PHP - How Do You Suggest To Improve This Youtube Download Site
I have a download youtube site I would like to review an tell me what can be done to be improved. Similar TutorialsI am a newbie. I need some guidance for logging onto an existing site, and downloading files. Some tips what I should be looking for? Thanks. Is thier some code I can use to Notifiy me of files that are downloaded from my site. I would like to put some public files (PDF) in a folder to where the public could download what ever, but I want to know who downloaded these files. Dont know much more than that just got the idea from another site cause they new I downloaded a file and I thought it would be a good idea on may site to do something like that. I have a site where I want another user that has a password fills out a form & it then downloads to my server. I want them to be able to then download that file from my site at the same time the form is submitted. I've tried adding this code to the bottom of the php file that the form points to but it just displays the file on the screen instead of downloading to the user's computer. <?php $file = '/site/downloadfile'; if (file_exists($file)) { header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.basename($file).'"'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file)); readfile($file); exit; } ?> if I put the same code in a separate file it works perfectly but i don't want to add another file if i can help it. Any help appreciated
Hi, how much bandwidth is used for 1000 downloads per day or for each download? Is it safe to have no download limits? Thanks
How could I from the varying URLs parse only the YouTube video ID? How can I from the URLs above only extract the id into a variable $url SwrawcORlp0 Thanks, df Hello can anyone tell me why this function don't return anything ? <?php include_once('./header.php'); ?> <?php $var = Array(); $data = $db->get("omnot", "fullname"); foreach($data as $var){ $var = $data; } $input = strtolower( $_GET['input'] ); // the input is ok $len = strlen($input); $aResults = array(); if ($len) { for ($i=0;$i<2;$i++) { if (strtolower(substr(utf8_decode($var),0,$len)) == $input) $aResults[] = array( "id"=>($i+1) ,"value"=>htmlspecialchars($var[$i])); } } from the database i get the values: "roey" , "rrr" , "try" input == r why the function don't go to the line: Code: [Select] $aResults[] = array( "id"=>($i+1) ,"value"=>htmlspecialchars($var[$i])); whats wrong with the IF ? I think it would be interesting and useful to many to make a do and don't section or pinned post for most sections.
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I have the following form (attached to this post as a Thumbnail).
I want to make it user-friendly, specifically, bring it up to the modern web standards, namely, I am looking for things that that I think are modern and are user friendly and are great when considered by themselves, but together they may even conflict. And I need some help figuring out what will work best for my situation and what is technically possible.
Right now the user enteres fields into the form, into the editable fields on the left. Then user can save the fields by clicking Save, or click Del to delete the row. User can Add a new row at the bottom.
The things I think will improve the form a * implement a double-click feature on the editable fields to make them editable, and save them automatically upon `blur` event * user can use `Tab` key to navigate from one `<input>` field to the next, normally, as before, and edit values inside. * user can save all fields entered so far, and restore them via some mechanism (i.e. either to web page or to clipboard, and restore via direct paste for example, or file upload..) * Maybe I can use DataTables, but I have never used it so I don't know what could be done Can you help suggest form or UI improvements for the current form that I have? I may also have some questions on first steps or first examples of implementing particular ones (possibly making a separate post for those) Attached Files form.png 7.94KB 0 downloads
Basically I would like to place a link on my website and have the user download a file, but rather than just right clicking and choosing save target as, the link must be clicked, on the next page the file is fetched and then the client can download the file. How would I go about setting this up please? how to update the record of one table in which condition is that the it should similar to the other table feild only. e.g field of table1 will update only when the feild1 of table1 is equal to field2 of table2 in php?? while im using following command mysql_select_db("db1",$con); $query = "SELECT table2.feild1 , table2.feild1 " . "FROM table2, table1 " . "WHERE table1.feild2 = table2.feild1 "; $data = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $sql="UPDATE table2 SET feild2='$_POST[value2]', feild3='$_POST[value3]' WHERE table1.feild2 = $data "; Part of my class: using PHP5 ( If you know of anything new in PHP5 related to please do share
protected function create_hash($string){ $password = "#" . strrev($password); $grs = $this->grs("|WordToTheWise",rand(22, 50)); $hash = password_hash("_" . strrev($string), PASSWORD_BCRYPT, array('cost'=>rand(4,14),'salt'=>$grs)); return strrev($hash); } public function verifyhash($string, $hash_string){//verifies that the hash is equal to the password return (password_verify("_" . strrev($string), strrev($hash_string)) ? true : false); } private function grs($string_append = "", $length = 22) { $length = $length - strlen($string_append); $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!@#$%^&()_*,./;[]|'; $randomString = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, strlen($characters) - 1)]; } return $randomString . $string_append; }Okay so u use strrev on my string and hash just to make everything a bit more CONFUSING and i append the string with a "]" just to make the password harder to brute the strrev and append string is not meant to make the hash any more secure. I store the reversed hash in my DB as a varchar The point of the reverse hash is only to make the hash a little more unrecognizable to the human eye. The Const is randomly chosen 4 - 14, and the salt is randomly generated with a special string appended. How would you improve the hashing? Edited by Richard_Grant, 09 September 2014 - 11:48 PM. I need to secure my code more Code: [Select] $_POST['amount'] = intval($_POST['amount']); if ($_POST['amount'] <= 0){ message($lang_common['Bad request']); } if (!is_numeric($_POST['amount'])){ message($lang_common['Bad request']); } $_POST['amount'] will be the amount of gold people will beable to send to each other. any sql injections vulnerability right now? if so, help i casted my intval and is_numeric on it any other ways to secure it with php functions as of right now it can only be numeric right? Hello. I have written this script where user restaurant owner can add his place to the database of all local restaurants. (insert basic information into database, add up to 3 images, thumbnail creation, insert image information to database). It works well on localhost, but i would like some suggestions for improvement. Im not very sure of its structure, it may not execute well once it is online. And i also think there are too many "IF's". But i really have no idea how to do it any other way. Thanks for all the suggestions. Code: [Select] <?php if(!defined('PROTECTION') || constant('PROTECTION') != 'demover') { echo "fuck off intruder!"; exit; } $naziv = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Naziv']); $naslov = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Naslov']); $kraj = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Kraj']); $telefon = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Telefon']); $web = "http://www.".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Spletna']); $gm = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Lokacija']); //$gmaps = gmParse($gm); $gmaps = 10; $fill="INSERT INTO bpoint (sName, sAddr, placeID, sPhone, sWeb, sGMaps, companyID) VALUES ('$naziv','$naslov','$kraj','$telefon','$web','$gmaps','$cID')"; if (mysql_query($fill)) { $lastID=mysql_insert_id(); $path="./truck/".$cID."/".$lastID; $pname=$_FILES["pic"]["tmp_name"]; $num=0; if (count($_FILES["pic"]) && mkdir($path, 0777)) { include "thumbs.php"; foreach($pname as $imag){ $bname=date("YmdHis").$num; $num++; $finalpath=$path."/".$bname.".jpg"; $finalthumb=$path."/".$bname."_thumb.jpg"; if($imag!="") { if (move_uploaded_file($imag, $finalpath)) { make_thumb($finalpath,$finalthumb,150); mysql_query("INSERT INTO images (name, companyID) VALUES ('$finalpath', '$cID')"); } } } } unset($_FILES["pic"]); } else {die(mysql_error());} ?> This contact form works fairly well, but I do get spam.
Can you add something to this existing form that will make it a little better at not letting spam thru?
<form action="../page.php?page=1" method="post" name="contact_us" onSubmit="return capCheck(this);"> <table cellpadding="5" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="10" class="required_field">*</td> <td width="80">Name</td> <td><input type="text" name="name" maxlength="50" style="width:400px; border: 1px solid #696969;" /><br /><br /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="required_field">*</td> <td>Email Address</td> <td><input type="text" name="email" maxlength="40" style="width:400px; border: 1px solid #696969;" /><br /><br /></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td>Subject:</td> <td><input type="text" name="subject" maxlength="40" style="width:400px; border: 1px solid #696969;"/><br /><br /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="required_field">*</td> <td>Enter Image Code:</td> <td><input type="text" value="" name="captext" style="width: 100px" maxlength="6" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><a onclick="refresh_security_image(); return false;" style="cursor:pointer;"><u>Refresh Image</u></a></td> <td><img src="../includes/captcha.php" border="0" id="verificiation_image" /></a></td> </tr> </table> <br/> <p> <input type="hidden" name="submited" value="1" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" style="margin:7px 10px 0px 0px; padding:10px 0px 10px 0px; font-size:15px; font-style:Century-Gothic;" /> </p> </form> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function refresh_security_image() { var new_url = new String("../includes/captcha.php?width=132&height=36&charcators="); new_url = new_url.substr(0, new_url.indexOf("width=") + 37); // we need a random new url so this refreshes var chr_str = "123456789"; for(var i=0; i < 6; i++) new_url = new_url + chr_str.substr(Math.floor(Math.random() * 2), 1); document.getElementById("verificiation_image").src = new_url; } --> </script> <!-- captch start --> <script type="text/javascript" id="clientEventHandlersJS" language="javascript"> </script> <!-- captch end -->Thanks Hi Guys, I have a simple PHP search facility (Below this post) for my customer system which uses a input form so users enter a customers name/telephone/address and it echos the result. Its great but I observed as my customer table got bigger the search got less accurate, what i mean is when you search for mr test is give ur mr test along with mr andy and ms danielle. Its ok but those any know how to make my search code better or can y'all help me with a better php search script. Thanks. <?php $query=$_GET['query']; $query= str_replace("'","",$query); // Change the fields below as per the requirements $db_host="localhost"; $db_username="root"; $db_password=""; $db_name=""; $db_tb_name="customer"; $db_tb_atr_name="c_name"; $query= str_replace("'","",$query); //Now we are going to write a script that will do search task // leave the below fields as it is except while loop, which will display results on screen mysql_connect("$db_host","$db_username","$db_password"); mysql_select_db("$db_name"); $query_for_result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM customer WHERE c_name like '%".$query."%' OR c_telephone like '%".$query."%' OR c_address like '%".$query."%'"); while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($query_for_result)) { $c_id = $row['c_id']; $c_name = $row["c_name"]; $c_address = $row["c_address"]; $c_postcode = $row["c_postcode"]; $c_city = $row["c_city"]; $c_telephone = $row["c_telephone"]; $c_email = $row["c_email"]; $salesman = $row["salesman"]; echo '<table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td><a href="customers.php?id=' . $c_id . '"> ' . $c_name . '</a> - ' . $c_address . ' - ' . $c_city . ' - ' . $c_telephone . '• <a href="customer_edit_index.php?pid=' . $c_id . '">edit</a><br /><br/></td> </tr> </table>'; } mysql_close(); ?> Please feel free to use this code in any way if you need to: I will appreciate any help in rewriting this code to improve it by showing ellipsis. The way the code is now shows this: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next I would like some help in rewriting the code so that we can get an ellipsis and show something like this: Previous 1 ... 4 5 6 7 ... 10 Next Please post your improved version of this code (showing the ellipsis). I would like for it to work when sorting as well thats why the ' &sort=' . $sort . is included in the code. Thank you in advance. Code: [Select] <?php //Number of records from query to display per page $display = 20 ; //Write your code to sort in here and store it $sort if ( isset($_GET['np'])) { // Already been determined. $num_pages = $_GET['np']; } else { //Now we count the number of records in the query $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM postings ORDER BY posted_date DESC"; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM); $num_records = $row[0]; //Now we calculate the number of pages if ($num_records > $display) { //More than 1 page $num_pages = ceil ($num_records/$display); } else { $num_pages = 1; } } // End of np IF //Determine where in the database to start returning results if (isset($_GET['s'])) { $start = $_GET['s']; } else { $start = 0; } //Add code for query here $query = //whatever you need from the database tables while { // show the results from query here } if ($num_pages > 1) { echo '<br /><p>' ; $current_page = ($start/$display) + 1 ; //If it is not the first page, then we make a previous button. if ($current_page != 1 ) { echo ' <a href="viewpostings.php?s=' . ($start - $display) . '&np=' . $num_pages . ' &sort=' . $sort . '">Previous </a>'; } //Make all the numbered pages. for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_pages; $i++) { if ($i != $current_page) { echo '<a href="viewpostings.php?s=' . (($display * ($i - 1 ))) . '&np=' . $num_pages . ' &sort=' . $sort . '"> ' . $i . ' </a>'; } else { echo $i. ' '; } } //If it is not the last page, then we make a Next button; if ($current_page != $num_pages) { echo '<a href="viewpostings.php?s=' . ($start + $display) . '&np=' . $num_pages . ' &sort=' . $sort . '">Next</a>'; } echo '</p>'; } ?> I am fairly comfortable with procedural PHP but when it comes to classes and OO I am learning. I have written a small class to get all of the information from the URL. I am sure I have added my own style and broken about a million rules. I have already found places to improve this but I thought I would bounce it off everyone here before I started to make changes and started expanding it. I am also aware that there are classes that I can download that do this much better but I am trying to better understand how they work so I think this is a good start. Can you just look it over and point out things that I have done wrong and give me some general pointers on how to improve it. class uri extends mainframe{ private $path = null; private $pathParse = array(); private $component = null; private $view = null; private $host = null; private $dirDepth = null; public $queryString = array(); function __construct() { $this->getHost(); $this->getPath(); $this->getView(); $this->getQueryString(); } /* * Check to see if we are in the base folder */ function dirDepth($base) { $this->dirDepth = config::DDEPTH + $base; return $this->dirDepth; } /* * return the host address */ function getHost() { $this->host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; return $this->host; } /* * return the path information */ function getPath() { $this->path = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; return $this->path; } /* * returns the query string in an array * * I am sure this isn't the right way to do this * but it is working. */ function getQueryString() { $this->getPath(); preg_match('/\?(.*)/', $this->path, $queryString); if ($queryString == true) { $queryPairs = array(); $queryString = (isset($queryString['1']) ? $queryString['1'] : null); $queryPairs = explode('&', $queryString); $queryStrings = array(); $pairs = array(); foreach ($queryPairs as $queryPairs) { preg_match('/(.*)=(.*)/', $queryPairs, $pairs); array_push($queryStrings, $pairs); } $key = array(); $value = array(); foreach ($queryStrings as $queryStrings) { array_push($value, (isset($queryStrings['2']) ? $queryStrings['2'] : null)); array_push($key, (isset($queryStrings['1']) ? $queryStrings['1'] : null)); } $this->queryString = array_combine($key, $value); return $this->queryString; }else{ unset($this->queryString); } } /* * returns the path in an array and removes the query string */ function pathParse() { self::getPath(); $this->pathParse = explode('/', $this->path); $endCheck = preg_replace('/\?(.*)/','', array_pop($this->pathParse)); array_push($this->pathParse, $endCheck); $this->pathParse = array_filter($this->pathParse); if(!empty($this->pathParse)) { return $this->pathParse; }else{ unset($this->pathParse); } } /* * returns the first part of the path */ function getComponent() { self::pathParse(); self::dirDepth('1'); if(!empty($this->pathParse[$this->dirDepth])) { $this->component = $this->pathParse[$this->dirDepth]; return $this->component; }else{ unset($this->component); } } /* * returns the second part of the path */ function getView() { self::pathParse(); self::dirDepth('2'); if(!empty($this->pathParse[$this->dirDepth])) { $this->view = $this->pathParse[$this->dirDepth]; return $this->view; }else{ unset($this->view); } } /* * Ummmmm need some help here for sure. */ function __destruct() { } } $uri = new uri(); Thank you in advance for your help! This topic has been moved to Ajax Help. I have started learning OOP, by following a few tutorials, My problem with most tutorial is they show you how, but don't tell you the what and the why. It's all good an well seeing what to do, but if you have no idea why it's being done, you don't learn much. I started a tutorial on Udemy but am not actually gaining a lot from it. I want to alter the code so that it will do it the way I want it to. I am not wanting you to write the code for me, if you do please explain it so that I can understand the logic, preferably show me where to make changes and point me at the php tutorial that can solve my problem. I have been trying to solve this for a couple of weeks now, I tried a few things but none worked.
The full followLinks function function followLinks($url) { global $alreadyCrawled; global $crawling; $host = parse_url($url)["host"]; $parser = new DomDocumentParser($url); $linkList = $parser->getLinks(); foreach($linkList as $link) { $href = $link->getAttribute("href"); if((substr($href, 0, 3) !== "../") AND (strpos($href, $host) === false)) { continue; } else if(strpos($href, "#") !== false) { continue; } else if(substr($href, 0, 11) == "javascript:") { continue; } // I need to change this below somehow, the two arrays are identical, // What I want to do is move $href(crawled) to $alreadyCrawled and remove it from $crawling // I also want to check if the current $href (crawling) is in $alreadyCrawled and if it is skip crawling and move on to the next one. //In essence I want to prevent the crawler from crawling anything already crawled in order to speed up the crawler. $href = createLink($href, $url); if(!in_array($href, $alreadyCrawled)) { $alreadyCrawled[] = $href; $crawling[] = $href; } else { continue;} echo $href . "<br>"; } array_shift($crawling); foreach($crawling as $site) { followLinks($site); } } $startUrl = ""; followLinks($startUrl); ?>
Result. I know I am also going to have to exclude duplicates created by the http and https pages. But that is not my main issue. I have made a Php program that downloads an Inno setup installation file for installing a program. However, if I for one or another reason want to make a new download of the same Inno setup installation file, the previous file will still be found in the Download folder. Each of the downloads get a number in parenthesis, setup(1), setup(2), setup(3) etc. However, I wondered if it is posible to erase the previous file in the same process as I download a new one, so that however many downloads I do, there will all the time only be one occurence of this file in the Download folder. The download code is as follows: $exe = "Inno script/Test_setup.exe"; header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"Test_setup.exe\""); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($exe)); readfile($exe); Thanks in advance. Sincerely