echo "checked";?> value="female">Female <input type="radio" name="gender" <?php if (isset($gender) && $gender=="male") echo "checked";?> value="male">Male <span class="error">* <?php echo $genderErr;?></span> <br><br> Comment: <textarea name="comment" rows="5" cols="40"><?php echo $comment;?></textarea> <br><br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"> </form> </body> </html> Edited by Ch0cu3r, 15 July 2014 - 03:37 PM. Reformatted post Hi I have a list of states using the array method in a form. The drop down menu works fine. I want to save the user choice,if the form is re-displayed due to a blank field or pattern mismatch. I know I can use the selected=selected, but don't know wher to put the statement: My array is: state_province = array ("list of states", "provinces") Var in my labels array is "state"=>"state" Here is my code for the select/option statement: { if($field == "state") { echo "<div class='province_state'><label for='state' size='10'>* Province/State</label><select>"; foreach($state_province as $state) { echo "\n<option value='$state_province' /> "; echo $state ; echo "</option>"; } echo "</select></div>\n"; } ?Is this the correct code to add and where would I add it? if(@$_POST['state'] == $value) { echo "selected='selected' "; } I have a script that seems to work well to insert a bookmark into a users database when he/she is logged into the system but I am having a hard time figuring out how I would go about making a work-a-round for having an item selected before being logged in, and inserted after they have logged in or registered. For example, I would like a user to be able to select an Item to add to bookmark whether that user is logged in/registered or not and if they are not, they would be greeted with a login/registration form and after successful login the add bookmark script would be initiated on the item previously selected. What I've got this far: Simple form to add bookmark: <form name="bm_table" action="add_bms.php" method="post"> <input type="text" name="new_url" value="http://" /> <input type="submit" value="Add Bookmark"/> </form> Then I have the add bookmark script: BEGIN php $new_url = $_POST['new_url']; try { check_valid_user(); //cannot get past this part since it ends the script....code below if (!filled_out($_POST)) { throw new Exception('Form not completely filled out.'); } // check URL format if (strstr($new_url, 'http://') === false) { $new_url = 'http://'.$new_url; } // check URL is valid if (!(@fopen($new_url, 'r'))) { throw new Exception('Not a valid URL.'); } // try to add bm add_bm($new_url); echo 'Bookmark added.'; // get the bookmarks this user has saved if ($url_array = get_user_urls($_SESSION['valid_user'])) { display_user_urls($url_array); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } END php Checking valid user - the portion I cannot get past in the above script: function check_valid_user() { // see if somebody is logged in and notify them if not if (isset($_SESSION['valid_user'])) { echo "Logged in as ".$_SESSION['valid_user'].".<br />"; } else { // they are not logged in do_html_heading('Problem:'); echo 'You are not logged in.<br />'; do_html_url('login.php', 'Login'); do_html_footer(); exit; } } How would I go about modifying the script so that a user could fill in the form (later it would be a link...obviously they probably wouldn't be filling in a form that is log-in specific - but same concept I think) Thanks in advance for the help! tec4 Hi there, I think this is a big question but I'd appretiate any help you can provide!! I have a list of items and subitems in a table that looks like this: id parent_id title 1 0 House Chores 2 1 Take Out Trash 3 1 Clean Room 4 0 Grocery List 5 4 Eggs 6 4 Produce 7 6 Lettuce 8 6 Tomato 9 4 Milk I want to display it like this: (+) House Chores: > Take Out Trash > Clean Room (+) Grocery List: > Eggs (+) Produce > Letutce > Tomato > Milk So basically each entry in the table has an unique id and also a parent id if it's nested inside another item. I "sort of" got it figured out in one way, but it doesnt really allow for nested subgroups. I'd like to know how would y'all PHP freaks to this Also taking suggestions for the javascript code to expand/collapse the tree !! Thank you! Hello all, i require some assistance in a bit of PHP/MySql code. I have a website setup with register/login scripts already wrote, i also have a basic members page for now, that has there user ID assigned to it for example members.php?id=$id, which is there ID from the database. I have a members list which shows all members with links to there profiles, now i when i mouse over the link, it will says members.php?id=1 and so on, which is correct but when clicking on any of the members to go to there profile it is my own details that is shown on there profile instead of theres. members.php <?php session_start(); mysql_connect("localhost","root") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("hireacoder") or die(mysql_error()); $user = $SESSION['username']; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$user'"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql); echo $row['username']; echo'<br>'; echo $row['fname']; echo'<br>'; echo $row['lname']; echo'<a href="users.php">Users</a>'; ?> users.php <?php session_start(); mysql_connect("localhost","root") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("hireacoder") or die(mysql_error()); echo "<table border='0'> <tr> <th>UserName</th> </tr>"; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY ID"); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) { $id = $row['id']; $username = $row['username']; echo" <tr> <td> <a href='members.php?id=$id'>".$username."</a> </td> </tr>"; } echo "</table>"; ?> Now i know what the problem is, the query is getting the details from the DB with the username = the session user which is me and that is why my details show up on all profiles, but i dont know any other way to do it, any help with be very apprciated thanks you. I have written a small script for my own personal use that checks the servers of my favorite sites to see if they are operational. I'm having trouble getting it to work, I have most of it (I think) and I'm very new to PHP. The script also allows for a form to add any sites to the file, which I think I explode into an array correctly, at a later time. Here's my code, Please Help! <html> <head> <title>project.php</title> </head> <body> <?php $filename = "websites.txt"; $file = file_get_contents($filename); // reads entire file into a string $DomainNames = explode("\n", $file); // split the string at new line characters, returns an array $length = count($DomainNames) - 1; // count is the correct way to get the length of an array $i=0; while($i<=$length){ $fp = @fsockopen ($DomainNames[$i], 80, $errno, $errstr, 10); if (!$fp) echo "$DomainNames[$i] : <font color='red'>Failed!</font>"; else { echo "$DomainNames[$i] : <font color='green'>Online!</font>"; echo "<br>"; $i++; } } if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $DomainNames[] = $_POST['url']; // append url to array $file = implode("\n", $DomainNames); // convert array to string, delimiting by new lines file_put_contents($filename, $file); // save contents to file } ?> <form action="project.php" method="post"> <fieldset> <label for="url">Url: </label> <input type="text" name="url" id="url" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Add URL" /> </fieldset> </form> </body> </html> Quote Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/largemus/public_html/assets/inc/upcoming.php on line 15 i have hidden connection details for this example Code: [Select] <?php $host=""; // Host name $username=""; // Mysql username $password=""; // Mysql password $db_name=""; // Database name $tbl_name=""; // Table name // Connect to server and select database. mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect server "); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); $sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE user = $session->clientid ORDER BY date ASC LIMIT 3;"; $result=mysql_query($sql); while($rows=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ ?> <div style="width:385px;"> <table style="width: 385px; text-align:center;"> <tr> <td style="width: 121px"><h3>Client</h3></td> <td style="width: 100px"><h3>Occasion</h3></td> <td style="width: 80px"><h3>Location</h3></td> <td><h3>Date</h3></td> </tr> </table> <table style="width: 385px"> <tr> <td style="width: 121px"> <p><? echo $rows['clientid']; ?></p> </td> <td style="width: 100px"> <p><? echo $rows['occasion']; ?></p> </td> <td style="width: 80px"> <p><? echo $rows['location']; ?></p> </td> <td> <p><? echo $rows['date']; ?></p> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <? } mysql_close(); //close database ?> show list of files uploaded by current session user to the database. I want to show different users when they log in to the website...they can see a list of old files that they have uploaded. can anyone tell me the code/script to this.....please, ty Hey guys, I can't wrap my head around how to make this work right... I have three tables: Code: [Select] CREATE TABLE `games` ( `g_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`g_id`)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `game_player` ( `r_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `p_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `g_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `bool` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`r_id`)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `players` ( `p_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `playerid` varchar(150) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`p_id`), UNIQUE KEY `playerid` (`playerid`)); The players table is my list of users, and they're tied to the list of games via the game_player table. So here's my issue... I'm trying to show the full list of games, and then check mark each record where the player does play it. This is what I have so far - it shows all the games, but it's not checking the boxes. Code: [Select] $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM games") or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $newquery = "SELECT * FROM game_player, players WHERE game_player.p_id = players.p_id AND game_player.g_id = ".$row['g_id']. " AND players.playerid = {$userid}"; $query = mysql_query($newquery) or die(mysql_error()); if($query['bool'] == 1) { $set_checked = " CHECKED"; } else{ $set_checked = ""; } echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"box1\" value=\"".$query['g_id']."\"" . $set_checked . "/>".$row['name']."<br />\n"; } I am using the dragdrop functionality on a page which also updates the database.Drag and drop is working fine But i am having difficulty to determine which events to use to update the database. Here is my code
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>jQuery UI Sortable - Portlets</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//"> <script src="//"></script> <script src="//"></script> <!--<link rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/demos/style.css">--> <style> body { min-width: 520px; } .interview-questions-column { width: 400px; float: left; padding-bottom: 100px; } .question-bank { width: 500px; float: left; padding-bottom: 100px; } .portlet { margin: 0 1em 1em 0; padding: 0.3em; } .portlet-header { padding: 0.2em 0.3em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; position: relative; } .portlet-toggle { position: absolute; top: 50%; right: 0; margin-top: -8px; } .portlet-content { padding: 0.4em; } .portlet-placeholder { border: 1px dotted black; margin: 0 1em 1em 0; height: 50px; } .sortable { border: 1px solid #eee; width: 95%; min-height: 20px; list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 5px 0 0 0; float: left; margin-right: 10px; } .sortable li { margin: 0 5px 5px 5px; padding: 5px; font-size: 1.2em; width: 95%; } .bank-quertion-sotrable { border: 1px solid #eee; width: 150px; min-height: 20px; list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 5px 0 0 0; float: left; margin-right: 10px; } .bank-quertion-sotrable li{ margin: 0 5px 5px 5px; padding: 5px; font-size: 1.2em; width: 200px; } .ui-state-default { height: 1.5em; line-height: 1.2em; } </style> <script> $(function() { $( ".interview-questions-column" ).sortable({ connectWith: ".interview-questions-column", handle: ".portlet-header", cancel: ".portlet-toggle", placeholder: "portlet-placeholder ui-corner-all" }); $( ".portlet" ) .addClass( "ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all" ) .find( ".portlet-header" ) .addClass( "ui-widget-header ui-corner-all" ) .prepend( "<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-minusthick portlet-toggle'></span>"); $( ".portlet-toggle" ).click(function() { var icon = $( this ); icon.toggleClass( "ui-icon-minusthick ui-icon-plusthick" ); icon.closest( ".portlet" ).find( ".portlet-content" ).toggle(); }); }); $(function() { $( ".sortable" ).sortable({ placeholder: "ui-state-default", connectWith: ".connectedSortable", /*receive: function(event, ui) { // only perform for sub drop downs if($(this).hasClass('question_bank')) { // if the item doesn't have the matching sub class if (!$(this).hasClass($(ui.item).attr('class'))) { // cancel the sortable $(ui.sender).sortable('cancel'); } } alert('receive'); alert(ui.sender.attr("dataid")); alert(ui.sender.toSource()); // alert("[" + + "] received [" + ui.item.attr("id") + "] from [" + ui.sender.attr("id") + "]"); },*/ update: function (event, ui) { //serial = $('#sortableF').sortable('serialize'); var data = $(this).sortable('serialize'); alert(data); //alert('update sortable'); //alert("[" + + "] received [" + ui.item.attr("id") + "] from [" + ui.sender.attr("id") + "]"); // POST to server using $.post or $.ajax /*$.ajax({ data: 'test', type: 'POST', url: '/your/url/here' });*/ } }).disableSelection(); }); $(function() { $( ".draggable" ).draggable({ connectToSortable: ".sortable", helper: "clone", /*revert: function(valid) { if(valid) { alert("drop is valid"); //Dropped in a valid location } else { alert("drop is invalid"); //Dropped in an invalid location } // return !valid; return false; }*/ stop: function( event, ui ) { // alert(ui); // alert("[" + + "] received [" + ui.item.attr("id") + "] from [" + ui.sender.attr("id") + "]"); } }); }); $( "ul, li" ).disableSelection(); </script> </head> <body> <div class="interview-questions-column"> <div class="portlet"> <div class="portlet-header">Feeds</div> <div class="portlet-content"> <ul id="sortableF" class="connectedSortable sortable"> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-1">Item 1</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-2">Item 2</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-3">Item 3</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-4">Item 4</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-5">Item 5</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="portlet"> <div class="portlet-header">News</div> <div class="portlet-content"> <ul id="sortableS" class="connectedSortable sortable"> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-6">Item 1</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-7">Item 2</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-8">Item 3</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-9">Item 4</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-10">Item 5</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="portlet"> <div class="portlet-header">Shopping</div> <div class="portlet-content"> <ul id="sortableS" class="connectedSortable sortable"> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-11">Item 1</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-12">Item 2</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-13">Item 3</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-14">Item 4</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-15">Item 5</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="portlet"> <div class="portlet-header">Links</div> <div class="portlet-content"> <ul id="sortableS" class="connectedSortable sortable"> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-16">Item 1</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-17">Item 2</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-18">Item 3</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-19">Item 4</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-20">Item 5</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="portlet"> <div class="portlet-header">Images</div> <div class="portlet-content"> <ul id="sortableS" class="connectedSortable sortable"> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-21">Item 1</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-22">Item 2</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-23">Item 3</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-24">Item 4</li> <li class="ui-state-default" id="item-25">Item 5</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="question-bank"> <div class="portlet"> <div class="portlet-header">Question bank</div> <div class="portlet-content"> <ul id="question_back" class="connectedSortable bank-quertion-sotrable"> <li class="ui-state-default draggable" id="item-26">Item 1</li> <li class="ui-state-default draggable" id="item-27">Item 2</li> <li class="ui-state-default draggable" id="item-28">Item 3</li> <li class="ui-state-default draggable" id="item-29">Item 4</li> <li class="ui-state-default draggable" id="item-30">Item 5</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>Basically above code will form few boxes with items(which are actually questions) in it. There is one box on the right side with heading "Question Bank". From the "Question Bank" we can drag the questions to other boxes but can't do the reverse(this is also working). Also we can sort the questions within the box or drag the questions from one box to another. Box heading are the categories and items are questions associated to that categories. What i need is : Event that updates the database when we drag the questions from "Question Bank" to any box on the left side. Please note Questions in the "Question Bank" are pre created coming from database. Event that updates the database when we sort the questions within the box. Event that updates the database when we drag the question from one box to another box. it should also do the sorting for that two boxes. Event that updates the database when we sort the boxes. Here is the JS Fiddle link Question Bank is comming on the bottom of the page instead of on the right side any advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated Thank you for reading this post. Well I am looking to change this url Code: [Select] to Code: [Select] Heres a snip of the code that handles that. <?php include_once('mysql_connect.php');$id = (int)$_GET['Item'];?>() any help would be appreciated. hi, i have made a website where people resgister their details of them and products. they have to enter the following details in form Name of company name of the product company address email id password mobile number contact and brief details about their company
user can then login with email id and pwd. now after login ..user will get a page where he can upload the photos of products images and their price, so now my question is that when he finishes uploading (|by clicking on upload button) the product images and price text box ..then on final uploaded webspage it should show all other things which he registerd before (company name , mobile number etc) along with images and price...hence the main question that user does not need to enter mobile and address while uploading images and filling proce ..but on the final page it should show mobile and address along with price and user is not going to enter mobile and address again and again as he will have multiple products to upload.
Hi, so far I have managed to set up a somewhat basic login website with a mysql database backend. Once they have logged on they go to a "main menu" page. What I need to define is that user A sees button A but only that button, etc. (Then of course that same rule would have to apply if they tried to directly go to the page, but I am guessing I can do that in the same way that I currently do to force a login). If anyone has any tutorials or sample code I would much appreciate it. Thanks, Actually, what i want to do is to use the email to fetch the $email,$password and $randomnumber from database after Hi guys, I am trying to put together a little system that allows users to log onto my website and access there own personal page. I am creating each page myself and uploading content specific to them which cannot be viewed by anyone else. I have got the system to work up as far as: 1/ The user logs in 2/ Once logged in they are re-directed to their own page using 'theirusername.php' Thats all good and working how I need it too. The problem I have is this. If I log onto the website using USER A details - I get taken to USER A's page like I should but - If I then go to my browser and type in USERBdetails.php I can then access USER B's page. This cannot happen!! I need for USER A not to be able to access USER B profile - there is obviously no point in the login otherwise! If you are not logged in you obviously cannot access any secure page. That much is working! Please find below the code I am using: LOGIN <?php session_start(); function dbconnect() { $link = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password") or die ("Error: ".mysql_error()); } ?> <?php if(isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) { header("Location:" . strtolower($username) . ".php"); if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']); $password = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['password']); $mysql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM clients WHERE username = '{$username}' AND password = '{$password}'"); if(mysql_num_rows($mysql) < 1) { die("Password or Username incorrect! Please <a href='login.php'>click here</a> to try again"); } $_SESSION['loggedin'] = "YES"; $_SESSION['username'] = $username; $_SESSION['name'] header("Location:" . strtolower($username) . ".php"); } ?> HEADER ON EACH PHP PAGE <?php session_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION['loggedin'])) { die(Access to this page is restricted without a valid username and password); ?> --------------------------------------------------- Am I right in thinking it is something to do with the "loggedin" part? The system I have here is adapted from a normal login system I have been using for years. The original just checks the details and then does a 'session start'. This one obviously has to re-direct to a user specific page. To do this I used the <<header("Location:" . strtolower($username) . ".php");>> line to redirect to a page such as "usera.php" or "userb.php" Any help would be greatly appreciated! Ta Hi, I am getting frustrated beyond belief at the moment with trying to get a very simple script to run, I am using PHP 5.3.3 and MySQL 5.1 on a Win2k8 server with IIS7.5. Basically my script is connecting to a local database, running a single select query, returning those rows and building up a string from them. The problem is that I am receiving complete BS responses from PHP that the access is denied for the user being specified. This is complete rubbish since the user can connect via mysql, sqlyog, ASP.NET MVC without issue but for some bizarre reason it is not working via PHP. The code for the script is here : Code: [Select] <?php $mysql = mysql_connect('', 'myuser', 'mypass', 'mydatabase'); if (!$mysql) { die(mysql_error()); $content = "<nobr></nobr>"; } else { $result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM tblEventGroup'); $content = "<nobr>"; if ($result) { while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $content .= "<span>"; $content .= $row['GroupName']; $content .= "</span>"; $content .= "<a href=\"../Event/EventSearch?groupid="; $content .= $row['GroupId']; $content .= "\" target=\"_blank\">Book here</a> "; } } mysql_close($mysql); $content .= "</nobr>"; } ?> I cannot for the life of me understand what the problem is, the return error is Access denied for user 'myuser'@'localhost' (using password: YES) Hi, In my mysql database i have a text input option, in the registration form and edit my details form i have a multiple select dropdown list, which user selects options to populate the text input box, which ultimately populates the text field in the mysql database. All works perfectly. The dropdownlist consists of 3 parts <optgroups> first is current selection (what is the usesr current selection)works fine, The second <optgroup> is existing words, what words we(the site) have given as options, and the third <optgroup> is the words that others have used. This is where im having a small problem. Because its a text field when i call the data from the database, it calls the entire text box as a single option in my select list.. I want to break the words in the text field (at the comma) and have them listed each one as an option in the select list. Example what i need: Words in text box:(my input allows the "comma") word1, word2, word3, word4, word5, word6, How i want them called/displayed: <option value=\"word1\">word1</option> <option value=\"word2\">word2</option> <option value=\"word3\">word3</option> <option value=\"word4\">word4</option> <option value=\"word5\">word5</option> <option value=\"word6\">word6</option> here's my code: $query = "SELECT allwords FROM #__functions_experience WHERE profile_id = '".(int)$profileId."' LIMIT 1"; $original_functionsexperience =doSelectSql($query,1); $query = "SELECT allwords FROM #__functions_experience WHERE profile_id = '".(int)$profileId."' LIMIT 1"; $functionsexperiencelist=doSelectSql($query); $funcexpList ="<select multiple=\"multiple\" onchange=\"setFunctionsexperience(this.options)\">"; foreach ($functionsexperiencelist as $functionsexperienceal) { $selected=""; if ($functionsexperienceals->allwords == $original_functionsexperience) $selected=' selected="selected"'; $allwords=$functionsexperienceal->allwords; $funcexpList .= "<optgroup label=\"Current selection\"> <option value=\"".$allwords."\" ".$selected." >".$allwords."</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label=\"Existing Words\"> <option value=\"existing1,\">existing1</option> <option value=\"existing2,\">existing2</option> <option value=\"existing3,\">existing3</option> <option value=\"existing4,\">existing4</option> <option value=\"existing5,\">existing5</option> <option value=\"existing6,\">existing6</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label=\"Others added\"> //heres problem <option value=\"".$allwordsgeneral."\">".$allwordsgeneral."</option> </optgroup>"; } $funcexpList.="</select>"; $output['FUNCEXPLIST']=$funcexpList; The result im getting for optgroup others added: word1, word2, word3, word4, word5, how can i get it like this: <option value=\"word1\">word1</option> <option value=\"word2\">word2</option> <option value=\"word3\">word3</option> <option value=\"word4\">word4</option> <option value=\"word5\">word5</option> <option value=\"word6\">word6</option> |