PHP - Malformed Form: Elements Appear Within Themselves
Newb here.
My form works with sessions and the video loads etc, data submits, etc. all that is good. But i've gotten lost in the complexity of the build it seems and my html has become malformed I think. As a result each submission or page reload inserts another form inside the form inside the form etc etc etc. It some sort of weird looping madness or something. I'm very new to classes and how they work and i can't find where the madness is coming from.
To duplicate the error, fill out the form and submit (the video won't play in firefox so use safari or chrome to test).
I've been trying to resolve this for hours - i'm very lost in the complexity.
<?php # '../' == sub-folder. use './' == root require '../inc_0700/config_inc.php'; #provides configuration, pathing, error handling, db credentials echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="w05c09_gojiraIncidentReport.css">'; //END CONFIG AREA ---------------------------------------------------------- # Read the value of 'action' whether it is passed via $_POST or $_GET with $_REQUEST if(isset($_REQUEST['act'])){$myAction = (trim($_REQUEST['act']));}else{$myAction = "";} switch ($myAction){//check 'act' for type of process case "display": # 2)Display user's name! showObjects(); break; case "clear": # 3 Clear the session data clearObjects(); showForm(); break; default: # 1)Ask user to enter their name showForm(); } function showForm(){# shows form so user can enter their name. Initial scenario get_header(); #defaults to header_inc.php echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . VIRTUAL_PATH . 'include/util.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function checkForm(thisForm){//check form data for valid info if(empty(thisForm.YourName,"Please Enter Your Name")){return false;} return true;//if all is passed, submit! } </script> <video id="bgVideo" preload="auto" autoplay="true" loop="loop" muted="muted" volume="0" poster="_bgGrfxs/bg_vidGlobe.jpg"> <source src="_bgVideo/bg_vidLoop.mp4" type="video/mp4"/> <source src="_bgVideo/bg_vidLoop.ogv" type="video/ogg"/> </video> <!-- This image stretches exactly to the browser width/height and lies behind the video--> <div id="bodyDummy"> <!-- <h3 align="center"">' . smartTitle() . '</h3>--> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <form align="center" action="' . THIS_PAGE . '" method="post" onsubmit="return checkForm(this);"> <img width="10%" src="img_logo-panPacificDefenseCenter.png" alt="Kaiju Incident Reporter"/> <br /> <h2 style="color: #ff6d26;">Incident Report Form</h2> <br /> <!-- incWho? --> <br /> <b>Reporting Officer ID:</b><br /> <input type="text" name="incWho" placeholder="Please enter your full name here" /> <br /> <br /> <!-- incWhat --> <b><a id="orange" href="">Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism encountered:</a></b><br /> <select type="text" name="incWhat" data-placeholder="Select Incident Location..." class="chzn-select" multiple style="width:354px;" tabindex="40"> '; include 'ddlist-Kaiju.php'; echo '</select> <br /> <br /> <!-- incWhen = date of incident --> <b>Date of Incident:</b><br /> <input type="text" name="incWhen" placeholder="Please enter your full name here" /> <br /> <br /> <!-- incWhere --> <b>Incident Location:</b><br /> <select type="text" name="incWhere" data-placeholder="Select Incident Location..." multiple style="width:354px;" tabindex="111"> '; include 'ddlist-countriesInternational.php'; echo '</select> <br /> <br /> <!-- incWhy --> <b>Incident notes:</b><br /> <textarea name="incWhy" cols="54" rows="3" placeholder="Please enter any details you can recall of the incident - if incident is still occurring run" ></textarea> <br /> <br /> <!-- incScale --> <b>Rate the severity of the incident (0 to 5):</b> <br /> <br /> <input type="range" data-show-value="true" data-hightlight="true" data-popup-enabled="true" name="incScale" min="0" max="5" value="0" onchange="updateTextInput(this.value);"> <br /> <br /> <input id="go" type="submit" value="Go!"> </p> <input type="hidden" name="act" value="display" /> </form> <br /> <p style="#444"><i>Once you have completed your incident report, Run! For the love god man run, run for the hills and be safe!</i></p> '; get_footer(); #defaults to footer_inc.php echo '</div><!-- END bodyDummy -->'; } function showObjects() {#form submits here we show entered name //dumpDie($_POST); //if the session is not started, that could be a problem get_header(); #defaults to footer_inc.php if(!isset($_SESSION)){session_start();} echo "<br />"; if(!isset($_SESSION['kSession'])) {//if no session exists, create it $_SESSION['kSession']= array(); } //we need to add post data here $_SESSION['kSession'] [] = new incReport($_POST['incWho'], $_POST['incWhat'], $_POST['incWhen'], $_POST['incWhere'], $_POST['incWhy'], $_POST['incScale']); $totalScale = 0; foreach($_SESSION['kSession'] as $incReport)//loop thru each array item { echo $incReport; $totalScale += $incReport->incScale; } $totalReports = count($_SESSION['kSession']); $aveRating = $totalScale/$totalReports; echo '<div style="margin: auto; padding:0 10px; background-color:#ff6d26;width: 300px";><p style="color:white;">Average Incident Severity:</p> <h1 style="color:white;";>'; echo "$aveRating"; echo'</h1></div>'; if ($aveRating == 5){ echo '<p>Five: We suggest you make peace with this, your final moment.. enjoy the sunset before that giant foot comes down on you.</p>';} if ($aveRating == 4){ echo '<p>Four: The end is near, run man run, she isn\'t worth it, save yourse<p>lf.</p>';} if ($aveRating == 3){ echo '<p>Three: And your still there? Seriously?</p>';} if ($aveRating == 2){ echo '<p>Two: Take a picture, it will last longer. Now. Run for the hills!</p>';} if ($aveRating == 1){ echo '<p>One: Have you considered running?</p>';} if ($aveRating == 0){ echo '<p>Zero: This would be a good time to consider moving to a safer vantage point.</p></form></div><!--end dummy-->';} //get_footer(); #defaults to footer_inc.php //------end of work area-------// get_header(); #defaults to footer_inc.php if(!isset($_POST['incWho']) || $_POST['incWhat'] == ''){//data must be sent feedback("No form data submitted"); #will feedback to submitting page via session variable myRedirect(THIS_PAGE); } if(preg_match('[^A-Za-z0-9]', $_POST['incWho'])){//data must be alphanumeric only feedback("Only letters & numbers are allowed."); #will feedback to submitting page via session variable myRedirect(THIS_PAGE); } $myName = strip_tags($_POST['incWho']);# here's where we can strip out unwanted data } function clearObjects(){ //echo "clearing objects here"; if(!isset($_SESSION)){session_start();} unset($_SESSION['kSession']); feedback("session cleared"); } class incReport{ public $incWho = ""; public $incWhat = ""; public $incWhen = ""; public $incWhere = ""; public $incWhy = ""; public $incScale = ""; function __construct($incWho, $incWhat, $incWhen, $incWhere, $incWhy, $incScale){ $this->incWho=$incWho; $this->incWhat=$incWhat; $this->incWhen=$incWhen; $this->incWhere=$incWhere; $this->incWhy=$incWhy; $this->incScale=$incScale; } function __toString(){ static $kID = 1;//kaiju incident number $myReturn = '<video id="bgVideo" preload="auto" autoplay="true" loop="loop" muted="muted" volume="0" poster="_bgGrfxs/bg_vidGlobe.jpg"> <source src="_bgVideo/bg_vidLoop.mp4" type="video/mp4"/> <source src="_bgVideo/bg_vidLoop.ogv" type="video/ogg"/> </video> <div id="bodyDummy"> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <form><p> Incident ID: kID00' . $kID ; //works $kID++; //iterate report $myReturn .= ' | Incident Reported by: ' . $this->incWho . ' ' ;//works $myReturn .= ' | Massive Terrestial Organsim Observed: ' . $this->incWhat . ' ' ;//shows where... $myReturn .= ' | Date of Incident: ' . $this->incWhen . ' ' ; //works $myReturn .= ' | Incident Location: ' . $this->incWhere . ' '; //shows what $myReturn .= ' | Incident Details: ' . $this->incWhy. ' '; // working $myReturn .= ' | Incident Severity: ' . $this->incScale . '</p> <p align="center"><a href="' . THIS_PAGE . '">File Report, then Run!</a> | <a href="' . THIS_PAGE . '?act=clear">Reset</a></p> ' ; return $myReturn; } } Similar TutorialsHey everyone. I have a project I'm working on and am having some issues. I'm trying to build a web-based FTP program for a client. I have all the ftp stuff down packed, but I'm having issues with connecting to a local computer. I can get the directories an a local disk viewing and changing just fine, my problem is I'm wondering how I might pass each value of the array generated by the scandir() function into a form element value such as a checkbox. The furthest I've been able to get with this is displaying the last object in the array. Here is some code: <?php foreach ($d as $key => $val) { echo "<table width=auto height=auto border=0> <tr> <td><img src=".$icon." width=16 height=16></td> <td>".$val."</td> <td><input name=selection type=checkbox value=".$val."></td> </tr> </table>"; ?> All I get is the last item in the array. any help is appreciated. Hi, I have an HTML form with a "submit" button that sends form data to a PHP script. Firstly, the form doesn't seem to send the data to the PHP script, unless I include a line in the PHP script as follows: $var1 = $_REQUEST['var1']; Is this always the case or is there a way to automatically have the form send through data? The reason I ask is because the form includes elements that can be disabled, in which case (if element 'var1' is disabled) the above PHP line returns an error "Notice: Undefined index: var1" i.e. I want to only send through data from enabled elements and not from disabled elements. Alternatively, is there a line I can include in the PHP script something along these lines: if (defined($var1)==FALSE) {$var=" ";} so that when the PHP script tries to retrieve var1, which is undefined because the corresponding form element has been disabled, it sets it to a particular value. my HTML form is along these lines: Code: [Select] <form action=something.php method=POST> <select id="var1" name="var1"> <option> </option> <option selected="selected"> option1</option> <option> option2</option> <option> option3</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="next"> </form> Thanks! Hi there im having trouble with my code and was hoping someone may be able to help me? I think the trouble i am having is because i am echoing the form elements (form, hidden) and the value in those elements. This part is fine i think: Code: [Select] $editFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $editFormAction .= "?" . htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } if ((isset($_POST["MM_insert"])) && ($_POST["MM_insert"] == "form1")){ $insertSQL = sprintf("INSERT INTO ships (ShipName, FleetID, PlayerName, Image1, Image2, Credits, HealthA, HealthB, MaxHealthA, MaxHealthB, Class, Hyperspace, PlanetID, Building, Maintenance) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", GetSQLValueString($_POST['shipname1'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['fleetid1'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['playername1'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['image11'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['image21'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['credits1'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['healtha1'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['healthb1'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['maxhealtha1'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['maxhealthb1'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['class1'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['hyperspace1'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['planetid1'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['building1'], "int"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['maintenance1'], "int")); mysql_select_db($database_swb, $swb); $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $swb) or die(mysql_error()); $insertGoTo = "planet.php"; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $insertGoTo .= (strpos($insertGoTo, '?')) ? "&" : "?"; $insertGoTo .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } header(sprintf("Location: %s", $insertGoTo)); } The problem may lay he Code: [Select] <?php echo'<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">';echo'<table width="400" border="0" align="top">'; do { echo '<tr> <td width="200" align="center">'; echo '<span class="arial12">'; echo "<img src=".$row_Ships["Image1"]." height =\"250\" width=\"400\">"; echo'| Maintenance: '; echo $row_Ships['Maintenance'];echo ' | '; echo'<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Build" />'; echo' | Construction Time: '; echo $row_Ships['Building']; echo' | ';echo '</td></tr>'; echo" <input name='fleetid1' type='hidden' id='fleetid1' value='".$totalRows_Fleet." + '1''/>"; echo" <input name='fleetname1' type='hidden' id='fleetname1' value='Fleet ".$totalRows_Fleet." + '1''/>"; echo" <input name='shipname1' type='hidden' id='shipname1' value='".$row_Ships['ShipName']."'/>"; echo" <input name='playername1' type='hidden' id='playername1' value='".$_SESSION['MM_Username']."'/>"; echo" <input name='credits1' type='hidden' id='credits1' value='".$row_Ships['Credits']."'/>"; echo" <input name='image11' type='hidden' id='image11' value='".$row_Ships['Image1']."'/>"; echo" <input name='image21' type='hidden' id='image21' value='".$row_Ships['Image2']."'/>"; echo" <input name='healtha1' type='hidden' id='healtha1' value='".$row_Ships['HealthA']."'/>"; echo" <input name='healthb1' type='hidden' id='healthb1' value='".$row_Ships['HealthB']."'/>"; echo" <input name='maxhealtha1' type='hidden' id='maxhealtha1' value='".$row_Ships['MaxHealthA']."'/>"; echo" <input name='maxhealthb1' type='hidden' id='maxhealthb1' value='".$row_Ships['MaxHealthB']."'/>"; echo" <input name='class1' type='hidden' id='class1' value='".$row_Ships['Class']."'/>"; echo" <input name='hyperspace1' type='hidden' id='hyperspace1' value='".$row_Ships['Hyperspace']."'/>"; echo" <input name='maintenance1' type='hidden' id='maintenance1' value='".$row_Ships['Maintenance']."'/>"; echo" <input name='Planetid1' type='hidden' id='planetid1' value='".$row_Credits['PlanetID']."'/>"; echo" <input name='building1' type='hidden' id='building1' value='".$row_Ships['Building']."'/>"; } while ($row_Ships = mysql_fetch_assoc($Ships)); echo '</table></form>';?> No records are insterted at all?? The page redirection after insert is not happening either. If anybody coould help that would be brilliant... Thank You Been looking to see if anyone has published something like this. I have a number of projects coming up which entail creating input form pages using PHP. Some of these are quite large as to the number of entries, pages etc.. and the worst part is that I know in advance that they most likely will want to change/add to the form after I am done. So rather than coding them physically in the code, I want to define the form elements in an array that I can store in a database/flat file and when the page loads, read from the array to construct the form output. I don't have any issues with dealing with the database or even using arrays, but I have not been able to come up with an array setup that works. Has anyone done this and would care to share the structure they used. Everything that I find on the net is basically sites that want to host the form, but this will be in a non-Internet accessible site so that is not an option. I am trying to work out how to correctly format an SQL query string from user data taken from multiple HTML text boxes/dropdowns. As an example assuming i have a searach page on which the user can enter search criteria into the following fields: name - text box site_location - drop down box (default set to 'search all') job_title - drop down box (default set to 'search all') manager - drop down box (default set to 'search all') email - textbox Its easy when all fields have user data set or one has user data set but when the user has entered data into only a couple of the fields I have problems constructing the SQL query, namely when it comes to adding the 'AND' keyword into the SQL query. No matter how i try to set out the logic in the PHP code i seem to end up with at least one combination of the search critea leading to back to back AND statements. I construct the SQL query by appending a string variable $query with the relevant search criteria, for example: $query = "select * from employees where "; if ($_POST['name'] != null) { $query=$query."name='".$_POST['name']."' "; } if ($_POST['site_location'] != 'all') { $query=$query."AND site_location='".$_POST['site_loaction']."' "; } //etc This does not work out though when fields are empty, I have tried adding additional if statements to check ahead to see if fields further down in the query are required and if so append an 'and' but I cannot seem to get the logic correct. Is this something anyone else has come accross, if so is there a better solution than the route i am going down? Thanks for reading. Long time lurker, first time poster here. I am having a problem with a multiple file uploader form I am trying to build. I am using the CodeIgniter framework, but I believe my problem is with the form itself. Here is the form: Code: [Select] <form action="http://localhost/show/submit" id="sendfiles" method="post" name="sendfiles" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="doup" value="1" /> <input type="file" name="userfile1" value="" id="userfile1" size="20" /> <br /> <input type="file" name="userfile2" value="" id="userfile2" size="20" /> <br /> <input type="file" name="userfile3" value="" id="userfile3" size="20" /> <br /> <input type="submit" name="submit_btn" value="Upload" /> </form> The form is being passed to this function: if(empty($_POST['doup'])){ foreach($_REQUEST as $k => $v) print ">>> $k : $v <br />"; $data['form_open'] = form_open_multipart(uri_string(), array( 'id' => 'sendfiles', 'method' => 'post', 'name' => 'sendfiles' )); $data['form_flag'] = form_hidden('doup', '1'); $data['file1'] = form_input(array( 'id' => 'userfile1', 'name' => 'userfile1', 'size' => '20', 'type' => 'file', )); $data['file2'] = form_input(array( 'id' => 'userfile2', 'name' => 'userfile2', 'size' => '20', 'type' => 'file', )); $data['file3'] = form_input(array( 'id' => 'userfile3', 'name' => 'userfile3', 'size' => '20', 'type' => 'file', )); $data['form_submit'] = form_submit('submit_btn', 'Upload'); $data['form_close'] = form_close(); $this->load->view('show/submit', $data); } else { $config['allowed_types'] = 'mp3'; $config['max_size'] = '10240'; $config['upload_path'] = $this->config->item('file_upload_path'); $uploaded_files = array(); for($nona=1; $nona<4; $nona++){ if (strlen($_FILES['userfile'.$nona]['tmp_name']) <=0){ echo "tempname$nona failed"; continue; } //print "------ USERFILE $nona ------ <br />"; //print sizeof($_FILES['userfile'.$nona])."<br />"; //foreach ($_FILES['userfile'.$nona] as $k => $v){ // print "$k : $v <br />"; //} $this->upload->initialize($config); $upload = $this->upload->do_upload('userfile'.$nona); if (!$upload){ $form_errors = array('form_errors' => $this->upload->display_errors()); $this->load->view('show/submit', $form_errors); break; } else { $data = array('upload_data' => $this->upload->data()); $data = $data['upload_data']; $fp = $data['full_path']; $filename = strtolower(random_string('numeric', 16) . $data['file_ext']); $rel_path = 'show/submissons/uploaded/'; $path = $this->config->item('media_root_path') . $rel_path; exec('mkdir -p ' . $path , $a1, $r1); exec('mv ' . $fp . ' ' . $path . $filename, $a2, $r2); array_push($uploaded_files, $path . $filename); } } $this->session->set_flashdata('img_data',implode("||", $uploaded_files)); // redirect("show/submit_info"); } The problem is this: When I choose only one file to upload, it works. I can choose any of the 3 inputs and it works great. But as soon as I try to choose 2 or more files, the form fails to post. When I press submit, the page simply reloads and none of the form variables get posted. I have checked settings in php.ini and tried building and rebuilding this form. I'm hoping someone here can provide some insight into what I'm doing wrong? Hello mates, I'm newbie in PHP and I'm trying to make something here. I'm working on a script that allows me to write some comments (from admin panel) and display them on my index page. For now, the script is displaying me all comments that I'm writing, and I want to display just 5 let's say. Any solution for this? Code: [Select] <tbody> <?php $scom=mysql_query("select * from comments order by date desc"); $num=mysql_num_rows($scom); if($num!=0) { while($randc=mysql_fetch_array($scom)) { echo' <tr> <td width="50" align="center" valign="top" bgcolor="#B5D2DC"><img src="images/500999.png" width="30" height="30" /></td> <td class="textmic"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#B5D2DC"> <tr> <td class="textc"><u>'.$randc["date"].'</u></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="justify">'; $newtext = wordwrap($randc["comment"], 20, "\n", true); echo $newtext.'</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <hr width="100%" noshade="noshade" size="8" color="#B5D2DC" /> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> '; } } ?> </tbody> Hi Folks,
My apologies if this isn't posted in the wrong forum - I'm assuming this is a CSS issue but may turn out to be a HTML problem.
I'm currently developing a website for a photographer, which can be found he
At the bottom of the page on the left-hand-side is the photographers and on the right-hand-side is his email address.
The problem I'm having is that when the site is viewed in full screen on a large monitor, both of these contact details sit underneath the page content and not at the bottom of the screen - is there an easy way to fix thing?
Problem can be seen here
Thanks in advance for any and all help,
hi all, i am trying to just get a couple things from this RSS feed: I would like to grab the danger rose image on the left, the text that tells of the Avalanche danger ie... "Avalanche Danger Remains LOW..." and the date. I have tried using a few things like: $html = '';$dom = new DOMDocument;$dom->loadHTML($html);$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);$res = $xpath->query('//div[@id="dangericon"]');if ($res->item(0) !== NULL) { $test = $res->item(0)->nodeValue;}() ...without any luck. Anyone have some advice for me? thanks! I have a file that contains, among others, some links to other files. Those files contain links to other files and so on. What I want to do is to check if a file has already been opened, and if this is true I want the file not to be opened again. For this I created an array, but when the code returns to the first file the array is reseted. Can someone please help me? This is the code I created (I`m a beginer in php). Thanks function readImportFiles($taxonomyFile, $target_path, $fileName='', $ArrayOfTaxonomies = array()) { while(!feof($taxonomyFile)) { $line = fgets($taxonomyFile); //code for getting the $schemaLocation if ($schemaLocation && !in_array($schemaLocation, $ArrayOfTaxonomies)) { $ArrayOfTaxonomies[]= $schemaLocation; $importSchema = fopen($schemaLocation, "r"); $target_path = substr($schemaLocation, 0, (strlen($schemaLocation) - strlen(strrchr($schemaLocation, "/")))); readImportFiles($importSchema, $target_path, $schemaLocation, $ArrayOfTaxonomies); } } } I am able to get all elements but the 'i*' parts. How do I do this. Code: [Select] $formarray = array( 'name' => array( 'i1'=> array('a'=>'a1', 'b'=>'b1', 'c'=>'c1', 'd'=>'d1', 'e'=>'e1', 'f'=>'f1', 'g'=>'g1'), 'i2'=> array('a'=>'a2', 'b'=>'b2', 'c'=>'c2', 'd'=>'d2', 'e'=>'e2', 'f'=>'f2', 'g'=>'g2'), 'i3'=> array('a'=>'a3', 'b'=>'b3', 'c'=>'c3', 'd'=>'d3', 'e'=>'e3', 'f'=>'f3', 'g'=>'g3'), 'i4'=> array('a'=>'a4', 'b'=>'b4', 'c'=>'c4', 'd'=>'d4', 'e'=>'e4', 'f'=>'f4', 'g'=>'g4'), ) ); foreach ($formarray as $newarray => $a) { ?><strong><?=$newarray;?></strong><br><? foreach ($a as $key => $k) { foreach ($k as $b) { ?>"<?=$b;?>", <? } ?><br><? } //end of second foreach ?><br><br><br><? } //end of first foreach ?> Can someone tell me the best way to group elements in an XML file? Code: [Select] <item> <title>Event 1</title> <dc:date>2010-09-25T01:00:00+01:00</dc:date> <dc:date>2010-10-02T01:00:00+01:00</dc:date> <dc:date>2010-10-09T01:00:00+01:00</dc:date> </item> <item> <title>Event 2</title> <dc:date>2010-09-25T01:00:00+01:00</dc:date> <dc:date>2010-10-02T01:00:00+01:00</dc:date> <dc:date>2010-10-09T01:00:00+01:00</dc:date> </item> Above is an example of what im trying to do and below is what i want the output to be Code: [Select] 25th September 2010 Event 1 Event 2 2nd October 2010 Event 1 Event 2 And so on, can anyone point me in the right direction on where to start looking to do something like this in PHP. Thanks Garry Hi, I'm a PHP novice and trying to print out elements of what appears to be a multi-dimensional array, but I can't figure it out. I'm able to use print_r() to dump the array. Array ( [0] => 18485 [1] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [isPublished] => 1 [dateAdded] => 2019-07-18T16:13:28+00:00 [dateModified] => 2020-01-29T18:37:45+00:00 [createdBy] => [createdByUser] => Support [modifiedBy] => [modifiedByUser] => [id] => 1 [points] => 0 [color] => [fields] => Array ( [core] => Array ( [points] => Array ( [id] => 9 [label] => Points [alias] => points [type] => number [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => 0 [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => 0 [normalizedValue] => 0 ) [last_active] => Array ( [id] => 19 [label] => Date Last Active [alias] => last_active [type] => datetime [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => 2020-01-29 18:37:47 [normalizedValue] => 2020-01-29 18:37:47 ) [title] => Array ( [id] => 1 [label] => Title [alias] => title [type] => lookup [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => [properties] => a:1:{s:4:"list";a:3:{i:0;s:2:"Mr";i:1;s:3:"Mrs";i:2;s:4:"Miss";}} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) [firstname] => Array ( [id] => 2 [label] => First Name [alias] => firstname [type] => text [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => Andy [normalizedValue] => Andy ) [lastname] => Array ( [id] => 3 [label] => Last Name [alias] => lastname [type] => text [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => Towne [normalizedValue] => Towne ) [company] => Array ( [id] => 4 [label] => Primary company [alias] => company [type] => text [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) [position] => Array ( [id] => 5 [label] => Position [alias] => position [type] => text [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) [email] => Array ( [id] => 6 [label] => Email [alias] => email [type] => email [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) [phone] => Array ( [id] => 8 [label] => Phone [alias] => phone [type] => tel [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) [mobile] => Array ( [id] => 7 [label] => Mobile [alias] => mobile [type] => tel [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) [address1] => Array ( [id] => 11 [label] => Address Line 1 [alias] => address1 [type] => text [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) [address2] => Array ( [id] => 12 [label] => Address Line 2 [alias] => address2 [type] => text [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) [city] => Array ( [id] => 13 [label] => City [alias] => city [type] => text [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => Boston [normalizedValue] => Boston ) [state] => Array ( [id] => 14 [label] => State [alias] => state [type] => region [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => Massachusetts [normalizedValue] => Massachusetts ) [zipcode] => Array ( [id] => 15 [label] => Zip Code [alias] => zipcode [type] => text [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) [timezone] => Array ( [id] => 18 [label] => lead.field.timezone [alias] => timezone [type] => timezone [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => America/New_York [normalizedValue] => America/New_York ) [country] => Array ( [id] => 16 [label] => Country [alias] => country [type] => country [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => United States [normalizedValue] => United States ) [fax] => Array ( [id] => 10 [label] => Fax [alias] => fax [type] => tel [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 0 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) [preferred_locale] => Array ( [id] => 17 [label] => Preferred Locale [alias] => preferred_locale [type] => locale [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) [attribution_date] => Array ( [id] => 20 [label] => Attribution Date [alias] => attribution_date [type] => datetime [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) [attribution] => Array ( [id] => 21 [label] => Attribution [alias] => attribution [type] => number [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 1 [default_value] => [properties] => a:2:{s:9:"roundmode";i:4;s:9:"precision";i:2;} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) [website] => Array ( [id] => 22 [label] => Website [alias] => website [type] => url [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 0 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) [number_of_email_users] => Array ( [id] => 45 [label] => Number of Email Users [alias] => number_of_email_users [type] => number [group] => core [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 0 [default_value] => [properties] => a:2:{s:9:"roundmode";s:1:"3";s:9:"precision";s:0:"";} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) ) [social] => Array ( [facebook] => Array ( [id] => 23 [label] => Facebook [alias] => facebook [type] => text [group] => social [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 0 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) [foursquare] => Array ( [id] => 24 [label] => Foursquare [alias] => foursquare [type] => text [group] => social [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 0 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) [instagram] => Array ( [id] => 26 [label] => Instagram [alias] => instagram [type] => text [group] => social [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 0 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) [linkedin] => Array ( [id] => 27 [label] => LinkedIn [alias] => linkedin [type] => text [group] => social [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 0 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) [skype] => Array ( [id] => 28 [label] => Skype [alias] => skype [type] => text [group] => social [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 0 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) [twitter] => Array ( [id] => 29 [label] => Twitter [alias] => twitter [type] => text [group] => social [object] => lead [is_fixed] => 0 [default_value] => [properties] => a:0:{} [value] => [normalizedValue] => ) ) [personal] => Array ( ) [professional] => Array ( ) [all] => Array ( [id] => 1 [points] => 0 [last_active] => 2020-01-29 18:37:47 [title] => [firstname] => Andy [lastname] => Towne [company] => [position] => [email] => [phone] => [mobile] => [address1] => [address2] => [city] => Boston [state] => Massachusetts [zipcode] => [timezone] => America/New_York [country] => United States [fax] => [preferred_locale] => [attribution_date] => [attribution] => [website] => [number_of_email_users] => [facebook] => [foursquare] => [instagram] => [linkedin] => [skype] => [twitter] => ) ) [lastActive] => 2020-01-29T18:37:47+00:00 [owner] => [ipAddresses] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [ipAddress] => [id] => 5043 [ipDetails] => Array ( [city] => Boston [region] => Massachusetts [zipcode] => [country] => United States [latitude] => 42.36 [longitude] => -71.0545 [isp] => [organization] => [timezone] => America/New_York [extra] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [ipAddress] => [id] => 6162 [ipDetails] => Array ( [city] => Hayward [region] => California [zipcode] => [country] => United States [latitude] => 37.6736 [longitude] => -122.0944 [isp] => [organization] => [timezone] => America/Los_Angeles [extra] => ) ) [2] => Array ( [ipAddress] => [id] => 3069 [ipDetails] => Array ( [city] => Everett [region] => Massachusetts [zipcode] => [country] => United States [latitude] => 42.415 [longitude] => -71.0527 [isp] => [organization] => [timezone] => America/New_York [extra] => ) ) ) [tags] => Array ( ) [utmtags] => Array ( ) [stage] => [dateIdentified] => 2019-07-18T16:13:28+00:00 [preferredProfileImage] => gravatar [doNotContact] => Array ( ) [frequencyRules] => Array ( ) ) ) ) This output was produced using print_r($array);
I'm trying to access our contacts using the vendor's PHP API, but I'm not much of a PHP programmer. The array is stored in $contacts, using the vendor's getList() function. I believe I'm able to download the whole list of contacts in an array, but I can't iterate through it. I'd like to print out the elements of the array in CSV format.
$contacts = $contactApi->getList($searchFilter, $start, $limit, $orderBy, $orderByDir, $publishedOnly, $minimal); I've also tried something like this:
foreach ($contacts as $contact) {
Folks, How can i extract all the elements from the below Array? Arrayname is: $yahooterms Quote Array ( [ResultSet] => Array ( [Result] => Array ( => calla lily [1] => hair pins [2] => crystal crown [3] => red lingerie [4] => red crystal [5] => red wedding [6] => silver link [7] => necessary objects [8] => hair clip [9] => crystal necklace [10] => bridal wedding [11] => link bracelet [12] => appliques [13] => corsage [14] => organza [15] => swarovski crystal [16] => butterflies [17] => gems [18] => balloons [19] => sewing ) ) ) i am using Quote foreach($yahooterms as $replace) { echo $replace->ResultSet->Result; } But its not working.... I'm having a weird issue with any elements that are given a width: 100% or width: auto. If the window is re-sized smaller. It seems to cut a chunk off and wreck hell upon the layout. I thought it was my code so I borrowed a few from tutorials etc with the same results. I've just installed FireFox also, thinking it was a Chrome bug, but that gives the same result too..
I might be missing something obvious from lack of sleep, but could anyone assist this?
body { background: url(../images/background.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; } #topbar-navigation { width: auto; height: 48px; background: #080d10; position: absolute; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; display: inline-block; text-align: center; border-bottom: 1px solid #262b2f; z-index: 1; } #adblock-warning { width: auto; position: absolute; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; background: #344152; font-family: 'sinkin_sans400_regular'; color: #b6b6b6; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; margin-top: 49px; text-align: center; font-weight: normal; font-size: 10px; white-space: nowrap; } #maincontainer { width: 960px; height: 1000px; position: absolute; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 150px; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; background: #f2f2f2; } .user-icon-notif { height: 20px; width: 20px; position: absolute; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 15px; top: 0; left: 875px; right: 0; } .user-register { height: 20px; width: 20px; position: absolute; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 15px; top: 0; left: 815px; right: 0; text-decoration: none; font-family: 'sinkin_sans400_regular'; font-size: 11px; color: #99a0a8; } .user-register:hover { color: #c9c9c9; } .user-login { height: 20px; width: 20px; position: absolute; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 15px; top: 0; left: 700px; right: 0; text-decoration: none; font-family: 'sinkin_sans400_regular'; font-size: 11px; color: #99a0a8; } .user-login:hover { color: #c9c9c9; } <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="content-language" content="EN"> <META NAME="Rating" content="General"> <META NAME="Designer" content="Shane Wilson"> <META NAME="Keywords" content="Gamer, Community"> <META NAME="revisit-after" content="7"> <META NAME="Robots" content="index,follow"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" content="no-cache"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" content="0"> <META NAME="Author" content="Shane Wilson"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/index.css"> </head> <body> <div id="topbar-navigation"> <a href="register" class="user-register">Register</a> <a href="login" class="user-login">Login</a> </div> <div id="maincontainer"> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> if (document.getElementById("TestAdBlock") == undefined) { document.write('<div id="adblock-warning">Oops! It looks like you are using AdBlock. We know adverts can be annoying, but in order to keep the site running we have to display them</div>'); } </script> </body> </html> I have converted xml into an array with no problems, however I'm having difficulty outputting the various attributes. Here is a sample: Code: [Select] [0] => Array ( [@attributes] => Array ( [YourId] => 1082-1 [Name] => Woodwards Metals [Description] => ) ) The bit that is confusing me is the @attributes part. How would I output the 'Name' element for example? I have a txt file of numbers e.g. 1,4,3,5,19,3,11 all in a column. Is it possible to echo only the highest 3 numbers? I used DOM to parse data from html, then I made the data go into an array. the array now looks like Array([0]->street[1]->city, st, zip[2]->phone[3]->fax) and it is quite a long array. The problem is that when there is no fax number on the html, it doesnt show the fax on the array, so when I am trying to loop through this in a table it is throwing off my cells. Is there a way to delete all entries in an array that include Fax:* ? Is there a way to exclude all nodes that have Fax* using DOM? My current DOM looks like... Code: [Select] $address = $xpath->query('//td[@id="addressText"]'); I'm trying to figure out how to add "\fs13" to the base64 encoding. For example, the "ad->text" field would look like this
<ad-content type="rtf">ZGZnIGRmZyBkZmcgZGZnIGRmZyBkZmcgZGZnIGRmZyBkZmcgZGZnIGRmZyBkZmcgZGZnIGQ=</ad-content>
The code to generate the above is -- <ad-content type=\"rtf\">".htmlentities(base64_encode($ad->text))."</ad-content>";
I need the encoding to include the "\fs13" in front of the encoded ad-content. The "\fs13" is simply a font size that will tell the system what font size to use.
<ad-content type="rtf">ZGZnIGRmZyBkZmcgZGZnIGRmZyBkZmcgZGZnIGRmZyBkZmcgZGZnIGRmZyBkZmcgZGZnIGQ=</ad-content>
I'm also trying to encode an additional field within the "ad-content type". The present code looks like this:
<ad-content type=\"rtf\">".htmlentities(base64_encode($ad->text))."</ad-content>";
I need to add "($ad->photo_file_name)" to the above, so that the "ad->text" and the "ad->photo_file_name" are within the ad-content type that is being decoded. Hope that makes sense, appreciate ant help, Thanks! Hi I am having trouble sending emails with html content. My $content variable is defined as follows: Code: [Select] $content='<html><body> lots of html data with tables and rows here </body></html>';But when I execute the code, it says 'Mail sent', but I do not get any email. if i just define $body="hello", it sends me the email. Here is my code to send the email Code: [Select] <? $to = ""; $subject = "test"; $body=$content; $from = ""; $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'From: Admin <>' . "\r\n"; // Send email if(mail($to,$subject,$body,$headers)) { // Inform the user echo "Your email has been sent"; } else { echo "MAIL not sent"; } ?> |